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AUG 22, 2011
Football Preview
Follow the clues around campus starting with the first one inside this issue. Page 12
Despite being out of conference, the boys in bronze are gearing up for a winning season. Page 26
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Welcome Back
My fellow Bronchos, it is a great privilege to welcome you to another great year at UCO. For some, this is their first, for others our last; but the time we have together this year will be something we won’t soon forget. In the coming year we can’t even begin to fathom all of the challenges that we will face. But if the past is
any preface, we are not in for any- this ambitious goal, but also willing thing easy. to keep us accountable. It is my goal that through those things, The Vista stands its ground Go Bronchos, for honest, ethical and accurate reporting no matter what might deter us from that goal. Cody Bromley I hope that you, our readers, are Editor-In-Chief willing to not only support us in
Liberal Arts
A recent study surveying the pillows of college students found that they had on average 350,000 potential live bacteria colonies and 91,000 potential live yeast and mold colonies. These bacteria can, and do make students ill.
Colton Fitzgerald, a junior computer science major, moves into his dorm room in Murdaugh Hall during move-in weekend at UCO in Edmond, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011. Photo by Garett FIsbeck, The Vista
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DID YOU KNOW? About one in every 4 million lobsters is born with a rare genetic defect that turns it blue. One in every 30 million is yellow.
By Chantal Robatteux / Senior Staff Writer As the new semester began, many students began to move on to campus Saturday, Aug. 13. Many met their new roommates, but there is one they have not met: the invisible roommate, bacteria. A recent study conducted by SleepBetter. org found that pillows in college dorms had 350,000 potential live bacteria colonies as well as 91,000 potential live yeast and mold colonies. Kacie Edwards, a junior majoring in biology, lives in the Commons and has lived there before. The last apartment she lived in was less than sanitary when she moved in. “The carpet in my last apartment was stained so badly that I had to steam clean it before I would even walk on it without socks, and most of the furniture had stains and cigarette burns. It makes you wonder if people have ever cleaned that carpet,” she said. Josh Overocker, director of Housing and Dining, said each room is walked through multiple times a year. “We have a number of staff who identify and handle all different sizes and scopes of mold. We work with our environmental health and safety office if we find any. Overocker believes the incident with Edwards might have been an exception, not the rule. “We have an online work order system and students put in work orders. Last year we did almost 3,000 work orders; our average turnaround was 24 to 48 hours in terms of responding to those work orders, so it’s something we work really hard to be able to respond to. We try to respect students’ privacy,
so if a student doesn’t submit a work order, it becomes really hard for us to actually go in and find it. They are the ones living there each and every day.” Students are able to go in through UCONNECT to the MyHousing tab to submit a work order. According to Dr. Robert Brennan, associate professor of biology with a doctoral degree in microbiology, students encounter millions of bacteria daily. “Most people carry bacteria around all the time, but most of the bacteria we encounter on a day-to-day basis are harmless,” he said. Students living in dorms do not necessarily encounter more bacteria because of living oncampus. “It’s just the environment of living in a dorm; that number of people in close proximity, when there is an infection or something occurs, a transmission can occur more easily,” he said. Brennan recommended cleaning the room and surfaces with Lysol or Clorox disinfecting wipes before students unpack. Sinks, faucets, desktops, and bathroom areas should be cleaned especially well upon moving in. Brennan explained the best way to reduce the transmission of potentially infectious bacteria is to frequently wash hands with soap and water. “Try to avoid touching faucets and things like that and turn the faucets off with paper towels,” he said. However, it is also very important to wash sheets and pillows frequently. “They should wash it at least once a week; not once a semester. Over time, materials from the body such as sweat, oils, and dead
Continued on page 3
By Bryan Trude / Staff Writer After spending last year on hiatus, the UCO Debate team will be resuming activities this fall under new Director of Debate Matt Moore. Moore, a former member of UCO Debate, takes over the team following graduate studies at the University of Missouri. Moore is joined at UCO by new Assistant Debate Coach, Kurt Fifelski. “The debate team is our academic representative in the larger university community,” Dr. Pamela Washington, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, said. “Our best students who can go and compete with students at Harvard, Cornell, Stanford. We compete with every university that has a debate team.” One of the challenges Moore said he has faced since taking over the debate program has been recruiting students. “Because of the hiatus, we lost a year of recruiting,” Moore said. “We should have several more people on campus to debate. But because of the year we took off, many of those students left for other campuses or just don’t debate. Now, we have to go out, reestablish the relationships in the high school community and find those students, even ones on campus, who would have joined last year,” Moore said. The team was put on hiatus following the scandal surrounding the debate team’s previous coach, Eric Marlow. In Fall 2009, Marlow was accused by members of the debate team of sexual misconduct with a female student, as well as pressuring team members into drinking and taking illegal drugs, according to a civil lawsuit filed by the students and former team assistant coaches in September 2010. The suit, which names Marlow, Washington, UCO and the Oklahoma State Board of Regents as defendants, is still pending in Oklahoma County District Court. Attorneys for the plaintiffs could not be reached for comment. Marlow is no longer employed by Matt Moore, Director of UCO. Debate, joins UCO this fall As a result of the events sur- as the new head of UCO’s rounding Marlow’s tenure as debate team. Moore is coach, Washington said that reviving the organization the new debate team will be after a controversial year subject to stricter oversight, off. Photo by Garett Fisboth from the dean’s office and beck, The Vista. the Office of Student Conduct. In addition, Washington said that both students and coaches would be “subject to random drug testing, modeled after the program used by the Athletic Department.” Moore said that the new regulations on the debate program would not affect how the team operates, or how he operates as a coach, and stresses that it is a “new day” for UCO Debate. “Bringing in Kurt and myself represents a fundamental culture shift for the team,” Moore said. “Recovering from what happened before has been difficult, but it has been made a lot easier with all the support we have received from administration, from Dean Washington, I can’t say enough about the support she has given us.” As part of their rebuilding, the debate team will be performing more outreach to UCO students and classes, including an intramural-style debate program for students interested in debate, but does not want to travel to events with the team.
Continued on page 7