The Voyager
The voice of UWF students since 1968
Shaw appointed director of Emerald Coast Katherine Cordero Staff Writer Susan Shaw, 56, has been a part of the University of West Florida since 1982, and all of her hard work has paid off as she was recently appointed permanent director of UWF at Emerald Coast after serving as interim director since August of this year. “It’s something Dr. Bense and Dr. King asked me to do, and I actually didn’t think about it
because I was planning on retiring with my husband,” Shaw said. “When Dr. Bense asked me to be interim, I said I would do it. Then recently, she asked me to be permanent, and I thought about it, and I told her I would do it and that I would stay at least a couple of years. I’m very excited about it.” In her new position, Shaw will oversee administrative functions as well as community outreach
and engagement, according to a UWF press release. "Susan has a lengthy history of excellent service to the University, and I know she is well prepared for the challenge of serving as our Emerald Coast campus's director," said Provost Chula King. Shaw, who earned a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University and an M.B.A. from the University of South Florida,
most recently served as associate director of marketing communications for UWF at Emerald Coast. She sticks to her love of teaching by continuing to teach marketing fundamentals and integrated marketing communications at Emerald Coast. Shaw said she started teaching at UWF when she was expecting her first child. She said she wanted to have regular hours and
Nature preserved
still stay in her career field. “When I started teaching, I didn’t know I was going to love it so much. My favorite part of what I do, even today, is just being in the classroom.” Shaw’s 29 years of experience at UWF and long resume, ranging from advertising executive for Fort Walton Beach’s “Northwest Florida Daily News” to her most
See Shaw, page 2
VOYAGER IN BRIEF Sports Women's XC heads to nationals The women's cross country team advanced to nationals with a second place finish at regionals last weekend while the men's cross country team and men's and women's soccer teams seasons ended. See full stories on page 7
Opinion Student loan debt; black conservatives Photo by Jennifer Cantor
Members of the community enjoy the University of West Florida's Edward Ball Nature Trail. The entrance of the nature trail is located behind Buildinga 10 & 11, down the cement steps. Other information, including maps of the nature trails, can be found on the University website at
n The UWF nature trail offers a much needed place to relax and enjoy the great outdoors Will Isern Staff Writer With excitement, 7-month-old Gracie is bounding down from atop a cliff on the Edward Ball DuPont nature preserve, over the roots of an overturned pine, and toward a very worried-looking Katie Moore. Moore is a freshman nursing major at the University of West Florida, and Gracie is a black lab/border collie mix. Behind her and with considerably less grace, Alex Kittendorf, a freshman engineering major, makes his way down, as well. The duo say they love the trails because it lets them get out in nature with their fourlegged companion. “I miss hiking back home, so I come out here,” Kittendorf says. With its half-mile long boardwalk that wanders over and through Thompson’s Bayou, and with its vast expanse of hiking and biking trails, the DuPont nature preserve offers opportunities for both recreationalists and those in need of a little relaxation. Moore and Kittendorf tend toward a more active approach when utilizing the preserve, saying they bring Gracie out weekly to explore the trails farther and farther in.
See full stories on page 3
A&E Photo by Tim Keebler
University of West Florida student Evan Otto goes for a canoe ride on the Escambia River. The canoe equipment is free for students to use. Others, like freshman Jacob Allen, just like the ability to get away from campus, breaking up the day. “It’s a good place to get away from everything,” says Allen. "It’s relaxing.” He has come to have lunch on one of the many benches along the boardwalk. Birds and squirrels scurry on all sides as Allen packs up to head off to his next class.
See Preserve, page 5
Students support energy fee in vote Terry Strickland New Media Editor The University of West Florida is one step closer to implementing a proposal that would add 25 cents to $1 per credit hour to student fees to fund "green" projects. According to the Student Government Association, 560 of 823 students who voted in a Nov. 2 referendum voted to support of the fee. The referendum was “nonbinding,” which means it was intended only to gauge student opinion on the issue. Before the fee can be implemented, it must be approved by both the UWF Board of Trustees and the state Board of Governors and then come back to UWF students for a final, binding referendum.
❱❱ Rundown 823 students voted on Nov. 2 to decide whether or not to add the green energy fee to student tuition. Approximately 560 of those students voted in favor of the fee. The students who voted on the fee comprise less than 7 percent of the student population, but Raechel Vecchio, president of SEAS, said she was very satisfied with the number of voters. Tammy McGuckin, assistant vice president and dean of students, said that the Board of Trustees would consider the proposal at its Dec. 9 meeting. If it approves, she said, it would pass before the Board of Governors in February. The students would then vote again in the spring, and the fee would be implemented no earlier than fall 2012. Raechel Vecchio, president of the UWF Student Environmental Action Society,
President Barack Obama sends an op-ed to universities across the country to discuss his administration's new plan designed to help students cope with loan debt. Contributing writer Freedom Whiting discusses controversial comments made by Ann Coulter and argues that the black vote should not be seen as liberal versus conservative.
which has been advocating for the fee, said she was pleased with the results of the referendum. "Considering we had only two weeks to promote it, I thought it was great," she said. The students who voted in the referendum comprise less than 7 percent of the 11,982 students currently enrolled at UWF. Vecchio said she plans to make this point to the Board of Trustees in December.
If the fee is implemented, McGuckin said, the money would be allocated by a special committee consisting of an equal number of student and University representatives. The fee would expire every three years, she said, so future classes would be able to decide whether to keep or abandon it. Fees similar to the one being considered at UWF have been proposed at universities across the state. However, only two schools — the University of South Florida and New College of Florida — have implemented such a proposal. Both did so earlier this year. The SGA voted to remain neutral on the fee on Oct. 14.
Play satires wealthy Victorians "The Importance of Being Earnest" is the UWF Theatre Department's newest production. The play is a satire of the Victorian aristocracy in the 1890s, expressing all the ridiculousness of the era. It runs Nov. 10-13 and Nov. 17-20. See full stories on page 4
Use Rechargable batteries: Although pricier, they will reduce waste and save you money in the long run.
Index News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Arts &Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
The Voyager
Gov. Scott threatens to defund liberal arts Nicole Yeakos Staff Writer
In October, Gov. Rick Scott proposed increasing state funding to college programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) – all at the expense of programs in the liberal arts. Although he began by targeting anthropology, the governor has also stated that degrees in psychology and journalism are not as important as those in STEM disciplines. In an interview with the Sarasota “Herald-Tribune,” Scott questioned the future of journalism and students seeking journalism degrees. “There’s a lot of jobs in journalism?” Scott rhetorically asked the reporter. “No, it’s tough.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this year that jobs for news analysts, reporters and correspondents are projected to decrease by 6 percent by
2018, but jobs for broadcast news analysts are expected to increase by 4 percent. A substantial portion of our lives are spent relying on television, newspapers and online content, said Brendan Kelly, chair of the University of West Florida Department of Communication Arts. “We train students in the University to produce that content by teaching them to think, write and research,” he said. “That’s why the journalism degree is valuable.” Kelly said that journalism is a degree that specializes in the skills and knowledge sets that employers are seeking most, such as critical thinking, professional writing and careful research. Scott has also suggested that degrees in psychology are unneeded, according to the “Herald-Tribune.” “In most conceptions of STEM disciplines, psychol-
“To dismantle the nature of a broad liberal arts education in service of job training really isn’t what higher education is about.” -Ronald Belter Associate Professor of Pyschology ogy is included,” said Ronald Belter, associate professor of psychology. The governor apparently is misinformed, he said. Jane Halonen, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, is a clinical psychologist who teaches introductory psychology in the UWF Honors program. She has also had experience dealing with the Florida Board Halonen
of Governors regarding Scott’s criticism of nonSTEM fields. Halonen said that the Board of Governors doesn’t like the fact that psychology is such a popular degree. “They think it’s easy because it’s popular,” she said. “It is a rigorous degree that easily qualifies as a STEM discipline.” Halonen also said that the National Science Foundation has
recognized psychology as a STEM discipline. Jackie Schutz, deputy press secretary for the governor, said in an email interview that Scott understands STEM disciplines and that greater focus on them will prepare Florida students to be more competitive in the 21st century. “If I’m going to take money from a citizen to put into education, I’m going to take that money to create jobs,” Scott told the “Herald-Tribune.” “I want that money to go to degrees where people can get jobs in this state.” Scott’s belief of which degrees will earn more jobs may be misguided, however. According to a recent study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the “ability to work in a team structure” and the “ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the
organization” were the two most important candidate skills rated by employers. Those were followed by candidates’ “ability to make decisions and solve problems,” “ability to obtain and process information” and “ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work.” At UWF, such skills are not gained only through the study of STEM disciplines. They are also taught in communication arts, history, legal studies, philosophy and several others areas. “To dismantle the nature of a broad liberal arts education in service of job training really isn’t what higher education is about,” Belter said. “Students should be informed about a broad range of things, not just one area of job kills.” Laura Koppes Bryan, chair of the UWF School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, said she had no comment at this time.
Obama announces plan to aid students in debt Rachel Giles Staff Writer President Barack Obama has announced a new plan for helping college graduates with student loan debt. The plan includes the reduction of monthly payments (from minimum payments of 15 percent of monthly earnings to 10 percent of monthly earnings) and forgiveness of loan debt after 20 years of monthly payments. The current plan forgives debt after 25 years. “I think the intent of the president is to promote higher education,” Sue McKinnon, the associate vice president for enrollment management and interim
director of the UWF financial aid department at the University of West Florida, said in a phone interview Friday. McKinnon said that there are several stipulations college graduates must have already adhered to in order to qualify for either plan, including a record of making payments on time every month. “It doesn’t impact the majority of students,” McKinnon said. McKinnon also said that graduates paying off student loans must also be employed, and only subsidized federal loans are covered in Obama’s plans. McKinnon added that for most graduates paying off student loan debt, the difference between this plan and the
previous plan may only be $5 or $6 a month. “It’s really, really not as good as it sounds,” McKinnon said. Tristen Kent, a senior business major at UWF, said that she believes if the president wants to help, he should improve the chances of students earning grants they don’t have to repay or work on lowering the sky-high interest rates of student loans. Kent also said that she thinks the amount of complaining done by students who blame the government concerning student loans is unacceptable. “If you have time to sit down and hold up a sign forever, you have time to get a
Shaw: Fulfills leadership needs of UWF From Page 1:
recent position, made her a strong candidate, but she said she believes she was chosen for a different reason. “I think it’s because I’ve been living here for the last 30 years, and I am very aware of this community and its needs as far as the careers that are out there for our students, the type of academic environment we need, and the programs we need to offer to meet the needs of the workforce. I think it is important to have someone from this community represent the University of West Florida Emerald Coast.” “Susan Shaw Shaw said she cares is the type about her students of person immensely. She keeps in contact with former we want in students and does her best leadership to help current students, positions, and as well. “I think one of the she will keep things I enjoy most is us headed when my students get ready to graduate is findin the right ing career opportunities direction.” for them,” Shaw said. “Even in the height of the -Ron Bush recession, I have not had a hard time placing my ‘next Marketing professor hot marketing” students. I constantly get requests for student job opportunities because employers are so happy with the students they hired in the past, they come back to add new job openings, so I just play matchmaker.” Shaw has been married for 32 years and has two children in their mid-20s. If she is not grading papers or handling business as the director, she relaxes with photography. “I love
photography,” Shaw said. “If I was going to retire, I would travel a lot and do a lot of photojournalism.” Ron Bush, a UWF marketing professor, has firsthand experience of Shaw’s work ethic as he has worked with her before. “Susan Shaw is the type of person we want in leadership positions, and she will keep us headed in the right direction,” Bush said. “She has the abilities and the motivation, and she cares about our students. She is knowledgeable, articulate and earns the respect of those with whom she works. I think she will make an excellent director.”
job,” Kent said of the picketing students on Wall Street. Kent also said that she thinks the plan encourages people to make minimum payments for as long as possible so that they can have their slate wiped clean after 20 years. “I think it’s a slippery slope,” Kent said. McKinnon said that her main concern is the way students and parents manage student loans. “Students and families need to look at the loans as they take them out,” McKinnon said. “Are they taking them out for a lifestyle or are they taking them out for tuition and fees?”
Opinions Editor, W. Paul Smith
Opinions &
Courtesy of Andy Marlette/
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
Courtesy of Andy Marlette/
Letter from President Obama
We can’t wait: Helping manage student loan debt Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to get out of Washington and talk with folks across the country about how we can create jobs and get our economy growing faster. This is a tough time for a lot of Americans — especially young people. You’ve come of age at a time of profound change. The world has gotten more connected, but it’s also gotten more competitive. And for decades, too many of our institutions — from Washington to Wall Street — failed to adapt, culminating in the worst financial crisis and recession since the Great Depression. For the last three years, we’ve worked to stabilize the economy, and we’ve made some progress. But we still have a long way to go. And now, as you’re getting ready to head out into the world, many of you are watching your friends and classmates struggle to find work. You’re wondering what’s in store for your future, and I know that can be scary. The truth is, the economic problems we face today didn’t happen overnight, and they won’t be solved overnight. But the fact that you’re investing in your education right now tells me that you believe in the future of America. You want to be a part of it. And you know that there are steps we can take right now to put Americans back to work and give our economy a boost. The problem is, there are some in Washington who just don’t share that sense of urgency. That’s why it’s been so disappointing to see Republicans in
Congress block jobs bills from going out of debt faster. forward – bills that independent econoMichelle and I know what it feels like mists say could create millions of jobs to leave school with a mountain of debt. though the kinds of proposals supported We didn’t come from wealthy families. by Democrats and Republicans in the past. By the time we both graduated from law Now, the best way to attack our school, we had about $120,000 worth economic challenges and put hundreds of debt between us. And even though we of thousands of people back to work is were lucky enough to land good jobs with through bold action in Congress. That’s steady incomes, it still took us almost 10 why I’m going to years to finally pay keep demanding it all off. It wasn’t that members of easy. “When a big chunk Congress to vote Living with that of every paycheck on common-sense, much debt forces paid-for jobs you to make some goes towards student proposals. And I tough choices. And hope you’ll send when a big chunk loans, it isn’t just them a message to of every paycheck painful for you — it’s do the right thing goes towards for your future and student loans, it painful to our economy the future of our isn’t just painful and harmful to our country. for you — it’s painBut we can’t wait ful to our economy recovery.” for Congress to do and harmful to our its job. So where recovery. it won’t act, I will. That’s why That’s why I’ve announced a new policy we’re making changes that will give about that will help families whose home values 1.6 million students the ability to cap have fallen to refinance their mortgages their loan payments at 10 percent of their and save thousands of dollars. We made it income starting next year. We’re also easier for veterans to get jobs putting their going to take steps to help you consoliskills to work in hospitals and community date your loans so that instead of making health centers. multiple payments to multiple lenders And at the University of Colorado at every month, you only have to make one Denver, I announced steps we’re taking to payment a month at a better interest rate. make college more affordable and to make And we want to start giving students a it even easier for students like you to get simple fact sheet called “Know Before You
Owe” so you can have all the information you need to make your own decision about paying for college. That’s something Michelle and I wish we had. These changes will make a real difference for millions of Americans. We’ll help more young people figure out how to afford college. We’ll put more money in your pocket after you graduate. We’ll make it easier to buy a house or save for retirement. And we’ll give our economy a boost at a time when it desperately needs it. That’s not just important for our country right now — it’s important for our future. Michelle and I are where we are today because our college education gave us a chance. Our parents and their generation worked and sacrificed to hand down the dream of opportunity to us. Now it’s our turn. That dream of opportunity is what I want for my daughters, and for all of you. And even in these tough times, we are going to make that dream real once again. In the weeks ahead, I’m going to keep doing everything in my power to make a difference for the American people — including young people like you. Because here in America, when we find a problem, we fix it. When we face a challenge, we meet it. We don’t wait. And I hope you’ll join me. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. This op-ed was sent to numerous universities across the country.
Black vote should not be conservative versus liberal Freedom Whiting Contributing Writer “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks.” — Ann Coulter Those were the words of one Ann Coulter. For those who do not know who she is, Coulter is a conservative commentator, a Fox News regular, and book writer who proudly expresses her controversial views. Terrifyingly, she is also a New York Times best seller with books like “Godless: The Church of Liberalism” in which she argues that if you are a liberal, you reject the idea of God and you detest anyone of faith. Wow. Talk about judging thy neighbor. Coulter also feels that women in America should not vote. She is quoted as saying, “It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 — except Goldwater in ‘64—the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.” Coulter goes on to say that women who vote for Democrats are “voting so stupidly.” So clearly, Coulter is a nut. Coulter is also a white woman. I mean,
whiter than white on rice in a glass of milk establishment” and the liberal media are always unfairly attacking conservatives. on a paper plate in a snow storm. So, it is surprising to hear Coulter make The major hole in that argument in regard to Cain’s sexual harassment issues is a comment like “our blacks.” that Democrats do not have a dog in the She originally made the remarks while Republican presidential candidate fight. on with Fox News’ Sean Hannity as she Democrats already have a candidate was coming to the defense of Republican in the White House. If there was any presidential candidate Herman Cain attacking, it would come from another against allegations of sexual harassment. Republican presidential candidate. Coulter said that the liberal establishCoulter feels that ment was attacking liberals, including Cain because liberals black liberals, “detest “detest conservative “Blacks, just like any conservative blacks.” blacks” and that the That is simply not group, should not sexual harassment true. If a liberal were allegations were be used as pawns in to detest a conserva“vicious and outrative, it has nothing the political theater.” geous”. to do with the color First of all, the of the conservative’s sexual harassment skin. It would be allegations were not because of how far to the right the conser“vicious and outrageous” because Cain vative views are. later admitted — reluctantly it seemed — Case in point: when conservatives Colin to the allegations of sexual harassment Powell and Condoleezza Rice were on and to there being at least two settlements. their political rise, there was not much bad Considering Coulter’s views about press about them from liberals. women exercising their civil rights, should In fact, Powell and Rice were on the we be really surprised that she leaped to covers of black publication magazines the defense of a man accused of sexual “Ebony” and “Essence” on more than one harassment? occasion. Secondly, Coulter uses the stale, ageWhat helped Powell and Rice stay in old right-wing argument that the “liberal the positive light in the liberal and black
communities is that Powell and Rice largely dealt with international issues. And that’s why liberals and some blacks do not like Clarence Thomas, Alan Keys, Alan West and Cain: their right wing views are not very sympathetic of the plight of the poor and minorities in this country. For example, when Cain was a CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and was a lobbyist for the National Restaurant Association, he was on a constant campaign to end minimum wage. And when you consider the wage disparity in this country with blacks at the very bottom, you are going to find very blacks who will support Cain. Cain even says that the reason he will not get two-thirds of the black vote will be because two-thirds of black people are “brainwashed” into not voting for a conservative. Sure, Cain — that’s how you get black folks to vote for you — tell them that they are brainwashed. When Coulter exclaims that conservative blacks are better than liberal blacks, she cheapens black people’s participation in America’s political process. Blacks, just like any group, should not be used as pawns in the political theater. When referring to conservatives, maybe Coulter should have said: “Our hacks are worse than their hacks.”
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
Life &
L&E Editor, Rebecca Barnhart
Adonna’s brings sweets to downtown Shelby Smithey Staff Writer Adonna’s Bakery, a quaint, stylish café tucked away in the heart of downtown Pensacola, opened just one month ago and is already gaining a reputation for its array of rich, decadent goodies. From petits fours to strawberry crème turnovers, Adonna’s has an assortment of pastries that will satisfy any sweet tooth. Owner and namesake Adonna Zehr is no stranger to the bakery business. She said that she has been baking since she was 15 years old. “My parents owned a bakery for 27 years, and I used to work there,” she said. “I actually hated it, and I never thought this is what I would end up doing.” Bakery items are fairly priced, with no pastry costing more than $3. Adonna’s popular cake balls go for $2, cupcakes are $2.50, petits fours are $2, doughnuts are 75 cents and cookies are priced at a dollar. “Our canolli and napoleons are really popular,” Zehr said. “And people love our signature cake balls.”
In addition to pastries, Adonna’s also serves breakfast and lunch items. Get a twisted benedict or try a Southwestern omelet served with a fresh croissant and hash browns for $7.50. For lunch, Adonna’s has a variety of sandwiches, soups, salads, quiche and Stromboli, each for under $10. Zehr said that she owns a bakery in Fort Walton Beach, as well. “In my bakery in Fort Walton, we have stopped serving lunch and breakfast food and are exclusively a bakery with a specialty in wedding cakes,” she said. “We average about eight wedding cakes a week.” Zehr said that she was looking for another potential location and fell in love with the location downtown. “I really like the historical part of it here,” she said. “Adonna’s is so chic,” said Micha Mesure, junior history major at Stetson University. “They have great service and yummy desserts.” Lacey Roson, hostess at Adonna’s Bakery, said that she thinks Adonna’s is a great place for students to grab a bite to eat and to do
some studying. “The reaction from customers has been great,” Zehr said. “I’ve received a great response from moving here. Downtown has been really welcoming.” Both locations offer catering for events of any size. If you haven’t visited the bakery yet, next week is the perfect time. To celebrate Zehr’s birthday week, Adonna’s Bakery will be giving away a free cupcake to every customer who stops by the café on Nov. 17.
Rundown n Adonna’s Bakery is located at 114 A Palafox Place. n The bakery is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. n The variety of baked goods offered include petits fours, doughnuts, cupcakes and cookies.
Photos by Kaycee Lagarde
Adonna’s Bakery on Palafox Place features not only an array of sweets but also breakfast sandwiches, omelets, soup, salad and sandwiches.
Poor controls make ‘Worlds’ a disaster Jesse Farthing Staff Writer
Photo special to The Voyager
Jack (Colin Cook) and Lady Bracknell (Nicole Dickson) rehearse “The Importance of Being Earnest.” The Theatre Department’s newest play is a satire of the Victorian aristocracy in England in the 1890’s.
‘Earnest’ satire found in new theater production Josh Cooper Staff Writer Cases of mistaken identity can be a humorous misunderstanding, especially if it’s the University of West Florida’s production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest.” UWF will be putting on the play for two weekends starting Nov. 10. The play will be on stage ThursdaySunday on Nov. 10-13 and 17-20. And the cast seems enthusiastic about the performance. Kevin Kern, associate profesKern sor of theater, said he has wanted to do this play for the past five years. He said that his schedule had been booked over the past years and that he was finally able to work on this play. He said he likes the ideas behind the play and how Wilde makes his points. “Oscar Wilde was making fun of the upper class,” he said. “It’s probably Wilde’s best.” The play follows two upper-class men, Jack and Algernon, who attempt to impersonate a fictional
man named Earnest for the affection of each of their fiancés. The play satirizes the Victorian aristocracy of England in 1895. It goes to great lengths to express the frivolousness and ridiculousness of the wealthy of that period. Nicole Dickson, a senior theater major, plays Lady Bracknell, mother of one of the fiancés. “I was hoping to get Lady Bracknell,” she said. “It’s so easy to make fun of her because she is so upper class.” D i c k s o n described her character as dominating and as one to demand respect from not only the other characters but also the audience.
The play will be held in the studio theater at the Center of Fine and Performing Arts at UWF, using a technique called thrust. Thrust occurs when the audience surrounds the stage on three sides. Kern said the thrust setting will be intimate. He said more than 40 people in the cast and crew are involved with the production of the play. They have spent five weeks rehearsing for it, and they will be rehearsing this week, as well. He also said he expects the play to sell out every night. Kern said he considers this play one of the top 10 comedies of all time. He said he ranks it right behind the Shakespearian comedies.
❱❱ Rundown n “The Importance of Being Earnest” is UWF’s new theater production. n The play runs Nov. 10-13 and Nov. 17-20. n The play will start at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and a matinee will start at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday for both weekends. n Ticket prices are $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and active military, $10 for UWF faculty and staff or non-UWF students, and free for UWF students with their nautilus card.
It’s not unusual to see games based on licensed material. Throngs of awful movie tie-ins are released every year. Games based on comic book heroes frequently pop up. The market for children’s book and TV series tie-ins is large. It’s not every day that a company releases a game based on a 19th century novel. Arriving seemingly out of nowhere, much like the Martians of H.G. Wells’ 1898 novel, Other Ocean Interactive’s “The War of the Worlds” is exactly that. The game tells a story that parallels the events of the novel, keeping the setting and general feel intact. Narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart, the story starts out when Arthur Clarke, an astronomer, sees some strange goings-on when viewing Mars through a telescope. It’s not long before the tripods land in London and across the rest of the world to wreak havoc. The game starts out promisingly. The graphics are beautiful. Black, white and dull brown colors paint 19th century London as a palpable setting that reflects the foggy industrial era in which Wells’ novel takes place. The animation is fantastic. Character movements are very smooth, thanks to the rotoscope technology used for the game’s engine. Stewart’s Shakespearean narration gives the story a somber tone that sets up each level wonderfully. “The War of the Worlds” is a classic sidescrolling platform game with graphics and controls reminiscent of the original “Prince of Persia” or “Out of This World” – both pioneers of the rotoscope style. The graphics are obviously cleaner and more detailed than those relics, but the animation looks roughly equivalent. Unfortunately, this
Photo special to The Voyager
“The War of the Worlds” is a video game based on the 19th century novel by H.G. Wells. The video game centers around Arthur Clarke, an astronomer, who is trying to get back to his family after tripods begin to wreak havoc on Earth. shout-out to games of a previous era brought back the sloppy controls, as well. Clarke can only grab a ledge if you are at precisely the right point. He doesn’t always respond as you would expect to changes in direction because of the way that animation takes priority over control. Timing your jumps becomes incredibly frustrating when the character’s movement is so loose. Control issues become especially apparent when pixel-perfect jumps are required. Clarke is an everyman who is just trying to get back to his family. He’s an astronomer, not a Terminator, and he has no fighting skills. You spend most of the game running from tripod feet, Martian drones and thick black smoke, all of which kill you with a touch, burn you with heat rays or suffocate you. Clarke is fragile; He cannot fall very far without dying, he doesn’t carry a gun or any other weapons for defense, and he has no life gauge – one hit and you’re done. You do come across a fire axe at one point that you can use to bash up
some drones, but for the most part, you run and try to survive. “War of the Worlds” is a fun throwback to old games if you can tolerate certain design decisions. It is, however, incredibly difficult because of the loose controls and nearperfection required at many points throughout the campaign. It’s only a few hours long, but because of the repetition required to memorize actions to get through some levels, it may take significantly longer. “The War of the Worlds” oozes atmosphere and captures the feeling of futility that permeates the novel. It’s unfortunate that the staggering difficulty is exacerbated by poor controls and that the game will likely turn most gamers off within the first hour because there is a great experience buried in the muck. Ultimately, like the Martians in the novel, “The War of the Worlds” is taken down by its own failings.
The Voyager
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
Convention welcomes all fandoms Megs Glasscock Staff Writer
Photo by Jennifer Cantor
The Edward Ball Nature Trail is a half-mile boardwalk on the University of West Florida’s campus. The trail cuts through Thompson’s Bayou, a hardwood swamp with plenty of wildlife like snakes, turtles, fish and alligators. There are also plenty of birds, as the area has been recognized as a Great Florida Birding Trail.
Trail: Nature on campus Be a m s o f s u n l i g h t c a s c a d e t h r o u g h t he limbs as the trees begin to shed their leaves. A creek flows slowly and steadily by. The smell is one of wet earth and decaying wood. It’s quiet, and calm, and peaceful. After having the boardwalk to yourself, the sound of other humans, the reminder that there is more than just you and the trail and nature, comes as a surprise. This point seems not to be lost on freshman couple Ally Doty and Chase Kuhnhausen, who seemingly figured they had the boardwalk to themselves. “We’re in between classes,
and we just wanted to go for a walk,” says Doty. The two say the DuPont preserve is one of their favorite places on campus. For students looking for a good time, they suggest checking out a canoe and exploring the woods by water. So, next time you’re looking to get away, rather than spending half your paycheck to sip burnt coffee in a crowded and noisy room, grab yourself some free solitude and natural beauty. Check out the Edward Ball DuPont nature preserve and boardwalk. The entrance is located behind Buildings 10 and 11.
“We strive to accept and represent all nerdy fandoms out there.” -Linda Barnhart Conquest member “That’s why we’re called Con-Quest,” she said in a phone interview. “We were on a quest to hold a convention.” So, what is FAN:dom, and what does it entail? Barnhart offered this definition: “The best way I can describe FAN:dom initially is like a Star Trek convention or Comic Con where everyone dresses up and has an awesome time with fellow nerds,” she said. “Since we’re called FAN:dom, we’re a lot different than most other conventions out there. Most conventions are restricted to one area like anime or comic books, but we strive to accept and represent all nerdy fandoms out there.” According to FAN:dom’s website, they have done just that with the inclusion of a costume competition, and panels on topics from video games, art tutorials and anime. Not to neglect the Harry Potter fans, FAN:dom will
From Page 1:
No, you are not seeing things. Pikachu was standing in line for the trolley, and that was Jill Valentine battling a zombie in the Argos Grill and Game Room. Rest assured it is not the onset of finals insanity, it is the second annual FAN:dom convention at the University of West Florida. Held on Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, over the entirety of the Commons, FAN:dom is a convention that embraces all things geeky and is the brainchild of the UWF club Con-Quest. Linda Barnhart, a senior theater and film double major, explained the origin of the club. “Con-Quest actually started during a random trip to Pensacola Beach back in the fall of 2008,” she said in an e-mail interview. “There were six of us on the trip, and we all had a similar interest in starting a club. We had all bounced the idea around a bit before that, but this trip was when we really got down to business. So, we came up with a clever name and went to get the club approved the next day.” Amelia Pate, one of the club’s founders and a senior marine biology major, talked about the club’s name.
Photo special to The Voyager
Conquest members Linda Barnhart, John Ricks and David Bedwell pose at a recent meeting. Conquest is currently preparing for a FAN:dom convention, with a costume competition and panels on topics such as video games and anime. hold a Quidditch tournament on the Cannon Greens. The tournament will be on Sunday at 2:30 p.m., and Pate describes the game as a “cross between flag football and basketball.” Another of the club’s founders John Ricks, a senior elementary education major, said he had high hopes for the convention to grow as large as the ones held in larger cities, such as Otakon in
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Baltimore or Metrocon in Tampa. Both Otakon and Metrocon boast thousands of attendees in a single weekend. He did add that there was a problem with growth. “Hosting a con of that size at UWF would be insane,” he said in a phone interview. For tickets and information see the FAN:dom website at: http://www.
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Community &
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
The Voyager Editor-in-Chief Brittany Carr
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Opinions Editor W. Paul Smith
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Photo Editor
Kaycee Lagarde
Copy Editors Friedrich Langerfeld Georgia Adams Kathryn Middleton Timothy Dunkle
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Distribution Manager John Strickland The Voyager is produced weekly by students of the University of West Florida and is partially funded by Student Activities and Services fees with assistance from the Office of Student Affairs. This public document was promulgated by the president of the University at an annual cost of $.275 per copy. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of UWF, The Voyager or its staff. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless The Voyager and its staff for all contents supplied to publisher, including text, representation and illustrations of advertisements printed and for any claims arising contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a pre-printed insert, deficient postage. The Voyager is printed by Freedom Florida Commercial Printing, in accordance with Florida Law. The above information is presented in compliance Section 283.27 of Florida Statutes.
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include the author’s address and telephone number for verification purposes. Only the author’s name will be printed. Letters are published as space allows and do not necessarily represent the views of The Voyager staff. The editor reserves the right to edit letters or refuse to publish letters. E-mail letters to opinions@thevoyager. net with “letter to the editor” in the subject line, or stop by Bldg. 36 Room 120 to hand-deliver your letter.
Corrections Corrections for the Nov. 2 issue: The Gov. Scott story on Page 1 incorrectly stated that the interview in question was with the St. Petersburg Times. The interview was with the Sarasota Herald Tribune. The Mutemath review on page 5 was by Katherine Cordero, not Jade Hoy. The Voyager strives to accurately report the news. Send corrections to
Nov. 9 Third-party testers will offer free Rapid Response HIV testing the second Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. Testing on Nov. 9 will be offered in a Mobile Unit on the Cannon Lawn near the bookstore from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis. Testing requires a finger prick and takes about 20 minutes to receive results. For more information, contact Wellness Services at 474-2420 or Nov. 9 UWF students seeking to study abroad must attend a Study Abroad General Information Session before they submit their application. The session will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Commons room 260. Each session reviews the application process and student responsibilities for study abroad and will also highlight topics related to studying abroad. Faculty and staff are welcome to attend. For more information, visit the UWF Study Abroad website at studyabroad/. For additional information, email Sara E. Brake at or call the International Center at 850-474-2479. Nov. 9 Career services will host an online resume writing workshop that is designed for students who are in the process of making a resume, or students that may be looking to update their existing resumes. All students are invited to attend. Students can R.S.V.P. through JasonQuest. For more information, email Career Services at or call 474-2254. Nov. 10 The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) is seeking enthusiastic volunteers of all ages to help rough sort artifacts recovered from local archaeological sites. Volunteers work inside our air-conditioned lab to rough sort artifacts recovered from local archaeological sites. Volunteers work with small screens, trays, brushes, magnets and other lab tools to clean and sort artifacts. Once artifacts have
been cleaned, they are sorted into groups of like materials. For more information, contact Irina Sorset at 595-0050, Ext. 103 or Nov. 10 SHEP is sponsoring the Healthy Connections Community Health Fair from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Commons. Come hear about healthy connections in many areas relating to your health. Free food and lots of door prizes will be given away. Event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Kim Harris at Nov. 10 The University of West Florida is hosting a Veteran’s Day Celebration from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Commons Auditorium. UWF employee Sylvia Patterson will open the event by singing the national anthem and UWF Army ROTC students will present the colors. Guest speaker is Capt. Lillian Battle, recruiting flight commander for Air Force ROTC Detachment 014 at UWF. Then, bagpipe player Wayne Willis will perform a medley of armed forces songs. Additionally, a ceremony conducted by Ret. Navy Capt. Shirley Lewis-Brown will be held to recognize military members who have died or are missing. Light refreshments will be served from 10 to 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact Lusharon Wiley at 474-2384 or lwiley@ Nov. 10 The annual UWF Art Faculty exhibition showcases new works of contemporary art from Department of Art faculty and surveys the breadth of work currently produced by UWF art professors. It is an opportunity for students and community members to gain a sense of the professional work produced by the department. For Art Gallery hours, contact the UWF Box Office at 857-6285.
Communities Editor, Bobby Bone
The Voyager is now accepting personal ads of 20 words or fewer to voyager@uwf. edu with a subject line of “classified.”
College students who have an avid interest in career ideas related to the field of writing and freelancing gigs can visit for helpful tips.
The Voyager is now accepting classifieds from faculty, students and staff at no cost.
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CLUBS Get involved on campus. If your organization putting together an event and would like to get the word out to people, feel free to send us a description of what’s happening at voyager@ with “classifieds” in the subject line.
If you would like to place a classified with more than 20 words, or you are not affiliated with UWF, please contact our Business Manager, Jeff Hagedorn. The deadline for your classified ad is the Thursday before the week you want it to be printed. Please e-mail your classifieds to voyager@ with “classified” in the subject line. A comic by Jorge Cham
Sports Editor, Chris Elkins
Fitness &
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
Women’s soccer falls to Valdosta State in penalty kicks Chris Elkins Sports Editor To say the outcome of the game was a let down would be an understatement. For the University of West Florida women’s soccer team, winning the Gulf South Conference Championships has become the minimum expectation. National appearances have become the norm. However, nothing is given in sports, and the Argonauts — seven-time defending GSC champions — were the prime example of that as the team fell to Valdosta State in the semifinals on Nov. 4.
The Argos tied the Blazers 2-2 in regulation but were unable to match the effort of GSC newcomer VSU in penalty kicks as the Argos ultimately lost 5-3, according to www.goargos. com. The Argos, who saw its 54-game GSC winning streak snapped earlier in the season, scored first against VSU. Leading-scorer Tina Murray scored her 15th goal of the season in the 32nd minute. The Blazers came right back as Casey Ponder scored three minutes later to even the score. Senior Tori Fish continued the trend, scoring three minutes later with a header
Photo special to The Voyager
Tori Fish advances up the field earlier in the season. Fish played all 18 games for the Argonauts. into the net, putting the Argos up 2-1 going into the half.
A defensive battle ensued for most of the second half.
VSU player Leanne Bishop tied things up 2-2 with a header received from a corner kick in the 80th minute. Both defenses held strong through two overtime periods to force the penalty kick scenario. Players of both teams made their first two penalty kicks. However, UWF was unable to convert its third penalty kick, and VSU made its next three to clinch the victory in the best-offive scenario. The Argos finished the regular season with a record of 12-3-3 (6-1 GSC).
All-GSC Selections
Seven Argos were named
to the All-GSC team. Four made the first team: seniors Jordan Stone and Tina Murray, junior Monica Malavassi and sophomore Daniele Cruz Mejia. The three Argos on the second team were senior Lauren Byrd, junior Rachel Cutts and freshman Kelly Andres. The fate of the Argos was up to the NCAA selections committee who announced the selections for the South Regional Tournament on Nov. 7. The Argos did not appear on the Live Selection Show on, meaning the season is over.
Men lose GSC championship game
n Soccer team falls 5-4 in penalty kicks to end the season Chris Elkins Sports Editor Just hours after the women lost a heartbreaker to VSU in the semifinals of the Gulf South Conference championship tournament, the University of West Florida men’s soccer team won its semifinal match 3-2 with a go-ahead score in the 89th minute to advance to the finals. On Nov. 6, the men shared the same disappointment that the women had felt two days earlier when the men fell to Christian Brothers University in penalty kicks, snapping their streak of five consecutive GSC championships. The game stayed scoreless throughout regulation. UWF took 13 shots, and CBU took nine, but neither was able to make one count in the tough, physical game, according to www.goargos. com. Junior goalkeeper Ramon Sealy recorded three saves while CBU goalkeepers totaled two. After two scoreless over-
time periods, the game was sent into penalty kicks. The Argos shot first, making all but its third penalty kick. The Buccaneers made all five of its penalty kicks to win the GSC title. The Argo athletes can hold their heads high though. Four members of the team were named to the All-Tournament Team: seniors Matt Aldred and Sean Reynolds and juniors James Moore and Junior Prevalus.
Semifinal Match
In the semifinal match against AlabamaHuntsville, Prevalus got the Argos on the board first, scoring in the 30th minute, according to www.goargos. com. Stephen Munoz kept the scoring going for UWF two minutes later with a header to put the Argos up 2-0. The Chargers came back in the 44th minute to send the game into halftime with a score of 2-1. The Chargers fought
Photo special to The Voyager
Freshman Dillon Gallet kicks the soccer ball at a match earlier in the season. Gallet leds the Argonauts with 12 goals scored, 43 shots taken and two game-winning goals this season. back, tying things up in the 62 minute. It looked like the game would go to overtime before the Argos were given a corner kick late in the game. Freshman Dillon Gallet received the kick and scored the go-ahead point in the
89th minute, and the Argos went on to win the match. UWF finished the regular season 9-6-3 (3-2 GSC).
All-GSC Selections
Reynolds was named the GSC Men’s Player of the Year.
Argos perform well in minors Chris Elkins Sports Editor The University of West Florida baseball team sent eight Argonauts to the minor leagues after its national championship season. The former Argos have represented their school well, displaying athletic prowess and winning numerous awards.
Daniel Vargas-Villa
Vargas-Villa led the Argos with a 1.86 ERA, 16 wins, and .188 opposing batting average during the 2011 season. He was drafted by the Orem Owlz, a Los Angeles Angels affiliate. In 13 games with the Owlz, he struck out 56 batters in a team-high 56 innings pitched and recorded a 3.54 ERA. His season was highlighted by a near perfect game on Sept. 10 in a playoff against Odgen in which he pitched 6.1 innings without allowing a hit or walking a batter. Vargas-Villa gave up one hit in the seventh inning but retired the next two batters that he faced before he left the game.
Greg Pron
During his time with the Argos, Pron led the team with a .423 batting average, .677 slugging pct., 69 RBIs, and he tied Dustin Lawley for the lead with 10 home runs and 28 stolen bases. In 58 games with the Kings Port Mets, a New
Photo special to The Voyager
Daniel Vargas-Villa pitches for the Argonauts during the Division II College World Series in June. York Mets affiliate, Pron hit for a .318 average with seven home runs, 34 RBIs and a .493 slugging pct. in 211 at bats. He and Lawley, who also plays for the Kingsport Mets, were named Hitters of the Year for the minor league team.
Dustin Lawley
In addition to tying Pron for the lead in home runs and stolen bases, Lawley led the Argos with 22 doubles and 59 runs scored during the 2011 season. With the Kingsport Mets, he hit .284 with nine home runs, 17 doubles, five stolen bases and 43 RBIs in 232 at bats.
run, saving 14 games with a team-high 23 relief appearances and 0.59 ERA. In 30.1 innings pitched, he struck out 54 batters and allowed only two earned runs all season. With the Orem Owlz, he pitched 13 games, recording 32 strikeouts in 22 innings pitched and a 2.45 ERA. Opponents hit .173 against him.
Brandon Brewer
Shane Waller
Brewer led the Argos with a .508 on base percentage and was second to Pron with a .390 batting average during the 2011 season. The shortstop joined Waller and Vargas-Villa on the Orem Owlz and hit .226 in 34 games and recorded an on base percentage of .309.
Waller was the Argos lights-out closer during its national championship
Hawkins’ UWF career was highlighted by a
Ben Hawkins
no-hitter against West Alabama on April 9. He recorded an 11-3 record and a 2.91 ERA and struck out 101 batters in 86.2 innings for the Argos. For the Gulf Coast League Nationals, a Washington Nationals affiliate, Hawkins recorded a 2.00 ERA in nine innings pitched while striking out 11 batters. For the Auburn Doubledays, also a Washington affiliate, he recorded a 2.35 ERA in 15.1 innings pitched while recording 15 strikeouts.
Jason Postill
Postill, the third Argonaut starting pitcher drafted out of the fourman rotation last season, recorded a 13-1 record with a team-high 111 strikeouts in 105.1 innings pitched for the 2011 season. Pitching for the Missoula Osprey, an Arizona Diamondbacks affiliate, Postill recorded a 4.61 ERA with 16 strikeouts in 13.2 innings pitched. For the Arizona League D-Backs, he recorded a 6.23 ERA with 20 strikeouts in 26 innings pitched.
Zach Jadofsky
Jadofsky recorded a 4.28 ERA with 22 strikeouts in 27.1 innings for the Argonauts. In 15 games with the Gulf Coast League Braves, an Atlanta Braves affiliate, he has recorded a 10.26 ERA, one save and 14 strikeouts in 16.2 innings.
He and two other Argos, Aldred and Sealy, made the All-GSC first team for the regular season. Three Argos also made the All-GSC Second Team: senior Marquel Waldron and sophomores Jack Salafrio and Gallet.
The fate of the Argos rested in the hands of the NCAA selection committee. The committee announced the selections for the South Regional Tournament on Nov. 7. The Argos were not on the list.
Volleyball team still undefeated in GSC From staff reports With a straight set win over Valdosta State (25-14, 25-18, 25-20), the University of West Florida volleyball team wrapped up its 2011 regular season schedule undefeated in the Gulf South Conference standings. The Argonauts are 23-8 overall and 14-0 in the GSC heading into the conference tournament as the No. 1 seed. The Argos opened things up in the first set by scoring eight straight points to go up 11-4 over Valdosta State (16-17, 5-9 GSC). Three service aces in a row by junior outside hitter Haley Shackelford gave UWF the 10-point lead at 16-6. Christine Bach and Jenny Bellairs then scored back-to-back kills to end the set at 25-14. With UWF leading by just one point early on in the second set, Shackelford extended the Argo advantage with a kill and an ace, followed by two Blazer attack errors to make it 9-4. The Argos then outscored VSU 4-1 down the stretch on kills by Lindsay Homme, Shackelford and Bellairs to take the set, 25-18. The Blazers held on to a four-point lead in the final set of the match at 16-12 over the Argos.
UWF then proceeded to score seven straight on two kills by Autumn Duyn and on Shackelford’s fifth ace of the night, retaking the lead, 19-16. The Blazers tied things back up at 19 and again at 20, but the Argos scored the final five points of the match with two kills from Homme and three errors by VSU players, cinching the match at 25-20. Homme and Bellairs each finished with 11 kills and Shackelford ended with 10. The trio also helped the Argos reach a .327 attack percentage as a team while holding the Blazers to a .157 hitting percentage. Molly Pearce aided in the effort with 23 assists and eight digs. Homme finished the season leading the Argos in kills with 344. Shackleford finished the season leading the team with 53 service aces. Pearce finished the season leading the team with 609 assists. The Argos will be back in action when it hosts the GSC Tournament on Nov. 11. The team was ranked No. 4 in the latest Regional Poll and will play in the NCAA South Regional Tournament on Nov. 18 if selected by the NCAA selections Committee. For the latest on West Florida volleyball and all UWF Athletics, visit www.
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
The Voyager
Women head to nationals for first time From staff reports The University of West Florida women’s cross country team advanced to the NCAA Championships on Nov. 5 with a second place team finish at the NCAA South Regional hosted by the University of Tampa. It was the first time ever that anyone from a UWF women’s cross country team had advanced to the national meet. The University of Tampa won the meet with its top five runners finishing among the top 15 in the meet. UWF finished with 127 points as its top five runners were all in the top 35. The top two teams advanced to the NCAA Championships. Nova Southeastern finished third with 135 points, while Gulf South Conference foe West Alabama and Palm Beach Atlantic rounded out the top five.
In all, 16 teams competed in the 6k event. “I am very proud of the ladies. They went out and competed very hard,” Head Coach John Bergen said. “They knew coming in that they had a good chance to make team history. They raced very hard and got the job done.” West Florida was paced by freshman Kelley Bahn, who finished 20th with a time of 23:36. She was directly followed by sophomore Renea Porsch, whose time of finished 21st with a time of 23:40. Junior Karyssa TourelleFallon finished 24th overall with a time of 23:50. Bahn, Porsch and Tourelle-Fallon received allregion honors. Tourelle-Fallon also received all-region honors in 2010. Freshman Aimee Marsh finished 29th, running a time of 24:04, and junior Sabrina Seignemartin was the fifth
Photo special to The Voyager
Aimee Marsh runs earlier in the season. Marsh has finished in the top three for the Argos every race this season. Argonaut to cross the finish line with a time of 24:19 and a 33rd place finish.
“The strength of our team is our depth,” Bergen said. “Our number one through five runners
were pretty much all within 40 seconds of one another. Our number five runner was ahead of the number four and five runners of the teams that were behind us in the region, and that’s why we finished as high as we did.” Two additional Argonauts competed in the race. UWF freshman Keyanna Dennis finished 37th overall with a time of 24:30. Sophomore Ruth Ashley had a time of 24:55, finishing in 52nd place. “I’m very excited and proud of the work the women’s team has done this year, and they deserve the honor of going to the national meet,” Bergen said. The Argonauts, who were the 2011 Gulf South Conference Champions, will compete in the NCAA Championships on Nov. 19th. The 6k event will be hosted by the Great Northwest Athletic Conference in Spokane, Wash.
Men finish fourth at Regional From staff reports The University of West Florida men’s cross country team finished fourth at the NCAA South Regional on Nov. 5. Only the top two teams advance to the NCAA Championships, thus the meet concludes the cross country season for the UWF men. Alabama-Huntsville and Tampa will advance to the NCAA Championships. UAH finished first overall with 39 team points. Tampa finished with 64 points. Florida Southern came in third; while UWF finished in place overall with 117 points. “It was a tough finish for the team,” Head Coach John Bergen said. “They put in a lot of hard work in the summer and during the season to have a successful season. They raced very hard today but came up a little short.” West Florida was led by
Photo special to The Voyager
Senior Jared Black runs at a race earlier this season. UWF finished in the top 2 five times this season. senior Eddie Pagan, who finished 14th overall with a time of 33:09. He was followed by junior Martinique Sykes, who ran a time of 33:15 and finished in 15th place. The two Argonauts will receive all-region honors.
Senior Jared Black finished third on the team and 26th overall with a time of 33:52. Junior Dominique Sykes crossed the finish line at 34:00, securing a 29th-place finish. Freshman Chris Roach was the 33rd
overall finisher and the fifth Argonaut to finish the race with a time of 34:22. UWF freshman Brandon Skeie finished sixth for the Argos and 41st overall with a time of 34:35. Freshman Cody Haden was the 44th runner to complete the 10k, finishing with a time of 34:57. “They may be a little disappointed right now, but they need to hold their heads up high,” Bergen said. “They had a very, very respectable season, and coach Caleb (Carmichael) and I are very proud of the effort the men’s team put in this year.” The UWF men concluded the 2011 season having won the MC Season Opener and the MC/Watson Ford Invitational. Five UWF runners earned all-Gulf South Conference honors and the team finished runner up for the GSC championship
Fitness program fights fat from feast Nicole Yeakos Staff Writer Everyone knows the classic Thanksgiving dinner: candied yams, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, dressing, rolls and, of course, the turkey. Everyone also knows the “I think I’ve gained ten pounds” feeling that comes after eating it. Want to fix that? From Nov. 14 to Nov. 18, the University of West Florida Recreation and Sports Services will host “Tone up for Turkey Day,” a Group Fitness incentive program designed to prepare participants for the fattening holiday season. “The holiday season is here, and we know that this is the time everyone is going to cheat on their diets,” said Annina Dahlstrom, marketing and technology coordinaDahlstrom tor for UWF Recreation and Sports Services. The program encourages participants to work out a little harder than normal “so they can enjoy all of that delicious food and not feel so guilty about it,” Dahlstrom said.
“They can enjoy all of that delicious food and not feel so guilty about it.” -Annina Dahlstrom Sports and Recreation
The program is open to all students, faculty, staff and alumni with gym memberships. To participate, one must attend five muscular endurance classes. Dalhstrom said there is a broad range of muscular endurance classes, and they are offered at various times each day at the HLS facility. A program card will be administered to each participant to keep record of each class attended. Upon completion of the five classes, each participant will have the chance to enter a prize drawing. The prize has yet to be announced. Mary Healey, junior exercise science major, is a group fitness instructor at the HLS facility. She said she hopes to teach participants how to maintain healthy activity throughout the holidays. Healey and all other Group Fitness instructors in the program are not
alone in the fight against holiday weight gain. Recent studies show that if not prevented now, holiday gorging without exercise could have a negative effect on one’s future health. According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans gain about a pound during the winter holiday season, but the extra weight accumulates through the years and may be a major contributor to obesity later in life. A simple exercise routine is all that is required to prevent such an unhealthy accumulation of weight. “Most of the muscular endurance classes are cardio-based classes designed to give the participant a high heart rate, which is needed for shedding those unwanted holiday pounds,” Healey said. “The fun music and friendly environment encourages anyone to return and bring their friends!” For Group Fitness times and locations, view the fall schedule on the UWF Recreation and Sports Services web page. For any other information, contact Healey at mch18@students.
Go Argos! Show your support for your Argos by cheering them on at home games. For schedules, visit