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p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e S p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e T h e E a gl e s h ave l a n d e d a ga i n

After several years of wandering around and searching for a home, in 1981, Melita Eagles Football Club landed at Everleigh Park South Granville and gave birth to Melita Stadium. Forward to the year 2023, the club lost the lease of the Melita Stadium, and the search for a new home began once again

Most of the old brigade is gone, but recently there has been an attempt for Melita Eagles to be given another life; for the phoenix to rise again


There is a legacy not to be forgotten

Mark Tanti, the current President of Melita Eagles Sports Club Ltd, who his father raised as a staunch supporter of Melita Eagles, is determined to seek a new path.

With a few other dedicated supporters, they approached the La Valette Social Centre at Blacktown to take Melita Eagels under their wings, but negotiations failed

However, the Hamrun Club at Marsden Park has confirmed it will accommodate Melita Eagles at its premises, where it also has space for junior soccer fields, and kick-start this newly joined campaign

At a Sunday, 26 March meeting, Joe Borg, the Hamrun Club President, explained how it would work and what the two sides could contribute

The meeting agreed to ask Granville District to recover any EAGLES assets at Melita Stadium and transfer them to the Hamrun Club

Mark Tanti has appealed to new members and others willing to be part of this exciting project to come forward and to support it.

*Marsden Park is a suburb of Sydney in the state of New South Wales, Australia Marsden Park is located 49 kilometres



The suburb takes its name from Samuel Marsden (1764–1838), a Church of England priest and landowner in the area

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