The Vista Oct. 16, 2018

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Volume 116, Issue 28

the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.” vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Diversity Round Table Writes Yearly Goals Katie Standlee

@katiestandlee Managing Editor

Audience members watch students perform during the 17th annual Asian Moon Festival on Oct. 12 in Plunkett Park. The festival is organized in part by the Asian American Student Association, an organization under Diversity Round Table. DRT has released a packet calling for increased diversity on the University of Central Oklahoma’s campus. (Vy Luong/The Vista)

Diversity Round Table has issued a packet, for the first time, that outlines three goals to ensure more diversity on campus. The goals include a new office space for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, diverse representation in the University of Central Oklahoma's Student Association and more diverse classes and faculty. These goals are intended to be a foundation of change that future students can help complete overtime. “The purpose of this is not to call out the university, it is not to be combative, we just want to come as concerned students to say, ‘hey these are our concerns,’” said Jordan Broiles, DRT president. “We really think we are challenging and trying to further UCO to continue to be the top most See “DIVERSITY” on Pg. 11

IT Department Expands to Help Technology Needs Christian Tabak @CaffeineWallace Editor-In-Chief

The University of Central Oklahoma’s Office of Information Technology is looking to improve and expand their campuswide services through the addition and reallocation of several positions within the department. IT is currently in the hiring process for positions that include network engineers and leadership in the areas of information, security, enterprise solutions, planning and engagement. These positions would help relieve pressure on the substantial workload

faced by the office’s current staff and operations, according to Patti Neuhold, vice president of Finance at UCO. “Our IT staff has been pushed to the limit with the increasing number of project requests and service inquiries,” Neuhold said. “By adding new positions, we can relieve the additional work that so many of our IT staff are performing every day and possibly reduce turnover from burnout.” Expansion within the department is part of IT’s new strategic alignment See “TECHNOLOGY” on Pg. 6

UCO Seniors, Sieun An and Jeff Elkins, work in the meida lab in the Mass Communications building on Sept. 14. IT’s expansion would help improve Internet and computer services across campus. (Shelby Cargill/The Vista)



Asian Moon Festival Draws in Edmond Community

Bronchos Fly Past Griffons in Big Win

See “FESTIVAL” on Pg. 10

See “BRONCHOS” on Pg. 12

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