The voice
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Avondale University acknowledges our Sovereign God as Creator and Provider of all things. We respectfully acknowledge the Awabakal and Darramuragal people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live, work, study and worship across our Lake Macquarie and Sydney campuses. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all First Nations People
Our aim is to provide a platform for students and staff to share their thoughts, ideas, and their experiences in the world through their own Christian perspective; everyone's Christian experience is different, and we want to acknowledge that. 'The Voice' is an extension of the minds of the student body at present, not the views of the institution
F r o m t h e e d i t o r
At the turn of the 20th Century, Austrian poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, looked out at the New Years celebrations and added a new line to his poem, “And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been”

To whoever is reading this message today, congratulations, you are about to begin a new year of university which is full of things that have never been. For some of you, these ‘things’ will see you abseiling off of cliffs, completing an internship, teaching a lesson for the first time, or even helping to save a life! The possibilities are endless.
If any of you have ever sat next to me in the opening class of the year you’d know that one of the first things I do is take out my fresh notebook (because some of us dinosaurs still use those) and turn to that first blank page. In a way, each new year at Avondale is like that notebook, just waiting for your experiences to fill its pages.
Not all of these experiences will be incredible. At the time of writing, Rilke did not know that the next few years of his life would be full of great disasters such as the First World War, the sinking of the Titanic, The Great Depression, and a Second World War. At Avondale you may not face great horrors such as these, but life can still get tough sometimes.
But our challenge this year is to take hold of the spirit of hope Rilke imparts A hope which encourages us to step out of our comfort zone, meet new people, make mistakes, attempt challenges, and make many lasting memories to look back upon.
I can’t wait to hear your stories
P S If you’re feeling like a fish out of water, our first issue of the year is themed ‘Surviving Avondale’. We hope you enjoy some tips and tricks for making the most of your time with us!
Get in Contact
ASL Publications
Zoe Cochrane - s20068404@student avondale edu au
Taelon Steele - s14126382@student avondale edu au
Bailee McLeod - Bailee.Mcleod@avondale.edu.au
Phone: (02) 4980 2333
Extension: #333
Email: security@avondale edu au
Avondale University Church
Pr Norman Hurlow - Norman. Hurlow@avondale.edu.au
Pr Morgan Vincent - Morgan Vincent@avondale edu au
Phone: (02) 4980 2272
Extension: #272
Email: collegechurch@avondale edu au
Located in the main foyer of University Church
Social Media
The Voice @thevoiceavondale
Avondale Student Life @avondalestudentlife
Avondale Sport @avondalesport
Avondale Eagles @avondaleeagles
Avondale University @avondale uni

Open: Monday - Thursday from 9am - 5pm, Fridays 9am - 12pm
Wellbeing Centre
Phone: 0403 478 994 (SMS preferred)
Email: counselling@avondale edu au (appointment queries only)
The counsellor's office is situated in the Wellbeing Centre
Lana Hibbard (lead clinical counsellor)
Jonathan Gould
Our counsellors offer confidential counselling to students experiencing a range of academic, mental health and personal concerns
Watson Hall @wearewatson
Ella Boyd Hall @weareellaboyd
Salt Ministries @saltavondaleuni
Avondale University Church @avondaleunichurch


zoe zoe

contributor in focus
Taelon is a Secondary Education student majoring in English and Business. He likes collecting power moves, calls movies 'films' (and watches ones you've never heard of), has a subconscious habit of taking photos of every bit of light and shadow he sees, is a casual surf addict, and will take you to the beach at every opportunity If he's not doing any of the above he's adding to his growing list of hobbies and interests.
What is something unique/weird that you love/do that others should try?
Perhaps not something completely unique, but definitely part of who I am- whenever I hear, see, or experience anything that inspires me- be it somethingsomeone said, a photo, or a slice of cinema- I like to file it somewhere in my phone. This habit has manifested itself into a plethora of notes (e.g. a quote book, a list of scenes from films with time stamps, witty lines I like, songs that evoke specific emotions, albums of saved photos, and more) for safekeeping. I hope to collect it all and use it as inspiration for my own feature film one day. Say something funny and you too may be able to contribute.
samara samara bella bella

By Zoe CochraneWhen I happen to meet Avondale alumni and hear them regaling one another with stories of their time at Avondale, there is one subject which never fails to get the table talking; student fails So this edition of Historic Avondale is a countdown dedicated to the best blunders and worst ideas of 127 years of student misdemeanours But please, don’t try these at home!
5) Monty’s Python
Students in dorms will understand the great sorrow one can feel when separated from their beloved pets. But in the late 1930s, a student named Monty found the worst cure for his heartache when he attempted to sneak a pet into his dorm room.
For years, the students who worked at the dairy farm had faced a continual problem of rats getting into the food meant for the farm animals Then one day, the rat problem simply stopped! Mystified but grateful, the farm boys thanked their mysterious helper then went about their business, until months later, they discovered the identity of the rat-catcher A two-metre-long diamond python who had taken up residence in the feed shed.

When Monty heard about the python he had the ‘magnificent’ idea to adopt the python as a pet, and brought his scaly companion back to his dorm room But one stormy day while Monty was in class, the snake grew agitated and totally trashed his room, terrifying the other boys with its hissing rage Needless to say, the python was unceremoniously escorted back to the dairy, where it spent the rest of its days.
4) Love Notes To The Lecturers
Campus crushes are always the talk of the town, but there was a time when dating at Avondale was strictly forbidden! So many pains were taken to separate men and women that they were escorted in lines to all their classes to avoid any unnecessary touching or flirtatious looks In the 1940s, these rules had relaxed somewhat, but students were still fearful of being caught
In 1942, a male student was so frantic about submitting his assignment book to his lecturer, Lionel Turner, that he totally forgot about the love note he had hidden within its pages The young man hadn’t the courage to confess his love for his lady, but had attempted to take down his feelings on paper when he was supposed to be studying
By the time he realised his mistake he was frantic His love note was in the
hands of his lecturer, surely he would be punished! But when the assignment was handed back he found the note still tucked in its envelope. Thinking he’d gotten away with it, the student opened his love note to find that Turner had corrected all his spelling mistakes in bright red ink and enclosed it with the words, ‘Good luck’
3) The ‘Almost Perfect’ Prank
There’ve been many memorable pranks in Avondale’s history, but few students have had the guts to make their lecturers the target of their mischief In 1921, a male student was frustrated that the lecturers who lived on campus were so diligent that students couldn’t get away with anything, so he decided to use their diligence against them
At midnight, he climbed the bell tower, attached some rope to the bell, and snuck back down into the orchard behind the dorms Tugging on the rope, he smiled as he saw an exhausted, half-dressed lecturer rush outside to investigate the bell, and trudge back to bed having found nothing. Twice more, he rang the bell and watched the befuddled investigation, laughing all the while.
But what he hadn’t counted on was the intelligence of his lecturer, who noticed the rope and waited until the
student rang it again. Following the rope, the lecturer circled behind the student and when he rang it again gave him the fright of his life. The student was punished accordingly
2) The Bush Tryst
When strict rules exist, students will go to crazy lengths to get around them In the ‘no dating era’, those who were interested in one another tried many methods of getting together unnoticed. Of course they were allowed to apply to the college committee for a chaperoned ‘no-touch’ date, but who’d want to do that?
They tried meeting in the paddocks, but were caught. They ‘went for a walk’ but were caught, and necessitated the creation of ‘boy’s walk’ and ‘girl’s walk’ to keep them separated And some, such as Fred Holder and his girlfriend, tried meeting in the dense bushland, hoping to be undetected
Seated on a log with his girlfriend perched on his lap, Fred Holder was about to have his first kiss when a lecturer on patrol for couples spotted them, and yelled out “Holder!”
In a rare show of bravery, Fred hollered back, “That’s what I’m trying to do!”
1) Burning Down The Dorms
With all our technology and comfortable dorm rooms today it seems strange to think that radiators were once a banned item at Avondale But in the 1930s, this student fail offers a fantastic example of why these items had no place in a dorm room
In 1939, a group of boys huddled around an illegal radiator in their room for warmth, but soon the sound of approaching footsteps alerted them to the presence of a preceptor Panicking, the boys shoved the radiator under a bed without turning it off, but within moments the bed was on fire and so was the room.
The student fire brigade rushed over with their hoses, but lost control of them due to the high pressure, and sprayed the preceptor from head to toe in muddy water The blaze was eventually subdued, but moments like these were the stuff of nightmares for the administrators of Avondale

What is your favourite memory of the other person?
On the last night of Summerfest, we were in a dance circle together.
Most highly recommended Avondale activity?
Lovers Ledge, IYKYK
If the other person was an animal, what would they be?
A bear for sure.
What is your favourite date with the other person?
On our first date, we watched Princess and the Frog at Square Jetty and went stargazing
What was your dream job growing up?
To be Hannah Montana.
If you had to describe the other person using a song, what song would you choose?
Steady love – India Arie
What is your dream holiday? Italy
Where do you see yourself in 10 years, and what car will you drive? Hopefully with a wedding ring on my finger and some kids and Kareel as my husband that I can come home to after a long day at work with most likely some form of 4WD out the front
What is the most annoying quirk about the other person?
When he makes me make decisions
Favourite thing about the other person? His beautiful smile

What is your favourite memory of the other person?
Summerfest, we started a dance circle and exchanged socials (I found her beautiful the first moment I saw her)
Most highly recommended Avondale activity?
Lovers Ledge
If the other person was an animal, what would they be?
What was your dream job growing up?
Chef/Restaurant owner

What is your favourite date with the other person?
When we went to the beach one night really late and sat and watched the stars, then decided to go for a walk and realized we had locked ourselves out of the car. (Shout out Annalie)
If you had to describe the other person using a song, what song would you choose?
Really love – D’angelo.
What is your dream holiday?
Italy in the Summer
Where do you see yourself in 10 years, and what car will you drive?
Beautiful family, a nice job, and a 4WD of some sort
What is the most annoying quirk about the other person?
Indecisive as heck.
Favourite thing about the other person?
Her beautiful eyes.

ssurviving urviving aavondale vondale ssurviving urviving aavondale vondale
by samara bentleyWELCOME TO AVONDALE!
We are so glad you ’ re here, and know you’ll be eager to try everything there is to do around campus. Having consulted the wisdom of some of my friends, together we have put together a list of tips to help you get the best out of your experience; academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally.
dorm/social life
There will always be someone around who can help you or point you in the direction of someone who can help you. Your RM’s are a great starting point!
This is one of the most important tips I could give. You will meet so many more people by doing this!!
Places like square jetty, shingles, Mereweather, and the Watagans are musts to go and visit.
For all the first-year students out there, ACE Lab is designed to give you the opportunity of a lifetime!
You will meet a TONNE of people, especially at speed friending!
spiritual life & emotional wellbeing
Every Friday night (usually in the church or Ella Hughes chapel)
Pop in and say hi to Lana or Jono! They’re always down for a chat because stress is super normal ��
Walks are good for mental health. Grab a group of friends and head up Uni drive for a walk or a skate as your study breaks
They are super friendly and extremely helpful. From helping you organise a study timetable to drafting your assignments, they can do it all! And they are absolutely free (yay) All you need to do is book in to go see them ��
sport & fitness
Have a chat to your RM’s about a membership but the pool is free! It makes those hot summer days soooo much more bearable!
A 5km community event that happens every Saturday morning at 8am (practically a sleep in) Meets at the tennis courts behind the audo. Running (or walking) = fun
(even if you ’ re bad at it.) There are different categories for all abilities. You’ll have a blast!
Learn how to use this super helpful referencing tool.
Avondale gives it to you for free! It will be your best friend for editing your assignments last minute.
Carry one around if you want to make friends easily, lol

And last but not least…try to have a balance. It sounds ironic I know, after I’ve listed all of these amazing things I think you should do. But it is possible to be burnt out from doing too many fun things. And it can be really hard to find that balance in your life. But TRUST ME, you will enjoy your time so much more if you do. If you do try out some of our helpful tips, let us know at thevoice@avondale.edu.au, we’d love to hear how it went!

power moves to establish yourself in dorms
power moves to establish yourself in dorms
By Taelon SteeleWelcome to the residential halls of Avondale for 2024! Whether you're a seasoned resident or a freshie, you may sense the need for calculated social navigation in order to solidify your presence within the dorm walls Perhaps your aim is to establish your room as a point of interest among your friends, or maybe you simply wish to navigate the web of social dynamics with ease, forging connections that last a lifetime. Either way, you may be thinking about how to play the right cards
Navigating the ecosystem of dorm life is as exhilarating as it can be daunting, but if you're finding yourself feeling overwhelmed, stress less At the end of the day, it's important to remember that it really isn't that deep That being said, I'm here to offer some strategic social manoeuvres to help you effectively solidify your position in communal living this year. If you're an
avid fan of Hamish and Andy, you may know of these manoeuvres as 'power moves' subtle yet effective strategies to carve out your place, in this case, within the bustling residential halls But first, let's begin with some general dorm-life tips
In every dormitory wing, it is typical to see an established dorm that serves as the epicentre of social activity - a common room where friendships are strengthened through good banter, good chats, and good entertainment
To establish your dorm as the go-to destination for late-night study sessions or impromptu Netflix marathons, consider investing in a few creature comforts: cozy throws and oversized bean bags can work wonders in transforming your spaceinto a makeshift lounging area Put it this way, if your space is able to
accommodate your peers' naps and TikTok scrolling sessions, they won't overlook the opportunity This home away from home approach to dorm interior design enables conversation and the bonding that comes along with it With all that said, don't forget that your personal time is very important too! It's okay to have your door closed and enjoy personal space - you may soon find that it's not hard to get burnt out.
While it's tempting to get caught up in the quest for popularity or social validation, remember this: true power lies not in popularity contests or superficial displays of status, but in authenticity, kindness, and genuine connections Instead of striving to
climb the social ladder, focus on building meaningful relationships with your fellow residents, treating everyone - from the outspoken RM's to the quiet introvert down the hallwith respect and empathy.
And finally, don't underestimate the importance of self-care in maintaining your sanity amidst the chaos of dormitory life Whether it's carving out time for a solo walk up and down University Drive, watching a film by yourself, or treating yourself to a decadent dessert at 7@Avondale, prioritising your well-being is essential for navigating the intricacies of communal living
Now, if you've made it this far, we move on to some specific power plays. Effective power moves are like a persistent fly buzzing around your ear, constantly making its presence known but remaining elusive and just out of reach. Similar to how the fly's subtle yet incessant buzzing captures your attention without being overt, successful power moves leave a lasting impact through subtle actions that subtly influence the situation without drawing unnecessary attention. The following extensive list of manoeuvres (including some Hamish and Andy classics) aim to exist on the cross-section of this fine line, without being too annoying:
Label things in your friend's dorm. over time If you by chance have access to a label maker, this can come in handy into subtly confusing your peers This involves placing a dedicated label on specific objects in your friend's room every now and then to produce an amnestic effect Over time this can prove to create a sense of confusion when they walk in and see that their laptop, then pot plant, then apple, then toothbrush, has been effectively identified and labelled If anything, it's a kind gesture, reminding them of what their own items are called
Every time you enter your friend's dorm, and they are not present, subtly rearrange one of their objects with a twist, place it upside down, or move it from one side of their desk to the other- this is extra effective if they are particularly neat and OCD, making them question their sanity
Every Caf meal pick on one of your pals by loudly asking them, "Have you washed your hands?"
3 Subtle but effective- especially potent if you target one individual at every opportunity
When someone whom you want to exert dominance over is explaining something to 4 you, interrupt them and say, “Wow wow wow, slow down!' This will make them appear frantic and flustered.
This one might be difficult to pull off, but effective for the short kings When someone
5 tries to enter your dorm, kindly ask them to remove their shoes. Leave yours on This will give you an inch of height advantage over them that was previously nonexistent.
6 Some classic verbal power moves can work a treat as well. For example, when leaving a conversation involving a group of people, point at someone involved and confidently declare, "I'm leaving you in charge, mate." This one comes with the double whammy of asserting your dominance as the group leader, as well as calling someone 'mate'
This Nic Gillard special cannot be overlooked: when talking to someone in a group, say
7 something about them and then state, ' given your history', or 'based on what people have said about you ' Rough After a guitar song that your friend has played, preferably on electric guitar, ask if you
8 can pick up the guitar, strum a chord, and then say, "No it's not the guitar"
If you know the area a little, you may be aware of the OpShops in Morisset These can
9 often reap some fun finds that you can use to add to the décor of your friends' dorms at minimal cost. See what you can find and surprise your pals with an extra desk accessory.


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If you’d like to contribute to the next issue, we’d love to hear from you! The Voice is always looking for student content to publish. Whether that be:
Creative Writing
Opinion Pieces
Student Life Reviews
Got ideas? Email us.