Campus Quotes
Broncho Spring Game
What are your plans for the summer? Page 2.
Jack Chancey looks into the effects of fair trade coffee. Page 3.
Student works to build Habitat for Humanity chapter. Page 7.
The UCO football team finishes up spring practice. Page 12.
APR 29,2010
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S students voice since 1903.
THE PATH REMAINS THE SAME Construction on Old North has not interfered with university traditions. UCO has no plans to change the graduates touching the Barnett Bell. According to Pamela Lumen, coordinator of Graduation Support Services, the construction company has agreed to remove the construction barriers for the graduation ceremonies, which will be on May 7 and May 8. Graduates will walk the traditional route.
The Bell is from the original structure of the first Methodist Church located on 19 North Broadway in Edmond. The Bell was collected for the Historical Society. It was placed in the Historical Museum on September 1915. On November 9, 1951 the Bell was taken from the museum and rung in observance of its 60th Anniversary. The Vista congratulates all UCO graduates.
The path for graduates will remain the same on the way to the graduation ceremony. They will uphold the tradition of walking passed the Gerard “Cowboy” Barnett Bell Plaza.
WEATHER H 83° L 65°
CASUAL INTEREST IN SEX AWARENESS By Ethan Larsh / Contributing Writer
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WORDS OF WISDOM FOR THE GRADUATE No grade is worth more than your physical or mental health, and no acceptance is worth more than your integrity. Disappointment and loss are inevitable, but they must be accepted with grace because to let yourself be overcome by them, is to lose yourself to paralyzing inhibition.
College students are facing a growing epidemic nationwide. Every year, one in four teens contracts a sexually transmitted disease or infection, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website. Many students at the University of Central Oklahoma are concerned and becoming fearful of this problem. “There are so many teens that are sexually active, and they’re not informed by their parents or school systems that they need to get checked regularly,” Chantay Eidson, a sophomore majoring in music education, said. “It’s really important, and ignoring it could lead to a lot of problems later in life.” UCO hosts programs that inform students about sex, STDs, and different methods of contraception. Tim Woods, coordinator of Health Education, is the speaker for SEXposure, a presentation about the impact of sexual behavior on students. “I go in and talk about STDs and STIs,” Woods said, talking about one of the main points in SEXposure. “70 million Americans have an STD. 19 million Americans this year said they had one, and half of those are under 21. For college students, this is a major issue.” With all these programs, it seems the statistics should be better. “UCO should have a big safe sex event,” Jessica Mascote, a freshman majoring in nursing, said. Schools like North Idaho College, Yale, and
intimacy to toys. Students at UCO are intrigued by a sexual awareness week, and some think UCO could benefit from it. “Many people think the only way you can get an STD is from intercourse, but you can get it from kissing too,” Mascote said. “I didn’t know that until my Healthy Life Skills class. For people that haven’t had Healthy Life Skills, a sex week could answer questions like this.” Eidson also believes that students could benefit from participating in a sexual awareness week. “Programs like this are going to a help a lot of people that are in the dark about sex,” Eidson said. Cody McAskill, a junior majoring in music performance, believes that having a sexual awareness week is a good idea, but that it is ultimately the student’s responsibility whether he or she wants to have protected or unprotected sex. “I think that UCO could benefit from a sexual awareness week. Knowledge is power,” One out of four teens has an STD or infecMcAskill said. “All they can do is offer though. tion, according to the CDC. It comes down to the students whether or not Temple University all have sexual awareness to utilize that knowledge.” weeks that promote contraceptives, STD preWoods thinks having a sexual awareness vention, and good old raunchy fun. Students at week on campus would be a great way to inNorth Idaho College passed out bags filled with form students about STDs and contraception. condoms, lubricant, and candies, while stu“I’m all for that. I think it’s a great idea,” dents at Yale are not only taught about safe sex Woods said. “It’s just getting people on board at their sexual awareness week, but have guest and doing it. I’d be the first person to help.” lectures whose presentations range from love to