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Bush says voter apathy is inexcusable PAGE 15
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18 19
The Student Voice Since 1903
TUESDAY • OCT. 31, 2000
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Cyber cafe readies for launch
Photo seminar Nov. 6
Career photographers will hold a seminar to teach the ins and outs of the wedding photography business ✓ Page 4
)-Sports Soccer squads on top
Broncho women's soccer clinched the top seed in their league's tournament, while the men's soccer club earned their third state championship. v Page 6
Eerie Edmond?
Residents of a local rental property built on a cemetary are reporting strange sights and sounds. v Page 4
TODAY IN HISTORY 1517- Martin Luther nails his theses to the door of Wittenburg Palace 1926- Harr! Houdin i dies 1940- The Battle of Britain ends 1967- Robert Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice, is horn
Staff Writer tudents, get your typing fingers ready. The UCO Lakeside is almost here. The cafe, an estimated $200,000 project, will open sometime in November, according to Robert Lindley, executive director of auxiliary enterprises. The cafe is located on the second floor of the University Center, across from the Food Court. In addition to a computer lab, Starbucks coffee and food will be served. A big-screen television will also be available. "The cafe will give students a nice place to relax and use at their leisure. They can watch TV, study and work on the computers. I think it is
Students vote to raise activity fee to $5.15 BY TIFFANY WATKINS
I never thought I'd go out like this... crushed by a 90-foot marshmallow man. Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd),
Staff Writer 1 encouraged students to vote for the increase because, with an average of
Tues. -4
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12 hours a semester, a $1.15 increase would generate enough funds to improve campus
Wed. continued showers. High near 68.
very beneficial," Lindley said. A mural painted by Dr. Palmer, professor of art and design, along with students Jeff Fuller, Qi Sean Chang and Nicholas Bayer adorns a wall in the cafe. The mural displays clock tower with a starrynight background, along with the title "UCO Lakeside ." "It took about two weeks to paint," Palmer said. President Webb had the cafe in his vision ever since coming to UCO, Lindley said. PHOTO BY TSUYOSHI SHIRAISH] The tentative schedule Lakeside , the cyber cafe on the second floor of the University for the the computer lab is Center, features a mural painted by Dr. Dot* Palm e r and three of his 7:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. students. The cafe will open within the next month. Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to computers with Internet be open 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday p.m. Monday through and Sunday. 8 p.m. on Saturday and 12 access. "It's going to be a great The foo- d service area Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday. facility," Lindley said. • of the cafe will tentatively or 6 p.m. on Friday and 12 The lab houses 20
programming. " —Daniel Harris UCOSA President
S tudents voted Wednesday Oct. 25 to increase the student activity fee to $5.15 per credit hour. The vote was in favor by 82 percent. The $1.15 increase will allow $336,000 more per year to fund student program groups, according to UCOSA president Daniel Harris. The administration initiated the increase, and when it was presented to UCOSA President Daniel Harris, he proposed a student vote. If UCO wants to make an increase UCOSA will take the
results from the student vote to administration. The adminsitration will discuss results with Roger Webb, the president of the university who will then propose the increase to the Board of Regents, according to Harris. In addition to the vote, a survey included three proposals that gave examples of different ways the money could be used. "The point of the proposals was to get a feeling for the students opinion and will be discussed at the vice presidential level at a later date," said Elizabeth Waner, administrative assistant to vice president Gage. The first proposal
showed 18 percent of students were in favor of 50 percent to the athletic department, 25 percent to campus wide programs, and 25 percent to the UCO Student Association. The second proposal showed 16 percent of students were in favor of 50 percent to the athletic department, 30 percent to campus wide programs, and 20 percent to the UCO Student Association. The third proposal showed 65 percent of students were in favor of 45 percent to the athletic program, 30 percent to campus wide programs, and 25 percent to the UCO Student Association.
"UCO has the lowest activity fee in Oklahoma at $4, and if the vote is passed it will be equal to other schools, said Jarrett Jobe, campus life coordinator for Greek organizations. The highest activity fee amount allowed by the Board of Regents is $5.15 per credit hour. "There are a lot of people who will benefit from the vote," Jobe said. "I encouraged students to vote for the increase because, with an average of 12 hours a semester, a $1.15 increase would generate enough funds to improve campus programing," Harris said. •