The Voyager
The voice of UWF students since 1968
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 2011
Bald eagle discovered on UWF wildlife refuge Lindsey Ales Staff Writer The Student Environmental Action Society is excited about the confirmation of a bald eagle living on the Baars-Firestone Wildlife Sanctuary. The eagle was first spotted by Karen Coulter, a member of the Earth First! environmental group that spoke at the University of West Florida, Feb. 7. The existence of the eagle and a nest was
confirmed later by Gary Ghioto, a journalism instructor who photographed it. SEAS members hope that the discovery of the eagle will help them achieve their goal to save the Baars-Firestone Wildlife Sanctuary. The current new master plan calls for a 3-hole golf course to be built where the wildlife sanctuary is located. “Now we can show everyone what is at stake,” said SEAS
member Daniel Osborn. “This isn’t just a tree, it’s a threatened species.” The bald eagle was taken off of the endangered species list on June 28, 2008, but it is still listed as a threatened species, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “The bald eagle was threatened across the entire habitat,” said John-Marc Diot, vice president of SEAS. “Where they have come
back and now are potentially overpopulated is in the Pacific NorthWest and Alaska. In the Southeast U.S. they should still be considered threatened.” Osborn said he hopes the eagle will help people realize that the wildlife sanctuary here on campus has value, even though it is relatively small. SEAS members also discussed their hope to ask the
See EAGLE, page 2
Cleaning out the closet
Photo by Gary Ghioto
The bald eagle sits in its nest in the Baars-Firestone Wildlife Sanctuary.
Argos sweep the Statesmen The UWF men’s baseball team completed the threegame sweep of Delta State University on Feb. 20. The Argos won 3-0 behind the efforts of Daniel VilaVargas, who threw a completegame shutout, allowing only one hit. See full story on page 7
Opinion Photo By Joslyn Rosado
Response to editorial,
Matt Ferrer and Nicole Singh look at the selection of scarves and handkerchiefs at the Career Closet, which was held in the Commons Conference Center on Feb. 16. The program provides students with affordable business attire. All proceeds go to the Rachel Heffner Memorial Endowment Scholarship for University of West Florida nursing students.
abortion should be legal
n Career Closet program offers inexpensive, top quality business attire for students
A representative from the organization that hosted the anti-abortion display weighs in on The Voyager’s editorial from last week. Opinions editor W. Paul Smith argues that abortion cannot be stopped, so it should be safe and legal.
Joslyn Rosado Staff Writer The semi-annual Career Closet program, most recently held on Feb. 16 in the University of West Florida Commons Conference Center, offers gently used, mallquality business attire to students at very low prices. All of the funding raised goes to the Rachel Heffner Memorial Endowment Scholarship, for University of West Florida nursing students. Laura Tissington, an associate professor in the School of Education, started the program three years ago. “The idea began because I had a daughter who was a student here, Rachel Heffner,” Tissington, said. “She wanted to be a nurse, and she was in the spring of her third year of college at UWF when she passed away of complications due to cystic fibrosis.” Tissington works alongside Career Services to put on Career Closet. “Whenever they’re going to do their workshop where they prepare students for job interviews, the students who attend that workshop get first dibs at the career clothes,” Tissington said.
The prices on the selection of clothes, which consisted of full suit sets, shirts, skirts, ties, and shoes, went from $1 to $20. “They’re so cheap,” said sophomore business and management major Nicole Singh, who bought three scarves for $3. “This is a good outlet for people who have a shopping problem, without leaving them broke. At the mall, I would have spent $30-$35.” Career Closet has raised more than $1800 since its inception, and although not many students went to this one, Tissington said the publicity was better. “Last year, we had it in the auditorium, which is a better location,” Patrick Ryan, career planning coordinator of Career Services said. This program is specifically for students who can’t necessarily afford full-priced suits which can run up to $100 compared with a suit at Career Closet for only $20. “It’s a win-win situation,” Tissington said. “It provides money for the scholarship but it also helps the students to be able to buy career clothes that are affordable for interviews.” Any clothes that are not sold and not mall quality or not fashionable for students are donated to the Waterfront Rescue Mission, Tissington said. Anyone can donate clothes at any time, and they can also purchase clothing throughout the year. All they have to do is contact Tissington. “Anytime someone has something that they want to donate, I’ll come get it,” Tissington said.
Group provides chance to handle history Gabriela Chaney Staff Writer The Florida Public Archaeology Network’s year-round Archaeology Lab Volunteer Program encourages citizens and visitors to help sort artifacts recovered from local archaeological sites. Its meetings for the spring schedule, which started on Jan. 14, will continue every Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and end April 29. “The volunteer program is perfect for students who need volunteer hours for scholarships, individuals and groups interested in a unique way to experience local history and archaeology, as well as all of those who have dreamed of getting their hands dirty participating in real archaeological work,” said
❱❱ Rundown The Archaeology Lab Volunteer Program, hosted by the Florida Public Archaeology Network, offers community members a chance to earn volunteer hours by sorting artifacts recovered from local archaeological sites every Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The program is hosted by the Florida Public Archaeology Network, and will run until April 29. Irina Sorset, outreach coordinator of the Florida Public Archaeology Network. Sorset said volunteers work with small screen, trays, brushes, magnets, and other lab tools to clean and sort artifacts. Once artifacts have been cleaned, they are put into piles of like materials (i.e. brick, glass, shell, ceramics, stone, etc.). No experience is needed, but all volunteers are given a brief orienta-
tion by a professional archaeologist on their first day. The lab can accommodate up to 15 people at one time. Volunteers are not required to commit to more than one day at a time. Archaeology at the University of West Florida began with the arrival of now-President Judy Bense, and the creation of the Archaeology Institute in 1980. In 2004, legislation was drafted to establish a
“Florida network of public archaeology centers to help stem the rapid deterioration of this state’s buried past and to expand public interest in archaeology.” FPAN’s mission is: “to promote and facilitate the stewardship, public appreciation, and value of Florida’s archaeological heritage through regional centers, partnerships, and community engagement,” according to its website. The network has many public events planned for the Panhandle in celebration Florida’s Archaeology Month in March. There will be lectures to highlight archaeology and history, Archaeology Days to identify artifacts in Panama City and Port St. Joe, festivals and other events
See FPAN, page 2
See full stories on page 3
‘Summer and Smoke’ heats up the stage The Center for Fine and Performing Arts is featuring Tennessee Williams’ “Summer and Smoke.” The production is student directed and will show at 8 p.m. Feb. 24 through Feb. 26, and at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 27. Tickets are $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and active military, and $10 for faculty and non-UWF students. See full story on page 4
News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Life & Entertainment. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-5 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
The Voyager
Voyager, students pick up awards at annual journalism conference From staff reports
Photo special to The Voyager
The Voyager team, with advisor Bruce Swain, gets ready for the on-site competition portion of the Southeastern Journalism Conference at Troy University. Students from the University of West Florida placed in five on-site competitions and four Best of South categories. San Diego Union-Tribune, and other news organizations. Individual UWF winners in that competition were Zach North, fourth place in the newseditorial artist/illustrator category; Kaycee Lagarde,
fifth place in photography; Kristen Dressel, fifth place in television journalism; and Georgia Adams, sixth place in page layout and design. Individual UWF winners in the on-site competition, which was
The Voyager placed fourth in the Best College Newspaper competition of the Southeast Journalism Conference, up from its ninth place finish in 2010. The contest result was announced at Troy University, site of the Feb. 17-19 yearly gathering of mass media students and professors, attended by representatives of 23 colleges and universities. UWF students also tied for second place in on-site competitions in print journalism, broadcast journalism and public relations skills. UWF won that contest in 2010. The 29 student newspapers competing in the Best of the South contest submitted two issues each to judges on the staffs of the The Miami Herald, the St. Petersburg Times, the Detroit Free Press, The
judged by mass media professors from attending universities, were W. Paul Smith, first place in current events; John McMullen, second place in sports reporting; Brittany Carr, John Strickland and Valerie Thornewell, second place in media ethics; Kaycee Lagarde, third place in copy editing; Sara Surber, Lauren Nash and Kristy Coleman, third place in public relations. Students from the University of Mississippi won the overall on-site competition. The Best College Newspaper award went to the Cardinal & Cream of Union University in Tennessee. In second place was The Reflector of Mississippi State University. Third place went to The Tech Talk of Louisiana Tech University.
Eagle: SEAS hopes for creation of ‘green’ spaces with visionary plan E n v i r o n m e n t a l Conservation and B e a u t i f i c a t i o n Committee to create a visionary plan for nat u ral or “green” spaces on campus. They said they hope to propose that this visionary plan be incorporated into the master Lee plan. “We want ECBC to design a visionary plan to fit our needs for the green spaces on campus and the natural
areas that are important to us,” said David Lee, SEAS president. Lee said that SEAS needs to work to define what exactly is considered a natural space. “We have been saying that people come to this university because of the natural areas,” Lee said. “The people on this committee seem to think that it might be because of our smaller natural area,
like the fact that we have trees in between our buildings, or maybe even the feel you get when you walk or drive on campus. They don’t think it is necessarily because of the larger natural areas.” SEAS is hoping to create a survey of the student body to find out if students appreciate and care about the large natural areas on campus. “If the students do not appreciate the large tracts of land,” Lee said, “then it is going to be hard to preserve them.”
FPAN: Local network planning to host variety of events for Archaeology Month to distribute information on archaeology and volunteer opportunities. All of the events are free and open to the public. The network’s 4th Annual Archaeology Month Celebration Event will be on Saturday, March 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at its coor-
dinating center in downtown Pensacola at 207 E. Main St. In addition to that event, the network will be hosting a 7 p.m. public lecture series every Tuesday in March at the J. Earle Bowden Building, 120 E. Church St. in Pensacola. The series will include
archaeology projects from Ghana, Madagascar, Cuba, Peru and Saipan. To volunteer or find out more information about upcoming events, contact Irina Sorset, or 850-595-0050 Ext. 103.
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Opinions Editor, W. Paul Smith
Opinions &
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
More guns on campus is not the answer We at The Voyager feel we should weigh in on the current debate over Florida Senate Bill 234, which would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on campus. We feel it is difficult to understand how adding more guns to campus will make anyone safer. In our opinion, the data on the issue of whether campuses that allow guns are safer than campuses that don’t allow guns is currently statistically insignificant. With that said, if someone were to begin shooting others on campus, we feel it would be unlikely that in such a tense situation someone carrying a concealed weapon would always be able to successfully return fire in an accurate manner without injuring other innocent bystanders. For example, during the recent assassination attempt on Rep. Gabriella Gifford in Tucson, Ariz., a bystander in the crowd was carrying
a gun and decided not to shoot in fear of missing and hitting the wrong person. Having a concealed weapon doesn’t automatically make you John McClane from the “Die Hard” films. Also, if the police arrive on the scene while someone is hoping to stop a gunman by drawing a gun of his own, that person could then easily become a target for the police. Chief of Police John Warren released a statement saying, “All the state university system’s police chiefs are against this bill. We believe campus would be more dangerous if we allowed guns on campus.” We at The Voyager understand those law-abiding gun owners who feel they have a constitutional right to carry a weapon and protect themselves. However, we feel more guns will only make campus more dangerous. — The Voyager Zach North/Staff artist
Letter to the editor
Anti-abortion group representative responds to The Voyager
lthough one UWF student thought “a set-up like this is too much” and the headline referred only to the “political message” of the demonstration, the ‘Genocide on display’ article was fairly well-balanced. In contrast, the opinion piece by The Voyager editorial staff repeatedly stated conclusions without supporting them. The Genocide Awareness Project is a descriptive, not a dress up, title for our display which accurately portrays that abortion is “flagrantly obscene and disrespectful” to unborn babies and their mothers. There is nothing decent about abortion to display. If pro-life and prochoice members of The Voyager staff can unite in dismay over the images, they should be even more united in horror at actual abortion procedures and those who perform them. There are similarities and differences between abortion and the Holocaust. That’s why we compare them, and others are free to agree or disagree based upon the merits of our comparison.
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform that assaults your eyes or the violent, is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational deadly acts of abortionists that assault organization. Although most pro-life the babies? Ultrasound reveals the activists are people of faith, and most baby’s “knee-jerk reaction.” What is tasteoften Christians, ful or tactful the exhibit is not is a matter of religious and we “What is tasteful or personal opinion, did not dissemitactful is a matter but in matters of nate “Christian life and death it is of personal opinion, pamphlets.” more important However, but in matters of to be effective concern over life and death it is than popular. the possibilWhether or ity of someone’s more important to be not you approve “negative view of effective than popular.” of GAP, it is Christianity” is not absurd to say that a valid reason to we “conveyed help cover up the nothing but disrespect toward UWF’s brutal slaughter of the unborn. students.” It is evident that those who wrote We conveyed genuine concern for this editorial did not do their homework their well-being. Claiming a “severe about GAP, falsely claiming that “there lack of the adminiswas nothing the least bit intellectual” tration” for allowing us to appear on and being unaware that for two days campus reveals a fundamental lack we were in fact “engaging students in of understanding of our right to freea thoughtful manner to encourage (not dom of speech exercised in the public inhibit) a logical discussion.” square, especially on a public university Which is worse, the violent imagery campus.
This is really troublesome since the First Amendment also includes freedom of the press and the right to peaceful assembly. Only unpopular speech needs legal protection and the staff of any newspaper should know this. “Such drastic tactics are necessary to get people’s attention” because we live in a society that permits the most defenseless among us to be killed in all 50 states throughout all 9 months of pregnancy for any reason or no reason at all. The Voyager purports to speak for all who attend UWF that their top priority is to “encourage our society to outgrow outdated modes of thinking such as this.” Apparently, it is now outdated to speak up for those who don’t have a voice and protect those who can’t protect themselves. Please visit and read testimonials from some who saw abortion images and changed their mode of thinking.
— Michael A. Schrimsher Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Florida-Regional Director
Abortion will always exist, so it should be safe and legal W. Paul Smith Opinions Editor
ast week the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s so-called “Genocide Awareness Project” brought its garish anti-abortion display to the University of West Florida’s Cannon Green and sparked a campuswide debate about abortion. Many found the graphic pictures of aborted fetuses to be offensive and tasteless, while many thought the pictures brought to life the ugly reality of abortion. However, regardless of anyone’s feelings on this issue, abortion is an unpleasant reality that will never go away. It doesn’t matter whether Roe v. Wade is overturned or how many laws are passed, millions and millions of women across the globe will seek to have abortions every year for a myriad of different reasons. Yes, women will have abortions whether they are legal or not. And outlawing abortion would greatly increase the number of at-home or so-called “back-alley” abortions often performed in unsafe conditions using questionable methods. You can never get rid of abortion no matter how hard you try. Because of this reality, regardless of how disagreeable it may be to some, abortion must remain safe and legal. Anyone who thinks you can legislate away abortion either hasn’t done their homework or is spreading disinformation. Abortion was illegal in the United States from approximately the 1880s until the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade in 1973. During that period, countless illegal abortions were performed every year. While it is difficult to find accurate statistics on the exact number of illegal abortions annually performed before 1973, studies place the number at least at 200,000 and as high as one million, and studies also suggest that thousands of women were harmed or killed every
year due to unsafe methods from illegal often than not, the majority identify abortions. themselves as pro-choice. The World Health Organization However, when the same people are conducted a study in 2007 that found asked whether abortion should be legal, across the globe nearly 48 percent of all a solid majority are in favor of it. abortions are performed every year in According to a 2003 CBS News poll, countries where it is illegal often using 77 percent of respondents said abortion unsafe methods that result in maternal should either be generally available or mortality or injury. available but with stricter limits, while The same WHO study found that only 22 percent said abortion should abortion rates in countries where it not be permitted. The same CBS News poll found is legal and those where it is not are that only 21 percent of Democrats and roughly the same, suggesting that 28 percent of Republicans want to outlawing abortion does little to deter completely outlaw abortion. women from having it. Also, according to a 2003 Gallop According to a 2005 study by the poll, the overwhelming majority (85 Guttmacher Institute, every year in the percent) of respondents favor abortion United States, two percent of women being legal when aged 15 to 44 have the woman’s life an abortion. is in danger. The same study “Women deserve to The same also found that Gallop poll found nearly half of all have their reproductive that 77 percent pregnancies among rights, their right to favor abortion American women being legal when privacy, and the access were unplanned or the pregnancy is unintended, and to safe and legal the result of rape of those, four in 10 abortions.” or incest. ended in abortion. Granted, it is This means approxtrue that only a imately 22 percent small percentof all pregnancies end in abortion. age of abortions are performed every While that figure is perhaps a frightyear because of life-threatening mediening statistic to those who oppose cal complications or because of rape or abortion, it also suggests the number incest. of women who felt they needed to According to another study by the terminate their pregnancy is not some Guttmacher Institute, every year, 6.1 fringe anomaly, but an incredibly large percent of women have abortions portion of the female population. because of risk to maternal or fetal There are many reasons a woman health, and approximately 13,000 may feel the need to terminate a pregwomen (about 1 percent) have abortions nancy, including not having the finanfollowing rape or incest. cial resources necessary to raise a child, However, considering the preponbeing in a hostile relationship unfit for derance of people in this country favor child rearing, being too young, being legal access to abortion when a woman pregnant as a result of rape or incest, has been raped, the question becomes: or fearing the risk to maternal or fetal How do you make a woman prove she health because of medical complications has been raped? to name a few. The answer is: You don’t. Not only Numerous polls conducted over the is it virtually impossible for a woman years show people identifying themto always be able to prove beyond a selves as either “pro-choice” or “proshadow of a doubt that she was raped, life” is relatively split — though more
but it is completely ridiculous to try to make her prove such a thing. Ultimately, it’s nobody’s business how a woman gets pregnant. That’s between her and her doctor and no one else. This issue falls under the right to privacy enshrined in our Constitution. Some form of abortion is legal in virtually all industrialized nations and democracies in the world. And the overwhelming majority of people in this country favor some form of legal abortion. Obviously everyone feels the ultimate goal should be to reduce the number of overall abortions performed every year. We should advocate the teaching of more comprehensive sex education, and make sure the access to contraceptives, birth control, and the morning-after pill are widely available. No one likes abortion. And no one needs to see graphic pictures to understand the reality of abortion. Abortion is a reality. It isn’t pleasant, but it isn’t simple either. This is a very complicated issue, and guilt-tripping people by bombarding them with explicit imagery (as if people aren’t already aware that abortion isn’t pretty) is just juvenile and oversimplistic. Women will always seek for ways to terminate their pregnancies if they feel the need to. Pointing a judging finger in their direction does absolutely nothing to address the very real troubles these women face when making the agonizing decision of whether or not to have an abortion. We should cultivate compassion for women in these situations, not scorn them with crude, dogmatic castigation. It may be difficult to accept, but abortion will never, ever go away. Women deserve to have their reproductive rights, their right to privacy, and the access to safe and legal abortions. And those of us willing to accept this reality should do everything we can to make sure women will always have these rights available to them.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
Life &
L&E Editor, Josh de Leon
New play is ‘smoking’ Chelsea Heiser Staff Writer
Students looking for a fun, cheap and changeof-pace alternative to a movie date can find one at the Center for Fine and Performing Arts. The CFPA is putting on a production of “Summer and Smoke,” by Tennessee Williams, in the studio theatre. This production is entirely studentdirected. Director Sheila Mettetal wanted to bring a show to The University of West Florida’s Theatre department that would challenge the theatre students. “Summer and Smoke” is a coming-of-age story. The play deals with issues that most students can relate to. The male lead, John Buchanan Jr., played by Nathan Simmons, deals with what career path he wants to choose. He went to college to be a doctor, but he doesn’t feel satisfied with his career choice. The female lead, Alma Winemiller, played by Laura Rondinelli, bears the burden of a senile mother and a restrictive father and deals with an anxiety disorder. This play was a perfect
Photo courtesy of UWF Theatre Department
Student actors play out a scene during a dress rehearsal from the theatre department’s latest production, “Summer and Smoke.” Photo courtesy of UWF Theatre Department
Nathan Simmons and Laura Rondinelli are starring in the lead roles of John Buchanan Jr. and Alma Winemiller. fit for many college students. T h e c l o t h ing w a s appropriately designed to match the the time period in which the play was set. The set design was interesting. The floor was painted green, with large gray stepping stones
painted on it. The lighting had great transitions between scenes. Freshman Phillip Byron, a computer softwhere major, said, “the acting was phenomenal.” This makes this play unique because it is simply life being performed onstage.
Summer and Smoke” is about growing up, changing and realizing what one wants out of life. The studio theatre gives the audience the illusion that they are right up in the action of the play. The theatre is small, so tickets sell out quickly. The first three nights of the show were sold out. “Summer and Smoke” will be performed Feb. 17-27. every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The play is free for students
❱❱ Rundown The Center for Fine and Performing Arts is presenting its production of the Tennessee Williams classic, “Summer and Smoke.” Continuing through the weekend, shows will be playing at 8 p.m. this Thursday - Saturday and 2:30 p.m. on Sunday.
and costs $10 for UWF faculty members, $16 for adults and $12 for active military. For good seats, play attendees should arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of
time to enjoy a good view of the theatre’s production. Students and faculty can pick up tickets before the show at the service desk in the Commons.
New album an eclectic mix W. Paul Smith Staff Writer The hilariously and ironically titled “Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will,” is the new album by the Scottish post-rock quintet Mogwai. The title is amusing because this time around, on the band’s seventh studio album, Mogwai has crafted a record quieter and more mature than most of the band’s previous efforts. Mogwai has always been a wildly creative group, often creating purely instrumental sonic landscapes with heavy guitar-based melodies, merging art-rock, shoegaze, and math-rock into an eclectic hodgepodge of auditory goodness (think Sigur Rós meets My Bloody Valentine with a touch of the Pixies). The Glasgow-based band has been around since 1995, but the years have been kind
to Mogwai, and “Hardcore…” shows the group aging like a fine wine. It’s a mostly instrumental album, but there are moments of heavily synthesized vocals, vocoded to the point beyond recognition as they basically just become another instrument in the album’s repertoire. The album features the usual witty, jokey song titles that Mogwai loves, such as “You're Lionel Richie” and “George Square Thatcher Death Party.” But this is one of the most poppy and accessible LPs the band has made since 2006′s “Mr. Beast.” The real strength of the album is in the auditory punch the band delivers when all the musical elements meld together just right. Standout tracks are the opener “White Noise” and “How to Be a Werewolf,” where the music surges forward,
building layer upon layer of aural space-rock wonder until crashing loudly into a satisfying crescendo. However, after repeated listens, the songs all kind of start to blend together and sound the same. This is something that Mogwai has been guilty of in the past and is danger of being a purely instrumental band. Also, with all the band’s creativity, Mogwai does tend to stick to a rather obvious and standard song structure — when a song begins, you usually have a good idea where it’s going. Mogwai creates what is essential mood music, and you definitely have to be in the mood to listen. But having said that, the band does create some particularly great mood music, and “Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will” is no exception.
‘TAGGED’ features student talent Josh Cooper Staff Writer A large crowd attended the opening night and award show for the TAGGED Art Exhibition at the University of West Florida Thursday, Feb. 17. Students and locals gathered to examine the art on display at The Art Gallery in the Center for Fine and Performing Arts. The show was very successful, with artists, faculty, students and local residents chatting and admiring the art in the gallery. Amy Bowman, the gallery director, welcomed everyone into the gallery for the awards presentation and introduced Alexis Leader, the guest juror and art history alumnus of UWF. Some of the students who were there also seemed astonished by the
Photo by Josh Cooper
Art lovers gather at the CFPA for ‘TAGGED’ congregate during the exhibition. art. Rasheem Redeemer, a sophmore exercise science student, said that he liked a pen and watercolor painting called “The Great Treasure.” Katie Toole, a junior in elementary education, and Candice Rhodes, a junior in pre-professional biology, said they liked Devin Hall’s “Family Values,” photo-
graphs of headless mannequins in human social situations. “I thought it was a very neat concept,” Rhodes said. Bowman explained that it was a “very competitive, very strong show” and announced the winners for the exhibition. Leader congratulated and shook the hands of the
Photo by Josh Cooper
Art director John Markowitz speaks at the exhibition. winners as they walked up to receive their award. “It’s an honor to be a juror of this show,” she said. “I always remain impressed by UWF students.” Ten awards were presented to artists perceived to have the most promise, four awards were given to the honor-
able mentions, and two were given as selection awards, one for the dean’s award and one award each for first, second and third place. Daniel McSwain won first place with one of his digital art pieces. McSwain received a great deal of applause for his work and
was congratulated by fellow students and faculty members. John Markowitz, the art department’s program director, said that he was impressed by the exhibition. Markowitz spoke highly of Bowman and all the work she has done spreading the word about exhibitions. “Amy Bowman is doing a great job,” he said. “She has lined up some wonderful shows.” Bernett Williamson, a Pensacola resident who attended the exhibition, said the artists “show a lot of promise.” Crackers, cheese, fruit and vegetables were served, along with red and white wine, sodas and domestic beers, to the visitors who came to see the art. The exhibition will continue through March 4.
The Voyager
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
Local oddity a must-visit Terry Strickland Staff Writer The T&W Flea Market in West Pensacola is a spectacle. You can buy almost anything there: potted plants, weapons, antiques or socks. I even once found an antique urn that the owner claimed contained the ashes of a voodoo priest. There is nowhere in Pensacola where one can find as rich and varied a mass of humanity, either. There are Hispanic men with dark mustaches standing silently in groups, old men standing lonesomely in hats, young mothers pushing strollers full of grubby-mouthed children, and young men with braided hair and baggy pants sharing cigarettes. It was at this market one weekend that I first ate at Joe’s. I was wandering through the crowds when I saw a picture of chicken curry pinned to a cork board. Being ravenous and adoring curry in a way that borders on the religious, I had to stop. I was not disappointed by what I found. Joe and Helen Pagan operate their restaurant out of a small, yellow trailer. It is a modest establishment with a small menu. The food is good and affordable, the service is friendly, and the setting is one-of-a-kind. Joe Pagan is a large man with kind eyes and a friendly smile. He grew up in Hawaii, on the island of Maui, as the oldest son of a plantation worker and he served in the Army for most of his life. Helen Pagan is a talkative woman with furrowed brows and slightly hunched shoulders. Helen Pagan is from the Philippines, so naturally, the menu is influenced heavily by Filipino cuisine. In addition to chicken curry, they serve chili, beef adobo, sinigang, guisado and lumpia. Sinigang is a kind of Filipino soup made sour by the addition of tamarind. Joe Pagan said it is also a good cure for a bad hangover. Guisado is a Filipino beef stew, and lumpia are
Photo by Terry Strickland
The menu out front of Joe’s at the T&W Flea Market hardly goes unnoticed by patrons of the flea market located at 1717 N. T Street in Pensacola.
Photo by Terry Strickland
Joe Pagan, owner of the eatery of the same name, serves a customer at the T&W Flea Market. Filipino eggrolls. Most dishes are served over rice in a plastic foam bowl, and prices range from $3 to $5. “A good product at a fair price with friendly service – that has always been my philosophy,” Joe Pagan said. Everything is fresh and handmade. Helen Pagan even rolls the lumpia herself. This kind of care extends to customer service also. The Pagans know
their patrons by name and ask how their families are doing. They do not hesitate to offer food for free to those who need it, and at the end of each day, they give their unsold food to the homeless. The T&W Flea Market, located at 1717 N. T Street, is a uniquely Pensacola institution everyone should visit sometime. When you go, eat at Joe’s .
g n i ? n k o o i t o n L r atte fo
I TheVoy
Community &
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
The Voyager Editor-in-Chief
Feb. 23
Feb. 25
Mike Greear
The UWF Spring Career Fair will be from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the University Commons Conference Center... This is your opportunity to network with visiting employers that will be recruiting for fulltime, internship, and Co-Op positions. Come professionally dressed with copies of your resumes to share with these prospective employer representatives. Remember, your first impression is a lasting impression.
All registered faith-based student organizations are invited to participate in Faith In Action, an inter-faith service project. Faith In Action will take place from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The service project will be reading to pre-kindergarten students and assisting with classroom activities. Following the service project a fellowship lunch will take place at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry.
News Editor Brittany Carr
Sports Editor Jack McMullen
L&E Editor Josh de Leon
Opinions Editor W. Paul Smith
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For more information, contact Kate Hollimon at 850-474-3115 or e-mail at
For more information, contact Career Services Feb. 26 at 850-474-2254 or e-mail at Do you know what to do if your boat capsizes? How to start a fire with Feb. 23 minimal supplies? Join Outdoor Adventures for a Voyages brings three-part Survival Series you guest speaker and learn skills that can Donovan Nichols dursave your life in a wildering Leadership Week. Donovan will present his ness emergency. Open to "Pay it Forward" speech students, staff and faculty. and perform some For more information, original music. Come e-mail Recreation at outbe inspired and have fun. There will be prizes at the end of his performance. This event is Feb. 26 open to all students, faculty and staff. He will be The final Open House will speaking at 8:30 p.m. in be held today. The halfthe University Commons day programs will begin Auditorium. in the UWF Field House, Building 54. University For more information, representatives and curcontact Jenny Hamilton at rent students will be on 850-474-2404 or e-mail hand to provide informaat tion to future students and parents. During Open House, participants Feb. 24 will be able to gather information on admisNancy Miller's retirement sions and financial aid, reception will be held learn about campus profrom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. grams, etc., including a in Building 89, the guided campus tour. Archaeology Institute For more information, e-mail Karen Mims at
For more information, contact Admissions at 850-474-2230 or e-mail at
A new club, Everyone's Issue, will be putting on the Vagina Monologues in April and they are looking for females to join the cast. There is open casting until March 1. Please contact Nyrie Mann at nsm3@ if you would like to be a part of the performance.
HOUSING Off campus housing easy walk to campus. Available March 1, $350/mo.,includes utilities, furnished, excellent study environment. Contact 850-474-2255, 850-484-9829 or e-mail
Communities Editor, Bobby Bone
If you have a job listing, e-mail The Voyager at For more information on employment on campus visit
GSA will be holding the ALLY event on March 3, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The purpose of the Ally Program is to train individuals on how to handle if someone comes out to Models needed for figure them, and to be a safe drawing classes. Monday resource for members of the LGBT community. & Wednesday midday classes. Call 850-4742045, the UWF Art Office.
PETS PERSONALS The Voyager is now accepting personal ads of 20 words or fewer to with a subject line of “classified.”
CMAA/HRRM is a professional student organization focused on the Hospitality industry. To learn more about different career, networking, and professional development opportunities. Please e-mail Ashley Burton at avb3@student.uwf.
A comic by Zach North
A comic by Jorge Cham
A comic by John Croes
Feb. 24 The Blackwater Pyrates will host Della Scott Ireton of the University of West Florida (UWF) Archeology Network who will speak at the Bagdad Community Center at 7 p.m. Scott has a Ph.D. (MA) specializing in maritime archeology, public interpretation of maritime cultural resources and the training of students in archaeological methods and practices. The Bagdad Community Center is located at 6860 Pooley St. in Historic Bagdad Village. The format will be approximately one hour with slide presentation and a question/answer period afterwards. Come enjoy a night of discovery about the river we all share. For more information, contact Ken Ponsell at 529-3565 or e-mail at Feb. 24 After only one year on the comedy scene, the kid voted "Wittiest" in high school was crowned "Rookie of the Year" in 2001 by the famed Uptown Comedy Corner in Atlanta, Ga. As one of the countries hottest up and coming comedians, Jordan is quickly making a name for himself as a comic's comic.
Feb. 28 Greg Ray, associate professor of Philosophy at the University of Florida, will visit the UWF campus to give a talk on "Truth, Lies and Representation" at 4 p.m. in Building 4, Room 102. For more information, e-mail Brian Hood at Feb. 28 Shaughnessy Johnson, Atlanta-based sculptor, will exhibit his most current body of work, "e-mer-gen-ti-a : the process of coming into being;" unforeseen occurrence; from the Latin emergere 'bring to light.' An opening reception will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Gallery 88, UWF Bldg 88. For more information, e-mail Lynne Marshall at Feb. 28 The UWF Music Department presents guitarist, Michael Chapdelaine. Adults $16; senior citizens and active military $12; non-UWF students and UWF faculty and staff $10; High School Students and younger $5; free to UWF students with a valid Nautilus card.
For more information, contact UWF Ticket Office For more information, e-mail at 850-474-2405 or CFPA at e-mail at
Sports Editor, Jack McMullen
Fitness &
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
Men’s tennis defeats Rollins College Weekly Scores UWF Sports Information The No. 8-ranked University of West Florida men’s tennis team defeated No. 6 Rollins, 6-3, Feb. 19 in a neutral site match in Valdosta, Ga. UWF took a 2-1 advantage into singles by winning at the No. 1 and No. 2 doubles lines. UWF ‘s Leandro Ferreira and Andrey Pozhidaev teamed at No. 1 to defeat Rollins’ Jeff Morris and Neil Clausen, who are currently the No. 4 doubles duo in the nation, 8-5. UWF’s Domenico Sano and Jose Carlos Tolentino defeated Rollins’ Arturo Baravalle and Sebastian Hafner,
8-4, at No. 2. No. 24-ranked Chris Hebert and Nick Rowlands defeated Argo’s Mike Lue and Lukas Larsson, 8-2, at the No. 3 position. In singles, Lue advanced UWF’s lead to 3-1 with a 6-1, 6-0 victory over Hebert at No. 5. Ferreira, who is currently ranked No. 15 in the nation, defeated No. 33 Clausen, 6-0, Ferreira 6-0, at No. 2 to put the Argos up 4-1. UWF clinched the victory when Sano defeated David Yawalkar, 6-3, 7-5, at No. 6. Tolentino defeated Hafner, 6-3, 6-3, at No. 4. Rollins picked up victories
at the No. 1 and No. 3 lines. No. 5 Morris defeated Pozhidaev, 6-4, 6-3, at No. 1. No. 46 Baravalle defeated Sean Gunnels in straight sets, 7-6, 6-2, at No. 3. On Feb. 25th, UWF will travel back to Valdosta, Ga. to face Armstrong Atlantic at 1 p.m. The Armstrong Atlantic women are currently the No. 1 team in the country. On the 26th at 10 a.m., the Argos will face Barry. The Barry women are currently listed at No. 4. The Argos will end the road trip on the 27th at 10 a.m., when the Argos will face Valdosta State in their first GSC match of the season.
Men’s tennis Feb. 18 @ Lynn 7-2 loss Feb. 19 @ Rollins 6-3 win Overall Record 4-2
Women’s tennis Feb. 18 @ Lynn 0-9 loss Feb. 19 @ Rollins 5-4win Overall Record 3-2
File photo
Senior Daniel Vargas-Vila, shown in 2010 play, was nearly perfect on Feb. 20 when he pitched seven innings allowing only one hit.
Vargas-Vila tosses one-hitter UWF Sports Information
Photo special to The Voyager
Josh Huggins, shown in a 2011 game, is batting .410 on the season with 16 hits.
Senior right-hander Daniel Vargas-Vila pitched a one-hit, complete game shutout to lead the No. 11 University of West Florida men’s baseball team to a 3-0 win over No. 20 Delta State University on Feb. 20, completing a three-game sweep over DSU this weekend. Vargas-Vila allowed a two-out double in the fourth inning and walked just three batters in his first career shutout. Vargas-Vila (2-1) gave up a leadoff walk to start the game, but he allowed just three more batters to reach base the rest of the way. DSU’s Michael Niemann walked with one out in the sixth, but Vargas-Vila retired the next 11 batters to clinch the win. The right-hander finished the game with eight strikeouts, one shy of his career high. Brandon Hardin (0-1) pitched seven solid innings for Delta State (3-3), striking out seven while allowing two runs on seven hits and four walks. Andrew Lytle came in to relieve Hardin in the eighth and gave up one run on one hit. The Argos (10-1) got on the board early, as junior left fielder Taye Larry beat out a high chopper at the plate to start UWF’s rally. Larry advanced to second base on a passed ball,
❱❱ Rundown UWF men’s baseball team defeated Delta State 3-0 behind the efforts of Vargas-Vila’s one hitter. Senior Daniel Vargas-Vila pitched a gem of a game-throwing a complete game shutout. During this game, UWF had an offensive explosion with third baseman Josh Huggins when he went 2-2, with two runs scored and two walks. Overall, the Argos are 10-1 in the season and will look to keep the winning streak alive on Feb. 26 against Florida Southern. and he then scored on a sharp, ground ball single by junior second baseman Leo Lamarche. UWF scored again in the fourth on an RBI single by junior first baseman Kenny Stalls. Stalls added another RBI in the eighth on a sacrifice fly. Junior third baseman Josh Huggins continued his hot streak and went 2-2, with two runs scored and two walks. Senior right fielder Greg Pron hit 1-2 with a walk and extended his hitting streak to 12 games. UWF will take its hot streak into next weekend for a battle with No. 2 Florida Southern. The series will open with a doubleheader on Saturday, Feb. 26 at 4 p.m., and the finale is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 27 at 1 p.m.
Argos buzzer beater falls short n UWF was defeated by UWA in a thriller after final shot results in two points, not three Shawn Handrahan Staff Writer The University of West Florida men’s basketball team played the University of West Alabama in a packed gym and a nail-biter of a game last Wednesday. The game was intense from the opening minutes to the closing, agonizing moments. What looked like the game-tying three-pointer drained by UWF junior guard Michael Lewis was called a two-point shot because his foot was on the line, leaving the Argos with an emotional loss 66 – 67.
“It was a tough loss,” Lewis said. “Probably one of the toughest losses we took all year considering we were right there.” The loss was not without a fight. Marquis Mathis, junior forward, ended with 21 points and 8 rebounds. Junior guard Jamar Moore dominated the defensive boards, ending with 13 rebounds and 10 points. But it was errors that would ultimately cost the Argos the game. Seven turn-overs by Moore, totaling 17 for the team, allowed UWA to get back into transition quickly and make quick baskets.
At the end of the half, UWA led 32 – 24. In the second half, UWF came out much stronger than the first and scored 42 points, versus 24 in the previous half. UWF fought hard all game and eventually brought the game to a tie score 48–48, forcing the Tigers to call a time out. The crowd finally began to rallying and began shouting “DEFENSE, DEFENSE!” Coming off of the time-out, UWA’s Lewis junior guard, Alquan Mendenhall, began to put on a demonstration of his shooting clinic skills. First play out of the time-out, he drained a three-pointer, then, with a miss by UWF, Mendenhall once again got the ball in
transition and drained another three, quickly bringing UWA ahead 57–50. But Lewis wasn’t ready to give up yet. He retaliated with a three-pointer of his own to get the crowd jumping again, only to be quieted once more by another Mendenhall threepointer. “I feel as though we were the better team, and we allowed them to outwork us,” Lewis said. “West Alabama put on a shooting clinic, but in all honesty, if we play together the whole 40 minutes, minus the individuality, nobody can beat us. We need balanced scoring.” With 9.8 seconds left on the clock, and the score
❱❱ Rundown UWF men’s basketball team lost to West Alabama, 67-66. The game was close throughout must of the game with UWA holding a two point lead at half. The Argos fought hard during the second half, but UWA kept them from gaining the lead. In the closing seconds of the game, UWA held a three point lead, 67-64. The Argos had possession of the ball and with the final seconds approaching, Mike Lewis found himself with the ball. He made a shot with only 0.3 seconds remaining on the clock. However, the shot was ruled a two-pointer and the Argos found themselves on the wrong side of the thriller. UWA 67–64, UWF needed a three to tie. Putting their trust in Mike Lewis, his teammates dropped the ball off to him in the left corner of the court. He banked in the devastating long two-pointer with only 0.3 seconds remaining on the
clock, bringing them one point shy of overtime. Team chemistry and togetherness are the key components to winning games, and that is what the Argos need to improve on in order to win their upcoming games, Lewis said.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
The Voyager
UWF natural fit for Pron Chris Elkins Staff Writer
Senior right fielder Greg Pron is off to a fantastic start to the 2011 season. He leads the Argonaut baseball team with a .528 batting average, eight doubles, and is tied for the lead in runs batted in with 12. The 2010 second team All-GSC selection said he feels good about starting the season strong, because it helps his confidence. Pron, a quiet leader on the team, lets his actions speak louder than words. “He’s a great, low-key guy,” Head Coach Mike Jeffcoat said. “He doesn’t want to draw a lot of attention. He says things when he needs to.” Junior pitcher Philip Ebert said Pron has been a captain for more or less the last 3 years. Even though he is 6-foot6-inch, his above-average height for a baseball player hasn’t been a detriment to his ability to play the game. “He definitely covers a lot of ground in right field,” Jeffcoat said. “He has an above-average arm and speed.” Jeffcoat said that usually people as tall as Pron want a lot of attention or shy away from it. However, Pron has found a happy medium. “Whenever our friends are trying to find us in a crowd, they always see him first,” Ebert said. Pron was introduced to baseball at a young age. His father played for a junior college in Pennsylvania. “I’ve always loved playing it,” Pron said. Family plays an important role in his life, he said. His mother and father
Women’s basketball triumphs UWF Sports Information University of West Florida defeated Lambuth University, 78-74 on Feb. 19. Octavia Bearden scored 15 points and grabbed 11 rebounds, spearheading UWF’s second straight Gulf South Conference win. Emily Erland came off the bench to post her finest game of the season, with 13 points, while Desiree Dotey and Sher’Ryan Scott added 11 points each. The Argonauts scored the first four points of the game on buckets by Bearden and Scott, but Lambuth ripped off a 7-0 run to take their largest lead of the game at 7-4 with 17:20 remaining in the first half. The Argonauts responded with a 12-0 spurt, capped by another deuce from Bearden, to take a 16-7 advantage with 12:35 left in the 1st half. They never trailed again. Krissy Diggs scored the opening basket of the 2nd half to give UWF their first double-digit lead, and the followed with a jumper at then 17:50 mark to make the score 41-29. The lead was the biggest of the night for UWF, as frequent whistles and an astounding number of free throws kept the Eagles in the game. A fastbreak basket by Ashley Franklin whittled UWF’s lead to just 53-48 with 9:16 on the clock, but the visitors would get no closer. UWF scored the next five points of the game to restore a ten-point lead and iced the game with five free throws in the game’s final two minutes.
❱❱ Rundown UWF women’s basketball defeated Lambuth University, 78-74. Octavia Bearden recorded 15 points and 11 rebounds. Overall, the Argo’s record is 10-14 (3-7 GSC).
attend almost every game. If one of them can’t attend, then the other one tries to. “They’re a big part of why I came here,” Pron said. His parents live about an hour away in Daphne, Ala., where his family moved from Pennsylvania when he was eight. After a successful career at Daphne High School, Pron’s friend, former UWF player and assistant coach Owen Davis, influenced him to try out for the Argos. Since then, Pron has started all but two games for UWF and has hit over .322 in his first three seasons. He’s a guy who comes
to work every day, Jeffcoat said. “He’s a great representation of a student-athlete,” Jeffcoat said. Pron said he plans on graduating with a degree in computer science in the fall, because UWF doesn’t offer three of the courses he needs to graduate in the spring. Away from baseball, Pron enjoys listening to Lil Wayne and playing Call of Duty: Black Ops for Xbox 360. “He’s funny,” Ebert said. “Everyone enjoys being around him.” Ebert said that one time Pron had to dress up as
Aladdin, because his girlfriend was dressing up as Jasmine for a sorority event. The next day the players put up a bunch of pictures of Aladdin and Jasmine in the locker room. After college, Pron hopes to keep playing baseball. However, if that doesn’t work out then he hopes to find a job programming. For now though, he wants to help his team win. “I can help the team by doing whatever Coach Jeffcoat asks,” Pron said. “Whether that’s bunting or doing the little things when the time comes.”
Photo by Jim Hogue
Greg Pron is leading the team with .528 batting average, eight doubles, and 12 RBI’s.