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College students urged to enjoy youth
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The Student Voice Since 1903
BRIEFS >News Prof says Nix 686!
THURSDAY • SEPT. 21, 2000
Campus cleaners cause controversy
A proposed amendment to
Oklahoma's state constitution is being contested by a "Nix 686" committee, which is headed by a UCO professor. ✓ Page 12
Copy Editor leeping in the restroom, eating from the office refrigerators and monopolizing a dorm TV are some of the things students have witnessed the janitorial staff doing instead of their normal duties lately. "I went in [the men's restroom] before my eight o'clock, and there was a guy ... __hunched over on the bench. He was out cold," said Cheyenne Fletcher, a senior MIS major. One Vista staff member entered the office at 11 p.m. to find a woman asleep on top of the conference desk. The same staff member also found a janitor sleeping on the couch in the women's restroom late at night. Not all students mind the janitors getting a little relaxation. "I really don't see a difference in how clean the place is. If they're done with their
)■ Sports Title IX restrictions
The UCO men's soccer club is unable to be a varsity team due to NCAA regulations. v Page 8
>Features Fair play Red Bear plays Slug-mullet and makes new friends at the State Fair of Oklahoma. v Page 18
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1784, the nation's first daily newspaper, the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, began publication.
QUOTE OF THE DAY Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is. — Mark Twain
WEATHER Sunny. High in _: \. V.._
Thur. the mid-70s.
- ,_,..) ..-,/ , \ ,
Fri. High in the
,1.; /,
-. // ) \ '
A chance of showers and ' '
Sat. thunderstorms. High in the upper-70s.
A chance of Sun. showers and thunderstorms. High in the lower-70s.
A WFF employee watches the MTV movie awards in the Murdaugh Hall lobby September 18.
See JANITORS, Page 10
Unlocked dorms put residents in danger, DPS says "Fifty percent of residents are new to the campus each year, so the programs we Staff Writer coordinate with DPS are never out of date," The recent crime reports around the UCO Duncan said. campus should make safety a concern for Last year, reports of an unknown male those who live on campus. walking around and hiding in bathrooms in Campus residents are encouraged to take West Hall prompted a meeting between precautions by making sure doors are locked residents, Duncan and DPS about safety and not propping doors open, precautions. The suspect was said Todd Duncan, director of never identified. "People should know residence life. "UCO is committed to Duncan recently met with doing our part for student that they are putting the new director of safety as long as the students Department of Public Safety do their part. We have a themselves in dannger (DPS), Jeff Harp, to discuss partnership," said Duncan. "If the implementation of when they give open students discover things that personal safety programs at the are unsafe early on, crime can access to the dorms." dorms. be prevented." Police Captain Chris Duncan said dorm staff Wooldridge of DPS said that checks the doors three times —Chris. Wooldridge police patrol the dorms day each night. When one of the police captain for DPS and night. front doors of West Hall was "We check all the exterior doors to make found unlocked by a Vista staff member after sure they are locked. If a door is unlocked we 12 a.m., Duncan responded that the staff find a resident advisor or the area coordinator were most likely finishing their last round of to lock the door back," Wooldridge said. locking the doors. "People should know that they are putting Any unsafe instances or emergencies can themselves in danger when they give open be reported to dorm front desks or DPS at access to the dorms." 974-2345. • BY SARAH DAVIS