Burn ban continues in Oklahoma
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19 19
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• Out and About PAGE 20
The Student Voice Since 1903
7, 2000
Administrative efforts resolve campus cooling crisis
BRIEFS >News OU sex study
OU will be taking volunteers for a
study involving STDs and unintended pregnancies. Volunteers will be paid up to $170.
Page 3 >S ports UCO wins Broncho volleyball and soccer teams come away with wins after games September 1 through 3.
Page 9
>Features IX Smackdown WWF has asked presidential candidates Bush and Gore to armwrestle on the "Smackdown Challenge." The Secret Service did not say if ithe candidates would be allowed to hit each other with folding chairs. Page 13
TODAY IN HISTORY 1813-The nickname "Uncle Sam" is used for the first time to describe the United States in an editorial in the Troy Post of New York.
Staff Writer
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
— Joseph Heller, 'Catch 22'
in' ,
Thur. Mostly sunny. A
High in the lower 90s. - ---/M / i t" \\
Fri. Partly cloudy.
High in the Or/ lower 90s.
Sat. Partly cloudy. High in the lb) .,l lower 90s.
01 / High in the ZOlb lower 90s.
On Aug. 28, 115 students stayed at the Ramada at 930 E. 2nd Street, and 58 students stayed there on Aug. 29. A shuttle bus ran the students to and from school during the day. "I'd like to complement the way students have handled the situation. They've been very understanding and patient," Webb said. All campus air systems are now working adequately, according to Director of University Relations Dr. Bill Wiseman. "Repair work was done on all the systems PHOTO BY MOLLY MATHIS over the weekend. We This air conditioning unit, also being called "optimus Prime" after the 1980s hope the kids cool
resident Roger Webb and Leonard Martin, the Edmond city manager, walked around West Hall on Aug. 30 in an effort to empathize with the students who live in unairconditioned rooms. "We're facing an extremely difficult and trying time, with the intense heat and drought. Fortunately, the city of Edmond has been undertanding and cooperative with our situation. They're making modifications to our delivery system that hopefully will increase volume and water pressure from the water tower to help cool the residence halls. "Meantime, we're making every effort to see that students who are in uncomfortable spaces will have a cool room. UCO has paid for rooms in the Ramada soon," Wiseman said. Plaza Hotel," Webb said.
See HEAT, Page 6—
TAnsformers character by dorm residents, was brought in to solve the air conditioning problems facing UCO.
3 local rapes in 4 weeks unrelated, police say One suspect at large; campus police urge safety
Sun. Partly cloudy.
Staff Writer CO encourages students to take precaution in the wake of three recent rapes in the Edmond community. "I would certainly hope that we don't have a predator on our hands. There's nothing to indicate that we do," said Sgt. Matt Griffin of the Edmond Police Department. "Each case has been unique in its circumstances," he said A 20-year-old woman, who lives near the UCO campus, is the third victim in a string of unrelated rapes that have occurred in a four-week period in July and August. On Aug. 17, a man entered into the bedroom window of the woman's home and sexually assaulted her. Orton John Furr Jr., 36, was arrested July 27 on complaints of raping a 75-year-old woman in her Meadow Lakes addition home
earlier that week. Fun allegedly forced his way into the woman's home after she answered the door, reports said. On Aug. 9 police also arrested Darryl Ray Conley, 40, on complaints of raping a 20-yearold woman in her Trails South home. Although UCO students are not panicking about the rapes, they are concerned. "It's not something I worry about," said senior business _education major Jill Harmon, "but it's scary enough that I don't go around by myself at night." PHOTO PROVIDED Safety in numbers is one way Former convicted rapist Darryl Orton John Furr Jr., 36, was for students to protect Ray Conley, 40, was arrested arrested July 27 and charged themselves against violent Aug. 9 and charged with rape. with raping an Edmond woman. crimes. Call boxes in the parking lots and "safe walk" phones in Although arrests have been surroundings," said Capt. the front offices or main hallways Christopher Woolridge of the made in two of the rape cases, of all the buildings on campus are UCO Department of Public police are still searching for the also available to students who Safety. "At home or in the dorms, suspect in the most recent case. • want to call for an escort. keep windows and doors shut and "Be aware of your locked."