Voice of VBC, May 23, 2017

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Of the people, By the people, For the people

Home of subscriber

Bonnie Sikes

TUESDAY, May 23, 2017 / Vol. 3 Issue 21 / 75 cents

‘Friendliest county around’? Judge: Less money for county as case numbers fall The Van Buren County Quorum Court budget committee got some interesting numbers from a district judge at its May 16 meeting. In explaining why the county has received less revenue from District Court this year, Judge Susan Weaver said there has been a dramatic drop in criminal cases. Weaver, a self-described “numbers nerd,” shared figures to back up her statement: In 2009 there were 1,128 criminal cases; in 2016 there were 362. The number of cases, including traffic and oth-

er misdemeanors, has fallen from more than 3,000 to roughly 2,000, the figures show. Weaver said the county used to get about $700,000 in revenue from District Court. Now the figure is about $400,000. She said a criminal case such as theft of property can bring in as much as $400 or $500 for the county. A misdemeanor speeding ticket adds about $50 to county coffers. “I can’t bring in money if I don’t have cases,” the judge said. “Numbers speak.” She said because many people pay off

their fines over time, the effect of fewer cases wasn’t immediately apparent as the case numbers dropped each year since 2009. The Van Buren County sheriff’s office is writing fewer tickets, Weaver said. “Crime has not gone down,” she said. “They’re not catching ‘em,” said JP Kevin Housley. “Or they’re not stopping them,” said JP Dell Holt. “Or they’re not giving them tickets,” said JP Mary Philips. “You could call us the friendliest county around.” Philips added:

“Somebody’s not writing as many tickets as they used to, and we know it’s not just because people aren’t running red lights; everybody’s not observing the law and the speed limits.” Holt noted that the Clinton Police Department is stopping speeding drivers. Budget committee Chairman Dale James said the Quorum Court can’t control the sheriff’s office ticket-writing, but, “what we could do is use the power of the purse to encourage See Money on page 3

Clinton’s Allie Hensley won the Arkansas High School 20th annual Heptathlon with 4,393 points at Panther Stadium in Cabot last week. Hensley, a Clinton High School senior, finished second in the event last year. In the Decathlon, Clinton’s Bradley Amos finished seventh. (Photo from Facebook)

Woman charged in shooting

Class of 2017 – The South Side-Bee Branch Class of 2017 onstage to receive their diplomas Sunday, May 14. See Section B for a salute to the county’s seniors. (Photo from Facebook)

Concerts, Homecoming near The Van Buren County Community Band will perform a Memorial Day concert at 6 p.m. Monday, May 29, 2017, at Archey Fork Park behind Subway. If it rains, the concert will be held at the Van Buren County Fairgrounds. In Fairfield Bay,

the Army National Guard Band will be in concert from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, May 28, at the Amphitheater in Woodland Mead Park. The band will play a mixture of music including patriotic, smooth jazz, gentle rock and oldies but goodies. The band, known as the

Charlie Rock Band, is the premier rock band from the 106th Army Band Arkansas Army National Guard out of Camp Robinson. The concert is sponsored by the North Central Arkansas Foundation for the Arts and Education. There is no admission cost for ei-

ther concert. Homecoming: The 50th annual Shirley Homecoming is set for June 2-3. Mayor Lisa Hackett says there is still time to sign up as a craft vendor or to take part in the parade. Call Shirley City Hall at 723-8290 for more information.

A Clinton man is in a Little Rock hospital after being shot in the chest last week. According to an arrest affidavit, Janet Weaver of Blue Spruce Road near Alread fired several shots from a .38 caliber Special, striking Ed Chalupski in the chest about 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 17. Deputies responded to the scene about 11:20 p.m. and a witness gave them the identity of the woman, the affidavit states. Sheriff Scott Bradley went to her home, according to the affidavit, and Weaver went to the sheriff’s office about 5 a.m. May 18 and was interviewed. Weaver, 54, said in the interview that she rode her lawn mower to a residence on Pumpkin Center Road to return some fishing tackle around 9 p.m. She said Chalupski was waiting by a downed tree in the darkness where he stepped out and

pointed a firearm at her, according to the affidavit. Weaver said she fired a warning shot at Chalupski, then followed him as he retreated into the house. Weaver said she remained just outside the kitchen entry door. According to the affidavit, evidence suggests at least two more shots were fired into the house from this position where Weaver stood on the porch. Weaver claims that she sustained a gunshot wound from a round fired at her through the door. She said she then left the scene on her lawn mower. The affidavit states that the case is ongoing and additional charges may be added. Weaver has been charged with battery-first degree, a Class B felony. She was released on $10,000 bond. Arraignment is set for June 2, 2017.

Late delivery

The Post Office will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, so The Voice will be delivered one day later than usual. The Voice office will be closed on Memorial Day.

Don’t play with fire – Mainstreet Kids in Clinton received a visit from Smokey the Bear to hear about fire safety recently. (Photo by Lea Turner)

The Voice of Van Buren County

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Thelma Murray Shirley

Beverly Trimble of Florida spent Tuesday night with her aunt Joan Allen on her way to Branson, Missouri. Joan Allen and her daughters, Lavonne Bradford, Melba Mackey of Mt. Pleasant, Mississippi, Starla Mackey of Scotland, and Nona Vandergriff of Fairfield Bay went to Branson and stayed Wednesday through Friday. Garner Brown had heart surgery Wednesday at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock, and is home recovering now. This is the best Mother’s Day we have had since last year.

James & Joyce Burns Scotland

Sorry that I was under the weather last week and did not put anything into the paper. I have so many allergies and the pollen did a number on me. Maybe It will get better now that the Privets are about through blooming. At least we did not get all of the rain they predicted so now the ground can dry up and everyone can fix the ruts where they have gotten stuck. We are saddened by the death of Durward Jackson this week. His service was on Friday and there was a large attendance. Durward and his wife Yvonne both worked for the Scotland School District for several years. Someone made the comment that Mr. Jackson was one of the best bus drivers Scotland ever had. Barnett Bruce will have surgery on his hip on Monday, May 22. Prayers will be welcomed. Remember that on June 3 the First Saturday Breakfast will be at 8 a.m. and after we get things

May 23, 2017

cleaned up they will start preparation for the Alumni Banquet in the evening. We hope both are well attended and everyone has a good visit and a great time. If anyone has Scotland News they can call James Burns at 592-3935 and he will see that it gets into the paper.

Patsy Ward Fermosa

The Van Buren County EH Clubs had our annual bake and plant sale on the 9th. We had a pretty good sale in spite of the rain. Marva and RG Ward took care of Rylan and Landon over the week end while Erica and Frankie took their last load to Greenwood. Erica came back for them on Monday, now they are all settled in their new home in Greenwood. I’ll bet I know someone who will miss them very much! Congratulations to Caitlin Cody who is graduating at Clinton this month, also to Preston Honeycutt who will be graduating at Center Ridge. Caitlin is planning on going to UCA in the fall and Preston will be going to college in Morrilton. I would also like to say congratulations to my great-niece, Ashley Beckham, she will be graduating at Shirley. Also want to congratulate Justine James, she will graduate this week at Clinton. My third cousin, Ryan Longshore will also graduate at Clinton, congrats Ryan! Seems all these kids are growing up on me and It don’t seem like its been just a very few years since they were born. I guess that’s a sign that I am getting old. Oh well, that’s life. Margie Pounds and I went bowling at Conway on Tuesday, we had fun and I actually bowled some good games and one

The VOICE of Van Buren County

260 Griggs Street/ P.O. Box 1396 / Clinton, AR / 72031 tel: (501) 745-8040 / fax: (501) 745-8077 Editor / General Manager Anita Tucker - voiceeditor@artelco.com Advertising / Office Manager

Terry O’Connor - voiceads@artelco.com Subscription Rates: $25 per year in Van Buren County $35 per year outside of county Subscriptions or Circulation Customer Service voiceads@artelco.com or (501) 745-8040 To Submit News: voiceeditor@artelco.com Letters to the Editor: voiceeditor@artelco.com Display and Classified Advertising: voiceads@artelco.com or (501) 745-8040

Deadline to submit news items, letters and all advertising: 4:00 p.m. Thursdays The VOICE of Van Buren County is published weekly on Tuesday by VBC Communications, LLC 260 Griggs Street, Clinton AR 72031 USPS Permit # 16970 effective 10-13-2015 Periodicals Postage paid at Clinton AR. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to The VOICE of Van Buren County P. O. Box 1396, Clinton, AR 72031

was a 202! Condolences go out to the family of Donnie Isom, he will be missed by lots of us. He was a very sweet person. Until next week, God bless and have a good week.

Jeff Burgess Crabtree

The Senior Night Potluck and Fun Night is Friday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the old sanctuary kitchen of the Crabtree Foursquare Church. The mature public is invited. "RallyX" car racing comes to Crabtree on Saturday. Drivers' meeting begins at 9 a.m. Spectators can watch for free anytime during the day. Refreshments will be available. Sponsored by the Sports Car Club of Arkansas, drivers can register online in advance or the morning of the event at the site. The half-mile track challenges drivers with twists and turns during timed races. "It's about the safest and cheapest racing around," says organizer Jonathan Jackson. For more info call 501-253-4318. The signs of summer's coming increase. The blackberry flowers have gone and fruit is forming. Ants have started showing up in my kitchen. The fruit of the mulberry tree is almost full size. Sugar peas from my gar-

den are producing well. And I've heard my first extended whippoorwill call of the season, although neighbors say they've heard them as long as two weeks ago. Another sign of the coming warmer weather is increased motorcycle traffic on 16 West. Thanks to articles about 16 West in national motorcycle magazines, bikers from all over the nation come to experience the incredible scenery and exhilarating curves. Let's be mindful of their presence. Safety is no accident. "Blooms of Note" going on now include: catalpa tree, penstemon, prickly pear and purple coneflower (echinacea). If you have info about the greater Crabtree and 16 West community call or text Jeff Burgess, 745-1249.

There was a work day this past Tuesday to help clean up Plant Cemetery. The volunteers did a great job and the graves are looking beautiful. My family has been hit with sickness and trials the past two weeks. If you do not mind, please say a prayer for us. Our oldest son, Shane, received two awards from school: The Perseverance Award and the Good Citizen Award. May 22nd he will graduate from kindergarten! Our youngest son, Hunter, also received an award in pre-school this week. He was awarded the Teddy Bear Award for being so lovable. If you have any news please contact me at 745-4639 or e-mail paigeberger2013@gmail.com.

Homecoming on Friday and Saturday, June 2-3. Lots of old friends, food, parade, games, music and the famous terrapin races. The Shirley Senior Center will be serving a barbecue plate at lunchtime on Saturday. Also there will be a sale and food at the Fairfield Bay Center on Saturday. See you there. We have several talented folks playing music. Roy Moore, Mark Daniels, Shirley Dunn and John Wickman are good entertainers. Rosemary Gunn brought the most beautiful magnolia blossom to the Clinton Center for all to enjoy. Emily Johnson also brought some flowers. Thanks for sharing and brightening our day. Good to have Norma (the milk lady) back from her illness. Ham and beans were really good Wednesday. But … somebody forgot to put the cobbler in the warmer. A bunch of people showed up for fish Thursday. Pineapple dessert was great. Even Ms. Hink said it was good. We appreciate our talented cooks. Shirley Center had some really good chili on Wednesday. Sometimes it pays to comment on the food! When you speak, the cooks listen. Warm weather is here. Get out and enjoy it. Bring a friend. God bless you.

Words of Wisdom

Kay Weaver Amanda Berger Highway 110

Senior Centers

Make plans to attend the Shirley

from Jason Lynch:

Salt and sugar look exactly the same. Be careful who you trust.

Our community has suffered a great loss. Donnie Isom passed away Monday, May 15. Please remember to keep Helen, family, and friends in your prayers. We have a few people celebrating their birthdays this week! Happy birthday to Pam Lasater, Dan Prout’s sister-inlaw Sharon, Tristan Hedge and Sharon Bilbo! Happy birthday to you all!

The Van Buren County Water Association is accepting nominations for the following board positions: Position 1 Banner Mountain, Position 2 Cleveland/Scotland Area, and Position 3 Austin/Formosa Area. Persons interested in filling one of these

positions will be required to present a written request to the VBCWA office by 4:00 PM July 30th2017. Candidates must be members of the association. Candidacy will not be considered if written request is not received by July 30, 2017.

For more information contact: Cleo Mathes 501-745-2220

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The Voice of Van Buren County

May 23, 2017

Page 3A

Clean-up and decoration Bluffton Cemetery has scheduled a clean-up day for Saturday, June 3. Decoration at Bluffton will

be Saturday, June 17 with a business meeting beginning at 10 a.m.

Decoration services set Huie/Hunter-Hill Cemetery will hold Decoration Day services on Memorial Day, May 29, 2017. The Boy Scouts will present a flag ceremony at 10:30 a.m., followed by a guest

speaker, poetry readings and singing. A potluck will be served around noon. Everyone is welcome. For more information call Richard McCormac at 253-7459.

Police Report Clinton Police Department/5-9-5/15

Incident Reports – 13 Non-reportable calls: Calls for service – 32 Property checks/extra patrol – 32 Motorist assists – 1 ATM/Bank escorts – 2 Other agency assists – 4 Funeral escorts – 1 Alarm – 1

Calendar The CALL is sponsoring a meeting at 6 p.m. June 6 at Grace Church on how to become a foster/adoptive parent or volunteer. Arkansas

School sign – A new sign has appeared at Clinton High School.

Ready to hit – Keeling Coats is up to bat for the Clinton Stingers.

(Photo by Robery Snyder/for the Voice)

(Photo by Robert Snyder/for the Voice)

Warnings issued – 20 Citations issued: Speeding – 20 Driving on suspended license –1 Failure to register – 1 Possession of controlled substance – 1 Possession of drug paraphernalia – 6 No proof of insurance – 3 Failure to obey traffic control device – 1 Theft by receiving – 1

has more than 5000 children who need homes, and Van Buren County is in need of foster families. For more information contact Kenny Wyatt at 501-251-7331 The MUTTS Club

Domestic batter-third degree –2 Assault – 1 Careless driving – 1 Shoplifting – 1 Passing a stopped school bus – 1 Defective equipment – 1 Permit unauthorized person to drive – 1 No drivers license – 1 No lamp on load – 1 Total citations issues: 44

is sponsoring a rabies vaccination clinic Thursday, June 1, from 9-11 a.m. at the Damascus Town Hall and from 1-3 p.m. at the Van Buren County Animal Shelter. Call 745-2121 for more information.

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Wedding shower set A wedding shower in honor of Missy Taylor and Jimmy Taylor will be held from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Bee Branch Fire Department. The couple is registered at Walmart. Hostesses are Fay Haynes and Bonnie Teague.


-The Idlehour Bridge Club met Thursday, hosted by Billie Fendley. Winners for the evening were: high, Lou Burgess; second high, Rita BIintliff; traveling, Billie Fendley; and bingo, Gay Whillock. See Money on page 3 it.”

“Get them out of the doughnut shop and get them working,” Housley said. Housley went on to say: “A lot of politics involved in here, I know a boy that got stopped like four times in a two-week span and never got a ticket, and finally a state trooper stopped him.” The sheriff’s office did not return a phone call from the Voice seeking comment Friday. The subject was not brought up two days later at the May 18 meeting of the entire Quorum Court. Sheriff Scott Bradley was not present. At Thursday’s meeting, there was some discussion about what to do with two dogs that have been at the Van Buren

Think positive How many times have we heard that advice? And how do we pick up this habit? Without knowing it, we complain, we nitpick, we stress about little things, we find faults in others, we see the bad in people and situations. Changing that habit can drastically change your life. It's a hard habit to break, but you can change it a little at a time. Begin with a small gratitude session, and really be thankful. Really feel the joy that something or someone is in your life. Make a list of what you are grateful for and express that gratitude. I've had times in my life where I was down and I wondered why I was stuck. I felt hopeless, helpless and blue at the time. Then one day as i was driving, I started noticing the beauty of where we live and

County Animal Control facility for about two months because they were in a car with their owner when he was arrested. Director Reta Tharp said the inmate is going to be in jail “for a while,” and the fee for keeping the dogs is $10/ day for each. County attorney Chad Brown told Tharp to send the inmate a letter saying the dogs are considered abandoned and will be forfeited. Also Thursday, Circuit Court Clerk Debbie Gray asked the JPs to transfer a penny out of the clerk’s account. The penny was deposited by Arkansas Court Connect as a test when the court’s filing system became electronic only and it has never been removed. “I know it’s crazy,” Gray said, but AOC says the penny needs to be moved on through the account. “I move

Stop and Shop! We have a new load of summer arrivals at great prices!

Deb's Fashions



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Geri’s Fit Tips I thought how blessed we are to live here and I decided at that moment to focus on the good so even when I think things are not going well I realize I'm actually doing just fine. So make a list of what you are grateful for, notice positive things throughout your day and express gratitude to others. Compliment others. Lift them up. Change your life from one of negativity to one of gratitude and watch your life and other lives change too. "Anyone can find the dirt in someone, be the one that finds the gold" – Proverbs 11:27

we accept the transfer of that penny,” said James. The voice vote was unanimous. The JPs also approved an ordinance to transfer $2,000 to the sheriff’s office for the South Side School Resource officer after changing the wording from “bonus” to “lump sum payment.” James said the county cannot pay its employees bonuses. The money is from a grant the school received, and JP Todd Burgess wanted to know why the funds can’t just come from the school instead of going through the county. He expressed concern that it is unfair for one resource officer to get the extra money while Shirley School’s officer does not. (Clinton no longer has a resource officer.) The vote was 8-1 with Burgess voting against the ordinance.

The Voice of Van Buren County

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Donnie Isom

Gerald Don "Donnie" Isom was born May 4, 1949 to the late Charley and Gracie (Bigelow) Isom in Clinton, Arkansas and passed away May 15, 2017 at his home in Clinton. He was a devout Christian and truck driver for over 37 years. Donnie retired from Arkansas' Best Freight in 2013 with over a million miles of safe driving. He was also a veteran of the United States Army and served in the Vietnam War. He is preceded in death by his parents, six siblings, Nina Jean Isom, Charles Isom Jr., Jackie D. Isom, Nancy George, Jean McCaslin, Doris Horton, and one nephew, Jamie Horton. Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Helen (Treece) Isom; one son, Andy Isom (Ashley) of Beebe, Arkansas, one niece, Tracy Hastings (Shon) and her children; five sisters, Margaret Johnson of Clinton, Lois Treece (Larry) of Shirley, JoAnn Isom, of Shirley, Elsie Hensley (Jerry) of Little Rock, and Martha Mulford (Mark) of Harrison; two brothers, Allen Isom of Clinton, and Charlie Isom (Maxanne) of Center Ridge; other relatives and many friends. Visitation was Thursday, May 18, 2017 at Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Clinton. Funeral services followed at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Interment at PeeDee Cemetery near Clinton. For online guest book, www.rollerfuneralhomes.com/clinton

Durward Jackson

Durward Jackson, 90, of Clinton was born February 22, 1927 to the late Floyd and Hattie

(Yates) Jackson and passed from this life May 17, 2017 in Clinton. Durward was a devout Christian. He loved his church and to play and sing gospel music. He is preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Chester Jackson and Paul Jackson; three sisters, Mary Marie Matthews, Bonnie Cato and Mae Louise Jackson. Left to cherish his memory are his wife of almost 70 years, Yvonne Jackson; three children, Nathalee Lowder (Jerry), Ronald Jackson (Dovie), and Janet Kirkendoll (Jimmie); six grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; one greatgreat-grandchild; other relatives and many friends. Visitation was Thursday, May 18, 2017 at the Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Clinton. Funeral services were 10 a.m. Friday, May 19, 2017 at the Christian Lighthouse Church on Scotland-Formosa Road.

Walter Tharp Sr.

Walter Lafayette Tharp Sr. 80, of Shirley, Arkansas passed from this life May 16, 2017. Walter was born in Doddsville, Mississippi to the late Okley and Kathleen (Hodges) Tharp. Walter served in the United States Navy and had a bachelor’s degree in Engineering. After retirement, Walter became a Realtor, where countless strangers became friends and his witness of Jesus changed many lives. He loved to be outdoors, everywhere he stepped he was planting or gathering. Walter loved life, his family and the Lord. Whatever his hands found to do he did with all his might. Walter Tharp is preceded in death by his parents, one sister Patsy and one granddaughter Hannah. Still here to cherish his memory are his wife of 57 years, Lynda Ann Tharp ;

his three sons, Walter Jr. and Trent of Rome, Georgia, and Shane (Kimberly) of Shirley, Arkansas; three brothers, Oakley, Lewis and Danny; one sister, Betty; eight grandchildren, Walter III, Lauren Jane, David, Megan, Elizabeth, Joseph, Haley and Abigail Tharp; and one great-granddaughter, Micheala Langley. Visitation was Thursday, May 18, 2017 and funeral services followed at 10 a.m. at Roller-McNutt Chapel in Clinton, Arkansas. Interment was at Woodlawn Cemetery in Edgemont, Arkansas. For online guest book, www.rollerfuneralhomes.com/clinton

2017 at the First Baptist Church in Fairfield Bay, Arkansas. Funeral services was 3 p.m. at the church with Pastor Tony Thomas, Pastor Darrell Black and Rev. Ester Bass officiating. Burial was at Bradford Cemetery in Shirley. Arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Dustin Lott, Luke Lucas, Kevin Blackman, Casey Dunn, Sydney Barron, Timmy White, and honorary pallbearer, Wade Lucas Sr. Online guest book, www.rollerfuneralhomes.com/clinton

Cecil Haley

Dwinaline Barron

Dwinaline Leighton Barron, 71, of Shirley, Arkansas, passed away on May 15, 2017 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dwinaline was born in Plant City, Florida to the late William R. and Easter Mae Leighton on March 28, 1946. She was a graduate of Plant City High School and was married to Keith R. Barron on September 19, 1964. Dwinaline was involved in ministry for 48 years, 28 of those years were full time, on the road all over the USA. She was a faithful servant to her family and God. Dwinaline is preceded in death by her parents, her brother, Donald Leighton, and her sister, Doris Butler. Dwinaline is survived by her husband; her daughter, Heather L. Dunn (Casey); three brothers, Dawson Leighton, Doyle Leighton, Dalton Leighton; four sisters, Desiree Catrick, Dorothy Johnson, Donie Pruitt, Doritha Spier; two grandchildren, Blain Lassiter and Alexus Dunn; other relatives and a vast number of friends. Visitation was Saturday, May 20,

Cecil Haley, 83, of Shirley passed away Friday, May 19, 2017 at Ozark Health in Clinton. Born August 23, 1933 to the late Cecil and Katherine Haley Pitts in Dyersburg, Tennessee, Cecil was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean Conflict and a retired riverboat pilot of 52 years on the Mississippi River. Cecil was a member of the VFW and a fixture at the Huddle House every morning. Left to cherish his memory are his son, Cecil Haley Jr.; sisters, Louise Royer and Jean Palmer; his family at the Huddle House; as well as other family and friends. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Arrangements by Clinton Funeral Service. To sign Cecil's book of memories, go to www.clintonfuneralservice. com

May 23, 2017 could have not unfolded any better, with family at his side. He was 79, and battling the final stages of dementia – observing this disease for the past five years in particular was quite an experience, especially for him. Warren was born on March 8, 1938 to Harlene Francis (Hutton) and James Bert Hensley in Marshall, Arkansas. He married Marsha Ann Brown on May 20, 1961 in Scottsdale, Arizona. He received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Arkansas in Accounting. He worked for Chevron as an accountant for 27½ years until he retired in 1992. He was a special father, grandfather, husband and friend. He loved to fish and deer hunt, loved all kinds of music and played the guitar and mandolin. He also loved people, Arkansas football, waterskiing and Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream. Warren was a member of Southern Hills Baptist Church for 45 years. He is survived by his wife, Marsha Ann Brown Hensley; daughter, Lesley Regan Hensley Campbell and her husband, Tim; daughter, Holly Michelle Hensley Hughes and her husband, Shawn; grandchildren, Taylor Edmondson, Tyler Ward and Blake Birdsell. A memorial service was held Saturday, May 20, 2017, at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Barry Hall

Warren Hensley

Barry Lee Hall, 60, of Clinton was born March 24, 1957 to Beverly (Geisel) Hall and the late Donal J Hall in Fayetteville, Arkansas and passed from this life May 17, 2017.

Barry was a devout Christian. He was a chef and manager of restaurants for 15 years. Barry also owned Barry’s Vac Doc in Clinton. He was a coach and the president of the Van Buren County Soccer Association. Barry loved to fish, cook and spend time with his family and friends. Left to cherish his memory are his son, Billy Hall of Conway; his mother, Beverly Hall of Clinton; and his sister, Carole Ewing (Jay) of Pasadena, California. Visitation was Sunday, May 21, 2017 at Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Clinton. Funeral services followed at 3 p.m. at the funeral home. Interment was at Foster Cemetery in Scotland, Arkansas. There will also be a memorial service at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 3, 2017, at Family Life Bible Church, Conway, Arkansas. Memorials may be made to Renewal Ranch, P.O. Box 11128, Conway, AR 72034. Online guest book: www.rollerfuneralhomes.com.

Irene McCoy

Irene Guinn McCoy, age 87, of Center Ridge, Arkansas, passed away, May 14, 2017. She was born, April 17, 1930 in Woolverton Mountain, Arkansas, a daughter of Elmer Guinn and Alta Wilson Guinn. She was the widow of W.H. McCoy; a retired machinist and member of First Baptist Church of Center Ridge. She loved sewing, gardening, taking care of her chickens, shopping with her daughter, and cooking for her family. Survivors include her daughSee Obituaries on page 5

Warren Alexander Hensley passed peacefully at his home Sunday, May 7, 2017. His last hours



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The family of Emma Sue Fraser would like to thank everyone for the food, visits, phone calls and prayers during the loss of our loved one. Words cannot express how grateful we are for the kindness shown to us during our time of sorrow. We especially want to thank the staff of Ozark Health Nursing Home and Hospice for the extraordinary care and love shown to "Ms. Emma" over the past four months. Susan and Grady Baker Lisa and Bob Lamb Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren

The Voice of Van Buren County

May 23, 2017



Music Scene

Growing up, some of my favorite songs grew out of the Motown record label. I didn't know much about the label other than it had a lot of fantastic songs that I enjoyed. You see, music, to me, is universal. If it's good, it's good. Looking back on it now, I truly believe that Motown was one of the biggest contributing factors for breaking down the walls of segregation in a racially divided era. At the time, I didn't know how it got started or why. I just thought it was another one of many record labels. Man, was I ever wrong! One of the first records I bought as a youngster was a double album (dark blue) with a drawing of the Supremes on the front. It was packed full of goodies such as "Baby Love," "Where Did Our Love Go," "You Can't Hur-

Page 5A

The sound that grabbed the world

Jeff Stansbery

ry Love," and "Stop! in the Name of Love," just to name a few. The title was "Diana Ross and the Supremes Greatest Hits." So, how did the "Motown" label come about, and where did the name "Motown" come from? This is something I also found quite fascinating, and unless you already know the humble beginnings of Motown, I think you may find it interesting as well. Motown, of course, stands for more than just the historic music. The label and its remarkable legacy is a reflection of the hard work of dedicated individuals overcoming incredible obstacles to achieve great success. Well over a half century ago, on January 12, 1959, to be exact, a young African-American songwriter named Berry Gordy founded his company with a loan

of $800 from his family, marking the birth of the "Motown Records Corporation." Because Detroit had long been known as the "Motor City," Gordy, in tribute to what he felt was the down-home quality of the warm, soulful people he grew up around, used "town" in place of "city" which gave him the contraction "Motor Town" and the perfect name for his company and new label – Motown. A man of vision, drive, talent and determination, Berry Gordy was also a producer, innovative entrepreneur, and teacher. The phenomenal success of Motown Records is a tribute to all that he embodies and all the talent that he brought out in others. Under his leadership, and through determination and support of the Motown family of artists, Gordy forged new grounds for minorities and made the "Motown Sound" a worldwide phenomenon beloved by millions to this day. Berry Gordy be-

lieved in turning negatives into positives. He always learned from his experiences and applied them to his business. The tedious time he spent working on the assembly line at Detroit's Lincoln-Mercury automotive plant he put to good use: "Every day I watched how a bare metal frame, rolling down the line would come off the other end, a spanking brand new car. What a great idea! Maybe, I could do the same thing with my music; create a place where a kid off the street could walk in one door, an unknown, go through a process, and come out another door, a star." That little thought that came to him while running up and down that assembly line became a reality we now know as "Motown." Motown was the first African-American-owned record label to reach widespread national acclaim. Motown broke down racial prejudice by becoming the most successful independent record company in history and the most successful African-American-owned business in America. Today, Motown is not only the greatest pop music hit factory ever heard, but an institution, a state of mind, a way of life, a style, the "Sound of Young America." The distinctive, upbeat and uplifting music brought together pop and soul, white and black, old and young, like never before and continues to this day. Regardless of race or social background, teenage girls admired Diana Ross and teenage boys pretended

to be Smokey Robinson. Motown became the heartbeat of American pop music. With multi-platinum artists ranging from the Miracles, Temptations, Four Tops and Supremes to Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, and the Jackson 5, the House that Gordy built had and has no rival. Motown defined the term "crossover" not only on record and stage, but also behind the scenes. After breaking down barriers and having pop radio embrace Motown artists, Berry Gordy set his sights on television and movies. He booked his artists on popular shows such as American Bandstand and the Ed Sullivan Show. After captivating national audiences with repeat performances on these shows, The Supremes were the first R&B act to play the country's most prestigious night club, New York's Copacabana, which paved the way for other R&B acts into the top cabaret circuits around the world. When Motown was housed in its famed Hitsville U.S.A. offices at 2648 West Grand Boulevard in Detroit, it was not just a location; history would be made there. In fact, Berry Gordy created a 24-hour hit-making and artist development factory, nurturing the artistic talent of the singers, writers, producers, as well as corporate executives. After Gordy purchased that first Detroit property, he converted the garage into a small recording studio and the kitchen into the control room. The compa-

ny's first signing was the Miracles, led by Smokey Robinson, and its first release was Marv Johnson's "Come to Me," January 21, 1959. But its first major hit was Barrett Strong's "Money (That's What I Want)," a song co-written by Gordy himself, which reached No. 2 on Billboard's R&B chart in 1960. A year later, the Miracles would score the company's first million seller with "Shop Around." That same year, teen girl group the Marvelettes landed the company's first pop No. 1, "Please Mr. Postman," while the label signed two young groups, the Supremes and the Temptations. Within three years, those two groups would lead Motown into the mainstream, when the Supremes launched an unprecedented string of five consecutive No. 1 hits, starting with "Where Did Our Love Go," while the Temptations released the eternal Motown classic, "My Girl." In 1968 the company had five records out of the Top 10 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart accomplishing another unprecedented feat by seizing the top three spots for a full month. In the late 80's and 90's all of Motown's major artists were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Upon his own induction in 1988, Motown's founder was given the following tribute: "Gordy endeavored to reach across the racial divide with music that could touch all people, regardless of the color of their skin."

Obituaries from page 4

children and three great-great-grandchildren; sister, Sharon (Glen) Woolverton of Woolverton Mountain; brothers, David (Mae) Guinn of Greenbrier, and Roger Guinn of Woolverton Mountain. She was preceded in death by her

parents and husband, sons, Thomas and Elmo McCoy; grandson Quenton Riley; sisters, Loetta Rhoades, Minnie Lee Flowers, Minnie Katherine Mason, Loula Faye Hill; and brother, Junior Guinn. Graveside services were 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 17, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery near Center Ridge. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home of Morrilton.

ter, Helen Christene "Chris" (Robert) Weston of Center Ridge; granddaughter, Marcella Riley of Morrilton; grandson, Dex (Mindy) Barclay of Center Ridge; nine great-grand-

Page 6A

The Voice of Van Buren County

May 23, 2017


Church was started in 1927 By Larry Lumpkins

Harmony Mountain Church of Christ was founded in June 1927 at its present location. It also was a school until the 1940s. Henry Franklin Cates was one of the founders and the first minister. He served until the 1950s. His family moved to the area in 1823 and settled on Harmony Mountain and PeeDee Creek. The building was blown away in a tornado in the 1940s, and was rebuilt using the same lumber from it and the cannery that was behind the church. It served the community, and even had a baseball team, up until the 1960s. Elbert Cates was one of the players. Pie suppers and box socials were common up until the 1970s. Cates, Cullum, Loftis, Quattlebaum, Story, Mills, Stripling, Wilson and Lumpkins are some of the families that have a long history with this old family-style church (where everyone who shows up is family).

The descendants of the founders still attend, as the youngest three are the greatgreat-great-grandchildren of Henry and Lona Cates. Ms. Donna teaches the young. Uncle Wayne now leads singing. Ron and Paulette serve as minister, teacher. We have three ordained ministers to serve any need you have. Aunt Herlene Cates has been a member for 75 years. Ms. Billy also is a member who has been attending for 50 years-plus. We are a small church, but we teach the Bible, we don’t judge and we welcome all. If you need a church home, we welcome you, no matter what church, religion or background you were raised in. This is a church oriented in Christ, family and core. Come join us.

Share the story of your church. Send its history to voiceeditor@ artelco.com. Harmony Mountain Church of Christ

The Young Faith during trials Christian Homemaker By Amanda Berger

Throughout life, everyone encounters hardships. As a matter of fact, our family is going through one right now. It is hard. There are moments where I just want to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. I want to ask God “why” even though I know I shouldn’t. It is in our nature to question and doubt during difficult times. But it is during these difficult times that I feel God the closest to me. God commands us to not worry. In Mathew 6:25-34 is where this Scripture is found. In verse 34 He says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” In these Scriptures I find great comfort. It is a daily struggle to fight against my flesh and worry about how my family will be taken care of. This is where a person’s faith is tested.

I know personally it does me no good to sit around and worry. Usually that is where my greatest troubles occur; overthinking things. Being a homemaker I have a lot of time on my hands to do just that. I have a choice to either worry myself sick or to surrender my family’s trials over to God. When a person is broken that is the Holy Spirit work-

ing in a Christians life. In that brokenness we are vulnerable to God. We are more willing to surrender to Him. I do not believe that God will give us only what we can handle. I truly believe that God will give us more than we can handle so that we will wholly rely upon Him. We cannot change the situation on our own, but He can. As a mom I do not want

to see our boys have to suffer because of life situations. I choose to claim “I will not be defeated and I will not quit.” I will rejoice during the good and bad. I would rather have hope than be hopeless. I choose to not be shaken by afflictions because as a child of God, I know that there will be trials. Trials prune us to become mature Christians. When you consider that, you have a different outlook on sea-

sons in your life that are hard. You begin to see the Holy Spir-

it work. That is having faith during trials.

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May 23, 2017

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 7A

May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Caple May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Byers May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Hartsfield May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carolyn Lefler May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Kirkendoll May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric Reynolds May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Lyn Mays May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dusty Wilburn May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . Memory Passmore May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Cates May 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. R. Petty May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharon Hightower May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moteet Bakeman May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jimi Huie May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Hughes May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyke Johnson May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dale Kirkendoll May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teresa Johnson May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Briana Ragland May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anva Maxwell May 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torri Shepard May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randal Rodgers May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharon Bilbo May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronnie Spence May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rory Bradley May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dylan Stewart May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monica Cooley May 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Wilburn May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie Dollar May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jake Amen May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jess Harper May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Bradley May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck Schmucker May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Carrell May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jasa Heffington May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dell Holt May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Hill May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gene Hurt May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Ross May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie Rowe May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Wooley May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . Doris Southerland May 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Justin Begelow May 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brook Strickland

Make us your Birthday Headquarters!

Main Street Florist & Gifts Happy Birthday Wishes

We will have a Monthly Drawing from the Birthday names for a gift from one of the Birthday Page Sponsors! Simply stop by our office and add your family and friends to our birthday list or email names and dates to us at thevoice@artelco.com or call us (501) 745-8040.

Tammie Williams, owner 374 Main Street Clinton, AR • (501)745-3569 We deliver same day. Teleflora & FTD Wire Services Available

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P.E.H. Supply Inc. Plumbing, Electrical, Hardware, Industrial.

Happy Birthday Wishes to You! Cletes "Bill" Blantz, owner MMC (SW) U.S. Navy (Ret.) 4319 Highway 65 South Clinton, Arkansas 72031 Phone: 501-745-6222 Fax: 501-745-2102

Page 8A

The Voice of Van Buren County

Fun & Games

Weekly Crossword

By EuGene Smith


Here at The Voice of Van Buren County, we love puzzles and games, contests and prizes. And we want you to play along with us. Solve our Word Find puzzle and enter for a chance to win a prize. Puzzle entry may not be a photocopy, originals from newspaper only. Let us know “Where In the County Is This?” and you become eligible for our drawing for a one-year subscription to The Voice. There will be one winner for each contest every month. To enter, mail your puzzles to The Voice / P.O. Box 1396 / Clinton, AR 72031 or drop them by our downtown office, 260 Griggs St., Clinton. You can also call us at 745-8040 to tell us where the week’s picture was taken. Deadline to enter is 2 p.m. June 2, 2017; drawing will be held at 4 p.m. June 2. This month's Word Find sponsor is Radio Shack, 117 Bone St., Clinton.

May 23, 2017

Where In the County Is This?

Where can you find this display in Van Buren County? Tell us for your chance to win a one-year subscription to The Voice. See Rules at left.

Quote of the week I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. - Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Our Van Buren County Family Album By Shay Belonie

(Look for answers on Page 2)

May 23, 2017

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 9A

Fishing Report Fish Arkansas

Central Arkansas

Little Red River (Greers Ferry Tailwater)

(updated 5-172017) Lowell Myers of Sore Lip˜em All Guide Service said the Little Red River has been seeing two units of generated water release from the Greers Ferry Dam 10-12 hours each day over the past week. We expect this schedule to continue this week, but anticipate longer periods of heavy generation to begin very soon. When fishing higher water, use long leaders and add weight to get your fly or Trout Magnet down for a good presentation. For fly-fishing, Lowell recommends San Juan worms, pheasant tails, sowbugs and streamers. Pink and red-colored Trout Magnet bodies on chartreuse heads are recommended for spin fishing. Always check before heading to the Little Red River by calling the Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District water data system (501362-5150) for Greers Ferry Dam water release information

Greers Ferry

As of Wednesday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at 469.95 feet msl. (normal conservation pool - 462.04 msl Oct. 1-April 30; 463.04 msl May 1-June 1; 462.54 msl June 1-Sept. 30). (updated 5-172017) Tommy Cauley of Fish Finder Guide Service said the water level at Greers Ferry Lake is at 470.10. It is falling and is 8.06 feet above normal pool of 462.04 feet and looks like will come back up soon due to rainfall. There are lots of sediment and stained water, and with the generation schedule, it will be that way for a while. All species are eating well and healthy. The hybrid and white bass are eating throughout the day at various time in 25-40 feet of water. Use in-line spinners, spoons, swimbaits and topwater lures for the best action, stay around the bait and the fish will show up. The crappie are eating in pole timber and the old bush line in 1525 feet on minnows jigs and shad with the shad spawn going on. The catfish are eating anything they can

find all over the lake; use the bait of your choice from 3-20 feet. The walleye are eating crawlers drug around in 12-14 feet, some on the inside of old bush line and some on the outside. The bream have finished their first spawn of the year and are eating small crankbaits, crawlers and crickets. The black bass are scattered shallow to deep, with some of the bigger fish roaming the shallows eating bream. A variety of baits is working on them as well.

Brewer Lake

(updated 5-172017) Larry Walters at Bones Bait Shop (501-354-9900) said the water level is normal and the surface temperature was 7475 degrees. Bream are close to the shore and are biting well on worms and crickets. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. They are in 8-20 feet of depth around brush tops and drop-offs. No reports on bass. Catfish are biting, but no reports on exactly what bait or where.

Lake Maumelle

(updated 2017) Vince


from Fish ’N Stuff (501834-5733) said bass are biting on topwater lures early in the morning. Bream are sitting on the beds and doing well on crickets.

Little Maumelle River

(updated 5-172017) River Valley Marina (501-5171250) said water clarity is murky and the water level now is low. Bream fishing is very good. The fish are on their beds and are biting worms and crickets. Crappie appear pretty much done. The ones being caught are biting minnows in about 6 feet of depth. Bass are good on spinnerbaits and plastic worms. Catfish reports were good, but little other info was available.

Arkansas River (Maumelle Pool)

(updated 5-172017) Zimmerman's Exxon (501-944-2527) reported that bream are fair in the backwater on crickets. Crappie are fair in the backwater in about 6 feet on jigs. Bass reports have been fair. Catfishing below the dam is excellent on skipjack, and snagging

Business Directory Put Your Business in this Directory voiceads@artelco.com

4755 Hwy 65s, Clinton, AR, 72031 (501) 745-2296 (501) 253-8985 phillipjonesrealestate@gmail.com

Arkansas fishing waters welcome a simple cane pole and can of worms, a graceful fly rod on a flowing river or a bass boat racing to a hot spot. Wherever you live, get out and enjoy our Arkansas waters. The

Natural State offers 9,700 miles of fishable streams and rivers, 600,000 acres of lakes, numerous bayous, creeks and sloughs, providing anglers the chance to land a trophy or catch a limit from a variety of freshwater species.

has been excellent as well.

ing (870-241-3731) said the clarity was dirty. The bream are good, though, and worms and crickets are getting a lot of response. Crappie are still good, and they're hitting minnows and jigs. Catfish are excellent. They are biting on about anything for bait, from hot dogs to worms. They are biting on it all, Donna Mulherin says. There was no report on bass. The water is too dirty for the bass, she says.

Bishop Park Ponds

(updated 5-172017) Lisa’s Bait Shop (501-778-6944) said catfish have been biting fair for customers using chicken livers, nightcrawlers and stink baits. Bream are biting worms and crickets. Crappie fishing has been slow. Bass have been biting fair for some fishing with minnows and red plastic worms.

Saline River Access in Benton

(updated 5-172017) Lisa’s Bait Shop (501-778-6944) said catfish are biting well on minnows, black salties and crawfish. Bass fishing has been good with minnows, crawfish and small Texas rigged plastics. Crappie are still biting No. 6 and pink minnows fished around brush and logs. Bream are almost always willing to bite crickets or worms fished on a small hook and light line around any type of cover in the river.

Peckerwood Lake

(updated 5-172017) Herman’s Land-

Lake Conway

(updated 5-172017) Bates Field and Stream (501-4701846) said clarity of the lake is clearer than normal. The water level is normal. Surface temperature was unavailable. Bream have been excellent around the shoreline on redworms and crickets. Crappie are fair. The fish are about 8 feet deep and mostly around the cypress trees. Use Bobby Garland crappie lures. Bass are excellent using crankbaits and soft plastic worms. Catfishing has been good on limblines and trotlines.

Jackson's Farm Service Water Well Drilling & Pump Installation & Well Services 501-253-4318

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The VOICE (501) 745-8040

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Got a story, a history or an event to share? Send it to: thevoice@artelco.com

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 10A

May 23, 2017


Photo by EuGene Smith

Thanks to all of you who called and correctly identified last week's featured church as Scotland Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church. If you can identify this Church call 745-8040. (Remember to give me a contact for the history of your Church. We want to print the history of every Church in Van Buren County. With your help, we will!) Antioch General Baptist Church 1608 Highway 9, Fox (870)363-4509 Archey Valley Community Church Highway 254, Chimes Bee Branch Baptist 11509 Hwy 65 South, Bee Branch 654-2630 Bethel Community Church 17904 Highway 95 W, Cleveland Botkinburg Baptist Church 9297 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 745-3530 Botkinburg Community Foursquare Church 7054 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 745-2311 Burnt Ridge Community Church 5846 Burnt Ridge Road, Clinton 745-6737 Calvary Missionary Baptist Church ABA 144 Nickie Ave., Clinton 745-3245 Choctaw Baptist Church 208 Highway 330 E, Clinton 745-7370 Choctaw Christian Center 4157 Highway 65 S, Choctaw 745-8264 Choctaw Church of Christ 233 Highway 330 E, Choctaw 745-8264 Christian Fellowship Church 674 Highway 658, Clinton Church of Christ 20452 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-5498 Church of the Nazarene 1664 Highway 65 S, Clinton Clinton Church of Christ 184 Third Street, Clinton 745-4252 Clinton Seventh-day Adventist Church 125 Skyhill Drive, Clinton 745-4532 Clinton United Methodist Church 636 Joe Bowling Road, Clinton 745-5181 Colony Church of Christ Hwy 92 E, Bee Branch Corinth Baptist Church 5158 Holley Mountain Road, Clinton Cornerstone Evangelical Church 3351 Highway 330 S, Fairfield Bay 884-6657 Crabtree Foursquare Church 11301 Highway 16 W, Crabtree 745-2894 Culpepper Community Church 6055 Highway 336 W, Culpepper Culpepper Mountain Church of Christ 118 South Essie Road, Culpepper Damascus United Methodist Church 17194 Highway 65 S, Damascus Eagle Heights Baptist Church Independent Fundamental VBC Fairgrounds, Clinton 757-0013

Eglantine Church of Christ 3796 Highway 330 S, Shirley 884-6880 Fairbanks Community Church 4753 Arkansas 356 E, Bee Branch Fairfield Bay Baptist Church 481 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3371 Fairfield Bay United Methodist Church 765 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3373 Faith Baptist Church Highway 65 N & Harper Mountain Lane Dennard,AR Faith Christian 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Faith Lutheran Church 310 Snead Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3375 First Assembly of God Church 2466 Highway 65 N, Clinton 745-2285 First Baptist Church of Clinton 211 First Baptist Road, Clinton 745-6113 First Baptist Church of Damascus 43 Oak Tree Road, Damascus 335-7440 First Baptist Church of Sugarloaf 557 Arkansas 337, Higden 654-2354 First General Baptist Church 664 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4043 First Pentecostal Church of Clinton Highway 65 S at 1128 Lyn Road, Choctaw Formosa Baptist Church 630 Highway 9 W, Clinton 745-7709 Formosa Church of Christ 6603 Highway 9 West Clinton AR. 745-4446 Friendship Baptist Church 1321 Third St., Clinton 745-7177 Full Gospel Tabernacle 128 Catland Lane, Shirley 723-4500 Grace Church 3793 Highway 65 S, Clinton 472-7462 Half Moon Baptist Church 1031 Half Moon Road, Clinton 745-2273 Harmony Mountain Church of Christ Quattlebaum and Harmony Mtn Roads 745-2059 Hope Community Church 905 Damascus Road, Quitman Immanuel Baptist Church 498 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-8528 Kaley Hill Missionary Baptist 6505 Highway 356, Bee Branch Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 3624 Highway 65 S, Clinton 745-8781

Kingdoms Gate Ministries 10973 Hwy 16E PO Box 335 Shirley, AR. 72153 Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church 250 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3304 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church ABA 229 Third St., Clinton Lexington Baptist Church 9525 Highway 110, Shirley 723-4787 Liberty Missionary Baptist Church 2712 Highway 254 W, Chimes Community Low Gap Community Chapel 4320 Low Gap Road, Alread Lute Mountain Community Church Victory Lane near Highway 16, Shirley 723-8299 MainLine Full Gospel 114 Mariposa Loop, Bee Branch 253-1005 Maranatha Assembly of God 11929 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8181 Mount Zion Church of Christ 1202 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-2572 Mount Zion General Baptist 2333 Mount Zion Road, Bee Branch 362-3807 New Beginning Church 12200 Highway 254 E, Dennard New Hope Baptist Church 4198 Highway 65 N, Clinton 757-2332 New Liberty Church of Christ 4815 Highway 95, Cleveland 669-2575 New Life Apostolic Church of Clinton 198 Richard Road, Clinton 745-6411 Peace Lutheran Church of Edgemont 10849 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-4726 Pee Dee Baptist Church 2744 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4115 Pine Grove General Baptist Church 102 Silvertree Road, Shirley Pine Mountain General Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, South of Bee Branch Plant Baptist Church 4897 Highway 110, Clinton 745-6887 Pleasant Grove Friendship Church 22210 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-8450 Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 5092 Banner Mtn Road, Shirley 723-4737

Pleasant Valley General Baptist No. 1 5153 Highway 92 W, Bee Branch Point Remove Baptist Church 10954 Highway 336 W, Formosa Rabbit Ridge Church of Christ 215 Rabbit Ridge Road, Bee Branch 745-4634 Red River of Life Church of God 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Rupert Baptist Church 21434 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-8593 Salem Primitive Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, Bee Branch Sand Springs Missionary Baptist Church Highway 124 E, Damascus 335-8003 Sardis Freewill Baptist 4141 Highway 124, Gravesville 335-8027 Scotland Baptist Church 278 Postal Lane, Scotland 592-3787 Scotland Church of Christ 297 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland Scotland Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church 1476 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland 592-3311 Shady Grove Baptist Church 5448 Shady Grove Road, Shirley 723-4273 Shady Grove Chapel 4790 Highway 254 E, Dennard Shirley Church of Christ 10509 Highway 16 E, Shirley 745-4859 Shirley Community Church/First United Methodist 784 Matthew Clark Memorial Drive, Shirley 723-4387 Shirley First Baptist Church 10277 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8171 South Side Baptist Highway 65 N, Damascus 335-7423 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 250 Woodlawn Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3349 St. Jude Catholic Church 3178 Hwy 65 S, Clinton 745-5716 Tabernacle of Praise 159 Boston Fern Road, Shirley 723-8280 The Gathering Ministry Outreach 80746 Highway 16 W, Rupert 745-3883 The New Tabernacle 12174 Highway 65 N, Dennard 514-8535 The Power House (non-denominational) 159 Mt. Zion Road, Bee Branch, AR 253-2385 Trace Ridge Bible Church Highway 254 W at Morris Road, Chimes Walnut Grove Church 6940 Highway 95 W, Clinton 745-3445 Zion Hill Missionary Baptist ABA 29129 Highway 16 W, Jerusalem 745-4467

Last Week's Featured Church

Scotland Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church 1476 Scotland-Formosa Road Scotland, AR 72141 (501) 592-3311

Clinton Liberty Tax Service saves your money! Phone: (501) 745-4829 Roses Country Fabrics Rose Hamilton, Owner rosecountryfabric@yahoo.com 306 Main St. Clinton, Arkansas


The Voice of Van Buren County

May 23, 2017

Page 11A

Classifieds • Legal





For Rent

I WANT TO BUY: Old Silver Dollar Coins, Old Silver 1/2 Dollar Coins, Guns in Any Condition Working or Not, Long Wheel Base Older Model Pick-Up, Call 501-745-2248 or 501-253-3875

Subscribe or Renew your Subscription to The VOICE of Van Buren County by calling (501)745-8040 or mail your check to

The VOICE of Van Buren County, P.O. Box 1396, Clinton, AR 72031

Yard Sale Sat, May 27, 7:00 until 5:00. 189 Jordan Lane in Choctaw. From Hwy 65 take Hwy 330 East. Go 4 & 1/2 miles. Turn left onto Water Rd then turn at the 2nd right onto Jordan Lane. 3rd house on left. Tents, Camping equipment, Couch, House hold items,Very nice Dresses and other Clothing, Adult sizes English Riding Clothing, Half Chaps. Everything is in very good condition. No Junk!


GARDEN PLANTS FOR SALE Yellow CrookedNeck Squash California Wanderers Peppers Thornless Blackberries

The North Central Adult Education Center is now offering FREE classes to prepare for U. S. Citizenship. For more information call or text Jan Henderson at (501)253-1320 or the Adult Education Center (501)745-6554. In addition the Adult Center offers classes toward obtaining a GED, Career Counseling and ESL instruction.

5 types of Tomatoes. #1 Better Boys #2 Goliah #3 Whoppers #4 Jet Star #5 Juliet Call: (501)745-2103

Shop Booth 75 at Howard's Antiques for crocheted items, knickknacks, dishes and jewelry.

RESEARCH SERVICES Reflect A Moment He said, "Agree with your adversary quickly,"

PERSONALS Readers, use these Personal Spots to say Happy Birthday, Wish someone Good Luck, Contact old friends, make new friends. Shout out that you are alive and well in Van Buren County. All kinds of things.

CHAMBERS' CABINETS Kitchens Cabinets, Bathroom Cabinets, Entertainment Centers, Book Cases, Laminate Tops Call Larry: (501)253-0835 Call Tom: (501)253-5142


The cost is $5.00 for 25 words.

Assistant Wanted

WANTED Horse drawn wagon or wagon parts in good condition. Call Tom 501-745-4378

for secretarial duties and light house-keeping. Computer skills a plus. Salary and housing on premises. Call for more info (501) 592-3945



Apartments and mobile homes in Bee Branch area. $400-$650/month. Deposit required. Call for availability (501) 581-8640 After 2:00 pm

Nice 1000 sqft 2-bedroom Duplexes with appliances. No Pets. No Smoking. $600-$650/month plus deposit. Call: 501-745-5858 or 501-412-7682

House for Rent

Commercial Building for Rent in Clinton. 1,600 square foot building located at 224 Shake Rag Road. Ideal for professional office space or business and HIPPA compliant for privacy. Central location and ample parking. Call 501-745-2800 for more information.

Commercial Office Space for Lease 3000 Sq Ft on Highway 65 next to LaRosita Excellent Condition (501)253-0924

2BR/1BA Central Heat/Air No pets No smoking Deposit and References required Call after 6:00 pm (501)745-2126

For Sale

FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 Bedroom cottage house with deck and storm cellar. Over looks downtown Clinton. Close to lake, river, hospital, Walmart. $47,000. Call for Appointment only. (501)206-9575

1983 Gurdon 14ft by 66ft Mobile Home 2BR/2BA in Clinton. Needs minor repair. Price $5000.00.

House for Rent in Scotland / Cleveland area

Call (501)772-2679.

2BR / 1BA $450/month plus deposit One Year Lease Call (501)745-4900 or (501)745-1593


Looking for a new location for your business or a restaurant???

Call: 501-425-7010


Take a look at this 2000 sqft rental space 253 Court Street Clinton, AR (501)745-1593

Cozy one Bedroom Lakefront Cabin 1BR/1BA House sits on 1 acre and is 1000 square feet Central heat/air


Looking for comfort and convenience? 2BR/1BA in Clinton near school and senior center. Central Heat/Air. All appliances. W-D connections. $475/month plus deposit. No Pets. Call: 253-1881


Last known address of decedent: 1121 Peach Road Jerusalem, Arkansas 72080 Date of Death: February 15, 2017 A Petition for Probate and for Appointment of Person Representative, was on April 22, 2017, admitted to probate and the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative thereunder. A contest of the probate can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. This notice first published the 16th day of May, 2017. John L. Johnson, Personal Representative By: /s/ Chad J. Brown Chad J. Brown Attorney for the Estate 203 Court Street Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-8801

Ozark Health Shows Gratitude Ozark Health celebrated National Hospital and Nursing Home Appreciation Week May 10 - May 17. During this fun filled week, $4,500.00 was given back to the employees. We appreciate all of our staff and we wanted to find ways to show our gratitude. The week started off with a breakfast served by the managers, a balloon release, and signing of the proclamation by Judge Hooper. On the second day, employees competed in Hungry Human Hippos for cash prizes. The employees had a great time, and also enjoyed snow ones while they played. The staff also enjoyed a cookout on Friday. Food vendors came and served an assortment of foods such as brisket, ham, chicken and a multitude of desserts. On Monday, random names were drawn to play Deal or No Deal

with a grand total of $2,000.00 worth of cash giveaways. We all had a great time, and some staff left with a little more jingle in the pockets. On Tuesday, Ping Pong Pass proved to be more challenging than expected. We saw the competiveness shine in our staff. The week was ended with outside games such as horse shoes and washers, and a complete ice cream sundae bar. We at Ozark Health realize our staff is what makes us so valuable to the community. We wanted to give back to them, in whatever way we could, to make sure our employees know how much they are appreciated. We are lucky to have the best of the best working at Ozark Health. If you have not been by in a while, stop in, view the website, or check us out on Facebook or Twitter. We want to welcome the community in as our family.

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 12A

May 23, 2017

Helping hands – Ozark Health Auxiliary members volunteer their time and efforts to raise funds and help out at the medical center. Officers for 2017-18 were installed at the May meeting. They are: Betty Spencer, president; Helen Dobbins, vice president; Dortha Borecky, treasurer; Debby Collings, assistant treasurer; Bobbye Bennett, event coordinator; and Linda Appleby, gift shop chair. For information about the auxiliary, call Betty Spencer at 745-7000.

Senior Center Menus/May 22-31 Clinton & Damascus Senior Centers

May 22: Chili/ beans, corn chips, shredded cheese, coleslaw, pears. May 23: Sweet and sour chicken/ rice, Chinese vegetables, egg roll, Mandarin oranges, fortune cookie. May 24: Beef tips/ gravy, mashed potatoes, zesty squash, hot roll, berries.

May 25: Oven-fried chicken, au gratin potatoes, spinach, pineapple pie, roll. May 29: Closed for Memorial Day Clinton is open Monday-Thursday Damascus is open Tuesday and Thursday

Shirley Senior Center

May 22: Spaghetti/meat sauce, Italian green beans, garlic bread, hot apples and cinnamon brown

sugar. May 23: White beans/ham, mixed greens, vinaigrette tomatoes, cornbread, cobbler. May 24: Fried fish, herb potatoes, pinto beans, 2 hushpuppies, fruit cocktail. May 25: Hamburger, potato salad, fruit. May 29: Closed for Memorial Day Shirley Center is open Monday-Thursday

June 2nd & 3rd

In HISTORIC DOWNTOWN SHIRLEY Friday—June 2nd 8 am—4 pm Vendors arrive and begin setting up 8 pm—10 pm Homecoming Rodeo 6 pm—7 pm Music @ The Depot with Kacey Kimmons-Nelson 8 pm—12 am Dance @ The Depot featuring the Union Pacific Railroad Band “Reunion Show” Saturday June 3rd 9 am—10am Registration for Kid’s Games @ The Depot Stage 10 am—12 pm Turtle Races $5 awarded to winners of individual heats $25 awarded to Grand Champion heat winner 2 pm Homecoming Parade 3 pm Lucky Ducky Regatta—great prizes 3 pm—8 pm Music @ The Depot 3 pm—6 pm Killer Bradly & The Larry Wayne Huie Band 7 pm—7:30 pm Sarah Brown w/ Wesley Potts 8 pm—12 am Dance @ The Depot Featuring Shawn Burgess & the Good Old Boys

50th Homecoming Memory Book Highlights 50 years of Homecoming FREE available at the information booth

Scotland Senior Center

May 22: Spaghetti/meat sauce, Italian green beans, garlic bread, hot apples and cinnamon brown sugar. May 23: Hamburger, potato salad, fruit. May 24: White beans/ham, mixed greens, vinaigrette tomatoes, cornbread, cobbler. May 25: Fried fish, herb potatoes, pinto beans, 2 hushpuppies, fruit cocktail. May 29: Closed for Memorial Day Scotland center is open Monday-Thursday

Fairfield Bay Senior Center

May 25: Spaghetti/meat sauce, Italian green beans, garlic bread, hot apples and cinnamon brown sugar. May 26: White beans/ham, mixed greens, vinaigrette tomatoes, cornbread, cobbler. May 27: Hamburger, potato salad, fruit. May 28: Fried fish, herb potatoes. ,pinto beans, 2 hushpuppies, fruit cocktail. Fairfield Bay center is open Tuesday-Friday

The lonesome whippoorwill – As nightfall approaches these two whippoorwills confer about their evening activities on a county road near Crabtree. (Photo by Jeff Burgess)

YES! Susie Allen's

Salon is OPEN

Monday thru Friday Please call for appointments

501-745-4247 for you and your family.

Hot New Tanning Bed Remember call: 745-hair

School Menus May 22-23 Clinton Junior & Senior High

Monday – Breakfast: Cereal, Pop Tarts, fruit. Lunch: Manager’s special, salad, baked beans, fruit/smoothie. Tuesday – Breakfast: Cereal, graham crackers, fruit. Lunch: Pizza, salad, corn, fruit/juice.

Clinton Elementary

Monday – Breakfast: Cereal, graham crackers, fruit. Lunch: Hot dog, fresh veggies/ranch, tater tots, fruit. Tuesday – Breakfast: Cereal, breakfast crackers, fruit. Lunch: Pizza stick, salad, corn, fruit.

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