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Black business update
2020 has proven to be the worst of times, but also the best of times. The worst of times because, never in my 40 years of being an entrepreneur, have I seen such disarray in government, private and public sectors, small and large businesses, with fear in Black Business everyone’s eyes and voice. COVID-19 and subsequent Lockdown, the effect of which we are still feeling now is unprecedented, since the World Wars. Update
The best of times, because never has so many people found a new way of working, pivoting from one business to another, or a new version of their old business. These extraordinary times have brought to life the meaning of “Necessity Is The Mother Of All Creation”.
It was necessary to change, and many businesses got creative: it’s now become the age of IOT…Internet Of Things, with everything and everyone now on the internet. But what of those who could not pivot?
During the first round of Lockdown, businesses began to collaborate, and mine was no different, so a long-time relationship came back into play. The Voice Newspaper, along with WinTrade Global Women Entrepreneurs Network saw the need and a solution to support Black Businesses who were and still are at the frontline with dealing with the effects of Lockdown, and we wanted to do something to help. During the height of the pandemic earlier this year in June, the Minister for Business Nadhim Zahawi “from our survey generated MP chose WinTrade Global Talks and from the feedback of those in The Voice Newspaper to share vital in- attendance alone, indicate at the formation in accessing government initiatives very least, black businesses with the Black Busi- felt better informed of the ness Community in the UK. Over a thou- government’s policy”sand black businesses answered the call. Eight hundred and fifty of them from across the country directly engaged with the webinar. Against the much-publicised backdrop of the government’s Windrush scandal, this unique engagement, in sheer numerical terms, was In June, as part of his presentation, the Min- WinTrade Global Talks for live engagement a big success. Whether the event itself lead to ister promised a follow-up. And as the govern- with black businesses across the UK, on Octoincreased take-up of the government’s mainment are engaging in discussions on how to ber 14th and was joined by a senior civil servant stream policy to support the wider business prepare the country for the inevitable second Justin Placide, Assistant Director for Business, community during the pandemic, by black busiwave, we felt a timely Part II of the webinar was Investment and Growth. nesses is an answer we will undoubtedly seek. necessary, during Black History Month. The However, from our survey generated from the timing is perfect to understand what the latest Whilst Part II was also well attended, feedback of those in attendance alone, indicate government thinking is about the support it in- Government still wants to know: at the very least, black businesses felt better intends to give to business as COVID extends. • Is there more that we want the government formed of the government’s policy as a result. Nadhim Zahawi MP agreed to return to to do in terms of sharing information on the
Minister For Business Nadhim Zahawi MP
financial support packages available to business as a result of COVID? • Could we benefit from a more formalised dialogue with the government during this time? • Have you or a business you know benefited from any of the support previously shared? • If not – what stopped you from applying or receiving the support? • Do you have any questions or wish to know information about the funding policies distribution thus far,?
Black businesses play a critical role in the make-up of the British economy and the fabric of our society. Thank all of you who attended our last conversation with the Minister. If you missed it you can request the replay and all the information contained therein by email from: info@wintradeglobal.com
Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE FRSA, FKCL, FSGCW
You are also welcome to email us: info@wintradeglobal.com Or download your Government support e-book here http://bit.ly/GOV_COVID_ BAME_BIZ_FUNDING