Of the people, By the people, For the people
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Danece Bowling
TUESDAY, September 3, 2019 / Vol. 5 Issue 36 / 75 cents
Labor Day 2019
Birds-eye view - Labor Day weekend campers on the Eoff Ranch for the National Chuckwagon Races as seen from the sky.
(Warren Johnson/Facebook photo)
Main Street march
The cowboy parade marched down Main Street in Clinton on Tuesday, heading for a fish fry at the park hosted by the city. (Photo from Facebook)
2 charged in theft Two people have been charged in a theft from a storage unit in Fairfield Bay. Around Aug. 12, the tenant left the unit open and it was discovered by a worker from a nearby store who was on break, according to an affidavit for arrest. The woman, Michelle Belden, looked inside the unit then gathered up the key and lock and left, according to the affidavit, which states that the episode was on videotape surveillance. After work on
Aug. 14, Belden was picked up by Chet Gayle and the two drove over to the unit, looked in and left, the report states. Gayle then returned and stole several items, which was captured on surveillance tapes, the report states. The tenant of the unit told police a set of golf clubs, valued at $3,000, and a vintage Rock-ola standing penny scale, valued at about $7,000 were among the items missing. When contacted by police on Aug. 22, Gayle said he
was asked to empty the unit by a woman who was vacating it, according to the report. He was unable to provide the woman’s name or contact information. Later that day, Gayle returned the items and several others, the affidavit states. Gayle, 34, of Higden has been charged with breaking or entering, a Class D felony, and theft of property over $5,000 but less than $25,000, a Class C felony. Belden, 43, of Greers Ferry faces the same charges.
COSL auction
Free to fly - This monarch butterfly investigates a marigold on Holley Mountain. They will be heading south when the weather cools. (Photo by Jeff Burgess)
The Commissioner of State Lands will hold an auction at the Van Buren County Courthouse Annex small courtroom on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2019. The auction, which is mostly parcels in Fairfield Bay, begins at 10 a.m. For a complete list of land that will be up for action, visit cosl.org.
Fair time
September 16-21 is the Van Buren County Fair. The Fair and Livestock Association has been a vital part of community events, education, and agriculture for nearly a century. There will be a carnival, exhibits, pageants and games. The Premium Livestock Auction will be Saturday, Sept. 21, beginning at 10 a.m.
Sergeant earns certificate - Sgt. Scott Solomon of the Clinton Police Department has graduated from the Criminal Investigations Class at the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy in Camden. The 44-hour class was held Aug. 26-30.
Scrimmage win The Clinton Yellow Jackets defeated the Pottsville Apaches in a scrimmage game last week. Football Fever kicks off this week. See more photos, Pages 6 and 7. (Photo by Robert R. Gaut)
The Voice of Van Buren County
Page 2
by Freeda Baker Nichols
My Favorite Season is Fall So now it’s September, the month when summer ends and fall begins. Fall, or autumn as it’s also called, is my favorite of the four seasons. Not sure why. I have wondered if it’s because I was born in September soon after the beginning of autumn. This year’s autumn begins Sept. 23 and ends December 21. Why is fall my favorite season? I like the foliage as the leaves change color, fade, and then turn loose from their hold on the tree limbs. The weather, too, is usually comfortable. The hot, muggy days of summer are past and the cold days of winter are not yet here. September and October are a couple of months of ideal weather here in the Ozarks. I like the wayside flowers along the country roads in colors of blues and yellows. The fields of yellow-orange coreopsis are a lovely sight. I like remembering the sound of the whip-
poorwills, which have somehow disappeared. And listening to the wild geese bidding their farewell is lonely but reassuring because I know they will be back in the spring. As a youngster, I often sat under a big hickory tree in the fall and cracked “hickor” nuts. That’s what we called them. I placed the dry nuts on a flat rock and cracked the hard shells with a small rock. The sun was very warm and relaxing as I sat there for long periods of time, enjoying the taste of the “hickor” nuts. And to this day, I love the hickory trees. It seems that hickories are not as plentiful in the woods now as they once were around my Banner Mountain homeplace. The hickory leaves are bright and golden contrasting sharply with the red leaves of oaks and sumac during the height of their spectacular show. In early autumn, the county fair is going on. It’s a place for people to gather and show off
Ron's Chicken Soup Good Samaritan or Samurai? The funniest research test I have ever heard of was performed in an Ivy League School back in 1973. The study was done on a group of seminary students (future ministers). They were told, one at a time, that they had to go to a different building to give a lecture on the Good Samaritan and they had to hurry, they only had a few minutes. On the way to the lecture hall they passed a guy lying on the ground who was moaning and coughing. Now, guess how many of those future pastors stopped to help the guy in need, while on their way to talk about a guy stopping to help a guy in
need? 10 percent. Now, when they had a little more time, 40 percent stopped to help. Still not a majority though. The interesting thing about the guy on the ground was that he was in an alley, and they had to jump over him to keep on their journey. I wonder what they would have done if the poor guy tried to stop them, would they be Samaritans or Samurais? That’s an interesting coincidence, 10 percent stopped to do the right thing. I recall another story in the Bible in which Jesus healed a group of 10 lepers, only one came back to thank him. So, I suppose that
their prize jars of blackberry, plum or muscadine jellies. Or show their animals such as pigs, sheep, goats and cattle. Schools have begun and children appear happy to be back in the routine of classrooms. Growing up, we picked muscadines from vines that grew along a little stream, a branch that flowed slowly through the hills. The tangy grape-like fruit that grows wild was boiled into juice and turned into jelly that lasted our family through the winter. The muscadine hulls can also be made into a pie that’s delicious. There are also tame muscadine vines and their fruit is good, but it differs from the wild muscadines. The wild muscadines are as special to me in the fall as the dogwoods are in early springtime. There’s so much natural beauty, here in our “natural” state, and especially here in Van Buren County. Fall of the year is a good time to relax, remember, and sight-see by taking a scenic road trip. While I no longer live at Banner Mountain, memories of my childhood linger like the warm sun coming through the hickory leaves, when I cracked “hickor” nuts for a snack. is par for the course. If someone needs help, only 1 in 10 are willing, even among those who consider themselves helpers. Which brings me to the point I want to make, as you grow older and frailer, you are going to need more help and there will not be many who will step up to the plate. What are your plans? Yes, it’s going to take some planning. You need to know where you are going to live, who is willing to help you, and you will need to have your finances in order so that you can qualify for elder care. If you haven’t started working on a plan, you need to get started. Talk to someone you trust, you may need to consult a lawyer.
September 3, 2019
Marriage makeover The mess people have made of their marriages deserves more than one swing of the bat that I gave last week. So, I will take another swing at it and try to help those who are behind in the game of marriage. You are losing and I want to give some pointers I’ve learned throughout my years. First, every married person needs to know that it is possible to have the most wonderful human to human experience in this world – marriage, even if you have long ago lost the wonder of it. But it is possible only if you prioritize it. God wills it; you must want it. If you do, He will help you. He works miracles in people’s hearts, even the hardest of hearts. But He usually does it through wise counsel. That is what I hope to give in this article. Restoring the Romance: after a while the romance recedes and all you have left is a companionship, if even that; two people who live in the same house, much like a brother and sister. The importance of the romance in your relationship cannot be overstated. The first thing God said about marriage that is repeated throughout Scripture is “The two shall become one flesh.” That is talking about sex. To restore this most of the time there must be the healing of the heart. Nothing kills the spark of sex like hurts that are not healed: angry words spoken, being lied to, neglect, unfaithfulness. Healing must happen before the heat can return. The good news is, hearts can be healed, relationships can be restored, even sexual relationships. Jesus
came to “heal the brokenhearted.” A marriage makeover often requires restoring the romance, and that includes healing the hurts that have been inflicted. Romance and sex inside the marriage are wonderful (they are the height of the marriage relationship) and no married couple should live without them. When you become one is spirit and soul, you can be and should be one in the flesh. The Ephesian church had “lost their first love.” Married couples have this tendency. If you are still on your honeymoon, enjoy it; but know that it won’t be long before losing your first love will begin to creep up on you like a spider in the night. There will be hurts that won’t heal as quickly as they once did. They will build up; love will wane. The time to learn to fly a plane is not when you’re 30,000 feet in the air. Learn now how to deal with the hurts. Keep short accounts of wrongs done. Ask for forgiveness and give it. You don’t ever need to stop being in love. Continue to be enraptured with your spouse. Don’t lose your first love. Begin again. Hard to believe that you once stood at the altar, your heart so full of affection, and you vowed to love each other unconditionally and sacrificially: “Till death do us part.” But now everything has changed. You can’t stand each other; you fight all the time and you are talking divorce. Stop it! And never mention the word divorce again. Go back to Bethel. The patriarch Jacob met God at a place called Bethel; but there was a time later in
- Ron Henson BSRN
Terry Simpson/Pastor Grace Church
his life when he had to go back to Bethel to restore that relationship with God. He had to begin again. Get back to where you once were, feeling how you once did for each other. It’s possible. Humble yourself: ask for forgiveness and forgive. Start over. Do it today. Get with God. Get on your knees and ask Him to help you. He will. Nothing is more important to society, to your kids, to you and the church, than your marriage. If it needs fixing – fix it. Get help if you must, but fix it. A couple in a church I pastored had 12 wonderful kids. It was the strongest family I had ever known. Until she storms into my office one day, promptly sits down on my couch, and states, “I’m divorcing my husband. He has had this problem with pornography and I’m through with him. The only thing that will stop me from leaving here and going to a lawyer would be for you to tell me it is definitely not the will of God for me to divorce him.” I looked at her and said that very thing. She leaned back and said, “Well, there’s my answer.” They worked on the problem and solved it and have remained happily married for 12 years since. Any marriage can be made over. Do it. (Terry Simpson is pastor at Grace Church)
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Responsibilities include but are not limited to accounting and clerical tasks. Computer literacy and previous accounting experience is a plus. We are looking for an organized, detail-oriented person. This is a full time position. Applications may be filled out at our office located at 160 Park St., Clinton, AR 72031
One bedroom apartments available now for persons 62 or older, disabled, with or without children. Rent based on 30% of adjusted gross income. Medical expenses deductible. Stove & refrigerator provided. Centeral heat & air. Inside mail delivery & laundry facilities. Recreational & social activities. Highway 65 South, Clinton Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Phone (501)745-4749 TDD 1-800-285-1131 This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer
The VOICE of Van Buren County
328 Main St. / P.O. Box 1396 / Clinton, AR / 72031 tel: (501) 745-8040 / fax: (501) 745-8077 Editor / General Manager Anita Tucker - voiceeditor@artelco.com Advertising / Office Manager
Terry O’Connor - voiceads@artelco.com Subscription Rates: $35 per year in Van Buren County $45 per year outside of county Subscriptions or Circulation Customer Service voiceads@artelco.com or (501) 745-8040 To Submit News: voiceeditor@artelco.com
Tax School
Starts October 21 for Tax Preparer
For more information call Angela
(501) 745-4829
Letters to the Editor: voiceeditor@artelco.com Display and Classified Advertising: voiceads@artelco.com or (501) 745-8040 Deadline to submit news items, letters and all advertising: 4:00 p.m. Thursdays The VOICE of Van Buren County is published weekly on Tuesday by VBC Communications, LLC 328 Main Street, Clinton AR 72031 USPS Permit # 16970 effective 10-13-2015 Periodicals Postage paid at Clinton AR. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to The VOICE of Van Buren County P. O. Box 1396, Clinton, AR 72031
The Voice of Van Buren County
September 3, 2019
Thelma Murray Shirley
Thelma Murray hasn't quit, but has been busy taking care of the garden, canning, drying herbs, fighting off a stomach bug and had doctor appointments. I am hoping September will be a slower month. The Hooten family reunion will be September 14 at the park on Highway 110 in Greers Ferry. A potluck meal will be served at noon. All family and friends are welcome. Shirley School seems to be in good shape for another year, I am pleased to report. Too much rain is causing our tomatoes to burst on the vines. The rain is making a good fall hay crop. Patsy Ward went with me to Lute Mountain last Friday. It was her first time there in about 60 years , she sure was surprised at how it had changed.
James and Joyce Burns Scotland
Tuesday afternoon Doyle Scroggins lead the Chuck Wagon Cowboy Parade from the Eoff Ranch to
the City Park in downtown Clinton for a fish fry sponsored by the city of Clinton. Glenn Griggs and his wife, Elaine, and James Burns cooked jalapeno hush puppies and Joyce Burns and Kathy Hunt helped serve desserts again this year. This is something we look forward to doing each year. Scotland's First Saturday Breakfast will be on Saturday the 7th of September and the cost is $6. We serve at 8 a.m. and serve until the crowd is served and people stop coming. We do this each month and serve in the cafeteria at the old Scotland School. If you know of new residents in our area, please tell them about our breakfast and lets all get acquainted with them. We will be serving from paper plates until we can get the hot water tank repaired, so come rough it with us. On Saturday, September 7, Donald Ramsey will be having his bonfire and music on Scotland Formosa Road, just off of Highway 95 west (look for the stage). Music starts about 3 in the afternoon. There will be a chili cook-off, hot dogs and hamburgers and a lot of gospel and bluegrass as well as country music. Late afternoon several bands are scheduled. This is a great family affair. This will last until about midnight. Due to lots of things going wrong, Joyce Burns has not
Donna said they had a good time. Richard had a scan done at the VA hospital in Little Rock on Friday. Hopefully he will get a good report. We took JR to the doctor at Little Rock on Wednesday. He has to go back for another cystoscopy next week. He is afraid the tumors have come back. I’m praying they haven’t. Eddie helped me put up my boundary around the garden when we got home. On Thursday we cleaned up the walnuts in the yard and piled them up so I can burn them. I did the mowing with the push mower Friday evening. Dark chased me to the house, but I got it done. This afternoon I used the riding mower and mowed about an acre. I am kind of pooped tonight. I worked in the house this morning and can’t seem to see anything I done. I enjoyed the articles in the paper this week, especially the one by Terry Simpson. He really got it right, you have to make others happy to have happiness for yourself. Remembering Lalla’s Garden was the other one I liked. Very informative, but hornworms for dinner? I think not! JR has a couple of pickled hornworms. I think I will ask him if wants to have them for a snack! Haha. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend. Let’s try to make someone happy this week. God bless.
gotten her art exhibit hung yet. She plans on hanging it this weekend at First Service Bank in Clinton. She will be showing part of her prints made from paintings of buildings from around Van Buren County. Call Joyce at 592-3400 for more information. The weather has been so nice this last week, very cool and not much rain. Great for the wagon racers and we all have enjoyed it. Be safe and have a great week. If you have Scotland News and want it put it in newspaper, you can call 592-3935 and and Jams will see that it gets in there.
Page 3
Doyle Scroggins of Scotland led the cowboy parade into downtown Clinton on Tuesday.
Department meets Thursday, 7 p.m., at the Alread station. Fire Chief William Webb is in need of volunteers. Some were lost due to the conflict between federal guidelines and the state’s acceptance of medical marijuana. Interested persons can give him a call at 253-6264. He went on to say the department now has four pumpers and continues in its efforts to improve the ISO rating. The first quarter moon is official Thursday at 10:10 p.m., and pairs with brilliant Jupiter the following night. The Piscid meteor shower peaks Monday, before first light, with up to 10 per hour. Look Jeff Burgess southeast. ACRDC meets Crabtree Monday, 6:30 p.m., in The Volunteer Fire the EHC building.
Patsy Ward Formosa
Marva Ward and Sue Stamper went to Western Sizzlin’ and had lunch on Thursday. Marva said Sue really likes their burgers! After lunch, they went to Mallet Town and Springfield and visited the cemeteries where their folks are buried. Donna and Richard Sherrod went to Florida with their son, David, and his wife Tabby. They celebrated David’s 50th birthday, so happy birthday to him.
There has been numerous feral hog sightings out this way. One recently killed was estimated at 450 pounds. Feral hogs are not native, invasive, a public nuisance and a threat to Arkansas. They can be killed or trapped by private land owners, on their land, year-round. For details check the Hunting Regs Handbook, or visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s website. There is still time to plant some short-season, cool weather vegetable seeds in the garden. Many do better in the fall than in the spring. If you have info about the greater Crabtree and west 16 community, call or text, Jeff Burgess, 745-1249.
New Fall Arrivals *Junior, Missy and Plus Sizes* 30 day Lay-away Available
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Bluffton Cemetery will be accepting bids for clean up thru September 30, 2019. Cleaning will be during the months of October 2019 thru June 2020. Call 501-757-1591 for more information.
A big THANK YOU to the owners of FREE CLASSES the week of August 26-29. Fall Term begins September 2nd. with Music Class for ages 0-5 years Dance Class for ages 2 years & up Adult Tap Dance Class 296 Ingram Street, Suite A Clinton AR (Across from Deb’s Fashions)
for allowing me the privilege of displaying my photos in their building in downtown Clinton. Please, stop in to see the display. Most of the photos were taken in Van Buren County and Arkansas. Also thanks to Jeff Burgess for arranging the display.
With much gratitude, Kay Weaver
Page 4
Obituaries Forrester. Memorial service was 2 p.m. Saturday, August 31, 2019, at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Alread with Brother Bill Hampton officiating.
Tony Forrester
Tony Wayne Forrester, 62, of Jerusalem passed away Monday, August 26, 2019. Born February 27, 1957 in Roland, Arkansas to Henry and Wanelle Helen Mooney Forrester. Tony served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was a construction worker by trade. He enjoyed ATVs and was an avid outdoorsman. Left to cherish his memory is his mother, Wanelle Forrester; siblings, Eugene Forrester, Ida Parker, Tom Forrester; several nieces, nephews, friends and other family members. Tony is preceded in death by his father, Henry Forrester; and one brother, Richard
Lori Lindsey
Lori Ann Lindsey (Johnson), 39, of Washington, D.C., passed away Tuesday, August 13, 2019. She was born April 29, 1980. Her husband, Greg, mother Susan Kissinger, and bother Lane Housley invite you to a Celebration of Life from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 2019, at Friendship Baptist Church in Clinton, Arkansas.
The Voice of Van Buren County
Larry Watts
Larry Scott Watts, 51, of Clinton, passed away Tuesday, August 27, 2019. He was born January 14, 1968 in Clinton, Arkansas to Norman and Martha Robbins Watts. Larry was a truck driver and attended Scotland Baptist Church. He enjoyed ATVs, fishing and cars. Left to cherish his memory is his father, Norman Watts; children, Shawn Watts of Watford City, North Dakota, Stacie Puckett and husband Lewis of Dennard, Lance Watts of Bee Branch; one sister, Diana Shaver and husband John of Shirley; three grandchildren; several nieces, nephews, friends and other family members
Larry is preceded in death by his mother; and one brother, Norman Watts Jr. Pallbearers: Nathan Sipes, Dillion Sipes, Spencer Sipes, Andy Shaver, Michael Shaver, Cody Shaver, Lewis Puckett, Brandon Goodnight. Service was 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, 2019, at Clinton Funeral Service with Sister Reba Ramsey officiating. Burial was at the Shady Grove Cemetery.
September 3, 2019 memory is her son, Wendell Dale Watson; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, friends and other family members. Macie is preceded in death by her parents; husband Loral Watson; one daughter, Janice Marie Watson; siblings, Lester, Levert, Lenual, Lendell, Lenzil, Leonard, Leair, Martha and Margeret. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 2019, 1 at the Old Pleasant Grove Church in Alread.
Macie Watson
Macie Iva Brock Watson, 87, of Clinton, passed away Friday, August 23, 2019. Born February 13, 1932 in Dabney, Arkansas to the late John Brock and Grace Russell. Left to cherish her
Sissy Lasley
Chasity “Sissy” Lasley of Greenbrier was born on April 6, 1989 in Conway, Arkansas and went to be with the Lord on
August 27, 2019 after a heroic fight with cancer. She was the daughter of Jeff and Mesa Lasley. Sissy was known as being God loving, strong, faithful, determined, scrappy, honest, and friendly. Sissy was an “old soul” and loved all people from different walks of life. She greeted everyone with the same respect and beautiful smile. She made quite a name for herself in the beauty industry. Sissy is survived by her loving parents Jeff and Mesa Lasley; brothers Jeffrey (Brooke) Lasley and Jacob (Brooke) Lasley; many other relatives and cherished friends. She is preceded in death by her brother Billy Shane Lasley; and grandparents Elwin and Wanda Lasley and Bill and Mary Hammett. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at The Church Alive in Conway.
School Menus Clinton Elementary
Sept. 3 - Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, peaches. Lunch: Crispito, salad, corn, pears. Sept. 4 - Breakfast: Sausage biscuit, applesauce. Lunch: Pork chopette, creamed potatoes, gravy, steamed broccoli, roll, peaches. Sept. 5 - Breakfast: Strawberry-peach smoothie, Graham crackers. Lunch: Taco, pinto beans, cinnamon roll, applesauce. Sept. 6 - Breakfast: Pancake pup, pears. Lunch: Chicken patty on bun, oven fries, baby carrots, apple.
Clinton Junior and Senior High
Sept. 3 - Break-
The Idle Hour Bridge Club met at the home of Emma Hink. High - Jo Nell Warren; second - Helen Dobbins; traveling Sue West; bingo Emma Hink.
fast: Cereal, cinnamon toast, fruit. Lunch: Chicken spaghetti, breadstick or pizza, salad, corn, fruit/juice. Sept. 4 - Breakfast: Pancakes, bacon, fruit. Lunch: Breaded pork patty or chopped steak w/gravy, creamed potatoes, green beans, rolls, peach crisp, fruit. Sept. 5 - Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, fruit. Lunch: Mexican pie or burrito w/chili/ cheese, pinto beans, cinnamon muffin, juice, fruit. Sept. 6 - Breakfast: Cereal, French toast sticks, fruit. Lunch: Corn dog or chicken nuggets, bread, baked beans, salad, fruit cup/fruit.
Goodie bag project - The Highway 110 Extension Homemakers Club had its regular monthly business meeting August 26. The club is continuing to work on its latest community service project, making the goodie bags that will be handed out at the annual Leg It For The Library FunRun/ Walk coming up September 14. If you are interested in being part of a fun group, doing worthwhile community service activities, contact the local County Extension office at 501-745-7117.
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The staff of The Voice of Van Buren County extends sincere condolences to all who have lost loved ones. If you wish to express your appreciation to friends, neighbors, family, church and community members with a Thank You on the obit page, call (501) 745-8040 or email voiceads@artelco.com
The Voice of Van Buren County
September 3, 2019
Page 5
Calendar Joy of Living Bible Study begins Tuesday, September 10 from 9:30- 11:30 a.m. at First Baptist Church in Clinton. The South Side School District Board of Directors will have a work session on September 12 for the purpose of discussing the 2019-20 budget. The meeting will be called to order at 6:30 p.m. The board will not take action on any item.
80th birthday - Kenneth Cook celebrated his 80th birthday Aug. 2 with a party hosted by his wife, Betty, and daughter Twila Guerrieri at his home near Jerusalem. Cook’s birthday cake featured photos of him through the years. About 200 people attended the celebration.
Meetings All meetings are open to the public. Van Buren County Quorum Court, 6 p.m., third Thursday of the month at the Courthouse Annex, Highway 65, Clinton. Clinton City Council, 6:30 p.m., second Thursday of the month at the Clinton Municipal Airport off Highway 16 East. Damascus City Council, 6 p.m., second Tuesday of the month at City Hall on Highway 65. Fairfield Bay City Council, 7 p.m., second Monday of each month at 130 Village Place, Suite 2F in the conference room. Shirley City Council, 7 p.m., second Monday of the month
at the Shirley Community Center. Clinton Advertising and Promotion Commission, 6 p.m., third Tuesday of the month at the Clinton Municipal Airport on Highway 16 East. Shirley School Board, 6:30 p.m., fourth Monday of the month at the PD Room, Administration Building. South Side-Bee Branch School Board, 5:30 p.m., third Monday of each month in the Linda Pennington Conference Room. Clinton School Board, 5:30 p.m., third Monday of each month at the Administrative offices building. Van Buren County Library board of directors meetings are held at 4 p.m. the second Wednesday of each month at the library meeting room.
The fifth annual Bayfest in the Park at Ed Leamon Park in Fairfield Bay begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept 14. There will be handPool winners - (From left) Jeff Brown - first place; Jason Allen - second made arts and crafts, place; Glendale Rogers - third place in Scotland’s pool tournament last homemade treats and week. (Photo by Doyle Scroggins) clothing, food vendors and a Pet Parade. Performing this year will be the Flying Houndz Frizbee Trick Dogs from Kentucky with three shows (11, 1:30 and 3). The Van Buren County Extension office will be offering training sessions to become a Master Gardener for five Wednesdays beginning Oct. 9. The sessions will be at the Van Buren County Library in Clinton. For fees and more information contact the Extension office at 745-7117. The 50th Annual Greers Ferry Lake/ Little Red River Cleanup begins at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 7. Volunteers may Chow line - The Van Buren County Aging Program's annual Cowboy check in at Furgerson’s Catfish Supper drew large crowds during its three-day run. Volunteers Choctaw Marina. For from the five county Senior Centers and others served up fish, tea and more details visitvisitdesserts. (Photo from VBC Aging Program/Facebook) greersferrylake.com.
Cryptogram Solution Anonymous Those who don't know the value of loyalty cannot appreciate the cost of betrayal.
Crossword Solution
Sudoku Solution After Tuesday's cowboy parade, riders were treated to a fish fry courtesy of the city of Clinton. About 900 people were served and $3,100 - or about $3.44 per plate - was donated to the Van Buren County Aging Program by the diners, according to Mayor Richard McCormac. (Photo from Facebook)
The Voice of Van Buren County
Page 6
September 3, 2019
Senior Jackets
Jackets over Apaches, 14-7
(Photos by Robert R. Gaut)
No. 7 Ethen Drake with the carry against Pottsville
John Riley Hinchey, No. 16, powers forward
The cheerleaders rally the crowd last week.
No. 21 Justin Patel makes the stop for the Jackets
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No. 41 Braiz Lynch picks up some yards
September 3, 2019
The Voice of Van Buren County
Page 7
FOOTBALL FEVER CLINTON NEXT UP: YELLOW JACKETS 2019 Battle of the Little Red - Clinton vs Heber Springs, 7 p.m. Panther Stadium
Junior Jackets
Pottsville upends Juniors, 24-12 Tester Law Firm
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FirstServiceBank.com CLINTON | 486 Highway 65 North | 501.745.7200
Page 8
The Voice of Van Buren County
September 3, 2019
Fun & Games
Weekly Crossword
(Solution is on Page 5)
(Solution on Page 5)
Sudoku: The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9. A cell is the smallest block in the game. A row, column and region consists of 9 cells and the whole game consists of 81 cells.
Where In the County Is This?
Where can you see this in Van Buren County? Tell us for your chance to win a one-year subscription to The Voice. See Rules on this page.a
August winner
Lowrance. Please conThe winner of the tact the Voice office to August contests is Kim claim your prize.
Cryptogram: Anonymous
Solve our Word Find puzzle or Where In the County Is This question for your chance to win a one(Answer Page 5) year subscription to The Voice. Word Find entries may not be a photocopy; originals from newspaper only. A drawing from correct entries will be held each month and the winning name will receive a one-year sub-
scription to The Voice. There will be one winner each month. To enter, mail your puzzles to The Voice/ P.O. Box 1396/Clinton AR 72031 or drop them by our downtown office, 328 Main St., Clinton. You can also call 745-8040 to tell us where the week's picture was taken. Deadline to enter is September 27, at 2 p.m. The drawing will be at 4 p.m.
The Voice of Van Buren County
September 3, 2019
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Photo by EuGene Smith
Thanks to those of you who called and correctly identified last week's featured church as Clinton United Methodist Church. If you can identify this week's Church call 745-8040. (Remember to give me a contact for the history of your Church. We want to print the history of every Church in Van Buren County. With your help, we will!) Antioch General Baptist Church 1608 Highway 9, Fox (870)363-4509 Archey Valley Community Church Highway 254, Chimes Bee Branch Baptist 11509 Hwy 65 South, Bee Branch 654-2630 Bethel Community Church 17904 Highway 95 W, Cleveland Botkinburg Baptist Church 9297 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 757-2069 Botkinburg Community Foursquare Church 7054 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 745-2311 Burnt Ridge Community Church 5846 Burnt Ridge Road, Clinton 745-6737 Calvary Missionary Baptist Church ABA 144 Nickie Ave., Clinton 745-3245 Choctaw Baptist Church 208 Highway 330 E, Clinton 745-7370 Choctaw Christian Center 4157 Highway 65 S, Choctaw 745-8264 Choctaw Church of Christ 233 Highway 330 E, Choctaw 745-8264 Christian Fellowship Church 674 Highway 658, Clinton Church of Christ 20452 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-5498 Church of the Nazarene 1664 Highway 65 S, Clinton Clinton Church of Christ 184 Third Street, Clinton 745-4252 Clinton Seventh-day Adventist Church 125 Skyhill Drive, Clinton 745-4532 Clinton United Methodist Church 636 Joe Bowling Road, Clinton 745-5181 Colony Church of Christ Hwy 92 E, Bee Branch Corinth Baptist Church 5158 Holley Mountain Road, Clinton Cornerstone Evangelical Church 3351 Highway 330 S, Fairfield Bay 884-6657 Crabtree Foursquare Church 11301 Highway 16 W, Crabtree 745-2894 Culpepper Community Church 6055 Highway 336 W, Culpepper Culpepper Mountain Church of Christ 118 South Essie Road, Culpepper Damascus United Methodist Church 17194 Highway 65 S, Damascus Eagle Heights Baptist Church Independent Fundamental VBC Fairgrounds, Clinton 757-0013
Eglantine Church of Christ 3796 Highway 330 S, Shirley 884-6880 Fairbanks Community Church 4753 Arkansas 356 E, Bee Branch Fairfield Bay Baptist Church 481 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3371 Fairfield Bay United Methodist Church 765 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3373 Faith Christian 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Faith Church Highway 65 N & Harper Mountain Lane, Dennard, AR 72629 Faith Lutheran Church 310 Snead Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3375 First Assembly of God Church 2466 Highway 65 N, Clinton 745-2285 First Baptist Church of Clinton 211 First Baptist Road, Clinton 745-6113 First Baptist Church of Damascus 43 Oak Tree Road, Damascus 335-7440 First Baptist Church of Sugarloaf 557 Arkansas 337, Higden 654-2354 First General Baptist Church 664 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4043 First Pentecostal Church of Clinton Highway 65 S at 1128 Lyn Road, Choctaw Formosa Baptist Church 630 Highway 9 W, Clinton 745-7709 Formosa Church of Christ 6603 Highway 9 West Clinton AR. 745-4446 Friendship Baptist Church 1321 Third St., Clinton 745-7177 Full Gospel Tabernacle 128 Catland Lane, Shirley 723-4500 Grace Church 3793 Highway 65 S, Clinton 472-7462 Half Moon Baptist Church 1031 Half Moon Road, Clinton 745-2273 Harmony Mountain Church of Christ Quattlebaum and Harmony Mtn Roads 745-2059 Hope Community Church 905 Damascus Road, Quitman Immanuel Baptist Church 498 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-8528 Kaley Hill Missionary Baptist 6505 Highway 356, Bee Branch Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 3624 Highway 65 S, Clinton 745-8781
Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church 250 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3304 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church ABA 229 Third St., Clinton Lexington Baptist Church 9525 Highway 110, Clinton 723-4787 Liberty Missionary Baptist Church 2712 Highway 254 W, Chimes Community Low Gap Community Chapel 4320 Low Gap Road, Alread Lute Mountain Community Church Lute Mountain Road, off Highway 16, Shirley 723-8299 Main Line Full Gospel 114 Mariposa Loop, Bee Branch 253-1005 Maranatha Assembly of God 11929 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8181 Mount Zion Church of Christ 1202 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-2572 Mount Zion General Baptist 2333 Mount Zion Road, Bee Branch 362-3807 New Beginning Church 12200 Highway 254 E, Dennard New Hope Baptist Church 4198 Highway 65 N, Clinton 757-2332 New Liberty Church of Christ 4815 Highway 95, Cleveland 669-2575 New Life Apostolic Church of Clinton 198 Richard Road, Clinton 745-6411 Peace Lutheran Church of Edgemont 10849 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-4726 Pee Dee Baptist Church 2744 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4115 Pine Grove General Baptist Church 102 Silvertree Road, Shirley Pine Mountain General Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, South of Bee Branch Plant Baptist Church 4897 Highway 110, Clinton 745-6887 Pleasant Grove Friendship Church 22210 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-8450 Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 5092 Banner Mtn Road, Shirley 723-4737 Pleasant Valley General Baptist No. 1 5153 Highway 92 W, Bee Branch Point Remove Baptist Church 10954 Highway 336 W, Formosa
Rabbit Ridge Church of Christ 215 Rabbit Ridge Road, Bee Branch 745-4634 Red River of Life Church of God 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Rupert Baptist Church 21434 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-8593 Salem Primitive Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, Bee Branch Sand Springs Missionary Baptist Church Highway 124 E, Damascus 335-8003 Sardis Freewill Baptist 4141 Highway 124, Gravesville 335-8027 Scotland Baptist Church 278 Postal Lane, Scotland 592-3787 Scotland Church of Christ 297 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland Scotland Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church 1476 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland 592-3311 Settlement Baptist Church 10277 Highway 16 E, Shirley 501-215-1595 Shady Grove Baptist Church 5448 Shady Grove Road, Shirley 723-4273 Shady Grove Chapel 4790 Highway 254 E, Dennard Shirley Church of Christ 10509 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8101 Shirley Community Church/First United Methodist 784 Matthew Clark Memorial Drive, Shirley 723-4387 South Side Baptist Highway 65 N, Damascus 335-7423 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 250 Woodlawn Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3349 St. Jude Catholic Church 3178 Hwy 65 S, Clinton 745-5716 Tabernacle of Praise 159 Boston Fern Road, Shirley 723-8280 The Gathering Ministry Outreach 80746 Highway 16 W, Rupert 745-3883 The Zoo Church 12174 Highway 65 N, Dennard 514-8535 The Power House (non-denominational) 159 Mt. Zion Road, Bee Branch, AR 253-2385 Trace Ridge Bible Church Highway 254 W at Morris Road, Chimes Walnut Grove Church 6940 Highway 95 W, Clinton 745-3445 Zion Hill Missionary Baptist ABA 29129 Highway 16 W, Jerusalem 745-4467
Last Week's Featured Church
Clinton United Methodist Church 636 Joe Bowling Road Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-5181
Pawn • Shooting Sports
VAN BUREN COUNTY PROUD 794 Highway 65B Clinton, Arkansas
Tournament Fishing Tackle
(501) 745-2581
OPEN TIL 6:00pm MON-SAT (501) 745-6991
1863 Hwy 65 South, Clinton, AR 72031
195 Highway 16 E, Clinton, AR 72031 www.garypack.com GaryPackLumber
Deb's Fashions
OPEN M-F 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SAT 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
314 Ingram St behind EXXON off Hwy 65 in Clinton
Page 10
The Voice of Van Buren County
Fishing Report
One of guide Mark Crawford's clients and good friend, Alberto, displays his smallmouth bass he caught recently on the Spring River using a sculpin head fly. Photo provided by Mark Crawford.
Northeast Arkansas
Spring River
(updated 8-282019) Mark Crawford with springriverfliesandguides.com (870955-8300) said water levels at the spring are at 400 cfs and water clarity has been a little cloudy after recent rainstorms. Great conditions for bigger flies and hard strikes. The trout have been hitting olive Woollies well. Cast straight across with a gentle mend, then most importantly let the fly swing to a stop downstream, then slowly retrieve the fly with short fast strips. Smallies have been hitting sculpin heads and Stump Busters hard. Best technique for smallmouth is a cast at an angle downstream and a short fast strip back. Basic streamer fishing. A lot of the hits will be when the fly first hits the water and sinks. Mark says, “Hot pink Trout Magnets catch trout and smallies. Pumkin Crappie Magnets are perfect for smallmouth, too. And I will tell ya right now, a smallmouth bass on a trout Slayer Rod is a
complete blast!”
Central Arkansas
Little Red River
(updated 8-282019) Lowell Myers of Sore Lip’em All Guide Service said they are expecting 2-6 hours generation daily, providing good river conditions over the next week. Fly patterns of midges, soft hackles, emergers, sowbugs and streamers will be productive. Consider pink and cotton candy bodies on chartreuse jigheads for Trout Magnet spin-fishing. Mark your calendars now for the annual Little Red River Clean-up scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 7. Detailed information on the clean-up can be found on the Little Red River Foundation’s website and Facebook page. Always check before heading to the Little Red River by calling the Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District water data system (501-362-5150) for Greers Ferry Dam water release.
Greers Ferry Lake
As of Wednesday, the Army Corps of Engi-
neers reports the lake’s elevation at 462.60 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 462.04 feet msl Oct. 1-April 30; 463.04 feet msl May 1-June 1; 462.54 feet msl June 1-Sept. 30). (updated 8-282019) Tommy Cauley of Fishfinder Guide Service (501-940-1318) said the water level at Greers Ferry Lake is at 462.60 feet msl, 0.06 feet above normal pool of 462.54 feet It had fallen below normal pool for the first time since last fall but came back up a bit with the 10 inches of rain we have had in August; however, it should continue to drop with generation. Crappie are still eating well all over the lake, but not many people are fishing for them. If you do, try jigs and minnows 18-30 feet deep. Walleye are set up on flats and also following schools of other types of fish eating their leftovers; try dragging a crawler in 18-45 feet or fish a spoon. Bream are growing and eating crickets and crawlers, from super shallow out to 30 feet. Catfishing is good. No one has wanted to brave the heat, but do try bends
of creeks, rivers etc. on the edge of flats for the best bite with your favorite baits rigged just about any way you like to fish. Black bass are chewing on shad as well all over lake from super shallow out to 60 feet on a variety of baits and techniques. Hybrid bass and white bass are eating spoons, inline spinners, swimbaits, topwater baits and all else in between. Like all other fishes in lake, they are feeling good and on the prowl. Stay with bait or schooling fish. Please be respectable while around other boaters, and wear your life jackets.
North Arkansas
White River
(updated 8-282019) Sportsman’s White River Resort (870-453-2424) said the water has been up and down the past week. The Army Corps of Engineers has turned the water off after flooding downstream at Newport, they say. The river level at the resort was low as of Tuesday morning. Trout are favoring Power Eggs and PowerBait along with marshmallows. Anglers are not catching any browns as of the past few days. Rainbow fishing, though, is “really good,” they report. Golden rainbow trout are being caught now, they say, adding that it’s pretty rare that anglers are catching those usually.
Norfork Lake
As of Wednesday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lake’s elevation at 565.04 feet msl (normal conservation pool: Sept.-April, 552.00 feet msl; April-Sept. 555.75
Business Directory Put Your Business in this Directory voiceads@artelco.com
4755 Hwy 65s, Clinton, AR, 72031 (501) 745-2296 (501) 253-8985 phillipjonesrealestate@gmail.com
The VOICE (501) 745-8040
feet msl). (updated 8-282019) Tom Reynolds of STR Outfitters said the August full moon has helped the striper bite this year on Norfork Lake. “I had five guided trips this past week and all but the last one caught their limits. (Sunday) we boated eight and missed or broke off 10 more. The bite has been awesome for us. I'm fishing at the dam and caught limits of stripers that must be kept because of the depth of the water column the fish are in. My son is fishing north on the Missouri side of Norfork Lake and catching big stripers that can be released. “I went with him on Tuesday and boated seven that were between 12 and 20 pounds. The last two days he has boated a 22-pound and 26-pound striper, again all of them have been released. They are also catching stripers above the state line before Udall but those must be kept since the water is warmer. The fish are in 30 feet of water on the bottom.” Tom said he planned on going up Monday to find the fish and also fish for the bigger stripers. “We are using small baits south and big 8-10 inches baits up north. Again, all the fish begin caught is within 500 yards of the dam, Quarry swim beach, the buoys and Dam Cove, and Long Point are holding most of the fish. A trick that has been effective is a short 10-pound leader with very small hooks. Almost all the fish being caught is on live bait. This pattern will continue until the oxygen bubble burst and the stripers can start
September 3, 2019
moving from the deep water. This will only happen when the lake cools down so expect this pattern to continue until mid to late September. The water above Calamity Beach is starting to cool so it will not be long before I begin to fish north.”
Norfork Tailwater
(updated 8-282019) John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service in Cotter (870435-2169) said that during the previous week Norfork Lake fell 0.8 foot to rest at 10.1 feet above seasonal power pool of 555.75 feet msl and 15.9 feet below the top of flood pool. The Norfork had heavy generation in the afternoon and wadable water in the early morning. Most of the lakes in the White River System are at or over the top of power pool. Expect heavy generation for the foreseeable future. Hopper season is in full swing. Use a short (7½ foot) leader to turn over the big fly. “Cast near the bank and hang on. The takes can be vicious. I prefer large western foam hoppers so that I do not need to dress them. Add a dropper nymph to increase your catch.” The Norfork has been fishing slow. Navigate this stream with caution as there has been major gravel recruitment at the bottom of Mill Pond and the dock hole from past flooding The most productive flies have been small midge patterns (sizes 18, 20, 22) like ruby midges, root beer midges, zebra midges (black or red with silver wire and silver bead) and soft hackles (sizes 14, 16).
Jackson's Farm Service Water Well Drilling & Pump Installation & Well Services 501-253-4318
VBC TRANSFER STATION & RECYCLING CENTER OPEN: Mon-Fri 7am-3:15pm & the 1st SAT of each month 8am-noon 745-6996
Got a story, a history or an event to share? Send it to: thevoice@artelco.com
The Voice of Van Buren County
September 3, 2019
Page 11
Classifieds • Legal ANNOUNCEMENTS
at Archey Fork Park, Saturday, September 28. Free & open to the public. For booth space call 501-745-8110.
Bluffton Cemetery will be accepting bids for clean up thru September 30, 2019. Cleaning will be during the months of October 2019 thru June 2020. Call 501-757-1591 for more information.
Towlite 3 horse slant trailer Excellent condition with extras. Priced below market. $5,500.00. Call: 745-4378
Washer and Dryer Kenmore, 4 yrs old
ESTATE SALE YARD SALE Inside and Outside at 317 Gary Street, Clinton Friday and Saturday September 6 and 7 8:00 am until ???? Furniture, pictures, dishes, decorative items, manual and power tools, Christmas décor, lots of household items!
both for $475.00 •••••••••• 3/4 hp submersible
well pump used $75. •••••••••• Call Mike 501-749-3515
Experience, strength & hope offered to family & friends of problem drinkers. Tuesday, 7:30p.m., 167 Joe Bowling Rd, Clinton. Nondenominational.
Clinton's Academy of Performing Arts Fall Term begins September 2nd. with ***** Music Class for ages 0-5 years ***** Dance Class for ages 2 years & up ***** Adult Tap Dance Class 296 Ingram Street, Suite A (Across from Deb’s Fashions)
RESEARCH Reflect A Moment He said, "...light has entered the world and men have preferred darkness..."
Shop Booth 75 at Howard's Antiques
for crocheted items, knickknacks, dishes and jewelry.
FOR SALE IN SCOTLAND •••• ONE BED-ROOM CABIN ON 5 ACRES $49,000 •••• CALL: (501) 592-3302
FOR SALE OR LEASE 20x40 Office with 8x40 Covered Porch and 3 Green Houses on 1 acre on Highway 65 South, Clinton, AR
Call 501-940-5448
For Rent
FOR RENT! Newly renovated condo in FFB area. 2 B/R and 1-½ Baths. $600/month with $600 deposit. For more information call (501)745-1787.
Thanks Shane, for all that you do, two thumbs up!
Horse drawn wagon or wagon parts in good condition. Call Tom 501-745-4378
Readers, use these Personal Spots to say Happy Birthday, Wish someone Good Luck, Contact old friends, make new friends. Shout out that you are alive an well in Van Buren County. The cost is $5.00 for 25 words or less.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION NO. 71PR-2019-77 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KATHERINE JEANETTE CLEMENTS, deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF DECEDENT: 110 Blossom Loop Clinton, AR 72031 DATE OF DEATH: July 10, 2019 The undersigned was appointed Administrator of the estate of the above-named decedent on August 22, 2019. A contest of the probate can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. Provided, that claims for injury or death caused by the negligence of the decedent shall be filed within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of the notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in such estate. THIS NOTICE first published this 3rd day of September, 2019. STORMIE FOX, By: /s/ Nathan S. Morgan NATHAN S. MORGAN, Bar No. 2009269 MORGAN LAW FIRM, P.A. Attorney for Estate 148 Court Street Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-4044
FIRST DIVISION Case No.: 71CV-19-124
CHERE SIMMONS PETITIONER VS. GEORGE J. RUSSELL, deceased, and his unknown heirs, MURIEL F. RUSSELL, deceased, and her unknown heirs RESPONDENTS AND The following lands in Van Buren County, Arkansas: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (S½ S½ NW¼ NW¼), SECTION THIRTEEN (13), TOWNSHIP TWELVE (12) NORTH, RANGE THIRTEEN (13) WEST, VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS, CONTAINING 10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. NOTICE OF QUIET TITLE ACTION Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Van Buren County, Arkansas, to quiet and confirm title in and to the following described property in Van Buren County, Arkansas: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (S½ S½ NW¼ NW¼), SECTION THIRTEEN (13), TOWNSHIP TWELVE (12) NORTH, RANGE THIRTEEN (13) WEST, VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS, CONTAINING 10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Any person claiming any title or interest of any kind to such property is hereby notified to appear herein on or before 30 days from the first date of publication of this notice to assert his/ her title or interest in such property and to demonstrate why title to this property should not be quieted and confirmed in Plaintiffs. WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court this 20lth day of August, 2019 This Notice of Quiet Title first published September 03, 2019 /s/ Debbie Gray CLERK OF COURT Address of Clerk's Office: 273 Main Street Clinton, Arkansas 72031
Damascus, AR 72039
DATE OF DEATH: January 11, 2019
The undersigned was appointed Executor of the estate of the abovenamed decedent on August 22, 2019. A contest of the probate can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. Provided, that claims for injury or death caused by the negligence of the decedent shall be filed within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of the notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in such estate. THIS NOTICE first published this 3rd day of September, 2019. MICHAEL EARL EDWARDS, Executor
DATE OF DEATH: 247 Panther Road Clinton, AR 72031
By: /s/ Nathan S. Morgan NATHAN S. MORGAN, Bar No. 2009269 MORGAN LAW FIRM, P.A. Attorney for Estate 148 Court Street Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-4044
March 31, 2018 The undersigned on the 28th day of August caused an Affidavit for Collection of Small Estate to be filed with respect to the Estate of Walter James Munger, deceased, with the Clerk of the probate division of the Circuit Court of Van Buren County under A.C.A. 2 8-41 -101. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. THIS NOTICE first published this 3rd day of September, 2019. By: /s/ Kent Tester KENT TESTER, AR Bar#: 89123 Attorney for the Estate 230 Hwy. 65 North, Suite 7 Clinton, AR 72 031 (501) 745-7077 FAX (501) 745-6161 kent@testerlaw.com
PLAINTIFF VS. DICKIE DOUGLAS EASTRIDGE DEFENDANT WARNING ORDER To: Dickie Douglas Eastridge: You are hereby notified that Kristy Eastridge, Plaintiff, whose attorney is Melanie Beltran, has filed a Petition for Contempt Citation herein against you, a copy of said petition and summons shall be delivered to you or your attorney upon request. You are also notified that you must appear and defend by filing an Answer or other responsive pleading within thirty (30) days from the date of first publication of this Warning Order; in the event of your failure to do so, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint as circumscribed by the laws of this State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this 6th day of August, 2019. /s/ David M. Clark Honorable David M. Clark Circuit Judge This NOTICE first published the 27th day of August, 2019. Prepared by: Melanie A. Beltran, Atty Sprott, Golden & Bardwell PO Box 1155 184 Griggs St. Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-3111 office
HARNESS AUTOMOTIVE AND RECOVERY 180 BETTYS AVE SHIRLEY, AR. 72153 501-253-5998 The following vehicle has been in our possession since March 19,2019. 2000 Silver Dodge Durango, VIN# 1B4HS28N6YF216370 . If not claimed within 45 days of this 09/03 /2019 printed notice. it will be dismantled, destroyed or sold at public auction. Contact 501-253-5998.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NANCEE J. ROOST, deceased NO. 71PR-2019-60 NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF DECEDENT: 265 Dave Creek Pkwy, Fairfield Bay, AR 72088 DATE OF DEATH: May 17, 2019 The undersigned was appointed Administrator of the estate of the above-named decedent on August 22, 2019. A contest of the probate can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. Provided, that claims for injury or death caused by the negligence of the decedent shall be filed within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of the notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in such estate. THIS NOTICE first published this 3rd day of September, 2019. WENDY J. ROOST HIGGINBOTHAM, By: /s/ Nathan S. Morgan NATHAN S. MORGAN, Bar No. 2009269 MORGAN LAW FIRM, P.A. Attorney for Estate 148 Court Street Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-4044
The Voice is available online DUPLEXES FOR RENT Nice 1000 sqft 2-bedroom Duplexes with appliances. No Pets. No Smoking. $600-$650/month plus deposit. Call: 501-745-5858 or 501-412-7682
FOR RENT Apartments and mobile homes in Bee Branch area. $400-$650/month. Deposit required. Call for availability (501) 581-8640 After 2:00 pm
TODAY voiceofvbc.com
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The Voice of Van Buren County
Page 12
September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tammy Bain September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . Lenny Bradford September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Edwards September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maddy Gifford September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logan Luke September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Nixon September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robbie Odell September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carly Shull September 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melvin Tate September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Bramlett September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . Samantha Moore September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Morris September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jolene Treece September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Van Horne September 04 . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Walley September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . Donna Ammann September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Bokony September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . Donald Bradford September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . Dixie Lee Carter September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zella Fitts September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruby Holland September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cody Keeling September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susie Linn September 05 . . . . . . Hannah Grace Mooney September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Story September 05 . . . . . . . . . . . Michael A. Turner September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Brown
September 3, 2019
September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandra Dowdy September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Gray September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olivia Gray September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kindle Moore September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coutney Perry September 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . Bobby Smith, Jr September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Bane September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brandon Bates September 07 . . . . . . . . . . Trammel Hastings September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Hickman September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billie Ingram September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley James September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denzil Ott September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Parks September 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. D. Treece September 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donna Carter September 08 . . . . . . . . . Shallene Cutwright September 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Dobbins September 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dacy Hooten September 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Pistole September 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polly Smith September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tammy Gunn September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Harris September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zenda Hutson September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margie Morris September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verda Nunley September 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peggy Smith
Make us your Birthday Headquarters!
Main Street Florist & Gifts Happy Birthday Wishes Tammie Williams, owner 374 Main Street Clinton, AR • (501)745-3569 We deliver same day. Teleflora & FTD Wire Services Available
www.mainstreetfloristclinton.com Happy Birthday Wishes
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P.E.H. Supply Inc. Plumbing, Electrical, Hardware, Industrial.
Happy Birthday Wishes to You! Cletes "Bill" Blantz, owner MMC (SW) U.S. Navy (Ret.) 4319 Highway 65 South Clinton, Arkansas 72031 Phone: 501-745-6222 Fax: 501-745-2102
Happyhday birthes! wis RadioShack®
Northside Shopping Center 117 Bone St