The Voyager
The voice of UWF students since 1968
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010
UWF safety statistics available to students n Report on campus crime rates,
policies and regulations released. Joseph Alte Staff Writer The Combined Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2010 released last week by the University of West Florida Police Department shows a 27 percent increase in liquor law violations referred for disciplinary action from 2008 to 2009, from 99 to 126. “I think this is due to improved staff training,” Chief John Warren of the Police Department said. Also among the biggest changes, burglaries have gone down dramatically after a 2008 spike, from 21 to three. Warren said that drop is actually due to a change in how the report defines the crime. “Before, the definition of burglary was if property was reported stolen from a residence
and you did not know who stole it,” he said. “The new definition is where someone makes an unlawful entry and steals something. The new definition is closer to the statute and shows more accurately the crime stats.” Even given that wider definition, UWF has fared much better than other universities in recent years. The University of Central Florida, which released a similar report last March, had more than 830 burglaries alone from 2006 to 2009. The University of Florida, the University of South Florida and Florida State University have a combined total of about 850 during the same period. UCF and USF also have more alcohol-related arrests, with 146 and 152, respectively. UF and FSU
were even higher, with 591 and outlines a host of university regu922. lations, legal issues and safety poliThe 20-page report is released cies affecting UWF students, as annually by all federally funded well as procedures staff members universities under should follow in the Clery Act of given situations. “I think what is 1990. UWF’s most Most of this recent version most significant year’s report gives crime statisover poliabout the report carries tics for the 2007cies from previous is the amount 2009 period, years, although allowing for an it also includes a of information it easy comparison new set of stanprovides.” between the years. dards about missWarren said ing students, — John Warren p a r t i c u l a r l y the report is especially useful for Chief of the UWF those who live on how simple and Police Department campus. understandable W a r r e n it is for anyone encourages all interested in reading it. students, faculty and staff members “I think what is most significant to read the report for information about the report is the amount of about UWF policies. information it provides,” he said. Copies of the report are avail“You can read it in a few minutes able for free at the UWF Police and learn a great deal of safety Department in Building 19 or by information.” calling 474-2415. It can also be Aside from the statistics on viewed online at campus crime, the report also uwfpolice/safetyreport.pdf.
UWF is having its annual homecoming celebration Oct. 12-16. Homecoming 2010’s theme is “Waking Up In Vegas... All Bets Are On!” • Tuesday, Oct. 12 Carnival, 11:30 a.m., UWF Cannon Greens Bonfire / Pep Rally, 8:30 p.m., Oak Grove behind the Aquatic Center • Wednesday, Oct. 13 Casino Night, 8:30 p.m., UWF Commons • Thursday, Oct. 14 Ludacris in concert, 8:30 p.m., UWF Field House • Friday, Oct. 15 Parade, 4:30 p.m., UWF Main Campus Tailgate Party, 5 p.m., UWF Baseball Field Parking Lot Men’s Soccer Game, UWF vs. University of Alabama, 7:30 p.m., UWF Soccer Field • Saturday, Oct. 16 5k Charity Fun Run, 9 a.m., UWF Main Campus Homecoming Dance, 9 p.m., UWF Great Hall, Commons For more information, contact the Homecoming committee at 850-474-2402 or e-mail
Theater production opens this weekend
On Oct. 5 the UWF women’s soccer defeated the University of Mobile 5-2. The Argos received another great game from sophomore Jodi-Ann Robinson, who scored two goals. The women’s soccer team is now on a six-game winning streak since the early season struggles.
Opinion UWF football, energy regulation Opinions editor Freedom Whiting discusses the community desire for a UWF football team and the benifits of such a sports program. Contributing writer Bob Thomas writes how the government’s mpg regulation for cars will not solve America’s energy problems. See full stories on page 3
DeLuna Fest kicks off Friday Photo by John Blackie
Shae Ryan and Nathan Simmons play Ophelia and Guildenstern in UWF’s upcoming production of “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,” which opens this Thursday at the Center for Fine and Performing Arts. It is primarily a comedy following the characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The production will run Oct. 14-17 and 22-24 as part of the Department of Theatre 2010-2011 season’s focus on American drama. Tickets are free for students, $16 for adults and $12 for seniors and UWF faculty.
Board of trustees analyzes money matters n Bense’s salary and financial plans
discussed during conference call. The University of West Florida board of trustees Ad hoc committee discussed President Judy Bense’s goals for the university and evaluated her presidential salary during a conference call on Oct. 8. Trustee members present at the conference call were Head Chair K.C. Clark, Vice Chair Lewis Bear, Finance Chair Marny Gilluly and Finance Vice Chair Mort O’Sullivan. Also present were Chief of Staff Kim Brown, general counsel Pat Lott, trustee administration support Faye Bowers and Academic and Student Affairs Chair Nancy Fetterman. Bense attended the first half of the call, during which the long and
Argos continue winning streak
See full story on page 7
Homecoming 2010 Schedule
Jonathon Short Contributing Writer
short-term goals for the university were discussed. Bense said enrollment at UWF would reach approximately 15,000 students by 2015. She also said she expects a 3 percent increase in graduates by 2015. Trustee members showed expression in a push for more grant proposals for the 20102011 academic year. The committee agreed to push for a 3 percent increase in proposals, as opposed to Bense’s goal for a 1 percent increase. UWF was recently awarded grants in oil spill research totaling $748,913. Bense said she was willing to reach for a higher goal. “This is a learning year for us,” Bense said. “Most of these goals are stretch goals.” One of Bense’s listed goals is to conduct a feasibility study and construction analysis for a park-
ing garage. amounts. The juxtaposition of the Brown said a feasibility study salaries of other academic institudetermines where a parking lot tions in relation to enrollment size could be placed, how long it would was made evident during the call. take to build and how difficult the New College, located in project would be. Sarasota, has an Also listed on enrollment of the presidential “This is a 785 students and goals are a Health learning year is run by Mike and Life Sciences for us. Most of Michalson. Board facility and a new of trustee members Commons facility. the goals are said Michalson’s Brown said these stretch goals” total salary excludprojects would ing the retention depend on funding — Judy Bense bonus is $361,662, from the Board of Governors. UWF president whereas Bense’s total T r u s t e e salary as of Oct. 7 is members analyzed $238,000. the presidential salaries as of Brown said the purpose of evalOct. 7 of five other universities in uating Bense’s salary in comparison comparison to UWF. Universities to other universities is to negotiate a used in the comparison were suitable compensation package. Florida Atlantic University, Florida Clark said it was important to Agricultural and Mechanical become familiar with the numbers University, Florida Gulf Coast University, New College and the and the structures of the different presidential salaries. University of North Florida. “This is a boatload of money in a Brown said the five universities in the analysis closely represented time where the boats aren’t floating UWF in terms of size and salary so high,” Clark said.
Many national, local and regional acts will grace the Pensacola Gulf Coast with long-awaited concerts over the three-day event. Bands featured are 311, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Revivalists from New Orleans and Pensacola band, The Gills. See full story on page 4
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News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Arts &Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
The Voyager Editor-in-Chief Mike Greear
News Editor Kaycee Lagarde
Sports Editor Jack McMullen
A&E Editor Josh de Leon
Opinions Editor Freedom Whiting
Web Editor Kristen Dressel voyager.webeditor@
Copy Editors Bethany Williams Bobby Bone Rebecca Barnhart Brittany Carr Friedrich Langerfeld
Graphics Editor Jarrett Moore The Voyager is produced weekly by students of the University of West Florida and is partially funded by Student Activities and Services fees with assistance from the Office of Student Affairs. This public document was promulgated by the president of the University at an annual cost of $.275 per copy. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of UWF, The Voyager or its staff. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless The Voyager and its staff for all contents supplied to publisher, including text, representation and illustrations of advertisements printed and for any claims arising contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a pre-printed insert, deficient postage. The Voyager is printed by Freedom Florida Commercial Printing, in accordance with Florida Law. The above information is presented in compliance Section 283.27 of Florida Statutes.
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and must include the author’s address and telephone number for verification purposes. Only the author’s name will be printed. Letters are published as space allows and do not necessarily represent the views of The Voyager staff. The editor reserves the right to edit letters or refuse to publish letters. E-mail letters to opinions@thevoyager. net with “letter to the editor” in the subject line, or stop by Bldg. 36 Room 120 to hand-deliver your letter.
Corrections State funding to the university has been cut by $18 million over the last four years. President Judy Bense expects a $1 million shortfall in next year’s budget. Incorrect information was printed in The Voyager on Oct. 6. Pensacola State College’s pool is not offered to UWF students on Fridays because it is closed Fridays. Incorrect information was printed in The Voyager on Sept. 22. The Voyager strives to accurately report the news. If you see any errors in our newspaper, please let us know so we can issue a correction in this space. Send corrections to, with the subject line “Voyager Correction.” Please also include the issue in which the error occurred.
Expo offers jobs to students Terry Strickland Contributing Writer Career Services held its annual Career and Graduate Expo in the conference center on Tuesday, where students had the chance to meet and mingle with representatives of several graduate schools and businesses. This year, 21 employers attended the event. Employers ranged from Waffle House to Enterprise car rental service to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Nathan Ford, assistant director of Career Services, said there were less participating employers this year than in years past, when the number was closer to 50. He said that this dearth reflects the current economic climate, which has made it difficult to find businesses that are hiring. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment in Escambia County was at 10.9 percent in August 2010, the most recent month for which data is available. Despite such statistics, Ford said that there are reasons for students to be positive. He said that in the results of a spring 2010 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 177 employers who participated in the survey planned to collectively hire 5.3 percent more college graduates in 2010 than in 2009. However, most of these new jobs are not coming from the local area. Employers surveyed in the Southeast planned a 10 percent decrease
in hiring. The Southeast was the only region in the U.S. reporting a decrease. Despite all of this, at least 21 businesses were hiring, and they were eager to recruit students at the expo on Tuesday. In the conference room, rows of tables were lined with branded miniature screwdriver sets and mechanical pencils, and “human resource directors” and “recruitment specialists” smiled from behind the tables or chatted with prospective hires. Jose Vidal was one of these hopefuls. Vidal, a sophomore majoring in business management, was standing in front of the Enterprise table. He had attended the expo mostly to speak with the recruiter there, hoping to obtain an internship, but he was impressed by the variety of other employers represented, many of which he said he wouldn’t have thought to apply to on his own. In addition to the businesses at the expo, seven graduate schools, including the University of West Florida, sent representatives to the event. Career Services added more schools to the roster this year in response to student requests. Ford noted that many more students are considering graduate studies, in response to uncertain employment prospects. Brittany Dickerson, a district recruiter for Sherwin Williams, said that many of the students with whom she had spoken were “testing the career waters,” surveying their
Photo by Terry Strickland
Students discuss employment opportunities at Career Services’ annual Career and Graduate Expo on Tuesday. employment options while considering graduate school also. Attendance at Tuesday’s event was only about half of what it was in past years and was not what Ford had hoped it would be . Ford said that if students wish to
see more employers in the future, they must attend the events. He said that the employers and schools attending the expo spent considerable time and money to do so and might not return next year if they felt it was not worth the investment.
Bense speaks at senate meeting W. Paul Smith Contributing Writer The Faculty Senate unanimously approved the minutes from the Sept. 10 meeting, and adopted the agenda for this month during its Oct. 8 meeting. Richie Platt, Faculty Senate president, then welcomed the newest senate members, Richard Calvasina, professor with the Accounting and Finance Department, and Kathy Johnson, associate professor with Criminal Justice and Legal Studies. There were brief discussions of the Bologna Project that is being implemented at some universities, a European higher education acceleration program that offers a three-year Bachelor’s degree, and the Red Balloon Project, a multicampus initiative to “re-imagine undergraduate education” by addressing declining funding, rising expectations, and rapidly developing technology. President Judy Bense then spoke and announced what she described as a “retreat/workshop” with the Faculty Senate, Administrative/Executive committee, and the cabinet to be scheduled soon where she hopes to discuss among other things, the traditional university model, growth of non-traditional adult learners, and retention of students. Bense also mentioned the upcoming Budget and Planning Workshop. “The goal is how to connect planning and budget. We’ve always planned and we’ve always
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
budgeted but they haven’t ever been connected,” Bense said to light chuckles from the senate members. “We’re going to do it, and we’re going to implement it next year,” Bense said. Bense also announced plans to have lunches with randomly selected faculty, staff and students to hear their input on different issues beginning Oct. 18. Chula King, provost and chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance, discussed the Teaching Incentive Program, a monetary reward program recognizing teacher excellence. King said the criterion by which TIP awards were bestowed will need to be examined and perhaps changed, possibly to include graduate programs in addition to undergraduate programs and to place less of an emphasis on class size. Christopher Pomory, chair of the Academic Council, discussed how minimum GPAs for major programs were calculated, recommending dropping elective classes from the calculations. “We’re suggesting that the majors GPA be calculated on the majors courses plus majorsrelated courses,” Pomory said. They also discussed changes expected to go into effect this year to the Curriculum Change Request relative to online classes. The CCR involves ways to add, modify or delete courses or programs in the course catalog.
The Voyager
Opinions &
Editorials ‘Red Zone’ is still a danger zone With the recent rash of car burglaries among vehicles on campus, coupled with the fall semester’s dreaded “Red Zone,” the campus can be a pretty risky place this time of year. For those who might be unaware, the “Red Zone” is the period of time between the beginning of the fall semester and Thanksgiving during which students are at an accelerated risk for sexual assault. With all this happening at once, its important for students to take certain preventative measures. The university Police Department has 3-4 police officers patrolling campus every night in addition to security officers and about 4 student escorts to help people get to and fro with a protective buddy to accompany them. The police feel that this is the easiest way to deter crime on campus. The campus also has around 40 “Blue Light” call boxes on campus to get in quick communication with the campus Police Department during an emer-
gency. Many students might not know that Parking Services also offers to escort people to their cars during the evening. All a student needs to do is call Parking Services and tell them when they’d need a escort, and Parking Services will make sure that someone stays behind at the office to meet them. They would like to offer this service until later in the night, but currently close at 5 p.m. because there aren’t enough requests for the services. Which means not enough students are being cautious and taking this period of risk with the appropriate degree of reverence. We here at The Voyager absolutely hate to write about students being harmed or abused. Please be cautious this semester and do what you can to make sure we can keep these sort of unfortunate occurrences out of our headlines. Thanks.
— The Voyager
Courtesy of Andy Marlette/
Legislation can’t fix energy issues Bob Thomas Contributing Writer
and businesses willing to convert to natural gas. Between natural gas, A recent newspaper arti- e x p a n d e d p r o d u c t i o n cle reported that Congress and what we import from had approved new CAFE Canada, the U.S. could (Corporate Average Fuel wean itself from negative Economy) Standards that sources of foreign oil. Bill O’Reilly once said would require some cars to achieve as much as 50 mpg that if he was president he would, by executive order, by 2025. This is further proof that have everyone in a 50-mpg vehicle tomorrow. Congress is lost. This again illustrates a The Standards initially lack of understanding of applied only to autos. Because the Standards the problem. High-mileage did not apply to vehicles cannot the truck fleet, “High serve the varied manufacturers eeds of the turned SUVs — mileage npopulous. which to that Electric vehipoint had been vehicles cles will only sold almost cannot meet the needs of exclusively to percentsportsmen —into serve the aagesmall of the populathe new station tion and require wagon. varied the use of fossil The needs of fuels for rechargStandards ing. were eventuall the Smaller vehially expanded to include trucks/ people.” cles lack towing capacity, which SUVs less than will kill the RV 6,000 pounds. and boating The number and complexity of regu- industries. The Standards have also lations surrounding the Standards are often used negatively impacted the by manufacturers to their budgets of law enforcement agencies. advantage. A 4,000-pound car This increased the mpg for Chrysler’s truck fleet stays together better than permitting them to market a 2,000-pound car when it comes to police use. the famous Hemi truck. This saves maintenance But the real problem with CAFE Standards is cost and results in a lower that it takes the focus away total operating cost for the from alternative energy larger car over the smaller car. With the demise of the sources. The two major problems big car, these agencies with the use of foreign oil are now have to buy SUVs and national security and send- trucks to meet their needs. What Congress doesn’t ing U.S. money overseas. Sending money overseas get it is that they cannot is bad because it is a drain legislate away the energy on the economy and may problem. Walter Williams once be funding our terrorist wrote that whale oil was the friends. The focus should not be fuel of choice in the 1800s on mpg but on eliminating because it was so clean. When whale oil came the importation of foreign into short supply, people oil from certain countries. The U.S. has more natu- switched to petroleum. The ral gas than it can use. marketplace will eventually Congress should provide solve the energy problem. Not legislation. a tax credit to people
Homelessness issue hits home Letter to the editor It could be argued that our city is ignoring homelessness. This is true of most groups, but not of a University of West Florida fraternity that is seeking to better address the issue in Pensacola, Fla. The way that the UWF fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma, is handling Pensacola’s homelessness situation is very appropriate. The fraternity’s president, Cordaryl Cook, states, “I just hope they realize it’s not just a national problem, but it’s also a local problem.” The fraternity is aware that the problems of homelessness are extremely relevant in their own community. Their acts of kindness are proof of this. I have only lived in Pensacola for about a year, but I have definitely encountered many more homeless people than I did when I lived up north in Ohio. I am not saying that Ohio is better than Florida, but the issue at hand is definitely more applicable of Pensacola. Each time I leave to go to the mall or the grocery store, I see at least five to 10 homeless people on the road asking for
“I just hope people realize homelessness is not just a national problem, but it’s also a local problem.” food or money. As a community, we must not ignore the feelings we have when we see a person begging for food; rather, we should begin an effort to help the homeless. As the Homeless Shelter Directory states, “The National Alliance to End Homeless reported in January 2009 that due to the recession, they are estimating that there will be an additional 1.5 million Americans homeless over the next two years.” This data is saddening as we look at the many homeless people around us. This number is bound to grow more as the recession continues. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the state of Florida had 48,069 homeless in 2007. This estimate has also grown as we remain in a terrible economic state. The National Coalition for the
Homeless states that the reason for homelessness is that, “[S]ix million jobs have been lost. In May 2009, the official unemployment rate was 9.4 percent.” All of these statistics show how relevant homelessness is in our society presently. After reading the information provided from the above sources and the article, “Sigmas Host Funding Event to Help Homeless,” it can be determined that more groups like the fraternity of Phi Beta Sigma should help the homeless. This article really inspired me. If we all pull together, we can easily decrease the number of homeless people in our community, or we can at least diminish their hardships significantly.
—Shandra Allen
Religious don’t know their religion W. Paul Smith Contributing writer The Pew Research Center recently released the report from its U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey, and while the findings are certainly troubling, they are, unfortunately, not surprising in the least. They administered a quiz with 32 questions covering general knowledge of religions to 3,500 Americans all across the country, and found that a large number of Americans who profess religious beliefs know staggeringly little about religion in general. Many people have been harping on the fact that atheists and agnostics scored the best on the quiz, while Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, scored the worst. However, while it might
be briefly entertaining to gloat about the irony of people who hold no religious beliefs knowing more about religion than those who do, this would be glossing over the most important implications from this survey. What the findings of this survey ultimately speak to is the disturbing but increasingly predictable tendency in this country for people to hold strong opinions or beliefs while doing little to no actual research about their own ideas for which they hold so dear. People are so eager to believe in anything, but so lacking in the intellectual curiosity to truly examine their beliefs. And while this is obviously not a psychological phenomenon unique to Americans (nor it is unique to religion), it does seem to be more prevalent in this
country than other developed nations. Numerous studies have also shown that America has one of the most uninformed electorates of all modern democracies in the world. We want our politics and our religion, while we stand on our soapboxes making the most noise possible in a full-throated defense of both—but only want to do the least amount of intellectual work to get there. We are a nation of instant gratification and readily digestible ideologies. Too often, we allow easily-reached Cliffs Notesstyle dogmas to replace well-reasoned and wellresearched arguments. We have allowed superficial conviction to replace critical thinking. The late-great author Robert Anton Wilson once
said, “Belief is the death of intelligence. “As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes [religious conviction], one stops thinking about that aspect of existence. “The more [religious conviction] one assumes, the less there is left to think about, and a person sure of everything would never have any need to think about anything.” There’s nothing ostensibly wrong with people having religious beliefs, and even atheists often have similar dogmatic tendencies—but swallowing such beliefs without doing any research leads to nothing but trouble. You can have your religion. You can have your politics. But you can’t have any of it without unceasing intellectual curiosity.
The Freedom Journal
UWF plus football equals greatness Freedom Whiting Opinion Editor When The Voyager covered the story of University of West Florida President Judy Bense’s plan to build better sports facilities for UWF’s teams, I became excited. World-class programs like our soccer and volleyball teams deserve the very best facilities and not a trailer for a locker room like our soccer teams have to deal with. When I learned of Bense’s plan to build a football stadium with hopes of having a UWF football team within the next 10 years or so, I was thrilled as I thought,
“Yes! Finally, a football team at UWF!” You see, even with a state college and a university, Pensacola is far from a college town. But citizens of Pensacola love college football. Just take a look around town when you are driving. At least every other car has a window sticker or flag with a Division I college logo and/or mascot. It’s a Southern tradition. Whether they went to a particular university or not, most people of Pensacola root for a college football team every
Saturday in the fall. So if you can get a person to yell, “Roll Tide!” while they can’t even point to Tuscaloosa on a map, imagine their pride and excitement of cheering for a team in their own hometown. Of course not every one shares my enthusiasm for a UWF football team. Some students and faculty could not care less about whether a school has a football team or not—weirdos. Then there are those who are worried about the accrued price of having a football program, like a possible rise in student fees. In addition, the cost of main-
Opinions Editor, Freedom Whiting/
taining a football team can become expensive. Ah, but the benefits of having a successful football program can be astronomical. Having a football team at your school can and will attract more students. Think about it. Don’t we all know some one who went to the University of Auburn or Florida State University not just for the school’s fine academia, but for the love of the football team? Plus, college football teams, much like high school football teams, are money makers for the school that could help fund other
athletic programs as well as other school projects. UWF can gain revenue from team merchandise and ticket sales instead of depending on students not be able to find parking spaces. Furthermore, football teams proved to be wise investments as alumni hold loyalties to the athletic programs, as well as academic programs. The bottom line is this: Pensacola is not a college town; Pensacola is a football town and one of the many ways UWF can serve its community is by having a football team. And wouldn’t a football team be great for homecoming?
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
Arts &
De Luna to land soon
Brigette Maxfield Staff Writer
This weekend at Pensacola Beach, De Luna Fest will be held on Pensacola Beach from Oct. 15 to Oct. 17. Three stages will be set up on the beach to provide a venue for more than 20 bands to rock on Friday and Saturday, including Stone Temple Pilots, 311, Paper Tongues, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Better Than Ezra, 30 Seconds to Mars, Cowboy Mouth and The Bravery. A third day, Sunday, was recently added and is free to the public, with tickets. Willie Nelson will headline, and other performers are to be announced. Organizers are working with Pensacola area chefs to provide local eats for the thousands of expected fans. For example, Southern cooking with a Creole twang will be offered at the bazaar “Ariola Food Market.” There will be something for every one, from burgers and popsicles to creole classics. The Five Flags Tourism Group is presenting De Luna Fest, and Sam's Club is contributing to the event in order to support the Pensacola area. The festival was already planned before the Deepwater Horizon Spill, but organizers decided to use it as an opportunity to stimulate some much-needed business in the area. “We wanted to do something to help area businesses and residents move forward after the gulf oil spill,” said Sam's Club spokesperson, Susan Koehler in an e-mail. “It was important to our associates and members to show support and we thought this was a great event.” Pensacola hasn't had a major music festival in about four years, and since the recent environmental disaster over the summer, the area could use some
Special to the Voyager
New Orleans-based band, The Revivalists, is slated to perform at De Luna Fest this weekend.
Special to the Voyager
The Gills, from Pensacola, will grace their hometown with a performance at De Luna Fest. fun in the sun. De Luna Fest seeks to encourage people to come out, enjoy some food and music and support the area since the economic damage it suffered after the oil spill in April. The festival also celebrates a settlement in Pensacola by Don Tristan de Luna, a Spanish conquistador, in 1559. De Luna celebrated his expedition's arrival with
a three-day beach festival, known as the original American beach party. Now Pensacola can join in on the festivities with the annual De Luna Fest. A portion of the ticket sales from the festival will be donated to ecological endeavors such as Emerald Coastkeeper, the waterbody guardians of the region, and the Gulf Coast Energy Network, which works on improving energy
efficiency. Tickets are still available. A weekend pass is $90 online and single-day tickets are $47.50 online. Ticket-and-travel packages are available starting at $275, and The Hilton Pensacola Beach and the Hampton Inn Pensacola Beach are offering De Luna Fest accommodation packages. For more information, visit the De Luna Fest website, www.delunafest. com.
Special to the Voyager
RadioLive receives good reception Elizabeth Ruiz Staff Writer Where community, culture and charity meet, all in the name of good entertainment, RadioLive brings all four to the Museum of Commerce in historic downtown Pensacola. Hosted by WUWF Public Media every first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. and broadcast live on 88.1 FM, RadioLive is a musical variety series free to the public, but it requests donations of non-perishable food for Manna Food Pantries. Pat Crawford, executive director of WUWF since 1982, hosts the concert series and books all of the show’s performers. “It’s more than a program. It’s a communitybuilding event,” Crawford said. “A lot of the people who attend go to every show. I know most audience members by name.” The show has been on air since Sept. 1988, and first showed as part of the inauguration of the former president of the University of West Florida, Morris Leon Marx. The concert is recorded and can be viewed on channel 4 at 9 p.m. during the week and also on WUWF’s website as a podcast. Fans of RadioLive believe it provides a different experience from many musical events because it is a free event with qual-
Photo by Elizabeth Ruiz
Richard Gilewitz performs at UWF’s annual RadioLive show at the Museum of Commerce. ity entertainment, yet it receives great financial support from the community. “We’ve had budget cuts the last few years, and RadioLive was taken out,” Crawford said. “The real out-of-pocket costs are paying the artists, but people donate because they love it.” WUWF receives 38 percent of its funding from UWF, but the concert series was taken off UWF’s budget because of budget cuts from the state. 46 percent of the station’s funding comes from individual and corporate contributors. Businesses like the Hilton Garden Inn on Pensacola Beach strongly support RadioLive by
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
providing free stay for the performers. Rhonda Keen, a volunteer for the concert series, owns a local organic coffee business called Keens Beans, and she donates her coffee as refreshment during the show. “Pensacola needs support from the community, and RadioLive brings a group together,” Keen said. “All donated money keeps RadioLive alive. I want to keep it around. We need culture in Pensacola.” Although it is a small venue for rising artists, RadioLive gives touring performers a night to relax and make a little money doing what they love to do before they head to a bigger venue. Richard Gilewitz, a folk
Photo by Elizabeth Ruiz
Gilewitz performs with fellow folk artists Amy Speace and Jonathon Byrd at RadioLive last Thursday. guitarist and seasoned entertainer on the show, has witnessed multiple times the persistent support the community brings to the series. “It’s a unique experience unlike most gigs where there is extensive audience participation,” Gilewitz said after his performance on Oct. 7. “It’s like a community concert series, so the community has more say-so. It’s a symbiotic relationship between the audience and
performers, and the volunteers who play a big role and shouldn’t be forgotten. And it’s consistent, so people can count on it.” Although WUWF is not a UWF station, it is important to the university because it provides community outreach, Crawford said. The station broadcasts from Mobile, Ala. to Panama City, Fla. and gives the school visibility. “More students really should check it out,” he
said. “A lot of the music is roots and Americana that’s really popular with college students. It’s also a cheap date. Where else can you go for free and have a good time?” Amy Speace and Jonathan Byrd, both folk singers and guitarists, performed with Gilewitz on Oct. 7. All three artists have frequently performed on RadioLive, and will most likely tour in Pensacola, Fla. again.
A&E Editor, Josh de Leon/
Arts & Entertainment
Philly’s has brotherly love for P’cola Zachary Wilcox Contributing Writer Picture this: thinly chopped steak, caramelized onions, peppers, and melted American cheese piled high on a warm hoagie roll. Sound familiar? Of course it does! That’s the makings of one of America’s most popular sandwiches. I give you… the Philly cheese steak. Before you book a redeye flight to the “City of Brotherly Love,” make sure you stop by Philly’s Cheese Steaks and Hoagies
on the corner of Nine Mile and Pine Forest Road in Pensacola. Who knew an authentic version of Philadelphia’s sinfully delicious creation was right in our neighborhood! Inside the “belly of the beast” of Philly’s is a pleasant surprise. The interior is set up like a modern take on a traditional Italian restaurant with the colors of Italy, and vintage posters adorning the walls. As you approach the counter, you can instantaneously smell the aroma from the steak that’s sizzling on the grill.
Customers get a glimpse of the masterpieces being prepared right before their eyes! Ask the servers what’s good and they’ll tell you that the classic Philly can’t be beat. Trust me on this one; you don’t want to mess with tradition. I chose to get the 6 inch Philly with onions, peppers, mushrooms, and American cheese. This luscious creation only costs $4.50 plus tax! There are plenty of appetizing concoctions at Philly’s ranging from
vegetarian, BBQ, and pizza hoagies to cheeseburgers, with nothing costing over $9. Bring cash because Philly’s doesn’t accept plastic. My meal was prepared quickly and with a smile. Without any hesitation, I dove right in. My initial contemplation as I bit into the layers of flavor was that
the hoagie roll was warm and soft, and I was thrilled with the fact that I could effortlessly get my mouth around it. The steak was juicy and tender, the onions perfectly caramelized, and the melted cheese held everything in place. For a nanosecond, I released all thoughts and surrendered
myself to the transcendental moment, savoring one of America’s greatest comforts Enjoy your moment at Philly’s located at 2166 W. Nine Mile Road Pensacola 32514. (850)-473-6780 Cash only. Open daily, Mon-Thu 10:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m. and Fri-Sat 10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
‘Let Me In’ a welcomed American rendition America, you surprised me. I hate to say that I doubted our film industry would be able to create something as beautiful as its European counterparts, but I did. “Let Me In” definitely proved me wrong. While there were little things here and there that t h e A m e r i c a n version missed, as a whole it stuck very closely to the Swedish original. There were a few major differences, such as where the story took place and the names of characters, but other than that the two resemble each other very closely. The Swedish version is more visually stimulating, but it is a little hard to follow because something seems lost in translation, whereas the American version is easier to follow but lacks the detail of the original. This is a “Romeo and Juliet” type love story, following the journey of Oskar, or Owen in the remake, played by Cody Smith-McPhee, and Eli, or Abby in the remake, played by Chloe Moretz. McPhee has also played in “Matching Jack” and “The Road” and Moretz has played in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” “KickAss” and “(500) Days of Summer.” Owen, a scrawny 12-year-old boy, who is an outcast, finds himself knee-deep in a relationship with a girl who needs blood to survive. The two have nightly meetings under the winter moonlight in their apartment’s courtyard. This courtyard is where most of the story is developed and where the two first tempt their forbidden love. One of the best horror
The Voyager
film scores I’ve heard i n y e a r s b y Michael Giacchino helps the story line along. Director Matt Reeves’ only major miss from the original was that Abby was androgynous, which added to the “Romeo and Juliet” forbidden love feel. Be warned, some viewers may find that
the original stresses this point a little too graphically. “Let Me In” could mark a change in the horror movie genre, although calling it a horror film would be a crime. This is a dark love story that is guaranteed to impress even the staunchest of critics.
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Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
Community &
Oct. 11
Oct. 12
Oct. 16
The event will be at 7:30 p.m. in the University Music Hall, Building 82. Kenneth Overton will give a baritone concert for all who wish to attend. The cost is $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and active military, $10 for UWF faculty and staff and nonUWF students, $5 for youth, and UWF students are admitted free with a valid Nautilus card. To purchase tickets online, visit the UWF Online Ticket Center or call 850-474-2405.
The Bonfire Pep Rally will be hosted at 8:30 p.m., in the Oak Grove behind the Aquatic Center. Come show your Argo pride with food, fun and skits.
At 8 p.m. on the University Mainstage Theatre, Building 82, UWF will present a theatre production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. The cost is $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and active military, $10 for UWF faculty and staff and non-UWF students, and UWF students are admitted free with a valid Nautilus card. For more information, visit http:// To purchase tickets online, visit the UWF Online Ticket Center. To purchase tickets over the telephone, call the UWF Ticket Center at 850-4742405.
For more information, e-mail the Center for Fine and Performing Arts at Oct. 12 The Florida Modern-Day Slavery Museum will be at UWF from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the UWF Pargo (located between Argo Hall and Pace Hall). The Florida ModernDay Slavery Museum consists of a cargo truck outfitted as a replica of the trucks involved in a recent slavery operation (U.S. v. Navarrete, 2008), accompanied by displays on the history and evolution of slavery in Florida agriculture. The museum's central focus is on the phenomenon of modern-day slavery – its roots, the reasons it persists, and its solutions. For more information, contact Johnny Ardis at 850-474-1495 or e-mail at
Oct. 13 The UWF School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences hosts a Chat -n- Chew talk featuring Dr. William Mikulas, Professor Emeritus. The talk is entitled "Western Psychology: World Perspective: How is Western psychology viewed by Eastern psychologists?" It will be at noon in Building 41, Room 115. For more information, e-mail Diana Robinson at
If you have a job listing, e-mail The Voyager at For more information on employment on campus visit FALL WORK: Entry level customer sales/service, working with customers, answering questions, helping place orders, no experience is required, training will be provided, flexible schedules, $15 base pay with possible incentives.
Sophomores (1 female, 1 male) seek third roommate in Majestic Oaks (about 5 minutes from campus). For more information e-mail rad23@students.
PERSONALS Congratulations to Georgia Adams, former editor-in-chief, and Friedrich Langerfeld, copy editor, who were married on Oct. 10.
The Voyager is now accepting personal ads of 20 words or fewer For more information to with a feel free to contact Brad Searles at 850-332-0709. subject line of “classified.”
ANNOUNCING The Voyager is now accepting classifieds from faculty, students and staff at no cost. If you would like to place a classified with more than 20 words, or you are not affiliated with UWF, please contact our Business Manager, Jeff Hagedorn, at jhagedorn@ The deadline for your classified ad is the Thursday before the week you want it to be printed. Please e-mail your classifieds to voyager@ with “classified” in the subject line.
For more information, email Center for Fine and Performing Arts at
Oct. 15 The University of West Florida will host its Fifth Annual Golf Scramble Fundraiser at noon at Stonebrook Golf Club. Lunch will be served at 10:45 a.m. The cost is $85 per player. This includes lunch from Hooters and Subway, a goodie bag with Nike golf hat, golf cart, green fee and range balls. The top 3 placing teams will recieve prizes. The early registration deadline is Oct. 11.
Oct. 19
For more information, contact Mike Jeffcoat at 850-384-7483 or e-mail at
Contact Wellness Services at 850-4742420 or e-mail at
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
Third party testers will offer FREE Rapid Response HIV testing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. upstairs in the University Commons. Appointments are on a first-come, firstserve basis. Testing requires a finger prick and takes about 20 minutes to receive results. Monthly testing will continue throughout the semester.
A Comic by John Kroes
A Comic by UWF student Zach North
The Voyager
Sports Fitness &
UWF men’s soccer defeated Christian Brothers University 4-1. After falling behind the Bucs, the Argos scored 4 straight goals and ran away with the victory.
Photo by Ron Besser Marquel Waldron, junior defender, scored his second goal of the season when he took on the Bucs goalkeeper in a penalty kick. Waldron has tallied over 7 points this season.
Argos’ soccer triumphs From Staff Reports After giving up an early goal, the University of West Florida men’s soccer team came back and scored four unanswered goals to clinch a 4-1 win over Christian Brothers in Gulf South Conference action at Brosnaham Park on Saturday. With the win, the Argos held on to the top spot in the GSC and improved to 6-3-2, 3-0. Christian Brothers fell to 3-8-1, 0-2 with the loss. CBU went ahead early in the ninth minute when David Skull scored off a corner kick by Ebai Ayuk, and the Bucs held the lead for almost 30 minutes. UWF came up with the equalizer when junior Frank Cope sent a cross from the left side, finding redshirt freshman Jake Pratt open on the back post to head in his first career goal. The teams kept battling with the score tied 1-1, but UWF went ahead in the 79th minute. Cope picked up the assist again, this time on a free kick, as he sent it to the left post where junior Sean Reynolds was open for the header past the keeper. The assist was Cope’s team-leading sixth of the season, and Reynolds’ goal tied him for the team lead at three. UWF added insurance goals in the 84th and 90th minutes. Senior Matt Tanner sent in a left-footed shot in the 84th minute, and after a save freshman Nick Salafrio was there to score on the rebound. In the final minute, sophomore Will Henderson drew a foul in the box, and junior Marquel Waldron converted the penalty kick for the team’s fourth goal. The Argos finished the match with a 12-7 shot advantage, including a 9-4 mark in the second half. UWF also attempted 10 corner kicks compared to five for CBU.
Weekly scores Women’s soccer Oct. 5 vs. Mobile 5-2 win Oct. 9 vs. Christian Brothers 4-0 win Overall Record (9-2-0)
Men’s soccer Oct. 9 vs. Christian Brothers 4-1 win Overall Record (6-3-2)
Women’s volleyball Oct. 5 vs. Loyola 3-0 win Oct. 8 vs. North Alabama 2-3 loss Oct. 9 vs. Alabama-Huntsville 3-0 win Overall Record (13-5) Freshman Ramon Sealy and senior Elliott Purdom split time in goal and Purdom finished with three saves. CBU goalkeeper Daniel Johnson finished with five saves. The Argos will have a big test on Tuesday, Oct. 12, as the team travels north to face non-conference rival and No. 2 ranked Montevallo.
Photo by Ron Besser Sean Reynolds, defensive midfielder, played the whole game, scoring his third goal of the season.
Women’s soccer keeps winning n After giving the Rams hope, the Argos pull away with a Duncan goal and prevail Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer The University of West Florida women’s soccer team defeated the physical team of Unviersity of Mobile in front of a home crowd of about 100 on Oct. 5. UWF went into the game with a 9–2 record. “This is a big win for us,” Head Coach Joe Bartlinski said. “Mobile is a tough, physical team, and this proved that we can play just as tough, and tougher.” UWF’s Tori Fish, a soph-
omore, scored the first goal within the first 10 minutes of the game. Shakira Duncan, a senior, attempted a shot and Fish was there to get the rebound and tap it into the back of the net. The Argos were able to limit Mobile to 10 shots, seven fewer shots than they took. “We did what we do best,” Bartlinski said. “We attacked strong on the outside.” Jodi-Ann Robinson, a sophomore, scored the second goal of the night 30 minutes into the game, with
another assist by Shakira Duncan to bring UWF up 2–0. For the first 30 minutes, UWF clearly dominated the game. Kassie Ruff then scored for Mobile. The goal seemed to spark some energy in the Mobile players, and they began playing more aggressively. After halftime and with UWF leading the game by one, both UWF and Mobile played very physically. Jordan Stone, a junior, quickly scored for UWF with a penalty kick, giving
Sports Editor, Jack McMullen/
the Argos a 3–1 lead. Robinson continued to play hard. Only seven minutes later, she deminished Mobile’s confidence for a while by scoring her second goal of the night, bringing the score to 4-1. Mobile continued to push and play hard. Brianna Simmons of Mobile stole the ball from a UWF defender and took it straight to the goal, bringing the score to 4–2. Bartlinksi, could be heard screaming from the other side of the field: “Please keep the ball!” That challenge is an issue Bartlinksi feels the team needs to work on in preparation for its next game. “We gave up two silly goals against them,”
Upcoming Women soccer games The Argos will be on the road when they travel to Alabama to face the University of Montevallo on Oct. 12 at 5 p.m. They will return home for a game against the University of Alabama-Huntsville on Oct. 15. at 5 p.m. They will remain home for their next game against divisional opponent Delta State University on Oct. 17 at 12:30 p.m.
Bartlinski said. “We need to work on keeping the ball when we have it and continue attacking hard on the outside to eliminate those silly goals.” Duncan, after already adding two prior assists, scored the final goal of the
game, putting four different players for UWF on the scorecard for a 5–2 victory. The win in this tough, physical game against Mobile extended the Argonauts 2010 record this season to 10–2.
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010
Fitness & Sports
Argos sweep the wolfpack with ease Timothy Dunkle Staff writer The University of West Florida volleyball team defeated the Loyola University New Orleans’ Wolf Pack on Oct. 5. The Wolf Pack is a member of the Southern States Athletic Conference. In the first set, the Argos gained a slight lead early on and managed to hold it to the end. The visitors called a very early timeout to regroup and continually switched their players. Their efforts fell short, and the Argos won 25-21. The second set of the night was a close run for both teams. For most of
the set the teams were points ahead of the Argos, but Wolter called a timematched point for point. Midway into the game out. “We had set some pretty the teams were tied, but the visitors used a setter lofty goals before the game started, and it was just dump to pull to remind ahead. hem of “It was not tthose “That’s goals,” why we like a spectacular Wolter said. to play teams wanted you don’t performance “We to try and typically see by our team, make sure because it to beat them means you but at the end i n t h r e e , have to react unforof the day we but on the spot,” tunately we Head Coach got the win.” weren’t able to do that M e l i s s a -Melissa Wolter tonight.” Woltwer said. Head Coach Despite The Wolf Pack held their best onto this efforts, the lead for the rest of the set. Argos still lost the set When they reached their when an attempted block game point, they were 3 by one of their players sent
the ball into the stands. The set ended with the Wolf Pack at 25 and the Argos at 23. The Wolf Pack saw a chance and managed to gain a lead early in the third set. The Argos pulled up to win set 25-18. “There were a lot of unforced errors, and that was our focus going into the fourth game to fix that,” junior Jamie Nichols said. Nichols is in her senior year and is studying marketing. “I think it really showed. We had a much bigger lead in the 4th game.” Despite repeated arguments with the referees and an outburst that resulted in a yellow card
Upcoming sporting events Volleyball Florida Southern Regional Crossover Oct. 15 vs Lynn at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 16 vs. Tampa at 11 a.m. Oct. 16 @ Florida Southern at 3:30 p.m. for their Head Coach Tommy Harold, the Wolf Pack was forced to realize that the Argos were in the lead at the end of set four. This lead carried the Argos to victory. The score for the final set was 25-18. During the match the Argos made 61 kills
and nine blocks to the Wolf Pack’s 41 kills and 7 blocks. The Argos have been having a good conference season, with a 12-4 win/ loss score. “It was not a spectacular performance by our team, but at the end of the day we got the win,” Wolter said.
UWF women’s soccer US PEACE CORPS dominate GSC play UWF Seniors apply now for jobs beginning in summer 2011
n With a win over the Bucs, the Argos’
streak of GSC wins hits 45 and counting From Staff Reports The No. 20 West Florida women’s soccer team shut down visiting Christian Brothers, limiting the opposition to just three shots in a 4-0 win at Brosnaham Park on Saturday. Senior Shakira Duncan and freshman Kaitlyn Kutemeyer provided the offense for UWF, as each scored two goals for the Argos. With the win, the Argonauts extended their Gulf South Conference regular season winning streak to 45 games, dating back to Oct. 24, 2003. Duncan scored the first and last goals for UWF, and Kutemeyer scored the second and third. With the two goals, Duncan upped her season total to 13 and her career mark to 46, moving into fourth place in program history and just 10 back from Dernelle Mascall’s alltime lead. Kutemeyer’s two goals gave her three this year. The first goal came at the 23:33 mark, as sophomore Jodi-Ann Robinson served a ball into Duncan for open shot. The assist was Robinson’s fourth of the year and gave her at least one point in all 11 games this season. The Argos struck again just before halftime, as junior Tina Murry’s corner kick was deflected by freshman Marissa Love to Kutemeyer, who was open for the goal. Kutemeyer’s second goal of the game came in the 58th minute, and Robinson picked up her second assist of the game and fifth of the year. The Argos closed out the scoring in the 81st minute, as junior Jordan Stone sent a long ball up and over the defense, and Duncan outran the defenders and beat the keeper on a breakaway. Christian Brothe rs
was limited to just three shots, all on goal, and the Buccaneers did not attempt a corner kick. UWF attempted 27 shots, including 15 on goal. Libby Hake made 11 saves in goal for the Bucs,
and junior Ali Ryan made three stops for the Argos. The Argos will travel north on Tuesday, Oct. 12 to face non-conference rival Montevallo in at 5 p.m. matchup.
new friends.... new roads life.
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Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010