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First ANZAC Sports Rowing Regatta April 25

On the afternoon of ANZAC Day, 25 March, the University of Malta Rowing Club Malta is to host the inaugural ANZAC Day U/18 Beach Sprints Regatta at Golden Bay, featuring the best 35 rowers selected from schools in the state of South Australia and others from New Zealand and Malta

The event, part of the commemoration of ANZAC DAY, will serve as remembrance and awareness of WWI and Malta’s contribution and connection with ANZAC’s 58,000 wounded ANZACS that were treated, nursed and buried in Malta


John Calleja, a resident of South Australia who is the campaign Director of the meeting, will lead the competing athletes during a 10-day stay in Malta – 17 to 26 April – that will also involve daily cultural activities

The athletes would be involved in coastal water training (in the mornings) and social events for the participants throughout their stay The afternoons are set for visits to unique sites on the island as part of history and education for the students, teachers and supporting staff

They include visits to the Malta War Museum, the Tarxien Temples, the Archaeology Museum in Valletta, the Ta’ Qali Crafts Visit and Aviation Museum

Talks about Malta with particular attention to ANZAC, lectures on rowing in Malta and an introduction to the hydrodynamics of coastal wowing are also planned

On ANZAC Day in the morning, the visitors will also attend the Commemoration Ceremony at the Pieta Military Cemetery, a service dedicated to all those Australians and New Zealanders who lost their lives in action at Gallipoli in 1915

The purpose of this important event is summarised by the Hon Blair Boyer MP – Minister for Education in South Australia: “I am pleased to learn we have schools participating in the ANZAC regatta and planning is well underway for making the event a rality It will certainly be a wonderful experience for the students involved and be an opportunity to educate other young people in our schools about the role Malta played in supporting Australian service during WW1 & WWII I commend Malta ANZAC organisation in aiming to develop student understanding and appreciation of the significance of the Australia – Malta relationship during those challenging times in the 20th Century”

Meanwhile, a special limited edition commemoration badge has been designed for the event, available for only A$5 or €4, with part of the proceeds going towards the Malta Red Cross and future ANZAC sports

The badge consists of an open butterfly wing representing the wounded ready-to-come home – red & white colours of nurse uniforms/Malta flag/Red Cross – Australian Coat of Arms

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