Volume 116, Issue 26
the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”
ucentralmedia.com vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Machell Recommends School Consolidation Katie Standlee
@katiestandlee Managing Editor
School district consolidation in Oklahoma could result in saving approximately $27 million for education funding, according to a report recently published by James Machell, dean for the University of Central Oklahoma’s College of Education and Professional Studies. “We need to find a way to get money into more schools,” Machell said. “That was the main motivation: trying to generate ideas on how we could get more money in schools, knowing that we can’t continue to increase taxes all of the time.” Machell began writing this policy paper over the summer and titled the report, “‘Right-sizing’ Oklahoma See “MACHELL” on Pg. 6
Joy Hofmeister, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, visits an Oklahoma school on Aug. 27. James Machell, University of Central Oklahoma’s dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies, released a report discussing the possibility of consolidating school districts throughout Oklahoma. (Provided/Oklahoma State Department of Education)
Search for Next UCO President Continues Vy Luong @vy169
The Regional University System of Oklahoma is conducting a national search for the 21st president of the University of Central Oklahoma after President Don Betz is set to retire next June. According to RUSO Executive Director Sheridan McCaffree, the board is developing the advertisement that includes the qualifications for the applicants. They hope to finish it by the end of this week. “RUSO will advertise widely in numerous higher education publications, including The Chronicle of Higher Education,” McCaffree said. “Applicants will be advised how to
Duvall and Mette Named Homecoming Royalty
See “HOMECOMING” on Pg. 11
apply in the advertisement.” McCaffree said that an earned doctorate was preferred, as in their previous searches. They are expecting to have candidates from both internally at UCO and externally. “It will be preferable to apply before the advisory committee meets on Dec. 3, 2018 to screen applications,” McCaffree said. “We expect to have a result in Spring 2019.” The RUSO Board of Regents Chair Mark Stansberry appointed 19 members for the search advisory committee. The board includes RUSO Board of Regents members, UCO faculty, staff, administrators and students, as well as UCO alumni and members of the community. See “SEARCH” on Pg. 11
UCOSA Expands Student Benefits with Shop Central Madison Bolton @TheVista1903 Reporter
President Don Betz holds a bundle of American flags to put into the grass near Broncho Lake in rememberance of 9/11. (Regan Rosson/The Vista)
Bronchos Fight to Secure Homecoming Lead
See “BRONCHOS” on Pg. 12
The University of Central Oklahoma has paired up with businesses in Edmond to create Shop Central, a service which allows students with a valid school ID to receive discounts on select food, retail and other services. Shop Central was originally launched in 2016 by former UCOSA president Austin Sheehy and has since been brought back into awareness. See “SHOP CENTRAL” on Pg. 6