The Voyager

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The Voyager


The voice of UWF students since 1968


SGA Supreme Court decides in favor of recall election Terry Strickland Staff Writer On April 8, the Student Government Association Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of Manuel v. Election Commission, which demanded a recall of the recent SGA elections. In the court’s majority opinion, the SGA Supreme Court found sufficient evidence of election errors to warrant a new election. There currently is no statutory framework for the recall of an entire election. At

an April 8 SGA Senate meeting, a tentative timeline for the election was put forth. However, it was not finalized until the Senate voted on the proposal on April 12. Dwayne Manuel, the plaintiff in the case, unsuccessfully challenged incumbent SGA President Josh Finley in the contested elections of March 28-29. The proceedings in the case occurred April 6 in room 145 of Building 78. Presiding over the case were Acting Chief Justice Casey Bowling and Justices Christopher Miller, Heather Jackson and

❱❱ Rundown Following the April 6 hearing for the Manuel v. Election Commission case, the SGA Supreme Court deemed the March 28 and 29 election invalid. CHECK THEVOYAGER.NET FOR THE DATE AND TIME OF THE RECALL ELECTION. Alvejes Desir. Shantay Williams, supervisor of elections, represented the defense. Manuel and Williams were each given 15 minutes

to present their arguments. Manuel pointed to technical difficulties with the online voting system and irregularities in the results. He also noted procedural errors in the appointment of election commissioners. In its ruling, the court relied mostly on the procedural problems. Manuel cited the case of Election Commissioner Davia Grant, who participated in overseeing the election without being sworn in as is required. Grant also is also the chief justice of the Supreme

UWF fights for cancer cure

See ELECTION page 2


Hawkins throws no-hitter The UWF men’s baseball team swept University of West Alabama in a three-game series. In the second game, Ben Hawkins took the mound and threw a no-hitter. He pitched seven innings with 12 strikeouts. See full story on page 7

Opinion Photos By Joslyn Rosado

Cancer survivors walk around the University of West Florida track during the survivor lap that kicked off Relay for Life on April 8. This year’s event raised more than $29,000, an increase of about $8,000 over last year.

n Relay for Life event raises more than $29k to aid research by American Cancer Society

The Voyager offers an editorial on the decision in the SGA election recall case, suggesting the SGA consitutional crisis still stands. Former SGA Supreme Court Justice Robert Jordan writes a letter to the editor criticizing the way SGA is run.

Chelsea Heiser Staff Writer University of West Florida students, faculty and staff were able to raise more than $29,000 for the American Cancer Society during the annual Relay for Life event, held April 8-9 at the UWF sports complex. This year’s proceeds gained an increase of approximately $8,000 over last year’s event. They will go to the American Cancer Society’s research toward finding a cure for cancer and other programs. Sophomore pre-nursing major and Relay for Life team development chairwoman Sarah Norman attributed the success of this year’s event to a more supportive community and a better participant turnout than previous years. “We had a full committee,” Norman said. “We were more organized and had more organizations than we did last year.” Relay for Life featured activities and games for all participants, including pie-eating contests, capture the flag and dancing on the soccer fields. The Delta Sigma Pi fraternity hosted a booth where participants could smash computers for stress relief. Connor McMillan of the Argo Hall Mighty Ducks raised money by selling balloon animals and face painting. Balloon sculptures made by his team covered his upper body while he ran around the track to support the cause. The UWF Air Force ROTC cadets provided rides

See full story on page 3

Life Amy Laguna paints a butterfly on Diego Santiago’s face as part of Argo Hall’s fundraiser for Relay for Life on April 8. around the track in chairs attached to a dolly for a $2 donation. The UWF Gay-Straight Alliance hosted marriage ceremonies for participants to marry each other for $2, and then charged $3 for a divorce if needed. Relay for Life started in 1985 when Dr. Gordy Klatt, a colorectal surgeon in Tacoma, Wash., ran and walked around a track for 24 hours to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Since then Relay for Life has

See RELAY, page 2

Academic visioning committee asks for student input Valerie Thornewell Contributing Writer An Academic Visioning Meeting was held April 9 in an effort to receive feedback from students regarding their opinions about academics at the University of West Florida in the next five to 10 years. The meeting was run by three faculty members who also are a part of the Strategic Academic Visioning and Empowerment Committee. The committee is made up of about 30 representatives from a range of different departments, alumni and other support staff, whose goal is to

❱❱ Rundown Members of the Strategic Academic Visioning and Empowerment Committee hosted an Academic Visioning Meeting on April 9 to get students’ input for the improvement of UWF’s academic programs. Only five students attended the meeting, but the committee reached out to the entire student body through an online survey April 11. develop successful strategic priorities for UWF academics. “The university has a master plan for athletics,” Bob Dugan of the university library said. “We took that and asked, ‘Why don’t we have a master plan for academics?’” Only five students attended the meeting, even though

SGA election recall; SGA needs reform

it was organized solely for the input of student’s criticisms, thoughts and hopes for the improvement of UWF’s academic programs. “We really wanted to encourage students to come to this discussion,” Melissa Brode of the university’s M.B.A. program said. “We are going

to be following this up with an online survey as well on Monday.” Despite the small turnout, the meeting carried on and the committee members asked a series of discussion-oriented questions to the attendees and documented their feedback accordingly. The committee has created a visioning process and plans to complete three major goals before October 2011. The first step was to hold a complete analysis of the university’s strengths and weaknesses from the students and university stakeholders.

See MEETING, page 2

Local bands battle at UWF contest Nearly 200 students gathered at the UWF Commons for the Battle of the Bands. Local bands The Mainstream and Scream Out Loud were among other bands in the contest, which included Long Division and Elyse Therose. The bands were competing for a grand prize of $400. See full story on page 4


News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Life & Entertainment. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-5 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Voyager

Students raise awareness of sexual violence Joslyn Rosado Staff Writer

More than 300 University of West Florida students marched from Martin Hall to the Commons to fight against sexual assault during the 11th annual Take Back the Night event held April 6. The students chanted as they marched, letting the campus know that they were not going to sit in silence about sexual assault. “We had a very large participation in the march,” said Lindsey Greeson, a health educator at Counseling and Wellness Services. At the end of the march, the students watched a Rape Aggression Defense demonstration put on by UWF police officers on the Cannon Greens before they were let into the Commons for the Colloquium. “At the colloquium, it’s very rare for students to

stay for the whole colloquium,” Greeson said. “But I think our use of multimedia and the students within the colloquium helped to keep the people staying and having their attention the whole time.” One of the winners of the Rhyme for Reason poetry contest, who was also a winner last year, mentioned a family member before reciting his poem “Not a Man.” “This issue is very close to me,” sophomore information engineering technology major Jonathan Delevoe said. He said that last year, when he was writing his poem for Rhyme for Reason, he called the family member and told her he was writing a poem about rape. At that time, Delevoe’s family member told him that she had been raped, not once, but twice. “I can’t believe that that happened to someone so close to me,” Delevoe said.

“Doing this and being a part of the 1 in 4 program, it teaches you how to handle those situations.” During the colloquium, videos were shown with the statistics of rape and sexual assault across the country, the Rhyme for Reason winners read their poems, and it ended with the Oath for Action, saying “as a true wingman, I vow to do my part to prevent sexual assault now and always,” which included the theme for this year’s TBTN: being a true wingman. Junior hospitality major Kelly Bartek, who is on the TBTN committee, came up with the theme. “I looked at different slogans that were being used,” Bartek said in an email interview. “The one that stuck out the most to me was ‘True Wingman’ because I felt like I could easily relate to it. “A lot of the time when

Photo By Joslyn Rosado

The University of West Florida Peer Educators lead the Take Back the Night Oath of Action at the end of the colloquium during Take Back the Night on April 6. More than 300 students marched from Martin Hall to the Commons for the event. you see people go out, you see them in pairs, and one is very talkative and the other kind of shy. You know they kind of work together to talk

to the person they want to get to know. I think of this as a ‘wingman.’ I thought using this slogan for TBTN would be great because it

shows that you can get to know the person you may be interested in, yet make sure you respect their wants and needs.”

Election: Justices deem missing election statutes irrelevant to case Court but recused herself from this case because of her involvement with the commission. The court was unable to confirm that proper procedure had been observed in appointing many other commissioners, in addition to Grant, because at the time the SGA could not provide the minutes of the meetings in which the commissioners were appointed. In the majority opinion, acting Chief Justice Bowling and Justice Miller wrote, “the ability to overturn and invalidate an entire Student Government election is a choice that no court who chooses to exercise

“I do not think that the issue of the missing statutes is irrelevant to the case.” —Dwayne Manuel SGA Senate President and presidential candidate in the upcoming election restraint should ever have to make.” However, the justices ruled that “establishing a precedent that the student government can continue to convene and operate without keeping proper records” would be “a violation of trust between a government and the people that it represents.”

In his brief submitted to the court, Manuel also mentioned the finding of a Voyager investigation that 60 percent of the SGA election code had been accidentally deleted last fall. However, the court refused to consider that issue. Despite their emphasis on procedural issues,

the justices refused to consider the missing statutes because Manuel erroneously referred to the election packet rather than statutes in his brief. In the majority opinion, the justices wrote that the missing statutes were irrelevant to the case. Tammy McGuckin, interim dean of students, said, “I commend the justices for their hard work and thorough analysis of the situation.” Manuel said he was content with the verdict. However, he added, “I do not think that the issue of the missing statutes is irrelevant to the case. I think that it needs to be addressed, and it should

Meeting: Committee seeks input for future of UWF This analysis will be followed by a process of identifying the key issues with the university’s academic programs and where improvements can be made successfully. The third step will be to develop the plan that will bring these changes in the next 5-10 years. “The students are the internal analysis of the university,” Dugan said. “We have also asked stakeholders, faculty and alumni, instead of

just relying on surveys.” The discussion lasted more than an hour, and a wide variety of topics were brought to the committee’s attention. Some of the university’s strengths discussed at the meeting included the amount of quality faculty and active scholars in some departments, classroom sizes, low tuition costs, topnotch facilities and a beautiful campus. Although some

students at the meeting were very impressed w ith the ir p rofe ssors, one of the weaknesses brought to the committee’s attention included a lack of enthusiasm in faculty in some cases. Other issues discussed were the need for a better recycling program, more engaging teaching methods, more electives and longer class periods to allow for discussion time. The committee

encouraged students to bring other issues to President Judy Bense. “There is an open opportunity to meet with President Bense fairly often,” Dugan said. “Take advantage of talking to her; she will listen.” The committee plans to have another meeting for student input next week. Visit its website at visioning to learn more.

Relay: Student orgs uphold Relay for Life traditions expanded from Klatt’s hope to cure cancer to more than 3.5 million people in 5,000 communities in the United States each year. Relay for Life includes three traditions that every community performs when hosting the event: the survivor walk, the luminaria ceremony and the fight back ceremony. The survivor walk invites cancer survivors to walk a victory lap around the track while participants show their support on the sidelines. The first line of survivors in the UWF walk held up a large purple banner that read, “There is no finish line

until we find a cure!” family who were victims “The survivor lap is of cancer. important because it helps Yancy Reynolds, a us remember those who junior finance major, have not survived,” shared his story said Benjamin of survival Stewart, a junior during the lumiarchaeology major naria ceremony. and cancer surviReynolds was vor. “It is persondiagnosed with a ally important to juvenile pilocytic me because it is astrocytoma brain a symbol of the Reynolds tumor in 2005. journey we take He was only a through cancer and the junior in high school. This struggle.” year, he was named the The luminaria cere- Honorary Survivor Chair. mony honors anyone who Reynolds’ said his has had cancer. Each world was “flipped inside luminaria was submit- out” when he received ted by someone in the the diagnosis. He said community in memory he went through the or in honor of friends or most intense 30 rounds

of radiation that can possibly be prescribed to someone in his condition and spent Christmas in the hospital. “I didn’t know how to fight it,” he said. “I’m not supposed to be where I am today. Cancer tore me apart, but I fought through it.” The last tradition held at Relay for Life is called the fight back ceremony. Participants of Relay for Life are asked to take a personal commitment to fight against cancer by simply getting screened, getting checked or quitting smoking.

have been addressed.” Finley said that the case was blown out of proportion, although he did think there were errors in process that needed to be addressed. “In my honest opinion, I don’t think that what happened would have changed the outcome of the election,” he said. “I think that it could have easily just been brought to SGA’s attention. “Unfortunately, now the students are going to have to go through the whole election process again.” Finley agreed with the court that the missing statutes were irrelevant to the case. Both Manuel and Finley

have confirmed that they will run in the recall election. However, Manuel’s previous running mate, Jonathon Williams, will not. Manuel said that he will be running in the recall alongside Hunter Medley, the SGA academic chair. Williams did not respond to the Voyager’s request for comment. “I think that the SGA, in general, will be a little bit more cautious with the procedures behind this election,” Manuel said. Finley said, “SGA has to make the appropriate changes to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.”

Opinions Editor, W. Paul Smith


Opinions &


Courtesy of Andy Marlette/

Wednesday, April. 13, 2011

Zach North/Staff artist

Justices look other way on missing election code


he SGA Supreme Court reached a decision last week in the election recall case, Manuel v. Election Commission, to recall the entire recent SGA election. We at The Voyager would like to offer our thoughts on the court’s ruling. This case was brought before the court when SGA Senate President Dwayne Manuel, a presidential candidate in the recently overturned SGA election, filed a brief claiming election irregularities and mishandlings. When it came to examining most of the claims in Manuel’s brief filed with the court, we feel the SGA Supreme Court did an excellent job and acted in a professional unbiased manner. However, when it came to addressing the missing election code statutes, we feel the court missed the opportunity to rectify this important issue, and almost seemed to go out of their way not to address it — and as a result, we feel the SGA constitutional crisis still stands. In our news coverage of this case, we stated that Manuel cited the findings of The Voyager investigation determining that 60 percent of the election code, Title V in the SGA Student Body Statutes, had been accidently deleted due to a “vitium scriptoris” or a “scrivener’s error,” which is a clerical or typographical mistake. In his brief, Manuel stated that twothirds of the election packet was missing, which is the packet of documents given to SGA candidates. It seems the court decided they would not hear any arguments on this issue because Manuel, in his brief, used the word “packet” instead of “statutes.” We don’t feel The Voyager needs to offer a correction on this matter because not only was Manuel definitely referring to our investigation of the missing election code statutes in his brief, but Manuel is on record saying that he meant “stat-

utes” and not “packet.” M. Sollors published in the Santa Clara We do feel Manuel worded his brief Law Review journal called “The War on incorrectly, but we also feel it was Error: The Scrivener’s Error Doctrine extremely obvious what Manuel was and Textual Criticism: Confronting referring to in his brief. Errors in Statutes and Literary Texts,” We understand the desire of the court Sollors writes, “Justice Antonin Scalia, to adhere strictly to the specific words perhaps the foremost textualist in Manuel used, but we also think that American jurisprudence, supports allowsince it was glaringly apparent what ing judges to reform statutes containing was meant, if the court truly wanted to scrivener’s errors. act as fairly to “Under the facts of this Scalia’s schema, a case as possible, court may employ then they simply the scrivener’s “We at The Voyager feel should have asked error doctrine SGA as an organization Manuel for a only ‘where on point of clarificathe very face of must find a way to tion regarding the the statute it deal with this issue of word “packet.” is clear to the The court reader’ that a missing statutes — seems to have vitium scriptoris because the failure to suggested that has made its way if Manuel had into a statute.” do so not only calls into used the word Justice Scalia’s question the integrity “statutes” rather interpretation of than “packet” in the “scrivener’s of SGA elections but his brief, then the error doctrine” is calls into question court would have congruent with addressed the decades of case the integrity of the issue of the misshistory and legal SGA Constitution and ing election code precedent in this statutes. country on the Student Body Statutes However, the matter of scrivenas a whole.” real point is this: er’s errors found the missing statin legislation. utes do not have In fact, in to be entered into much of the case the evidentiary record for the justices to history of this doctrine, the judges themconsider them. selves have found the mistakes and made It is the justices’ job to make their the appropriate corrections. decision in this case based on what the We feel the scrivener’s errors in the legislative intent of the statutes was. The election code are very obvious in the face legislative intent was not to make the of the statutes. scrivener’s error that lead to the accidenFurthermore, in the majority opinion, tal deletion of 60 percent of the election the court cited section 500.1 B of the code statutes. election code. In a 2009 law review article by David This seems to suggest that the court

❱❱ Rundown We at The Voyager feel that the SGA Supreme Court missed an important opportunity to address the unprecedented issue of the missing election code statutes. We feel that in order to avoid the issue of the missing statutes, the court chose to focus on an obvious miswording in Manuel’s briefing, but the glaring mistake in the election code still stands whether or not they choose to acknowledge it. acknowledged the election code statutes would act as the legal framework for their ruling. We don’t see how it is possible to use as a legal framework, or even cite anything, from Title V in the SGA Student Body Statutes when 60 percent of those statutes are missing. While we understand and respect the court’s desire to err on the side of judicial restraint, we do not feel that correcting what were very obvious scrivener’s errors would qualify as judicial activism. And now the SGA will conduct another election with 60 percent of the election code statutes still missing from the election code. We at The Voyager feel SGA as an organization must find a way to deal with this issue of missing statutes — because the failure to do so not only calls into question the integrity of SGA elections but calls into question the integrity of the SGA Constitution and Student Body Statutes as a whole. We understand the accidental deletion of 60 percent of the election code amounts to what is an honest mistake, but the mistake has not yet been rectified — and as a result, we feel the SGA constitutional crisis still stands.

— The Voyager

Letter to the editor

SGA needs to stop functioning like a ‘club’ B eing a past SGA member and student leader, I am very displeased how the current SGA is functioning. I thank the Voyager for covering these issues. I think it is imperative that the student body knows what is going on in SGA. There are so many flaws, useless politics, and struggle over power going on in SGA. It is my end desire that SGA goes back to its original mission: to be the student’s voice. Each branch of government is separate from one another and has a role to balance out the political process. It sounds to me that this year, SGA has been a “club.” The members do not know their constitutional rights and obligations. I was appointed to the bench by Ms. Amanda Clonts. I remember specifically during the time I served that Ms. Clonts walked a fine line when it came to the SGA Constitution. She never exerted her powers into the legislative branch or the Court. She wasn’t in charge of running the other branches of government. She knew that. I think this has not been the case, based on what I hear and observed this school year. I would like to make known that problems during elections is not a new development. There is always something that happens in just about every election that requires the attention of the SGA Election Commission and/or

the SGA Supreme Court to resolve. served as Senate President for almost a Most of it goes back to the immatuyear and it looks very bad to point out rity of the students, namely the candian error in process when he loses an dates in this case. election. This is an error that should Sixty percent of the election statues have been corrected before. being omitted from This whole missthe constitution ing-statutes issue is something that to my understand“Being a past worries me, and it ing is still pending should worry every SGA member and and may be brought member in SGA who before the SGA student leader, I am supposedly repreSupreme Court in a very displeased how sents the student separate case. body. Regardless, the the current SGA is It should be a red current case has functioning. ” flag for all. declared this elecI personally think tion invalidated, so there are way too I don’t see this issue many people that have access to edithaving any effect on the current ruling. ing the SGA constitution and distributI am, however, concerned with the ing them among members. I think this process of inputting information in the solely needs to be the job of the SGA constitution and the correct formatting advisor or someone hired to do the job of a bill. who isn’t a member. Now concerning the current case, Based on past articles of The Manuel v. Election Commission: I Voyager, the entire SGA Senate, totally support the court’s ruling on this Executive Council, and even the SGA and the rational used to reach to this Supreme Court had opportunity to conclusion. check and review these statues. This The entire Senate, including Mr. indeed could have been caught and Manuel, should know the Constitution resolved. and supporting statues showing the I believe the blame will fall on the process of making up an Election entire SGA. Commission and should have known Secondly, and most important to the that they did not correctly swear in current circumstances surrounding this commissioners to serve. election dispute, why is it now that Mr. The issues I addressed show that the Manuel points out this mistake? He has

entire SGA either lacks the knowledge of the SGA constitution, doesn’t care to abide by the SGA constitution, or blindly follows the executive branch and UWF administration, which is indeed not how SGA is to conduct business. Checks and balances are a crucial component of government and they obviously hasn’t been used during these instances I addressed. Being an Associate Justice in the past, this concerns me. SGA is composed of résumé builders who have no intent on doing what is right for the student body and doing things the correct way. They only care to do things the right way once an issue affects them, which is why you always see issues at the end of the school year during elections. In conclusion, I think SGA has a lot of work to do to regain respect from the student body and former SGA members like myself. I personally know most, if not all, of the individuals I addressed in this response. I know all of them are perfectly capable as leaders. So I am very concerned why so many mistakes were made this year. I would like to see a total 180 degree turn with how SGA currently functions.

— Robert Jordan Former Associate Justice of the SGA Supreme Court


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life &


L&E Editor, Josh de Leon

Bands battle for cash Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer

Nearly 200 people packed into the University of West Florida Commons Auditorium Thursday for a night filled with hardhitting rock music from five different local groups competing for a $400 Battle of the Bands prize. The performance started with The Mainstream, a four-piece band that plays mostly rock covers. They played giant hits such as Sublime’s “What I Got,” and AC/DC’s “TNT,” in which they cleverly chanted “The Mainstream,” in the chorus. “It was a really fun way to kick off the show,” crowd member Kayla Cantrell said. “We knew all of the songs that were played, so it was really easy to get into and a great way to start things off.” Scream out Loud, a popular scream band, was up next. They changed the pace that was previously set by The Mainstream, and entered the stage with loud, distorted guitars, and lots of screaming. They easily had the largest fan base, with fans dancing and moshing right in front of the stage. Someone dressed in a monkey suit even that joined in on the fun. The band played their set — all originals — and the

Photo by Shawn Handrahan

Local rock band, Scream Out Loud, play at the Battle of the Bands on Thursday. Photo by Shawn Handrhan

The Mainstream plays their setlist to a crowd of nearly 200. crowd was singing along, word-for-word, to every song. “I have been a fan of these guys for years now, ever since I moved here from California,” Scream out Loud fan Daniel Shreeve said. “They have always been great, but every time they play live they just

get better and better.” Long Division, an indie rock band, also joined the competition. It was the only band to incorporate a keyboard into its music and had the obvious influences of Silversun Pickups and the Smashing Pumpkins. “That song is about

love and zombies,” vocalist Tammy Mills said after singing the opening song. The last band of the night took the stage for the first time as a band and seemed to really enjoy its first concert. The band acted quirky on stage, grabbing in the crowd’s attention but just were not tight enough in their first performance to take home the title. The night belonged to

the three-member group Elyse Therose. With its strong melodic rock and passionate lyrics, it captivated the crowd and judges with the emotion conveyed in their music, and it ultimately took home the grand prize. “They were so good,” Cantrell said. “From the opening song I knew that they were going to win — they had to. I mean, of course the others were

good, but to me Elyse Therose was the clear standout of the night.” The event was sponsored by the Center Stage Committee of the Campus Activity Board, and was funded by Activities & Services fees allocated through the Student Government Association. For more information on the bands that participated in the competition, visit their facebook websites.

Casa Ole offers big, tasty fiesta Josh Cooper Staff Writer

Special to the Voyager

Beth Rogers won two awards for fiction and non-fiction in the Laurie O’Brien Contest.

Grad and undergrad student writers win Laurie O’Brien award Josh Cooper Staff Writer Literary awards were given at the Laurie O’Brien ceremony at the University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts art gallery on April 7. The awards were given to the best works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. A total of six awards were given at the graduate and undergraduate level. The winners of the awards were Beth Rodgers, who won the graduate award for both fiction and nonfiction, and Mike Colonna for graduate poetry. The undergraduate winners were William Gilley for fiction, Heather Madden for nonfiction, and Greg Riley for poetry. Jon Fink, director of creative writing, helped coordinate the ceremony. He said the event has been going on for the past five years in honor of Laurie O’Brien, a previous director of creative writing. Students submit their work, which is judged by faculty members, and the best works are awarded

$50. He also said that the authors’ names were removed from the works, so they could be judged anonymously. This year, the awards also included vases made by Adam Shiverdecker, a ceramics professor. Shiverdecker said that he was honored to make the vases. He said the vases were not so much an award as they were a “congratulatory outreach.” Each of the unique vases had an ink quill sculpted into it. Each winner read some of their work after receiving the awards. Beth Rodgers read two pieces of her work: a nonfiction piece about a high-dive she overcame as a child, and a fiction piece about an elderly woman with dozens of dogs.

Rodgers said real life is often better than fiction. She said she wonders why people do the things they do. “I write a lot of stuff that’s experience-based,” she said. “Life is just amazing.” Some students from the English department came to support their classmates. Morgan Adams, a senior in the English department, said she thought the event was great. “They are my classmates,” she said. “You always feel a sense of pride.” Many people enjoyed the event and stayed a while after the ceremony was over. Heartfelt hugs and handshakes were given to those who won the awards.

❱❱ Rundown Graduate students Beth Rogers (fiction and nonfiction) and Mike Colonna (poetry) won the Laurie O’Brien award alongside undergraduate students William Gilley (fiction), Heather Madden (non-fiction), and Greg Riley (poetry). The contest has been going on for about five years, said creative writing director Jon Fink.

Casa Ole was pretty busy around 2 p.m. last Thursday. Even though the normal lunch hour was over, larges groups of people were socializing and more guests were still coming in. Casa Ole is a unique Mexican restaurant located at 2256 E. Olive Road, on the south side of Davis. It is probably the nicest Mexican restaurant in Pensacola, and very reasonably priced. Casa Ole is a large, gray building with stones that cover the bottom and stucco that covers the top. The restaurant has four separate dining rooms, each with multiple murals painted on the walls. One of the murals was a colorful portrait of a bullfight, and another mural was that of a man with an awe-inspiring mustache. One of the rooms had two projector screens and three big screen TVs mounted on the walls. About 15 booths outlined the walls of the big room while nine large tables filled in the space in the middle. The Pollo Mixado was really delicious and a good deal for $7.29. It is a dish of grilled chicken mixed with onions, tomatoes, and peppers. It also comes with rice, beans, tortillas and pico de gallo on the side. Most of the food was about the same price, ranging from $5.99 to about $8.99. The restaurant also served steaks and seafood, with the price of those being between $10 and $15. The cheese dip is worth trying, but only for those who don’t mind a little kick of spiciness. The service was excellent. Food was out on the table within 10 minutes of ordering it, and glasses were filled before

❱❱ Rundown Top dish: The Pollo Mixado is a tasty and inexpensive treat for one looking for a quick and satisfying lunch. Location: 2256 E. Olive Road, (850) 479-7700 Verdict: Casa Ole offers a fair-priced alternative to on-campus vendors. With items like a $7 taco meal that includes 3 hard or soft shelled tacos with meat, lettuce, tomatoes and white cheese, it is sure to stuff without unstuffing your wallet.

Photos by Josh Cooper

TOP: The remnants of a meal ordered at Casa Ole on Olive Road. BELOW: Casa Ole features decorative artwork to add to the festive theme of the restaurant.

going dry. There was no rush to get people out of tables. In fact, it was very relaxing. Heath Miller, an environmental science graduate student at the University of West Florida, said that he really enjoyed eating at the restaurant. Some of the restaurant staff said they hope to see more students come in to

eat. There is live music on Friday nights, and they are starting specials that they hope will appeal to students. In the end, Casa Ole provides a nice meal at a decent price. The décor is interesting, and the service is incredible. With the restaurant being fairly close to campus, students will find Casa Ole worth the visit.

The Voyager


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Students on a house safari Gabby Chaney Staff Writer

Photo special to the Voyager

The Fountains, close to UWF, offers ammenities such as in apartment laundry and a swimming pool

Photo special to the Voyager

Northwoods Apartments on Olive Road is another popular place of residence among UWF students with its close location.

Photo special to the Voyager

The Fountains apartment complex is a popular place of residence among UWF students. Students who want cheaper apartments and have cars to drive further away from campus, have other options such as Lamplighter Apartments starting at $425 and Regency Oaks starting at $459. Getting a place on their own while in college, however, is not

an option for everyone. UWF senior Rebecca Payton has lived at home with her parents all four years. "I'm on loans and scholarships to pay for my tuition," Payton said. "It's a lot easier to pay them off while you're still living at home and not having to

West Florida Literary Federation now accepting submissions for our literary journal Emerald Coast Review.

pay rent." Students like Steven McHaley still thinks the extra money is worth the freedom. "I live at home right now, but I'm moving in with my brother soon because even though I'm 21, they're still my parents and I don't have full freedom," Mchaley said. With many different personalities and situations, students may find it hard to find where they fit in the househunting world. Michelle Godwin, manager of Fountains, stresses the point of being a good resident — no matter where you live — if you plan on ever getting a place on your own, as most places require a good residential history. "It's always important to leave in good standings," Godwin said.

❱❱ Rundown Students have to jump through many hoops to find a plave to live that is not only close to campus and in an overall accessible location, but also affordable. The Fountains on University Parkway and Northwoods on E. Olive Road are very popular for students as they have a close proximity to UWF and student-friendly prices.

Submissions in:


House hunting for the first time may seem like an exciting task for students. However, once the details of contracts, prices and distance emerge, the fun of finding a new place can become a nightmare. Students looking for a close-to-campus apartment and reasonable pricing often find that Northwoods and the Fountains are good options. Northwoods apartments range from $590 for a one bedroom up to $730 for a two bedroom. Stephanie Kyte, manager of Northwoods, says students who are wanting to apply for a place at Northwoods must be 18 years of age or older, and have a good credit and rental history. The hardest part of the contract for students to meet, she says, is that students must have proof of income at least three times as much as the rent. This causes a problem for many students who don't have jobs, or make less than about $1,000 per month. The solution to the problem is to have a co-signer. Melissa Perry, a junior and pre-nursing major at UWF, lives at Governor's Gate with two other roommates. "I definitely had to have my parent's co-sign for me to get the apartment," Perry said. Perry also said even thoug h t he ap art me nt is relatively close to campus, the drive is the worst part of living off campus. "With gas prices going up, it gets pretty expensive driving to campus several times a week," Perry said. At another apartment complex close to campus, the Fountains, pricing ranges for a one bedroom starting at $600 to a four bedroom at $1340. Their amenities, like at Northwoods, include a clubhouse, fitness center, laundry facility and swimming pool, which are all important extras for students.

Short Fiction, Poetry, Creative Non-Fiction, Art, & Photography. Open March 1 - May 2.

Guidelines and submissions online: Or by mail to:

Emerald Coast Review, West Florida Literary Federation, 400 S. Jefferson St., Suite 212 Pensacola, FL, 32502.

If you would like to have your event covered, contact Josh de Leon at ae@

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Community &


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The Voyager Editor-in-Chief

April 13

April 18

Mike Greear

Third party testers will offer FREE Rapid Response HIV testing in a Mobile Unit on the Cannon Lawn near the bookstore from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are on a first-come first-serve basis. Testing requires a finger prick and takes about 20 minutes to receive results. Monthly testing will continue throughout the semester.

The West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc (WFHPI) monthly Board Meeting will be held at noon at the J. Earle Bowden Building, 120 Church Street, Pensacola, FL. The meeting is open to the public.

News Editor Brittany Carr

Sports Editor Jack McMullen

L&E Editor Josh de Leon

Opinions Editor W. Paul Smith

Web Editor Kristen Dressel voyager.webeditor@

Design Editor Georgia Adams

Copy Editors Bobby Bone Rebecca Barnhart Friedrich Langerfeld Kathryn Middleton Kristi Noah

Graphics Editor Jarrett Moore

Distribution Manager

For more information, contact Wellness Services at 850-474-2420 or email at April 14 Ryan Petris will present his thesis entitled "Load Balancing Using Server and Client Collaboration". The presentation will be held in Building 4, Room 212 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. For more information, email John Coffey at

John Strickland The Voyager is produced weekly by students of the University of West Florida and is partially funded by Student Activities and Services fees with assistance from the Office of Student Affairs. This public document was promulgated by the president of the University at an annual cost of $.275 per copy. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of UWF, The Voyager or its staff. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless The Voyager and its staff for all contents supplied to publisher, including text, representation and illustrations of advertisements printed and for any claims arising contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a pre-printed insert, deficient postage. The Voyager is printed by Freedom Florida Commercial Printing, in accordance with Florida Law. The above information is presented in compliance Section 283.27 of Florida Statutes.

April 14 The Department of Government will host a free public lecture by Lanny Ebenstein, from the Dept. of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The title of Dr. Ebenstein's lecture is "What Would Friedman and Hayek Say About Today’s Economy?" The event will be held Thursday, at 7 p.m. in Building 51, Room 152. For more information, email Sheila Freeman at

April 15 The second coming colloquium will be on from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in Building 4, Room 402. Erich Ritter from the Shark Research Institute will give a talk entitled "Shark-Human Interaction as a Tool for Conservation." Everyone is invited. For more information, email Jia Liu at jliu@uwf. edu.

Corrections The SGA election packet does not contain the election code’s statutes. In addition to this, the SGA supreme court justices didn’t review Bill 10-11BI until after the SGA senate passed a second reading of it. Incorrect information was printed on pages 1 and 3 of the Voyager on April 6, 2011.

April 18 The Graduate School workshop is designed for students that may be interested in attending graduate school. The workshop will go over the nuts and bolts of the application process. Career Services will present a Graduate School Workshop from noon to 1 p.m. in Building 22, Room 265. All students are invited to attend. Preregistration is available, R.S.V.P. by calling Career Services at 850-474-2254.

Co-Op is always paid, always for credit, and the work experience compliments academics. Attending a Co-Op Info Session is the first step towards becoming a Co-Op participant. Career Services will present a Cooperative Education Information Session from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Building 19 at the North Entrance. All students are invited to attend. Pre-register by calling Career Services at 850-474-2254, stopping by Building 19, North Entrance or R.S.V.P. through JasonQuest.

April 18

Off campus housing easy walk to campus. Available March 1, $350/mo.,includes utilities, furnished, excellent study environment. Contact 850-474-2255, 850-484-9829 or email

If you have a job listing, email The Voyager at For more information on employment on campus, visit

The Voyager is now accepting classifieds from faculty, students and staff at no cost.

If you would like to place a classified with more than 20 words, or you Models needed for figure are not affiliated with drawing classes. Monday UWF, please contact our Business Manager, Jeff & Wednesday midday Hagedorn classes. Call 850-4742045, the UWF Art Office. The deadline for your classified ad is the CLUBS Thursday before the week you want it to be PERSONALS printed. The Voyager is now accepting personal Please email your ads of 20 words or fewer classifieds to voyager@ to with a with “classified” subject line of “classified.” in the subject line.


A comic by Zach North


A comic by Jorge Cham

April 13 - 18

For more information, email CFPA at jbrisky@

For more information, email Christina Duncan at



For more information, email Jenn Masiulis at

For more information, email CFPA at jbrisky@

It's that time of year again and the blow out event of the '10/'11 school year is coming: CAB After Dark! This year the 2nd Annual party to end all parties, CAB After Dark, will be held in Lot H. There will be tons of food and prize giveaways, as well as a DJ rocking the crowd all night. And if that is not enough, this year we are bringing fair rides and a carnival game trailer to campus. You can come out and be swung in the air over campus with 30 of your friends or win giant stuffed animals at the game trailer.

Great plans and great phones at


April 19

The UWF Singers and Madrigals will present their spring concert. The cost is free.

April 15

Learn how you can get FREE Unlimited Talk,Text and Web Cellphone Service!!! No Contract or Credit Check!!!

For more information, email Career Services at

Brigadoon is a whimsical tale of the trials and tests of enduring true love that transcends time. It tells the story of a mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every hundred years, though to the villagers, the passing of each century seems no longer than one night. The enchantment is viewed by them as a blessing rather than a curse, for it saved the village from destruction. According to their covenant with God, no one from Brigadoon may ever leave, or the enchantment will be broken and the site and all its inhabitants will disappear into the mist forever. Two American tourists, Tommy and Jeff get lost in the Scottish Highlands, stumble upon the village just as a wedding is about to be celebrated, and their arrival has serious implications for the village's inhabitants. Brigadoon's brilliant classical music matches the playful, sometimes somber, tone of the plot's action and enhances the play's drama.

Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include the author’s address and telephone number for verification purposes. Only the author’s name will be printed. Letters are published as space allows and do not necessarily represent the views of The Voyager staff. The editor reserves the right to edit letters or refuse to publish letters. Email letters to opinions@thevoyager. net with “letter to the editor” in the subject line, or stop by Bldg. 36 Room 120 to hand-deliver your letter.

For more information, contact Mary Anne Stalley at 850-595-5985 or email at mstalley@


Communities Editor, Bobby Bone


A comic by John Croes



Sports Editor, Jack McMullen

Fitness &

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UWF men’s baseball tops the rankings Chris Elkins Staff Writer For the first time in school history, the University of West Florida is ranked No. 1 nationally in the Collegiate Baseball Newspaper Division II poll. The Argonauts are 34-4 overall, and 10-1 in GSC play. They also have a 20-game winning streak, the longest in school history. “Well that’s exciting,” Head Coach Mike Jeffcoat said. “But that’s not the number one goal. The number one goal is be number one at the end of the year, when

it’s all said and done and there are no more we’ve had, it’s tough to go to bat against a staff like that,” Junior Ben Hawkins games. said, who was named this week’s “The polls are great but that’s Louisville Slugger National Player someone’s opinion, and we haven’t of the Week. proven that until we win a champiAs of statistics updated on April onship.” 8, the UWF pitching staff leads Right fielder Greg Pron, who the GSC with a 2.47 ERA and 288 leads the team with a .423 batting strikeouts. The next closest team average and .646 slugging percentwas Harding with a 3.17 ERA and age, credited the pitching staff and Valdosta State with 286 strikeouts. defense for the team’s success so Jeffcoat Starters Jason Postill and far. The Argos’ starting rotation is 30-2 Hawkins lead the GSC in wins, with nine each. Daniel Vargas-Villa is in a three-way overall, with an overall ERA of 1.69. “When you’ve got a pitching staff like tie for second with eight wins. Postill also

leads the GSC with 71 strikeouts. “I’ve said it before, we’ve got talent, but talent doesn’t win championships,” Jeffcoat said. “Teams win championships and these guys have come together as a team. They believe in one another and more importantly they support one another. “They always work for the win.” The Argos have nine regular season games remaining before the GSC tournament on May 6, and then the NCAA South Regional May 19-23. “We’ve got a lot left to do,” Jeffcoat said. “We want to win the East Division first and we’ll take everything else as it comes.”

Photo special to The Voyager

Junior Ben Hawkins, shown in 2011 play, tossed the second no-hitter of UWF’s history. He is currently 9-0 on the season with an .86 ERA.

Hawkins tosses a no-hitter UWF Sports Information

Photo special to The Voyager

Senior Greg Pron, right fielder, went 5-9 during the three game series with 3 RBIs.

The No. 1 University of West Florida men’s baseball team won both games against University of West Alabama on April 9 to improve to 33-4 overall. The Argos took game one 4-3. However, in the second game Hawkins took the hill for the Argos and hurled a no-hitter, the second in UWF’s history as a D-II school. Hawkins threw a complete game surrendering two walks while striking out a season high of 12 batters. The Argos won 2-0. “It feels good,” Hawkins. “It’s nice to be in the record books but we come out here with a purpose, and that’s to win championships. I’m going to enjoy this today but we will be back to work tomorrow.” Former pitcher Kevin Johnson is the only other Argonaut to throw a no-hitter which he threw last season against Alabama-Huntsville. In the first game, the Argos struck first in the bottom of the second inning as Josh Huggins and Korey Domenick came around to score on throwing errors by UWA’s Jeb Huber and Colin McKeen, giving UWF a 2-0 lead. The Tigers answered back in the top of the third inning scoring two runs of their own on RBI singles by Brian Simone and McKeen. UWF regained the lead 3-2 in the bottom of the fourth inning when Tyler Hastings ripped an RBI double down the left field line to score Zach Taylor. The Argos scored another run in the bottom of the

fifth inning when Leo Lamarche came in to score on a Huber balk, giving UWF a 4-2 lead. The Tigers cut into UWF’s lead in the top of the eighth inning when Trent Johnson ripped a pinch hit RBI single to right field, scoring Mckeen, making the score 4-3. Senior Shane Waller came in to seal the victory for UWF tossing 1.2 scoreless innings while striking out two, picking up his seventh save of the season. In the second game, UWF took the lead in the bottom of the first inning when Greg Pron ripped an RBI single up the middle to bring Dustin Lawley in to score, giving UWF the lead 1-0. The Argos tacked on another run in the bottom of the fourth inning on an RBI double to left field by Taylor to score Domenick, giving UWF the lead 2-0.

UWF complete the sweep The Argos defeated UWA 8-3 on April 10. The game was UWF’s 20 consecutive win and they improved to 34-4 overall and 10-1 in GSC play. Daniel Vargas improved to 8-1 on the season after he pitched eight innings and struck out six.

Football plans hit speed bump n Fundraising firm informs UWF after study that goal of $15 million is not reasonable Chris Elkins Staff Writer The main challenge for the University of West Florida’s attempt to add a football team will be finding the financial resources. The Alexander Hass fundraising firm did a study between Dec. 14 and March 21 on how much money the university could raise if it put on a large fundraising campaign based on trying to raise $15 million for the athletics program.

The firm projected that UWF could raise $2.6 million. Dave Scott, the UWF athletic director, said that the $15 million goal was chosen because it was ambitious and would be used toward improvements for the East Sports Complex, the Field House, program improvements, and scholarship. “The No. 1 concern was the economy,” Nancy Peterman said about potential donors. Peterman, a partner of

Alexander Haas, and David Shufflebarger, a managing partner, presented the results of the study to the Football Feasibility Committee on April 5. Shufflebarger said 42 interviews were conducted with potential donors in the Pensacola area. Petereman said that 10 of those donors said they would not support a football team, 9 would support it, 5 would based on special circumstance, and 18 were not willing to commit. The firm concluded that there are two possible options for UWF. “The first option is to build an annual gifts program to prepare for a large campaign,” Peterman said. “The second is to have

a small, focused campaign with a goal of $2.6-$3 million. “It is not known if donors would support at a goal of $2 million as opposed to $15 million.” The firm’s recommendation was to pursue the first option. “It is the best thing for athletics to focus the next 12 to 18 to 24 months on developing a comprehensive fundraising program,” Peterman said. Kyle Marrero, the committee chair, said last year “ended with the largest amount of fundraising given to the athletics department at $165,000.” The members of the committee were in agreement that their main

❱❱ Rundown The Alexander Hass fundraising firm completed its study, which concluded that UWF could raise $2.6 million for the athletics program. The orginal goal set by UWF was to raise nearly $15 million. Despite uncertainty of where the money would come from, Athletic Director Dave Scott said student fees could be one possiblity as a revenue resource. concern was the third charge from President Bense to the committee, concerning “the recurring and non-recurring resources available to accomplish the task.” UWF Provost Chula King said, “I don’t know where the money would come from.” Scott said there was some

reason to believe that there are possibilities for other revenue sources. One possibility would be adding to the student fee, which is currently $15.91 per student credit hour. “I don’t know about student support with financial aid down,” Josh Finley, president of the SGA, said.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taylor hits his way through adversity Molly Bruno Staff Writer Speaking with a thick Southern drawl and dressed attire, the designated hitter for the University of West Florida men’s baseball team said that his role on the team is unlike all other positions. Zach Taylor transferred to UWF last year from Wallace State College in Hanceville, Ala. and is a senior majoring in business management. He has been the designated hitter for the past two years at UWF and contributed two homeruns in a game earlier this month. Taylor’s batting average was .344 last season and is .365 this season. “I had a rough start at the beginning of the year, but I’m picking it up now,” Taylor said. “I guess it’s better to finish up doing

good.” Taylor said his journey to UWF has meant dedicating much more time to his schedule and learning better time management. Because the role of a designated hitter is unlike other roles in baseball, Taylor said he uses different techniques to keep him focused on the Taylor game. “I’ll go take swings at the cage or go sneak off,” he said. “I just have to find ways to stay loose.” He said that he has a tendency to think too much about his performance in a game. “If you’re hitting badly, you can go out in the field and take your mind off of it,” he said. “But I just have to kind of sit there and think about it.” Taylor said some bene-

fits of his position are being able to hit consistently and not getting as tired as some of his teammates might get playing in the field. Outside of baseball, the native Alabamian said his free time goes to fishing and hunting. Taylor said he takes out his boat often and plans a regular “Friday fishing day” with one of the pitchers on the team. He also said he hunted duck this year and hunted deer over winter break. Coming to a university from a junior college “brings everybody down to earth,” he said. “In junior college, I think everybody thinks they’re a lot better than they really are, but you find out that you are just one of many good players,” he said. “You have to learn to take it and

learn your role, and I do what I can to help.” Mike Jeffcoat, the baseball team’s head coach, said Taylor is ready for his opportunity to help the team. “Zach brings a pride in his hitting, and it’s not easy for a player to only hit and not play defense and also stay in the rhythm of the game,” Jeffcoat said. “He does a good job mentally staying on his task, and that’s hitting.” Jeffcoat said Taylor’s had some struggles like all players do, “but he’s always seemed to bounce back.” “He’s been a big part of our team’s success over the last two years,” he said. With 12 games left in the season, Jeffcoat and Taylor’s goals for the team are the same. They plan to make it to the Gulf South Conference, which begins May 6 in Millington, Tenn.

The Voyager

Go Argos! Show your support for your Argos by cheering them on at home games. For schedules, visit

Argos await postseason n Men’s golf team favorites

to win GSC championship UWF Sports Information The University of West Florida men’s golf team will head into postseason play ranked No. 3 after the April 7 edition of the Golf World/Nike Golf Division II Coaches’ Poll. UWF finished its final regular season tournament on April 5, and the Argonauts will head into the Gulf South Conference Championships on April 18-19 as the favorite to win

the trophy. Top-ranked Chico State held its spot at No. 1 and received five first place votes, while the Argonauts’ regional rival Lynn moved up to No. 2, also boasting five first place votes. The Argos jumped one spot from No. 4 to No. 3, and UWF received one first place nod. Central Oklahoma and Western Washington rounded out the top five at No. 4 and No. 5, respectively.

UWF has finished no Otto Bonning has led the worse than fifth place at Argonauts to success this each of its nine tourna- year, as the senior ranks first ments this year, including in the region and seventh in the nation according to three tournament wins. GolfStat. The first win Bonning holds a came in September scoring average of at The McLaughlin, 71.85 this year, and the team’s first his season hightournament of the light came at the year on Sep. 17-18 Bobcat Invitational in Farmingdale, where he claimed N.Y. the tournament title (70-66-71 The Argonauts Bonning 207). then won their UWF will be looking for first two spring tournaments in February, the its 10th GSC championship Matlock Collegiate Classic and its first since 2008. The tournament will in Lakeland, Fla. and the Argonaut Invitational at begin April 18-19 in Hot Springs, Ark. Pensacola Country Club.

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