West 062016

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3 | GOING COED JUNE 20, 2016 | VOL. 52, No. 25







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Bakery and pastry arts professor Peter Greweling oversees work by student Mary True during a chocolate-making class at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. File photograph by Bob Rozycki.

federal jury in White Plains has ruled that an insurance company was justified to rescind a professional liability policy for accountants several months after it learned that an Armonk CPA firm had bilked investors for $2.1 million. As a result of the jury’s verdict and previous judicial rulings, the victims of Marshall Granger & Co.’s Ponzi scheme cannot recover any of their losses from Continental Casualty Co. Continental sued Marshall Granger and its general partners, Laurence M. Brown of Katonah, and Ronald J. Mangini of Mount Kisco, in 2011. The insurer claimed the accountants had failed to disclose ongoing fraudulent activities in their application for a $4 million professional liability policy. U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel ruled two years ago that Continental was entitled to

rescind the policy, due to misrepresentations, but allowed the case to go to trial on an issue raised by Joseph Boughton Jr., a long-time friend and client of Brown from Alpharetta, Georgia. Boughton was not a victim of the Ponzi scheme but he could be the biggest loser in the insurance case because his Northstar Investment Group loaned nearly $1.2 million to the accounting firm. Boughton could not be reached for comment. What’s more, Brown and Mangini stole the corporate identity of one of Boughton’s companies to use in the fraud scheme. It was Boughton who reported the scheme to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and that information was central to Continental’s claim that it should be allowed to rescind Marshall Granger’s liability policy. From the time Continental first learned » PONZI, page 6

Developer trims size of Alzheimer’s facility plan OPPONENTS SAY CHARACTER OF HASTINGS AT STAKE

BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfairinc.com


rtis Senior Living, a McLean, Va.-based owner and operator of centers that cater specifically to people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, is proposing a two-story, 72-bed memory care facility in Hastingson-Hudson after trimming the building’s size from earlier plans

due to residents’ concerns. The property was bought in February for $2.7 million, according to land records. The development would convert what is now The Riverview restaurant’s parking lot on the east side of 1 Warburton Ave. into the assisted living facility. In Artis’ presentation to the Hastings Board of Trustees on June 7, the company

said the west side of the property and the Riverview facility would be donated to the village for public use. The proposed 38,000-squarefoot structure would be 40 feet high at its roof peak, sit on roughly 2½ acres along the Yonkers border and provide 38 parking spaces. Artis said it would agree to no further development or expansion of the

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site following its completion. The building would be constructed in a one-family residential zone. Artis has made a request to the village for zoning amendments to add assisted living facilities as a new use to its code, something Hastings Mayor Peter Swiderski said is “not radically at odds with the sort of special use designated under the current law.”

According to Artis, 5.4 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s, a number expected to triple by 2050. One in 9 people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s, the sixthleading cause of death in the country. New York is home to 390,000 people living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Artis brought the proposal to » ARTIS, page 6

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In Connecticut, outrage and calls for action after latest gun massacre

fire,” Koskoff continued. “This is a charade — the industry knows that the weapon is kzimmerman@westfairinc.com most lethal in semi-automatic, ‘one shot-one kill’ mode — yet these companies continue onnecticut lawmakers and gun-conto sell it to civilians, abandoning reason in trol activists have renewed calls for exchange for profit. They continue to extol legislation designed to reduce easy the combat virtues of the AR-15 through access to assault weapons, while pro-gun careful marketing practices that target lobbyists have remained mostly silent in young, violence-prone men. As the lawsuit the wake of the Orlando nightclub shootbrought by several families destroyed by ings in which 50 people died on June 12. the Sandy Hook massacre seeks to do, it The killings were committed by Omar is time for gun manufacturers to be held Mateen, a 29-year-old Florida resident who responsible for these choices.” swore allegiance to the jihadist militant In a separate statement, Sandy Hook group ISIS, though he apparently was not a Promise, a charity formed in the wake of member of the terrorist group. the 2012 slayings, said: “Our hearts break U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy said shootings for the devastated families and friends of such as the the one in Orlando — in which those killed or wounded at Pulse Nightclub an additional 53 people were injured — in Orlando, Fla. We, and too many other were part of an “epidemic” that “will confamilies across the country, understand tinue without end if Congress continues to their pain and sorrow now and in the days sit on its hands and do nothing, again.” and years to come. “This phenomenon Our thoughts remain of near-constant mass with them, the loved shootings happens only ones killed, those in America — nowhere injured, and the else,” the Connecticut traumaDemocrat continued. THIS PHENOMENON OF NEAR-CONSTANT countless tized.” “Congress has become MASS SHOOTINGS HAPPENS ONLY IN AMERICA “We must stand complicit in these mur— NOWHERE ELSE. CONGRESS HAS BECOME together and work ders by its total, unconscionable deafening COMPLICIT IN THESE MURDERS BY ITS TOTAL, for an end to gun violence in America. silence.” UNCONSCIONABLE DEAFENING SILENCE. We must work tireAt a June 13 press lessly until we are conference alongside U.S. able to live in a world Sen. Richard Blumenthal that is safer for all. (D) and Rep. Elizabeth —U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy … Our hearts are in Esty (D-5th district), Orlando right now, Murphy said: “Would-be but our collective terrorists are not sitting actions are needed in their basements makfrom every community across America.” ing bombs, they are walking into gun stores AR-type rifle similar to the XM15. The National Rifle Association and the and purchasing assault weapons legally. In a statement, Koskoff said the Orlando National Shooting Sports Foundation — the Why on earth would we facilitate the work incident was “more horrific evidence of the latter’s headquarters are in Newtown — did of ISIS to find lone-wolf attackers in the unique lethality of the AR-15. It is no wonnot respond to calls for comment. United States by continuing to arm them der that this weapon was chosen by today’s Spikes in gun sales have reportedly with military-style weapons?” shooter, as it has been by so many before taken place after other mass shootings in Blumenthal echoed Murphy’s remarks, him and as it undoubtedly will be again. It the U.S. decrying the “unspeakable epidemic of gun was designed for the United States military In 2014, the Pew Research Center violence. The Senate’s inaction on commonto do to enemies of war exactly what it did reported that about one-third of American sense gun violence prevention makes it (Sunday) morning: kill mass numbers of families with children under 18 living at complicit in this public health crisis. The people with maximum efficiency and ease. home have a gun in their household. Of American public is beseeching us to act That is why the AR-15 has remained the those families, 34 percent have children on common-sense, sensible gun violence weapon of choice for the United States miliyounger than 12. prevention measures, and [we] must heed tary for over 50 years. It is the gold standard An FBI report in 2014 found that from that call.” for killing the enemy in battle, just as it has 2000 to 2007, there was an average of 6.4 Jim Himes, whose 4th Congressional become the gold standard for mass murder shootings per year by individuals killing or District includes portions of Fairfield and of innocent civilians.” attempting to kill people in a confined and New Haven counties, including the cities “The gun industry pretends the civilian populated area. From 2008 to 2013, there of Bridgeport and Stamford, told New York AR-15 is vastly different than the military were 16.4 such incidents per year. City radio station WCBS that he would version, because it does not have select no longer participate in the congressional moments of silence that are commonly held after such occurrences “because they are exactly what they are, it is Congress being silent, it is Congress being impotent when it has within its power to very quickly reduce the amount of mayhem and death that is out there.” The Orlando incident, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, reminded many Connecticut residents of the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 20 students and six adult staffers were slain. Attorney Josh Koskoff, who represents several Sandy Hook families in a lawsuit against the Remington Arms Co., maker of the Bushmaster XM15 used in those slayings, said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had confirmed the Orlando shooter had used a .223 caliber




JUNE 20, 2016






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CNR looks to keep identity with first fully coed class on way shift for a university with a history as an allwomen’s school that dates back more than 100 years.

BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


he incoming freshman class at The College of New Rochelle’s School of Arts & Sciences will be its first with male students, and it will also likely be its largest in a decade. That’s not a coincidence, according to Kevin Cavanagh, CNR’s vice president for enrollment management. “As we’ve anticipated, more women have decided to attend the college next year,” Cavanagh said. “Going coed opens us up to a number of young ladies who just tuned out the idea of going to a completely all-women’s college.” Enrollment figures are not exact until students actually set foot on campus in late summer, but Cavanagh said the school is expecting a class of about 200, including 50 men. The school enrolled a freshman class of 87 last year, the final year the School of Arts & Sciences was women-only. But the shift for CNR to coed will ultimately be considered for much more than its enrollment figures. It represents a seismic


Ursuline nuns founded The College of New Rochelle in 1904, though it wouldn’t be known by that name until 1910. It was founded as the College of St. Angela, the first Catholic college for women in New York. As with many women’s colleges, it was founded during a time when women were often excluded from male universities. By 1960, there were about 230 women’s colleges. While times have changed since CNR was founded, women’s colleges have faced difficulties. Women passed men to make up the majority of college undergraduates in the 1970s. In 2012, the share of young women entering college immediately after high school was 71 percent, compared with 61 percent of young men, according to a report from the Pew Research Center. In announcing that its School of Arts & Sciences would go coed, CNR cited data showing that just 5 percent of women enter-

ing college apply to women’s colleges. “We were not serving any of the male population and very few of the women,” Cavanagh said. “So we thought that in opening up the school and the opportunity to both men and women, that many more students could benefit from an Ursuline Catholic education.” CNR noted in its announcement that its review process throughout the fall involved conversations with thousands of stakeholders, including Ursuline nuns, faculty, students and alumni. The college’s board of trustees unanimously voted to make the School of Arts & Sciences coed in December. CNR certainly isn’t alone in making this move. There were 47 women’s colleges in the U.S. and Canada in 2014, according to the Women’s College Coalition, a decrease of 80 percent from the total in the 1960s. The College of New Rochelle won’t even be the only historically women’s college to start admitting men in the fall. Midway University, a liberal arts school of about 1,600 in Kentucky, announced in May that it would start admitting men to its undergraduate programs this year after 169 years as an all-women’s institution.

“Generally, campuses that have made this change have been happy when they made it,” said Paul Hassen, the director of communications for the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. “It generally has improved their revenue and improved enrollment.” Hassen, whose organization represents 900 private colleges and universities in the U.S., said that it often takes several years for a school shifting to coed to have its change recognized in the college marketplace.


While the move won’t mark the first time that men have attended class on CNR’s campus, the change still sparked debate on campus and among alumnae. The School of Arts & Sciences was the only school on campus that wasn’t already coed. The college’s School of New Resources, School of Nursing and Graduate School have all been accepting male students for more than 40 years. The School of Arts & Sciences has the smallest enrollment among the schools at the college. It is the oldest, however, founded » COED, page 10

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JUNE 20, 2016


As protesters call for its closing, NRC declares Indian Point safe BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


here was a lot to talk about when the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held its annual public hearing on Indian Point Energy Center. More than 75 people signed up to weigh in on the nuclear power plant in Buchanan at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tarrytown on June 8. Some wrote their names on the speaker signup list indicating support of the nuclear plant, but the majority were opposed to the plant’s reactors relicensing and continued operation. NRC regulators opened the meeting with a presentation announcing that Indian Point had passed its annual safety inspection and reiterating NRC’s earlier findings that a natural gas pipeline under construction near Indian Point would not impact the plant’s safe operation. Neither announcement went over well. The first speaker at the hearing said the NRC has become a “lapdog” to Entergy Corp., the owner-operator of the nuclear plant. “You no longer have any credibility,” said Judy Allen. “You have not been doing

Arthur Kremer, chairman of New York AREA, addresses a press conference.

your job.” Another speaker questioned the NRC’s relationship with Entergy. “You don’t care about our lives, you don’t care about our future,” said Susan Shapiro, who identified herself as a member of the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition. “All you care about is how you are going to grease the pockets of Entergy.” Issues hanging over Indian Point just in the last year include: hundreds of faulty bolts discovered in its Unit 2 reactor in March; a

series of protests questioning Entergy and the NRC’s findings related to the Algonquin gas pipeline’s impact on the plant’s safety; and elevated levels of tritium found in groundwater beneath the plant in February. Those issues have unfolded amid the ongoing federal process of relicensing both of the nuclear plant’s reactors. Indian Point’s Unit 2 reactor’s license expired in 2013. Unit 3’s expired in December 2015. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials have continually spoken against the relicensing of the

plant during the process. But the plant is operating safely, according to NRC regulators. The NRC held a webinar with reporters on June 6 to go over the findings of its yearly inspection. “Our overall conclusion is that Indian Point operates safely and will continue to operate safely,” said David Lew, an NRC deputy administrator overseeing the Northeast region. Lew did acknowledge, however, that Unit 3 exceeded the threshold of three unplanned shutdowns per 7,000 operating hours, meaning the NRC required supplemental inspections. The environmental watchdog group Riverkeeper held a press conference before the public hearing and also posted an article on its website headlined “Indian Point’s very, very bad year.” “No matter what your position is on Indian Point, you have to acknowledge that things are getting worse,” Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay said at the press conference. Speaking at the opposition conference were Rockland County Legislature Chairman Alden Wolfe, Rockland Legislator Harriet Cornell and Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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JUNE 20, 2016


» » Continued from previous page

Paul Feiner. “I hope that if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission supports the relicensing, there should be a requirement that all the members be forced to live right next to Indian Point,” Feiner said. “I doubt that they are going to do it, because I doubt that they are going to risk their family members’ lives.” At the hearing, several residents stood at the back of the ballroom and held signs protesting the Algonquin pipeline construction. The Algonquin Incremental Market pipeline is a $971 million project of Spectra Energy Partners LP that will carry natural gas north from Pennsylvania. It runs through four states, passing near Indian Point. Many in the crowd groaned when the NRC announced its findings that the pipeline would not impact safety at Indian Point. The NRC ultimately is not the governing body on the pipeline. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the project in March 2015, using a safety analysis from the NRC and Entergy to guide its findings. Construction is underway and the pipeline is expected to be completed by November. Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the FERC ruling and U.S. Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have asked the FERC to pause construction on the project until it receives further review. But the comments at the hearing weren’t all against Indian Point. Several rows of people seated at the DoubleTree wore green T-shirts that said “Indian Point Powers New York.” One floor above the Riverkeeper press conference, a coalition of business and labor groups, the New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance, held a press conference in support of Indian Point’s relicensing. “The people who are on the stage behind me are people who are involved in creating jobs and retaining jobs and who very much appreciate the need for Indian Point to be relicensed,” New York AREA Chairman Arthur Kremer said. “If we want to create more opportunities for businesses to come and grow in Westchester County, we need to be able to show them that their energy costs will go down, and that’s what Indian Point does,” said John Ravitz, executive vice president and COO of The Business Council of Westchester. Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Thomas also spoke in favor of the plan during the public hearing. “Too often, minority communities must bear the burden of pollution and poor air quality,” said Thomas, who formerly served as executive director of New York AREA. “Closing Indian Point would make this situation even worse, as fossil fuel plants would be necessary to produce the electricity required to keep New York City’s lights on.” The state Public Service Commission

is holding public hearings on a plan from Cuomo to move away from fossil fuel plants. Cuomo’s proposed Clean Energy Standard would mandate New York produce 50 percent of its energy from clean and renewable sources. That plan includes funding to keep financially ailing nuclear plants upstate open, but leaves Indian Point out. Cuomo has continually said Indian Point’s location in the New York metro area makes it dangerous. “Clearly, this facility poses too great a risk to the millions of people who live and work nearby,” the governor said in May. Entergy officials have said it would not be possible to meet New York’s clean air goals without the continued operation of the plant. TWB than Loan$1Decision More billion has been invested WCBJupgrades to the plant, according in safety 7.375” w x 7.125” h to Entergy. The faulty bolts discovered in 2-23-16 the Unit 2 reactor have been replaced and the reactor is expected to be back online by mid-June, an Entergy spokesperson said. A planned inspection of the Unit 3 bolts has been moved up three years to the first quarter of 2017 as well.

SARAH NEUMAN CENTER NAMES TOP EXECUTIVES SANDRA MUNDY HAS BEEN NAMED administrator of the Sarah Neuman Center in Mamaroneck, the Westchester campus of The New Jewish Home. She replaces Rita Morgan, the interim administrator who is retiring after 27 years of service at the center. Appointed with the new administrator at the Sarah Neuman Center were Olivia Babol-Ibe as nursing director and Christina Giarratano as director of social work. Mundy and Babol-Ibe come to Mamaroneck from The New Jewish Home’s Bronx campus. Giarratano worked at The New Jewish Home before joining the Methodist Home for Nursing and Rehabilitation in the Bronx. In the center’s top post, Mundy will oversee a 300-bed facility whose 450-person staff cares for 1,000 elders each year through short-term rehabilitation, long-term nursing and a day center, according to the nursing home. She will also be responsible for various special programs, including Westchester’s first overnight respite program

for people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of severe dementia, and first elder residences, known as the Small Houses, based on the center’s Green House Project model of long-term care.


YONKERS RESIDENT CLAIRE P. GUTEKUNST took office as president of the New York State Bar Association on June 1, making her the sixth woman in the association’s 140-year history to assume the post. A member of the state bar association for 29 years, Gutekunst served as president-elect during the previous year and as treasurer from 2011-13. Gutekunst, who earned her law degree from Yale Law School, was previously a litigation partner at Proskauer Rose LLP in New York City for nearly 30 years before establishing her practice as an independent mediator and arbitrator in 2012. Gutekunst will serve a one-year term as president. The 74,000-member New York State Bar Association is the largest voluntary state bar association in the nation. —Aleesia Forni and John Golden

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JUNE 20, 2016


Ponzi —

line system. The notes promised a 10 percent annual return and they could be converted to From page 1 stock at any time. The accountants described Infinity as a of irregularities to when it filed the lawsuit to rescind the policy, nine months had secure investment. The offering statement passed. Boughton argued that Continental said the company had a stable supply of gas, a had taken so long to act that it had waived its captive market, opportunities to acquire more gas, low drilling and leasing costs, unexplored right to rescind the policy. On June 3, after a three-day trial in White marketing opportunities and high-quality gas Plains, the jury in effect ruled that it was that could be sold at a 20 percent premium. Brown signed documents as Infinity reasonable for Continental to take time to carefully investigate the allegations before Reserves president. Mangini signed as company vice president or secretary-treasurer. In rescinding the policy. Continental first learned of the fraud fact, Infinity was solely owned by Boughton scheme in 2010. In May of that year, Mangini, and had been dormant for many years, as the for reasons that are unclear, told Boughton Westchetser accoutnants knew from preparthat Brown was pretending to be an officer ing a 2007 tax return for Boughton. Brown and Mangini sold the investof a dormant company owned by Boughton. Mangini left out the part where he too posed ments to 15 people, many who were clients or friends. A Mount Kisco man, for example, as a company officer. Boughton demanded that Marshall invested $350,000 meant for a retirement account. A couple from Cortlandt Manor Granger repay the loans. Then Mangini, invoking the profession- invested $125,750. Brown and Mangini told prospects that al liability policy, notified Continental of Boughton’s claim. He also sought reimburse- they had invested their own money. “This is the pipeline that we have owned ment for an alleged $680,000 embezzlement for the last 15 years,” Mangini wrote in an email by a bookkeeper. Tipped off by Boughton, the SEC filed to a Manhattan investor. “Between us we have an emergency enforcement action against over $3 million into the line and are about to Marshall Granger, Brown, 63, and Mangini, 61, embark on a program to increase through-put. to freeze their assets. The commission also With the price of energy, the time couldn’t be sued Brown’s wife, Susan, his daughter, Sloan, better. Let me know if you are interested.” The man invested $180,000. their Infinity Farms Ltd., Mangini’s wife, June, As quickly as money was deposited in and their company Maylil Inc., as “relief defenInfinity’s bank account, Brown siphoned it off dants” for the purpose of recovering assets. For two years, according to the SEC, for personal uses. A small amount, $136,000, Brown and Mangini had been selling stock was returned to investors as “interest,” in and promissory notes in Infinity Reserves — classic Ponzi fashion, the government said, to Tennessee, a natural gas gathering and pipe- keep the scam going.

Artis— From page 1

the board in mid-2015 after having “identified Westchester as a place where there was an unmet need for what we do,” said Jay Hicks, senior vice president of Artis. He added that Hastings was “identified as a submarket within Westchester we should take a look at.” But Swiderski said potential demand is not relevant to the board’s decision. “It’s not our role necessarily to judge whether a particular proposed business is something we need or not,” he said. Plans for the building have already been modified from an original 96-bed, four-story proposal due to concerns surrounding the building’s impact on the character of the village and views of the river. The 63-foot structure would have placed three stories of living space on top of one story of parking. “We’re open to working with the village and neighbors on the architecture,” Hicks said. In an effort to maintain the view of the river, Artis proposed that it would move the building farther away from the shoreline, though doing so would necessitate blasting into the hillside and excavating the rock, a


JUNE 20, 2016


process that could last up to four months. Swiderski said that “the sheer quantity of blasting that would have to be carried out to carve out enough of the hill” for the project as presented “is not inconsequential,” and he hopes “something can be done to bring it in a bit.” Joel Sachs, an attorney representing the Riverpointe Homeowners Association, said at the meeting that the plans were still similar to those shown at earlier meetings, adding that Artis is a “money-making, for-profit entity that’s coming to the village and is asking you to make a massive change in the land use and the character of a lovely residential neighborhood in south Hastings.” Sachs said that there are “numerous facilities throughout Westchester County that deal with memory diseases,” and Artis is “not proposing a new and needed use.” Sachs also called into question the donation of the property’s west side to the village. “In other words, has Artis made the village an offer that they can’t refuse?” Sachs said. “I think it’s unheard of.” The board responded that while there has been an offer, no formal agreements have been made.

Brown took at least $501,154 in cash withdrawals. He diverted $241,400 to his daughter, $24,250 to his mother, Florence, and $7,435 to his wife, Susan. Infinity Farms — a name perhaps inspired by Infinity Reserves — owned by Brown and his daughter in Katonah, got $223,400. Brown’s wife and daughter spent another $281,099 on American Express cards paid with investor funds. The government says the Browns used the stolen money for mortgages on homes in Westchester County and Wellington, Fla., payments for luxury vehicles and for support of Sloan Brown’s amateur equestrian activities. Brown also diverted $484,400 to accounts controlled by Mangini and his wife. In 2011, the government indicted Brown on charges of securities fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. Brown had “fleeced clients and fattened his own wallet,” U.S. Atty. Preet Bharara said in a press release. It was not Brown’s first experience with the feds. The SEC had sued and convicted him on criminal charges in the mid-1990s. As sole owner of Phoenix Capital Group Inc., an unregistered securities broker-dealer, he had sold $2.7 million in phony government securities. Brown was granted leniency on the criminal charges and did not go to prison. A federal judge ordered him to disgorge profits and interest totaling $3.7 million. In the Infinity Reserves case, Brown eventually pleaded guilty. Again, he wanted leniency. “The life of luxury alluded to by the government simply does not exist,” his lawyer argued. He also had contributed to charities,

his lawyer noted. He suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and had recently undergone surgery to insert four stents in his heart. “Given Mr. Brown’s advanced age and terrible physical condition,” his lawyer told the court, “it is unlikely that he will survive any lengthy prison sentence.” Hs lawyer requested probation with home confinement. The government reminded the court that Brown was a recidivist, having previously committed a similar crime. Government lawyers said Brown had used well over $1 million for himself and his family, and he had control over all of the stolen money. Charitable works are common in whitecollar crimes, according to the government’s sentencing memorandum, because such activities elevate one’s position in society and foster trust. But what made Brown’s actions nefarious, the government said, is that he deceived his own clients and friends. “Brown had a unique inside view into their financial wherewithal,” the government said. “He targeted precisely the people he knew had extra cash to invest.” The government asked the court to sentence Brown to up to nine years in prison. The court sentenced him to five years. He served a little more than three and was released from prison in April 2015. Besides Brown’s 1994 securities fraud, there were other clues that diligent investors could have found in public records. In 1997, Brown was sued in a securities case that involved Infinity Reserves. In 2002, Mangini was sued for breach of fiduciary duty. » » PONZI, page 10

Rendering of Artis Senior Living's proposed memory care facility in Hastings-on-Hudson.

“The land use and the environmental impacts of this project, not just during the construction phase, but once this project is up and running, with the traffic, with the noise, with the odor, with a horrendous visual impact, would be an out and out unmitigated disaster for the village,” Sachs said. Artis Senior Living has 11 residences operating or under construction, including developments in Branford, Conn., and Evesham, N.J., and an additional 20 planned locations nationwide. While a public approval process is typical of its other developments, Hicks said, “I would say it isn’t typical for us to get this level of concern.” The board took no action but will be open to hearing public comments regarding the

project at its next meeting on June 21. “We don’t have yet a piece of legislation or anything that requires a formal public hearing, because we’re not putting a change before the board yet,” Swiderski said. “They presented, and we’re going to give the public an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments.” “We’re going to go back and sharpen our pencils as we’ve done all along,” Hicks said, in an effort to maintain a “good balance” between preventing the obstruction of the view while minimizing site grading. “Either the village leaders will see it as an opportunity, or they’ll see it as something they’re not interested in,” Hicks said. “We’re just anxious.”



Drinking the Kool-Aid … or not Feels like over the last year I’ve put an extreme amount of effort in to change the company’s culture. Things are getting better, but there’s still a lot more to go. Still have people here who aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. Suggestions? THOUGHTS OF THE DAY: Getting buy-in to change can be challenging. Expose everyone to your message. Walk it, talk it, wear it — you’re the leader. Figure out where the lack of buy-in is coming from. Give people a reason to want to change. Make sure you do a good job communicating where you’re going, what that means for the culture you’re working to build — not just in your head, but also on paper where everyone can see it. Use tools to reinforce your message. We’ve had clients print wallet cards with the company’s mission on one side and the top reasons for being with

the company on the other. Some companies print their mission statement on the back of business cards. Some post it over the front door or on the door opposite the front door, so everyone sees it as they walk in. Wherever you decide to post your most important message, make sure it’s a clear, distinctive, understandable statement of what the company stands for. Draw a picture in graphic terms. Ask employees who have bought in to read what you’ve written and give you feedback. Include thoughts on how that culture pays off for everyone involved. Often new hires get the most exposure; they hear about what the future looks like in job interviews. They’re also the most likely to buy in, since, when it comes to your company, they have no baggage to hang on to. For most job candidates, either they like what they hear in the interview and they grab on, or they go look elsewhere for a job. Be as thorough explaining your culture to everyone else in the company. Hold meetings to discuss it. Ask people to sit oneon-one to chat about it. Be willing to hash through questions and examine what that

means to everyone. The more airtime you give your message, the better the chance that people will hear you and follow along. As the head of the company, people look up to you and watch what you do. Make sure you’re a living, breathing, actual example of what it is you want the company to stand for. If the company stands for truth, make sure you tell no lies. If the company stands for service, make sure you also serve your people. Talk with people about how you expect the company’s values to impact your life, your employees’ lives, your customers’ lives and your vendors’ lives. Think it through and come up with specific examples that people can relate to. Do a check-in on those who are slow to follow your lead. Are they trying to sabotage you or is it that they just don’t understand. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. Try persuasion first, but don’t be afraid to draw a line, if necessary. Make it clear that you are the boss, and that this culture is going to stick with or without the support of the people who are slow to grab on. If necessary, take objectors aside and ask them to

think hard about whether this company is still going to be a fit for them or do they need to move on. Don’t let one or two objectors disrupt what you’re trying to build as they can eat away at everything good that you’re trying to build. Change can be hard for everyone. Be clear that what’s on the other side of the change will be better. Ask people to get on board. Give them time to show support. And be OK with moving on if necessary. LOOKING FOR A GOOD BOOK? Try “The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations” by John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen. Andi Gray is president of Strate�y Leaders Inc., Strate�yLeaders.com, a business-consulting �irm that teaches companies how to double revenue and triple pro�its in repetitive growth cycles. Have a question for AskAndi? Wondering how Strate�y Leaders can help your business thrive? Call or email for a free consultation and diagnostics: 877-2383535, AskAndi@Strate�yLeaders.com. Check out our library of business advice articles: AskAndi.com.


JUNE 20, 2016





Ranked by number of professional recruiters; listed alphabetically in the event of a tie. Number of professional recruiters Salary ranges represented (thousands)

Name Address Area code: 914 unless otherwise noted Website

Top executive(s), title(s) Firm contact email Year established

Executive HealthSearch Inc.

Ken Kruger, president info@executivehealthsearch.com 1999

30 $80 to $500 and higher

Health care administration, nursing, medical leadership and physician practice management for hospitals, long-term care organizations, managed care companies, physician practice groups and ambulatory care facilities


The Healthsearch Group

Alan Gordon, president alang@healthsearchgroup.com 1961

25 $45 to $1,000

Health care, including executive leadership, finance, home care, hospital, insurance provider, long-term care, managed care, nonprofit, physician practice, physician specialty and research


Robert Half

Harold M. Messmer Jr., chairman and CEO Keith Waddell, vice chairman, president and CFO 1948

17 $30 to $250

Accounting and finance, administrative and clerical

Elizabeth Domenico, president 1969

12 $20 to $75

Medical, industrial and administrative

Elaine Finnegan, president resumes@classicwestchester.com 2001

9 $20 to $150 and higher

Administrative, consumer product goods, finance, banking, accounting, human resources, information technology, legal, graphic design, marketing, medical, payroll, pharmaceutical, retail, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and medical assistants

Jonas Prising, CEO, ManpowerGroup 1948

7 $20 to $150 and higher

Clerical, entry level, staff, management, senior management, executives, accounting/finance, administrative and support, legal, light industrial, information technology, health care, manufacturing and human resources

Kathy O'Connor, owner kathy@brookeststaffing.com 2002

6 $20 to $150 and higher

Administrative and executive assistants, clerical, office support, data entry, accounting and finance, human resources, medical assistants and medical receptionists

Rich Greenwald, president 1986

6 $25 to $150

Administrative, office support, accounting and finance, human resources, banking, digital media and legal support

Allison Madison, president info@madisonapproach.com 1988

6 $35 to $300 and higher

Administrative and clerical support, accounting and finance, legal support staff, medical staff, managerial professionals, sales and customer support, Internet technology, networking, technical support, logistics, planning and human resources

Katherine Carroll, partner 1986

5 $20 to $150

Accounting and finance, engineering, human resources, health care, hospitality, manufacturing, distribution, information technology, legal and sales and marketing

Sweeney & Associates Inc.

Eileen Sweeney info@sweeneyassociates.com 1979

5 $20 to $150

Light industrial, clerical, management, senior management, executive, accounting and finance, administrative and support, legal, light industrial, information technology and health care


Joyce Russell, executive vice president and president 1996

4 $20 to $50

Light industrial, clerical, management, senior management, executive, accounting and finance, administrative and support, legal, light industrial, information technology, health care, manufacturing and human resources

Dental Staffers

Kathy Parker, CEO employ@dentalstaffers.com 1995

4 $30 to $50 and higher

Health care staffing

First Place Staffing

William Goepfert, owner jobs@firstplacestaffing.com 1994

3 $30 to $200

Accounting, administrative, finance, human resources, operations, medical offices and light industrial

Hartly Personnel Adm. Services Inc.

Phyllis Brooks, owner info@hartlyjobs.com 1981

3 $35 to $75

Administrative, medical and legal

Loughlin Personnel Ltd.

Laura Loughlin, CEO laura@loughlinpersonnel.com 1998

3 $20 to $150 and higher

Clerical, entry level, staff, management, senior management, executives, accounting/finance, administrative/support, legal, light industrial, information technology and health care

Ann Marie Buckley, president and owner annmarie@aldenrd.com

2 $60 to $250

All areas of manufacturing, finance, nonprofit and health care

Howie Kutcher, owner kutcher@taxcareers.com 1990

1 $50 to $150 and higher


Harold M. Messmer Jr., chairman and CEO Keith Waddell, vice chairman, president and CFO white.plains@accountemps.com 1948


Accounting/finances staff and management


4 5 6 7

50 Main St., 10th floor, White Plains 10606 888-471-3244 • executivehealthsearch.com

109 Croton Ave., Ossining 10562 941-6107 • healthsearchgroup.com

1025 Westchester Ave., White Plains 10604 682-8842 • roberthalf.com

Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions

59 Academy St., Poughkeepsie 12601 845-471-9667 • eaworkforce.com

Classic Westchester

(A division of First Choice Staffing Inc.) 50 Main St., White Plains 10606 948-9600 • classicwestchester.com


50 Main St., Annex Suite 185, White Plains 10606 428-0155 • manpower.com

Brooke St. Staffing Ltd.

222 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains 10605 761-1633 • brookeststaffing.com

Concorde Staffing Group

4 W. Red Oak Lane, White Plains 428-0700 • concordepersonnel.com

Madison Approach Staffing Inc.

45 Knollwood Road, Elmsford 10523 428-4800 • madisonapproach.com


Here's Help Staffing & Recruiting

371 E. Main St., Middletown 10940 845-344-3434 • hereshelp.com

1 N. Broadway, Suite 406, White Plains 10605 761-4761 • sweeneyassociates.com


30 Glenn St., Suite 213, White Plains 10603 948-2070 • adeccousa.com

20 Stonecrest Drive, Thiells 10984 845-786-1700 • dentalstaffers.com


600 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 400, Harrison 10528 921-2015 • firstplacestaffing.com

180 S. Broadway, White Plains 10605 428-2490 • hartlyjobs.com

7-11 S. Broadway, Suite 316, White Plains 10601 287-0333 • loughlinpersonnel.com

Alden Road Associates

P.O. Box 1457, Monroe 10950 845-783-8141 • aldenrd.com


141 N. State Road, First floor, Briarcliff Manor 10510 592-6887 • taxcareers.com

Not ranked


Kutcher Tax Careers Inc.


(A division of Robert Half) 925 Westchester Ave., Suite 410, White Plains, 10605 682-8842 • accountemps.com

This list is a sampling of recruiting firms located in the region. If you would like to include your firm in our next list, please contact Danielle Renda at drenda@westfairinc.com.


JUNE 20, 2016


Employment categories serviced


Education, evolution and eating: CIA celebrates 70 years

CIA student Betsy Ruch, from Maryland, prepares shrimp in a “Cuisines of the Americas” class at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. File photograph by Bob Rozycki.

BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfairinc.com


xperiential learning is becoming an increasingly popular trend in higher education. But for The Culinary Institute of America (CIA), emphasizing learning through firsthand experience is nothing new. “Most schools have five, 10 percent experiential learning, and they think that’s as good as you can get,” said Michael Sperling, CIA’s vice president of academic affairs. “For us, it’s 50, 60.” “We’ve been doing that all along,” he added. “It’s essential.” One such hands-on initiative is its Intrapreneurship Concentration, which gives students the opportunity to pitch, develop and run their own restaurant or food service concept in the CIA’s Student Commons for a full semester. Winning concepts have included Leyenda, a quick-service Mexican restaurant, and Meatball City, a din-

ing option centered on beef, chicken or vegetable meatballs. The not-for-profit institution has grown exponentially since its inception. Opened in Connecticut as the New Haven Restaurant Institute in 1946 prior to relocating to Hyde Park in 1972, the CIA was founded as a way to train returning World War II veterans in the culinary arts. The first of its kind at the time, the CIA’s initial class included 50 students, with a faculty consisting of a chef, baker and dietitian. Having celebrated its 70th anniversary in May, fittingly with a student-made cake, the college today offers both associate and bachelor’s degrees to its roughly 3,000 students across its four campuses in Hyde Park, California, Texas and Singapore. The school is also set to open another location, The Culinary Institute of America at Copia, in downtown Napa, Calif., later this fall. After 70 years in the business, Sperling said the “trend lines are still strong” in the culinary education industry. Following what

had been a “huge growth” over the past few decades, he said the inflation in the number of culinary schools has leveled off in recent years. “I don’t know that there’s more growth right now,” Sperling said. “If anything, there’s more consolidation.” For-profit schools in particular have been hit hard in part due to the government’s crackdown on the sector. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that after reaching a peak in 2010, enrollment at private for-profit institutions fell by 26 percent from 2010 to 2014. In December, for-profit company Career Education Corp. announced that it would be closing all 16 of its Le Cordon Bleu cooking schools in the U.S. Still, there are other schools with culinary education curricula today, including programs at Johnson & Wales University and at many community colleges. Sperling said that even though the job market in the food service industry is getting “tighter and tighter,” roughly 89 percent of

CIA’s bachelor’s degree recipients are able to find jobs following graduation. CIA has also seen growth in its number of “traditional-aged students.” While the split between traditional and nontraditional students was roughly half-and-half two decades ago, around 60 percent of today’s CIA students attend the school directly following their high school graduation. Sperling attribute this to the “continuing professionalization” of the culinary field. “This trend also dovetails with the growth over the past 20 years of our bachelor’s degree programs, which also tend to attract more traditional-aged students,” he said. About 75 percent of students enrolled at the CIA are working toward an associate degree, though Sperling said the number of bachelor’s degree students continues to rise. The college offers bachelor’s programs in culinary arts management, baking and pastry arts management, applied food studies and culinary science. But the CIA is not just focused on teaching the next Emeril or Gordon Ramsay. The college also operates The Food Business School, a branch focused on food entrepreneurship and the business side of the industry. Sperling said the school is also in the midst of a refreshment of its management curriculum. “A lot of students want to go into food policy, public policy, food media,” he said, adding that as the food service industry has evolved, so has culinary education. As consumers become more conscious of issues surrounding their food, those focuses have translated into the education sector. “We’ve ramped that up in a big way,” he said. Along with a new dining facility, The Egg, which offers a variety of healthy food options, the CIA has also partnered with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to launch Menus of Change, an initiative that examines issues such as obesity, health care costs, sourcing and production of food. “Cooking is the foundation,” Sperling said, but on top of that, “we offer students a whole range of options that reflect the breadth of the food world.” WCBJ | HV Biz

JUNE 20, 2016


Coed— From page 3

with the college in 1904. CNR’s student-run newspaper, the Tatler, dedicated its December issue to the possibility of the college going coed, with a boldfaced front page headline “The Decision Of The Century.” Michelle Goyke, the editor of the newspaper at the time, said students knew before the announcement that the decision was coming. “It was a very mixed response,” said Goyke, who graduated from the School of Arts & Sciences this spring. “I would say most students were in favor, but some were very sad about it.” Goyke said many students had come to College of New Rochelle because it was a women’s college and fear a tradition at the school that empowered women’s voices could be lost. “There’s still gender inequality, whether in the workforce or in the classroom,” Goyke

said. “You’re taught at CNR that this is not the way it’s supposed to be. You have a strong voice, you have a bright mind. So vocalize it and use it.” After the announcement, a Facebook post on a page for alumnae had a mix of positive and negative comments. Lisa Cesare, an attorney who graduated from the School of the Arts & Sciences in 1981, launched a Facebook page called CNR: Fact or Fiction to discuss the change and advocate for women’s colleges. She said the group has members both for and against the decision to go coed. Cesare said the school could have further engaged alumnae before making the decision. Being a women’s college provided clear advantages to the learning environment, she said, which she believes the college could have better advertised to help enrollment. “There’s a camaraderie, there’s a focus on women,” Cesare said. “The way the teachers interact with students and the fact that all the resources are dedicated to women and all the leadership roles go to women.”


Cavanagh said the school has heard overwhelmingly positive feedback from students, but added that CNR expected there to be some concerns for such a major change. The school plans to launch an Institute for Women’s Leadership and Social Justice. He said the institute is designed to help “speak to the power of an all-women’s education and the opportunities young ladies have in that kind of environment.” Amy Bass, a history professor and director of the honors program at the school, is part of a committee to help launch the institute. She said that while nothing will change for the courses she offers in the fall, a coed classroom is a different space and that needs to be acknowledged. “You want to make sure that young women in college have every single door open to them, regardless of who is sitting next to them,” Bass said. Bass envisions the institute as a space to discuss and provide expertise on the struggle for gender equality.

“Being a coed college doesn’t mean that we have achieved equity,” she said. “We know that we still have a wage gap, an achievement gap and a wide array of inequities that are gender based.” The school will introduce three new men’s soccer, basketball and swimming programs and is considering adding other programs for men and women. Beyond that, changes were made to residence halls to prepare for men to live there. Cavanagh said the school will continue to seek feedback on the move this fall. The school’s goal was to attract 138 new students for the fall, so he points to the 204 expected to attend as a clear positive early sign for the switch. While Goyke won’t be on campus for the change in the fall, she said she is confident it will be a positive for the school. “We can use our strong beliefs to now not only educate women on these topics and issues, but men as well” Goyke said. “And make them more aware of these constraints in society that often go unaddressed.”

Ponzi— From page 6

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JUNE 20, 2016






203.576.4552 admit@bridgeport.edu bridgeport.edu

In 2005, Brown’s CPA license was suspended for professional misconduct. In 2009, in the midst of the Ponzi scheme, Mangini filed for personal bankruptcy. He declared assets of $883,000 and liabilities of $2.4 million. His monthly expenses were nearly four times greater than his monthly income, and a bank was foreclosing on his house in Redding, Conn. After the SEC got involved, the accountants’ finances deteriorated further. In 2012, a federal judge ordered the defendants to disgorge their ill-gotten gains. Brown was on the hook for nearly $2.2 million and Mangini for $512,625 plus a civil penalty of $484,000. Susan Brown was liable for $143,265, Sloan Brown for $564,531 and Infinity Farms for $236,612. June Mangini was held accountable for $327,592 and the Manginis’ Maylil Inc. for $319,649. A year later, Sloan Brown filed for bankruptcy. She had $1.6 million in assets, mostly in two houses in Katonah, one in which her parents had lived, and an Oldenburg horse valued at $125,000. She had liabilities of nearly $2.6 million and a monthly income of only $823 from her work as a horse manager. Last month, a bank sued for foreclosure on her house in Katonah. She owed $459,000 and had not made a payment since July 2010. It is unclear from court filings whether Boughton or the victims of the Ponzi scheme have recovered their losses. The only restitution noted on Brown’s criminal docket are payments made in April and May. He paid a total of $100.

BRIEFLY BUSINESS LEADERS SUPPORT YONKERS $2B SCHOOL PLAN THE WESTCHESTER COUNTY ASSOCIATION SAID it will support a $2 billion plan to rebuild or renovate all 39 schools in the Yonkers district. In front of a group of about 60 students at the Patricia A. DiChiaro School on June 10, representatives from the business organization said it was crucial for Yonkers to have a strong school system to support growth in the city and in Westchester. “What this is really all about is building a pipeline for talent,” said William M. Mooney Jr., CEO of the Westchester County Association. “We know that millennials are starting to migrate into Westchester. So what does that mean? They’re going to be looking for better schools, nicer schools.” The press conference was held in front of a school symbolic of the challenges facing Yonkers public schools. The pre-K through 8th grade DiChiaro School is 123 years old. It has a functional capacity of 325, but has 600 students enrolled. Several students learn in a temporary building. “What is a school? A school is the heartbeat of a community,” school Principal Patricia Langan said. “And this heart needs a little push. A little electric shock.” The district is hoping that push comes from a 13-year, $2 billion initiative. State lawmakers are considering a deal that would create an authority to oversee the reconstruction process, but have not settled on how much of the cost the state would reimburse. Language that would increase state reimbursement for the project from 70 percent to 98 percent was removed in the latest legislation, the Journal News reported. With the legislative session set to end June 16, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano said it was “crunch time.” He noted that the state had helped rebuild schools in Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse. “That’s the right thing to do, but you know what’s the right thing to do now?” Spano asked. “Rebuild our schools.”

administrators. Center for Montessori Education/NY CEO K.T. Korngold said the 24-year-old Montessori Children’s Center will remain on the Burke campus in White Plains. Opened in 1992, the child care center serves Burke employees and other working families in Westchester and Fairfield counties. Korngold said Burke officials needed Montessori’s corporate office space on campus “for their own purposes” and the educational center “decided to use the opportunity to create a state-of-theart year-round adult training facility for Montessori teachers and administrators” in New Rochelle. “We have a great relationship with Burke,” he said. The new headquarters is in the corporate office tower of New Rochelle’s Radisson Hotel at 1 Radisson Plaza. The first group of Montessori school administrators to train there will start July 11. It includes public school administrators from Washington, Texas and North Carolina along with inde-

pendent Montessori school leaders from Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York. The training center will draw adult learners from across the U.S. as well as from China and other countries, Montessori officials said. “Having on-site hotel accommodations makes this location a win-win,” Korngold said. “We are able to provide a state-of-theart educational leadership experience in an accessible location.” In addition to the course for administrators, CME|NY also offers year-round training in New Rochelle for Montessori teachers of infants and toddlers. Melanie Pappas, registrar at the center, said there

is “a tremendous shortage of Montessori toddler teachers right now. Every week we get calls and emails from schools asking us for certified Montessori teachers.” The new office will also host the annual Pathways to a Peaceful School Conference on July 21. The keynote speech, “Peace in Our Schools,” will be given by Linda Lantieri, an expert in social and emotional learning, conflict resolution and intergroup relations and author of “Building Emotional Intelligence: Techniques to Cultivate Inner Strength in Children.” The conference is open to Montessori teachers, administrators, parents, and anyone interested in Montessori education. — Ryan Deffenbaugh and John Golden


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MONTESSORI CENTER MOVES HQ TO NEW ROCHELLE THE CENTER FOR MONTESSORI EDUCATION/NY has relocated its corporate office from its longtime location on the Burke Rehabilitation Center campus in White Plains to the Radisson Corporate Towers in downtown New Rochelle, where a new training center has opened for Montessori teachers and WCBJ | HV Biz

JUNE 20, 2016




SCHOOL LEADERS SIGN FAIR-CHANCE PLEDGE FOR EX-CONS LEADERS OF NYACK COLLEGE AND Ossiningbased Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison were among a group of officials from 15 colleges and universities that visited the White House on June 10 to sign a pledge supporting higher education and removing barriers to college access for formerly incarcerated people. The national initiative, aimed at enlisting both educational institutions and businesses in giving former prisoners a “fair chance” in society, was launched last year by President Obama. Representing Nyack College were President Michael Scales and Provost

David Turk. Executive Director Sean Pica represented Hudson Link. Founded in 1998 by former inmates at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, Hudson Link provides college education, life skills and re-entry support to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men and women. Partnering with several public and private colleges in New York, the nonprofit organization has awarded more than 435 degrees to prisoners who would otherwise have been denied access to college studies while incarcerated and has had 500 of its alumni released from prison since 2001. Hudson Link officials said the recidivism rate among its alumni is less than 4 percent. Pica and Scales at the White House joined in signing the Fair Chance Higher Education Pledge, which 25 institutions around the country enrolling more than 1 million students have signed to date, according to White House officials. The schools have committed to reduce barriers to a second chance for convicts, especially

through admissions screening practices, and to take action in their communities by supporting faculty and students teaching in correctional facilities and making sure that internships and job training are available to people with criminal records. There are 2.2 million Americans currently imprisoned, according to the Obama administration, and more than 600,000 inmates are released into society each year. An estimated 70 million Americans – almost one in three citizens of working age – have some sort of criminal record.

WCA ACADEMY OFFERS HEALTH CARE ANALYTICS THE HUDSON VALLEY WORKFORCE ACADEMY of the Westchester County Association will offer a five-week course in health care analytics starting June 29 in White Plains. The course, which costs $595 per person, will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays in WCA headquarters at 1133 Westchester Ave. WCA officials said the interactive ses-

sions will explore how data and health care analytics are used to inform operations and drive outcomes such as enhanced profitability, lower costs, and improved patient outcomes. A certificate will be awarded for completing the course. Launched in 2015, the Hudson Valley Workforce Academy is “part of a broader workforce development initiative to address the critical need for skilled workers and help fill the 2,500-plus critical job vacancies in the health care, technology, and business sectors in this region,” said Amy Allen, WCA vice president and executive director of the academy. “This is one of the ways we are upgrading the skills of our existing workforce and further developing the talent pool in the region.” The academy’s first health care analytics class last year enrolled 40 participants from 13 health care organizations in the region, according to WCA officials. Courses are developed in collaboration with the region’s employers and focus on training the existing workforce in high-demand skills. Instructors are industry and health care professionals with special expertise in digital innovation, Big Data, data mining, and health informatics. To register or for more information, visit westchester.org or call 914-948-6444.





JUNE 20, 2016


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A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE ELISABETH Haub School of Law at Pace University and a New Jersey college will attempt to open a fast track to a law degree, which the schools say will save students time and money. The Albert Dorman Honors College, part of the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, announced in June that it is partnering with Pace to create a six-year curriculum for students pursuing both a bachelor’s and law degree. Students would study three years of pre-law curriculum at NJIT and three years at Pace Law. The program is open to incoming freshman at the honor’s college, which generally requires students to be in the top 10 percent of their high school class and have a SAT composite score of 1300. NJIT students usually have technical and scientific interests, which aligns well with Pace Law’s track in intellectual property and environmental law, an announcement from NJIT said. “This is an important program as it is designed to open opportunities for careers in the legal field for students who have a STEM background,” said John Bechtold, interim dean designate of the Honors College. — Ryan Deffenbaugh and John Golden



BANKS NOTE: The number of bank locations in Westchester and Fairfield counties and the Hudson Valley were gathered from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (fdic.gov). The number of Westchester County locations is listed separately from the number of Hudson Valley locations listed below.



1001 Post Road Darien, Conn. 06820 PHONE: 203-656-3500 WEBSITE: drbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2006 TOP EXECUTIVE: Robert K. Kettenmann, president and chief operating officer LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (3)



1395 Northern Blvd. Manhasset, N.Y. 11030 PHONE: 914-902-2775 WEBSITE: applebank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1863, as the Harlem Savings Bank TOP EXECUTIVE: Alan Shamoon, chairman, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: no physical offices but several ATM locations throughout Westchester County and the Hudson Valley

1680 Capital One Drive McLean, Va. 22102 PHONE: 888-810-4013 WEBSITE: capitalone.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1995 TOP EXECUTIVE: Richard D. Fairbank, founder, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (10) and Hudson Valley (5)



1 Astoria Bank Plaza Lake Success, N.Y. 11042 PHONE: 516-327-3000 WEBSITE: astoriabank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1888 TOP EXECUTIVE: Monte N. Redman, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (3)


399 Park Ave. New York, N.Y. 10022 PHONE: 212-559-1000 WEBSITE: citigroup.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1812 TOP EXECUTIVE: Michael L. Corbat, CEO, Citigroup; Barbara Desoer, CEO, Citibank NA LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (24), Hudson Valley (2) and Fairfield County (15)

(A division of New York Community Bancorp Inc.) 615 Merrick Ave., Westbury, N.Y. 11590 PHONE: 800-535-2269 WEBSITE: newyorkcommercialbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: mid-1920s TOP EXECUTIVE: Joseph R. Ficalora, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (4)




101 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, N.C. 28255 PHONE: 800-431-1000 WEBSITE: bankofamerica.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1904 TOP EXECUTIVE: Brian Moynihan, chairman of the board and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (22), Hudson Valley (29) and Fairfield County (49)


208 Elm St. New Canaan, Conn. 06840 PHONE: 203-972-3838 WEBSITE: mybankwell.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2013, a merger of The Bank of New Canaan, Stamford First Bank and The Bank of Fairfield TOP EXECUTIVE: Christopher Gruseke, CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (8)



255 Liberty St. New York, N.Y. 10286 PHONE: 212-495-1784 WEBSITE: bnymellon.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1869 TOP EXECUTIVE: Gerald Hassell, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1) and Fairfield County (3)

1 Citizens Plaza Providence, R.I. 02903 PHONE: 401-456-7096 WEBSITE: citizensbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2005 TOP EXECUTIVE: Bruce Van Saun, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (2), Hudson Valley (25) and Fairfield County (3) 1495 Post Road East Westport, Conn. 06880 PHONE: 203-319-6260 WEBSITE: ccbankonline.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1998 TOP EXECUTIVE: David Tralka, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (9)


755 Third Ave., First floor New York, N.Y. 10017 PHONE: 212-292-5254 WEBSITE: countybnk.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1988 TOP EXECUTIVE: Joseph Murphy Jr., president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1)


99 Bridge St. Phoenixville, Pa. 19460 PHONE: 610-933-2000 WEBSITE: customersbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1997 TOP EXECUTIVE: Jay S. Sidhu, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (2)

150 Danbury Road Ridgefield, Conn. 06877 PHONE: 877-431-7431 WEBSITE: fairfieldcountybank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1871 TOP EXECUTIVE: David A. Schneider, CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (18)


44 E. Putnam Ave. Cos Cob, Conn. 06807 PHONE: 203-629-8400 WEBSITE: greenwichfirst.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2006 TOP EXECUTIVE: Frank J. Gaudio, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (2)


117 Prospect St. Stamford, Conn. 06901 PHONE: 877-431-7431 WEBSITE: fairfieldcounty.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1851 TOP EXECUTIVE: Reyno Giallongo, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (17)


40 Richards Ave. Norwalk, Conn. 06854 PHONE: 855-285-5153 WEBSITE: firstniagara.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1870 TOP EXECUTIVE: Gary M. Crosby, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (4), Hudson Valley (48) and Fairfield County (8)


111 Pine St. San Francisco, Calif. 94111 PHONE: 888-408-0288 WEBSITE: firstrepublic.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2010 TOP EXECUTIVE: James H. Herbert II, CEO, founder, chairman and board member LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (1)


485 Schutt Road Middletown, N.Y. 10940 PHONE: 877-692-1170 WEBSITE: greaterhudsonbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2002 TOP EXECUTIVE: Edward Lutz, president, CEO and vice chairman of the board LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1) and Hudson Valley (4)

HSBC BANK USA NA 1800 Tysons Blvd. McLean, Va. 22102 PHONE: 212-525-5000 WEBSITE: hsbc.com

YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2004 TOP EXECUTIVE: Patrick J. Burke, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (18) and Fairfield County (3)


(d.b.a. Chase Bank) 270 Park Ave. New York, N.Y. 10017 PHONE: 212-270-6000 WEBSITE: jpmorganchase.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1799 TOP EXECUTIVE: James Dimon, chairman of the board and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (99), Hudson Valley (61) and Fairfield County (48)


127 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44114 PHONE: 800-539-2986 WEBSITE: key.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1825 TOP EXECUTIVE: Beth E. Mooney, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (11) and Hudson Valley (60)


250 Oak Ridge Road Oak Ridge, N.J. 07438 PHONE: 800-320-5130 WEBSITE: lakelandbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1969 TOP EXECUTIVE: Thomas J. Shara, president and CEO, Lakeland Bancorp Inc. and Lakeland Bank LOCAL BRANCHES: Hudson Valley (1)


(d.b.a. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co.) 1 M&T Plaza, Eighth floor Buffalo, N.Y. 14203 PHONE: 716-842-5138 WEBSITE: mandtbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1856 TOP EXECUTIVE: Robert G. Wilmers, chairman and the board and CEO; and Mark J. Czarnecki, president and chief operating officer LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (15), Hudson Valley (29) and Fairfield County (9)


33 Broad St. Milford, Conn. 06460 PHONE: 203-783-5700 WEBSITE: milfordbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1872 TOP EXECUTIVE: Susan Shields, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (1)

June 20, 2016

DARIEN ROWAYTON BANK Raise your expectations


arien Rowayton Bank (DRB) has deep roots in the communities it serves. In April, DRB celebrated its 10th anniversary and has established itself as an important financial resource for businesses in Fairfield County and the surrounding areas. DRB has built a commercial lending group that is second to none in terms of experience and capability. The bank’s community-based approach to lending offers a stream-lined process and the ability to respond quickly. Darien Rowayton Bank takes great pride in being agile and entrepreneurial. Our loan officers work with businesses to construct solutions that are specifically tailored to their needs. They work closely with our clients through the entire lending process and, most importantly, become trusted advisors as businesses grow and prosper. DRB’s clients become our best advertisement. Darien Rowayton Bank is a wellcapitalized financial institution. It offers a full range of business and personal banking products that can help a business grow and simplify the financial lives of its owners. Our branches are conveniently located in Darien, Rowayton and Southport. Our mortgage division has lending officers that serve the entire state of Connecticut, as well as New York and other New England states. Our deposit rates, both business and personal,

Darien Rowayton Bank takes great pride in being agile and entrepreneurial. Our loan officers work with businesses to construct solutions that are specifically tailored to their needs.


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(A division of New York Community Bancorp Inc.) 615 Merrick Ave. Westbury, N.Y. 11590 PHONE: 800-535-2269 WEBSITE: newyorkcommercialbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1990 TOP EXECUTIVE: Joseph R. Ficalora, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (4)


39 Main St. Newtown, Conn. 06470 PHONE: 800-461-0672 WEBSITE: nsbonline.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1855 TOP EXECUTIVE: John Trentacosta, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (14)


325 Hamilton Ave. White Plains, N.Y. 10601 PHONE: 914-684-2500 WEBSITE: necommunitybank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1934 TOP EXECUTIVE: Kenneth A. Martinek, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1) and Hudson Valley (2)


(d.b.a. The Northern Trust Co.) 50 S. La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. 60603 PHONE: 312-630-6000 WEBSITE: northerntrust.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1889 TOP EXECUTIVE: Rick Waddell, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (1)



850 Main St. Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 PHONE: 203-338-7171 WEBSITE: peoples.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1842 TOP EXECUTIVE: Armando F. Goncalves, president, southern Connecticut LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (17), Hudson Valley (14) and Fairfield County (62)

71-02 Forest Ave. Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385 PHONE: 888-602-4772 WEBSITE: ridgewoodbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1929 TOP EXECUTIVE: Peter M. Boger, chairman, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (2)

212 Dolson Ave. Middletown, N.Y. 10940 PHONE: 914-422-3100 WEBSITE: orangecountytrust.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1982 TOP EXECUTIVE: Michael Gilfeather, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1) and Hudson Valley (9)


(d.b.a. The PrivateBank and Trust Co.) 120 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Ill. 60603 PHONE: 800-662-7748 WEBSITE: theprivatebank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1989 TOP EXECUTIVE: Larry D. Richman, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (1)

75 State St. Boston, Mass. 02109 PHONE: 877-768-2265 WEBSITE: santanderbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1995 TOP EXECUTIVE: Scott Powell, CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: no location in Westchester or Fairfield counties but has a growing Northeast presence





900 Bedford St. Stamford, Conn. 06901 PHONE: 203-324-7500 WEBSITE: bankpatriot.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1994 TOP EXECUTIVE: Kenneth Neilson, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (2) and Fairfield County (7)

2477 Route 6 Brewster, N.Y. 10509 PHONE: 85-279-7101 WEBSITE: pcsb.com

YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1871 TOP EXECUTIVE: Joseph D. Roberto, chairman,

president and CEO

LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (8) and Hudson Valley (7)


220 Main St. Danbury, Conn. 06810 PHONE: 203-743-3849 WEBSITE: sbdanbury.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1849 TOP EXECUTIVE: Kathleen Romagnano, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (8)

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inancial institutions and advisors’ success come from making the right investment decisions. That’s why every year they choose Westmore Fuel as their ener�y partner. Choosing the right ener�y company is one of the most important decisions you can make. Westmore Fuel has been the preferred choice throughout Westchester and Fairfield County for more than 75 years. As the first company in the region to offer BioHeat®, a blend of 20 percent soybean oil combined with 80 percent conventional heating oil, Westmore has enabled customers to reduce dependence on foreign sources of ener�y and improve our environment. Westmore’s BioHeat® has dramatically reduced each customer’s carbon footprint by delivering an advanced fuel solution with 12 percent less particulate matter, 20 percent less hydrocarbons, 12 percent less carbon monoxide, 2 percent less nitrogen oxide, 20 percent less sulfur dioxide and 16

percent less carbon dioxide. This fuel works with any existing oil-based heating system and requires NO modifications. Westmore Fuel operates a state-of-theart 1.2-million-gallon capacity terminal and can blend all bio percentages from 2 percent to 99 percent. Westmore also sells biodiesel® for fleet vehicles that allows motor engines to run cleaner and more efficiently. Biodiesel® use allows fleet managers to keep existing equipment on the road longer and still adhere to new, stricter emissions standards. Westmore is capable of delivering all blends of biodiesel to aboveground and underground UL storage tanks. Fleet managers can “green their fleet” today with Westmore’s biodiesel®. New York residents and businesses have an added incentive — New York state offers a 20 percent BioTax Credit for every gallon consumed. Family-owned and operated for more than 75 years, Westmore Fuel is proud to provide such a “green alternative” to help the environment. June 20, 2016

PCSB Bank’s Business Banking Approach Leads to Long-Term Relationships


CSB Bank, with 15 branches throughout Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Rockland Counties, was established in 1871 as a community bank to serve local farmers and residents. PCSB remains steadfastly true to its original charter as a bank for local families and businesses. Joseph Roberto, PCSB’s chairman, president and CEO explains, “Now that we’ve expanded our footprint into southern Westchester, we will continue providing both business and retail customers our True Local, True Banking style of personalized service. This is the cornerstone of our business philosophy.” Southern Westchester was a natural extension of PCSB Bank’s four-county footprint. “We’re extremely excited to provide comprehensive lending products and services to small businesses and families in the southern part of Westchester County,” explains Michael Goldrick, PCSB’s senior vice president, chief lending officer. Mr. Roberto continues, “Our Lower Hudson Valley roots are deep and our dedication to help local business owners is an important responsibility that we’re anxious to fulfill. Chances are we’ve helped someone you know manage their finances, get a line of credit or borrow the money needed to start their business. It’s something we take very seriously.” Scott Nogles, executive vice president, CFO and treasurer, talks about PCSB Bank’s approach to business banking, “It’s very simple – it’s built on solid relationships. Our business banking team strives to form a partnership with each client they proudly serve. We’re willing to put in the time and effort to learn a client’s business and understand their opportunities as well as their challenges. We won’t rest until customers consider PCSB Bank an integral part of their team. Clients tell us all the time that no other bank would invest as much ener�y in getting to know their business as PCSB Bank. That’s something we’re very proud of and it’s what truly sets us apart.” The bank’s local focus is also a key ingredient to its unique approach. Every member of the business banking team lives and works in the area. They know the market, so they understand what works—and perhaps more importantly—what doesn’t. Mr. Roberto explains, “Decisions are made locally right here in the lower Hudson Valley, not by some out-of-market committee half way across the country. So we’re able to move quickly when our clients need it most. That’s another reason why so many local businesses have switched over to PCSB Bank after the frustration of dealing with a large bank that doesn’t really understand their business or their market.”

PCSB offers a full array of business banking deposit products like business checking, online and telephone banking, plus useful business services like merchant services, remote deposit capture and free personal checking accounts for business owners. To assist customers in managing the inevitable financial ebbs and flows they face throughout the year, PCSB offers comprehensive lending products, including lines of credit

to help with cash flow, as well as term loans to provide funds for large purchases needed for growth or to take advantage of special opportunities. PCSB also offers commercial real estate loans, such as business owner-occupied mortgages, investment real estate loans and construction loans, combining favorable rates and terms for many types of businesses. “One of the most satisfying aspects of our ‘partnership’ approach to business banking is

to hear how much our clients appreciate the effort we make to help them manage their finances,” states Robert Farrier, senior vice president, retail banking and marketing. “We just finished up a new advertising campaign that features some of our longest standing business banking customers. We sent a video crew to their location to conduct in-depth interviews about their experiences with PCSB Bank over PCSB, continued on page 7

Barry Fenstermacher Headmaster, The Harvey School

True Local Means Connecting to our Communities. Banking that affects us all for the better. “I'm finishing my 30th year at The Harvey School, and PCSB Bank has been a very close business partner almost the entire time I've been the head of the school. We have needed to expand over the years to match our ongoing success, and PCSB Bank helped us grow almost three fold. We also serve the same communities that the bank does, and the bank understands how those relationships work. Our parents, employees and even myself are personally customers of the bank, so everything they do directly affects this community in many different ways. And how PCSB Bank has treated us will affect many generations of our students to come. That's more than just a bank, it's a community institution.”

Serving Putnam, Dutchess, Westchester and Rockland Counties Since 1871.



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565 Fifth Ave. New York, N.Y. 10017 PHONE: 646-822-1500 YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2001 TOP EXECUTIVE: Joseph J. DePaolo, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (2) and Fairfield County (1)

226 Main St. Danbury, Conn. 06810 PHONE: 203-830-4200 WEBSITE: unionsavings.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1866 TOP EXECUTIVE: Cynthia C. Merkle, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (14)



400 Rella Blvd. Montebello, N.Y. 10901 PHONE: 845-369-8040 WEBSITE: snb.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1929 TOP EXECUTIVE: Jack L. Kopnisky, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (18) and Hudson Valley (21)

45 Glastonbury Blvd. Glastonbury, Conn. 06033 PHONE: 866-959-2265 WEBSITE: bankatunited.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1858 TOP EXECUTIVE: William H. W. Crawford IV, CEO, United Bank and United Financial Bancorp Inc. LOCAL BRANCHES: Fairfield County (1)


137 Bank St. Waterbury, Conn. 06702 PHONE: 203-578-2230 WEBSITE: websteronline.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1870 TOP EXECUTIVE: James C. Smith, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (8) and Fairfield County (23)

56 Main St. Irvington, N.Y. 10533 PHONE: 914-591-8000 WEBSITE: sunnysidefederal.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1990 TOP EXECUTIVE: Timothy D. Sullivan, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1)


1701 NJ-10 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08004 PHONE: 856-751-2739 WEBSITE: tdbank.com

YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1852 TOP EXECUTIVE: Bharat B. Masrani, chairman of

the board, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester (18) and Hudson Valley (20)


1 Sarnowski Drive Glenville, N.Y. 12301 PHONE: 800-670-3110 WEBSITE: trustcobank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1902 TOP EXECUTIVE: Robert J. McCormick, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (9) and Hudson Valley (40)


1441 Route 22 Brewster, N.Y. 10509 PHONE: 866-462-2658 WEBSITE: mahopacbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1927 TOP EXECUTIVE: Gerald J. Klein Jr., president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (7) and Hudson Valley (9)



420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Calif. 94104 PHONE: 800-869-3557 WEBSITE: wellsfargo.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1870 TOP EXECUTIVE: John Stumpf, chairman and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (18), Hudson Valley (13) and Fairfield County (33)


12 Water St. White Plains, N.Y. 10601 PHONE: 914-368-9919 WEBSITE: thewestchesterbank.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 2008 TOP EXECUTIVE: John M. Tolomer, president and CEO LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (5)


(A subdivision of M&T Bank Corp.) 1100 N. Market St. Wilmington, Del. 19890 PHONE: 800-724-2440 WEBSITE: wilmingtontrust.com YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1903 TOP EXECUTIVE: Robert G. Wilmers, chairman of the board and CEO, M&T Bank Corp. LOCAL BRANCHES: Westchester County (1), Hudson Valley (2) and Fairfield County (1)



Member FDIC

June 20, 2016

Since 1886, incomparable service for clients and communities


harter Oak Insurance and Financial Services Co. (Charter Oak)—which was originally known as Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company’s (MassMutual) Springfield Agency — has been servicing the risk management, insurance, business planning and protection, retirement planning and investment services needs of individuals, families and businesses since 1886. Since our founding, we’ve become one of the largest of MassMutual’s general agencies, with offices throughout Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts. With more than $4.7 billion in client policy and account values(1) and more than $15 billion in life insurance coverage in force(2) we continue to grow in ways that help us better serve our clients and communities. We are proud to reinforce our commitment to the people we serve through the Charter Oak Fund, our philanthropic arm.


Our growth wouldn’t be possible without our agents and employees. Our more than 200 professionals are parents, former athletes and coaches, business owners, CEOs, journalists, musicians, members of the military and scholars, to name a few. We believe the diversity of our experiences helps us to better understand the unique situations our clients face every day, and allows us to offer topnotch support for our agents. It also creates an engaging workplace. Our culture has earned us numerous accolades and has resulted in retention numbers well above the industry average. Charter Oak’s leadership is also a driv-

ing force behind the agency’s growth and accomplishments. Since appointing our first general agent June 1, 1886, we have had only six changes in leadership, including the ap-

Our growth wouldn’t be possible without our agents and employees. Our more than 200 professionals are parents, former athletes and coaches, business owners, CEOs, journalists, musicians, members of the military and scholars, to name a few.

nities around us is about much more than financial services and insurance. It’s about children and parents, brothers and sisters, businesses and employees. It’s listening to what others have to say and putting their interests first. It’s being a part of a team and a member of the community. Back when business was still done on a handshake and a sense of trust and partnership prevailed, collaborations like this were common. A lot has changed since those days, but we still believe what was true then is true now: we are stronger to-

gether than we are alone. (1) All information as of 03/01/16. Includes values of MassMutual and subsidiary insurance companies’ insurance and retirement products and investment products offered through MML Investors Services, LLC, a MassMutual subsidiary. (2)Amount of individual life insurance in force at the end of the period related to products issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life Insurance Company and MML Bay State Life Insurance Company.



pointments of our current general agents. We believe this stability has allowed us to land on our feet during some of history’s most difficult and uncertain times — and helped us rise to the top in periods of prosperity.

Thinking about how your loved ones will move on when you’re no longer with them is never easy. At Charter Oak Insurance and Financial Services Co. we understand the difficulty, but


also know how important it is to plan ahead. By taking the

We believe that our relationship with our clients, our associates and the commu-

time now to organize and write down what matters most to you, you can help make things easier for the people you love. Our planning guide, What My Loved Ones Need to Know, will help you record financial information, locations of important

PCSB, from page 5 the years. Our entire management team was extremely proud to hear so many positive comments from our customers on their dealings with the bank, and we were able to develop a strong campaign built around those interviews.” “It all comes back to something we’ve really focused on here at PCSB Bank. Our team always talks about what it takes to build a successful brand in the lower Hudson Valley,” explains Mr. Roberto. “Understanding that our brand is built on providing great customer service and a commitment to supporting local communities is critical to our long-term success. Every employee recog-

documents, key contacts, wishes, and more. Contact us today for your free copy.

nizes that PCSB is a local community bank and we must consistently live up to our brand in everything we do. It’s amazing to see how much we can accomplish when we commit as a group to delivering on our brand promise. Our tagline, True Local. True Banking. has real meaning for all of us. It’s both inspiring and gratifying to see how every PCSB employee takes so much pride in our brand. It’s evident in the overall success we share with our business banking customers and especially, in the positive feedback we hear from them on a daily basis. There’s nothing more powerful in this business than a satisfied customer.”

Jason Castaldi Agency Managing Director Charter Oak Insurance and Financial Services Co. 501 Merritt 7, 5th Floor Norwalk, CT 06851 203-359-5300 jcastaldi@financialguide.com www.charteroakfinancial.com


MassMutual Financial Group refers to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. (MassMutual), its affiliated companies and sales representatives. Insurance products are issued by MassMutual, Springfield, MA 01111, and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life Insurance Company and MML Bay State Life Insurance Company, Enfield, CT 06082. CRN201707-194531



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Equal Opportunity Lender. Member NYCE, PLUS.

Woodlawn Branch 4349 Katonah Avenue Bronx, NY 10470 718-324-7100

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FACTS & FIGURES BANKRUPTCIES MANHATTAN AWR Wholesale Inc. 436 Lafayette St., New York 10003. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Gilbert A. Lazarus. Filed: June 9. Case no. 16-11691-jlg. Gawker Media LLC. 114 Fifth Ave., Second floor, New York 10011. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Gregg M. Galardi. Filed: June 10. Case no. 1611700-smb. Gawker Media Group Inc. 114 Fifth Ave., Second floor, New York 10011. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Gregg M. Galardi. Filed: June 12. Case no. 16-11719-smb. Holsted Marketing Inc. 112 W. 34 St., Suite 1405, New York 10120. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Gerard R. Luckman and Serene K. Nakano. Filed: June 8. Case no. 16-11683-jlg. Mosholu JJJ Realty Ltd. 179 E. Mosholu Parkway, Bronx 10467. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Mosholu JJJ Realty Ltd. Filed: June 13. Case no. 16-11723-mg,

WHITE PLAINS Everett Studios Inc. 5 N. Greenwich Road, Armonk 10504. Chapter 7, voluntary. Represented by James A. Sarna. Filed: June 9. Case no. 16-22783-rdd.

COURT CASES Aetna Life Insurance Co. Filed by Philip Hafford. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – civil enforcement of employee benefits. Attorney: Robert Scott Wilson. Filed: June 13. Case no. 7:16-cv-04425. De Normandie Towel & Linen Supply Co. Filed by the trustees of The National Retirement Fund. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – withdrawal library. Attorney: Jennifer Oh. Filed: June 14. Case no. 7:16-cv-04475.

Items appearing in the Westchester County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken. Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: Bob Rozycki c/o Westfair Communications Inc. 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407 Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3680

Entry Systems Inc. Filed by the trustees of the District Council 9 Painting Industry Insurance and Annuity Funds. Action – E.R.I.S.A.: delinquent contributions. Attorney: Dana Lynne Henke. Filed: June 10. Case no. 7:16-cv04361-KMK. Jackson Installation Limited Liability Co. Filed by the trustees of the District Council 9 Painting Industry Insurance and Annuity Funds. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – delinquent contributions. Attorney: Dana Lynne Henke. Filed: June 9. Case no. 7:16-cv-04296-NSR. Land-Air Express of New England Ltd. et al. Filed by Jeffrey Roscoe. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – employee retirement. Attorney: Todd Seth Garber. Filed: June 10. Case no. 7:16-cv-04294-KMK. Midland Funding LLC d.b.a. in New York as Midland Funding of Delaware LLC. Filed by Jake Lewis. Action: removal – Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Attorney: Joseph Adam Hess. Filed: June 14. Case no. 7:16-cv04473. New Jersey Headwear Corp. Filed by the trustees of the National Retirement Fund. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – delinquent contributions. Attorney: David C. Sapp Jr. Filed: June 10. Case no. 7:16-cv-04306-VB. Spring Meadows Extended Care Facility Ltd. Filed by the trustees of The Amalgamated National Health Fund. Action: E.R.I.S.A. – delinquent contributions. Attorney: David C. Sapp Jr. Filed: June 14. Case no. 7:16-cv04461.


CRP Lawrence Street Annex LLC, New York City. Seller: CRP Lawrence Street LLC, New York City. Property: 11A Lawrence St., Yonkers. Amount: $1.5 million. Filed June 8.

868 Midland Avenue Realty LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Attilio Pasqualone, et al, Duluth, Ga. Property: 868 Midland Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $310,000. Filed June 7.

Princess Properties of Westchester LLC, Hartsdale. Seller: Floy Fran LLC, Hartsdale. Property: 40 S. Central Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $865,000. Filed June 9.

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Seller: Christopher B. Meagher, White Plains. Property: 19 Dingee Road, Lewisboro. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed June 9.

Ace Industries NY Management LLC, Pelham Manor. Seller: Jose Rodrigues, Putnam Valley. Property: 213 Washington St., Mount Vernon. Amount: $820,000. Filed June 10.

Riverview Club Condominium, Yonkers. Seller: River Hill Residential LLC, Great Neck. Property: 1155 Warburton Ave., G18, Yonkers. Amount: $20,080. Filed June 7.

McJimps LLC, New York City. Seller: Franklin Montross IV, et al, Bedford Hills. Property: 60 Davids Hill Road, Bedford. Amount: $2.4 million. Filed June 7.

Alfredo Properties LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: Catherine Schoonmaker, Scottsdale, Ariz. Property: 130 N. Kensico Ave., No. 3, White Plains. Amount: $235,250. Filed June 10.

Second Street Homes LLC, Larchmont. Seller: 54 Second Street LLC, New Rochelle. Property: 52 Second St., New Rochelle. Amount: $340,000. Filed June 8.

Michael Frey Mill LLC, New York City. Seller: The Maws Corp., Livermore, Calif. Property: 1 Michael Frey Drive, Eastchester. Amount: $5 million. Filed June 8.

Alou Corp., Brewster. Seller: OWB REO LLC, Austin, Texas. Property: 24 Sugar Hill Road, North Salem. Amount: $123,900. Filed June 6.

U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: John G. Molloy, Somers. Property: 2906 Old Yorktown Road, Yorktown Heights 10598. Amount: $255,408. Filed June 8.

Rollins 182026 LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Rollins Realty Corp., Elmont. Property: 26 Rollins St., Yonkers. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed June 8.

Atlantic Coast Construction LLC, Hastings-on-Hudson. Seller: Kevin P. McGovern, Dobbs Ferry. Property: 13 Irvington St., Greenburgh. Amount: $335,000. Filed June 9.

V and G Renovations Corp., Ossining. Seller: Mi Casa Contractor Corp., Ossining. Property: 94 State St., Ossining. Amount: $50,000. Filed June 8.

Rollins 182026 LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Rollins Realty Corp., Elmont. Property: 18-20 Rollins St., Yonkers. Amount: $2.6 million. Filed June 8. White Plains Hospital, White Plains. Seller: Davis Acquisition LLC, White Plains. Property: 33 Davis Ave., White Plains. Amount: $2.9 million. Filed June 10.

Below $1 million

Russell Brands LLC. Filed by Jaish Markos. Action: diversity-fraud. Attorney: Jason P. Sultzer. Filed: June 10. Case no. 7:16-cv-04362-CS.

104 Crescent Place LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Steven Anthony McDaniel, et al, Yonkers. Property: 98 Crescent Place, Yonkers. Amount: $430,000. Filed June 8.

Wal-Mart Stores East LP. Filed by Laura Watts. Action: diversity — notice of removal. Attorney: Patricia A. O’Connor. Filed: June 13. Case no. 7:16-cv-04411.

188 Yonkers Ave LLC, Clifton, N.J. Seller: Christopher R. Cuomo, White Plains. Property: 188 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $103,000. Filed June 6.


21st Mortgage Corp., Knoxville, Tenn. Seller: Joseph G. Goubeaud, Mount Vernon. Property: 260 Hutchinson Blvd., Mount Vernon. Amount: $596,918. Filed June 9.

Above $1 million 200 Beacon Hill Drive LLC, Rego Park. Seller: Beacon Hill Drive Properties LLC, White Plains. Property: 200 Beacon Hill Drive, Greenburgh. Amount: $50 million. Filed June 9. 35 Overhill LLC, Rye. Seller: Oren Beach, Rye. Property: 35 Overhill Ave., Rye. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed June 7. AA Realty Corp., West Harrison. Seller: The Church of St. Gregory The Great Church, Harrison. Property: 189 Fremont St., Harrison. Amount: $1.1 million. Filed June 10.

3 Locust LLC, New York City. Seller: Joseph M. Bera, Paudlho, Brazil. Property: 10 Overlook Terrace, Yonkers. Amount: $65,000. Filed June 7. 31 Colin LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Joseph Ruggiero, Yonkers. Property: 35 Colin St., Yonkers. Amount: $287,500. Filed June 6. 405 Ashford LLC, Ardsley. Seller: Laura Elia Gelli Wittek, Dobbs Ferry. Property: 405 Ashford Ave., Greeburgh. Amount: $400,000. Filed June 9.

Belpointe Capital Management LLC, White Plains. Seller: Town of Rye, Port Chester. Property: 76 Inwood Ave., Rye. Amount: $193,719. Filed June 9. Cartus Financial Corp., Danbury, Conn. Seller: Girishkumer Patel, et al, Yorktown Heights. Property: 1903 Maple Hill St., Yorktown. Amount: $370,000. Filed June 6. Dynamic Dwellings LLC, White Plains. Seller: John Molloy, White Plains. Property: 163 Chalford Lane, Yonkers. Amount: $23,614. Filed June 8. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Barry Fertel, New Rochelle. Property: 80 Broadway, Ossining. Amount: $628,642. Filed June 6. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Jodi A. Mosiello, Purchase. Property: 76 Broadway, Ossining. Amount: $632,762. Filed June 10. G and G Building Concepts LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Christopher T. Ryan, Danbury. Property: 353 Willis Ave., Mount Pleasant. Amount: $313,500. Filed June 7. HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Clement S. Patti Jr., White Plains. Property: 2140 Albany Post Road, Cortlandt. Amount: $543,917. Filed June 7. Joint Properties LP, Clifton, N.J. Seller: TJL Properties LLC, Yonkers. Property: 69-73 N. Broadway, Yonkers. Amount: $650,000. Filed June 8. Michael Anthony Holdings Inc., Mount Vernon. Seller: Althea Wallace, Mount Vernon. Property: 38 S. Terrace Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $750,000. Filed June 6.

WP Consulting Group LLC, West Harrison. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 309 S. 10th Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $133,000. Filed June 10.

FORECLOSURES CHAPPAQUA, 40 Lon�view Drive. Single-family residence; lot size: .235 acre. Plaintiff: First Republic Bank. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Berkman, Henoch, Peterson & Peddy, 516-222-6200; 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden City 11530. Defendant: Richard Hanlon. Referee: Joan Iacono. Sale: July 5, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: N/A. MOHEGAN LAKE, 1228 Winding Court. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585-987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Dianne Alves. Referee: Julia Henrichs. Sale: $472,459.39, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $472,459.39. MOUNT KISCO, 367 Crow Hill Road. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Emigrant Bank. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Knuckles, Knuckles & Elliot; 914-345-3020; 565 Taxter Road, Suite 509, Elmsford 10523. Defendant: Marjorie Weintraub. Referee: Theresa Daniele. Sale: July 5, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $678,338.06. MOUNT VERNON, 281 E. Fourth St. Single-family residence; lot size: .07 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585-987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Messan Minyanou. Referee: Julia Henricks. Sale: June 24, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $497,351.42.


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JUNE 20, 2016


PILLER USA HOSTS RIBBON CUTTING Piller USA Inc. hosted an open house June 10 for its newly built 24,000-square-foot light industrial/office headquarters facility on 45 Wes Warren Drive in Wallkill. Piller USA has a workforce of 77 employees, with 40 employees based in the Wallkill headquarters. Piller has more than 800 employees worldwide, with global presence and international sales and service part-

ners in more than 50 countries. Piller produces large capacity rotary uninterruptible power supply and kinetic energy flywheel storage systems. Piller moved to Orange County in 1995 when it bought KW Control Systems Inc., in Wawayanda, and remained there until 2004 when it moved to Wallkill. In 2009, its name was officially changed to Piller.

LIONS CLUBS’ COLLECT 2,000 EYEGLASSES The Larchmont and Mamaroneck Lions Clubs jointly participated in a community-wide campaign for eye health and care for the blind, with nearly 2,000 pairs of glasses collected Throughout the year, both clubs collected used eyeglasses from locations in their communities. A special effort, including increasing the number of eyeglass collection sites, was initiated in May. The eyeglasses will be distributed to needy individuals in developing countries throughout the world and here at home.

In addition the Lions’ KidsSight program screens preschoolers, too young to read an eye chart, for abnormal vision. To date, the Larchmont Lions’ regional district has screened more than 34,000 children, resulting in more than 1,000 children referred to ophthalmologists for early eyesight correction. In May the Larchmont Lions took part in eye screenings at daycare centers throughout lower Westchester. The Larchmont and Mamaroneck Lions will jointly celebrate their respective 90th and 95th anniversaries in October.


The Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County Environment and Energy Program is hosting a forum on community-based and shared solar options, featuring Solarize Hudson Valley, community choice aggregation and community distributed generation. The forum will be held June 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Mid-Hudson Heritage Center, 317 Main St. in Poughkeepsie. Certificates of attendance for municipal training credit will be provided.


JUNE 20, 2016


In addition to an overview of community-based and shared solar options, case studies of how the programs are being implemented in Hudson Valley communities will be presented. The forum will include information for a variety of audiences, including municipal, residential, businesses and agriculture. A question-andanswer session will follow. To register, visit communityandsharedsolar.eventbrite.com.


Jarett Feldman

Lauren Carton

Drs. Jarett Feldman and Lauren Carton joined Westmed Medical Group on June 1. Feldman of Elmsford, who is board certified in medical oncology, hematology and internal medicine, joined the group’s office

at 3030 Westchester Ave. He received his medical degree from The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He completed his internship and residency at the New York-Presbyterian

GUARRACINO CITED A TOP CFO Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, followed by a fellowship in hematology and medical oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is affiliated with White Plains Hospital and Greenwich Hospital. Carton of West Harrison is a boardcertified pediatrician who completed her residency in pediatrics at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. She received her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics. She is affiliated with Greenwich Hospital and Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. For the past 20 years, Carton has practiced at Pediatric Associates in Rye Brook. Her new office is 644 W. Putnam Ave. in Greenwich.

The radiology department at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center received accreditation from the American College of Radiology for the Siemens MRI system and imaging

services offered in its new MRI center. This three-year accreditation includes imaging of the body, head, spine, musculoskeletal, arterial studies and — for the first time at

Joseph J. Guarracino, senior vice president and CFO of White Plains Hospital, was recognized as one of the “150 Hospital, Health System CFOs to Know” among the top financial leaders from the country’s prominent for-and nonprofit hospitals and health systems by Becker’s Hospital Review. Guarracino oversees all financial operations of the



A Phelps radiology technician and patient with the new MRI, a Siemens 1.5 Tesla MAGNETOM Aera Open Bore MRI, a state-of-the-art MRI that provides advanced clinical applications.

Joseph J. Guarracino

Phelps —cardiac MRI, which is usually performed at larger hospitals. The department was designated a Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence by the ACR in 2015, and in order to maintain its standing as such, it must have accreditation for all of the ACR-rated imaging services it provides. The new MRI, a Siemens 1.5 Tesla MAGNETOM Aera Open Bore MRI, provides advanced clinical applications, including the ability to screen for breast cancer and tools for evaluating other oncological conditions. It has a wide diameter that gives patients a feeling of spaciousness and is short enough to allow a person’s head to remain outside of the magnet during many exams. Besides being faster, quieter and more comfortable than traditional MRI scanners, the system features custom mood lighting to reduce anxiety and patients are able to listen to the music of their choice.

Peter Sloane

where they can escape from their problems and the stigma of poverty, and simply be kids.” The fundraising initiative at White Plains Hospital was spearheaded by nursing staff and conducted in celebration of National Nurses Week. “We are thrilled that we raised more than three times our initial goal for this wonderful program. Thanks to the hard work

of our nursing colleagues and the generosity of the White Plains Hospital family, 17 children will enjoy the camp experience,” said Andrea LaCourciere, surgical services educator at the hospital. The Brighter Futures Summer Day Camp opened in 1976. It serves up to 100 homeless and disadvantaged children ages 5 to 13.

The Mental Health Association of Westchester (MHA) has appointed Peter Sloane, chair of trademark and copyright practice at Leason Ellis LLP, to its board of directors. “Nearly everyone has been touched to some degree by a mental health issue, even if it’s through a coworker, family member or friend. People in Westchester are no exception, and it is important that we take care of each other,” Sloane said. Sloane is an intellectual property attorney who has been listed in the World Trademark Review 1000, Who’s Who Legal – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals and Super Lawyers. A writer and public speaker, he handles all aspects of trademark and copyright counseling, prosecution and litigation.

WMC NAMES OPERATIONS EXEC James Y. Lee has joined Westchester Medical Center as senior vice president for operations. Lee will oversee all ancillary services and clinical support areas on the Valhalla and Poughkeepsie campuses, including pharmacy, radiology, laboratory, and respiratory care, as well as all clinical service lines. Prior to his appointment, Lee served as executive vice president and chief operating officer at NewYork-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville. Lee lives in Greenwich with his wife and two daughters.

HOSPITAL RAISES $8,000 FOR CAMPERS White Plains Hospital has raised more than $8,000 in employee donations that will enable 17 homeless and disadvantaged children to attend Brighter Futures Summer Day Camp, a program of the nonprofit social services agency, Lifting Up Westchester, based in White Plains. Through the Brighter Futures program, children in need will enjoy, “a stimulating and recreational environment,

hospital and its 12 satellite facilities, including two multispecialty centers in Armonk and New Rochelle. Becker’s Hospital Review selects the top CFOs who are “fiscal-minded leaders who help their organizations navigate the challenging changes in health care reimbursement.” Guarracino’s career spans more than 25 years in managing and overseeing the financial operations of health care institutions. Prior to joining White Plains Hospital, he served as senior vice president and CFO at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, a post he held for eight years. Before that, he was CFO for three hospitals in Putnam and Dutchess counties that were part of the Health Quest System. He also serves as an adjunct professor in the Department of Finance at the Hagan School of Business at Iona College, teaching a graduate class in health care finance management.

James Y. Lee


JUNE 20, 2016


FACTS OSSINING, 3-5 Upper Croton Ave. Multipurpose structure; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: Green Tree Servicing LLC. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Fein Such & Crane LLP; 585-232-7400; 1400 Old County Road, Westbury 11590. Defendant: Michael Rooney. Referee: Anthony Keogh. Sale: June 29. Approximate lien: $608,86.96.

YONKERS, 20 Beech Lane. Description: N/A; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff ’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Elaine Jeffers. Referee: Lisa Goldman. Sale: June 29, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,136,669.78.

PEEKSKILL, 19 Cayuga Drive. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Keenan Derry. Referee: Gary Rikoon. Sale: June 22, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $165,425.33.

YONKERS, 23 Longmeadow Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .09 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585-987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Carmelo Raldiris. Referee: Julia Henrichs. Sale: June 22, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $341,909.67.

PEEKSKILL, 154 Villa at the Woods, D210. Description: N/A; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Mark Golsalves. Referee: Victoria Munian. Sale: June 29, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $165,021.40.

YONKERS, 44 Crotty Ave. Twofamily residence; lot size: .1 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Edwim Caminero. Referee: Michael Santangelo. Sale: June 21, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $393,776.90.

PLEASANTVILLE, 16 Club Court. Single-family residence; lot size: .05 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Ben Rosenshine. Referee: Steven Lubowitz. Sale: June 27, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $682,006.11. SOUTH SALEM, 142 Stone Meadow. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Pennymac Corp. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Fein Such & Crane LLP, 585-232-7400; 1400 Old Country Road, Westbury 11590. Defendant: C.M. Fedrizzi Govan. Referee: Michele Bermel. Sale: June 22, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $62,093.68. YONKERS, 2 Landscape Place aka 14 Landscape Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .13 acre. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Berkman, Henoch, Peterson & Peddy, 516-222-6200; 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden City 11530. Defendant: Muhammad Assi. Referee: David Gallo. Sale: June 21, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: N/A.

YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, 450 Elizabeth Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .91 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Robert Defeo. Referee: Carl Finger. Sale: June 20, 2 p.m. Approximate lien: $609,606.97.

JUDGMENTS AAAAA Arrow Office Furniture, Yonkers. $3,589 in favor of United Stationers Supply, Des Plains, Ill. Filed June 8. Level 42 Associates LLC, White Plains. $25,842 in favor of Andrew Adams Inc., Scarsdale. Filed June 8. MTK Tavern LLC, Mount Kisco. $59,423 in favor of 5 South Moger LLC, New York. Filed June 10. New Legacy Furniture and Wholesale Corp., Yonkers. $3,132 in favor of Link USA LLC, North Bergen, N.J. Filed June 8.

Engineers (multiple openings) for co. in West Harrison, NY: Associate RF Engineer: Assist in engineering desgn/system performance of wireless networks. Design/optimize network coverage/performance/capacity. Reqts: Bachelor’s or equiv in EE or related & 2 yrs exp in job or related. RF Engineer I: perfrm design & system performance of 2G, 3G, 4G wireless networks. Prfrm radio Network dsgn/RF tuning/optimization w/GSM, CDMA/LTE/ WCDMA technologies. Reqts: Master’s or equiv in EE field or related & 1 yr exp in job or related jobs. RF Engineer II: resp for engg design/system performance of 2G, 3G, 4G wireless networks. Serve as technical subject matter expert. Mentor RF engineers. Perform radio network design, RF tuning/optimization using GSM, CDMA, LTE and WCDMA technologies. Reqts: Bachelor’s or equiv in EE field or related & 5 yrs progressive exp in job or related jobs. All positions require frequent travel to unanticipated worksites throughout the U.S. F/T, 9am-5pm, M-F. Resume to: Sublime Wireless Inc, 333 Westchester Ave, Suite SG02, West Harrison, NY 10604.


JUNE 20, 2016



NY20 LLC, Elmsford. $19,644 in favor of Bear Franchising Raleigh LLC, Raleigh, N.C. Filed June 8. RLJ Electric Corp., Peekskill. $9,545 in favor of Sound Environmental Associates LLC, Wading River. Filed June 6. Starbuilt Homes LLC, Rye. $17,218 in favor of White Electric of New York LLC, White Plains. Filed June 8. Troy’s Garden Nurseries Inc., Bedford. $9,703 in favor of Arett Sales Corp., Cherry Hill, N.J. Filed June 7. Vision Financial Corp., West Harrison. $40,535 in favor of De Lage Landen Financial Services Inc., Wayne, Pa. Filed June 7. Westchester Fight Club, Bronxville. $2,774 in favor of Live Wire Security and Communication Inc., Irvington. Filed June 8.

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Alter, Blanche, et al. Filed by Reverse Mortgage Solutions Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $840,000 affecting property located at 17 Taylor Road, Elmsford 10523. Filed April 7. Arrieta, Carlos, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,496 affecting property located at 850 King St., Peekskill 10566. Filed April 2.

FIGURES Chiovaro, Kenneth A., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $450,000 affecting property located at 3105 Ferncrest Drive, Yorktown Heights 10598. Filed April 3. Clarke, Clement W., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 11 S. 14th Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed April 6.

Paulino, Miguel, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $292,825 affecting property located at 18 S. Bleeker St., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed April 7. Rosato, Christopher, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $340,025 affecting property located at 59 Soundview Ave., Yonkers 10704. Filed April 3.

Dedvukaj, Marash, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $1 million affecting property located at 18 Cross Hill Road, Eastchester 10709. Filed April 7.

Sabharwal, Upinderpal S., et al. Filed by Ventures Trust 2013-I-H-R. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $990,000 affecting property located at 40 Brewster Terrace, New Rochelle 10804. Filed April 7.

Ghosh, Chinmoyee, et al. Filed by Indus American Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 701 Pheasant Woods Road, Briarcliff Manor 10510. Filed April 7.

Smith, Althea, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $399,877 affecting property located at 255 Abbott Ave., Elmsford 10523. Filed April 6.

Gretczko, Robert, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $462,400 affecting property located at 87 Gramatan Drive, Yonkers 10701. Filed April 2.

Tannen, Andrew P., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $160,000 affecting property located at 266 Truman Ave., Yonkers 10703. Filed April 6.

Heyman, Stephen D., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $367,200 affecting property located at 17 N. Lake Road, Armonk 10504. Filed April 3.

Wells, Judith, et al. Filed by Matrix Financial Services Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $417,000 affecting property located at 73 Truesdale Drive, Croton-on-Hudson 10520. Filed April 2.

Lopez, Mildred, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $97,500 affecting property located at 108 High St., Yonkers 10703. Filed April 2.

Bergin, Erica, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $390,000 affecting property located at 56 Pratt St., New Rochelle 10801. Filed April 6.

McLean, Rodington, individually and on behalf of the estate of Lloyd McLean, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $156,000 affecting property located at 150 Chauncey Place, Peekskill 10566. Filed April 2.

Birkenfeld, Karl F., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,000 affecting property located at 2 Greenvale Ave., Yonkers 10703. Filed April 7.

Mendel, Andrew, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $655,000 affecting property located at 6 Banksville Road, Armonk 10504. Filed April 3.

Broas, Sandra L., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 19 White Birch Road South, Pound Ridge 10576. Filed April 6.

Mosny, Michael A., et al. Filed by Putnam County Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $430,000 affecting property located at 243 Locust Ave., Cortlandt. Filed April 7.

Campbell, Paul C., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $196,000 affecting property located at 330 S. Broadway, Unit 6F, Tarrytown 10591. Filed April 6.

Ness, Mark, et al. Filed by Citibank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $460,000 affecting property located at 37 Sherwood Ave., Ossining 10562. Filed April 2. O’Hara, Luis, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 288 Knollwood Road, Greenburgh 10607. Filed April 7.

MECHANIC’S LIENS Cingillioglu, Zekiye, et al, White Plains, as owner. $18,235 as claimed by Fantasy Furniture Inc., Ridgewood. Property: 5 Renaissance Square, PH10C and PH10G,White Plains 10601. Filed June 8. Couch, John B., et al, as owner. $53,037 as claimed by DeSimone Industries Inc., Pelham. Property: 100 purchase St., Rye. Filed June 6.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Partnerships Alpha Fly, 300 Main St., Apt. 5H, White Plains 10601, c/o Alex Bennett Lee and Celina Rose Lee. Filed Oct. 27. Unique Hair Clinic, 277 W. First St., Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Martene Mitchell Tamares and Jesus Tamares. Filed Oct. 26.

Sole Proprietorships A+ Professional Services, 941 McLean Ave., Suite 405, Yonkers 10704, c/o Frances Sanfratello. Filed Oct. 26. Assist Your Success, 3 The Logging Road, Waccabuc 10597, c/o Tori Hapoienu. Filed Oct. 26. BC Realty, 133 Franklin Ave., Harrison 10528, c/o Barbara Coppola. Filed Oct. 23. Classical Cameo, 30 Fieldcrest Road, Tuckahoe 10707, c/o Lisa Annunziato. Filed Oct. 28. Dannie DC, 213 Rich Ave., Mount Vernon 10552, c/o Dannie Copeland. Filed Oct. 26. Garry’s Car Wash and Detailing, 150 W. Third St., Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Garry R. Johnson. Filed Oct. 26. MKM Supplies, 33 Cleveland St., Valhalla 10595, c/o Marion K. McBride. Filed Oct. 27. Nursing Cover Me, P.O. Box 1450, New Rochelle 10802, c/o Sara B. Caldwell. Filed Oct. 27. NYS Limousine Transportation, 15 Granada Crescent, No. 12, White Plains 10603, c/o Manuel E. Martinez. Filed Oct. 28. Safety Management Consulting, 1 Sadore Lane, No. 5Y, Yonkers 10710, c/o Roger Romance. Filed Oct. 23. Sally’s Little Kids, 34 Pershing Ave., Ossining 10562, c/o Sally G. Scamarone. Filed Oct. 27. Schneider Agency, 55 Old Oregon Road, Cortlandt Manor 10567, c/o William J. Schneider Jr. Filed Oct. 27. Sweet Gifts, 111 Union Ave., New Rochelle 10801, c/o Concepcion Pulido. Filed Oct. 26. Tax King Enterprise, 411 Bronx River Road, Apt. 3D, Yonkers 10704, c/o Michael Khalil. Filed Oct. 27. The Vintin Group, 333 Mamaroneck Ave., PMB 135, White Plains 10605, c/o Sharona Wilhelm. Filed Oct. 23.

PATENTS Automatic extraction, modeling and code mapping of application user interface display screens and components. Patent no. 9,369,349 issued to Joseph W. Ligman, Wilton, Conn.; Marco Pistoia, Amawalk; John J. Ponzo, Hawthorne; and Gegi Thomas, Piermont. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.

FACTS Cipher text translation. Patent no. 9,369,274 issued to Todd W. Arnold, Charlotte, N.C.; Elizabeth A. Dames, Harrisburg, N.C.; and Mark D. Marik, Denver, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Cooling apparatus with a resilient heat-conducting member. Patent no. 9,370,122 issued to Timothy J. Chainer, Putnam Valley; Pritish R. Parida, Fishkill; and Mark D. Schultz, Ossining. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Cost and resource utilization optimization in multiple data source transcoding. Patent no. 9,369,510 issued to Ligang Lu, New City; Vadim Sheinin, Mount Kisco. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Directed route load/store packets for distributed switch initialization. Patent no. 9,369,298 issued to William T. Flynn, Rochester, Minn.; Joseph A. Kirscht, Rochester, Minn.; and Bruce M. Walk, Rochester, Minn. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Network-aware structured content downloads. Patent no. 9,369,519 issued to Ronald P. Doyle, Raleigh, N.C.; and David L. Kaminsky, Chapel Hill, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Overlay network capable of supporting storage and area network (SAN) traffic. Patent no. 9,369,301 issued to Bhalachandra G. Banavalikar, Cupertino, Calif.; Keshav G. Kamble, Fremont, Calif.; and Renato J. Recio, Austin, Texas. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Providing visual cues for a user interacting with an automated telephone system. Patent no. 9,369,566 issued to Susan M. Cox, Rochester, Minn.; Janai Janakiraman, Austin, Texas; Fang Lu, Billerica, Mass.; and Karthik Ramamoorthy, Austin, Texas. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Synchronized data changes. Patent no. 9,369,517 issued to David M. Heath, Evergreen, Colo. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. TCP connection resource diversity using tunable geometric series. Patent no. 9,369,485 issued to Marco A. Cabrera Escandell, Bellevue, Wash.; and Tommy L. McLane, Hutto, Texas. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.




278 Van Wyck Lake Road LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: Patricia O. Barber, et al, Hudson, N.H. Property: 278 Van Wyke Lake Road, Fishkill 12524. Amount: $747,000. Filed June 7.

Double R Capital Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Anthony C. Carlini Jr., Wappinger Falls. Property: 38 LaGrange Ave., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $123,000. Filed June 9.

Habitat For Humanity of Greater Newburgh Inc., Newburgh. Seller: Alejandro Perez, et al, Newburgh. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $80,543. Filed June 9.

Lux Property Management Inc., Saugerties. Seller: Guariglia Properties LLC, Red Hook. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $772,500. Filed June 7.


5610 Realty Corp., Brooklyn. Seller: Jocheved Breuer, Monroe. Property: in Monroe. Amount: $98,000. Filed June 6.

EDS Worldwide LLC, Greenacres, Fla. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 160 Chandler Lane, Montgomery 12549. Amount: $146,500. Filed June 9.

Hudson Homestead Group LLC, Kingston. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 246 Elmendorf St., Kingston 12401. Amount: $120,000. Filed June 7.

M&T Bank. Seller: Martin R. Goldberg, Middletown. Property: 48-50 Gavin Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $112,326. Filed June 10.

700-720 Indian Brook Road LLC, Mystic, Conn. Seller: Open Space Institute Land Trust Inc., New York City. Property: in Putnam Valley. Amount: $460,000. Filed May 26.

Fannie Mae. Seller: John P. Cappello, Walden. Property: 26 Winona Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $206,640. Filed June 10.

Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Alexis Cordiano, Colchester, Conn. Property: in Esopus. Amount: $225,000. Filed June 7.

Matrix Equities Inc., Port Jefferson Station. Seller: Partners Management LLC, Mahopac. Property: 627 N. Lake Blvd., Carmel 10512. Amount: $475,000. Filed May 13.

Hudson Valley Real Estate Partners LLC, Newburgh. Seller: Louros Realty Corp., Scarsdale. Property 24 Courtney Ave., Newburgh. Amount: $95,000. Filed June 6.

MidFirst Bank. Seller: Raphael J. Basso, Poughkeepsie. Property: 12 Fairmont Ave., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $379,000. Filed June 7.

Above $1 million Galloway, Timothy Eric, Garrison, as owner. Lender: First Republic Bank, San Francisco, Calif. Property: in Philipstown. Amount: $1.5 million. Filed June 6.

Below $1 million Kennedy, Caitlin, Walden, as owner. Lender: Hometown Bank of the Hudson Valley, Walden. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $104,400. Filed June 8. Opulent Homes Inc., as owner. Lender: LendingHome Funding Corp., San Francisco, Calif. Property: 30 Chads Ford Lane, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $194,700. Filed June 7. Zylstra, Luke, et al, Montgomery, as owner. Lender: Farm Credit East ACA, Middletown. Property: in Montgomery. Amount: $100,000. Filed June 10.

DEEDS Above $1 million BRE RC Beekman SS NY LLC, New York City. Seller: RC Beekman NY LP, Toronto, Ontario, Canda. Property: in Beekman. Amount: $15.4 million. Filed June 7. Bredr Property Group LLC, Bronx. Seller: Paul Pasquantonio, Brewster. Property: in Southeast. Amount: $1.6 million. Filed May 17. Highland Meadows Senior LP, Wappingers Falls. Seller: Highland Meadows Senior Housing Development Fund Company Inc., Wappingers Falls. Property: in Beacon. Amount: $2.2 million. Filed June 3. Horton Road LLC, New York City. Seller: Bruce Kehr, et al, Hopewell Junction. Property: 3590 Route 9, Philipstown. Amount: $1.2 million. Filed May 25.

Below $1 million 196 Schoolhouse Road LLC, Middletown. Seller: Elisabeth Kay Fiekowsky, Sebastopol, Calif. Property: in Mount Hope. Amount: $118,000. Filed June 8.

A and B Management and Properties LLC, Kingston. Seller: Sharon G. Huckabee, Napanoch. Property: in Wawarsing. Amount: $35,000. Filed June 8. Affirmative Evangelum Fellowship Chapel Field School, Pine Bush. Seller: Little Sisters of the Assumption, Walden. Property: in Walden. Amount: $600,000. Filed June 9. All Angels Mobile Home Park LLC, Hopewell Junction. Seller: Don K. Miller, et al, Wappingers Falls. Property: in Wappinger. Amount: $380,000. Filed June 8. Anna Properties New York LLC, Rock Tavern. Seller: Carmela Marie Monti, New Windsor. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $152,000. Filed June 9. Anselmo Property Corp., Yonkers. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 47 Genung St., Middletown 10940. Amount: $75,500. Filed June 8. B.E. Venture Capital Inc., Gardiner. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 15 Fifth St., Gardiner 12525. Amount: $172,500. Filed June 9. Benkert Realty Inc., Kingston. Seller: Wilbur J. Turck Jr., Kingston. Property: in Kingston. Amount: $65,000. Filed June 9. Bragada Properties LLC, Poughquag. Seller: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $17,500. Filed June 9. Carmel Properties LLC, White Plains. Seller: JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Property: 527 Fox Run Lane, 10C, Carmel 10512. Amount: $17,500. Filed May 19. CitiMortgage Inc. Seller: Anthony Abraham, Carmel. Property: 4 Abbey Field Lane, Brewster 10509. Amount: $583,329. Filed May 26. Citizens Bank N.A. Seller: Alan L. Joseph, Goshen. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $205,248. Filed June 9. Darya 4 Laundromat Corp., Green Brook, N.J. Seller: Dharam Vohra, Middletown. Property: in Middletown. Amount: $180,000. Filed June 10.

Fannie Mae. Seller: Robert W. Fink, Goshen. Property: 15 Haight Drive, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $222,593. Filed June 10. FDF Enterprises Inc., Middletown. Seller: Ohio Realty LLC, Middletown. Property: in Mount Hope. Amount: $50,000. Filed June 6. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Carrie Fields, et al, Middletown. Property: 28 Highland View Place, Middletown 10940. Amount: $360,836. Filed June 6. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: John A. Sarcone, White Plains. Property: 60 Route 311, Carmel 10512. Amount: $129,575. Filed May 16. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Paul C. Brite, Newburgh. Property: 21 Lark St., Washingtonville 10992. Amount: $85,558. Filed June 6. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Thomas Jones, et al, Goshen. Property: 30 Mine Road, Monroe 10950. Amount: $258,953. Filed June 10. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: George W. Lithco, Walden. Property: 9 Green Lane, Slate Hill 10973. Amount: $257,699. Filed June 7. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Judith L. Lubinsky, Campbell Hall. Property: 331 Carpenter Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $546,978. Filed June 6. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Pavel Galo, et al, Newburgh. Property: 44 Larter Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $188,093. Filed June 9. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Yvonne Skramstad, Walden. Property: 7 Barclay St., Port Jervis 12771. Amount: $164,549. Filed June 7. Gemmati Properties LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Joseph Hetsler, Rhinebeck. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $48,000. Filed June 8. Goshen Park LLC, Florida. Seller: Jacqueline Price Coates, Warwick. Property: in Goshen. Amount: $200,000. Filed June 6.

Hudson Valley Real Estate Partners LLC, Newburgh. Seller: Michael Stange, New Windsor. Property: 48 Carson Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $65,000. Filed June 9. Huguenot heights Realty LLC, New Paltz. Seller: Scott Andrew Fritzen, et al, Seattle, Wash. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $222,000. Filed June 9. JBW Properties of Ulster LLC, Kingston. Seller: Hudson River Heights LLC, Kingston. Property: in Ulster. Amount: $160,990. Filed June 9. Jefferson Valley Dental Associates PC, Jefferson Valley. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 908 Chelsea Cove Drive, No. 908, Hopewell Junction 12533. Amount: $114,500. Filed June 8. Jersey Heights Investment LLC, Warwick. Seller: SMB Investments LLC, Woodbridge, Va. Property: 231 County Highway, Warwick 10990. Amount: $265,000. Filed June 9. Jolie Holdings LLC, White Plains. Seller: Carmel, County of Putnam. Property: 559 Route 6N, Carmel. Amount: $25,000. Filed May 13. Kiwi Landco LLC, New York City. Seller: Ivan Bellotto, et al, Carmel. Property: in Carmel. Amount: $35,000. Filed May 24. Land Management LLC, New York City. Seller: Walter R. Yetnikoff, New York City. Property: in Philipstown. Amount: $750,000. Filed May 26. Lazio LLC, Carmel. Seller: Hidden House Corp., Wappingers Falls. Property: 90 Glenvue Drive, Carmel 10512. Amount: $900,000. Filed May 24. Louie and Hazel LLC, Bearsville. Seller: 396 Wittenberg Road LLC, Woodstock. Property: in Woodstock. Amount: $500,000. Filed June 7. LRG Sales Inc., Marlboro. Seller: Keith Byron, Clinton Corners. Property: 147 All Angels Hill Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $81,000. Filed June 7.


MSM Services Inc., Hurley. Seller: James J. Parkhurst, Lake Katrine. Property: 96 Tuytenbridge Road, Ulster. Amount: $113,500. Filed June 7. Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Seller: Barbara Neiman, New Paltz. Property: 221 S. Ohioville Road, New Paltz 12561. Amount: $239,967. Filed June 6. Necap Enterprises LLC, Campbell Hall. Seller: Dale Glebocki, et al, Slate Hill. Property: in Goshen. Amount: $211,000. Filed June 10. Olivia Quality Homes LLC, Highland Falls. Seller: Paul R. Glaisek III, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Property: 89 Mountain Ave., Highlands 10928. Amount: $21,000. Filed June 10. Opulent Homes Inc., Monroe. Seller: PNC Bank N.A. Property: 30 Chads Ford Lane, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $133,000. Filed June 7. PennyMac Holdings LLC, Moorpark, Calif. Seller: Aneyda Wiley, Newburgh. Property: 62 Shipp St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $442,012. Filed June 6. PennyMac Holdings LLC, Moorpark, Calif. Seller: Scott Arisman, Mahwah, N.J. Property: 2004 Whispering Hills, Unit 23, Chester 10918. Amount: $250,479. Filed June 6. Ploennigs Holding LLC, Kingston. Seller: Kingston West Properties Company Inc., West Hurley. Property: in Kingston. Amount: $290,000. Filed June 8. PNC Bank N.A. Seller: Martin Goldberg, Middletown. Property: 27 Annabelle Lane, Warwick 10990. Amount: $405,000. Filed June 10. Prosave Development Inc., Montebello. Seller: Sarah Ramos. Property: 153 Mine Road, Monroe. Amount: $375,000. Filed June 6. Santander Bank N.A. Seller: Rosell M. Walker, New Windsor. Property: 530 Lakeside Road, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $326,662. Filed June 6.

JUNE 20, 2016




Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Cleveland, Ohio. Seller: Judith Reardon, Katonah. Property: 4117 Woodland Drive, Lake Carmel 10512. Amount: $133,575. Filed May 23.

Vantage Construction Inc., Salisbury Mills. Seller: Angela J. Kessler, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Property: in Cornwall-on-Hudson. Amount: $85,000. Filed June 9.

Seven Kosnitz 102 LLC, Monroe. Seller: Samuel Holtzer, et al, Monroe. Property: 7 Kosnitz Road, Unit 102, Monroe 10950. Amount: $260,000. Filed June 10.

VRE Carmel LLC, Southlake, Texas. Seller: Gleneida Realty Inc., Somers. Property: 1819 Route 6, Carmel 10512. Amount: $221,650. Filed May 17.

Jamaica Choice Caribbean Cuisine Inc, New Paltz. $2,869 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Lorraine Sills, et al, New Windsor. Property: 707 Driftwood Lane, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $190,000. Filed June 7.

Lite-Cool-Construction Corp., Gardiner. $104 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

Weyrauch Construction Company Inc., Montgomery. Seller: Stewart P. Glenn, Newburgh. Property: 93 Orange Ave., Walden 12586. Amount: $50,300. Filed June 8.

Mad Marvin Auto Sales, Saugerties. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

Shalders Enterprises LLC, Pine Bush. Seller: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Greenville. Amount: $40,000. Filed June 7. Shalders Enterprises LLC, Pine Bush. Seller: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Blooming Grove. Amount: $67,500. Filed June 7. SMB Investments LLC, Woodbridge, Va. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 231 Route 1A, Warwick 10990. Amount: $220,000. Filed June 9. State of New York Mortgage Agency, New York City. Seller: John Fallon, Walden. Property: 45 Orange Ave., Goshen 10924. Amount: $110,018. Filed June 10. Sugar Hill Farm LLC, Pine Plains. Seller: Mario L. Orrino, Pine Plains. Property: 394 Schultz Hill Road and Schultz Hill Road, Pine Plains. Amount: $460,000. Filed June 8. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: John B. Swift III, Goshen. Property: 10 Locust St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $151,893. Filed June 10. The People of the State of New York Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Albany. Seller: Steven Sikes, et al, Juneau, Alaska. Property: in Philipstown. Amount: $750,000. Filed May 13. The Rivera Family LP, Newburgh. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 2 Edgewood Terrace, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $78,000. Filed June 10. The Scenic Hudson Land Trust Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Matthew H. Ciccone, Beacon. Property: in Fishkill. Amount: $419,500. Filed June 8. The Town of Ulster, Lake Katrine. Seller: Roger David Ballantine, et al, Catskill. Property: in Ulster. Amount: $149,313. Filed June 7. TJ Tancredi Homes Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Andrew L. Spitz, Poughkeepsie. Property: in LaGrange. Amount: $125,000. Filed June 7. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Ralph A. Beisner, Poughkeepsie. Property: 593 Hollow Road, Staatsburg 12580. Amount: $349,000. Filed June 9. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Joan C. Salwen, Scarsdale. Property: 1001 Eagles Ridge Road, Brewster 10509. Amount: $289,371. Filed May 23.


JUNE 20, 2016

Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Robert Hunter, Monticello. Property: 144 Neptune Drive, Monroe. Amount: $142,000. Filed June 6. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Robert Wilkins, et al, Clermont, Fla. Property: 90 Old Forestburg, Sparrowbush 12780. Amount: $281,674. Filed June 7. Wilmington Savings Funds Society FSB. Seller: Christopher Sean Coleman, Poughkeepsie. Property: 26 Spruce St., Pawling 12564. Amount: $254,500. Filed June 8.

JUDGMENTS Angie’s Auctions LLC, Montgomery. $2,117 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 21. Audio Video Tek, Kingston. $15,996 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Bagel World of Monroe Inc., Washingtonville. $142 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 21.

Garden Street LLC, Saugerties. $104 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

Majestic Carpets Inc., Port Jervis. $11,981 in favor of Mohawk Factoring Inc., Calhoun, Ga. Filed June 9. MMAM Family Inc., Highland. $547 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. MRB Enterprises, Highland. $150 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Paint Xperts, Saugerties. $268 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Pepperoni’s Pizzeria of Endicott Inc., New Paltz. $1,831 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Scott A. Michel Inc., New Paltz. $413 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Stafford Landscaping Inc., Marlboro. $13,939 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

FIGURES A�yapong, Victor K., et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $334,875 affecting property located at 37 Sparrow Ridge Road, Carmel 10512. Filed May 26.

Cestone, Michael, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $268,200 affecting property located at 1 Horseshoe Bend, New Windsor 12553. Filed Nov. 12.

Flood, Christopher S., et al. Filed by American Financial Resources Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $193,955 affecting property located at 25 Arapahoe Trail, Marlboro 12542. Filed June 6.

Albarracin, Zoila, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $280,000 affecting property located at 112 Arthursburg Road, LaGrangeville 12540. Filed June 8.

Ciavardini, Robert, et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $375,000 affecting property located at 12 Tulip Drive, Brewster 10509. Filed June 7.

Follini, James Jr., et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $424,613 affecting property located at 17 Madison Court, Wallkill 12589. Filed Nov. 16.

Amaturo, Joseph A., et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $85,500 affecting property located at 17 Church St., Ellenville 12428. Filed June 10.

Conn, Kevin L., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $215,180 affecting property located at 203 Ridge Road, Marlboro 12542. Filed June 9.

Forneris, Annemarie, et al. Filed by RBS Citizens N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $45,000 affecting property located at 276 Temple Hill Road, New Windsor. Filed Nov. 12.

Any unknown heirs to the estate of Robert Major, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $297,500 affecting property located at 1168 Route 12, New Hampton 10958. Filed Nov. 12.

Couto, John J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $237,500 affecting property located at 30 Scott Drive, Wappingers Falls 12590. Filed June 7.

Fuhrmann, Richard P., et al. Filed by Sawyer Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $205,000 affecting property located at 572 New Paltz Road, Highland 12528. Filed June 8.

Decesare, Sara H., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $280,000 affecting property located at 122 Lyons Lane, Marlboro 12547. Filed June 6.

Gashi, Nazmi, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $432,000 affecting property located at 16 Monarch Drive, Hopewell Junction 12533. Filed June 3.

Barnes, Grace, et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $300,000 affecting property located at 306 Tower Ave., Montgomery 12543. Filed Nov. 16. Benkard, Susan P., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $138,301 affecting property located at 29 Pine St., Pine Plains 12567. Filed June 2. Birmele, Robert B., et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $312,000 affecting property located at 28 Fairfield Road, Carmel 10512. Filed June 9. Brown, James P., et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $239,900 affecting property located at 40 Hankin Loop, Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 2.

Demilo, Steven D., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $232,000 affecting property located at 63 Woodland Trail, Carmel 10512. Filed June 2. Dominguez, Elaine, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $300,000 affecting property located at 18 Barclay Road, New Windsor 12553. Filed Nov. 12. Doran, Kareem C., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $234,671 affecting property located at 14 Coach Lane, Newburgh 12550. Filed Nov. 12. DuBois, Emerson, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $160,000 affecting property located at 34 Elmendorf St., Kingston 12402. Filed June 8.

Zurisadai Home Improvement Corp., Brentwood. $6,353 in favor of The Sherwin-Williams Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Filed June 10.

Cap Paper Hanging and Paint Corp., Commack. $7,678 in favor of The Sherwin-Williams Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Filed June 7.

Carlucci, Wendy A., et al. Filed by CitiMortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $417,000 affecting property located at 136 Nine Partners Road, Staatsburg 12580. Filed June 7.


Chester Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc., Chester. $229,810 in favor of Emstar Transportation LLC, Airmont. Filed June 10.

The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed.

Carpio, Carlos, et al. Filed by PennyMac Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $189,504 affecting property located at 44 Dupont Ave., Newburgh 12550. Filed Nov. 13.

Espinal, Edith, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $313,500 affecting property located at 163 Eagleton Drive, Unit 16C, Monroe 10950. Filed Nov. 13.

Emerald Hill Farm, Wallkill. $200 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.

Accomando, Mary Anne, et al. Filed by CitiMortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $128,000 affecting property located at 1 Sycamore Court, Highland Mills. Filed Nov. 12.

Castellanos, Fortino, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $230,400 affecting property located at 77 Route 299, Highland 12528. Filed June 8.

Farkas, Elye, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 239-241 North St., Middletown 10940. Filed Nov. 13.

Castro, Dalila, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $388,800 affecting property located at 6 Derose Lane, Chester 10918. Filed Nov. 16.

Ferguson, Richard D. III, et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $72,000 affecting property located at 26 Belle Lane, Garrison 10524. Filed June 2.

Ered Enterprises Inc., Oliverea. $5,771 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9. Expresstech Printing Inc., Kingston. $1,328 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 9.


Aguilar, Victor B., et al. Filed by OneWest Bank FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $290,000 affecting property located at 159 Kent Shore Drive, Carmel 10512. Filed June 6.

Giraldo, Jorge, et al. Filed by OneWest Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $293,000 affecting property located at 45 Ridgewood Ave., Middletown 10940. Filed Nov. 16. Goldstein, Niels, individually and on behalf of the estate of Stanley Goldstein, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $525,000 affecting property located at 18 Peter Road, Brewster 10509. Filed June 6. Gonzalez, Kimberly Ann, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $85,000 affecting property located at 1 Horseshoe Road, Millbrook 12545. Filed June 2. Harper, Marc D., et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $224,220 affecting property located at 54 Newport Road, Patterson 12563. Filed June 3. Harvey, Osten Jr., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $428,000 affecting property located at 22 E. Lovell St., Carmel 10541. Filed June 2. Hendricks, Violet, et al. Filed by Aurora Loan Services LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $476,000 affecting property located at 85 Fair St., Carmel 10512. Filed June 7. Housman, Elizabeth, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $172,500 affecting property located at 8 Saint Marks Place, Napanoch 12458. Filed June 10.

FACTS Howard, Warren E., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $225,650 affecting property located at 17 Buena Vista Ave., Wallkill 12589. Filed June 9.

Medici, Marisol, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $276,700 affecting property located at 19 Luigi Road, Putnam Valley 10579. Filed June 7.

Hubbard, Sean E., et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $102,850 affecting property located at 34 Spring St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 3.

Merchan, Julio C., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $391,400 affecting property located at 2 Overlook Road, Pawling 12564. Filed June 3.

Hunt, James, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 7 Overlook Bluff, Marlboro 12542. Filed June 6.

Minnetto, Joseph W., et al. Filed by Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $325,000 affecting property located at 3439 Route 9West, Highland 12528. Filed June 8.

Kaselis, Theofilos Jr., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $270,000 affecting property located at 195 Robinson Lane, Wappingers Falls 12590. Filed June 7. Kilmer, Miranda, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $286,000 affecting property located at 3 Brandon Road, Brewster 10509. Filed June 6. Leoteaux, Angel L., et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $273,980 affecting property located at 155 Montgomery St., Goshen 10924. Filed Nov. 13. Linn, Lorraine, et al. Filed by Fifth Third Mortgage Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $268,111 affecting property located at 275 Mettacahonts Road, Accord 12404. Filed June 10. Lopez, Michael, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $230,000 affecting property located in Esopus. Filed June 9. Macnear, Beth, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 17 Valley Ave., Walden 12586. Filed Nov. 13. Masterson, Christine, et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $160,000 affecting property located at 13 East St., Beacon 12508. Filed June 3. Mbamali, Olufunke, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $460,700 affecting property located at 3 Elgin Court, Highland Mills 10930. Filed Nov. 12. McTarsney, Leory R. Sr., as executor of the estate of Agatha Frassman, et al. Filed by Live Well Financial Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $285,000 affecting property located at 71 E. Main St., Washingtonville 10992. Filed Nov. 12.

Morrone, Sabrina, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 5 Grove St., Putnam Valley 10579. Filed May 31.


Petrillo, Louis Greg, executor and one of the devisees of the subject property of the estate of Louis Petrillo, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $120,000 affecting property located at 301 Route 211 West, Middletown 10940. Filed Nov. 12. Pforzheimer, William, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $300,000 affecting property located at 80 Vista Terrace, Mahopac 10541. Filed June 2. Quinn, Kevin, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $443,425 affecting property located at 2 Ridgecrest Drive, Union Vale 12594. Filed June 6. Rodish, Robert P., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $252,000 affecting property located at 151 S. Quaker Hill Road, Patterson 12563. Filed June 10.

Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 17 Lexington Way, Unit 125, Middletown 10940. Filed Nov. 12.

Rosenmeier, Andre K., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $210,000 affecting property located at 561 S. Mountain Road, Gardiner 12525. Filed June 10.

Nelson, Sandra L., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $306,074 affecting property located at 327 Plains Road, Shawangunk 12589. Filed June 6.

Sabbagh, Kevin M., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 2 Smith Road, Goshen 10924. Filed Nov. 13.

Newman, Ronald, individually and as surviving spouse of Isabella Newman, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $270,000 affecting property located at 300 Orchard Drive, Monroe 10950. Filed Nov. 12.

Sandford, Sean O., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $392,250 affecting property located at 9 Evergreen Lane, Walden 12586. Filed Nov. 12.

Nicastri, Kevin D., et al. Filed by Santander Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,000 affecting property located at 2 Barnum Court, Brewster 10509. Filed June 10. Nieman, Annmarie, as heir and distributee of the estate of William R. Nieman, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $472,500 affecting property located at 10 Ann Marie Drive, Salisbury Mills 12577. Filed Nov. 12. O’Brien, Michael, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $288,750 affecting property located at 239 Pressler Road, Newburgh 12589. Filed Nov. 12. O’Brien, Rita McSweeney, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $525,000 affecting property located at 296 Horsepound Road, Carmel 10512. Filed May 31.

Scaperotti, Michelle M., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $181,280 affecting property located at 601 Drew Lane, Carmel 10512. Filed June 7. Secor, James R. Sr., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $337,028 affecting property located at 299 Hillside Lake Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Filed June 3. Selja, James M., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 183 Penaluna Road, Warwick 10950. Filed Nov. 13. Skirianos, Mihael, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $320,000 affecting property located at 25 Spring Drive, Mahopac 10541. Filed June 8.

FIGURES Smack, Charles, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $227,669 affecting property located at 13 Merrick Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Filed June 7.

Walsh, Ellen M., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $151,050 affecting property located at 12 Patterson Village Court, Patterson 12563. Filed June 8.

Smith, Arleen C., et al. Filed by Wilmington Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 15 Mountain Laurel Blvd., Wingdale 12594. Filed June 2.

Wirag, Patricia, et al. Filed by OneWest Bank FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $299,500 affecting property located at 81 Floradan Road, Putnam Valley 10579. Filed May 31.

Smith, Christie Y., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $345,000 affecting property located at 37 Lindy Drive, Carmel 10512. Filed May 31.

Witkowski, Felicia M., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $302,000 affecting property located at 38 Faye Ave., New Windsor 12553. Filed Nov. 13.

Stahl, William W. Jr., et al. Filed by Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $650,000 affecting property located at 136 Kennel Road, Wassaic 12592. Filed June 8. Struble, Kenneth W., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $67,900 affecting property located at 2750 Route 6. Slate Hill. Filed Nov. 13. Sudder, Roy, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $215,000 affecting property located at 3 Parkway, Warwick 10990. Filed Nov. 12. Tavares, Jose, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,109 affecting property located at 18 Sunset Court, Carmel 10512. Filed May 26. Telesco, Regina, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $358,000 affecting property located at 55 Hatfield Road, Mahopac 10541. Filed June 1. Tone, Kathleen, et al. Filed by Flagstar Bank FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $169,432 affecting property located at 5 Redwood Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed June 10. Totten, Elaine, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,000 affecting property located at 11 Laguna Road, Carmel 10512. Filed June 9. Tsang, Paul, et al. Filed by New York Community Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $359,200 affecting property located at 8 Mount Rutsen Road, Rhinebeck 12572. Filed June 8. Vuksanaj, Mario, et al. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,000 affecting property located at 45 Lakeshore Drive, Mahopac 10541. Filed June 9.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Doing Business As General Traders Inc., d.b.a. Wallkill Mart, 12 Wallkill Ave., Wallkill 12589. Filed June 9. Hudson Valley Technolo�y Development Center Inc., d.b.a. Manufacturing and Technolo�y Enterprise Center, 1450 Route 300, Building No. 1, Suite 1, Newburgh 12550. Filed June 9.


New Valley Enterprise Inc., d.b.a. Cobblestone Quik Mark, 3601 Route 52, Walker Valley 12588. Filed June 9.

Giangrande, Joseph, as owner. $30,648 as claimed by Erik Dietrich, et al, Stormville. Property: 1127 Route 216, Beekman. Filed June 9.

Pregnancy Support Center of Ulster County, d.b.a. Bravo Center, 246 Main St., Suite 9, New Paltz 12561. Filed June 9.

Greier, Anthony, et al, as owner. $1,000 as claimed by Picture Perfect Tile and Remodeling Inc., Campbell Hall. Property: in East Fishkill. Filed June 7.

Rhinebeck Bicycle Shop Inc., d.b.a. Bike Brothers, 10 Garden St., Rhinebeck 12572. Filed June 9.

Lia Brewster Realty LLC, Albany, as owner. $20,304 as claimed by Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., Newark, N.J. Property: Lia Honda, 899 NY 22, Brewster 10509. Filed June 10.

Partnerships One Strike, 3176 Route 32, Kingston 12401, c/o Chukie Ben Agbogun and Melissa J. Cardone. Filed June 10.

Northern Dutchess Hospital, as owner. $152,442 as claimed by Basec Corp., Milton. Property: 6511 Spring Brook Ave., Rhinebeck. Filed June 6.

Paws 4 Cause, 522 Cedar St., Eddyville 12401, c/o Stephanie M. Bonavito and Dawn E. Quick. Filed June 9.

Pavestone LLC, Atlanta, Ga., as owner. $12,188 as claimed by Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., Newark, N.J. Property: in Middletown. Filed June 13.

Sole Proprietorships

Pennymac Corp., as owner. $25,050 as claimed by EZ Faceplate LLC, Slate Hill. Property: 24 Lacona Road, Mahopac. Filed June 2. Silo Ridge Ventures Property A LLC, as owner. $18,878 as claimed by Albany Winwater Works Company Inc., Albany. Property: 4655 Route 44, Amenia. Filed June 6. Soules, Jason M., as owner. $19,715 as claimed by Montclair Townhouse Condo, Poughkeepsie. Property: Alpine Drive, Unit 33D, Wappinger. Filed June 8. Tri-Star Management Inc., Monroe, as owner. $10,885 as claimed by Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., Newark, N.J. Property: in Monroe. Filed June 13.

Bouquets by Becky, 12 Hulse St., Wallkill 12589, c/o Rebecca A. Baker. Filed June 8. Brian’s Home Improvement and Yard Maintenance, 641 Creeklocks Road, Rosendale 12472, c/o Laura J. Fleming. Filed June 10. Davis Welding Service, 4983 Route 209, Accord 12404, c/o Arthur Barry Davis. Filed June 9. Divine Food Empire, 170 Delaware Ave., Kingston 12401, c/o Shawna Mathis. Filed June 7. El Agave Restaurant, 42 Ronald Regan Blvd., Warwick, c/o Jose L. Rojas. Filed May 18. Four Brothers Pizzeria and Deli, 67 Windermere Ave., Greenwood Lake 10925, c/o Rogelio Gutierrez. Filed May 19. Frenchie’s Fresh Crepes, 17 Crawford St., Port Jervis, c/o Filese Jupin Shabi. Filed May 19.


JUNE 20, 2016




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McMillen Construction Services, 2 Birch Lane, New Paltz 12561, c/o Tyler J. McMillen. Filed May 18.

Hudson River Glass and Metal, 717 Modena Country Club, Gardiner 12525, c/o Christopher Michael Bombard. Filed June 9.

Modern Architect, 53 Courtney Ave., Newburgh 12550, c/o Stephen Bellamy. Filed May 18.

Infuse Your Life, 354 A. Binnewater Road, Kingston 12401, c/o Vanessa M. Valencia. Filed June 7. J and J Tiny and Detail, 1030 Route 52, Walden, c/o Justin Fransisco Torres. Filed May 18. J and R Acosta Trucking, 29 Poplar St., Newburgh 12550, c/o Jose E. Acosta. Filed May 19. JJM Global Ventures, 3031 Molly Pitcher Drive, New Windsor 12553, c/o Anne O. Pearson. Filed May 18.



Grill on Main, 14 N. Main St., Florida 10921, c/o Charity Bliss Mansoor. Filed May 18.

Imagine Woodworks Co., P.O. Box 454, Pleasant Valley 12569, c/o Jay Friedman. Filed June 9.



Maines Electric, 127 Fiero Road, Malden-on-Hudson 12453, c/o James G. Maines. Filed June 10.

MSR Contracting, 3 Westview Drive, Wallkill 12589, c/o Matthew Scott Reilly. Filed May 18. Natural Temptations Soaps, 25 Dixon Ave., Woodstock 12498, c/o Jessica L. Jones. Filed June 10. Nicholas L. Orlando Jr., 491 Plattekill Ardonia Road, Wallkill 12589, c/o Nicholas L. Orlando Jr. Filed June 7.

Sweet Melissa’s Ice Cream and Bake Shop, 5 Powells Lane, Kingston 12401, c/o Melissa M. Conley. Filed June 6. T and N Outdoors, 160 King Road, Middletown 10941, c/o Thomas Anthony Hapke. Filed May 18. Tea Largo, 749 Turkey Hill Road, Red Hook 12571, c/o Laura Anne Gust. Filed June 8. The Ship and the Whale, 190 Kripplebush Road, Stone Ridge 12484, c/o Christopher J. Ruel. Filed June 10. Your Family Affair, 161 Brimstone Hill Road, Pine Bush 12566, c/o Giovanna Sidoti. Filed June 6.

Peta Holics Petsitting, 305 Hurley Ave., 24C, Kingston 12401, c/o Kaitlin M. McCarthy. Filed June 7. Spencer’s Garage, 103 Old Flatbush Road, Kingston 12401, c/o Spencer A. Schullstrom. Filed June 7. Storycopia, 24 Hone St., Kingston 12401, c/o Susan Piperato. Filed June 7.

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JUNE 20, 2016


LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Formation of SNAC Properties, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/16/2016. Offc. Loc: 674 Central Park Ave Yonkers, NY 10704. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 674 Central Park Ave Yonkers, NY 10704. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60568 Notice of Formation of Sadek Wellness, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/22/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 171 Sparks Ave, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60569 Notice of Formation of Yoav Cacao, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/12/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 61 Maple St, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60570 Notice of Formation of Events by Elizabeth, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/4/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 23 Creemer Rd. Armonk, NY 10504. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60571 Notice of Formation of Prevention Design, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/8/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 3074 Wharton Dr., Yorktown Hts., NY 10598. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60573 JM Facilities, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY 4/22/16. Office Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: MJW Law 1846 E. Main St. Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Purpose: all lawful. #60576 G.V.G. Management, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 5/4/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process The LLC, 260 Glenbrook Ave., Yonkers, NY 10705. General purpose. #60577 Deconstructing the Music, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 3/30/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 1409 Entertainment, Inc., POB 238, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. General purpose. #60578 CM Genaro LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 2/18/14. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Christienne Genaro, 30 Willetts Rd., Mt. Kisco, NY 10549. General purpose. #60580 The Law Office of John P. Seligman, PLLC. Art. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 5/2/16. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY designated for service of process and shall mail to: The PLLC, 45 Main St Unit 4C, Hastings On Hudson, NY 10706. Purpose: law practice #60581

Notice of Formation of 10 LAFAYETTE RENTAL, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/28/2016. NY Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her C/O THE LLC, 8 Gedney Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #60583 Notice of Formation of 11 WASHINGTON RENTAL, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/28/2016. NY Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her C/O THE LLC, 8 Gedney Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #60584 Notice of Formation of 59 DEKALB AVENUE LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/27/2016. NY Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her C/O THE LLC, 8 Gedney Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #60585 Notice of Formation of 25 NORTH MORTIMER AVENUE LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/27/2016. NY Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her C/O THE LLC, 8 Gedney Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #60586 Notice of Formation of REGLI, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/7/16. Office Location: WESCHESTER. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 23 Carol Lane, New Rochelle NY 10804. Purpose: any lawful purpose #60587 Notice of Formation of DJ CoolHand LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/16/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 6 Juengstville Rd PO Box 790 Croton Falls, NY 10519. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60588 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MECP III LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 16, 2016. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MECP III LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #60589 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MST I LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 16, 2016. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MST I LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #60590

Notice of Formation of STONETOWN LLC. Principal Office Westchester County. Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) designated as agent for service of process. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served against the LLC to 124 Mount Vernon Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10550. Articles of Organization of the LLC filed with the SSNY on April 20, 2016. Purpose: Any lawful act(s). #60591 Notice of Formation of chrisclarkeconsulting, llc. Art. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State (NYDOS) on 5/2/16. Office Location: Westchester County. NYDOS designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. NYDOS shall mail process to United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60592 Notice of Formation of Honig Business Solutions, LLC. Filed with SSNY on 5/9/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon which process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 7014 13th Ave, St. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #60593 CosMedPillow LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 5/20/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 40 Westfield Rd., White Plains, NY 10605. General purpose. #60594 Notice of Formation of MERCANTU LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/10/2016. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: C/O MERCANTU LLC, 1 Alexander Street #1102, Yonkers, 10701. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: No specific date. #60595 Notice of Formation of Wright Food Company, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/12/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 43A Morningside Dr., Ossining, NY 10562 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60596 Notice of Formation of ROYCE REALTY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/6/16. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 612 East Grassy Sprain Road, Yonkers, NY 10710. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60597 Notice of Formation of RS PHYSICAL THERAPY, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/22/16. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 35 James Street, Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60598 Notice of Formation of Blue Jade Wellness, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/28/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to LLC, 61 Lawton Ave Hartsdale, NY 10530. Purpose: acupuncture, integrated massage. #60599

Notice of Formation of Venti Pine Street, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/02/2016. Office located in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC, 69 Meadow Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10805, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60603


Notice of Formation of 150 Woodland Avenue, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/27/2016. Office located in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC, 69 Meadow Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10805, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60604


Notice of Formation of 153 Woodland Avenue, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/27/2016. Office located in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC, 69 Meadow Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10805, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60605 Notice of Formation of 69 Meadow Lane, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/27/2016. Office located in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC, 69 Meadow Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10805, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60606 Four Julian, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 4/29/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Eric Medow, 114 Grandview Ave., Rye, NY 10580. General purpose. #60607 Notice of Formation of HBME CPA, LLP. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/03/2016. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The Partnership, 1600 Fox Tail Ln., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60609


TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the Plaintiff’s attorney(s) within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the State, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. YOU ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE THAT WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Honorable Joan B. Lefkowitz of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, signed on June 1, 2016, and filed with supporting papers in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester, State of New York. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage upon the premises described below, executed by HUGH K. HOGUE to ARCS MORTGAGE, INC. bearing date June 9, 1993 and recorded in Liber 17648 of Mortgages at Page 95 in the County of Westchester on June 22, 1993. Thereafter said mortgage was assigned to STATE OF NEW YORK MORTGAGE AGENCY by assignment of mortgage bearing date June 9, 1993 and recorded under Liber 17648 of Mortgages at Page 119 in the County of Westchester on June 22, 1993. Said premises being known as and by 23 WATER GRANT STREET, UNIT 2D, YONKERS, NY 10701. Date:

April 15, 2016

Batavia, New York

Notice of Formation of Marwan LLC, Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/25/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC 564 Kimball Ave Yonkers NY 10704. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60610

Virginia C. Grapensteter, Esq.

Vanotech LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 5/23/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to William Kolman, 44 Ganung Dr., Ossining, NY 10562. General purpose. #60611


Notice of Formation of King’s Rush, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/24/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 18 Winfield Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60612

ROSICKI, ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Batavia Office 26 Harvester Avenue Batavia, NY 14020 Help For Homeowners In Foreclosure New York State Law requires that we send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read it carefully. Mortgage foreclosure is a complex process. Some people may approach you about ìsavingî your home. You should be extremely careful about any such promises. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. There are government agencies, legal aid entities and other non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about foreclosure while you are working with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANKNYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the Departmentís website at www.banking. state.ny.us. The State does not guarantee the advice of these agencies. #60640

Vida Roof LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 4/5/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Carmen Osorio, 24 Prospect Terrace, Yonkers, NY 10705. General purpose. #60613


JUNE 20, 2016


LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Formation of Orange Circle Innovations, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/16/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, Nine Livingston Manor, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60614 Notice of Formation of Physiciansí Revenue & Practice Management, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/16/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1155 Warburton Ave - #7C, Yonkers, NY 10701. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60615 Notice of Formation of 23GS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/18/16. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o United Corporate Services, Inc., 10 Bank St., Ste. 560, White Plains, NY 10606. Purpose: any lawful activity. #60616


JUNE 20, 2016

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Van Sinderen Plaza Commercial LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2016. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Van Sinderen Plaza Commercial LLC, c/o The MacQuesten Companies, 438 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100, Pelham, New York 10803. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #60617 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY(LLC). NAME: E2F PROPERTIES, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/14/2016. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 21 Alkamont Ave, Scarsdale, NY 10583, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful business activity #60618 A3-A4-C6 Beecher Lane, LLC, Art. of Org. filed w/ SSNY on 04/01/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent upon which process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, c/o Ha Wallace, PO Box 154, Mohegan Lake, NY 10547. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60619


The annual return of the KANE FAMILY FOUNDATION for the calendar year December 31, 2015 is available at its principal office located at D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP, 800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, NY 10573 for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days hereof. Principal Manager of the Foundation is WARD KANE. #60620 Notice of Formation of 1072 UNIVERSITY AVE, LLC. Principal Office Westchester County. Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) designated as agent for service of process. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served against the LLC to 2 Wilson Place, Mount Vernon, NY 10550. Articles of Organization of the LLC filed with the SSNY on May 3, 2016. Purpose: Any lawful act(s). #60621 Global FX Technologies, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/24/2016. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Global FX Technologies, 128 Fuller Road, Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #60622

Notice of Formation of Scutari Renovations LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/27/2016. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 220 Murray Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #60623 Notice of Formation of NY Stride Podiatry, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 5/19/16. Office Location: Westchester Co. SSNY designated agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: P.O. Box 965, Yonkers, NY 10703. Purpose: any lawful act. #60624 Notice is hereby given that a seasonal eating place beer license, #TBA has been applied for by Homestyle Caterers and Food Service LLC to sell beer only at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 2957 Crompond Road Yorktown Heights NY 10598. #60625 Notice of Formation of Natureís Color Confections, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/4/16. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 160 Taxter Road, Irvington NY 10533. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60626

Hunts Point Clean Energy, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 3/8/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Aldo V. Vitagliano, 150 Purchase St., Ste. 9, Rye, NY 10580. General purpose. #60627 Notice of Formation of Lexington TBS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/31/16. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 7 Kensington Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful activity. #60628 Carrieri Associates LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 4/28/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 18 N. Central Ave., Hartsdale, NY 10530. General purpose. #60629 Notice of Formation of RED GLARE, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/02/2016. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 306 Brighton Ave., Hawthorne, NY, 10532. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60630

Notice of Formation of OMartin Consulting, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/31/16. United States Corporation Agents Loc: Brooklyn, NY. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 200 Diplomat Drive Apt 6F, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #60631 Zafer Construction LLC. Filed 5/24/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 19 W 34th St #1018, NY, NY 10001 Reg. Agent: USA Corporate Services Inc all lawful #60632 46 Upland LLC. Filed 4/28/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o Priolet & Associates, P.C., 1025 Westchester Ave #320, White Plains, NY 10604 Purpose: all lawful #60633 69 Little Neck Road LLC. Filed 5/13/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St #204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #60634 Inflection Point Partners LLC. Filed 3/31/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 21 Eton Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 Purpose: all lawful #60635

Right Mind Concepts LLC. Filed 5/17/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 17 Denison Dr E, Saddle River, NJ 07458 Purpose: all lawful #60636 Universal Pizza of Rye LLC. Filed 4/15/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 1004 Boston Post Rd, Rye, NY 10580 Purpose: all lawful #60637 Purchase Sports Camp LLC. Filed 4/15/16 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 5 Purchase Hills Dr, Purchase, NY 10577 Purpose: all lawful #60638 THE ANNUAL RETURN OF THE PATRICIA & BERNARD GOLDSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION for the year ended May 31, 2016 is available at its principal office located at 2 Manursing Way, Rye, NY 10580 for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days hereof. Principal of the Fund is Patricia Goldstein. #60639 Gardenho, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 3/4/16. Office location: Westchester. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 13 Matthiessen Park S., Irvington, NY 10533. General purpose. #60641


VNS Benefit Gala


isiting Nurse Services of Westchester raised funds that support home health care and community health programs at a fundraiser on May 19 at the Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison. An awards ceremony honored two longtime health care and business partners who play a critical role in supporting VNSW’s efforts and those of the wider community: White Plains Hospital received the Community Leadership Award and Mutual of America received the Distinguished Leadership Award. The awards were presented by Timothy P. Leddy, president and CEO of VNS Westchester, and Amy Ansehl, chairwoman of the Westchester Visiting Nurse Services Group Board. Karen Herrero, a VNSW board member, and her husband, Peter Herrero Jr., co-chaired the event.


Identifications are from left: 1. Mary Gadomski, VNS Westchester; Kathleen Byrne and Kristin WallerDonovan, Montefiore Medical Center; Susan Yubas and Mary Franco, White Plains Hospital. 2. Richard Sgaglio and Colleen Borrelli, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital. 3. Joan Mooney and William Mooney Jr., president and CEO of the Westchester County Association. 4. Nick D’Angelo, VNS Westchester board of directors; and Holly Benedict, Hospice of Westchester. 5. Arthur Fried, Epstein Becker & Green, PC; Jamie O’Connell, BNY Mellon; and Ron Jendzjec of Morgan Stanley. 6. Mark Kosak, Dana Marnane and Tom Milucci, Greenwich Hospital. 7. Brian Severin, executive vice president of Mutual of America; Susan Fox, president and CEO of White Plains Hospital; and Timothy Leddy, president and CEO of VNS Westchester. 8. Karen and Peter Herrero, New York Hospitality Group. 9. Nora O’Brien and Grace Ferri, both of United Hebrew of New Rochelle.








9 WCBJ | HV Biz

JUNE 20, 2016


HIS WIFE SAID MIDLIFE CRISIS. HIS THERAPIST SAID DEPRESSION. HIS DOCTOR SAID ALZHEIMER’S. NOBODY SAID FTD. Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) is the most common cause of dementia for people under 60, affecting more than 50,000 in the U.S. alone. Onset strikes earlier in life—when few anticipate dementia—and accurate diagnosis can take years. Families lose active parents and breadwinners without knowing what’s stealing away the person they love. And when a diagnosis is made, there are no effective treatments. Help to change that reality today. www.theAFTD.org/learnmore

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