The Vista Sept. 14, 2000

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UCO students' band releases new album

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THURSDAY • SEPT. 14, 2000

Campus parking lots removed for landscaping

BRIEFS >News New Baha'i center A new Baha'i center in downtown Edmond was dedicated Sept. 9. The ceremony included music, celebrities and religious teachings. ✓ Page 4 ,

>Sports Home-opener The Broncho football team makes its 2000 home debut on Saturday, Sept. 16 against Texas A&M Commerce. ✓ Page 7

>Features uco goes Euro Students from UCO are invited to travel to the British Isles with Dr. William Hommel, professor of visual art and design. v Page 5

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1638, John Harvard, a 31-yearold clergyman from Massachusetts died, leaving his library and half of his estate to the local college now known as Harvard University.

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Make happy those who are near, and those who are far will come."

— Chinese Proverb


Staff Writer

parking lot next to East Hall was recently demolished to make way for landscaping. This is the latest of several recent parking lot eliminations on campus. "Grass was planted and we will be landscaping the area," Director of Auxiliary Enterprises A.K. Rahman said. Many students agree that the land "The street leading should have been used for parking. to the space was too "I definitely think the space should narrow. It wouldn't have been used for a have been conducive parking lot. It is a total waste of space. for parking." I see people who have to park and walk from the A. K. Rahman Hamilton Field director of auxilary enterprises House. They say there are so many more parking spaces but I just don't see them," said Dustin Sample, sophomore English education major. Others have mixed feelings. "I'm surprised they didn't use the space for parking. But it is too close to campus and the landscaping will make it prettier," said Lana Bergin, sophomore psychology major. According to Rahman, the area was not fit to build a parking lot, despite the fact that students parked there for several years. "The street leading to the space was too



This lawn now exists in what was a parking lot by East Hall last spring. The lot was removed when the Broncho Ill Apartments were demolished.

narrow. It wouldn't have been conducive for parking," Rahman said. No plans have been set for the plot besides landscaping, Rahman said. Similar lots such as those by the fire station and the Hamilton Field House are now used as a grassy area and deemed unuseful for parking by university officials. Many people have problems finding parking places and park illegally, causing them to receive tickets. Parking tickets usually cost around $15. "Anywhere from zero to 200 tickets may be issued in a day. It just depends on the day. Fall is the busiest semester for tickets," said Leon Fourcade, manager of University Parking

Fraternites nationwide tending toward dry chapters

WEATHER Partly cloudy. Thur. • High near 90.


Staff Writer


Fri. Clear skies. High ,114 in the mid-80s.

Sat. Clear skies. High _Aith.... /

in the mid-80s. " ,Wir.--/ ,

Sun. Clear skies. High _-_. ' k.,/1 in the mid-90s. •; ' --) -% 11 , `

Services. Over 6,000 parking spaces on campus are designated for students. After 3 p.m. on weekdays, students are allowed to park in faculty lots as long as they have a parking permit. "We really do have enough parking. The spaces may not be where you want them, but they are there," Rahman said. Rahman has been investigating the parking problem and says he watches which lots fill up the fastest and considers where more parking should be available. "If UCO grows larger in the future, then there will be a need for more parking. Right now there is enough," Rahman said. •


Fraternities across the nation are "going dry" to combat the harmful effects alcohol has on their members.

alcohol involved. "The goal is for all Sigma Nu chapters in the U.S. to be dry by 2002," said Scott Mitchell, Sigma Nu member. "It takes longer for some of the older chapters to become completely dry because they would have to adopt new policies." Since UCO is an alcohol-free campus, the Interfratemity Council (IFC) follows campus policies before each fraternity chapter's policies. "I'm sure every fraternity's nationals recommend it. They're not allowed to have alcohol here so

44Alcohol-free" and "fraternities" aren't usually used in the same sentence, but many national fraternities have gone dry due to the high risk factors that go along with drinking in their houses and at events they host. Approximately a quarter of the 66 national fraternities will not allow alcohol on their premises, with more fraternities planning to "go dry" in the near future. One new UCO fraternity, Sigma Nu, began its chapter last fall and has agreed to be an alcohol-free house, including parties with no See GREEKS, Page 6

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