The Vista September 17, 2019

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Volume 117, Issue 5


VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”

vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Budget Shortfall Tops $35 million Over Five Years


UCO President Announces Plan to Address University Financial Woes

What’s Your Favorite Thing About the State Fair? See Pg. 5


University of Central Oklahoma Students walking in-between classes on campus. Beginning Fall 2019 semester, the university will host open meetings to discuss long-term solutions to looming budget deficits. Story on page 7. (Tanner Laws/The Vista)

UCO Student Association to Deal with Homophobic Comments Heard on Campus

Opinion: Presidential Prospects Pitch Proposals

UCO Bounces Back With Perfect Weekend See Pg. 13


Jeff Elkins @JeffElkins12


said she had been told about homophobic and transphobic comments possibly being said in residence halls. Though she does not live on campus, she said she works for the Women’s Research and BGLTQ+ Student Center, where some students came forward to tell her. These students did not want

The Democratic Party held its third of 12 primary debates for the 2020 presidential election last Thursday in Houston, Texas on the campus of Texas Southern University, one of the nation’s Historically Black Universities. In order to qualify for this debate, candidates needed 130,000 fundraising contributors and 2 percent support in four polls. Candidates gave their opening statements in reverse polling order, starting with former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julián Castro and ending with former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been the consistent leader in the polls. Castro spent most of his speaking

Continued on Pg. 3

Continued on Pg. 10

From left, Emma Sawyer, James Limbaugh and Dylan Raspberry sit at the UCOSA meeting on Sept. 16 in the Nigh University Center. (Lauren Morris/The Vista)

Lauren Morris @TheVista1903 ONLINE EDITOR

At the second University of Central Oklahoma Student Association meeting of the semester, the congress passed two bills and held discussions concerning homophobic comments on campus. UCOSA Senator Katelyn Sargeant

Grease Dances Its Way Into Mitchell Hall STATEWIDE

See Pg. 8-9

Patron Safety Prioritized at State Fair See Pg. 6

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