The Voyager

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The Voyager


The voice of UWF students since 1968

WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2011

Free speech zones brought into question by display Terry Strickland Staff Writer A Valentine’s Day display on the Cannon Greens by the Center for Bioethical Reform — a California anti-abortion group — featured graphic images of genocide victims and aborted fetuses and provoked controversy over abortion, methods the group employed and the rights of university administrators to regulate free expression. Kelly Russ, interim University of West Florida director of communications, said

several students complained to the administration about the display, saying that it had been a violation of decency. In response, Russ told The Voyager that the university had a responsibility to tolerate different viewpoints. A week later, in a letter to The Voyager, Michael Schrimsher, the anti-abortion group’s Florida director, referenced the First Amendment in defending the group’s right to exhibit the images on campus. Robert Richards, founding director of the non-partisan Pennsylvania Center for the First

Amendment said in an e-mail interview that while the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment are not absolute, the university generally could not restrict speech based on the content or the viewpoint expressed. Closely tied to the debate over the Valentine’s Day display is the issue of free speech zones. Many students wanted to know why the demonstrators had not been relegated to the free speech zone on campus. While the university cannot limit speech based on the content or viewpoint expressed, Richards said courts have generally held that

the time, place and manner under which views are expressed can be limited. Speech zones, which are found on campuses nationwide, are an example of such restrictions. Richards said that approach gained popularity in the past decade as a way to ensure that public expression did not interfere with university operations. Policies enforcing that approach have come under attack by free speech advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

Senator pushes gun bill

See SPEECH, page 2


Argos defeat FSC, committee meets The UWF men’s baseball team completed the threegame sweep of Florida Southern College on Feb. 27 winning 5-1. The Football Feasibility Committee met on Feb. 22 to discuss the requirements of adding a football team. See full story on page 7 Photo By W. Paul Smith

State Sen. Greg Evers speaks to a crowd of about 60 University of West Florida students at the Feb. 25 Student Government Association Senate meeting. Evers attended the meeting to explain his reasons for supporting the bill. He said guns would give students and faculty the ability to protect themselves against

n Sen. Greg Evers attends Senate meeting to address value of concealed weapons W. Paul Smith Staff Writer In a Student Government Association Senate meeting on Feb. 25, members passed a recommendation to condemn a bill before the Florida Legislature that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on college and university campuses. The Senate passed the recommendation 15-6, but the recommendation will have to pass a final reading on March 25. State Sen. Greg Evers, R-Crestview, the author of the controversial bill, attended the meeting in the Commons Auditorium and spoke for about an hour, citing reasons why he favored the bill and fielding questions from students and senators. About 60 students were in attendance at the meeting and were permitted to write questions for Evers on index cards read aloud by the senators. “Self-protection is your responsibility,” Evers said at one point, holding up a copy of the Constitution. “You have the responsibility to protect yourself, because nowhere in the Constitution does it say ‘and the law will protect me.’ ” In his remarks, Evers often cited the state of Utah, which passed a similar law in 2004 to allow those with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on campuses, and noted that the colleges in that state have not seen an increase in gun violence. “Let’s face it, the bad guys always have guns, and all

❱❱ Rundown The Student Government Association Senate voted 15-6 in favor of passing a recommendation to condemn SB 234 during the Feb. 25 meeting. The bill, written by Sen. Greg Evers, would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on college and university campuses.The SGA recommendation has to pass a reading on March 25 before becoming final. this bill does is allow the good guys to protect themselves,” Evers said. When asked about how to deal with school shooting incidents such as the one at Virginia Tech in 2007, Evers said, “The only way to stop a situation like that is with equal force.” Evers discussed the process to obtain a concealed weapons permit, which includes being 21 years of age, going through a weapons-safety training course, and registering your fingerprints with the police. “If you go through the work to receive a concealed weapons permit, then you will respect that because it’s something that you worked for,” Evers said. After Evers’ remarks, students and senators debated whether the Senate should pass the recommendation to voice objection to his Senate Bill 234. “This issue here is whether college students are allowed the same constitutionally protected rights as anyone else,” Rebekah Johansen, a political science/prelaw major, said. “We cannot hold law enforcement liable to protect us, because they can’t always be there,' Casey Bowling, a political science/pre-law major, said. Others students voiced opposition to SB 234 and

See EVERS, page 2

Victim’s mom urges students to ‘make a plan’ Joslyn Rosado Staff Writer

The mother of a victim of drunk driving spoke at “Make a Plan with the Pi’s: Slice Two” on Feb. 22 to make students aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. Renee Napier, whose daughter was killed in a car accident in 2002, addressed an audience of 150 students in the Commons Auditorium. “It is my hope that tonight your life will be changed,” Napier said. “When I tell you this story, I hope that your life will definitely be changed. It’s my biggest hope that you will decide tonight, right this minute, that you definitely want to

❱❱ Rundown

Renee Napier, founder of The Meagan Napier Foundation, warns students about the dangers of drunken driving, as well as the importance of forgiveness and healing during “Make a Plan with the Pi’s” on Feb. 22. Napier’s daughter, Meagan, and UWF student Lisa Dickson were killed in a car accident in 2002. Eric Smallridge, the drunken driver, made an appearance at the event to encourage students not to make the same mistake he did. make a difference in the world, and I want to assure you that each and every one of you in this room can make a difference in this world if you just have a plan.” On May 11, 2002, Meagan Napier, a student at Tallahassee Community College, and Lisa Dickson, a UWF student, were

killed by a drunken driver, Eric Smallridge, in Gulf Breeze, Fla. “I found comfort that these two girls died instantly,” Napier said. “And the other thing that gave me comfort was the fact that they died together.” Napier is the founder of The Meagan Napier Foundation, which

is a nonprofit organization formed to raise awareness of the risks and dangers of drunken driving, and to promote forgiveness and healing, according to its website. “Always have a plan whenever you’re going out at night, hanging out with friends,” Napier said. “If there is driving involved, find someone who is a designated driver.” After Napier told the story of the accident, she had a surprise guest for the audience. Smallridge, in his prison jumpsuit and handcuffs and accompanied by a police officer, was brought out to tell his story. He’s a graduate of UWF and was originally sentenced to 22 years in

See PLAN, page 2


Governor pranked, pranker’s letter Opinions editor W. Paul Smith discusses the journalist who prank-called Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., and also presents a special message written to UWF journalism students from the journalist in question. See full stories on page 3


Elbow Room offers plethora of dishes The Elbow Room, located at 2213 W. Cervantes St., offers a cornucopia of toppings and menu items. Not limited to pizzas, they also serve burgers and other snacks. Diners can also purchase different types of beer and wine. It is open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. See full story on page 4


News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Life & Entertainment. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-5 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Voyager

Career fair is networking opportunity for graduates

Gabriela Chaney Staff Writer

Thirty-five employers looking for graduates to join their work force met with University of West Florida students at the career fair hosted by the Career Center on Feb. 23. Nathan Ford, assistant director of Career Services, said that 200 students and alumni participated in the event. Employers such as Air Force Civilian Science and Engineering, Bay Haven Charter Academy Inc., HD Action Photography, Navy Federal Credit Union, Waffle House and Portofino Resort and Spa set up

booths in the Conference Center with information about their companies and how to apply for jobs. Students were encouraged to participate, dress professionally and come prepared with a resume. Jacob Godwin from New York Life Insurance, the oldest and largest insurance company in the nation, was at the career fair looking for full-time sales agents. “We look for motivated individuals with high morals and a sense of social integrity,” Godwin said. “What they’ll be doing is going out to family business to find out what their needs are so we can connect them

❱❱ Rundown Career services hosted a career fair on Feb. 23 to provide an opportunity for students to meet with potential employers. There were 200 students and alumni and 35 companies at the event. with our products.” Sara Rochefort from Bay Haven Charter Academic Inc., was at the event recruiting teachers for the one-year-old North Bay Haven Charter Academy located in Panama City, Fla. “We need teachers to fill the new opening positions in Pre-K through 9th grade,” Rochefort said. “Each year we will

increase a grade, until we’ve reached 12th grade, so we really need teachers as this school continues to expand.” Students did not have to come prepared with a resume or ready to apply to a job. Michael Ward from West Corporation encouraged students to apply online or come in personally to have an interview.

West Corporation is hiring full-time customer service representatives. Kimberly Forney is getting her master’s in business administration and came to the fair hoping to find a part-time job that wouldn’t interfere with her studies. Ward “It would be nice if they had more part-time jobs for students trying to work and keep working on their degrees, but a lot of them were full-time jobs for students who are graduating,” Forney said. Though not every job category was at the career

fair, students got an important chance to begin networking and getting a grasp on what jobs were available and what companies are hiring. Megan Nichols, a senior majoring in arts, hoped the career fair would have more art design jobs available, but still was glad she went. “They only had two companies in exactly what I want, but it was good to see what is out there and what they are looking for, even if it doesn’t apply to my major,” Nichols said.

Speech: Free speech zones

at UWF not free of controversy and the Student Press Law Center, which argue that they are unconstitutional. They reference a long line of legal precedents and have succeeded — either through litigation or the force of public opinion — in dismantling or softening many speech zone policies. Richards said that, in addition to being content and viewpoint neutral, restrictions on expression must serve a legitimate government purpose, be narrowly tailored to achieve this purpose and leave sufficient alternative means of communication. Free speech zones are often o s t e n s i b l y Richards content- and viewpoint-neutral. However, while most agree that public universities have a legitimate interest in limiting speech that interferes with the universities’ educational mission, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education argues that free speech zones are not narrowly tailored to this purpose. For instance, according to the University of West Florida “Freedom of Speech Policy” as outlined in the Student Handbook, the area between Buildings 18 and 21 — perhaps half an acre — is designated as the only area on a 1,500-acre campus where unscheduled and

❱❱ Rundown Any group can use the free speech zone, located between Buildings 18 and 21, for unplanned and unorganized expression. Any individual student or faculty member can express their opinions on all outdoor areas of campus that aren’t being used by a university agency, according to the UWF Freedom of Speech policy. unorganized public expression is permitted. According to this same policy, in order to use any other area, those not affiliated with the university and even all UWF groups must register with the Commons and Student Services On the other hand, the policy later states that “all outdoor areas on the campus which are not committed to a specific use or assigned for use to a specific university agency are available to be used for informal, unscheduled and non-amplified expressions of opinion by individual members of the faculty and student body participating as individuals without prior registration of approval, provided other applicable university regulations shall be observed.” In reference to this murky caveat, Russ said that the term “individuals” simply refers to students assembling outside the definition of a student organization. “Student organiza-

tions are afforded the use of campus buildings and outdoor areas at no charge, but must reserve space through the University Commons,” Russ said. “The reservation allows university staff to work with the organization regarding event logistics. The registration process is not a barrier, but designed to ensure the success and safety of the event for all.” Samantha Harris, director of speech code research for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said that the speech zone policy at UWF is less restrictive than those at many other universities but is still far too restrictive. Richards said that UWF’s policy seems to be “carefully crafted.” “On its face, the policy does not appear to me to be constitutionally problematic,” he said. “The devil is always in the details, though, and how such a policy is enforced could raise First Amendment issues down the line.”

Evers: Students have varied opinions about allowing weapons on campus urged the Senate to pass the recommendation. “As a former Army soldier, as a gun owner myself, I do not support this bill,” Kristy Davies, a public relations major, said. Students in attendance at the meeting seemed split over the issue, but more in attendance spoke in favor of the bill than against it. This sparked some controversy among the SGA senators as to whether the students in attendance accurately represented a majority of the students

on campus. “The issue involves the health and wellness of the majority,” Sen. Patrick Harriston said. “I don’t feel this is the accurate majority of the Winters UWF campus.” Sen. Jody Winters said it was difficult to get students to attend Senate meetings to discuss anything. “It was hard enough for me to get people to come here just to talk

about Lunar New Year,” Winters said. “There are a lot of people that I’ve talked to that have said they don’t want guns on campus. They won’t come up to the Senate because, frankly, you all are kind of scary to them.” Sen. Alex Kibria said, “Once we become a senator, we do represent the student body. We need to make sure we represent the whole student body, not

Photo By Joslyn Rosado

The car involved in the wreck that killed Lisa Dickson and Meagan Napier is displayed next to the University Commons. It was part of the “Make a Plan with the Pi’s” event that was held Feb. 22.

Plan: Man responsible for girls’ deaths speaks out against drinking and driving prison for drunken driving and the killing of the two girls, but because of Napier, his sentence was shortened to 11 years. Napier went to the judge and asked for his sentence to be shortened. “My hope for coming out and talking to you tonight is that it will convince you to never drink and drive,” Smallridge said. Smallridge plans to continue to tell his story to audiences along with Napier, even after he is released from prison. “I’m never going to be able to bring Meagan and Lisa back, but I wish I could, and that’s the reason why I come to speak to you all,”

“My hope for coming out and talking to you tonight is that it will convince you to never drink and drive.” — Eric Smallridge Speaker at Make a Plan with the Pi’s Smallridge said. “If one of you or all of you can learn from my mistake, it makes it all worthwhile.” This event was the second of its kind. “We had our first one last year,” Audrey Corley, ADPi president said. “We thought we could bring Ms. Napier back, and since Eric was traveling with her, we thought it’d be a bigger impact.” Freshman Kayli Hanke

had already heard Napier speak before, but still felt it had a great impact. “It was still very heartwarming and touching even though I’ve already seen it,” Hanke said. “I really thought the video at the end put everything into perspective.” For more information about The Meagan Napier Foundation, visit

Opinions Editor, W. Paul Smith


Opinions &


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Parking spots should be painted correctly Chelsea Harrison Contributing Writer

for a good 15 to 20 minutes trying to find a “legal” parking spot near where my classes are. s I was walking out of class last Not to mention, teachers don’t exactly week, I found a $25 parking buy the excuse of “I couldn’t find a parkticket on my car — and got a ing spot” when you barge in 10 minutes text message from late for class. my ex telling me After circling how he just watched around numerous “I remember saying my truck get a ticket times, I couldn’t find on it. one, so I drove down to myself, ‘If I get Let me just start to the bottom of the one more ticket, I’m off by saying that I hill and parked out in have received three the middle of nowhere going to lose my parking tickets in a parking spot that in the past week mind.’” had no paint on it. leading up to this I feel if UWF is current one. going to continue to I remember give me outrageous saying to myself, “If I get one more parking tickets, they can at least fix ticket, I’m going to lose my mind.” the ridiculous parking situation at the Well I guess you could say this was commons around mid-day and paint all true. I did lose my mind. the staff parking spots accordingly! I’m sorry, but I am so aggravated with This is what aggravates me — really UWF right now. aggravates me. First of all, I had been driving around


Courtesy of Andy Marlette/

Prank call to governor was good journalism W. Paul Smith Opinions Editor Hunter S. Thompson once said, “There are a lot of ways to practice the art of journalism, and one of them is to use your art like a hammer to destroy the right people — who are almost always your enemy for one reason or another, and who usually deserve to be crippled because they are wrong.” Thompson pioneered the art of “gonzo journalism,” a style of journalism that is often subjective in nature, usually including the reporter as part of the story. Last week, another gonzo journalist made national headlines when Ian Murphy, editor of “The Beast,” prankcalled Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Murphy pretended to be billionaire conservative businessman David Koch and managed to get Walker to say some questionable things in the course of the phone conversation. Walker is currently involved in a labor dispute in Wisconsin and is trying to get a bill passed that would take away the collective bargaining rights of most state employees. This controversy has drawn massive protests from union members and forced some Democratic legislators to go into hiding to delay a vote on the bill. Murphy managed to get Walker to admit he had considered planting “troublemakers” among the protesters to interrupt the demonstrations, joke about hitting Democrats with a baseball bat, and say he had planned to deceive Democratic senators to return under the false pretense that he would make a deal with them, then force a vote on his measure.

The Society of Professional Journalists component to the craft of journalism. It’s recently released a statement condemnhow Upton Sinclair wrote “The Jungle,” ing Murphy and his prank call. how Nellie Bly exposed the deplorable “This tactic and the deception used to conditions of mental institutions, and gain this information violate the highest how “Dateline” and “60 Minutes” do any levels of journalism ethics,” said Kevin Z. of their hidden-camera exposés. Smith, SPJ ethics committee chairman. And not to mention, it’s how the “To lie to a source about your identity police and FBI catch many bad guys. and then to bait that source into making It may not be appropriate in every comments that are inflammatory is inexstory and should probably be used sparcusable and has no place in journalism.” ingly, but going undercover should always be an arrow In Murphy’s in the journalist’s article, called quiver ready to be “Koch Whore,” he “A journalist not pulled when the says he decided situation demands only has the right to to make the call it. after reading misrepresent himself, Murphy’s prank that Wisconsin is a necessary but sometimes, as Democrats could example to journot get Walker to Murphy demonstrated, nalists and jourspeak to them or nalism students it is a journalist’s only return their phone everywhere that calls. option.” hammering the Murphy’s prank right people somenot only exposed times requires some of the unethguerilla tactics. ical ideas of Walker, but showed that if you want Walker to return your calls Murphy’s special message it helps to be a billionaire conservative financier. to UWF journalism students A journalist not only has the right to misrepresent himself, but sometimes, as Now at full disclosure, I am someMurphy demonstrated, it is a journalist’s one who thoroughly enjoys Murphy’s only option. work and have been reading “The The SPJ’s own “Code of Ethics” states: Beast” for a long time. I have also “Avoid undercover or other surreptitious corresponded with some of the staff methods of gathering information except members over the years. when traditional open methods will not At my cajoling, Murphy was nice yield information vital to the public.” enough to pen a letter to The Voyager Sometimes deception can be used to staff and journalism students at UWF expose deception. to share his thoughts on the state of The ability to go undercover is a vital journalism.

So, without further ado, here’s a message from the man who prankcalled Gov. Walker: Dear Students of Journalism Somewhere in the Hellish Swamp Called Florida, You’ve chosen to pursue one of the most ignoble professions in existence. To succeed, you will have to become a mouthpiece of swine, a conduit through which money can speak. To simply make ends meet you will be forced to suffer an endless loss of morality and make countless compromises of character in pursuit of your master’s bottom line. Even the most righteous and least successful of you will betray your dignity on a nearly daily basis. Some of you will look for truth; few of you will find it. Some of you will look for truth and find lies, but not know the difference. And some of you will wind up looking for other jobs in other fields. The lies of the rich will be tempting and golden, and you’ll have to remember to whom you’re beholden. It’s not that you can’t speak the truth if you dare, but you may end up fired and no one will care. Informing the public is its own reward and that, dear students, is what you have to look forward. Be brave, take risks, and for the sake of us all, please, kick f------ a--. Best,

Ian Murphy Editor of “The Beast”

Faculty and staff should be able to carry guns on campus Bob Thomas Contributing Writer


here has been much hoopla over state Sen. Greg Evers’ proposal to allow guns on campus. So much so that it was touted on television as the bill that would permit “open carry” on campus — not so according to my sources. It would only permit individuals with a concealed firearms license to carry concealed on campus. You have to admit that it makes little sense to license people to carry a firearm and then limit where it can be taken. That creates what is known as “free-fire zones,” which are locations where weapons are prohibited. Such locations attract those wishing to do harm to a lot of unarmed people because they do not obey the law. What really would be the impact of the Evers bill? One criticism is that students would be walking around with pistols on their hips. According to my research, one must be 21 years of age to acquire a handgun. One must also be at least 21 years of age to obtain a concealed

weapons permit. entitlement generation. So much so Thus, most of the “traditional” that they keep large cans of pepper college students would likely never spray in their office or carry pepper have a permit during their college spray with them at all times on years. campus. John Rosemond, psychologist and This indicates two things: the syndicated columnist, often cites a behavior of some students has put research study faculty and staff that concluded on alert, and that a 30 year old pepper spray is in the year 2000 the most power“Personally, I would not had the same ful self defense maturity level of mechanism availfeel unsafe if faculty a 20 year old in able to them. and staff with a CFL 1980. Rosemond I know a often uses this number of were permitted to bring study to bolster faculty and staff guns to campus.” his argument that on campus and people should not a surprising be permitted to number of them drive until they have a CFL. These are at least 21. people are not paranoid, mentally ill Because UWF has a large percentor out to kill someone. age of nontraditional students, the In fact, I find just the opposite. lack of maturity on their part could be These are intelligent people with an issue. good judgment who are aware of their In fact, I have had faculty and surroundings and do not wish to be staff tell me that because of altercaa victim. They believe that there is tions with unruly students and even a higher risk of being attacked by a their parents, that they have become student today than in years past. increasingly uncomfortable with the Plus, some faculty members that

travel back from classes in Fort Walton Beach have told me that they wish they could carry a gun with them for that late-night return trip. Given the research cited by Rosemond, maybe the bill should exclude students from carrying on campus. But, as a starting point, the bill could be amended to permit only faculty and staff with a CFL to carry on campus. Some may argue that having a gun on campus affords someone the opportunity to take the gun away from them for the purpose of committing bodily harm. It is true that the overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers shot in the line of duty are shot with their own weapon. But this issue can be minimized with the right equipment. Also, because CFL holders must carry concealed, it is highly unlikely that anyone would ever know the weapon is there. Personally, I would not feel unsafe if faculty and staff with a CFL were permitted to bring guns to campus. In fact, I am not sure how we got to the point where this is an issue of contention.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life &


L&E Editor, Josh de Leon

UWF Band plays CFPA Josh Cooper Staff Writer

The University of West Florida Symphonic Band rece i v e d a s t a n d i n g ovation after its performance of five unique pieces on Feb. 22. Richard T. Glaze, director of bands, conducted two pieces, “Chester” by William Schuman and “Incantation and Dance” by John Barnes Chance. Glaze then allowed three students to conduct one piece each. The first student conductor, Lynsey Booth, directed “The Thunderer” by John Philip Sousa. Guistino Carrano conducted “Irish Tune from County Derry” by Perry Grainger, followed by Robert Darragh conducting “Second Suite in F” by Gustav Holst. “It feels like I have become more of an MC than a conductor, with all the student conductors,” Glaze joked. The majority of the music was light, fun and incredibly lively. Some songs were fast paced while others seemed to

Photo Special to The Voyager

The UWF Symphonic Band performs on the mainstage from a previous concert season. The band has more performances scheduled at the end of the semester in April. flow by slowly. The dissonance and speed of the pieces helped progress the feel of the night. The crowd seemed to enjoy the evening and gave a

standing ovation at the end of the concert. Phil Igney, director of music at Cokesbury United Methodist Church, said he found the perfor-

mance “wonderful.” “It’s good that they are getting the literature out,” he said after the concert. Igney said his favorite

piece for the night was “Incantation and Dance.” The song that received the most praise of the night was “Irish Tune from County Derry.”

Three students, including one of the flutists, said it was their favorite piece, as did Glaze. Kristie Knowles, a psychology major, said she enjoyed the concert. “I loved it,” she said. “It was classic and professional.” Christiana Broughton, a fine arts student, was also impressed with the performance. “I personally like the variety of the instruments they used,” she said. “I noticed they used some unconventional things.” Cristina Adames, an anthropology student, p laye d f lut e f or t he concert. She said that she thought the performance “went pretty well.” “I thought the band was well balanced,” she said. The symphonic band has other performances planned for the semester, including a film score concert, and in collaboration with the theater department, a performance of “Brigadoon.” Both performances will take place in April.

Elbow Room is a cozy place Molly Bruno Staff Writer Traveling west on Cervantes Street, just past Pace Boulevard, I came upon the small and simple brick building that is the Elbow Room. At first glance, the exterior doesn’t ignite much interest. But like in “The Wizard of Oz,” when things change from black and white to color, entering the local pizza pub took me into unexpected terrain. I adjusted my vision a little as I walked into the extremely low-lit building that was glowing red. Very minimal lighting is all that allows you to view a menu and the people around you in this bar without any windows. The Motown song “Twisting The Night Away” was streaming out of an authentic jukebox as we settled at a small table. Pinball, Pac-Man and a dartboard are some of the games available in addition to an impressive collection of board games. As the jukebox continued to play one classic song after another, there’s one word I kept thinking to myself: adorable. This place is simply adorable.

Two noticeably pleasant employees took care of the few customers scattered around the bar. After a look at the menu, which included burgers, pizza, salads, and a section for “munchies” like chips and dip, my pizza date and I decided to split a 12-inch pizza with mushrooms and blue cheese. We recieved the meal after a lengthy wait, but all together, it was pretty satisfying. The items on the menu ranged from around $5 to $15, and my meal came to a very affordable $6.50. The pub was impressively tidy and maintained a charming, unique appeal as “Georgia On My Mind” by Ray Charles took me through the rest of my meal. What a sweet, sweet place. An unoccupied fireplace was behind me, with a lava lamp and other trinkets adorning the mantle. Otis Redding was the next artist to manifest from the jukebox. Plants and moss hung over the bar, and a lounge with a small sofa was located near the back of the pub. Across the walls, and any place in between, there hung an array of antique paintings, lit-up signs,

Special to the Voyager

Photo by Molly Bruno

“Elbow Room” emblazons the door and greets customers upon their arrival. mirrors and interesting wall tapestries. This place seemed loved from head to toe. As the wives of two men at the bar showed up to meet their husbands, we wrapped up our meal and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. We paid our check as Nat King Cole’s

“Unforgettable” began to play. What an appropriate way to take us out. The Elbow Room, located at 2213 West Cervantes St., is open Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. until 2 a.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. Food is served as late as 2 a.m.

Photo by Molly Bruno

A 12-inch pizza, peppered with myriad toppings, rests temptingly on the table at The Elbow Room, located at 2213 W. Cervantes St.

Charity to fire at Cannon Greens Chelsea Heiser Staff Writer The University of West Florida’s Alpha Delta Pi sorority’s first “Blue and White Grill Out” will be on March 4 at 12 p.m. Lunch plates including a hot dog and sides will be served for $3. Everyone is invited to come out to the Cannon Greens to support Alpha Delta Pi and just enjoy eatin g B B Q , s oa kin g

up the sun and tossing around a football. Alpha Delta Pi donates all the proceeds collected from the grill out to Pensacola’s Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House is Alpha Delta Pi’s national philanthropy. “It is especially helpful to us because we have a local Ronald McDOnald House,” said Alpha Delta Pi Public Relations Chair Nicole Yeakos.

Ronald McDonald House was started when Philadelphia Eagles tight end Fred Hill’s 3-yearold daughter, Kim, was being treated for leukemia in 1974. He and his wife, Fran, camped out on hospital benches because they could not afford to stay in a hotel when they had to travel for medical treatment for their daughter. Word traveled to Don Tuckerman from the local

McDonald’s advertising agency, who with the support of McDonald’s Regional Manager Ed Rensi, launched the St. Patrick’s Day Green Milkshake dubbed the “Shamrock Shake” promotion. Funds raised helped buy an old house located near the hospital, which was opened in 1974 as the first Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House opened it’s 300th

Ronald McDonald house this past year. Ronald McDonald House is a “home away from home” at little to no cost for families dealing with a hospitalized child who has to travel to receive specialized medical treatment. It allows the families to focus on healing their child rather than hotel bills or paying for meals. At every Ronald McDonald House, families can enjoy private

rooms, home-cooked meals and playrooms for children. Brittany McGrailm, philanthropy chair for Alpha Delta Pi, is responsible for organizing the event. This tournament is Alpha Delta Pi’s spring event to raise money for t h e R o n a l d McDonald H o u s e a n d a l so a preview for their annual Lion’s Share Volleyball Tournament in the fall.

If you would like to have your event covered, contact Josh de Leon at

The Voyager

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Radiohead release tepid Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer Radiohead is one of the few bands in the industry today constantly looking for ways to embrace the new direction the music business is heading. Their previous album, “In Rainbows,” was released exclusively online, but that was not their only departure from the normal way of distributing new music. Radiohead dropped its record label, and they allowed those who purchased the album to choose their own price. Yes, that means they could have chosen to pay nothing. Now with its eighth studio album, “The King of Limbs,” Radiohead continues to change its style and offer different ways to obtain the album. For now, the album is online only, but this time it is selling for at least $9 for the eightsong CD. If you prefer the physical copy of the album, it is slated for a March 28 release at the same price as the digital release. The album begins with “Bloom,” a song of full ambient sounds being looped over and over. Then after a minute, Thom Yorke sings the first line of the album: “Open your mouth wide.” Moving on to the second track, Radiohead settles into a more understandable song, both musically and vocally, but still not reaching the greatness it has achieved with albums like “OK Computer” and “In Rainbows.” It isn’t until the fifth track, “Lotus Flower,” which was the first single off of the album, that the band reaches its potential and begins to blossom. “Lotus Flower” is full of ambient sounds like the other tunes but in a more subtle way that is much more pleasing on the ears. Yorke’s vocals are beautiful as always as he sings mostly in his famously haunting falsetto.

Graphics Special to the Voyager

Like “In Rainbows,” “The King of Limbs” is available for inital purchase in MP3 format. The second half of the album definitely overpowers the first and is worth the price of admission. “Codex” is the lone piano ballad, and receives Radiohead’s signature treatment of begining to build layer after layer until ending with nothing but the sounds of birds chirping. Th e c h i r p i n g l e a d s directly into “Give up the Ghost,” a mellow song featuring Thom Yorke on acoustic guitar. This song gives lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood a chance the play around, picking chords over

Yorke’s playing. The album comes t o a clos e w it h my personal favorite song, “Separator.” It is a rare gem to hear bassist Colin Greenwood featured so heavily. The song builds up just as the others do, to a strange, but comforting, airy sound. Radiohead has always tried to push the limits with their music, and this time it falls slightly short of amazing. The album is far from awful, but also far from great. I would recommend this one for a dark, rainy night.

❱❱ Rundown Stars: JJ out of four

Verdict: Although “The King of Limbs,” Radiohead’s eighth studio release, has a few standout tracks, it seems to fall rather short of earlier releases and doesn’t quite fit in the same canon with masterpieces like “Kid A” and “OK Computer.”



Community &


Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2011


The Voyager



A new club, Everyone's Issue, will be putting on the Vagina Monologues in April and they are looking for females to join the cast. There is open casting until March 1. Please contact Nyrie Mann at nsm3@ if you would like to be a part of the performance.

If you have a job listing, e-mail The Voyager at For more information on employment on campus, visit

Communities Editor, Bobby Bone



Mar. 3

Mar. 5

Mike Greear

The Campus Activity Board CARS Committee presents: Mayhem Poets: Poetry Night at 8:30 p.m. in the Commons Auditorium. One of the hottest up and coming poetry groups will only be here at UWF for one night. Join CAB along with the CARS Committee for "Mayhem Poets: A Night of Poetry, Fun and Soul." Come hear an amazing group of poets redefine the concept of modern day poetry. Sponsored by the CARS Committee of the Campus Activity Board

A group of students will be preparing free tax returns for all students, faculty and staff through the United Way every Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until April 16.

Recreation and Sports Services presents Blackwater Forest Camping & Canoe Clinic.

Off campus housing easy walk to campus. Available March 1, $350/mo.,includes utilities, furnished, excellent study environment. Contact 850-474-2255, 850-484-9829 or e-mail

For more information, e-mail Jhonny Denis at

For more information, e-mail Recreation at


A comic by Zach North

Mar. 3

Mar. 7

The event will take place at noon, WUWF Public Media will present RadioLive a la Carte. Bill Wharton (the 'Sauce Boss') & the Ingredients will be playing an appetizer set in the Argo Galley to let everyone know what's on the menu for RadioLive that evening at the Museum of Commerce at 6 p.m.

UWF percussion student Lynsey Boothe, steel drum, will join professor Hedi Salanki, harpsichord, in a unique concert of Baroque music with a modern Caribbean flair. The cost is free.


A comic by Jorge Cham


A comic by John Croes

News Editor Brittany Carr

Sports Editor Jack McMullen

L&E Editor Josh de Leon

Opinions Editor W. Paul Smith

Web Editor Kristen Dressel voyager.webeditor@

Design Editor Georgia Adams

Copy Editors Bobby Bone Rebecca Barnhart Friedrich Langerfeld Kathryn Middleton Kristi Noah

Graphics Editor Jarrett Moore

Distribution Manager John Strickland The Voyager is produced weekly by students of the University of West Florida and is partially funded by Student Activities and Services fees with assistance from the Office of Student Affairs. This public document was promulgated by the president of the University at an annual cost of $.275 per copy. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of UWF, The Voyager or its staff. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless The Voyager and its staff for all contents supplied to publisher, including text, representation and illustrations of advertisements printed and for any claims arising contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a pre-printed insert, deficient postage. The Voyager is printed by Freedom Florida Commercial Printing, in accordance with Florida Law. The above information is presented in compliance Section 283.27 of Florida Statutes.

Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include the author’s address and telephone number for verification purposes. Only the author’s name will be printed. Letters are published as space allows and do not necessarily represent the views of The Voyager staff. The editor reserves the right to edit letters or refuse to publish letters. E-mail letters to opinions@thevoyager. net with “letter to the editor” in the subject line, or stop by Bldg. 36 Room 120 to hand-deliver your letter.

Corrections The Voyager strives to accurately report the news. If you see any errors in our newspaper, please let us know so we can issue a correction in this space. Send corrections to, with the subject line “Voyager Correction.” Please also include the issue in which the error occurred.

For more information, e-mail Lynne Marshall at Mar. 4 The Writing Lab is hosting its first Grammar Jeopardy game, which will be held during Grammar Night on National Grammar Day. For more information, e-mail the Writing Lab at Mar. 4 Lunch plates including a hot dog and sides will be served for $3, and all proceeds will go to our local Ronald McDonald House. AdPi encourages everyone to come out and soak up the sun, eat, laugh, toss around a foot-ball and just enjoy each other's company.

For more information, e-mail Michael Burnett at mab93@students. Mar. 5-7


GSA will be holding the ALLY event on March 3, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The purpose of the Ally Program is to train individuals on how to handle if someone comes out Models needed for figure to them and to be a safe drawing classes. Monday resource for members of the LGBT community. & Wednesday midday classes. Call 850-4742045, the UWF Art Office.

PETS PERSONALS The Voyager is now accepting personal ads of 20 words or fewer to with a subject line of “classified.”

CMAA/HRRM is a professional student organization focused on the Hospitality industry. To learn more about different careers, networking, and professional development opportunities. Please e-mail Ashley Burton at avb3@student.uwf.

For more information, e-mail CFPA at jbrisky@

Mar. 8 There will be a Football Feasibility Committee meeting at 4 p.m. in the Building 12 in the Alumni Room. For more information, contact Robin Dezarn at 850-474-3312 or e-mail at

Mar. 8 The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) will host a free public lecture series every Tuesday in March at 7 p.m. in the J. Earle Bowden building at 120 East Church St. The series, "Beyond Our Backyard: Archaeology around the World," will include lectures about archaeological projects from Ghana, Madagascar, Cuba, Peru and Saipan.

For more information, e-mail Brittany McGrail at To find more free archaeology events, visit the Northwest Region of FPAN’s website. Mar. 4 Co-Op is always paid and always for credit, and the work experience compliments academics. Attending a Co-Op Info Session is the first step towards becoming a Co-Op participant. Career Services will present a Cooperative Education Information Session from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Building 19 at the North Entrance.

For more information, contact Irina Sorset at 850-595-0050, Ext. or e-mail at

Mar. 8

The Registrar's office and University Advising Center will be cohosting an Academic Advisor Training session from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Athletic For more information, Booster room. The e-mail Jenn Masiulis at topics to be covered include appeals (academic, General Studies and fee appeals), FERPA Mar. 5 regulations and policy updates, effective use The University will be of University resources holding a surplus propand advisor expectaerty auction. The auction tions and training opporwill be held in Building tunities. Limited space 95, with preview at 8 is available, so please a.m, and the auction R.S.V.P. the Human begins at 9 a.m.. Garth's Resource Training calauction will be conduct- endar. ing the sale. For more information, For more information, contact Kathy Wilson at e-mail Theron Broward 850-474-3159 or e-mail at at

Fitness &

Argos defeat rival Blazers Terry Strickland Staff Writer The University of West Florida men’s basketball team defeated the Valdosta State University Blazers 83-78 on Feb. 24 in the last home game of 2011. The Argos were led by junior Jamar Moore, who scored 22 total points during the game. The Blazers took the lead



Sports Editor, Jack McMullen

early and held it for the first 10 minutes of play. However, after a foul by the Blazers’ Paul Haglar at the 11:31 mark, Moore tied the score with two successful free-throws. The Blazers regained the lead for Moore a short time around the six minute mark when Will Alston scored two field-goals. However,

Terrance Beasley dunked the ball to take back the lead, and the Argos steadily widened the gap. With three seconds of play left in the first half, the Argos commanded a 10-point lead — the largest of the game. However, Sidney Harris scored a 3-pointer for VSU, ending the first half at 39-32.

In the second half, the Blazers again took the lead at the 9:26 mark with a layup by Tristan Steele. The Blazers held onto the lead for majority of the second half until the last three minutes of the game, when Keldric White scored a 3-pointer. Anthony Sims secured the victory for the Argonauts by scoring 6 free-throws within the last 40 seconds of play.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

❱❱ Rundown The UWF men’s basketball team defeated Valdosta State University 83-78, for its first win over the Blazers since 2005. The game was close with VSU holding the lead for the majority. However, in the final minutes of the game, UWF gained the lead with Keldric White’s 3-pointer. After the momentum-changing three, the Argos held the lead to the end of the game. VSU efforts were held off by Anthony Sims, who secured the victory by making clutch free-throws. The win was the Argos ninth victory of the year and their second conference win. However, the Argos finished their dissappointing season with a loss againtst Georgia State on Feb. 26, 62-78. UWF finished with a record of (9-17) and (2-10) in GSC play.

Photos by BIll Stockland

Senior Zach North, shown in 2011 play, threw a scoreless-inning in the eighth inning as a relief pitcher for Starter Daniel Vila-Vargas to secure the win.

UWF sweeps No. 2 Mocs UWF Sports Information In its biggest test of the young 2011 season, the No. 6 University of West Florida men’s baseball team stepped up to complete a three-game sweep of No. 2 Florida Southern in a 5-1 win on Feb. 27. In the Argonauts’ eighth straight win, the UWF pitching staff allowed just one unearned run, marking the only run FSC scored in the entire three-game series. Senior Daniel Vargas-Vila got the start for UWF (13-1) and lasted seven innings, improving to 3-1 with the win. The right-hander gave up just four hits and one walk, and the only run came home on an error. That one run came in the top of the third, as Kyle Gibbs and Cory Jensen reached base on consecutive one-out singles for Florida Southern (7-5). Kelvin Clark then hit a single by UWF third baseman Josh Huggins, bringing Gibbs home on the error. In the fourth, Florida Southern put runners on second and third with nobody out, but Vargas-Vila stepped up when the Argos needed him most. Austin Chubb grounded softly back to the mound for the first out, and Vargas-Vila then struck out the next two batters, sending the Argonauts into the dugout with momentum. The UWF bats responded in the bottom of the

fourth; Huggins walked to lead off the inning, and he came home to score the first Argonaut run on a triple by senior right fielder Greg Pron. On the next pitch, junior first baseman Kenny Stalls drove it through the middle for a single, bringing Pron home for the go-ahead run. With a 2-1 lead, Vargas-Vila continued getting outs, and after seven innings he was relieved by senior right-hander Zach North. After a scoreless top of the inning by North, Pron led off the bottom of the eighth with a groundrule double to start a three-run rally for UWF. Highlighting the rally was senior designated hitter Zach Taylor’s two-run double, and senior Brandon Brewer brought in the third run on a single through the left side. Junior right-hander Jordan Rasinski came in to pitch the ninth, and he retired the Moccasins on 11 pitches to clinch the win for UWF. Florida Southern’s Eddie Sipple (1-2) went five innings and gave up two runs on three hits and five walks. The Argonauts scored their final three runs off reliever Clay Chapman, who lasted two innings. The Argos will then open Gulf South Conference play at defending conference champion Valdosta State with a doubleheader on Saturday, March 5.

Zach Taylor, shown in 2011 play, provided offense with a two-run double in the eighth. The Argos are 13-1 on the season.

Feasibility committee talks Title IX n UWF takes steps towards a decision on whether there will be Argonaut football Chris Elkins Staff Writer Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 will be a major factor in President Judy Bense’s decision on whether or not the university should pursue having a football team. The Football Feasibility Committee met for the first time on Feb. 22 in the UWF Alumni Room to hear Bense’s charge to the committee and to discuss the possible implications of Title IX. The committee is the next step in an athletic plan

laid out by Bense in 2010. “This is a historic day,” Bense said. “I’m ever so happy that we should get together to discuss the feasibility of football at UWF.” Title IX is a federal law stating, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Assistant professor of psychology Sherry Schneider, co-chair of the

Title IX Committee, said, “If we don’t abide by Title IX, the university can’t receive financial aid.” Matt Ruckman, Chair of the Title IX Committee, said the safest way to abide by Title IX is to provide athletic participation opportunities that are substantially proportionate to the student population. The addition of football would increase the gap between opportunities for male students to female students, as proportionate to student enrollment, from 12 percent to around 24 percent, he said. The safe range to comply with Title IX is three to five percent. The addition of a woman’s swimming and diving team would mitigate that gap by three percent, he said. Bense charged the

committee to give her a which met throughout detailed recommenda- 2009, were to strengthen tion of the pros and cons the current position of the athletof the plan, ics program, its strengths “This is a historic improve and weakday. I’m ever athletic facilinesses, and ties to the its economic so happy that standard of impact on the we should get the NCAA university. together to Division I, “There’s and become nothing to discuss the Division I draw alumni feasibility of with a footback,” she football at UWF.” ball team. said. “Division She said II fits now,” football -Judy Bense Scott said. would help President of UWF “It makes the add connecmost sense tions with with how the outside we plan and community. Dave Scott, UWF Athletic operate.” Bense said, “You have to Director, addressed the issue of whether or not to try walk before you can run.” to become Division I. The committee is made The recommendations of up of 12 individuals, from the Athletic Visioning Team, university officials and

representatives to representatives from the community, in order to provide a wide range of expertise on a range of areas. Kyle Marrero, the football feasibility committee chair, said, “Each area we look at within the impact that football will bring, deals with all of these areas. “Without the student’s backing we will not be able to go forward with this process.” The first meeting was only about Title IX. However, the next two meetings will have multiple items on the agenda. The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. on March 8 in the Alumni Room. The meeting will include the decussion of Athletics Feasibility Study conducted in 2009 and the Athletic Facilities Master Plan.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Student spirit needed at UWF athletic events Rebecca Barnhart Staff Writer The University of West Florida’s athletics program is calling all students who are loud and proud. Although the program boasts several Gulf South Conference championships and numerous awards, often the bleachers at athletic events are empty. “They are just not that exciting,” said Dalton Cooper, a sophomore marine biology major. “I would go more if we won more often and weren’t Division II.” Sydney Phillips, a junior hospitality management major, agreed. “Our teams aren’t that good, and my friends never go,” Phillips said. “So there’s no reason for me to go.” The athletic department is hoping to change that. With the start of the men ‘sand women’s basketball seasons, a new incentives program was implemented to increase attendance at games. “We give students little key cards with bar codes

Argonauts move up in ranking UWF Sports Information The University of West Florida men’s baseball team, fresh off a dominant three-game sweep over Florida Southern College, has moved up to No. 2 in the Collegiate Baseball Newspaper national poll and to No. 3 in the College Baseball Lineup national rankings. Georgia College edged UWF to take home the top spot in the CBN poll, while Central Missouri holds the top spot according to CBL. Georgia College (13-2) moved up to the top spot and garnered 476 points in the Collegiate Baseball Newspaper poll, barely edging West Florida (13-1) with 470 points. The Argonauts success is thanks to a tremendous performance by its pitching staff through the season’s first month. UWF holds a team ERA of 1.85, and Argonaut pitchers have struck out 109 batters in 112 innings. Much of that success has come from the starting pitchers, as the rotation of seniors Jason Postill and Daniel Vargas-Vila, junior Ben Hawkins and freshman Kevin Peters have allowed a combined ERA of just 1.26. The lineup has performed as well, as the Argos are averaging nearly eight runs per game and hitting .363 as a team. Senior right fielder Greg Pron is leading the team with a .478 batting average, and he has tallied nine doubles, one triple and 14 RBIs. Five other regular starters are hitting at least .375, and the team also has stolen 27 bases in 35 attempts on the season.

Two named to GSC team UWF Sports Information Junior forwards Marquis Mathis and Jamar Moore of the West Florida men’s basketball team were named to the All-Gulf South Conference second team, announced by the conference office on Feb. 28. Moore averaged 14.3 points, 7.9 rebounds, 4.0 assists and 1.2 steals per game. Mathis averaged 11.5 points and 5.4 rebounds per game. This year marks the first time that UWF has had two all-conference players since 2002-2003.

on the back,” Athletic and see what’s going on. We Marketing/Corporate Sales definitely play better when Director John Corwin said. people are in the stands.” “We are awarding prizes for Fortunately, there are each point level they get to.” some dedicated students By attending these who show up to cheer for free games, UWF teams, students can regardless of accumulate incentives. “Our student points and Freshman attendance has receive prizes E t h a n gone up, and in such as CiCi’s Harris says Pizza meal the future, we plan he enjoys deals, free attending on it going higher haircuts from basketball and higher.” SportsClips games to and restau“pump up rant gift spirit.” -John Corwin certificates “I think Athletic Marketing/ from T.G.I. we would Coporate Sales Friday’s and actually Director The Fish have a better House. record if more kids T h e s e cards are handed out at the attended the games,” Harris ticket tables, residence halls said. According to, and the Commons. Lauren Fagler, a 164 people went to the women’s basketball player women’s basketball game who regularly watches other on Nov. 19, 2010. Last UWF teams play, thinks the Thursday, there were 423 rewards program is a step people in the stands. in the right direction. “Our student attendance “It’s a buzz around has gone up, and in the campus,” Fagler said. It gets future, we plan on it going students who aren’t neces- higher and higher,” John sarily athletes to come out Corwin said.

The Voyager

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