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The. Student Voice Since 1903
THURSDAY • SEPT. 28, 2000
It's a small world after all: International Fest ahead
>News Sleeping over
UCO's Student Ambassadors prepare for their second annual UCOvemight.
Staff Writer
✓ Page 3
>Sports Football feat Broncho football coach Gary Howard ranks among the winningest coaches in Division II. ✓ Page 7
>Features MTV's Fear Staff writer Sarah Davis reviews the new reality-based show on MTV,
Dancers t a ke part in the 1999 International Fest celebration.
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In 1912, William Christopher Handy's Memphis Blues changed the course of American music. Handy introduced the African sound into mainstream music, paving the way for the development of jazz and rock and roll.
TEOF THE DAY Time is an illusion. Lunchtime,
doubly so. — Douglas Adams -
Thur. Mostly sunny. High in the mid70s.
Fri. Mostly clear. High near 80. ii.,?,
— — – Sat. Mostly clear. J High near 80. "'" •
Sun. Clear, High in the lower 80s. \• • ._..)
CO celebrates its culturally diverse campus and encourages students to learn more about foreign countries every year with its International Fest. Several activities are planned for this year's 25th annual International Fest 2000. The UCO Soccer World Cup continues with games from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sept. 29, and the championship game is set for 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 4. All games have free admission and are held at the - soccer field by the fire station on 2nd Street. Countries participating in the World Cup include Albania, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Senegal, Thailand and the USA. The Mr./Miss UCO International Pageant will be held at from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m on Sept. 29 in the University Center Constitution Hall. The pageant is free to the public.
See FEST, Page 6
Student angler catches 45-pound fish with bare hands it goes down, it's a catfish," Standifer said. Standifer said that his neighbors in Staff Writer Duncan got him interested in noodling when CO sophomore Terrell Standifer, he was visiting his parents last summer. At recently got the biggest adrenaline the end of July on his third noodling trip he rush of his life catching a 45-pound caught the 3 foot 6 inch fish. flathead catfish with his "It took 45 minutes to get bare hands. him to come out of the hole. Noodling, the taking of It's dangerous and time "It took 45 minutes to get non-game fish by the use consuming. If your partner him to come out of the hole. of hands only, is the sport doesn't know what he is of choice for the 19-yeardoing, a fish can hold you It's dangerous and time old. down and drown you," he "I'm terrified the whole said. consuming. If your partner time I run my hand up in The southern sport of doesn't know what he is the fishing holes," noodling has its roots in Standifer said. "My heart Native American hunting doing, a fish can hold you is pumping like 90 beats a practices. Oklahoma is one of minute." the last states to allow the down and drown you." Noodlers dive into controversial fishing creeks, rivers and lakes technique. Some believe —Terrell Standifer -and swim under noodling to be harmful to the UCO sophomore embankments to find fish population and would like catfish nesting holes. to see the sport outlawed. Risking limbs and fingers being bitten off by "The average catch is usually one fish beavers, turtles or snakes, noodlers reach into between three guys," said Standifer. "The crevices, wiggle their fingers and wait for a amount of fish that noodlers catch is nip that is hopefully a catfish. nominal for the fish population." Plio-ro rRoviDED "I usually use a stick to feel around the "It's fun," he said, "because you never hole first. I like my fingers so I use a stick. If know what you'll put your hand in." • Sophomore Terrell Standifer "noodled" this 45-pound catfish on a fishing trip in July. the hole goes up, it's a beaver or turtle but if BY MENA GANESAN