The Here & now | august 2020 | ISSUE NO. 4
Editor’s Voice Here and now It wouldn’t be honest of me to say that I was scared when stepping into the role of editor for the first time, but then again it wouldn’t be humble of me either, so let’s just say I was ‘frisson’. I chose to theme this issue ‘The Here and Now’ to highlight the importance of staying aware of what’s going on around us as we journey through the coming semester together. I have found it has become too easy, as Christians, to turn off the warning signs around us in hopes to remain neutral in our evertroublesome world. However, this is not the time. Ironically, if I were to describe this issue in one word, it would be ‘frisson’ (a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill). With the current climate that we’ve found ourselves slowly being submerged in throughout the passing months, I knew that as the editor it was my duty to seek out the voices (pun intended) in our small community. I felt that I would have been doing a great disservice 02
to my fellow peers if I didn’t use this platform for something bigger than us. It has been a pleasure and honour to collaborate and work with the writers and designers of this issue. I’ve been humbled by their willingness to offer their priceless voices in such a small amount of writing, although these small glimpses could never fully match the vastness of their minds and perspectives. I can now only pray that this issue brings clarity and support to our readers, because in the end, we’re all God’s Children, no matter how different we look. Sally-Mae Herford
editor’s voice
Life in lockdown
what is white privilege?
How to Exploit Sugar Addicts
black lives matter
editor’s voice
Real talk
get in contact
cheat sheet
Life in lockdown
the good news
what is white Privilege’?
How to Exploit Sugar Addicts
EDITOR CHRIS MCCLELLAND Secondary Education student, untalented art enthusiast, ineffective procrastination combatant. Ask me about my mild addiction to video essays.
Sally-Mae is a Secondary Education student who really just wants to be sleeping in and complaining about how she didn’t get enough sleep. As well as having seen every movie ever made, Sally-Mae loves looking out car windows pretending she’s in a music video.
GRAPHIC DESIGNER JACINDA RALPH Jacinda is a Bachelor of Arts student studying Communication, Graphic Design & Human Resources. Half of her diet consists of Banana Bread or Peanutbutter, and loves a good hammock sleep with lots of blankets/ pillows.
AMITY BRADFORD Amity is a third year Secondary Education student who really should own shares in a conditioner company considering how much she uses for her hair. Amity is a marshmallow obsessed country bumpkin at heart.
Sam is studying a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Communication. I have a passion for writing and my dream is to be a published author.
LANI WOLFGRAMM Lani is a second year Secondary Education student who is the CEO of online shopping and the colour pink. She advocates for free love and loves free drinks so if you see her wearing shades at Sunday brunch, mind ya business.
Lauren is a Secondary Education student who can usually be found trying to convince her friends that fully black outfits should be acceptable all year round! She loves all things. English and History and loves to geek out about the latest BBC series! 5 05
get in c ontact Security: Phone: (02) 4980 2333 Email: College Church Phone: (02) 4980 2272 Email: Or message the College Church Facebook Page. College Counsellors: Phone: 0403478994 Email: Our counsellors offer confidential counselling to students experiencing a range of academic, mental health and personal concerns.
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life in lockdown I think everyone had high hopes for 2020, or at least I know I did. Back in March, when we were all sent home, it seemed as if COVID whilst terrible, would be a temporary setback, hopefully, nothing more than a brief intermission into what would eventuate into an otherwise incredible year. Whilst the situation wasn't great, everyone seemed to be in the same boat. We all stayed home, we all got bored, we all baked and painted, even took our dogs on multiple walks. Now, however, things are different. I will be honest; anyone who is friends with me will know how I never stop talking about the positives of Melbourne life. Not only is it totally acceptable to wear all black all year round, but the coffee and the footy (AFL obviously), are just some of my favourite selling points. Living at home during this semester was going great. Restrictions were lifted, I was able to meet with old friends to go on walks, and my placement was looking awesome. We all thought we were doing everything right, yet our numbers started rising, more and more people started getting sick. Victorians were beginning to get worried; our Premier was trying to get things under control, yet it seemed as if nothing was going to work. The real bummer for us this time was that whilst we were regressing into a situation worse than before, everyone else was luckily able to continue on with life as normal. Every day my family and I would listen to the daily broadcast, to hear the new numbers, to see what restrictions were changing, to try and figure out if I would even be going onto placement. My Mum is a primary teacher, and I saw how closely she would listen to the news, wanting to make sure she would be ready and prepared to give her students the best education that she could give, considering the situation.
lauren speirs
My little sister in Year 11, just trying to figure out how her VCE subject and the rest of her classes and exams would work. My Dad, trying to see if his business would still be essential. I was listening closely too, slowly starting to panic. My teaching placement was looking like it was about to fall through. While it would be an inconvenience for me, I could reschedule it next year. I immediately started thinking about my friends, who are meant to graduate this year. We were all stressed, confused, and there was no clear outline of what was going to happen. Things only seemed to go from better to worse when they announced the immediate closure of the North Melbourne public housing towers. People were locked down within hours with no access available to things we all take for granted, exercise, food shopping or even religiously appropriate food. The unfolding situation in Melbourne has led to some difficult and controversial decisions in the hopes of fixing the situation. All of us Avondale students were confused, anxious and had no idea about what the future would hold. I know I spent many nights in prayer, trying to get the reassurance that only God can give. Thankfully for me, I was able to get out in time and God willing to have another placement and accommodation arranged. However, I am a lucky one; there are many people stuck in Melbourne who are struggling and anxious. Everything that’s happening right now has got a lot of people feeling uncomfortable, and on edge, so please keep everyone in your prayers! Hopefully, Semester Two will be a fresh new start for all of us and a great finish to this chaotic year!
“People were locked down within hours with no access available to things we all take for granted, exercise, food shopping or even religiously appropriate food.�
The Good News! Sally-mae herford
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College Grad Designs Ramen Packaging That Dissolves in Hot Water to Eliminate Plastic Inspired by countless nights spent studying in school, an eco-conscious college grad has come up with an ingenious replacement for the single-use plastics used to package instant ramen noodles. Holly Grounds created a biofilm that is thick enough to keep the noodles from getting stale, it melts into ramen broth precisely one minute after coming into contact with boiling water.
Teachers Visit a Bridge Every day to Create a Classroom for Children of Migrant Workers Stuck in India’s Lockdown Under a bridge in the coastal state of Kerala, a heartening sight awaits those who are passing by in Kochi. Underneath the Bolgatty-Vallarpadam bridge, teachers can be found engrossed with students of all ages, deep in study. Ten children of migrant laborers had been living under the bridge with their families. Now that temporary ‘home’ is doubling up as a classroom, thanks to the dedicated teachers of St. John Bosco’s UP School.
Wild Bison Are Returning to England’s Forests for the First Time in 6,000 Years A relative of the iconic beast that roams the American Great Plains is going to be released in an ancient forest in Kent, England—where they haven’t resided for 6,000 years. But the four animals won’t be arriving by way of South Dakota or Wyoming because Europe has their own subspecies—the European wood bison. The project is slated to begin in Spring of 2022 when a single male Bison bonasus and three females arriving from Poland and the Netherlands will be allowed to roam and reproduce naturally in the remaining wilds of Britain—and it is hoped that their presence will ignite a chain reaction throughout the forest.
5-Year-old Walks on New Prosthetic Limbs Raising $1Million for Hospital That Saved Him A little boy in Britain has raised over $1 million for the National Health Service hospital to thank them for saving his life when he was a baby. For the fundraiser, 5-year-old Tony Hudgell propelled himself around the local park on his prosthetic legs using crutches. Originally meant to drum up a modest £500 ($550), thousands of generous strangers heard about his inspiring laps and donated money for London Evelina Hospital. Hobbling a total of 6 miles until the end of June, donations poured in— equalling about $100,000 for every kilometre—and every kilometre became easier for the boy whose artificial limbs were brand new.
Young Scientists Make Eco-Friendly Industrial Cleaners from Yeast, Transforming Chemical Industry Solugen’s mission is to decarbonize the chemicals industry—and their secret weapon comes from nature’s biology. For several years now, the Houston-based chemical engineering start-up has been making hydrogen peroxide out of a yeast enzyme and have used this eco-friendly product to create cost-competitive replacements for heavy-duty chemicals used in treating oil-drilling wastewater, spas, pools, and plumbing. Emerging on the Forbes magazine’s Next Billion-Dollar Start-up list, the company has also retooled to make (and donate) hand sanitizer during COVID-19; and their fantastic natural cleaning wipes, an early product for them, was spun-off into a company that sold for millions. If you happen to hear some good news or have some good news happen to you or someone close to you, we’d love to hear it! Get in touch with Chris McClelland on Facebook and we’ll be happy to share it with our readers in the next issue. 11
What is ‘White Privilege’?
sam white
My long and extremely thought-provoking journey to educate myself on white privilege began in light of the Black Lives Matter movement. If you asked me a year or two ago about white privilege, I would have flat out denied the existence of it. My ignorance backed me into a corner until I had no option but to acknowledge the phantom lingering over us all. I refer to it as such since many people believe white privilege doesn’t exist, and the ability to ignore it is a privilege. Acknowledging the existence of white privilege is hard. We are constantly fed misinformation about it and how it affects people of colour. The acknowledgment is only the beginning of a long path towards dismantling a system in which white people profit, whilst the minority is neglected. Saying “all white people have privilege” does in no way mean that“white people don’t struggle” because of course, each individual has their own struggles regardless of race. Stating this only means to reiterate that white people don’t struggle in life because of their skin colour or cultural background. The systems that exist in Australia today are a product of years of inequality towards minorities that favours white people. Take into consideration that Indigenous Australians were murdered for decades after colonisation. The stolen generation has caused a devastating ripple effect that is still in effect today. A perk of having white privilege is the ability to enjoy stolen land, without the burden of generational trauma. If you are white, you have privilege whether you acknowledge it or not, but no one is born racist. Being white does not make you inherently racist. This privilege is a result of centuries of colonisation and genocide, where the whites would come out on op. It’s up to the younger generations to be more educated around this issue. Believe it or not, your white privilege can be used for good in many ways. Some examples include: - Amplifying anti-racism around peers. - Breaking down harmful stereotypes. - Actively shutting down hate speech. - Supporting and empowering fellow people of colour. White privilege does not mean your life hasn’t been hard; that isn’t the purpose of the term. It means that your race isn’t an obstacle or barrier in your life. It means you can blissfully enjoy life without the fear of racial profiling or harmful stereotypes. And it means your life isn’t in danger because of your race. As disappointing as it seems, our fight to end racism isn’t over, but with education and supportive community, we can begin to make a difference.
Amity Bradford
How to Exploit Sugar Addicts I am convinced. Sugar is my families biggest weakness. After a few months at home due to COVID, I have relied, maybe a bit too heavily on my access to a working kitchen and reliable oven, sorry Ella Boyd. This is a bit embarrassing to admit, but upon reflection have found myself making all sorts of snacks for my own gain, literally. The first one being, to be a generous member of the family (obviously). The secon (being a bit more evil), to make the snacks as bribes to get out of housework. Essentially, I have trained my family to do something for me around the house using freshly baked biscuits. I make these biscuits every Monday night around 9 pm. It’s just the perfect time after dinner where you’re starting to get hungry again and late enough that you feel like indulging in a sugary snack.
I have done this for at least two months straight without fail, and my family has come to know Monday night as “Biscuit Night”. I’ve experimented with the type of biscuits to vary each week to keep it interesting and have made choc mint, ginger, sugar biscuits, to name a few. Since I have started making these biscuits, I have not taken the rubbish out once, scrubbed a toilet or folded copious amounts of clothes. I have never verbally outlined the terms of this arrangement or intended to do so to blow my cover. That is the beauty of sugar addiction, I suppose. I’ve singlehandedly trained my family, much like Pavlov’s dog, to do household jobs for me in exchange for biscuits. So, here’s a recipe to get you started on training your own family.
Chocolate Crinkle Biscuits Ingredients 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1 cup white sugar 1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable oil 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 cup plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup icing sugar (for coating)
instructions 1. Mix cocoa powder, white sugar and oil. Add eggs and vanilla and stir until well combined. 2. Add flour, baking powder and salt into the mixture and stir until a dough forms. 3. Form dough into balls and roll in icing sugar. 4. Place on lined tray and bake for 11 minutes at 180°C. Note: Biscuits will be soft from the oven but will harden as they cool. 5. Wait 5 mins for biscuits to cool and EAT!
Wo/ If they were a Disney character, good or evil, who would they be? Samuel’s the real-life John Smith; he tried to take what’s not his and falls in love with some ethnic chick... “He’s the rip-off version of Chris Hemsworth!” Jyal & Callum So yeah, close enough. In a sentence, what best describes them in the morning? In the morning, Samuel has the Breath of Death". If they had to wear one item of clothing, what would it be? Budgies / Speedos. But Samuel would be more than happy to walk around naked if he could. Who would survive a zombie apocalypse longer, why? Samuel. I’d just give up
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is their shower voice? He doesn’t shower, so I wouldn’t know. But I do know he can sing! Do they have any odd quirks/habits, if so what? Samuel has a super long tongue and whenever he eats something, he pokes his tongue out and it curls before he puts food into his mouth. Also, when he walks, he does this weird forward lean motion- imagine a pecking chicken- that's what he looks like. What their most embarrassing moment? Samuel tried to flex on my family about being able to speak a bit of Samoan and he was so What movie do they always cry watching? Samuel doesn’t cry- like ever. If they had a catchphrase, what would it be? “Trust me, by the end of this year, I’ll be jacked!”
If they had a theme song, what would it be? “Crooked Smile” J. Cole
Who is the better driver? Samuel. My driving isn’t too great - I’m legit the embodiment of the typical female driver stereotype If you were both trapped on a desert island, who would be more likely to eat the other one to stay alive? Me, cause Samuel’s too nice. Who’s more likely to steal candy from a baby? I’d just take the baby tbh. #clucky Who’s most likely to laugh at an inappropriate time/place? I feel like we’re both pretty bad with this one, but Samuel would be more likely to, cause he’s super chill and doesn’t take many things seriously… What’s your favourite thing about them? There’s no one the Sam(e) as him… he’s a real one! He’s super fun and knows how to annoy me but also just makes me genuinely happy!
man On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is their shower voice? Not many people know this, but Tepa doesn’t shower! I love that she is so environmentally friendly and doesn’t like to waste water, so she cleans herself with baby wipes once a week before Sabbath. Do they have any odd quirks/habits, if so what? She always watches TV with a side eye. What their most embarrassing moment? Bringing a palagi home... What movie do they always cry watching? The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas If they had a catchphrase, what would it be? “KFC?”
COUPLE’S EDITION Who’s more likely to steal candy from a baby? She wouldn’t steal the candy; she would steal the baby... Who’s most likely to laugh at an inappropriate time/place? Definitely me What’s your favourite thing about them? Tepa is really selfless
If they had a theme song, what would it be? Dancing Queen- ABBA If they were a Disney character, good or evil, who would they be? The beast, because I am the beauty. In a sentence, what best describes them in the morning? Karen If they had to wear one item of clothing, what would it be? A hoodie, she’s has an obsession with them Who would survive a zombie apocalypse longer, why? Me, only because I can run further than 30m without a break... Who is the better driver? The one who got their P’s on the first go… If you were both trapped on a desert island, who would be more likely to eat the other one to stay alive? Neither of us can cook so we’d both die...
BLM lani wolfgramm
The Black Lives Matter movement and the global protest it inspires took over the world amidst a global pandemic. During this time, the “multicultural nation” of Australia was forced into a tight corner where our people were reminded of their own racially motivated political and social issues. The very graphic and public death of George Floyd set the world ablaze with rage and discomfort. It is reminding people of colour that they are dying by the same system put in place to protect them. Law enforcement in the United States are well known for their racial bias as the police kill up to six times more Black people than White.
shores and did not hesitate to call out our so-called ‘diverse nation’ that avoids recognizing the existence of racial issues within our justice system. Of course, a lot of people questioned that. What did an African American based movement have anything to do with Australia? Why is Australia protesting for a foreign movement amid of a pandemic where you are potentially risking the lives of other people? You aren’t even disrupting public peace with your protests. There is no point why can't you stay at home? Now let me tell you why racism is a pandemic itself and why we need to start calling out all the male and female ‘Karen’s’ of Australia.
nonIndigenous adults. At the same time, Indigenous youth are 26 times more likely to be placed in detention centres. Let's keep in mind that the 2016 Australian census records Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population that makes up 3.3% of Australia as opposed to White Australia’s 62%. In case you haven’t noticed there is a vast disproportion rate of imprisonment between Indigenous and non-indigenous people. The BLM movement resonated in Australia because of this inequality and the continued endangerment of Aboriginal people within our prison system.
The Black Lives Matter movement highlights the disproportionate killing of black people by U.S police and advocates for ‘non-violent civil disobedience in protest against all racially motivated violence against Black people.’ The movement resonated to our
Since 1991, 438 Indigenous people have died in custody. According to the 2018 Australian Bureau of Statistics report (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Prisoner Characteristics), Indigenous Australians are 15 times more likely to be imprisoned than
For those unfamiliar with the preventable death of Tanya Day, in 2017, Ms Day fell asleep on a train in Melbourne and was targeted for being Aboriginal. She was arrested and detained for being drunk in a public place.
In 2017 Aboriginal women were over ten times more likely to be targeted by Victoria Police for being drunk in public than non-Aboriginal women. Ms Day died on 22 December 2017 from a brain hemorrhage when she fell and hit her head and was left lying in the police cells for over three hours 17 days after being in custody. In the cell, Ms Day received inadequate checkups, and police officers had failed to take care of Tanya’s safety, security, health and welfare. The people of Australia did not stand in solidarity because they felt sorrowful for African Americans; they empathized with them. The police are still persecuting Indigenous people, and not one police officer has been held criminally responsible. This needs to stop. How many more Aboriginal people need to die at the hands of police and the prison system before this country says enough is enough. Let’s be honest Aboriginal
people will keep dying in custody until the legal system changes and police are held accountable. Regardless of your ethnicity, we all have a part to play to help Indigenous people on the path to equality. It is time for Australia’s national reckoning, and at the forefront of our movement should be the youth. We are the future of change. We are going to be future teachers, nurses, leaders, pastors, and our voices should not remain quiet on an issue that you think does not involve us. I urge the students of Avondale to motivate themselves towards the fight for Bla(c)k justice and equality in this country. Why are we quiet? Some may think that our little village in Cooranbong won’t make a loud enough splash in this big pond. Still, a contribution from a small community such as ours is more contribution than none. You and I can all do our part to donate, sign petitions, support Indigenous
artists, help organizations and Indigenous brands and businesses. Encourage yourself to read and educate yourself and others, watch, listen and demand change together. Just one more reminder:
real talk What were your thoughts, positive or negative, once the second wave of Corona was announced?
DANIKA: I’m not mad at you, Victoria…I’m
just disappointed. I don’t think I was too surprised by the ‘second wave’ being from Queensland there really hasn’t been too much to worry about. To be frank, I had no reaction as I do not care anymore. I am simply doing what I am told.
HEIN : Being situated in South Australia, I
have been very blessed throughout all of the Corona lockdown. The Victoria Premier said it perfectly, “why would anyone would go to South Australia” just before Victoria went downhill. Sometimes it’s crazy to see how the different states are handling the situation.
What do you think Avondale life will look like for new and returning students in Semester 2?
DANIKA: I haven’t even attended an entire
normal semester at Avondale university college, so I’m not sure where to begin in predicting what a COVID affected semester is going to look like. I reckon it might be like the usual (whatever that is) just a few unusual rules.
campus like the Café and Auditorium are great areas for socializing. I feel like this could lead friend groups to stay within each other and not experience the full Avondale experience.
What has helped you personally get through Corona and the multitude of other issues that we have faced globally in the past three months?
DANIKA: Ignorance is bliss. I took time
away from the news and social media. Of course, it’s important to stay informed about the current situation but the constant flow of Corona-news, bickering about the BLM movement, and Facebook nutters claiming the government devised this entire situation can take a toll on you.
HEIN: The only way I got through the pandemic was going back to the little things that helped my wellbeing. Going for walks in the mornings and keeping connected with my friends majorly contributed positively to my mental health. Just being able to talk and be real with friends wabout how you are feeling is vital.
HEIN : I think it is going to look very
different for new students compared to the past years. Especially the big social areas on
What has helped you personally get through Corona and the multitude of other issues that we have
Danika & hein
Cheat Sheet Welcome to the second semester of the craziest year ever guys! Well, welcome to everyone except the Victorians. It's truly been either very hectic or very chill for some people. So, either way, I hope you all get to slow down or speed up again for study and Avondale life. Hopefully, this cheat sheet will be of some use to you as you start back up either at college or if you are still at home.
website Unsplash
Our website for today is Unsplash! It is a free to use, all-inclusive
art and photography website. It includes a various range of high quality, professional-looking photos and images, and it requires
no monthly or annual payments to use, to say that it is absolutely
free to use. This website is great because you have complete free
range to download professional-looking photography for any use you want. It’s great for finding nice photos for your presentations, collages, or just inspiration for your photography!
youtube Jonna Jinton
If you love nature and specifically the Scandinavian landscapes
(which you definitely will), then you’ll love this YouTuber. Her name is Jonna Jinton; she is a 26-year-old photographer, artist, singer
who lives out, with her husband, in the rural areas of the north of Sweden. Together with her sweetly quiet husband, Johan, they
create their own amazing silver jewellery. Her videos are usually
over ten minutes long each and are filled with high-quality nature shots and great music. You get a very detailed view of Jonna’s life
in their little Swedish village, and after every video, you will have a desperate need to explore the Scandinavian countryside.
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Captain Fantastic This film follows the life of Ben (Viggo Mortensen) and his wife who abandoned modern life to raise their six children deep in the woods, teaching them high-minded ideals, intellectual theories and wilderness living. But when she dies, the family venture into the wider world to attend her funeral. This movie adventures how life comes to be lived in so many different ways, especially in a way society deems to be ‘not normal’. It captures the love shared between a family and having an appreciation for the love you have. It tackles many different issues but, in the end, it is wholeheartedly a feel-good movie.
TV shows
The Letter for the King
If you were a fan of Game of Thrones but were not too comfortable with all the gruesome violence and graphic, explicit sexual scenes, you will love this tv show. The letter for the King is a Netflix original
tv show based on a book of the same name. The first season came out at the beginning of quarantine, which I binged in like a day. I
would not say it is your basic fantasy tv show, its full of complex and serious themes, such as racism, abuse, sexism and a lot more. It has
very powerful characters and excellent character development. It also has a tendency of setting up your expectations and then completely flipping them. Overall, I highly recommend you watch this tv show because you will have a good time watching it all.
Fantasy Soundtracks
As a fan of anything fantasy, I’ve accumulated some of my favourite music pieces from fantasy entertainment. My favourite soundtrack has to be The Lord of the Rings soundtrack. The variety of music
and moods you get in The Lord of the Rings soundtrack is fantastic. You get glorious big tracks, then ominous creepy pieces, but then
you get beautifully graceful and peaceful pieces that are perfect for reading to. My second favourite soundtrack is the score from the
medieval fantasy RPG video game, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. The score
to the video game is one of the reasons it is my favourite video game of all time. When you are not battling monsters, dragons or men, you are exploring the incredibly detailed landscapes of Skyrim, and the
themes that go along with the glorious nature is breathtaking. All in
all, I highly recommend you start listening to fantasy soundtracks just because there are so many benefits to it.
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keep tagging #avondalexp pics- even if it’s a fav avondale memory or throwback! feel free to direclty send avondale photos you’d like featured to chris mcclelland on fb.
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