Voyager 8/31

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The Voyager


The voice of UWF students since 1968

Student enrollment hits all-time high Shelby Smithey Staff Writer Thousands of students, 12,021 to be exact, flooded the parking lots and buildings on the fisrt day of school last Monday, Aug. 22, making this year the highest in enrollment in University of West Florida history. Since last fall, the university has had a 2.7 percent increase in enrollment, adding

321 additional students. More surprising however, is a whopping 20 percent increase in total freshman enrollment, with 1,463 freshman joining the UWF family this year. The university can also boast about a 75 percent retention rate, which means that 75 percent of first-time students who enrolled in 2010 returned this year. “It is an exciting day at

UWF as we open the new academic year,” President Judy Bense said in a news release. “We are getting bigger, stronger, better and meeting our goal of purposeful growth.” According to the news release, Bense was not expecting 12,000 students until the fall of 2012, but her goal was reached a year early. With an increase in students, however,

concerns have arisen about space, especially parking. Ciara Garrett, a biology major who transferred from Pensacola State College this fall, experienced something on her first day many UWF students already view as an everyday occurance. “People told me coming to UWF was going to be a lot different than PSC,” she said.



See STATS, page 2

UWF expansion begins

Soccer teams prepare for fall After an abundance of success in recent years, the men’s and women’s soccer teams look to continue winning GSC championships and national appearances, as they chase the ultimate goal of winning a NCAA national title. See full story on page 7

Opinion 9/11 conspiracies; Master Plan blues Opinions editor W. Paul Smith discusses the prevalence of 9/11 conspiracies as the 10-year anniversary of the attacks approaches. In a letter to the editor, a student discusses what the “Master Plan” may bring to UWF. See full story on page 3

Life Photo by Joslyn Rosado

Presidents Hall is one of the newest additions to the UWF campus. It is being built directly across from Heritage Hall and will house 252 students. A courtyard and a Papa John’s pizzeria are also being built between the two halls.

n Improvements planned,

much of campus remains under heavy construction Jade Hoy Staff Writer Sticking to her Master Plan this year, University of West Florida President Judy Bense has many new additions that are popping up all over campus. This includes a new residence hall, a Papa John’s pizzeria, new parking lots and other state-of-the-art buildings. The new residence hall, Presidents Hall, is currently under construction and is predicted to be complete by fall 2012. The five-story building is expected to house 252 students, according to Ken Klindt, director of Facilities, Planning, Maintenance and Construction at UWF. The new residence hall is being built directly across from Heritage Hall and is expected to be a mirror image of it, with a new courtyard in between them. An area of more than 18,000 square-feet was cleared for the hall, and the courtyard will house a convenience store and a Papa John’s pizzeria. Kimberly Brown, chief of staff in the Office of the President, said the budget for Presidents Hall is $18 million. Bonds are being used to pay for the immediate cost of building the facility, and other fees paid by future residents will reimburse the lenders. A new College of Business facility is also under construction. Klindt said more than 13,000 square feet were cleared for the facility and a large courtyard. “We broke ground on a new state-of-the-art College of Business facility in the spring,” Brown said. “Construction

think of all the quarters you’ll save!*

is ongoing, and it will open in fall 2012.” Brown said the budget for the project is $14.8 million, to be paid for by Public Education Capital Outlay, a specific construction project grant approved by the Florida Legislature. Smaller improvements have been made campuswide as well. New benches and picnic tables have been installed along Campus Drive near Pace Hall, overlooking the scenery of the UWF campus. Maintenance members have also been working hard to put up new off-white signs along Campus Drive directing students to buildings, easy-to-see department signs outside buildings. The old blue signage will be removed once all the new signs are in place. To reduce frustration and inconvenience caused by the mass amount of construction, officials have made some other changes to help with the transition. The new parking lot E has been opened behind the Health, Leisure and Sports Facility. It has 110 spots open to all UWF parking permit holders. “Maintenance personnel worked extremely hard over the summer to lay the new parking lot pavement with a very short time limit,” Klindt said. “They did a great job.” Parking and Transportation Services announced on its website that lot Z and the outer rows of lot Y are now open to all permit holders, as well. A third trolley was added on campus to help with the large addition of new students. This brings the total up to three. Brown said the additional trolley has reduced waiting times from 15 to seven minutes. A trolley passes by lots Y and Z every seven minutes in order to help with the inconvenience of walking from these overflow lots. “We added a third trolley to better facilitate movement around campus,” said Chip Chism, Parking Services manager.

Salsa club teaches; Greek life begins The UWF Salsa club, Pura Sabrosura, meets Thursday nights to showcase their talents and give students free dance lessons. UWF sorority recruitment and fraternity rush are happening in September. See full story on page 4


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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Campus art sculpts interest Nicole Yeakos Staff Writer They’re everywhere: in the library, in front of the gym and outside various buildings and classrooms. Eerily captivating and boasting a stopand-stare kind of beauty, the University of West Florida’s sculpture collection is definitely something to stare at. But once the surprise of seeing such a strange sculpture is over, a series of questions arises. What is this thing? How did it get here? Who made it? And why is it lit 24/7? Have no fear, curious sculpture enthusiasts. All uncertainties of these strangely elegant art forms can now be put to rest. Florida’s Art in State Buildings program is ultimately responsible for the existence of these creations. The ASB program allows

for 0.5 percent of a building’s architectural costs to be set aside for public art. One of the most commonly seen sculptures is the geometric granite sculpture between the field house and the Health, Leisure and Sports Facility. UWF Director of Recreation Bill Healey said a committee reviewed over 500 artists’ submissions and had on-campus interviews with three of them. Artist Robert Sindorf was chosen for his piece, Nautilus Freed, symbolizing “the act of becoming.” Sindorf’s main plan for the sculpture was to create a central meeting place for students between these two high traffic areas, reinforcing the symbol of the university’s power. This is quite similar to the structure on the opposite side of campus. A kaleidoscope of color sits outside Building 41,

The sculpture in front of the School of Science and Engineering building is meant to resemble a nautilus.

The Voyager

Annual fall event showcases student organizations Morgan Smith Staff Writer

Photos by Joslyn Rosado

Polished granite sculpture outside HLS Facility. also known as the School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. The Nerve, by Marlo Bartels, is a brightly colored, abstract image of a neuron. This sculpture is literally meant to make students stop, think and take in the art. Bartels shows a similar interest in thought as John Davis, the creator of another commonly seen sculpture on campus. Davis’ Mind in Motion is the newest installment of artwork at UWF. It stands in front of the recently erected Building 4, the School of Science and Engineering. This steel masterpiece shows a robotic arm riding on the curve of an inclined

plane, ironically forming the shape of a nautilus. It is meant to represent the hands-on learning that is the main approach of the department. All outdoor sculptures on campus, including these three, are lit at night in order to show respect for the work and the artists. “It’s crucial to have that exterior lighting,” said Amy Bowman, UWF’s Art Gallery director. “We want to treat these sculptures as if they were in a museum or gallery.” Bowman said the new Counseling and Wellness Center, as well as the soon-to-be new College of Business, will feature two more browraising sculptures.

UWF students, faculty and staff will have another reason to look forward to fall, besides the cooler weather. Fall Frenzy is sure to draw a crowd of interested students who want to become more involved to Health, Leisure, and Sports Facility. The event will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and includes free food, free T-shirts and plenty of information to acquaint students with the many organizations available to students at UWF. With the fall semester already in full swing, both new and returning students can find out all the information they could want to know about student organizations and more at this annual event. Representatives from the different student organizations will host tables for their specific clubs, teams or groups and provide students with organization signup sheets. Many will also provide handouts detailing important information about their organizations, such as group membership requirements and meeting time and location. UWF Student Organizations Graduate Assistant Jordan Lore said the majority of planning

for the event took place during the spring semester and has been a tradition at UWF for several years. Lore adds that a variety of student organizations have decided to participate in the Fall Frenzy activities this year, and there should be something for every interest. “Fall Frenzy is open to all registered student organizations at UWF,” she said. “At this time we have close to 80 registered student organizations signed up to host a table at Fall Frenzy 2011. I’m very excited about the initiative the student organizations have taken.” “We have a variety of student organizations, all with unique passions and purposes,” she said. “There really is something for everyone, and my hope is for students who attend Fall Frenzy to learn about the opportunities and value student organizations can offer to their college experience at UWF.” The International Student Association, a student organization whose target is to familiarize international students with their new college environment, is one of the organizations registered to host a table at Fall Frenzy.

Stats: President Bense reaches goals “On my first day, I was followed through the parking lot by people wanting my parking spot.” Tyler Massey, a senior studying marine biology, said he already has similar concerns with parking, especially if they are going to keep added more students. “I think expanding UWF is great, but the first

thing they need to expand is parking,” he said. UWF has, in fact, added new parking spaces since last spring. However, these spaces are in an overflow parking lot, which are quite a distance from where many classes are located. Another issue comes into play with the addition of more student, the small

classroom sizes. Eighty-three percent of classrooms at UWF hold 60 or fewer students, and the university would like to keep it that way. According to the news release, UWF will add 23 new faculty members and additional sections of courses. The university wants to ensure that class sizes remain small and that

students continue to receive one-on-one assistance from faculty. “Growth is necessary and adds to the vitality of our campus and region,” Bense said in a news release. “We are making investments to ensure that even as we grow, we maintain our niche of small class sizes and personalized attention to students.”

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Opinions Editor, W. Paul Smith


Opinions &


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Students should get involved on campus The new semester at University of West Florida seems to be centered around one idea: change. The main topics for discussion on campus have been the construction that seems to be on every corner, new signs, changes in the prices of parking permits and other fees, and the everpresent talk of a football team and new athletic facilities. We don’t need to wait on new buildings or a football team to start the shift toward a more traditional experience for UWF students, though. There’s a student life already at this University, if only more students would participate in it. If there’s anything that we at The Voyager have noticed that appears to be off about the atmosphere at UWF, it’s the apathetic attitude that seems to be shared by much of the student body.

We’ve even caught ourselves expressing less-than-enthusiastic thoughts about how exciting student life is on campus. It’s up to the students for that to change. It’s not going to come with big announcements from President Judy Bense or new signs on campus. It’s going to happen when more students show up at on-campus events or get involved in the clubs that are meant to bring people with common interests together. Bense and the administration continue to push the idea of eventually straying away from the “commuter college” reputation that UWF has earned in the past. Why not change it now?

— The Voyager Courtesy of Andy Marlette/

Ten-year anniversary of 9/11 plagued by conspiracies W. Paul Smith Opinions Editor


s we quickly approach the ten year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, a new survey has been released by the BBC finding that about 14 percent of respondents in the U.K. and 15 percent of respondents in the U.S. still believe the attacks were orchestrated by the American government and not Al Qaeda. I really thought we were through with this nonsense, but turns out the tin foil hat crowd is still alive and well. At full disclosure, I was once one of these people — somewhat, anyway. I never fully believed 9/11 was an “inside job” as they say, but I did once dabble in the conspiracy world for a moment there until I came to my senses back in 2003. Conspiracies about 9/11 are nothing new and have been floating around since almost immediately after the attacks. In other parts of the world, the conspiracies are even more widely accepted. According to a poll conducted by World Public Opinion in 2008, over half of the citizens in China and Indonesia think someone besides Al Qaeda was responsible. In Mexico and Turkey, nearly a third

think the U.S. government was behind in order for the towers to fall, and jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. the attacks. And apparently over a third of The reality is that the steel didn’t need the respondents in Egypt and Jordan think to melt, but just had to lose its structural Israel orchestrated the attacks — which integrity to cause the buildings to fall. would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad. And then there’s the collapse of World While I would love to painstakingly go Trade Center Building 7. The 52-story through each and every ridiculous claim WTC 7 also fell on 9/11, and the conspirabout 9/11 made by the conspiracy kooks acy kooks have (something I have latched onto this as done many times more evidence of before), there “I think it’s good controlled demolisimply isn’t the tion. to practice healthy space available to However, tackle the mounskepticism, but the in my opinion, tains of insanity there’s no better 9/11 conspiracies associated with evidence against the these conspiracy are about as bat-shit controlled-demolitheories. tion theory than the But suffice it to insane as you can get.” collapse of WTC 7. say, they are rife The notion is with junk science, that the shadow bogus speculation government (or and conjecture, and wildly inaccurate depic- whoever it is the kooks think orchestrated tions of the facts of that tragic day. the attacks) wanted to create the elaborate, For example, the conspiracy theorists meticulous illusion that terrorists hijacking claim that the World Trade Center towers planes were responsible for the towers fallfell not because of the planes hitting them ing, but in reality, they would plant explobut because of controlled demolition explosives in the buildings, right? sives planted in the buildings. Well, why would they just blatantly Much of this theory hinges on the take out WTC 7 when everyone knows no erroneous notion that the steel beams in planes hit that building? Why use the illuthe building would have needed to melt sion of planes at all if you’re just going to

Changes would tarnish campus environment, university’s nature-friendly atmosphere Letter to the editor I think there needs to be a school-wide gone to Florida State University or the University of Florida. survey on how students feel about this I enjoy the small friendly atmosphere whole moving-forward process. of UWF. I personally do not I also really want to put any of my enjoy all of the money towards new “UWF was not nature trails on athletic facilities. campus. I am not against a established to UWF was built football team. become a huge to be a small However, I think University that university that has Judy Bense is moving had respect for the school away from lost its respect for nature. the values that it was nature.” UWF was not founded on. established to Many students I become a huge have talked to came university that has to this school because lost its respect for nature. of the small classes, and beautiful environment on campus. — Raechel Vecchio If I wanted to attend a big university with a football team, I would have UWF student

blow up another building in front of everyone without the use of planes? Of course, the more likely explanation is that WTC 7 collapsed because the building was right next to the towers when they fell and lost its structural strength as collateral damage. Granted, the Bush administration won themselves no favors in dispelling the conspiracy notions. There is no question that 9/11 was used to justify everything from ramming through the Patriot Act to invading Iraq. But if anyone was even remotely surprised the Bush administration took advantage of the attacks politically, then you must not pay close attention to politics. Yet here we are, 10 years later, and the conspiracy theories still live on in the minds of nearly one out of seven Americans according to the BBC poll. I empathize with the desire to question the official version of the events. I think it’s good to practice healthy skepticism, but the 9/11 conspiracies are about as bat-shit insane as you can get. If serious research and common sense do nothing to debunk these ridiculous theories, then I would submit that you’re perhaps either blinded by the ideology of simply wanting there to be a conspiracy — or you’re just wearing a tin foil hat.

Rick Scott is the worst governor in the country Freedom Whiting Contributing Writer

people who are on welfare. Well, since the testing started, preliminary data shows that only 2 n full disclosure, I do not like percent of those tested were positive Gov. Rick Scott. And apparfor drugs. So there goes that theory of ently I am not the only person “welfare equals drug use.” who does not like Scott. According to Scott also claimed that the state a recent Quinnipiac University poll, would save money by not having to Scott has a 29 percent approval rating. give public money to subsidize welfare Essentially, that makes him the worst drug habits. Well, since 96 percent governor in the United States. passed the drug test — 2 percent did And I’m not just hating on the not take the test — the state has to guy. Sure he looks like Skeletor or the reimburse the $30 out-of-pocket fee more-evil twin brother of Lex Luthor. to pay for each test. Plus Florida tax However, I have good reasons to dislike dollars must pay for staff and adminScott. istrative costs for the drug-testing For one, his $615 million cuts to program. Columnist Steven Benen Florida’s $69 billion state budget. points out that Scott claimed that the drug-testing the cuts were for policy is limited “short­sighted, “Sure he looks like to low-income frivolous, waste­ful Floridians needing Skeletor or the morespending.” temporary aid. “It Of course, he evil twin brother of doesn’t apply to never mentions Lex Luthor. However, everyone seeking what the so-called “frivolous” spendpublic funding,” I have good reasons ing was. It turns Benen said, “only to dislike Rick Scott.” out that some the poor, who the serious programs governor assumes were cut: homeare probably drugless veterans, addicts.” meals for poor seniors, a council for The good news for Scott is that he dea­fness, a children’s hospital, cancer research and whooping-cough vaccines founded Solantic Corp., the company that administers the test. According for poor mothers. Plus there was a to the St. Petersburg Times, Scott $305 million cut to Florida Forever, maintains that he has no involvement which is Florida’s premier conservain the company, but he does have $62 tion and recreation lands acquisition million worth of the company’s shares program, i.e. the reason anybody even visits Florida. contained in a blind trust under his And after running on a campaign wife’s name. So it’s safe to say that of “job creation,” Scott rejected $2.3 Scott is set to get a nice financial gain million in federal funding for construcfrom his drug-testing law. tion of a high-speed railway that would The worst part of it all Scott is doing have created thousands of jobs. what he campaigned on, which shows Also, let’s not forget about Scott the 2010 election was a referendum on passing a law requiring people who President Barack Obama and not the receive welfare assistance to pass real issues that matter to Floridians. annual drug tests to collect benefits. “Daily Show” co-creator Lizz Everyone seemed so excited as they Winstead once said, “If Floridians knew said that “people on welfare shouldn’t as much about Rick Scott as they did get taxpayer money to pay for drugs.” These same people, along with Scott, Casey Anthony, Florida would be in a better place now.” Preach on, sister! believe that drug use is higher among



L&E Editor Rebecca Barnhart

Life &

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Chainsaw Kelly cuts deep Chad Sanders Contributing Writer Pensacola’s Chainsaw Kelly is a band that gets it. Though schooled in the classics, they don’t try to sound retro. On their soonto-be-released EP, “Dog Days,” they strip the blues down to its bones. Pensacola natives Brandon Smith and Michael “Chainsaw” Daw founded Chainsaw Kelly about five years ago. They speak fondly of those early days, when they played on the street for change and recorded in random bathrooms and hallways. “We played a lot of Delta blues, just jamming on banjo, guitar, a lot of harmonica,” Smith said. The band has shifted over the years to a fuller, electric sound, with Brandon on guitar, Daw on bass and harmonica, and new-comer Chris Whinskey behind the drums. “Dog Days” was recorded half at home and half by Sean Peterson of the nowdefunct Third Floor Studio in downtown Pensacola.

Photo special to The Voyager

Chainsaw Kelly’s three members practice for a show.

❱❱ Rundown n Chainsaw Kelly is a local blues band. n Brandon Smith, Michael “Chainsaw” Daw and Chris Whinskey play a variety of instruments. n Their upcoming show is on Sept. 2 at the Handlebar at 319 N. Tarragona St. n Opening acts Pioneers O’ Pioneers and Lucid Lions will start at 10 p.m. $5 cover charge. The title track of the new EP recalls the beautiful irony of the blues: You can sing about bad things, and it makes people feel good. Daw plays harmonica on the track. Through most of the song, his notes creep and slither around the lyrics like a snake. As Brandon delivers

the final lines of the song, former drummer Matt Nichols starts to ride the snare with no mercy, and Daw plays the harmonica like it’s the night before prohibition. The groove builds to a climax and ends abruptly, leaving the listener wanting more.

Photo special to The Voyager

The local blues band, Chainsaw Kelly, will be performing in Pensacola on Sept. 2. “Pinecone Blues” is the stand-out track on the EP. It was recorded less than a week after the band’s original drummer quit, but they didn’t let it slow them down. Daw and Smith recorded all the instruments on this track including percussion. The song is more simple and folkier than the others on the EP. Just like the lyrics say, the band is

“going home,” both lyrically and spiritually. Daw said this is one of his favorite tracks on the album. “It’s kind of how the band started,” he said, “just me and Brandon.” Chainsaw Kelly will hold an EP release show on Sept. 2 at the Handlebar, at 319 N. Tarragona St. The show starts at 10 p.m. with opening acts Pioneers O’

Pioneers and Lucid Lions. There will be a $5 cover charge. Future plans for the band include releasing a full-length album and moving to Birmingham, Ala., where Smith currently lives. The band said they still plan to stay current in the Pensacola scene and will return to play shows from time to time.

Opinions mixed on going Greek

Introducing to the stage...

Katherine Cordero Staff Writer

Photos special to The Voyager

Kristin Danford, right, and Sam Osheroff, left, are two new UWF professors in the theatre department. The married couple is coming from New York to teach general acting and musical theater.

Couple brings taste of Big Apple to UWF Josh Cooper Staff Writer The University of West Florida is pleased to welcome a theatrical power couple to the theatre department this year. The married professors Sam Osheroff and Kristin Danford will both be teaching acting. Danford will focus in musical theater and Osheroff will teach classes on general acting. Osheroff and Danford have a plethora of acting experience working as professional actors in New York. They moved to Vermont after having their daughter, Stella Grace. They had been looking for work when Charles Houghton, the chair of the Department of Theatre, contacted Danford about an opening at UWF as a musical theater instructor. “Kris was recommended to us,” Houghton said. “During the interview process, we found out about Sam.” He said the school is

“We did our master’s in Sarasota for a bunch of years. I’m not a stranger to the Florida heat.” —Kristin Danford Theater professor lucky for them both to be on the faculty. “They are going to bring a neat, new energy to the program,” he said. Glenn Avery Breed, a theater instructor at UWF, said he is excited about bringing them onboard. “It’s just exciting that they got to come as a duo,” Breed said. Osheroff and Danford both said they are excited about this new opportunity. “It’s been going well,” Osheroff said. “But it’s only been two days.” They seemed to be adjusting well to the transition of jobs and states. “We did our master’s in Sarasota for a bunch of years,” Danford said. “I’m not a stranger to the

Florida heat.” They have big plans for the year. Osheroff is directing the annual “A Christmas Carol” and “The Laramie Project,” a docudrama about the murder of a gay student named Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyo. Osheroff said the “The Laramie Project” is not about gay rights as much as “what happens to a community after something unspeakable happens.” Danford is directing “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” in the fall semester and “Seussical: The Musical” in the spring. The theatre department encourages students to come see what they have to offer.

At Welcome Week events before the semester began, sorority and fraternity members passed out pamphlets of information to new students promoting upcoming recruitment and rush. Instead of reading the pamphlets, many students took the pamphlet and threw it away soon after. Some students such as freshman, Monika Hauck, 18, did this because they Photo special to The Voyager believe that fraternities Sigma Chi brothers take a water break during a and sororities consist of basketball game for Greek Week 2010. drama and partying. “When I think greek life, I think of peppy, happy people that party,” Hauck said. “I feel like there is also a lot of drama that is associated with it.” Patrick Stepina, 21, of the Sigma Chi fraternity, believes time management is something to be considered when considering going Greek. “If you can’t manage your time, Greek life isn’t for you,” Stepina said. Raul Martinez, 21, also a member of Sigma Chi, also believes time management impacts Photo special to The Voyager one’s decision. Delta Phi Lambda, an Asian interest sorority, poses “It definitely takes up time. However I feel like in the UWF Auditorium. it’s a big push to keep a earn scholarships. It high academic standard,” undown has also given her great Martinez networking n Sorority recruitment said. opportunities. is Sept. 7-11. The E m i l y “Right now fee is $40. Dress B r e u e r , I am president impress. Wear 19, a UWF If you can’t of Panhellenic to business casual the sophomore, and I’ve never first night and it will manage chose not had this many get more dressy. to go Greek your time, o p p o r t u n i - Information nights are because of to serve,” Aug. 31 and Sept. 2. the costs Greek life ties Hasseltine n Fraternity rush is associated, said. “Being isn’t for Sept. 12-15. The fee which is invited to hear is $5. Dress casual. often in the you.” Judy Bense Events will include a thousands. announce to a pizza night, shrimp “I know —Patrick select group of boil, bowling and a that it costs Stepina individuals that BBQ. a lot to be a Sigma Chi we’re going to n UWF currently member of a brother get a football has 15 active Greek sorority, and team, before organizations, frankly I just she announces including 11 national can’t afford it to the whole chapters and four it,” Breuer said. school, that’s amazing.” campus chapters. The Jenny Hasseltine, 21, For more information Greek community at president of National on sorority recruitment UWF was founded in Panhellenic Council, said and fraternity rush, visit 1967. her sorority has helped her raise her GPA and

❱❱ R

The Voyager

Wednesday, August 31, 2011




n Salsa club gives students a chance

to embrace their “pure flavor” Rachel Giles Staff Writer

Photos by Joslyn Rosado

TOP OF THE PAGE: Jordyn Grinnell, Vanesa Alvarez and Diana Angles are just a few of the students who come on Thursday nights to learn salsa dance moves. ABOVE: Clarence Abercrombie twirls Pura Sabrosura vice-president Toni Aguilar on Thursday night.

ABOVE: President Nelson Sierra partners with Lauren Stimmell as the rest of the students practice their partnering in salsa. RIGHT: Kris Chamblee helps Jordyn Grinnell practice salsa dance partnering during a Pura Sambrosura dance night.

“One taste is all it takes” is the spicy slogan for Pura Sambrosura, the University of West Florida salsa club. Pura Sabrosura meets Thursday nights at 7 p.m. in the Green Room Studio in the Health, Leisure and Sports Facility. The club offers free salsa dance lessons to all UWF students and faculty, and nonstudents may attend as a guest of a UWF student with a $5 gym fee. “We do performances on campus and outside of Pensacola,” Pura Sabrosura’s club president Nelson E. Sierra said. “We also do events and socials. Our first one will be Sept. 10 in the Argo Galley in the evening.” Sierra said that his favorite thing about teaching salsa in Pura Sabrosura was “seeing everyone else fall in love with it.” He said he learned how to salsa through Pura Sabrosura and has now been dancing and performing for about a year and a half. Pura Sabrosura, which is Spanish for “Pure Flavor,” was created in November 2009 and officially became a UWF club in

September 2010. The class is available to all skill levels and teaches several different salsa techniques each lesson. Founder Clarence “Crombie” Abercrombie said he loved seeing all the new faces each week in the class, and that the club taught students “how to socially dance, so they can go out and have a good time.” Abercrombie graduated from UWF with a degree in engineering technology and currently is in the Air Force, but he is still an active member of the club. Toni Aguilar, a UWF student and an original member of the group, said she loved that the club always had “something going on” and that it is always filled with great people. Aguilar said students thinking about attending a class should “just try it.” She added that the club regularly celebrates Christmas and Halloween parties and other various social events throughout the year. For more information about Pura Sabrosura, contact Nelson Sierra at or Toni Aguilar at taa14@students. or visit the club’s website at


Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011

The Voyager

Community &




August 31

August 31

Brittany Carr

Argo Camp invites former campers and staff members to the fifth year reunion on the Cannon Greens from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you've been aboard the boat before be sure to wear your Argo Camp T-shirt to receive free food!

Join the student organizations and sport clubs for fun, food, and music in the HLS Courtyard. This event is hosted by the University Commons and Student Activities and lasts from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

News Editor Valerie Thornewell

Sports Editor Chris Elkins

L&E Editor Rebecca Barnhart entertainment@

Opinions Editor W. Paul Smith

Web Editor Jon Short webeditor@

New Media Editor Terry Strickland newmedia@

Photography Editor Joslyn Rosado

Copy Editors Josh de Leon Friedrich Langerfeld Kristi Noah Kathryn Middleton Jessica Harris

Graphics Editor Jarrett Moore

Distribution Manager

August 31 There will be a Mock Trial Informational meeting for the 201112 year in the Mock Trial Courtroom in Building 78, Room 145 at 4 p.m. During this meeting, students will learn what Mock Trial consists of and the advantages prospective law school students will gain. No prior experience is necessary, and it is open to all majors. August 31 Open Mic Night will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the Argo Galley, University Commons, building 22. Free and open to all current students.

John Strickland

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September 1 The Commons will be hosting Headphone Disco in the auditorium from 8:30 p.m. to midnight.



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Headphone Discos are the biggest 'silent party' people around performing their unique 'TwoDeejaySuperShow' to enthusiastic crowds around the world. Each show involves arming clubbers with their own set of wireless two-channel headphones, switching off the sound-system and having two DJs spin two completely different sets side by side from Headphone Disco's visually enhanced stage set-up.

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Fitness &

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New fitness classes excite students Kristine Medina Staff Writer Three new group fitness classes are being held this semester at the Health, Leisure and Sports Facility. On Wednesday afternoon, techno music blared from the speakers in the pedagogy gym to pump up those who participated in “The Situation.” The class focused on the abdominals, obliques and core muscles this semester.

Senior Liliana Guerra, an accounting major, said having the class named after Mike from “Jersey Shore” put a light perspective on how intense the exercises were. The class is Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the pedagogy gym. Zumba is an hour-long dance fitness class. It’s a diverse compilation of dance styles, from salsa to hip-hop. It’s fast-paced and is definitely not for those

with two left feet. So far, the class has been a hit. Even with a high limit of 50 participants, each class always reached capacity. The Zumba sessions are taught by sophomore Carolina Zuniga, who was born in Columbia. She cheered on her students Saturday morning as they worked to the beat of the music. “This is how we party in my country, so it’s all fun,” Zuniga said. Kayla Grosjean, a

senior hospitality, recreation and resort management major, said she loved the energetic atmosphere of Zumba. “I like Zumba because it’s like dancing in my living room,” Grosjean said. “Except she shows us how to actually move.” Grosjean has been taking group fitness classes since her freshman year. She regularly attends yoga classes, but with more time on her hands, she wanted to look

for something more exciting, which turned out to be Zumba. Since they were introduced at UWF, Zumba classes have been packed. They are held in the HLS Building Blue Studio from 5:30 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. “Bands and Balls” uses physio balls and resistance bands as tools to get trim and fit. The classes are scheduled from 5:30 p.m.

to 6:20 p.m. on Fridays. Group fitness classes provide many options for the daily gym-goer or average Joe. The HLS Facility at UWF offers more than 30 group fitness classes per week. Other options for group fitness classes include yoga, Pilates, Ju-Jitsu, and cycling, and others. For the fall schedule and more information on group fitness, visit the Group Fitness website at

Scuba Club explores new depths

Photos special to The Voyager

From left to right, Scuba Club members Stephanie Mathis, Samantha Neckles, Brent Hardy, and Jess Magrino go diving on a scuba trip to Vortex Springs in Ponce de Leon. The club continues to host diving trips each year and encourages members to volunteer in the community.

n Largest sports club goes on exotic trips, volunteers Josh Cooper Staff Writer

Members of the University of West Florida Scuba Club said they are prepared and excited to start the new semester. Michael Day, a returning student in the preprofessional biology program at UWF, is one of the instructors at MBT Divers. “We’re a group of certified and non-certified divers,” Michael Day said. “It’s a place where divers can connect. All my best friends are divers.” The Scuba Club is the largest sports club on campus, with last year’s membership at 179 students from all different fields and majors. The club is a student organization, but some professors dive with the club. Many science and archeology majors join in order to see things they wouldn’t normally see. “Everyone is excited the first time they see their first octopus or shark, although, I haven’t see any sharks lately,” Day said. “I finally got to see my first sea horse that wasn’t in an aquarium setting.” The group takes a spring break trip every year. This past spring they went diving in Key Largo. Stephanie Mathis, an environmental science major at UWF and president of the SCUBA Club, said the trips was very good. “It was $200 to $300 for a week’s worth of diving,” she said. The price of the trip included two dives a day for a full week. They got to see multiple reefs, the Christ of the Abyss, a few wrecks and John Pennekamp State Park. David Taylor, a computer engineering major,

Junior Samantha Neckles explores a reef on a diving trip to Vortex Springs in Ponce de Leon. works as the head of public relations for the club. “One of my favorite dives was a night dive in Key Largo,” he said. The club goes on all kinds of trips throughout the semester, spearfishing and wreck diving. Last semester, they took a 32-person group to dive the USS Oriskany, a sunken aircraft carrier that has been turned into a man-made reef. They also do underwater pumpkin carving every year around Halloween. The club does more than go on dives and trips. The members do a lot of volunteer work too. Day said the club is large enough to have volunteers at almost any type of event. “Last year, we volunteered for the nursing depart-

ment as accident victims,” Mathis said. “This year, we hope to do some beach cleanup,” Day said. Day said some of the BP disaster relief money went toward the club, and the club hopes to use it to clean up wherever it’s needed. This year, Mathis said, the club is focused on getting more equipment so that more people can dive. They hope to have 12 complete sets of dive equipment for this semester. The cost of joining the club is $30 per year, or $20 per semester. That includes use of equipment and student discounts at MBT Divers. Meetings are on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. in Building 13.

Busy HLS Facility provides opportunities for students Christie McClung Staff Writer Whether it’s a small group of freshmen girls walking on treadmills or University of West Florida baseball players finishing a workout, a variety of UWF students use the Health, Leisure, and Sports Facility. From June 30, 2010 to July 1, 2011,

191,624 students used the facility. During the same period, 22,379 faculty and 13,880 guests also used the gym. That is a total of 227,883. Despite these numbers, overcrowding does not seem to be a problem. Junior Gabriela Emond said she had never had a problem finding a machine.

“If a class gets full, I have heard of the staff telling students to come back later,” she said, “but that has never happened to me.” It’s no wonder that the gym attracts so many people, considering all the unique opportunities it presents. These include Zumba classes, a rock climbing wall, and a paintball club.

“I have always been active,” senior Steven Simmons said. Simmons said the paintball club was one of the many reasons he worked out. Although the gym numbers have been soaring, some students said it was difficult to find time to exercise. “I have a lighter sched-

ule this semester,” Emond said, “but with working and school, it can be tough.” Emond said the group fitness classes worked well with his schedule and held him accountable. “Once you start to get to know the people in the class and the instructor, they notice when you are not there,” he said. The newly opened

Aquatics Center also provides students with new opportunities. Those opportunities include swim lessons, pool parties, scuba sessions, and kayak roll sessions. The gym is free to all students, faculty, and staff. Each member can pay for two guests a day for $5 each.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Voyager

Soccer teams have high expectations in 2011 Men’s


With a solid performance last season and a preseason ranking of No. 1 in the Gulf South Conference, the University of West Florida’s men’s soccer team is gearing up for the upcoming season. “The team performed well,” Head Coach Bill Elliot said. “We won a conference championship despite quite a few injuries.” The championship was the Argonauts’ fifth consecutive GSC title. Last season UWF was bumped out of the running for the national championship in the first round of the NCAA tournament by Rollins College. The Argos Photo by Tim Keebler were defeated 1-0. Senior Matt Aldred Senior Marquel Waldron looks to score a goal in said the team had underpractice while freshman Zander Rados watches. achieved a little, though the ball been training more. He he went b o y s , said he felt the players on to say and they were more prepared. that overd e f i all they The Argo’s have several “We want to n i t e l y returning players as well had a very win the GSC d o n ’ t as several new faces. s t r o n g w a n t squad. “We have several key championship and to b e returning players like Looking make the NCAA the ball Marquel Waldron, Sean forward boys. to this final four.” Reynolds, Stephen Munoz T h e season, and Matt Aldred,” Elliott -Coach Elliot g o a l s the team the team said. “We also have some hopes for members promising new players, similar h a v e such as James Moore, results this s e t f o r Hector Vega and Junior season, but the pressure is height- themselves are not going Prevalus.” ened because UWF is to come easily, because Waldron, Reynolds, there are a few obstacles a n d s e n i o r R i c h a r d hosting the NCAA finals. “We are hoping for in the way. Dixon were named to the “The biggest thing preseason All-GSC team. the same success as last season,” Elliot said. “We facing our team is injuThe Argos’ lose leadwant to win the GSC ries,” Elliott said. “It’s the ing scorer Daniel Martini championship and make preseason and we already have players out with but return second leading the NCAA final four.” scorer junior Frank Cope. Christoph Zeller, a injuries.” The team’s first game Aldred said that in freshman recruit, said that if the team hosting the order to overcome the is on Sept. 2 at 4:30 p.m. event is not in the tour- obstacles and the added in Miami Shores, Fla. nament then they become pressure the team has against Barry University.

The University of West Florida women’s soccer team has high expectations to live up to after strong finishes in the NCAA tournament the past two years. UWF finished the 2010 season 17-2-2. They were eliminated in the second round of the NCAA Tournament after losing to No. 17 University of Tampa in penalty kicks. They were ranked No. 6 going into the tournament. The Argonauts made it to the final four in 2009 and finished the season 22-0-1 after being ranked No. 1 in the nation. UWF is ranked No. 19 in the National Soccer Coaches Association of America poll and was picked by the Gulf South Conference for the eighth consecutive season to win the conference. They are the three-time defending GSC champions. “Rankings are just an arbitrary number,” Head Coach Joe Bartlinski said. “It’s how you finish not how you begin. We want to look at the bigger goal.” The Argos’ main goal for the season is to make it to the NCAA tournament and win a national championship. UWF will host the NCAA Division II Soccer Championships from Dec. 1-3 at Brosnaham Park off 10 Mile Road. “None of us want to sit and watch other teams play on our home field,” senior soccer player Jordan

Garrett Spencer Staff Writer

Chris Elkins Sports Editor

Stone said. Bartlinski said Stone, a team captain, is one of many key players to look out for. The Argos will look to her and juniors Tori Fish, Monica Malavassi, Rachel Cutts and senior Tina Murray for veteran leadership after key losses. Stone, Cutts, Murray, Malavassi, and sohophomore Alexis Garrand are all preseason All-GSC picks. The Argos lost leading scorers and NSCAA All-American Shakira Duncan to graduation and Jodi-Ann Robins, the Argos’ second leading scorer and NSCAA All-American when she left to play for the Canadian national team. “In the past we relied heavily on one or two players,” Bartlinski said. “We need to break out of that mold and make sure everyone carries the burden.” The Argos will also look for redshirt freshman Daniele Cruz Mejia

to be a key addition to the roster. “She is a hard working-defender, and she is going to provide a lot of toughness on the defensive line,” Stone said. To prepare for the upcoming season, athletes have been playing in summer and national leagues. “The girls who weren’t playing on a team were still working hard, running, and playing so that we will be ready for this season,” Stone said. Malavassi is the Argos’ returning leading scorer with 33 goals scored last season. Murray is the leading returner in assists with 13. Senior goalkeeper Ali Ryan returns after she led the Argos with 56 saves in 2010. “We want to start the season strong,” Bartlinski said. “We don’t want to rely on doing well later in the year.” Stone said, “We have to live up to the rankings, and, hopefully be at the top.”

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