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The Student Voice Since 1903
BRIEFS New Research Day UCO will host a research event in
which faculty and students from regional universities can display their work. ✓ Page 4
>News Technology funding The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently met to discuss funding for technology education. ✓ Page 9
>Sports A kick in the pants Broncho soccer came out on top Sept. 21 with a win over the St. Edwards Hilltoppers. ✓ Page 7
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1970. the family musical sitcom,
The Partridge Family, debuted on ABC. The song I Think I Love You, which was launched on the show, hit the No. 1 spot on Billboard's record charts later that year. Singer David Cassidy later became an international teenage idol as a result of the show.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "We are the people our parents warned us about."
— Jimmy Buffet
Sunny; high 73, low 47
Wed '
Mostly clear; high 75, low 51
Tree experts say beetle at fault for Dutch Elm Disease
SEPT. 25, 2001
Computer worm affects campus network Sept. 18 combating the worm, called W32-Nimda@mm . Staff Writer "We're trying to be proactive he Internet slowed Sept. 18 with [the worm] and catch it as a new computer . worm before it gets to somebody else," spread and saturated Rolfe said. Microsoft WindowsShe said the based computer department has networks worldwide. received several "We're trying to Worm is • an updates for their be proactive with acronym that stands anti-virus software. for "write once, read James Barrow is [the worm] and many". Worms Assistant and replicate themselves Director of catch it before it and attempt to Enterprise Services, gets to somebody branch out and infect which is a division of as many computer the IT department. else." systems as possible. "It has been seen Cynthia Rolfe, on campus, but I assistant to the wouldn't say it was —Cynthia Rolfe president and chief assistant to the bad," Barrow said. president and technology officer at "We're distributing UCO chief UCO, said several updates as fast as technology officer people in the McAfee releases Information Technology (IT) them. Department stayed up all night "As far as I can tell, Nimda BY MICHAEL LARSON
was nothing major." Regarding recent lapses in Internet access at UCO, Rolfe explained that the school is undergoing "routine security audits done periodically to make sure data is safe and secure." The federal government has not linked the W32-Nimda@mm with recent terrorist activity. Attorney General John Ashcroft warned the new worm could end up more destructive than the Code Red worm unleashed earlier this summer. In response, makers of antivirus programs have created an update that protects computers, and can be downloaded from their web sites. A full version of McAfee Anti-virus 4.51 is available to UCO students who do not have virus-scanning software. The cost is $1, which covers the expense of the CD, and is available in the
Cynthia Rolfe Tech Support office, Room 170 of the Math and Computer Science Building. Unlike this summer's crippling Code Red worm, which circulated solely by e-mail, W32Nimda@mm has three separate methods of infection. See WORM, Page 4
National Flag Code offers display etiquette guidelines adopted by Congress and became public law. The National Flag Staff Writer Code is the guide for all handling ith so many people and display of the Stars and displaying the Stripes. American flag after the "Everything starts and ends tragedies in New York and with the American flag in our Washington, D.C. last week, day," said Sgt. Robert Williams, how many know UCO senior military proper flag science instructor. "Everything starts etiquette? The National Previous to Flag Flag Code not only and ends wi th the Day, June 14, 1923 offers guidelines for American fl ag in our there were no the traditional ways federal or state to respect the flag, day" regulations but also instructions regarding the on how the flag is display of the U.S. not to be used. — Sgt. Robert flag. On that day, Some rules of flag Williams the National Flag etiquette according UCO sent or military Code was adopted science instructor to the National Flag by the National Flag Code are as follows: Conference, attended by • U.S. flags should never be used representatives of the Army, as drapery for covering a platform Navy and 66 other national or desk, or for advertising groups. purposes. It was not until Dec. 22, 1942, • It should also never be part of after a few changes, it was a costume, except a patch on the BY DANIEL HOLDGE
uniforms of military personnel, fireman, policeman, or members of patriotic organizations. • The flag should never have
the peak of the pole at all times unless it is at half-staff. If at halfstaff, it must first be raised to the peak, then lowered. Flags are only at halfstaff when it is a time of mourning. • The flag of the United States should always be the first to be raised and last to be lowered. • If a flag is shown indoors against a wall, vertically or horizontally, the stars should always be at the top and to the observers left. • To salute the flag, everyone should stop and come to attention. People in uniform should give the formal salute and people not in uniform should
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something placed on it, or be used as a receptacle for receiving, carrying, or holding anything. • When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object, and it should be received by waiting hands and. arms ready to fold and store ceremoniously. • When displaying the Stars and Stripes outside, it should be at
See FLAG, Page 5