The Voyager
The voice of UWF students since 1968
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 2010
Veterans honored
UWF wins third straight GSC title The women’s volleyball team defeated North Alabama 3-1, to clinch the GSC championship. Chelesa Wilhoite, who had 11 kills in the match, was named MVP of the tournament. The Argos have won 13 straight matches and will face UNA in a rematch during the NCAA tournament on Nov. 18. at the University of Tampa. See full story on page 7
Photos by John Blackie
Veteran and POW Jack Raiser speaks with Royal Navy veteran Philip Balink-Smith during the University of West Florida Veterans Day Observance.
n Veterans share stories and
thoughts on the military during ceremony held in their honor Joseph Alte Staff Writer The University of West Florida held its annual Veterans Day ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 10, featuring a panel of former and active-duty members of the military who shared their experiences and thoughts on the military. Lusharon Wiley, associate dean of students and a military wife and mother, presided. The tone was often solemn, as with Chaplain Gregory McCrimmon’s invocation recalling the lives of soldiers throughout America’s history and the unveiling of an empty seat symbolizing those missing in action. The ceremony was especially inspiring during Milton High School student Ericka Rowland’s soulful rendition of the national anthem and UWF student Joseph Garrett’s stirring version of the song “Bring Him Home.” “This is a great ceremony for veterans,” said Christopher Hill, a junior in electrical engineering. “It was so cool getting the different range: female and male, past and present.” That range was a significant issue addressed by the panel. The discussion gave particular emphasis to women in the military. “I was so enamored with the Navy,” said PC1 Dorothy Parker, a small, older woman whose heavily lined face lit up with a smile as she spoke. “I enjoyed every minute of it. I guess I will always be a Navy person.” Parker is a former member of the WAVES, a World War II Navy organization made up of women volunteers, as well
parking and scholarships discussed Jonathon Short Contributing Writer The University of West Florida’s faculty senate held a meeting on Nov. 12 to discuss university matters and future developments to the campus. UWF President Judy Bense addressed the matter of Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University’s new structural site, located in Crestview. Bense said the location is considered to be our service area and is not approved by the board of governors. She said the matter was becoming an issue of university politics—something she said she wanted to resolve diplomatically. “There should be a process for regional expansion,” Bense said. Interim executive president Michael Diekmann addressed faculty concerns with university parking. He said that “several ideas were being explored” to combat the issue. Diekmann said that accord-
ing to parking service manager Chip Chism, there are plenty of parking spaces available. Many of the surplus spaces are located at the university’s East Sports Complex. Diekmann said there was a high demand by students for “convenient parking,” which are spaces located close to classrooms and main facilities. Since students would not be likely to park so far away, Diekmann said a trolley could make trips to the complex area every 15 minutes in order to better satisfy students needs. The plan for a parking garage was also brought up to the faculty senate. Diekmann said the garage would be five stories and would be expected to be completed near August 2014. He said the garage would be a $20 million dollar project. Pat Wentz, professor of education leadership, said the university should consider building bike paths to accommodate students who frequently use bicycles for transportation,
Contributing Writer Ron Besser writes that all veterans, even those who may not have served on the front line, should be honored. Contributing Writer Paul Smith discusses different alternatives to gaining progress in Afghanistan. See full stories on page 3
Panel member and Navy veteran Dorothy Parker speaks to the crowd during the University of West Florida Veterans Day Observance. as a military wife. Also representing female veterans was M1/c Pat Conklin Gilbert from the Coast Guard. Women “have so much more to do” in the military today, she said. “But they have so much more to look forward to, so
See VETERANS, page 2
Faculty senate explores options for campus
n University expansion, bike trails,
Opinion Honoring veterans; war diplomacy
rather than cars. sity lawn, modeled after larger “I think bike paths would be universities. convenient for students because “It’s important for us to have the sidewalks on campus can a plan as the university grows,” get very crowded,” Wentz said. Scott said. Further details about “These paths would be a great idea for students who depend the athletic facilities master plan can be found at http:// only on bicycles to get around.” Athletics Director David Scott w w w . g o a r g o s . c o m / a r t i c l e . gave a guest presentation about asp?articleID=4087. Before the end of the meeting, the athletic facilities master plan, senate members which was addressed organiintroduced at “It’s important zational issues that the Student were in need of Government for us to have changes or modifiAssociation a plan as the cations. Town Hall One such meeting on university grows.” issue brought Nov. 8. by the goverScott said — David Scott up nance committee the UWF Field Director, UWF involved making House would be a priority Athletics changes to the faculty-sponsored for construcmerit scholartion. He also said the facilities on the plan ships since there were payment are merely concepts and can d i s c r e p a n c i e s c o n c e r n i n g financial aid. undergo changes. The committee said that a “There was a gas leak last week at the current Field House, student from the College of Business was the recipient of so there’s always something a merit scholarship and was surprising happening there,” immediately told to give $500 Scott said. “It’s an old facility.” back to Financial Aid. Scott said the plan would be The next faculty senate an ongoing, 25 to 30 year plan meeting will be held next with the inclusion of a univer- month on Dec. 9.
Students get a chance to dance The University of West Florida dance club provides a chance to dance for those caught up in the hustle of college life. The club will have its Christmas show on Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for one and $8 for 2 and will be sold for $5 at the door. See full story on page 4
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The Voyager Editor-in-Chief Mike Greear
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Sports Editor Jack McMullen
A&E Editor Josh de Leon
Opinions Editor Freedom Whiting
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Graphics Editor Jarrett Moore The Voyager is produced weekly by students of the University of West Florida and is partially funded by Student Activities and Services fees with assistance from the Office of Student Affairs. This public document was promulgated by the president of the University at an annual cost of $.275 per copy. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of UWF, The Voyager or its staff. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless The Voyager and its staff for all contents supplied to publisher, including text, representation and illustrations of advertisements printed and for any claims arising contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a pre-printed insert, deficient postage. The Voyager is printed by Freedom Florida Commercial Printing, in accordance with Florida Law. The above information is presented in compliance Section 283.27 of Florida Statutes.
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News Veterans
the veterans.” One controversial issue that was raised concerned from page 1 the Westboro Baptist much more to be proud Church, a small religious group known for protestof.” Pride was another major ing outside military funertheme among the panel- als and claiming that miliists, who all spoke of their tary deaths are caused by service in glowing terms. this country’s toleration “It’s a culture, each of gay people. Applause service is a culture,” said broke out when Forbrush Col. Wayne Forbrush, a said the group made him retired Marine. “Outside “want to puke.” people are more material“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” istic, money-focused... you the controversial regulajudge your tion forbid success on how ding openly gay “I just much cash you soldiers from think that get.” serving in the Inside the military, was this area will military, he also discussed always be said, there is by the panel. more focus on home to the Congress and teamwork. the military are veterans.” However, currently split Michael Baxley on whether — Michael or not the made a point Baxley law should be to compliment Photo by John Blackie the culture of Vietnam War repealed. the Gulf Coast “I’m waiting University of West Florida President Judy Bense speaks with Royal Navy veteran veteran for its military for guidance Philip Balink-Smith and his wife Linda during the University of West Florida on that one,” Veterans Day Observance. The ceremony honored veterans and gave them a support. He recalled many of his fellow said active-duty Lt. Col. chance to talk about their thoughts on military policies. Vietnam War veterans Edward Boegle, earning held several dozen people UWF staff members. there, but that he felt saying they received a much laughter from the crowd. Theodore Elbert, a that non-military staff harsher welcome than he The six panelists were during the event, and did. “In the Gulf Coast, we not the only service- among the students were professor emeritus of neglected the event. “I AM don’t any systems science and a 10:49 veterans who of came were treated as men,” he men and -women in the11352-University westtoFlorida:Layout 1 11/9/10 Pagesee 1 said. “I just think that this room, either. The UWF watch the ceremony. Navy veteran, said he was faculty,” he said. “I area will always be home to Commons Auditorium Among these were some happy to see the students wonder why?”
Military general lectures on media Elizabeth Ruiz Staff Writer
ism keeps the military in check when war crimes and crimes against Journalism documents humanity are an issue, the culture, and military life media can often give the plays a prominent role in public biased or wrong that documentation, said perceptions. Gen. Charles Horner. During the Gulf War, On Nov. 9, Horner the media had a fascinawas a guest speaker in tion with precision instruthe Music Hall as part ments, Horner said. The of the Jerry Maygarden interest in and constant Distinguished Lecture media coverage of the series. advanced weaponry gave A retired U.S. Air the public eye the percepForce general with plenty tion that war is saniof practice in dealing with tary when it the media in actually is a war zones, last resort “No Horner gave to achieva lecture matter what ing peace, he called “The said. Military and business you “ T h e are in, you the Media: military is Events, relamust stand a c u l t u r e tionships and ust like by what you jstudent why we act life the way we believe in.” is a culture,” do.” s o p h o Horner more Sashel — Gen. said that the MarquisCharles Horner military is a Wedderburn culture that Retired U.S. said. “The maintains Air Force general media gives a pervaus a means sive control to understanding military factor. Journalism, culture.” however, poses an issue Jane Halonen, dean to military control when of the College of Arts cases like the WikiLeaks and Sciences, asked Gen. expose the names of Iraqi Horner if journalism will informants, and uncover survive as a profession. military actions that were He said that there is still meant to stay hushed. a role for print journalHorner said the ists, but a second job will release of data that can be handy for newspaper place people like the Iraqi reporters. informants as targets “In journalism today, for murder squads is a you must overcome the very serious matter. But simplification of complex journalism performs its issues that America has intended duties by exposing U.S. military wrongs, become accustomed to,” he said. he said. As his speech came “Crow tastes better if to an end, Gen. Horner it’s eaten fresh,” Horner gave a little inspiration said. “When you’re dealto journalists. ing with the media, and “If you have distrust you do something stupid, in the media, you’re admit it was stupid. No missing the point,” he matter what business said. “It is a window to you’re in, you must stand the American people. by what you believe in. If Distrusting the media is you do something shady, really saying you have it deserves to be exposed.” distrust in American Although journal- people.”
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
hands-on legal education “The small class sizes and the faculty’s open-door policy sets the learning experience at BARRY UNIVERSITY apart from other law schools.” Kaylynn Shoop, JD 2010 Barry University School of Law Judge Advocate General Attorney, U.S. Air Force (January 2011)
ORLANDO, FLORIDA Barry University School of Law is fully accredited by the American Bar Association (Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar, ABA, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738).
The Voyager
Opinions &
Editorials The Voyager congratulates UWF sports We at The Voyager would like to congratulate the sports teams of the University of West Florida athletic department for their respective successful seasons this semester. The UWF women’s volleyball team completed their season with an overall record of 28-6 and won their third straight conference championship. Melissa Wolter was named Gulf South Conference East Division Coach of the Year. In addition to this, UWF had three players that were named to the GSC East All-Conference 1st Team. Those players were Chelsea Wilhoite, Kara Gonzalez and Katie Johnson. Johnson was also named East Division Player of the Year. The women’s volleyball team’s season is still in play, and we wish them luck as they play against UNA on Nov. 18. Meanwhile, the men’s soccer team’s concluded on Nov. 12 after losing to Rollins College in the NCAA tourna-
ment. Despite their loss, they still had a very successful season overall with a record of 14-5-2. They also won the GSC championship by defeating Christian Brothers University 2-0. Four members of the team were also honored for the first time as All-GSC Team members. Those players were Frank Cope, Daniel Martini, Sean Reynolds and Marquel Waldron. In addition, Nick Salafrio was named GSC Freshman of the Year, making him the third from UWF to accomplish this feet since 2003. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of these players. We know that they are students first and athletes second, and balancing the two lifestyles must be incredibly difficult. Their excellence has been recognized and their achievements will echo through the years to come.
— The Voyager Courtesy of Andy Marlette/
Veteran’s Day is for all servicemen Ron Besser Contributing Writer Veteran’s Day started as Armistice Day to celebrate the end of World War I, the “War to End All Wars.” Later, after WWII and Korea, it became Veteran’s Day to honor and remember all veterans who served their country, and those who are still serving. Often we remember only the veterans of WWII. Too often we neglect those who served in Korea and Vietnam, not to mention the other “police actions” in and around other wars. While taking pictures for a friend whose students were interviewing Korean War vets, I heard
the comment, “I didn’t really do anything during the war.” It turned out the man was working at the supply depot in Korea, sending parts, supplies and other needed equipment to the soldiers who he felt were the real heroes. The men and women in the rear were, and are, just as necessary as the men at the front who were under fire. Another neglected group of veterans is women who have served. We have some knowledge of the nurses and medical people who often serve in areas that are in harm’s way. Yet their job is no less important. Recently the media seemed
to complain that the carrier USS Ronald Reagan ferried supplies to the stranded cruise ship off the West coast. They were unhappy with the money spent for this “service.” I’m sure the passengers of the cruise ship would disagree, and the company should make good on the cost. U.S. carriers have also been used to remove injured people and bring supplies to people who have been caught in hurricanes, tsunamis and similar situations. Often a large command ship off the coast is the only viable post to coordinate rescue attempts — think Katrina. Yes, there was a Navy ship nearby helping to coordinate rescue attempts, providing heli-
copters and medical services as well as other mundane tasks we never heard about in the media. Today, with no draft, the young men and women who choose to join the military do so willingly, knowing they may be sent in harm’s way. The ROTC units here at UWF may be seen as students just earning a college degree, but that’s not always the case. Many join because they believe they can better serve as an officer and a leader. In either case they handle rigorous physical training as well as having to maintain their grades and take special classes that will help them as officers in the field. The recent visit of the Black Hawk helicopters was not just to
Reconciliation for Afghanistan W. Paul Smith Contributing Writer Last month marked the ninth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, and according to the Department of Defense, 2009 and 2010 have _been the deadliest years for American service members since the war began. By many people’s accounts, the situation is getting worse, and NATO forces are perceived as not winning or making little, if any, progress according to many recent reports from the region. As conditions on the ground continue to exacerbate, I have become increasingly frustrated by the seeming lack of improvement and confused as to what, if anything, can be done to turn things around. So last week, I engaged in an email exchange with Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and prolific author of dozens of books on American foreign policy, to ask what his thoughts were on achieving a peaceful resolution in Afghanistan. In typical Chomsky fashion, he recommended I go read the policy proposals of other specialists on the issue, people such as Barnet Rubin, Selig Harrison, and Ahmed Rashid. But his main recommendation was what he described as the “move toward
“I have become increasingly frustrated by the seeming lack of improvement and confused as to what can be done to turn things around.” internal reconciliation” with the Taliban as initiated by the Afghan government without direct American involvement. Chomsky said this should “become the core of policy, not something on the margins.” After reading some of the work by the specialists he recommended, I tend to think Chomsky may be on to something here. And apparently even some of the military leaders on the ground also share similar sentiments. For example, a month ago Brigadier Mark Smethurst, the deputy commander of Special Operations Command for Australian troops in Afghanistan, said the Taliban cannot be defeated militarily and called for a fundamental change in strategy. “Compared with other counterinsurgency campaigns, the chance of a solution in the short term appears remote,” Smethurst said. And even General David Petraeus said in 2008 after taking over U. S. forces in Afghanistan, “You don’t kill or capture your way out of an industrialstrength insurgency. If there are opportunities to identify and then isolate the
irrec- oncilables in certain of these areas and then reach out to the reconcilables, of course that’s a preferred course of action.” Luckily, the Afghans may get the opportunity to reach out to some of the potential reconcilables soon, as President Hamid Karzai’s government recently announced that a new peace council has been created and former Afghan leader Buhanuddin Rabbani was picked to head it. Rabbani said last week that senior Taliban leaders have reached out to the peace council to suggest they were willing to talk and possibly start some form of negotiations. Petraeus also confirmed last week that Taliban leaders have been allowed safe passage to Kabul for peace discussions. Obviously, there are a myriad of complicated factors at play in Afghanistan, and certainly no one is suggesting total appeasement of the Taliban, but beginning diplomatic talks has to be a step in the right direction— because no one wants to spend another nine years there without any progress.
Letter to the editor
Phew, hurricane season is finally over I am from Brazil, and as you might know, in my country there are no hurricanes. At least not where I used to live, nor often as in Gulf of Mexico, in Florida or even in Pensacola. Certainly I presume and believe by its factors that it is a distinct reality where from times and times
people have to be aware of this intense and unique weather formation. However, I do not really know what is it like. I cannot even imagine all the destruction and suffering it may bring, and has brought for many years. Hurricanes by definition are intense, rotating
oceanic weather system that possesses maximum sustained winds exceeding 74 mph, and it forms and intensifies over tropical ocean regions such as Pensacola. About that I do not know what we are suppose to feel: an unease followed by some kind of worrying
Opinions Editor, Freedom Whiting/
or perhaps live life with no concerns. Anyway, I confess I feel more like it is so frightening and unbelievable that I automatically forget it. Even that the most critical hurricanes season of this year seems to be ending.
— Wladimir Alves
give the Army ROTC cadets a joy ride. It was to provide training for entering and leaving the helicopter. It familiarizes them with the operations of the Black Hawks, a machine that may be their transportation into battle one day. The cadets may not be considered veterans yet, but they are choosing to serve, and if necessary, fight for their country. Not all will see battle, yet they know that going into harm’s way is a possibility. They also deserve the same respect as people who have served, or are presently serving as representatives of the military and Coast Guard. Take the time to appreciate and thank all veterans.
Still rooting for the underdog Bob Thomas Contributing Writer
ball movies like “Rudy” and “Remember the Titans.” American audiences love The Broncos are just to see the underdog win. not getting treated with the David beat Goliath. So one has to ask what respect they deserve. No, I don’t mean the Denver is wrong with the sports freaks when it comes to Broncos. I am referring to the BSU. BSU is willing to play Boise State University stronger teams but can’t Broncos. My introduction to find any takers. Maybe those teams BSU occurred while eating lunch, and there appeared in the Big Ten, Pac Ten, to be something wrong Southwest Conference, and with the television because the Southeast Conference the field that BSU plays on just don’t want to have to is blue—the team colors live down a loss to BSU. The reason are blue over that BSU won’t orange. get a shot at BSU has “The the national repeatedly gone reason title is because undefeated year after year. that BSU of the formula riven Bowl But when won’t get dChampionship it comes time a shot Series. for the Bowl BSU has Games, BSU at the repeatedly doesn’t get to national proven that they play for the have a great team national chamtitle is but will likely pionship. Two because end up against reasons why. of the Texas Christian They are not University a top tier school BCS.” instead of in athletics, Auburn when it and they play comes bowl time. in the Western BSU doesn’t get a Athletic Conference. BSU is treated like chance to play for the a second rate team in a national title because they second rate league, not don’t rank high enough in much unlike Florida State the BSC. The rankings of which was in the ‘60s and ‘70s. FSU had winning seasons are determined by some subjective factors used in barely over 500. Then along came Bobby the artificial formula by the Bowden in the late ‘70s. BCS. Maybe the BCS deducts FSU began to win more points because BSU plays and more games. They didn’t go unde- on a blue field instead of a feated every season, but green field. But I have taken up the the team won enough to move up to one of the four cause for BSU and started wearing a Bronco cap and major bowl games. Almost every year it put a “Boise State is No. 1” seemed that FSU would be bumper sticker on my car. People keep asking outgunned and outplayed by Nebraska or Oklahoma . me what is a Boise State? Finally, FSU prevailed Maybe one day BSU will and won a national cham- get their shot at the title. Maybe it is time for pionship. Americans usually like to college football to move to a playoff format and away rally around the underdog. The public enjoys foot- from the BCS.
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
Arts &
Dance club revolution Brigette Maxfield Staff Writer
“While I'm here at school I still have an opportunity to keep The term “sports club” d a n c e i n m y l i f e and usually brings to mind even sometimes let it be football, soccer or other the inspiration for my mainstream athletics, so it work as an art student,” may be surprising that the K i e l i c h s a i d . “ A l l t h e oldest sports club at UWF dancers have busy lives is the dance club. filled with classes and The UWF Dance Club tests, but we all have provides opportunities for that to those passionate about dance.” The Dance Club, dancing, such as the chance to gain perform- started in 1986, is struct u r e d ing expem u c h rience, to “All the like any choreograph dancers have U W F dances and club. It busy lives filled to contribute has four with classes and t o t h e orgaofficer nizational tests, but we all p o s i elements of have that urge... t i o n s the club. includno...need to Calandre i n g Kielich, a dance.” presisenior studio d e n t , art major and — Calandre Kielich v i c e public relaDance Club Public p r e s i tions offiRelations Office d e n t , cer for the f u n d dance club, raiser/ has been a volunm e m b e r o f t h e d a n c e teer coordinator and a club and team for four public relations officer. years. She was unsure They also hold regular as to where to find a meetings, or practices, g o o d d a n c e s t u d i o i n every Tuesday night at Pensacola when starting 7 p.m. in Building 72 at UWF, so she joined inside the Green Studio. What sets this club the dance club and says apart from others is that that she loves it.
it also includes a dance team. No experience is needed to join the dance club, just a desire to dance. In order to be a part of the dance team, however, candidates must first become a part of the dance club, then pass an audition. The outcome of auditions are decided by judges who have backgrounds in dance. Past judges include Kim Atwood, UWF Dance Club advisor, and PSC dance team coach LaRita Carter. The dance team practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. until 10:30 p.m., and sometimes on Sundays from noon until 4 p.m. Dance club members may choose to perform with the team if they want to, but dance team members perform on a regular basis. “Dance team performs at many events on and off campus,” Chasidy Veltri, dance club president and dance t e a m m e m b e r , said. “We perform at UWF basketball games, the wheelchair basketball game, Festival on the Green, Great Gulf Coast
Photo by Brigette Maxfield
Members of the University of West Florida Dance Club practice on every Tuesday. They perform at many different functions across town. Arts Festival and many other performances for other events throughout the Pensacola community.” Check out the dance team at its Christmas show, which will be held on Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the University Commons Auditorium. Tickets are available now at $5 for one and $8 for two, and they will be sold for $5 at the
Photo by Brigette Maxfield
Dancers practice in preparation for an upcoming performance.
‘Skyline’ an ugly view Garrett Spencer Staff Writer
New Kid Cudi album a look inside artist Cara Bloomer Staff Writer “I keep on running/ keep on running and nothing works/ I can't get away from you…” The Kid is back with another groundbreaking album, “Man on the Moon: The Legend of Mr. Rager.” Kid Cudi’s second studio album, “Man on the Moon: The Legend of Mr. Rager,” shows a decidedly darker side of Cudi than his first LP. Released on Nov. 9 by G.O.O.D./Universal Records, the album was originally titled “Cudder: The Revolution of Evolution” before he decided to scrap that idea and turn to a more personal and autobiographical theme. Instead of relying heavily on collaborations to make his mark, we hear more of Cudi’s own life experiences, including his long battle with cocaine addiction, and guitar instrumentation, making this record more melodic and deeper than his first. Some of the more standout tracks include “Erase Me,” which features Kanye West rapping alongside Cudi. Be sure to listen to
“REVOFEV.” It was the first single from the record that was released over the summer. It stands for “Revolution of Evolution” and is a call to action for stoners everywhere. Although this album is meant to be cathartic and even healing for Cudi, after listening to the first few tracks, it comes off as whiny and self-pitying. It is usually never a good idea when a rapper decides to pick up a guitar and try to become a rock star, and this album is no exception to that rule. The album is slow and moody, and the only time “Mr. Rager” picks up the pace is when guest stars like Mary J Blige make an appearance like on the 1970s funk inspired “The Worries.” Although “Mr. Rager” may not be as catchy or radio-ready as its predecessor, it is still definitely worth the download. The songs are smarter and more heartfelt, and while you may get tired of Cudi’s sadsack attitude, you will gain some insight into the mind and struggles of one of hip hop’s most creative artists.
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
If special effects are what make a good movie, then “Skyline” is great. Since we live in a world where movies need more than just flashy graphics, it is terrible. In “Skyline,” aliens come from outer space, beaming a brilliant blue light that takes control of your body. These aliens are pretty much rip-offs of the ones from “Independence Day.” They all had heads that resembled some sort of strange lady part. The aliens needed the brains of humans to survive, so once they caught a person, they would tear off the head and take the brain and spinal cord. Donald Faison plays Terry, and Eric Balfour is Jarrod. The story revolves around two couples that are reunited to celebrate Terry’s birthday or the fact that Jarrod is coming
to Los Angeles, either of which is possible since they hint at both. T h e g a n g n e v e r leaves the c o n d o w h e r e T e r r y l i v e s . Jarrod e v e n points out that the aliens can’t go over the water. He suggests they flee to Terry’s yacht, and the crew attempts to leave the condo, but a giant alien stops them. Terry is the typical token black guy and dies in the first 30 minutes, one of the first to die in the entire film. He is also in the middle of a love triangle. The women involved are his girlfriend, played by
Brittany Daniel, and his secretary, played by Crystal Reed. Jarrod seems to just be a guy wh o is best friends with a person in the film industry. He follows T e r r y everywhere, until, of course, Terry is killed. In the movie, Jarrod had recently gotten his girlfriend, Elaine, played by Scottie Thompson, pregnant. She doesn’t let us forget this, either. It actually gets a bit funny when something happens to them and she holds her stomach, or says some ridiculous line about how she’s worried about the
baby. Eventually everyone is killed off except Elaine and Jarrod. They are on the roof of the condo trying to get rescued, but the havoc continues. Jarrod fights off an alien and gets injured in the process. He tells Elaine to go on without him, but of course she won’t, and a tractor beam takes the two up into the alien ship. This is when the cheesiest thing ever depicted in cinema happens. Jarrod and Elaine embrace each other and begin making out on the way to certain death. It saddens me that this movie exists. There are probably worse movies out there, but for now, “Skyline” takes the cake. It is a waste of money and a waste of 92 minutes of your life. If you have to see it, at least wait for it to come out on Netflix.
A&E Editor, Josh de Leon/
Arts & Entertainment
Fly over to Grover’s Fingers and Wings Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer It’s Sunday night, you have invited all your friends over to watch the big game, and you are about to go pick up wings at one of those major chains to have snacks
for the night. Before you hand over your money to the corporate chains that care more about the money than the food, think of Grover’s Finger and Wings. Michael Graham, owner, created Grover’s as a quaint,
Photo by Shawn Handrahan
Grover’s Fingers and Wings, located on Davis Hwy.
locally-owned restaurant that serves everything from country fried steak for breakfast to fried green BLT’s for dinner. They have five tables inside and three outside that stay filled. He is the only one of his family that works at Grover’s. But where Grover’s truly shines is in the title of the restaurant: Fingers and wings. With 18 different flavors, including the traditional hot, mild and barbecue, and more unique flavors like Dijon horseradish, Cajun Ranch, Asian sweet chili and curry, there is something everyone will enjoy. They even have a 100-wing or finger item available on the menu to cover those really big gatherings. I ordered the honey barbeque wings and could not have been happier with the result. The wings are plump, juicy and delicious. One wing is about the size of
two wings from Wings To Go. They are served with a very generously sized helping of ranch; this is great because you don’t have to worry about using all of it before reaching your final wing. This local gem doesn’t only excel in fingers and wings. It also serves milkshakes and desserts that are a fantastic way to finish up your meal.
Flavor-burst ice cream cones are the new craze at Grover’s. These are softserve ice cream cones that are vanilla mixed with different flavors like chocolate, banana, strawberry, cherry, grape, orange and more. Topping off the homely restaurant is popular music in the background, songs like “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry and “Say Hey
(I Love You)” by Michael Franti and the Spearhead were a couple of the songs played on the jukebox. The place isn’t a first-date type of restaurant. But when you are looking for fast, great food and a friendly environment, Grover’s is the place to go. Grover’s is located at 9418 N. Davis Hwy. The new extended hours of operation are 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.
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All majors welcome to apply 12-month, daytime program Spring internship provided AACSB accredited
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The Voyager
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
Community &
ACTIVITIES Nov. 17 Group Fitness will be offering a Wall Yoga Specialty Class from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. in the HLS Teaching Gym. This class will give participants a new refreshing approach to yoga, and teach them how a wall can be used to enhance their practice.
Classifieds JOBS
Nov. 20 - 21
Nov. 22
The UWF Recreation and Sports Services will host a Tallulah Gorge State Park full moon bridge hiking trip.The cost is $60.
The holiday concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the University Music Hall, Building 82, the UWF Department of Music presents the Singers and Madrigals featuring both classical and modern classic holiday tunes. Admission is free.
For more information, contact Annina Dahlstrom at 850-474-2860 or e-mail at Nov. 21
For more information, The Phi Alpha Delta Pree-mail Amber Padilla at Law Fraternity presents: "Everything You Need to Know about Interviewing in Less and One Nov. 18 Hour" with Patrick Ryan at 3 p.m. in Building 78, The University of West Room 145. If you are Florida Honors Program interested in law school, is hosting Pancakes for this is a great opportunity Parkinson’s. Students to ask questions. will be serving pancakes on the Cannon Greens For more information, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. e-mail Javera Hollinger at The proceeds from this fundraiser are going to be donated to the Michael J. Fox foundation to fund Nov 22 Parkinson’s research. For more information contact the honors program at uwfhonors@
Volunteer UWF will be holding a reflection session for students enrolled in a service learning or field study course on from Nov. 19 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in University Career SerThe UWF Office of the vices, Building 19. All President will hold a service learning and field "Breakfast with the study students must regPresident" for community ister for one orientation members from 7:30 a.m. session and one reflecto 8:30 a.m. at the UWF Main Campus, Building 4, tion session. Space is limited and preregistration Room 406. is required. For more information, For more information, contact Sharon Ward at 474-3306 or e-mail at e-mail Career Services at
For more information, e-mail Center for Fine and Performing Arts at
Nov. 23
If you have a job listing, e-mail The Voyager at For more information on employment on campus visit FALL WORK: Entry level customer sales/service, working with customers, answering questions, helping place orders, no experience is required, training will be provided, flexible schedules, $15 base pay with possible incentives.
This event will be at For more information 7:30 p.m. in the University feel free to contact Brad Music Hall, Building Searles at 850-332-0709. 82, the UWF Runge Strings presents their annual holiday concert. Admission is free.
Sophomores (1 female, 1 male) seek third roommate in Majestic Oaks (about 5 minutes from campus).
The Voyager is now accepting classifieds from faculty, students and staff at no cost.
If you would like to place a classified with more For more information than 20 words, or you e-mail rad23@students. are not affiliated with UWF, please contact our Business Manager, Jeff Hagedorn, at jhagedorn@
Off campus housing easy walk to campus. Available December, $350/mo includes utilities, furnished, excellent study environment. (w)474-2255, (h)484-9829. E-mail
The deadline for your classified ad is the Thursday before the week you want it to be printed. Please e-mail your classifieds to voyager@ with “classified” in the subject line.
For more information, e-mail Center for Fine and Performing Arts at
Nov. 23 Those seeking to study abroad must attend a General Information Session. There will be one from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the University Commons, Room 260. Each session reviews the application process and student responsibilities for study abroad and will also highlight topics related to studying abroad. For more information, contact Sara E. Brake at 850-474-2479 or e-mail at
A comic by John Kroes
A comic by Zach North
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
The Voyager
Sports Fitness &
UWF defeated in first round n Argos’ season ends after loss to Rollins Coll e g e UWF Sports Information The University of West Florida men’s soccer team came up short in a 1-0 battle against No. 5 ranked and tournament-host Rollins College in the first round of the NCAA Division II South Regional on Friday. With the loss, the Argonauts finished the 2010 season with a record of 14-5-2. Rollins (12-3-3) went ahead with
Weekly scores
the game’s only goal at the 27:27 a man down for the final 12 minutes of mark. Nick Sowers sent in a cross the match. The Argos would attempt from the left corner, where Bradley just one more shot. Welch was open to strike the Senior goalkeeper Elliott ball into the right corner of Purdom kept UWF in the game the goal. with three saves. The Rollins defense kept The keeper finished his UWF from making many two-year career at UWF with a dangerous attacking opportugoals-against average of 0.98, nities, limiting the Argonauts ranking him second in school to just one shot in the first half. history. UWF had more chances urdom P The 2010 season was a early in the second half with successful one for the UWF three quick shots in the first 15 minutes, men’s soccer team, as the Argos won but the Argos could not find the back of their eighth Gulf South Conference the net. championship and fifth in a row. In the 78th minute, senior Nikola UWF also advanced to the NCAA Kljaic picked up his second yellow Tournament for the fifth time in school card of the match, forcing UWF to play history.
Men’s soccer
Nov. 12 vs. Rollins College 0-1 loss
Overall Record (14-5-2)
Women’s soccer Nov. 14 Tampa 2-2 (2OT - 4-5 PKs) loss
Overall Record (18-3-0)
Women’s volleyball Nov. 12 vs. Henderson State 3-1 win Nov. 13 vs. Harding 3-1 win Nov. 13 vs. North Alabama 3-1 win
Overall Record (27-6) GSC Champions
Photo by Ron Besser Head Coach Melissa Wolter’s 2010 volleyball team won their third straight GSC Tournament. UWF will face UNA in the NCAA tournament on Nov. 18.
Argos clinch GSC title
UWF Sports Information The No. 20 University of West Florida volleyball team (28-6) clinched its third straight GSC tournament title tonight with a 3-1 win over University of North Alabama at the UWF Field House. Senior Chelsea Wilhoite was named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player. UWF is now on a 13-match winning streak and has clinched the GSC’s automatic birth into the NCAA tournament. No. 20 UWF clinched its third straight GSC tournament title with a 3-1 win over North Alabama. UWF was the regular season GSC East Division Champion, while UNA was the No. 2 seed from the East. For the match, UWF out blocked UNA 15-5. Senior Katie Johnson, the GSC East Division Player of the Year, led the Argos with 12 kills and 10 digs. For the second straight match, Abby Timmer tallied nine blocks. UNA won three straight points early in set one to go up 6-4. Back-to-back kills by UNA’s Sarah Roberts built a four-point lead for the Lions, 11-7. A Wilhoite kill and a block by Abby Timmer and Chandler Carney brought the Argos within three, down 16-13. An ace by Kara Gonzalez brought UWF within four, 24-20.
A kill by Natalie March UNA set one, 25-22. Katie Johnson had three kills and a service ace in the first 12 points of set two, giving UWF the 8-4 lead and forcing a UNA time out. A Timmer kill advanced the Argo lead to five, 11-6. A block by Gonzalez and Jamie Nichols put UWF up by eight, 22-14. An attack error by UNA’s Gregg gave UWF set two, 25-17. UWF hit .308 for the set while UNA hit .179. A block by Gonzalez and Nichols gave UWF a fourpoint lead, 9-5, in set three. Back-to-back UWF blocks put UWF up 16-8. UWF went on a four-point run to go up 22-14. Kills by Gonzalez and Nichols let UWF take set three, 25-17. UNA was held to a .049 hitting percentage for the set, while UWF hit .375. In set four, UWF won three straight points early, to take the 7-2 lead and force a UNA timeout. Two UNA attack errors and a Johnson kill put UWF up by six, 12-6. A Gonzalez kill made the score 16-10, UWF. UNA scored four straight points to come back within one, 23-22. A Johnson kill gave UWF the set, 25-23 as UWF clinched its third straight GSC tournament championship. The field for the NCAA Division II volleyball tournament will be announced tomorrow night at 9 p.m. on
Photo by Ron Besser
Senior Chelsea Wilhoite took home MVP honors.
UWF season ends with penalty kicks n Duncan’s memorable career as an Argo concludes after loss to Spartans UWF Sports Information The No. 6 University of West Florida women’s soccer team had its NCAA postseason run cut short as the Argonauts were eliminated on penalty kicks 5-4 in the second round against visiting No. 17 Tampa at the UWF Soccer Complex on Sunday. UWF came from behind to tie the score 2-2 in the second half, and the Spartans kept UWF from scoring anymore, leading to two overtime periods and the deciding penalty kick shootout. UWF finished the season with a record of 17-2-2.
The shootout was only the fourth in school history for UWF, with the first two coming in 2006 in the NCAA first round and last year in the national semifinals. “I am really proud of this team,” said UWF Head Coach Joe Bartlinski. “They showed a lot of character today. For our two seniors this is their last game, but having those two is like having eight seniors on another team. “We were able to battle back because of our great leadership,” he continued. “Our captains encouraged the team the whole match and kept them fighting.”
chances the Spartans made it 2-0 on Brittan Spence’s rebound of a shot by Bertsos at the 50:57 mark. UWF charged back to The Spartans took an get back into the game, early lead in the 11th minute but a goal by sophomore on a play off a corner kick. Jodi-Ann Tampa Robinson took the 1-0 “This was my last in the 54th lead into minute was game, and there is the halfcalled back time break, nowhere else I’d as she was and the have rather been the offsides. Spartans T h e controlled last two years.” Argonauts much of the kept the first half, —Shakira Duncan pressure out-shooton until Senior mid-fielder ing UWF the 72nd 6-3. m i n u t e T h e Argonauts when UWF came out with energy to broke through for its first start the second half, but goal. Robinson received a after a few unsuccessful pass from senior Shakira
Sports Editor, Jack McMullen/
Duncan, and beat Tampa goalkeeper Leah Cesanek. The goal was Robinson’s 20th of the season, while Duncan’s assist was her 12th. The Duncan-Robinson connection scored again six minutes later. The senior beat Cesanek on the near post on an amazing goal. Duncan’s goal was her 31st of the season, and Robinson picked up her 14th assist. Cesanek made six saves in an impressive performance for Tampa, and she kept the Spartans alive through the end of regulation and into overtime. In penalty kicks, the Spartans converted all five attempts, and only freshman Ann Ilin Osland missed for UWF. UT’s
Brittan Spence clinched the win with the last penalty kick in the fifth round. “Tampa is a great team that stepped up when they needed to,” Duncan said after the game. “This was my last game, and there is nowhere else I’d have rather been the last two years.” Duncan finished her UWF career as the school’s all-time leader in career goals (64) and points (153). The 2010 GSC Player of the Year and GSC Tournament Most Outstanding Player is also a candidate to repeat as a first team All-American and National Player of the Year. “Duncan is the best Division II player I have ever seen,” said Tampa Head Coach Gerry Lucey.
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
Fitness & Sports
Duncan makes impact on and off the field n A r g o s i n s p i re d b y a n a l l - t i m e g re a t
p l a y e r ’s h a r d w o r k a n d d e d i c a t i o n Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer Almost everyone who achieves greatness in their life has a strong determination and a passion that keeps them pushing-on with all their strength to achieve that one goal they have been chasing for so long. For Shakira Duncan, soccer is that passion. The sweat, blood and tears poured into the game are what keep it interesting. And winning? Well, winning provides the feeling of accomplishment and success. She loves it. Duncan, a senior on the University of West Florida women’s soccer team, has loved the game for as long as she can remember. Playing college soccer has always been a dream of hers, and playing at UWF has been a fantastic experience. “I really enjoy playing here, being a part of the team and getting a chance to know the girls,” said Duncan, a senior sports management major. “They are simply amazing.” Duncan, or “Shacky” as her teammates call her,
has excelled in her college amazing skills on the soccer career. This year field, Duncan is a shining alone she has earned the personality and a friend 2010 Gulf South Conference who can be relied on in Player of the Year and was any situation. Smiles radiunanimously was chosen for ate from her and rooms come alive the All-GSC she first team. “Her competitiveness when enters. She was encourages “Shacky also, the is not only everyone to play GSC tournaa leader of ment’s Most harder” this team, Outstanding but a great Player, a friend off -Alexis Pugh three-time the field,” GSC player Freshman mid-fielder Pugh said. of the week O n e and entered might think the postseathat being a star soccer player son ranked first in NCAA on a college team requires Division II in goals. that “it” factor that separates “Her competitiveness the great from the average. encourages everyone to play Duncan does have “it” and harder,” Alexis Pugh, a fresh- is a great player, but she is man teammate of Duncan’s, not much different from her said. peers. But even with these Her time away from the amazing achievements, she field is that of your averhas not let that diminish age college student’s life. the big goal that she has set She loves spending her free for herself, and her journey time talking on the phone is not complete until she to friends and family from reaches it. her home town, Kingston, “I’m still waiting on Jamaica. that special one: winning Just like anyone in a national championship,” her position, nights can Duncan said. be long. Midterms and But aside from her final exams can weigh
Photo from Sports Information
Duncan, who won GSC player of the year, leaves UWF as the highest goalscorer in school history. down heavily on anyone, and Duncan is no exception. She some time s finds herself awake in the middle of the night, stressing out about exams. It doesn’t matter if she is dominating the field or killing it in the classroom, there are always hard times. She makes it look easy, but the attention and time needed to be a student athlete can be
a heavy burden on anyone, Duncan included. Her biggest stress comes from trying to find a balance between soccer and her school work. She manages though, all the while keeping a positive attitude. It is because of this that Duncan has become an inspiration to many of her teammates. “Shacky is funny and
very much loved by our team,” freshmen Marissa Love said. “I have always thought very highly of her and looked up to her.” Duncan’s UWF Records UWF’s all-time leader in career goals (64) UWF’s all-time leader in career points (153)
Jordan sinks Argos UWF Sports Information Newcomers Mike Lewis and Terrance Beasley scored in double-figures, but UCF’s Marcus Jordan scored 28 points as the University of Central Florida’s men’s basketball team downed the University of West Florida, 115-61, Friday night at UCF Arena. The game was the 2010-11 season-opener for both teams. Jordan, son of NBA legend Michael Jordan, was 8-11 from the floor and 7-8 from the free throw line to lead all scorers. Lewis led the Argos (0-1) with 15 points, including five three-point baskets. Beasley added 10 points and seven rebounds in just 16 minutes of work. Turnovers were an issue for Bob Stinnett’s club, as they handed the ball over 23 times. Jordan and Keith Clanton each nailed threeballs in the first two minutes of the game as UCF sprinted out to a 9-0 lead. Later, the Knights pushed the lead to the 20-point plateau when Keith Young’s lay-in made the tally 30-9 with 9:58 left. On the final possession of the half, Lewis dialed long distance yet again right before the buzzer, making the score 56-27 at the break. The Eastern Kentucky transfer scored nine points in the half. After a UCF fastbreak finished with a Clanton lay-up, the Knights led 70-29 with 16:07 to go. They reached triple digits thanks to a pair of Jordan free throws that made the score 101-48 with 6:46 left. The Argos continued to show fight in the game’s dying stages, boosted by the contributions of several reserve players. Freshman Lendward Griffin stole the ball and finished a breakaway with a slam dunk to cut the gap to 109-56 with 2:27 left. Later in the frame, UWF scored their final two baskets on back-to-back possessions. Mike Whisman started the run with a stickback at the 1:58 mark, and Keldric White scored a hoop with 1:34 left to cut the score to 113-60. UWF heads to The Last Frontier for their next round of games, at the 2010 Alaska Invitational.
The Voyager
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010