The Vista Sept. 2, 1999

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The Student Voice Since 1903


Architects competing for Wellness Center design contract By Robyn Lydick



nterviews continue for the architects vying for the contract to design the UCO Wellness Center. Twenty-five architects bid for the project, said Keith Weber, research assistant to the president. The short list of bidders will be interviewed by the Board of Regents for Oklahoma Colleges. The Wellness Center is part of the UCO master plan, a plan for a series of projects the university will undertake in the future.

The budget for the center is approximately $9.2 million, Weber said. The project will be funded by a 20 year revenue bond issued by the state. The bonds will be partially paid with student facilities fees. "We asked students for support through a per student, per semester fee," Weber said. "Student organizations and student government gave approval for the fee." The fee started this fall. David Koehn, university controller, said the new fee is

♦ See Wellness, Page 4

Photo lab construction begins By Celie Rabalais SIMINriter


fter a year of planning the Journalism Department is moving it's photography lab from the depths of the Communications Building's basement upstairs to Room 104. The construction of the new lab will cost approximately $127,000. The university allotted $100,000 for the construction. However, in the early stages

of the destruction of Room 104, asbestos was found in the ceiling and had to be removed. The extra $27,000 came from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. A new lab location is needed for several reasons, said John Frair, photo journalism instructor. Reasons range from safety and space considerations to better accommodations.

V See Photo lab, Page 3

—Photo by Shauna Hardway The journalism department recently began construction on a new photo lab. It will cost about $127,000

—Staff photo by Shauna Hardway

Joshua Banner, Zena Assef and Josh Bingaman beat out rhythems on their bongo set at lunchtime Tuesday. Passers-by were offered free water in attempt to promote their musical group "Waterdeep."

UCO professor receives award By Fachaitte Kinslow



eaching isn't just about lecturing and giving tests; it's also about being a mentor. Dr. James "Jim" Watson, graphics design instructor, received the UCO Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary Society Outstanding Mentor Award. Watson was nominated by Abdullah Syed, a graphics design graduate student, last spring who submitted an essay. "I knew I had been nominated, but I had actually forgotten about it until the faculty meeting last Wednesday," Watson said. Watson said he felt proud and honored to be recognized as a mentor. "I feel almost embarrassed. There are so many good mentors on campus, it's a shame we all couldn't win." Syed nominated Watson because of his appreciation for

the professor. "It's hard for me to express myself, words are the best way. So when I saw the essay contest, I knew what I had to do." Syed said According to the international student from Pakistan, Watson is strait forward, open-minded, and never angry. "He reminds of that face you see. He's always smiling," Syed said. A smiling face is only part of Watson's colorful personality. His office is painted bright yellow and the laid-back professor talks on a Mickey Mouse phone. Watson's own mentor was his fraternity chapter advisor who died of cancer. "He taught me how to drop everything that you're doing to help a person." The award was started by Dr. Robert Epstein, UCO associate Professor of general business, in honor of his mentor, Professor Herbert S. Dordick,

who died of cancer in 1998. Epstein met Dordick over twenty years ago as a graduate student. "As a professor and teacher, he was extremely helpful," said Epstein. "He helped me define myself, obtain job opportunities, and was there for me during my career changes." The money for this years award came from four different sources. Two years ago, Epstein received the Presidential Award of Professors. The money from that award went into the mentor award fund. AMBUCS, Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society, and the UCO foundation also contributed to the award. Dr. Webb made a comment at the faculty meeting Watson thought was true and important. " 'We need more mentor roles to counsel and guide the students. The education interaction between the teacher and the student is valid.' " <

See photo page 2

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