The Vista Oct. 10, 2016

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Woman Found Dead Near Campus, Page 8 Volume 113, Issue 21



“The Student Voice Since 1903”

Follow the Vista: vistanews1903 @TheVista1903 thevista1903 The Vista Monday, Oct. 10, 2016

UCO’s Enrollment Headaches Graduate Programs, Retention Rates Kateleigh Mills @kateleighsuz Editor-in-Chief

University of Central Oklahoma officials are looking for reasons why students are not staying in school and why they are not enrolling in graduate programs, according to data released by Institutional Research. The UCO Fall Demographics Book for 2016 was released last month and shows data for each college and department, as well as data for stuUniversity of Central Oklahoma’s enrollment rates are down, and the number of students on campus is decreasdents individually. ing. (Photo provided by Vista Archives.) The headcount for graduate studies over the past five years shows an overall decrease of 8.2 percent, The colleges that saw the greatest decreases over and the College of Liberal Arts at a decrease of according to the demographics book. This only the past five years, headcount-wise, include the 11.3 percent. includes the colleges that offer graduate programs. College of Business at a decrease of 14.2 percent See Enrollment on 5

UCO Campus Ranks Nationally in Engagement Queila Omena @queilaomena Reporter

The University of Central Oklahoma’s effort to help students engage with each other and the community around them has brought national recognition among prestigious colleges and universities. The Wall Street Journal Times Higher Education College Ranking ranked UCO sixth place in the Top 10 list compiled for student engagement. UCO was the only public-regional university ranked on the Wall Street Journal’s Top Schools for Engagement list. “It was a very prestigious recog-

nition that we received, and we were absolutely delighted that other people discovered it. It was really a testimony to what goes here with our students, our faculty and our staff to receive this ranking,” said Jeff King, executive director of Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching and Learning. Over 100,000 colleges and universities around the nation were surveyed on questions over student engagement with staff, faculty, organizations and programs offered by these institutions. Other questions highlighted students’ satisfaction with their college experience. See Engagement on 5

Students interact with SPB on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 for “Wacky Wednesday’” by the clock tower. Students had the opportunity to show off their wacky talents to receive a ‘UCO’s Got Talent’ button. Photo by Cara Johnson, The Vista.

Want to Vote? Registration Deadline This Week Elisabeth Slay @Eslayslay Reporter

With election day, Nov. 8, rapidly approaching, citizens only have until Oct. 14 to register to vote in both the presidential and state elections. College students sometimes do not know the processes of voter registration because of confusion or lack of access, but there are nu-

merous ways for them to register, no matter their situation. “Students can register to vote online at the Oklahoma State Election Board website, or they can register right here on campus,” Rachelle Thibodeau, assistant civic engagement coordinator, said. There are also registration forms available at off-campus institutions such as tag agencies or the state capitol building. The University of Central Okla-

homa has several organizations on campus that hold events to get young people registered and informed on the issues in the national and state elections. “Our organization encourages students to register by setting up various voter registration tables throughout the semester. We also post about registering to vote on our Facebook, Twitter and Org Sync pages. Sometimes we go speak to classes about the importance of registering to vote,”

Thibodeau said. Thibodeau is an active member in UCO’s chapter of the American Democracy Project, and her organization partners with others such as the League of Woman Voters, UCO Voting Initiative and the UCO President Leadership Council. Thibodeau said she believes students’ votes really do make a difference and will affect day-to-day life. See Voting on 3

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