The Vista Oct. 17, 2017

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Volume 115, Issue 9

the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.” vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Greek Brag Boards Vandalized

Christian Tabak @TheVista1903 Reporter

The destruction of Alpha Tau Omega’s brag board Oct. 9 is the latest act of vandalism in a series of defacements that have been occur-

ring among the University of Central Oklahoma’s Greek organizations over the last month. A photo collage featured on the fraternity’s brag board as part of the campus’ Homecoming celebration

was torn off the board, ripped up and thrown into a nearby trash can, according to ATO President William Mecoy. “We do not know who was responsible, but there is a history of van-

dalism within the Greek community. Last year our large letters were stolen, and most chapters can give See “Vandal” continued on page 6.

UCO’s 100th Homecoming

Members Sigma Tau Gamma perform at Homecoming Cheer & Dance of Friday, Oct. 13, 2017. The fraternity won, and the video of their dance went viral, hoping to raise money for Special Olympics. (Janessa Egler/The Vista) Photo Story continued on page 8-9

Pegasus Theater’s Curtain Call Christian Tabak @TheVista1903 Reporter

A final farewell ceremony was hosted Friday for the College of Liberal Art’s Pegasus Theater in advance of the space’s closure over fall break as part of the college’s upcoming renovation project. As part of the official closing ceremony, students, staff and faculty painted farewell messages on the

theater’s western brick wall and partook in popcorn and water on stage, in a parting violation of the theater’s strict no food and beverage policy. During the activities, remarks on the theater’s history and future renovation were presented by CLA Dean Catherine Webster. “Now I’m remembering that there have been tap dancing lessons on this stage, that tai chi has been studied here, there have been all sorts of performances, not to mention lectures,

films and all kinds of great things,” Webster said. Included with the remarks were a commemorative poem on the theater’s storied history by former CLA dean Pamela Washington and a commemorative song by Webster. Throughout, a PowerPoint featuring highlights of the theater’s 50year history, as well as some of the decades’ hit singles, played in the background. “This has been our main gathering

place for both formal and informal activity because the idea that we might want other places to meet in was not part of the original educational plan, so this place has really been used for all sorts of events it really wasn’t intended for,” Webster said.

See “Pegasus” continued on page 3.

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