3 | SCHOOL BOARD TARGET JULY 3, 2017 | VOL. 53, No. 27
Rival’s broker raid brings $4.75M jury award DOUGLAS ELLIMAN SUES WILLIAM RAVEIS IN WESTCHESTER BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfairinc.com
S Teen Scene
omething was drastically wrong in Armonk. In two days, six of Douglas Elliman’s top real estate agents abruptly resigned. All six went to work across Main Street at a rival firm, William Raveis Real Estate. Branch manager Lisa Theiss was vacationing in Puerto Rico and was seemingly unconcerned about the defections. Regional manager Gabe Pasquale went to Armonk and noticed that Theiss’ office, normally looking lived-in, was stripped of personal belongings
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Barry’s Bootcamp and other Scarsdale fitness studios have become popular workout destinations for teenagers.
and had become “extremely sterile,” he later recalled. Then an Elliman agent in Armonk told Stephen Kotler, then the firm’s COO, that Theiss had urged her and three others to leave the company during a secret meeting at Theiss’ house. An office manager told him she had heard that Theiss “wanted to decimate Douglas Elliman.” Eventually, 11 agents resigned in March 2015 and went to work for Raveis. Elliman fired Theiss and sued her and Raveis. A state Supreme Court jury in Westchester has ruled in favor of Elliman. On June 20, after a fourweek trial, Elliman was awarded » BROKER, page 6
Ride-sharing gets green light with fingerprint plan TWB Loan Decision BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfairinc.com
estchester County officials have unveiled a plan they believe will help ease some safety concerns regarding the expansion of ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft into Westchester. Called “Thumbs Up,” the program will allow ride-share
drivers to voluntarily submit to fingerprint checks, an issue that had been a point of contention for many government officials. “Our goal was to find the right balance between safety and convenience,” Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino said at a press conference just days before a state law allowing ride-share companies to operate outside New York City went into effect on June 29. “Ride-sharing companies provide the public
Banner Ad with important transportation 6” wan x 1.5” h 2-23-16But if that convenient ride option. is not safe, it’s not really an option at all.” Drivers who pass the $90 fingerprint checks, which they must fund themselves, will be issued a decal by the county to be posted on their windshield. However, customers will be unable to see if their prospective driver has been fingerprinted through the Uber or Lyft apps. “Ride-sharing is not supposed
to be hitchhiking with an app,” Astorino said. “The public has the right to know that the driver picking them up has been fully screened for a criminal record.” Officials from Lyft and Uber, who were present at the June 27 press conference announcing the initiative, said they plan to encourage drivers in Westchester to participate in the program. “We feel this is a good compromise that balances the needs of the legislature and the county
executive with the requirements of the state law,” said Uber spokesperson Josh Gold. The expansion of ridesharing companies into New York state was agreed upon by lawmakers and Cuomo as part of the state’s $153 million budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year. However, the state included a stipulation that allows county governments and four major cities – Rochester, Yonkers, Syracuse » RIDE SHARE, page 6
CALL TODAY (914) 337-1900
CONTRACTOR ACCUSED OF HURRICANE SANDY LOAN DECEIT A federal grand jury has indicted a Rockland County man with a contracting business in White Plains on a charge of making false statements in an application for a Hurricane Sandy disaster relief loan. Leonardo Fabio, president of LLF Construction Services Inc., stated on the loan application that his business suffered economic losses because the storm had flooded a work site. Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on Oct. 29, 2012 and caused severe flooding throughout the metropolitan New York region. The Small Business Administration approved a $257,800 loan at 4 percent interest to LLF Construction Services in February 2013. Fabio had claimed that his business had no sales in November and December 2012, was not delinquent on any federal taxes and had no outstanding judgments or pending lawsuits. Those statements were untrue, according to a criminal complaint filed by Angelo Palmeri, an agent for the SBA’s Office of Inspector General. “LLF was struggling financially before Hurricane Sandy hit New York,” Palmeri said, and “Fabio applied the SBA funds to other debts and obligations of his business unrelated to the disaster.” And LLF Construction Services’ bank accounts show deposits of $458,300 for work done for five different clients in the two months after the storm. Fabio, of New City, did not respond to a voicemail message requesting comment. Nearly four months before the storm struck, the state Department of Labor had filed a $25,048 judgment for failure to pay unemployment insurance taxes. LLF satisfied the judgment last year. In January 2013, a month before the SBA loan was approved, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners pension fund sued LLF in federal court to enforce a $74,178 arbitration ruling. The arbitrator’s opinion states Fabio contended that LLF had cash flow problems because general contractors had failed to pay $500,000 for work. Hurricane Sandy was not cited as a
contributing factor. The IRS filed numerous federal tax liens against LLF for unpaid payroll taxes from 2009 to 2014, totaling $134,705. LLF was required to make monthly payments of $1,671 on the SBA loan. Fabio made some payments but stopped in March 2016. As of May, LLF owed the SBA $246,588. In a March interview with the SBA inspector, Fabio said LLF had no manpower, according to the agent’s account of the conversation, because the union would not allow its members to work on company projects. Fabio said his business was in financial trouble before Hurricane Sandy, the criminal complaint states. He used some of the loan money to pay debts incurred before the storm. He said that he took out the loan to keep the business going and that without the loan he would probably have filed for bankruptcy.
NO MUTUAL TOASTS FOR ITALIAN VINTNER AND LARCHMONT IMPORTER A Chianti producer says a Larchmont importer has failed to pay for 45,000 bottles of wine worth nearly $300,000. Villa Vignamaggio Societa Agricola is accusing Bedford Brands Ltd. of fraud and breach of contract in a lawsuit filed on June 15 in federal court in White Plains. Bedford Brands was founded in 1992 by Mario and Susan Belardino of New Rochelle. Mario Belardino described the dispute differently in a telephone conversation. He said the winemaker took back cases of wine but did not credit Bedford Brands. The company would still owe money but he’s not going to pay the balance until he gets the credit. “That’s the only leverage we have,” he said. Calling it a fraud is “capricious and subject to sanctions under the law.” Villa Vignamaggio has been selling Chianti to Bedford Brands since 2003. But three years ago, the lawsuit states, Bedford stopped paying. The wine producer said it continued to ship wines based on promises that payments would be made. In 2015, Villa Vignamaggio and Bedford Brands agreed on a payment schedule for invoices going back 18 months. But when checks were deposited, according to the lawsuit, they were rejected for insufficient funds Belardino said the checks were returned because a bookkeeper had determined that the invoices had already been paid. Villa Vignamaggio contends that Belardino continued to assure the winemaker that invoices would be paid. So, shipments continued. Belardino informed Villa Vignamaggio last year that Bedford Brands was closing.
Due to a typographical error, a photo caption on the Faces & Places page in the June 12 edition of the Business Journal incorrectly identified Anne Sweazey, of the VNSW Foundation and retired executive director of Arc of Westchester Foundation.
JULY 3, 2017
Its wholesale wine license expired at the end of September, according to the New York State Liquor Authority. By the time the winemaker stopped shipping to Bedford Brands, the lawsuit states, it had not received payments for 5,645 cases of wine worth $332,741. Villa Vignamaggio said it recovered some wine from Bedford’s inventory, leaving a balance on 4,700 cases. The lawsuit also names Susan Belardino, David Belardino and Bedford Brand’s financial adviser, Delta Capital Group, and its president Bradford Mead. “My son and wife had nothing to do with it,” Belardino said. “They’re trying to put pressure on me and my family. That’s really bordering on the unethical.”
PEOPLE AGAINST DIRTY SULLIED BY CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT A Poughkeepsie law firm has settled a dirty case for $2.8 million, or more precisely, a class action lawsuit concerning People Against Dirty PBC. People Against Dirty is a public benefit corporation in San Francisco that markets cleaning products under the Method and Ecover brands. Attorney Jason P. Sultzer filed the case in September on behalf of a Dutchess County resident, Wesley Vincent. The complaint claims that People Against Dirty products use false and misleading packaging and labels. Vincent objected to the use of terms such as “natural,” “nontoxic” and “biobased,” alleging that the cleaning products actually contained ingredients that are artificial, synthetic or highly processed. Consumers, the lawsuit states, are willing to pay a premium for products that are branded “natural” and that is what motivated Vincent to buy Method cleaners at a local Target store. A second lawsuit was filed in California and eventually the cases were merged with three more plaintiffs. Nearly 55,000 people have submitted claims. On June 20, Judge Nelson S. Roman of the federal court in White Plains approved the settlement. He noted that by settling quickly, both sides would avoid time-consuming, complicated and expensive litigation. The $2.8 million settlement includes a 30 percent award to two law firms, The Sultzer Law Group in Poughkeepsie and Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci in Davie, Florida. Including expenses, they will split $865,800. Another $404,697 was allocated for claims administration. Vincent and three other plaintiffs will split $10,000 for their efforts. That leaves a bit more than $1.5 million for consumers who filed claims, or about $27.81 each. Any funds remaining from checks that are not cashed after six months will be donated to the Sierra Club, Earth Echo International and the Conservation Alliance.
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Mount Vernon school board takes on city over new high-rise buildings BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfairinc.com
he Mount Vernon Board of Education has sued the city to overturn three new neighborhood zones that allow higherdensity residential buildings. New high-rise apartment buildings will create an influx of students, according to the lawsuit filed on June 21 in state Supreme Court in Westchester. “The district cannot afford to build the schools required to properly educate the anticipated increase in students,” the lawsuit states. The school board also states that tax abatement deals for developers are shifting the burden to property owners who lack the financial means to absorb tax increases. “The increase should be borne by the wealthy developers constructing the apartment buildings,” the lawsuit states. The lawsuit also names the city’s planning and community development department and Mayor Richard Thomas as defendants. Thomas responded that the school district was designed for 12,000 students, but has fewer than 8,000 students, leav-
ing significant room for growth. He said the district spends $30,000 per child, 163 percent more than the national average and 41 percent more than the average for New York state public schools. “Are we receiving that level of value for our children? Perhaps the district should spend more energy improving its track record in education and less time in engaging in costly litigation with the city,” he said. John Fava, a Mount Vernon resident and owner of a 14-unit apartment building near the Mount Vernon West train station, joined the school board in the lawsuit. The petition does not explain why he is suing. However, landlords and small-business operators have complained at public hearings that they are disadvantaged when big developers receive tax breaks. The conflicts are happening as the school system is changing how it allocates 8,800 students among 17 buildings and creating less space for elementary schools. Meanwhile, the city is fostering highrise, mixed-use buildings in downtown, Mount Vernon West and the Third Street/ Fourth Avenue corridor. The city’s environmental impact study does not discuss the impact of higher-
density zoning on the public schools, the lawsuit states. The school board also said the city has undercounted the number of students it anticipates from new buildings, but even those numbers reveal the strain. Hamilton School, for example, serves Mount Vernon West, where the city projects 299 additional students. “The Hamilton School cannot absorb a 299-student increase,” according to the lawsuit. Higher-density developments, and thus more students, according to the school district, are also being encouraged by deals with developers for payments in lieu of taxes. The lawsuit identifies PILOT agreements for The Enclave, The Modern, 30 Warren Place, 22 S. West St., 1 Bradford Road, MK Illumination USA, Hartley Park Towers, 115 S. MacQuesten Parkway and 1 N. Fulton Ave.. “Developers have not only provided for the funding of studies supporting these zone changes,” the lawsuit states, “they also have funded the campaigns of city council members” so that they can “build bigger buildings with more units.” Thomas said $300 million in market-
rate residential development is going to bring enormous benefits to the city, revitalize neighborhoods, create high-quality homes and spur economic activity, improve the quality of life for residents and generate significant revenue. “The city of Mount Vernon has and will continue to support the school district with the infrastructure that is needed and I remain committed to offering whatever help we can to ensure that the district is able to provide the highest-quality education possible to every child in Mount Vernon,” Thomas said. The school board also filed a lawsuit in December claiming that Thomas and the city’s Industrial Development Agency have concealed information about tax abatement deals and have prevented school officials from participating in the negotiations. In the new case, the school board wants the court to invalidate the new zones, stop construction of projects approved under the new zoning, make the city redo its environmental analysis, direct the city to do a school capacity and utilization study and order the city to include the school district in the development of zoning and comprehensive plans.
FORECLOSURE AUCTION July 25, 2017, at 1:00 PM At the Ossining Town/Village Municipal Building, 16 Croton Ave, Ossining, NY 10562
Properties may be withdrawn prior to auction if redeemed in full by owner Gloria B. Fried, Receiver of Taxes, Enforcement Officer, 914-762-8790
JULY 3, 2017
Gap widens between renter wages and market rents BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdefenbaugh@westfairinc.com
he gap in Westchester County between what a typical renter can afford to pay for an apartment and what he or she typically will have to pay keeps growing. That was among the findings of an analysis by the Newburgh-based Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress. The nonprofit policy group analyzed a national study on housing affordability called “Out of Reach,” released earlier in June by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. The coalition report found that renters in Westchester County would need to earn $32.81 an hour in 2017 to afford a basic twobedroom apartment at the monthly fair market rent of $1,706 in the county, as calculated by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. The typical renter in Westchester actually makes $18.25 an hour, according to the report. Pattern for Progress tracks annually a number it refers to as the monthly rent gap. It’s the gap between the fair-market rent for a two-bedroom apartment and the level at which rent would be affordable at average renter wage in the county, which is no more than 30 percent of income.
In Westchester, the monthly rent gap increased by $173 between 2016 and 2017, an approximately 30 percent rise, according to Pattern for Progress. An affordable rent for a two-bedroom apartment at a typical Westchester renter’s salary would be $949 per month - $757 below the county’s HUD-calculated fair market rent. The gap between affordable and fairmarket rents in the county is up from $584 last year. The nearly 30 percent increase was the largest among the nine counties in the mid-Hudson Valley region. “In Westchester, the gap is going up drastically,” said Joseph Czajka, senior vice president at Pattern for Progress and executive director of its Center for Housing Solutions and Urban Initiatives. The U.S. is becoming a “renter nation,” Czajka said. That’s especially true in metropolitan regions, where land is scarce and expensive for single-family home construction. “So in constructing multifamily right now, while financing is good, developers can construct luxury homes and the demand for those homes is very, very high,” Czajka said. More than 2,200 market rate units are expected to be built in Westchester
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JULY 3, 2017
between 2016 and 2018, according to an Admiral Real Estate Services report. While a tight market may drive rents up, wages haven’t followed. The average renter’s hourly wage rate has increased 3.2 percent since 2012, according to Pattern for Progress. In the same period, the county’s fair market monthly rent for a two- bedroom unit has increased about 8 percent. “Wages are not going up at the same rates, so those forces are kind of pulling these numbers apart,” Czajka said. The annual income required to afford a two-bedroom apartment at fair market rate in Westchester is $68,240, about $9,800 higher than the statewide number, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition study. The study found that about 39 percent of the county’s households are renters. Nationally, the gap between fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment, $1,103, and the monthly rent affordable at the mean renter wage is $251. In New York, the statewide fair market rent for a twobedroom apartment is $1,460 while the rent affordable at the mean renter wage is $1,247. New York had the fifth-highest wage rate needed to afford a two-bedroom fair market apartment, behind Hawaii, the District of Columbia, California and Maryland.
“We have the resources to solve the affordable housing crisis in America by rebalancing federal housing expenditures to serve our country’s most vulnerable households,” said National Low Income Housing Coalition president and CEO Diane Yentel. “We lack only the political will to do so.” Pattern for Progress in its report cautioned against proposed cuts to HUD programs, including community development block grants and the HOME investment program that helps fund affordable housing. Czajka cited the role community development block grants play in maintaining infrastructure in low-income neighborhoods, providing small-business loans and funding programs such as Meals on Wheels. “It’s a huge impact,” he said. “Every dollar that comes in under a federal program, either a community development block grant or a low-income housing tax credit, the leverage is 1.8. So if you have a $20 million housing project in a community, the multiplier will bring the local investment up to $36 million.” The National Low Income Housing Coalition study is available at nlihc.org/ oor. The Pattern for Progress analysis is available at pattern-for-progreess.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/04/Further-Out-ofReach-2017.pdf.
JULY 3, 2017
Broker —
From page 1 $4.75 million. A spokesman for Raveis said the verdict will be appealed. Raveis and Elliman have been competing for market share in Westchester for several years. Raveis, founded in 1974, is based in Shelton, Connecticut. It bills itself as the number one family-owned real estate company in the Northeast, with 120 offices, 4,000 agents and $9 billion in annual sales. Elliman is based in Manhattan. It was founded in 1911 and claims to be the region’s largest and the nation’s fourth largest real estate company. Raveis recorded $439 million in sales last year, according to The Real Deal, and Elliman recorded $378 million. Elliman’s Armonk office opened in 2010, when it acquired Holmes & Kennedy, where Theiss had worked since 2007. Elliman kept her as sales manager, with a base pay of $110,000. In 2014 and 2015, according to court records, Raveis tried to recruit Elliman agents. The effort was unsuccessful. That failure, Elliman states in court papers, made Raveis realize it needed an insider. “In Theiss,” according to an amended complaint, “they found a willing turncoat.” As sales manager, Theiss supervised 21 people. She knew everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and she knew which of their listings — the bread and butter of the real estate world — were about to expire and could then be listed by another firm. Theiss met with the competitor’s general manager, Chris Raveis, and Raveis senior vice president Glenn Felson in January and February 2015. She sent Felson a list of 21
Ride Share — From page 1
and Buffalo – the option to block ridesharing companies from picking up passengers within their municipal limits. “The legislature will continue to hold the option to opt out at a later date if Uber and Lyft at any time do not operate in good faith or fail to make public safety their priority,” said County Board of Legislators Chairman Michael B. Kaplowitz, a Democrat. County officials said they will continue to work with taxi and limousine companies to ease their regulatory burdens to ensure a level playing field. Edward Stoppelmann, president of Red Oak Transportation in Port Chester, noted that drivers licensed by the county Taxi and Limousine Commission have always been subject to mandatory fingerprinting and drug testing. “The Livery
JULY 3, 2017
Brokers at this Douglas Elliman office at 400 Main St. in Armonk, shown here at left, were secretly recruited to join rival William Raveis Real Estate at the firm’s Armonk office at 395 Main St.
agents “she believed she could recruit to Raveis,” the complaint alleges. Afterward, she wrote to Chris Raveis, “I feel compromised there and look forward to moving on.” Felson told her to stay with Elliman to continue recruitment, according to legal papers, and the company allegedly offered her $50,000 to recruit her colleagues. Raveis officials met with four Elliman agents. Theiss arranged a meeting at her home on March 2, 2015, with four more agents. The first hour was “dedicated to disparaging” Elliman and its management, the amended complaint states. She offered $10,000 bonuses and promised a $10,000 marketing budget if they signed a threeyear contract with Raveis. She asked them to sign nondisclosure agreements. One Elliman agent refused to sign the agreement and left. Theiss also urged recruits to let their
listings expire, according to the lawsuit, so that Raveis could pick up the business. On March 11, Theiss left for an eight-day vacation in Puerto Rico. The next day, the resignations began. On March 16, after Pasquale and Kotler concluded that Theiss had masterminded the defections, an Elliman official called her in Puerto Rico and fired her. She returned home on March 18 and went to work the next day at the Raveis offices across the street from her old workplace. Elliman hired Kasowitz Benson Torres to sue Theiss and Raveis. A partner in the firm, Marc Kasowitz, has represented Donald Trump for several years and was recently appointed as the president’s outside lawyer in the federal investigations into possible collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russian government in its election hacking attacks. Theiss denied any violation of law
or duty to Elliman, according to court filings. She claimed that Elliman had created a hostile workplace and had refused to pay a $36,462 bonus for 2014 to which she was entitled. She said a lesbian senior executive had made sexual advances to her and had made offensive comments to her husband. She complained to a supervisor but no remedial action was taken. Elliman responded that she was not entitled to the bonus and that she did not avail herself of measures offered to employees who claim discrimination. The jury found that Theiss breached a fiduciary duty, that Raveis aided and abetted the breach and that both interfered with business relations. “We disagree with all aspects of the jury verdict,” Raymond Cashen II, general counsel for Raveis, wrote in an email, “and will vigorously appeal the decision.”
Industry Council of Westchester, which represents the for-hire companies in the county, will continue working with the county executive and Taxi and Limousine Commission leadership to ensure that public safety remains its top priority,” he said. John Ravitz, executive vice president and COO of the Business Council of Westchester, said that while not opposed to transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft, the Business Council thinks those companies should be subject to the same rules and regulations as taxi and limousine companies. Ravitz added that the organization lobbied the state Legislature on behalf of the Westchester Livery Association, advocating that if regulatory mechanisms are already in place in counties around the state, as is the case with Westchester, “then the regulation of transportation network companies is better
served by those counties.” Westchester County legislators held a public hearing on ride-sharing on June 28. Though legislators did not vote on whether the county would opt out of the state law, residents and local business owners voiced their opinions. “If this was a compromise bill, I say the only thing that was compromised was public safety,” said Pasqualino Russo, an attorney and former chief administrative law judge of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. Arthur Goldstein, attorney for the Taxicab Service Association, said the proposed fingerprinting plan “is not going to work.” Goldstein cited information from the county’s Taxi and Limousine Commission that around 30 percent of those who apply to become a driver are rejected because of their fingerprinting check. “If it’s a voluntary program, and you know
you’re going to get rejected, you’re not going to go through with it,” he said. Still, a number of Westchester residents who drive for ride-sharing companies in nearby states shared their excitement at the prospect of working closer to home. “Right now I work in New Jersey and Connecticut and I spend my money there,” said rideshare driver Mark Hoffmeister. “I get gas in Connecticut and New Jersey. I buy food there when I work. Now I can do that back home.” Uber employees were also on hand at the steps of the Michaelian Office Building in White Plains during the hearing, collecting information from prospective drivers and handing out T-shirts to passersby. “It’s a great idea to find somewhere where I can just pick up an extra shift, extra income,” said Westchester resident and prospective Uber driver Aaron Ortiz. “And doing that with Uber seems to be a great idea.”
Women in Tech honorees encourage mentoring, taking chances BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com
hen the Westchester County Association held its annual Women in Tech awards recently, the honorees stressed the value of mentoring and taking chances. The June 22 event, hosted at Abigail Kirsch at Tappan Hill Mansion in Tarrytown, highlighted four women in leadership roles in STEM sectors — science, technology, engineering and math: • JAIME FABRICANT, senior marketing manager, cultural foresights and innovation for Pepsi Beverages North America; • JEANNINE HAGGERTY, general manager of Con Edison’s Bronx and Westchester electric operations; • MERIN JOSEPH, executive vice president and chief information officer at WestMed Practice Partners and WestMed Medical Group; and • JULIE ROCHE, co-founder and CEO, Burbio.com. Each honoree at the luncheon gave their story in a 10-minute sit-down interview with Rita Cosby, an Emmy award-winning TV host who is a special correspondent for the CBS newsmagazine, “Inside Edition.” Cosby opened up with a story of her own when she took a chance and pushed back against a TV station that told her, “We
estchester County’s oldest high-rise office building, the 21-story, 41-year-old Westchester One at 44 S. Broadway in downtown White Plains, has been sold by its Bostonbased owner for $138 million. The recently closed deal additionally included the $9 million sale of a 437-space parking garage serving Westchester One tenants at 120 Westchester Ave. The seller, Beacon Capital Partners, paid $172.5 million for the 852,000-squarefoot, Class A office tower in 2006, when commercial office properties commanded peak prices before the credit market crisis and Great Recession. In its only Westchester investment, Beacon also paid $9 million at the time for the 120 Westchester Ave. parking garage. The White Plains Central Business District properties were sold to Beacon by their original owner, Bianco & Pepe, the Scarsdale company that built and in 1976 opened what was then said to be, at 202 feet, the tallest office building between
already have a beautiful blonde, we don’t need another one.” “My first reaction was how dare this person say this, but luckily I came up with a response. I remember saying, ‘Do you have a beautiful blonde who can speak several languages and can work 24 hours a day?’” She said she got the job and the person eventually apologized for what he said on the phone. “But it taught me really early on some of the hurdles and the stereotypes that women go through.” Cosby then led the individual interviews that touched on not only some of those career hurdles, but also on how technology is changing the way people do their jobs. Fabricant said society is increasingly encouraging women that “you can accomplish anything. Even if you think it’s in areas that are more male- dominated in the traditional sense.” She pointed out that PepsiCo is led by a woman CEO, Indra Nooyi, whom Fabricant described as an inspiring role model. Part of Fabricant’s role at PepsiCo is finding emerging technologies and innovations to help reach customers. “In order to stay relevant, especially with millennial consumers, you have to show them something they never even knew was possible before,” she said. Haggerty mentors ConEd employees
Jaime Fabricant, a senior marketing manager for Pepsi Beverages North America, is interviewed by CBS “Inside Edition” correspondent Rita Cosby at the Westchester County Association’s Women in Tech awards. Photo provided by Harrison Edwards PR.
to help recruit women into information technology. She said her advice for women entering male-dominated fields is to work hard and find people to help. “I encourage new hires to continue to lead and also to find those mentors and find them organically,” Haggerty said. “It has to happen when you’re meeting with them and talking, and you will find that people want to support you.” Joseph noted how fast the information technology field is growing in health care. She said when she started at WestMed, there was only one other person in the department. “We are working with vendors all the time to find new areas (of technology) we
can expand on,” shesaid. While new graduates “often don’t want to take much risk,” Joseph said, she encourages hard work and taking chances. Roche co-launched Burbio, a community calendar-sharing digital platform, with her husband in 2014. She said the goal of the company is to be “the answer for when” for all local events. Roche said that while there aren’t many female technology entrepreneurs out there today, she hopes she can help change that. Part of that, she said, is to encourage potential entrepreneurs to take a chance and go after their visions. Rather than wait for perfection, she said, “Just get it out there.”
Westchester One sells for $138M Albany and New York City. Beacon Capital Partners subsequently embarked on a $13 million capital project to reposition the property. Those renovations brought Westchester One the Office Building of the Year Award in 2008 from the Building Owners and Managers Association of Westchester County. Principals behind the building’s new ownership, 44 South Broadway Owner LLC, have not been disclosed. Registered in Delaware, the limited liability company on deed documents lists an in-care-of address on Brooklyn’s Flatbush Avenue that is the office of E&M Associates, a company that invests in and manages multifamily residential properties with a portfolio of more than 3,000 apartments within New York City. E&M Associates did not return a call from the Business Journal seeking comment. One of Westchester One’s new tenants is New York Life Insurance Co., which this year is relocating its Westchester headquarters and about 500 employees from Sleepy
Westchester One looms behind the remaining section of the demolished Westchester Pavilion at South Broadway and East Post Road in White Plains. Photo by Bob Rozycki.
Hollow to approximately 150,000 square feet of space on the top four floors at 44 S. Broadway. With the Westchester One sale, Beacon
Capital Partners has sold 11 of the 12 office properties it once owned in New York City and Westchester. — John Golden
JULY 3, 2017
THE LIST: Corporate Security Firms
Corporate Security Firms
Ranked by year established; listed alphabetically in the event of a tie. Description Top local executives(s) Title Year company established
Securitas Security Services USA Inc.
170 Hamilton Ave., Suite 218, White Plains 10601 946-2022 • securitas.com
Stuyvesant Investigative Group
405 Tarrytown Road, White Plains 10607 588-4768 • NA
Summit Security Services Inc.
NJB Security Services Inc.
35 E. Grassy Sprain Road, Suite 203, Yonkers 10710 237-8200 • njbsecurity.com
250 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford 10523 502-1200 • fjcsecurity.com
280 N. Central Ave., Suite 484, Hartsdale 10530 683-7979 • summitsecurity.com
FJC Security Services Inc.
Global Digital Forensics
149 Grand St., Suite 2A, White Plains 10601 800-868-8189 • evestigate.com
Protective Countermeasures & Consulting Inc.
308 Main St., New Rochelle 10801 576-8706 • protectivecountermeasures.com
Cadre Investigative Consultants PI LLC *
200 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains 10605 686-1111 • leeinvestigation.com
Diligentia Group Inc.
282 Katonah Ave., No. 180, Katonah 10536 500-8790 • diligentiagroup.com
JULY 3, 2017
video monitoring
security training
events/crowd safety
Main services include on-site, mobile and remote guarding combined with security systems and corporate risk ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! management; additional services include electronic security, fire and safety services and case studies
Eric Gallowitz Managing director
Investigation services, including background checks, criminal investigations, computer forensics investigations, surveillance, technical surveillance countermeasures, film set and VIP security systems, verifying employee legal status, consulting and infidelity investigation
! !
Robert L. Auletta and Nicholas M. Auletta Co-presidents
24-hour security services, including visitor and concierge services and fire-safety services; investigations, including fraud, surveillance, mystery shops and undercover operations; background screening; aviation security, including aircraft, fire safety and baggage screening; executive protection and government services
Frank Maiolo President
Security services for residential, school and gated communities, training, video monitoring and patrol
Mark D. Coffino Executive vice president and chief operating officer
Security solutions focused on protection and prevention for facilities, including residential complexes, college campuses, government buildings and health care
Joseph Caruso Founder and chairman
Digital forensic services servicing all aspects of cyber security, including cyber emergency response to data breaches and cyber intrusions, to comprehensive cyberthreat assessments, penetration testing and threat remediation
Sal Lifrieri CEO and president
Consulting services for social networking, corporate and executive and workplace; investigation; protective intelligence; and lectures
! ! ! !
Michael Connolly Principal
Investigative services and security and executive protection services, including general investigation, pre-trial and ! ! ! ! litigation supports and additional services, including background checks, computer forensics, electric data and discovery, surveillance and international investigations
Ellen Del Vecchio-Lee President
Services include complete investigation, database services, transcript of expert testimony, medical research, surveillance, document retrieval, background investigation, ! diagrams and photos, litigation support and trial preparation, forensic medical records review, date stamping of documents and insured, claimant and witness statements
Brian Willingham President and founder
Background, due diligence and legal investigation
Note: Not all firms listed are predominately classified as corporate security firms, but they offer services for corporate clients. Address withheld at the company's discretion.
Alf Göransson President and CEO
! ! ! !
! !
! ! !
! ! !
! !
This list is a sampling of security firms with corporate security capabilities that are located in the region. If you would like to include your firm in our next list, please contact Danielle Renda at drenda@westfairinc.com.
guard security
888-740-7720 • cadrepi.com
Lee Investigation Services Inc.
digital forensics
Top local executives(s) Title ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddvccccc
executive protection
Year company established ccdddddddddddddddd ddd
background checks
Name Address Area code: 914, unless otherwise noted Website
Fitness, Health Care, Elder Care
In Scarsdale, toned teens bring cha-ching to fitness studios BY KENDALL BENSCHE kbnensche@verizon.net
s the push to be fit grows among teenagers, students at Scarsdale High School have strayed from varsity athletics and have been drawn to local fitness classes. Barry’s Bootcamp, Flywheel and YogaSpark, in particular, have been popular destinations for those looking to tone muscle, lose fat and improve their figure. Barry’s Bootcamp describes itself as the original strength and cardio interval fitness trainer combining treadmill running with weights. “Barry’s was originally founded in West Hollywood in the late '90s,” said Rhonda Hunt, studio and brand manager at Barry’s first suburban location at 1142 Wilmot Road in the Golden Horseshoe. “We were the first to put a treadmill in a studio and teach a class on it.” “There are more teens at this location than our others in more urban areas because there are more families in Scarsdale,” said Hunt. “Scarsdale is a very health-conscious town and the people appreciate a good workout.” Ellie Bezos, a June graduate of Scarsdale High School, is a regular at Barry’s, training there four times a week. She saves on the per-class charge of $34 by buying a 25-class package for $765. “I take classes at Barry’s because I genuinely enjoy it,” said Bezos. “After stopping gymnastics, I had a hard time finding a good, challenging workout that was also as fun as gymnastics.” Hunt estimated that students account for 15 percent of Barry’s local clientele. “The teenagers come in the evening while the mothers and fathers tend to come in the morning,” she said. “SoulCycle broke it open for teenagers,” said Hunt, referring to the fitness company that offers indoor cycling classes. SoulCycle also operates a Scarsdale studio at 7 Popham Road. “Teenagers have been on a bike for a while and Barry’s provides something new.” Another teenage workout hotspot in Scarsdale is Flywheel Sports, a boutique indoor cycling studio that opened in 2014 at 828 Scarsdale Ave. “Between 20 and 30 percent of our clientele is composed of
A Barry's Bootcamp workout class. Photo courtesy of Barry's Bootcamp
teenagers,” said Jaime Resnick, Flywheel’s New York metro market manager. That percentage fluctuates depending on the season — higher in the summer and lower in the winter when teenagers are in school. “Yesterday afternoon, out of 34 people, I had 30 teens in my class,” said Eve Bondareva, a Flywheel instructor. “We have lots of opportunities for students to get involved here,” said Resnick. “We host charity rides for high school students to do club fundraisers, we do a college ride where everyone wears their school’s T-shirts to class, we have musicthemed classes featuring popular artists such as Drake, and we even do a prom ride called fly prom where anyone who has a code can ride for free to get in shape for prom.” Scarsdale High School senior Sophie Fried attends afternoon Flywheel classes four times a week. “I take these classes because they are challenging and I love the competitive environment,” she said, referring to the leaderboard that ranks spinners based on their class performance. Although each Flywheel class is $30, Fried
received free classes as an employee. She also attends Barry’s Bootcamp, paying the $34 class fee. Scarsdale teenagers are also drawn to YogaSpark in Mamaroneck as a workout destination. Since opening the yoga studio at 490 Mount Pleasant Ave. about 4 ½ years ago, owner Lauren Porat has observed “a huge Scarsdale base,” including many teenagers, in her clientele. “The percentage of teens skews higher in the summer because all the college kids are home and teens are out of school,” she said. “Any given class in the summer can be 50 percent students.” “This style of yoga is so fun, energizing and intense,” said Porat. “The heat intensifies everything and makes our yoga more fun and a better workout.” “I do yoga three times per day since school ended,” said Laura O’Connor, an avid yogi and a June graduate of Scarsdale High School. “Yoga is a great complement to all the stresses of daily life and also keeps you toned.” The $30 price she pays for a class at YogaSpark is fairly standard from studio to studio. “I also go to both Flywheel and
Barry’s Bootcamp on top of yoga,” said O’Connor. The workout craze is most prevalent among girls in the senior class. The Bahamas, where Scarsdale High School seniors traditionally spend their spring break, and prom night drive some to fitness studios to train and tone their bodies for swimsuit and evening gown wear. “Before the Bahamas, I was working out every day,” said O’Connor. “If I did not have time for a workout class, I would take long runs outside to stay in shape.” “I take these classes because I don’t really play any sports,” said Caitlin D’Ambrosio, another Scarsdale High School senior. “These classes gave me something to do to stay active and helped me get into shape and lose weight for different senior events.” Editor’s note: A spring intern at the Business Journal and June graduate of Scarsdale High School, Kendall Bensche will attend Harvard University in the fall. A three-time state high school champion in the high jump, she does not use fitness studios for her workouts.
JULY 3, 2017
Purchase-based Teladoc acquires medical consulting firm for $440 million BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH
Teladoc will buy Best Doctors for $375 million cash and $65 million in Teladoc common stock.
eladoc Inc., a Purchase-based telehealth company, will acquire medical consultation firm Best Doctors in a $440 million deal. The largest telehealth platform in the nation, Teladoc provides virtual care services to more than 7,500 clients, including health care providers and employers. Best Doctors, meanwhile, has a global network of more than 50,000 medical experts that it pairs with data analytics to advise doctors on complex medical cases. “At Teladoc, our vision has always been to provide the central, trusted source for consumers to find resolution to the broadest array of health care needs, on their terms,” said Jason Gorevic, Teladoc’s CEO. “Now with Best Doctors’ network of world-renowned experts in over 450 specialties, global footprint and exceptional analytic capabilities, we are taking a monumental step towards making that vision a reality.” Under the terms of the agreement,
At Teladoc, our vision has always been to provide the central, trusted source for consumers to find resolution to the broadest array of health care needs, on their terms
The deal will help Teladoc to expand beyond the U.S. into global markets, the company said in its press release. Teladoc lists corporate headquarters in Lewisville, Texas and 2 Manhattanville Road in Purchase, in The Centre at Purchase office park. Founded in 2002, Teladoc was the first telehealth company to go public when it filed for an IPO in 2015. The company holds 75 percent of the telemedicine
market, according to Reuters. Teladoc’s offerings include general medicine, behavioral health, dermatology, sexual health and tobacco cessation. The company projects it will have 23 million members by the end of the year. Its network offers access to more than 3,000 health care professionals on its app and online. The cost of a “visit” to Teladoc varies according to an individual’s health plan. Teladoc reported $123 million in revenue in 2016. The company employed 670 people as of Dec. 31, according to an SEC filing. Best Doctors was founded in 1989 by Harvard Medical School physicians. The company is headquartered in Boston. Last year, it reported $92 million in revenue. Best Doctors CEO Peter McClennen will continue to lead Best Doctors as president of a new division within Teladoc. He said aligning with Teladoc will allow Best Doctors to deliver “a paradigm shift in care access that comes with a phenomenal patient experience, unprecedented outcomes and cost savings.” Teladoc expects the deal to close this month, pending regulatory approvals.
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This advertisement is supported in part by a grant from the New York State Department of Health.
JULY 3, 2017
AgeWell New York encourages getting the most out of Health and Wellness Benefits in a Medicare Advantage Plan
hen you become eligible for Medicare, you want to have health care coverage that keeps you healthy and helps maintain your quality of life. Some Medicare Advantage plans offer health and wellness benefits over and above Original Medicare, including dental, vision, hearing, transportation, over the counter (OTC) drugs, alternative medicine and fitness programs. If you’re eligible for Medicare and begin researching plan options, AgeWell New York Health Plans encourage you to look out for these covered services, to get the most out of your plan to enhance your health coverage and access to health and wellness services. Preventative Services. Many plans cover screenings and immunizations. These services help you identify and treat health issues early. Identifying risk factors, unhealthy lifestyle habits, getting recommended screenings and vaccinations and routinely seeing your doctor are all part of ongoing health prevention and management.
Dental, vision and hearing services. Routine dental, vision and hearing visits are vital to maintaining overall health and identifying other issues. Look for preventive and/ or preventive and comprehensive and di-
plies can include blood sugar self-testing equipment, insulin pumps, therapeutic shoes or inserts and more. Check the Plan’s Summary of Benefits for a detailed list of covered items.
Choose a Medicare Advantage Plan that enhances your health coverage with access to health & wellness services such as dental, vision, hearing, preventive care and fitness programs.
agnostic dental, routine vision exams, eyewear, routine hearing exams and hearing aids as part of your covered services. Diabetic supplies. Some plans may cover supplies and equipment to help maintain the health of those who are diabetic. Sup-
Fitness programs. Look for a plan that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Many plans offer a wellness or fitness program at no additional cost and include access to fitness equipment, gym memberships, group exercise classes and more.
Alternative care services. Alternative therapies are becoming more popular in preventing and treating disease and promoting health. Some plans include covered acupuncture and chiropractic care. Care Navigator or Care Manager: Having a dedicated person to help you navigate all of these services gives you easier access to all your benefits. Some plans have a Care Navigator or Care Manager who assists with things such as medication management, care planning, routine screenings and preventative services. Call your plan for more information and find out whether these services are available. Details of these benefits are included in the plan’s Evidence of Coverage, or you may call your plan to learn more and take advantage. AgeWell New York Health Plans offers health care coverage that’s right for you. Our Senior Benefits Advisors can assist you in understanding Original Medicare and give you options for a Medicare Advantage Plan. Call us today for eligibility and enrollment at 866-586-8044 or agewellnewyork.com.
Are you or a loved one turning 65?
Attend a seminar and start learning about Medicare Health Plan options
If you or someone you know is turning 65, there are many options from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan which offers benefits above and beyond Original Medicare.
For more information on seminar dates and times in a diner in your community, please call: 718.484.5000 (ext. 5251) or events@agewellnewyork.com
Join us for formal presentations with our licensed Senior Benefits Advisors to discuss enrollment options in AgeWell New York’s Medicare Advantage Plans. Learn about covered benefits including doctor visits, dental, hearing & vision, transportation, fitness program, prescription drugs and more. Attend one of our many seminars at participating diners in Nassau, Suffolk, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn or Westchester.
We’re here for your call. Toll Free 1.866.586.8044 TTY/TDD 1.800.662.1220 agewellnewyork.com info@agewellnewyork.com
AgeWell New York, LLC is a HMO plan with a Medicare contract and a Coordination of Benefits Agreement with New York State Department of Health. Enrollment in AgeWell New York, LLC depends on contract renewal. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 866-586-8044 and TTY/TDD 800-662-1220. Visit us at www.agewellnewyork.com AgeWell New York complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of races, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. AgeWell New York cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionali-dad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. AgeWell New York 遵守適用的聯邦民權法律規定,不因種族、膚色、民血統、年齡、殘障或性別而歧視任何人 。ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-866-586-8044 (TTY: 1-800-662-1220). ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1- 866-586-8044 (TTY: 1-800-662-1220). 注意: 如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲 得語言援助服務。 請致電 1-866-586-8044 (TTY 1-800-662-1220) H4922_MHPO_4002 Accepted 01142017 WCBJ
JULY 3, 2017
NEW HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES HealthPass New York will offer Oscar Health insurance plans on its private health insurance exchange for small businesses. HealthPass will offer eight Oscar for Business insurance plans to employers between one and 100 employees in New York City and its surrounding counties Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and Rockland. “The Oscar plans are an ideal complement to our existing offerings and truly enhance our portfolio of benefit options,” said Vincent C. Ashton, president and CEO of HealthPass. Launched in 2012, Oscar promises a technology-driven approach to health
insurance. Along with its expansion to the employer market in New York, the company announced this year it was looking to expand or start offering coverage in parts of New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee and California. Oscar for Business plans on HealthPass will range from the bronze to platinum rating tiers. Coverage will take effect Sept. 1. The company in a press release said the business plans would include the same features as its plans on the individual market, including concierge teams that help members track care, telehealth and a strong mobile app. Oscar will compete with United Healthcare’s Oxford Health and Northwell Health’s CareConnect on the HealthPass marketplace.
CAREMOUNT NAMES BREWSTER LAB AFTER DR. ABE LEVY CareMount Medical PC has dedicated its new clinical laboratory in Brewster in honor of its former chief medical officer
and a former president of the Westchester County Medical Society, Dr. Abe Levy. Officials at CareMount headquarters in Mount Kisco said the Dr. Abe Levy Clinical Laboratory in Putnam County is equipped with state-of-the-art analyzers linked to automation and staffed by medical technologists. Designed to accommodate new technologies as they become available, the state-licensed lab has testing platforms that include but are not limited to chemistry, hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, immunoassay, vitamin D and Lyme disease. An internist, Levy in late 2012 retired from the Mount Kisco Medical Group, where he had served as chief medical officer since 1999 and as chief control officer since 2004. Founded in 1946, the group practice was renamed CareMount Medical in February 2016. “I am delighted to name our modern clinical laboratory after Dr. Levy,” Dr. Scott D. Hayworth, president and CEO of CareMount Medical, said in the recent announcement. “His decades of leadership
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JULY 3, 2017
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enabled this lab to become a reality.” A 1966 graduate of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Levy joined Mount Kisco Medical Group in 1974 from the University of Rochester, where he was an assistant professor of medicine. He practiced internal medicine on the medical group’s Mount Kisco campus and was an attending physician at Northern Westchester Hospital. Levy also served as an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in Manhattan and as a consultant in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In addition to his one-year term as county medical society president in 2011-12, Levy was president of the medical society’s Westchester Academy of Medicine from 2005-08.
$3M ENDOWMENT TO ESTABLISH NYMC PROFESSORSHIP New York Medical College (NYMC) was endowed with $3 million to establish a professorship and chair in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan. According to the college, the endowment will foster research and support the training of medical students and residents. The estate of Catherine Hinterbuchner is the benefactor of the gift. Hinterbuchner was a physiatrist who passed away in 2015. She served as chair of NYMC’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine from 1971 to 2004. “I met Dr. Hinterbuchner in 2012,” said Edward C. Halperin, chancellor and CEO at NYMC. “She was a force of nature and deeply devoted to assuring the long-term development of the medical specialty of rehabilitation medicine in order to improve the quality and quantity of the lives of future generations of patients.” The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine has 12 full-time faculty members, primarily based at Metropolitan in Harlem. Eduardo Lopez was selected as the inaugural Hinterbuchner professor and chair. Lopez joined the faculty of NYMC and Metropolitan as chairman and chief of service of the Department Rehabilitation Medicine in 2012. “Dr. Lopez has admirably overseen a rehabilitation medicine department that serves our patients with disabilities on an inpatient and outpatient basis,” said Alina Moran, CEO of NYC Health + Hospitals/ Metropolitan. “Under his leadership, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine also serves as the primary site of academic clinical training for the NYMC rehabilitation residency program and the NYMC School of Medicine students.” Metropolitan has been affiliated with NYMC since its founding in 1875, representing the oldest partnership between a hospital and a private medical school in the country. — Ryan Deffenbaugh, John Golden, Aleesia Forni
CANCER CARE. NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital & NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital NewYork-Presbyterian is committed to bringing the highest standard of care to Westchester’s cancer patients and families. With specialists from ColumbiaDoctors and NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group, plus easy access to our two world-renowned academic medical centers, great care is closer than ever. Learn more about our comprehensive cancer program, visit nyp.org/westchestercancer
JULY 3, 2017
Ask questions. Get answers. MVP is your trusted Medicare resource.
Turning 65? Retiring? Leaving employer group or individual health plan coverage? MVP Health Care® has experts to guide you through your Medicare choices. • Schedule a free personal consultation • Sign up to attend a no obligation information meeting • Get answers to your Medicare questions • Request a free MVP health plan information kit MVP Medicare HMO-POS and PPO plans include comprehensive benefits, hearing aid discounts, $75 Wellness Rewards program, and a free SilverSneakers® Fitness membership, starting as low as $0 a month.
Call 1-800-324-3899 Monday–Friday 8 am–8 pm Eastern Time TTY: 1-800-662-1220 Visit joinMVPmedicare.com MVP Health Plan, Inc. is an HMO-POS/PPO/MSA organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in MVP Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, co-payments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Y0051_3345 Accepted (06/2017)
JULY 3, 2017
Your living will: the time is now
ans of the long-running television series “Grey’s Anatomy” may remember a riveting episode, “Sanctuary,” in which a distraught widower, grieving after his wife passes away, seeks revenge on the surgeons who treated her. In the aftermath of his wife’s death, the widower, Gary Clark, files a lawsuit against the hospital, which he loses. The episode raises many interesting and salient questions about Living Wills and other legal documents you should consider during your life so that you can control your own health care decisions through your proxy should you ever become incapacitated. Many of the legal terms overlap and may cause confusion. The term “advance directives” refers to living wills, powers of attorney, designation of health care representative(s) and pre-designation of conservator of person and estate. The living will instructs physicians and health care providers as to the type of health care you want – and don’t want – in the event you are unable to speak for yourself. Do not confuse your living will with your last will and testament. The difference between them is when they take effect: as the name suggests, a living will applies while you are alive, while the last will and testament has no bearing until you die, at which time it details how your estate and assets will be distributed and used. The time to draft your living will, with all its instructions regarding your health, is now. Should your medical condition necessitate it, do you want extraordinary measures to prolong your life? Extraordinary measures are defined as medical procedures, services or treatments that prolong dying when death is inevitable. Defibrillation, certain drugs, blood transfusions, amputation and dialysis all might be considered extraordinary measures. In the TV show, Allison Clark, Gary’s wife, had cancer. She suffered a massive stroke post-operatively, lapsed into an irreversible coma and needed a ventilator to breathe. However, three years earlier, when first diagnosed with cancer, Allison had signed an advance directive that allowed a DNR order from her physicians: Do Not Resuscitate. Her living will provided that if her survival depended upon machines, she wanted to be unplugged
and permitted to die. Gary was devastated when physicians at the hospital acted in accordance with Allison’s wishes and took her off life support. Contrary to all the physicians’ professional opinions, Gary insisted that his wife could recover spontaneously. The ethics committee of the hospital reviewed the case and determined that Allison’s directives stood and they took her off life support. A living will by nature cannot account for every eventuality. That’s why the designation of a health care representative is helpful. In this document, you appoint an individual you want to make medical decisions for you in the event of an emergency. In Connecticut, this person is called your health care representative or proxy who can make decisions not covered in your living will. Had Allison appointed her husband as her health care proxy, perhaps her outcome would have been different. The point of these legal documents is twofold: to ensure that your wishes as a patient who can no longer voice them are respected and enforced and to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety for your family members who may be called upon to make agonizing decisions. Working through such end-of-life possibilities early, when you are still of sound mind and body, and including your family members in the discussion can help smooth the health care road should the unforeseen arise. Gary reasoned that since Allison had signed the forms so long ago, her wishes would have changed in the interim; she originally signed the papers when she’d been given six months to live, he said, but instead she had lived three more years. She would survive this coma too, he insisted. The hospital ethics committee, bound by law to obey Allison’s directive, acted accordingly. To prevent such tragic differences in opinion, it’s wise to revisit all your advance directives on a regular basis to ensure that your wishes properly account for your ever-evolving life circumstances as well as medical breakthroughs as they occur. Lyn Eliovson is the founder and principal of the Law Offices of Eliovson & Tenore, an elder law firm in Fairfield. She can be reached at 203-336-2566 or by email at lle@connecticutelderlaw.com.
Your Business|Workforce Connection
Still Looking for a Summer Intern?
he summer months present a unique opportunity for local businesses of all sizes to acquire supplemental help while helping youth learn and gain valuable work experience through the Private Sector Summer Jobs Program, a WestchesterPutnam Workforce Development Board initiative coordinated by the Business Council of Westchester (BCW).
Calling all employers
to post a summer job. westchestersummerjobs.com Businesses are encouraged to hire at least one young adult 16–24 years of age for 6–8 weeks this summer in an effort to reach the goal of connecting 225 young adults to summer employment. Employers will have access to motivated, eager, pre-screened Westchester County youth who are prepped and ready for their first day. There are thousands of motivated young job seekers who are hoping for a chance to work and with your partnership we can help them get that first job that could lead to a possible career path that can really take them somewhere. Additionally a new program titled READI has recently launched. READI stands for Respect, Enthusiasm, Articulate, Dependable, and Initiative and is a curriculum designed to provide workplace skills training to youth in preparation for employment. READI is currently being rolled out in Peekskill and will expand throughout Westchester yearround. A critical component of the READI program is for the youth to be employed over the summer where they can put their new skills into action. The Workforce-Development Board is working with the various agencies to facilitate this process including BCW. We invite all businesses of all industry types to go to www.westchestersummerjobs. com, open an employer account and begin posting jobs. Ebony White, Director of Workforce & Employer Development, will identify appropriate individuals and reach out to you to take the next steps. Email Ebony at ewhite@thebcw.org or call 914-948-2110.
6/24/17 9:37 AM
JULY 3, 2017
STEPS Home Care: We won’t rest until we find the “Right Fit”
e strategically recruit Caregivers with previous experience, excellent references, and specific skills (i.e. drivers, dementia, fall prevention, etc.). Then we pay them well above the industry average, and provide a comprehensive benefits package. This results in in a much more stable workforce. Our focus on hiring the best Caregivers and treating them well, combined with our attention to finding the “Right Fit” results in longer lasting relationships. The STEPS hiring philosophy is simple. We find Caregivers that have Passion, Experience, and Personality. Then we ask ourselves, “Are they the ‘Right Fit’”?
Passion Do they possess the same passion to help families that we do?
Experience Do they have 2+ years of previous experience? Do they have experience with specific illnesses?
Personality Do they have the personality and social skills to succeed within your household dynamic?
The Right Fit The STEPS Care Coordination team spends a great deal of time and effort evaluating your home care situation and personality requests, and then carefully selects a Caregiver(s) we think would be the “Right Fit”. For example, some people prefer someone who is talkative, while someone else might like someone a little quieter. Another
Our Caregiver provided by STEPS Home Care was well trained and immediately became a part of our family thanks to her warm, congenial personality. She had a ‘take charge’ attitude, which was a blessing to me. I never worried while our Aide was with my mother and I was at work. I knew she was safe and well cared for. The services provided by STEPS Home Care were perfect for my family’s needs.
example is that some people prefer someone who takes direction well, while others require someone more assertive. If the match isn’t correct, we will find another Caregiver for you. We won’t rest until we find the “Right Fit”. And we will personally introduce any Caregiver that comes to your home.
Caregiver Orientation & Introduction The STEPS Care Coordination team will explain everything about the case to any new Caregiver. In addition, someone from STEPS will come to the home to introduce and orient all new Caregivers to the Plan of Care, the home environment, and the social dynamic. This increases the likelihood of a comfortable transition. The introduction is very important in putting the Caregiver in a position to succeed. The first few days/weeks are crucial to the relationship’s long-term success. This is not a common practice, and we believe is indicative of The STEPS Difference.
THE STEPS DIFFERENCE We understand that caring for love ones can be challenging and stressful. Our goal is simple. Provide you with peace of mind using three guiding principles: Family, Passion and Stability. We utilize a multi-step approach to customize care for each unique situation and to insure we make the “Right Fit”. The STEPS hiring philosophy is also simple. “Are they the Right Fit?” We find Caregivers that have Passion, Experience, and Personality.
You are not alone. 16
JULY 3, 2017
FAMILY STEPS is a family, female and locally owned company serving Westchester, Fairfield, and Nassau Counties and New York City. Our family is here to help yours.
PASSION We have passion and pride in everything we do, including hiring Caregivers with the same devotion. We started the agency to share our passion for caring for families.
STABILITY We strategically recruit Caregivers with previous experience, excellent references, and specific skills. The result is more stability, which is a key factor is creating the “Right Fit”.
STEPSHOMECARE.COM 1-855-207-7837 | letstalk@stepshomecare.com
FACTS & FIGURES BANKRUPTCIES MANHATTAN NEI Industries Inc. 35 Kulick Road. Fairfield, N.J. 07004. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Dawn Kirby and Jonathan S. Pasternak. Filed: June 23. Case no. 17-11749-mew. RLE Industries LLC. 1175 York Ave., No. 15E, New York 10065. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Dawn Kirby and Jonathan S. Pasternak. Filed: June 23. Case no. 17:11748-mew.
POUGHKEEPSIE Xcel Development LLC. P.O. Box 295. 2145 Route 9W, Cornwall-onHudson 12518. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented Philip A. Wellner. Filed: June 23. Case no. 17-36076-cgm.
WHITE PLAINS Y&M Estates Corp. P.O. Box 342, Monsey 10952. Chapter 7, voluntary. Represented by Y&M Estates Corp. Filed: June 21. Case no. 17-22973-rdd.
COURT CASES Adirondeck Taping and Supply Inc. Filed by the trustees of the District Council 9 Painting Industry Insurance and Annuity Funds. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– civil enforcement of employee benefits. Attorney: Dana Lynn Henke. Filed: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv-04677-CS. Brickens Construction Inc. Filed by Westchester Teamsters Local Union No. 456. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– delinquent contributions. Attorney: Daniel Ernest Kornfield. Filed: June 23. Case no. 7:17-cv-04693-NSR. Burke Rehabilitation Hospital. Filed by Samantha Robinson. Action: employment discrimination. Attorneys: Megan Sarah Goddard and Gabrielle Vinci. Filed: June 22. Case no. 7:17-cv-04701-KMK. Items appearing in the Westchester County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken. Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: John Golden c/o Westfair Communications Inc. 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407 Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3680
Burns Construction Co. Inc. Filed by Teamsters Local 456 Pension, Health & Welfare, Annuity, Education & Training, Industry Advancement and Legal Services Fund. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– delinquent contributions. Attorney: June 23. Case no. 7:17-cv04696-KMK. Burtis Construction Co. Inc. Filed by the trustees of The Westchester Putnam Counties Laborers’ Local No. 60 Heavy & Highway Benefit Funds, Welfare, Pension, Annuity, Education & Training, Legal Services, Industry Advancement and Politic et al. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– civil enforcement of employee benefits. Attorney: Giacchino James Russo. Filed: June 20. Case no. 7:17-cv-04626-KMK. Commissioner of Social Security. Filed by Ana Francisca Rodriquez. Action: review of HHS decision (DIWW). Attorney: Daniel Berger. Filed: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv-04635-KMK. Commissioner of Social Security. Filed by Carmelo Saavedra. Action: review of HHS decision (DIWC). Attorney not listed. Filed: June 26. Case no. 7:17-cv-04717-KMK. Costco Wholesale Corp. Filed by Mark A. Guterman. Action: diversitydeceptive trade practices. Attorney: William Robert Weinstein. Filed: June 26. Case no. 7:17-cv-04812. Duro Textiles LLC. Filed by the trustees of The National Retirement Fund. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– withdrawal liability. Attorney: Jennifer Oh. Filed: June 23. Case no. 7:17-cv-04720. Horizon Medical Group. Filed by Raul Lopez. Action: federal question. Attorney: Michael Howard Sussman. Filed: June 22. Case no. 7:17-cv-04747-NSR. JMF Properties LLC. Filed by St. Christopher’s Inc. Action: diversityreal property. Attorney: Martin William Scherer. Filed: June 26. Case no. 7:17-cv-04757-CS. JPMorgan Chase Bank National Assoc. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: diversityforeclosure. Attorney: Stephen John Vargas. Filed: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv04682-KMK. North American Company for Life and Health Insurance. Filed by Frederic Newman. Action: diversity-insurance contract. Attorney: William Thaddeus James Salerno. Filed: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv-04631-CS. Praxis Financial Solutions Inc. Filed by Trassan Chin. Action: 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Attorney: Novlette Rosemarie Kidd. Filed: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv-04683-CS.
Prince-Parker & Associates Inc. Filed by Charles Metzger and Marc Metzger. Action: 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Attorney: Daniel Zemel. Filed: June 22. Case no. 7:17-cv-04738NSR. Rehabilitation Support Services Inc. Filed by Greg Anthony Riolo. Action: 1981 Civil Rights. Attorney: June 21. Case no. 7:17-cv-04694-CS. Soft Drink & Brewery Workers and Delivery Employees, Industrial Employees, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers Greater New York and Vicinity Local Union No. 812. Filed by John Ulrich. Action: E.R.I.S.A.– enforcement – civil actions. Attorney: Joseph J. Ranni. Filed: June 27. Case no. 7:17-cv04730-UA. Terence Cardinal Cook Health Care Center Inc. et al. Filed by Michael Franchino. Action: federal question: employment discrimination (sex). Attorney: Michael David Diederich Jr. Filed: June 23. Case no. 7:15-cv-06299-VB. Yonkers-Park Care Health Center. Filed by Aisha A�yin. Action: Federal Tort Claim Act – personal injury. Attorney: Anthony M. Maffia. Filed: June 22. Case no. 7:17-cv-04681.
DEEDS Above $1 million 2071 E. Main LLC, Croton-on-Hudson. Seller: Robert Miller, Cortlandt Manor. Property: 2071 E. Main St., Cortlandt. Amount: $2.8 million. Filed June 26. 70 Pier LLC, Valhalla. Seller: City of Yonkers. Property: 70 Pier St., Yonkers. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed June 26. Bluebox LLC, New York City. Seller: Anthony Di Caprio, et al, Rye. Property: 4 Barron Place, Rye. Amount: $7.3 million. Filed June 27. CPW and Brayton LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: 8 Brayton LLC, Larchmont. Property: 8 Brayton Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $2.5 million. Filed June 26. Piedmont LLC, Mount Vernon. Seller: L.D.L. Management LLC, Rye Brook. Property: 56 Clinton Ave., New Rochelle. Amount: $2.6 million. Filed June 23. Ridgewood Briarcliff Owner LLC, Florham Park, N.J. Seller: Philips North America LLC, Andover, Ma. Property: 345 Scarborough Road, Ossining. Amount: $12.2 million. Filed June 27.
South Field Management LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Vision @ Southfield LLC, Dobbs Ferry. Property: 19 Southfield Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $3.8 million. Filed June 22.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Joseph Ruggiero, Yonkers. Property: 229 Second Avenue South, Mount Vernon. Amount: $608,028. Filed June 21.
The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Richard A. Glickel, West Nyack. Property: 28 Joyce Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $1.1 million. Filed June 22.
Fannie Mae. Seller: Jeffrey S. Shumejda, Sleepy Hollow. Property: 132 Cortland St., Mount Pleasant. Amount: $876,431. Filed June 21.
Venture Family LP, Highland Park, Ill. Seller: The Bell Family Trust, Croton-on-Hudson. Property: 175 Old Post Road North, Cortlandt. Amount: $2.1 million. Filed June 22.
Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Arnetha N. Wharton, Bronx. Property: 160 Ravine Ave., 1A, Yonkers. Amount: $153,365. Filed June 22.
Below $1 million
Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Souretha V. Browne, Chappaqua. Property: 200 Station Place, Mount Vernon. Amount: $367,223. Filed June 23.
2017 Ridge Road LLC, Wayzata, Minn. Seller: Dominique Pobedonostzeff, Hartsdale. Property: 39 Ridge Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $744,000. Filed June 27. 49 Spring Street Corp., Ossining. Seller: Friends Construction Inc., Briarcliff Manor. Property: 49 Spring St., Ossining. Amount: $10,000. Filed June 23. 555 West 183rd Street LLC, Tarrytown. Seller: Charmaine Miles, Bronx. Property: 281-283 S. Broadway, Yonkers. Amount: $500,000. Filed June 27. 66 Ash Street Holding Inc., Yonkers. Seller: Syeda Sabahat Ali, White Plains. Property: 66 Ash St., Yonkers. Amount: $349,000. Filed June 27. Acqua Capital LLC, et al, Pawling. Seller: Christopher Logan, Scarsdale. Property: 146 Mitchell Road, Somers. Amount: $295,000. Filed June 26. Baldino Realty LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: Salvatore M. Locascio, Essex Fells, N.J. Property: 17 Broadway, 2E, Harrison. Amount: $256,000. Filed June 26. Bank of America N.A. Seller: Sanjay L. Bhatt, White Plains. Property: 486 Midland Ave, Yonkers. Amount: $522,649. Filed June 23. Bobalu Rye Brook LLC, West Harrison. Seller: Reimer Martens, et al, Rye Brook. Property: 4 Westview Ave., Rye. Amount: $660,000. Filed June 26. Buchanan Management Corp., Brooklyn. Seller: Tiffany Chiping Lin, Katonah. Property: 252 Tate Ave., Cortlandt. Amount: $245,000. Filed June 27. Christian Gray Realty LLC, Mamaroneck. Seller: Flash Holding Corp., Mamaroneck. Property: 172 E. Prospect Ave., Mamaroneck. Amount: $995,000. Filed June 27. Citimortgage Inc. Seller: Thomas Gallivan, White Plains. Property: 80 William St., Yonkers. Amount: $236,627. Filed June 22.
Glenbrook Development Group Inc., Thornwood. Seller: Jennifer P. Bounds, et al, Chappaqua. Property: 15 Martha Place, New Castle. Amount: $250,000. Filed June 27. Grotto Holding Corp., Yorktown Heights. Seller: Hickey Realty Inc., Hawthorne. Property: 523 Commerce St., Mount Pleasant. Amount: $337,500. Filed June 27. Hillside BD LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: Ronald Zezima, New Rochelle. Property: 64-66 Gavin St., Yonkers. Amount: $271,000. Filed June 21. HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Darren De Urso, White Plains. Property: 420 Maple Ave., Mamaroneck. Amount: $555,069. Filed June 23. Irving Henry LLC, Westbury. Seller: Veronica Groth, Setauket. Property: Ridge Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $400,000. Filed June 21. JJR Fire Stopping and Construction Inc., Bronx. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 246 10th Avenue South, Mount Vernon. Amount: $185,000. Filed June 22. M&T Bank, Buffalo. Seller: Clement S. Patti Jr., White Plains. Property: 159 Centre Ave., No.2, New Rochelle. Amount: $300,364. Filed June 22.
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MA Property Holdings LLC, East Elmhurst. Seller: Robert Luiso, Harrison. Property: 8 Alden Place, Mount Vernon. Amount: $270,000. Filed June 21. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: W. Whitfield Wells, West Palm Beach, Fla. Property: 89 McLean Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $328,578. Filed June 21. Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Seller: Patricia Brown, White Plains. Property: 161 Augustine Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $638,352. Filed June 22.
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JULY 3, 2017
GOOD THINGS Among those at the Westchester Green Business awards, from left, front row: Tara Seeley, Westchester Community Foundation; Dani Glaser, WGB; Tony Justic, Maier, Markey & Justic, LLP; Marsha Gordon, BCW; Robert P. Astorino, Westchester County executive; Jane Solnick, Con Edison. Back row: Chris Reohr and John Samuel Kraemer of the NYS Energy and Research Development Authority; John Ravitz, BCW; Scott Fernqvist, WGB.
GREEN BUSINESS AWARDS Kermit the Frog may have sung that “it isn’t easy being green,” but businesses and organizations in Westchester have been demonstrating that it’s really quite achievable. Westchester Green Business is a partnership program that The Business Council of Westchester (BCW) and Westchester County started in 2009. It provides businesses with a turnkey system to bring sustainable business practices into their operations and each year honors a few for exemplary achievements. More than 120 guests attended the 7th annual awards ceremony that was held recently at The Briarcliff Manor and honored
businesses and organizations for their efforts to reduce their carbon footprints and make other environmental improvements. The “Charles W. Brown Jr. Sustainability Award” went to the Hendrick Hudson Free Library. The Port Chester Carver Center received the “Organizational Commitment Award.” DeCicco & Sons received the “Energy Award.” “The Waste Management and Green Products Award” went to Blue Book Building & Construction Network. The “Transportation Award” was given to Field Goods and the “Land Use & Water Resources Award” went to the United States Tennis Association.
Bill Berloni and Sunny
PET ADOPTION DAY AND A BROADWAY STAR Sunny, a Terrier mix who had been picked up by Animal Control in Houston, was within one day of being put to sleep in 2012 when she was rescued by Bill Berloni. Aside from being active in causes that save and protect animals, Berloni is a world-renowned trainer of animals for theater, movies and television. He and his wife have a farm in Connecticut where they care for rescued animals, train a select few and operate William Berloni Theatrical Animals. Sunny was nurtured back to health and went on to star on Broadway as Sandy, the dog adopted by Little Orphan Annie, in the revival of the hit musical, “Annie.” Sunny was in the show’s national tour and now, at age 7, is in Elmsford starring in the Westchester Broadway Theatre’s production of “Annie,” which runs until Sept. 10. Against the backdrop of what Berloni does to save animals and help them thrive, and the inseparable relationship created on stage by Annie and her dog Sandy, the Westchester Broadway Theatre is hosting a Pet Adoption Day on July 22, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1 Broadway Plaza in Elmsford’s Cross Westchester Executive Park. Participating organizations, which will be bringing dogs and cats for adoption, include Paws Crossed Animal Rescue, SPCA of Westchester and Posh Pets Rescue. The event is being sponsored in part by Pet Smart. Tickets to see “Annie” are not required to attend or adopt a new member of the family.
Asna Amin
Young Han
Jyothi Parapurath
THREE JOIN CAREMOUNT Three physicians have joined CareMount Medical, the multispecialty medical group based in Mount Kisco that operates 43 offices in Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia and Ulster counties. Asna Amin will be doing general and colorectal surgery. She will see patients in the Poughkeepsie and Fishkill offices and has privileges at Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital and Vassar Brothers Medical Center. Amin was the chief of colorectal surgery at Eisenhower Army Medical Center in Fort Gordon, Georgia.
JULY 3, 2017
Young Han, who had been with the Scarsdale Medical Group, will be handling internal medicine at CareMount’s Jefferson Valley office. He has privileges at Hudson Valley Hospital. Jyothi Parapurath is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and will be at CareMount’s Putnam Hospital Center and its offices in Carmel and Mahopac. Previously, she was an attending physician at New York-Presbyterian Medical Group, and an obstetrician/gynecologist at New York-Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital.
Jordie Wilk is now with the Armonk office of Houlihan Lawrence. In the four years before joining Houlihan, she was classified as a top producing Realtor in the Westchester market. “Nothing is more exciting to me than the gratifying feeling I get from helping people make what is arguably one of the biggest decisions in their lifetime – deciding whether to buy or sell their home,” she said. Before getting into real estate, Wilk was in public relations, where she worked on national publicity campaigns for television networks. She also was a representative in the pharmaceuticals industry.
Jordie Wilk
Julie Alcée
ALCÉE JOINS HOMESERVICES IN SCARSDALE Among the LLS personnel in Lake Tahoe were, from left, Marina Keller, Tom Ogood, John Wiltshire and Tessie Massa.
BIKE RIDING FOR A GOOD CAUSE In June, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) national office in Rye Brook sent “Team Ride Brook,” to Lake Tahoe, Nevada, for an LLS Team in Training event which has been dubbed “America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride.” The bike ride featured several distance options, such as 100 miles, 72 miles and 35 miles. The entrance fee, which supported leukemia research, varied according to the length of the ride. The team from Rye Brook joined with more than 800 other cyclists. The bike event annually raises more than $3 million in the fight against cancer. The entire Team in Training series of events has raised more than $1.5 billion for LLS since it began in 1988 with 38 runners raising $320,000 in the New York City marathon.
Licensed real estate broker Julie Alcée has joined the Scarsdale office of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Westchester Properties. Alcée has been a teacher and also worked in the corporate world in financial services and human resources. She lives in White Plains. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Westchester Properties has about 130 Realtors on its staff in Westchester.
From left: Emily Duro and Taylor McLeod; back, Tamara Faublas-Joseph, registered nurse; Joseph Brooks, associate nurse manager of pediatrics and Sandra Dodge, registered nurse.
SCOUTS TAKE ACTION AND EXCEED EXPECTATIONS The Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can receive. To earn the award, the fourt and fifth graders who make up the Junior segment must complete a “take action” project that is focused on education and continues to have an impact on the community long after it has been completed. For their project, Emily Duro and Taylor McLeod, both 10 year olds who attend the Sheafe Road Elementary School in Wappingers Falls, came up with the idea of collecting 50 children’s books for the Pediatrics Specialty Unit at Vassar Brothers Medical Center. They created posters to call attention to their effort. Their book drive exceeded expectations and they were able to collect 404 new books. “These wonderful books will bring so much joy and happiness to our pediatric patients,” said Jeanine Thompson, development manager for the Foundation for Vassar Brothers Medical Center. “These young ladies are an inspiration to give back to the community and help those in need and we’re very proud of their accomplishment.”
Adina Fici From left: New York state Assemblyman David Buchwald; Westchester County Legislator Margaret Cunzio; and Samantha Krieger and Steven Krieger, partner, The Engel Burman Group.
WELCOME EVENT A YEAR LATER There was a special reception held at The Bristal Assisted Living at Armonk to formally welcome the facility’s Executive Director Samantha Krieger. She assumed the post in June 2016. While marking her first year on the job, the reception also provided an opportunity for the approximately 100 area officials and health care professionals who were there to do some networking while also getting to know Krieger a bit better. The Bristal at Armonk is one of 12 assisted living communities in Westchester and Bergen Counties and on Long Island developed by The Engel Burman Group. The Armonk location has 148 residences with 40 dedicated to seniors with Alzheimer’s and other memory impairments. Krieger was 26 when she became executive director, after having spent nine months in Engel Burman’s executive training program. Before that, she had been with the Huron Consulting Group. As an intern, she gained experience with Starwood Hotels, NBC and Long Island MacArthur Airport.
FICI BACK AT ERA INSITE Licensed real estate salesperson Adina Fici has returned to ERA Insite Realty Services in White Plains, according to the firm’s principal broker, Louis Budetti. She began her real estate career in 2005 at ERA Insite. In the interim, she worked in property management, foreclosure servicing and areas related to real estate law. “I’m now in a position to bring all that knowledge and perspective back to the benefit of my real estate clients,” Fici said. ERA Insite Realty has been headquartered in White Plains for 31 years and has additional offices in Bronxville and Mount Pleasant.
The Coaching Connection Program at Westchester Community College has been named as a 2017 “Innovation of the Year” winner by the League for Innovation in the Community College (LICC). LICC is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate innovation in the community college environment. It was founded in 1968 by the presidents of about a dozen community and technical colleges. It sponsors conferences, workshops, research and demonstration programs and publishes books and periodicals. The competition was devised as a way to recognize significant innovations at member colleges.
MEYERS NAMED TO HOLOCAUST CENTER’S BOARD Hastings-on-Hudson resident Karin Meyers has been named to the board of directors of the White Plains-based Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center. The center’s mission is to enhance the teaching and learning of the lessons of the holocaust and the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect. Meyers is a bioethicist and most recently was an adjunct faculty member at The Mount Sinai Medical Center. Her work has been published in academic journals and she is a member of The Mount Sinai Bioethics International Consortium and The Hastings Center.
JULY 3, 2017
FACTS Ozer Holding LLC, Clifton, N.J. Seller: Beniamina Romano, Briarcliff Manor. Property: 155 and 157 First St., Yonkers. Amount: $320,000. Filed June 23.
Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Charles A. D’Agostino, Pleasantville. Property: 5 Leslie Road, Eastchester. Amount: $545,000. Filed June 26.
PAB Investments LLC, Alexandria, Va. Seller: City of Yonkers. Property: 61 Palisades Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $56,045. Filed June 26.
Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Dennis Krolian, White Plains. Property: 3444 Shelley Court, Yorktown. Amount: $497,180. Filed June 27.
Pony Express Bank, Liberty, Mo. Seller: Christopher Meagher, Pawling. Property: 182 Spring St., Ossining. Amount: $250,000. Filed June 27. Pony Express Bank, Liberty, Mo. Seller: Christopher Meagher, Pawling. Property: 31 Hamilton Ave., Ossining. Amount: $240,000. Filed June 27. Prime Properties Realty LLC, Yonkers. Seller: John C. Maloney. Property: 38 Sunrise Terrace, Yonkers. Amount: $270,000. Filed June 26. Quorum Federal Credit Union, Purchase. Seller: Robert D. Ryan, White Plains. Property: 9 Armstrong St., Cortlandt. Amount: $701,827. Filed June 27. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Angela R. White, Newburgh. Property: 26 Donald Lane, Ossining. Amount: $530,591. Filed June 21. The GRSW Stewart Real Estate Trust. Seller: John S. Lee, et al, Tarrytown. Property: 54 Highland Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $843,000. Filed June 22. Trataros and Associates LLC, White Plains. Seller: Jimmie Lee Melvin, Mount Vernon. Property: 467 Fifth Avenue South, Mount Vernon. Amount: $675,000. Filed June 22. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Michele L. Bermel, Chappaqua. Property: 160 Linden St., Yonkers. Amount: $362,601. Filed June 27. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Charmaine L. Miles, Bronx. Property: 29 N. French Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $541,043. Filed June 27. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Ryan Scott Karben, Pomona. Property: 2 Whittington Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $411,650. Filed June 22. Webb Development Services Corp., Mount Vernon. Seller: Claudia M. Spencer, Mount Vernon. Property: 550 S. 11th Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $140,000. Filed June 26. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Christopher Meagher, White Plains. Property: 51 S. 12th Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $444,782. Filed June 23. Westchester Rising Acquisitions Corp., Brooklyn. Seller: Bank of America N.A. Property: 221 Third Avenue South, Mount Vernon. Amount: $146,000. Filed June 22.
JULY 3, 2017
Winstead REO II LLC, New York City. Seller: Liam McLaughlin, White Plains. Property: 5 Leather Stocking Lane, Greenburgh. Amount: $500,884. Filed June 22.
FORECLOSURES ARMONK, 8 Brundage St. Singlefamily residence; lot size: .24 acre. Plaintiff: HSBC Bank USA National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-219-5787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Barry McConnell. Referee: Christopher Meagher. Sale: July 10, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $673,935.21. ELMSFORD, 54 Hartsdale Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Constantina Sanchez. Referee: Clement Patti. Sale: July 18, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $505,588.47. ELMSFORD, 268 Abbott Ave. Twofamily residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York Mellon. Plaintiff’s attorney: Druckman & Sinel, 516-876-0800; 242 Drexel Ave., Westbury 11590. Defendant: Dorothy Basm. Referee: Jo-Ann Cambareri. Sale: July 11, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $488,040.69. MAMARONECK, 1040 Cove Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .51 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York Mellon. Plaintiff’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: Patrick Dussol. Referee: Ted Novick. Sale: July 17, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,522,125.01. MOUNT VERNON, 33 Dell Ave. Two-family residence; lot size: .1 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Knuckles, Komosinski & Elliot, 914-345-3020; 565 Taxter Road, Suite 509, Elmsford 10523. Defendant: Floyd Ellis. Referee Bruce Povman. Sale: July 10, noon. Approximate lien: $686,387.43. MOUNT VERNON, 154 Pennsylvania Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .23 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Marie Christina Pascal. Referee: Robert Spolzino. Sale: July 10, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,333,048.96.
MOUNT VERNON, 663 S. Seventh Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .07 acre. Plaintiff: JPMC Specialty Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Arnell Franklin. Referee: Thomas Simeti. Sale: July 7, 1 p.m. Approximate lien: $288,268.40. NEW ROCHELLE, 175 Pelham Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .15 acre. Plaintiff: MTGLW Investors LP. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Shania French Crewe. Referee: Clement Patti. Sale: July 18, 10:30 a.m. Approximate line: $421,512.74. NORTH SALEM, 567 Grant Road. Single-family residence; lot size: 4.66 acre. Plaintiff: Neal Lubic. Plaintiff’s attorney: Judith Reardon PC, 914-6665566; 20 Woodsbridge Road, Katonah 10536. Defendant: Levin Lubic. Referee: Robin Carton. Sale: July 11, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $329,894.97. OSSINING, 20 Linden Ave. Twofamily residence; lot size: .2 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Mariana Molina. Referee: Massimo DiFabio. Sale: July 10, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $598,216.99. PEEKSKILL, 955 Parkway Place. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Danielle Conrad. Referee: John Molloy. Sale: July 11, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $209,221.74. PLEASANTVILLE, 16 Club Court. Single-family residence; lot size: .05 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Ben Rosenshine. Referee: Steven Lubowitz. Sale: July 11, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $682,006.11. POUND RIDGE, 74 Scofield Road. Single-family residence; lot size: 2.89 acre. Plaintiff: Ally Bank. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-219-5787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Matthew Dancsecs. Referee: John Perone. Sale: July 11, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,032,985.69. WHITE PLAINS, 4 Charles St. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Charmaine Thomas. Referee: Richard Glickel. Sale: July 18, 10:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $489,883.51. WHITE PLAINS, 16 Kensico Ave. Three-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: George Avenaut. Referee: James Garvey. Sale: July 18, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $488,725.01.
FIGURES WHITE PLAINS, 203 Beverly Road. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank Trust National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Shanlander Drive. Referee: Lisa Beth D’Allessio. Sale: July 11, 11:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $825,721.77. YONKERS, 112 Oak St. Three-family residence; lot size: .05 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585-987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Octavio Moya. Referee: Julia Henrichs. Sale: July 11, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $610,275.44. YONKERS, 237 Hayward St. Twofamily residents; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: National Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Joseph Santoro. Referee: Ronald Sher. Sale: July 11, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $818,702.12.
JUDGMENTS Burtis Construction, Yonkers. $17,083 in favor of Westchester and Putnam Counties Laborers Local Union No. 60 Fringe Benefit Funds Board of Trustees, Hawthorne. Filed June 26.
LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Borba, Fernando, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $333,485 affecting property located at 14 Ganung Drive, Ossining 10562. Filed June 13. Cermele, Matthew, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $544,000 affecting property located at 1 Charles Place, Eastchester 10708. Filed June 9. Corsa, John, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 1507 Barbara Lane, Mamaroneck 10543. Filed June 8. Crespo, Juan J., et al. Filed by PennyMac Holdings LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 21 Aqueduct St., Ossining 10562. Filed June 8. Decesare, Angela, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $815,285 affecting property located at 1 Stony Gate Oval, New Rochelle 10804. Filed June 13.
Espineira, Carol Anne, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 6 Pugsley Parkway, Cortlandt Manor 10567. Filed June 13. Fasce, Joseph A., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $352,250 affecting property located at 2 Volz Place, Yonkers 10701. Filed June 8. Goetz, Amy M., et al. Filed by Citimortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $318,000 affecting property located at 25 Kathwood Road, Yonkers 10710. Filed June 12. Gomez, Alexis, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 23 St. Joseph St., New Rochelle 10805. Filed June 8. Hamlet Central LLC, et al. Filed by Chantico Fund LP. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $415,081 affecting property located at 259 Westchester Ave., Pound Ridge 10576. Filed June 13. Maffucci, Daniel, et al. Filed by Citimortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $330,400 affecting property located at 16 Park Lane, Lincolndale 10540. Filed June 12. Maiocco, Lillian, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $290,000 affecting property located at 51 Hudson View Hill, Ossining 10562. Filed June 9.
Thomsen, Bruce, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $607,000 affecting property located at 49 Rock Ridge Drive, Rye Brook 10573. Filed June 9. Tomasulo, Leslie, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $215,000 affecting property located at 130 Red Mill Road, Cortlandt Manor 10567. Filed June 13. Travis, Clifton D., et al. Filed by PNC Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $292,500 affecting property located at 39 Welcher Ave., Peekskill 10566. Filed June 13.
MECHANIC’S LIENS 138 Fox Meadow LLC, as owner. $13,275 as claimed by A Small Company Concrete Inc., Brewster. Property: in Scarsdale. Filed June 21. Consolidate Resistance Company of America, as owner. $21,542 as claimed by Rooter Plus Inc., Mount Vernon. Property: in Yonkers. Filed June 21. Saber Dobbs Ferry LLC, as owner. $38,354 as claimed by Shannonside Mechanical Inc., Mount Vernon. Property: in Greenburgh. Filed June 21. Whitehouse Manor Ltd., as owner. $40,000 as claimed by Frank Lapetina. Property: in Greenburgh. Filed June 23.
McKinley, Dwayne, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $526,383 affecting property located at 122 N. Terrace Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed June 13.
This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.
Nasti, Joseph, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $278,602 affecting property located at 55 Armourvilla Ave., Tuckahoe 10707. Filed June 12.
AFM Inspections Inc., d.b.a. AFM Inspections, 270 Jericho Turnpike, Floral Park 11001. Filed June 6.
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $431,590 affecting property located at 135 High St., Yonkers 10701. Filed June 8. Randazzo, Gaetano, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $400,000 affecting property located at 34 Dover Lane, Yonkers 10701. Filed June 8. Thomas, Kevin, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $487,500 affecting property located at 14 Darwood Place, Hartsdale 10530. Filed June 13.
Doing Business As
AGM Restaurant Inc., d.b.a. International Café, 103 Adee St., Port Chester 10573. Filed June 6. Awkward Silence Inc., d.b.a. NW2S, 35 Furnace Brook Drive, Cortlandt Manor. Filed June 6. Fuji Mountain Corp., d.b.a. Fuji Mountain Steak House, 2375 Boston Post Road, Larchmont 10538. Filed June 6. Mark Stevens and Company Inc., d.b.a. All American Search, 800 Westchester Ave., Rye Brook 10573. Filed June 6. Sterling Global Inc., d.b.a. Legacy Grant Clothing, 405 Tarrytown Road, Suite 1258, White Plains 10607. Filed June 6.
FACTS The Rainy C. Fit Inc., d.b.a. Curv A Shus, 30 E. First St., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed June 6. Zobai Inc., d.b.a. Black Cow Coffee Co., 701 N. Broadway, Sleepy Hollow 10591. Filed June 6.
Partnerships Famous Neighborhood Entertainment, 428 Bedford Ave., Mount Vernon 10553, c/o Wayne Harewood, Trevor Swan and Nkem Latoff. Filed June 6.
Sole Proprietorships Ali Auto Dealer, 27 S. Kensico Ave., Valhalla 10595, c/o Shazad Ali. Filed June 6. D3R Trading Co., P.O. Box 1476, Yonkers 10702, c/o John B. Anderson. Filed June 6. Jace Records, 203 Lincoln Ave., New Rochelle 10801, c/o Franz Holness. Filed June 6. JCS Commercial Cleaning, 941 McLean Ave., Yonkers 10704, c/o John Scanlon. Filed June 6. Jiang Services, 3 Bretton Road, Scarsdale 10583, c/o Xiaolei Jiang. Filed June 6. Joe C. Tree, 222 Lakeside Drive, South Salem 10590, c/o Joey Conde. Filed June 6. Lamattina Contracting, 26 Purdy St., Harrison 10528, c/o Vincent Lamattina. Filed June 6. The Moon in a Jar, 14 Robinson Ave., Bedford Hills 10507, c/o Kristina Petre. Filed June 6. The Xterminator, 552 Warburton Ave., Yonkers 10701, c/o Jose Serrano. Filed June 6.
PATENTS Anonymization of traffic patterns over communication networks. Patent no. 9,692,731 issued to Arup Acharya, Nanuent; and Ashish Kundu, New York. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Automatically generating web conference recording bookmarks based on user analytics. Patent no. 9,692,842 issued to Cristina L. Grant, Coral Gables, Fla.; Patricia Leon, Miami, Fla.; and Adriana Valido, Pompano Beach, Fla. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.
Document event notification based on document access control lists. Patent no. 9,692,763 issued to Kenytt D. Avery, Newport Beach, Calif.; Vincent Q. Le, Mission Viejo, Calif.; and Kevin N. Trinh, Garden Grove, Calif. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Managing data flows in overlay networks. Patent no. 9,692,696 issued to Casimer M. DeCusatis, Poughkeepsie; and Keshav G. Kamble, Fremont, Calif. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Mitigating effects of predicted failures in a mobile network basetation due to weather. Patent no. 9,693,241 issued to Jeremiah D. Carlin, Rochester, Minn.; Michael T. Kalmbach, Elgin, Minn.; and Mark D. Schroeder, Rochester, Minn. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Printed circuit board edge connector. Patent no. 9,693,457 issued to Brian Samuel Beaman. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Reporting static flows to a switch controller in a software-declined network (SDN). Patent no. 9,692,689 issued to Sivakumar Arumugan, Militas, Calif.; Chidambaram Bhagavathiperumal, Santa Clara, Calif.; Dillibabu Kodamala, Sunnyvale, Calif.; and Ashok Kumar Mutthaiyanvalascu Somosundaram, Santa Clara, Calif. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Sound source selection for aural interest. Patent no. 9,693,009 issued to Robert G. Farrell, Cornwall-onHudson; and James R. Kozloski, New Fairfield, Conn. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Systems and methods for provisioning sensing resources for mobile sensor networks. Patent no. 9,692,828 issued to Dakshi Agrawal, Monsey; Chatschik Bisdikian, Chappaqua; and Murtaza Zafer, White Plains. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Validation of a location resource based on recipient access. Patent no. 9,692,766 issued to Trudy L. Hewitt, Cary, N.C.; Francesco C. Schembari, Durham, N.C.; and Robert M. Schwenn Jr., Raleigh, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.
16 Oakwood Trail South LLC, Millwood. Seller: SDF Capital LLC, Mamaroneck. Property: 68 Houston Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $164,000. Filed June 21.
18 Deer Trail North Associates LLC, Monroe. Seller: Shirley Goldberg, et al, Chester. Property: in Blooming Grove. Amount: $169,000. Filed June 21.
Below $1 million Bozeman, Elias Lee, Jersey City, N.J., as owner. Lender: Rondout Savings Bank, Kingston. Property: 503 Lapla Road, Kingston 12401. Amount: $200,000. Filed June 22. Flood, Kyle F., Blooming Grove, as owner. Lender: M&T Bank, Buffalo. Property: in Blooming Grove. Amount: $150,590. Filed June 20. Karsten, Erin, Montgomery, as owner. Lender: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Montgomery. Amount: $420,000. Filed June 27. Mountain Paradise Builder Inc., New Windsor, as owner. Lender: Shepherd’s Finance LLC, Jacksonville, Fla. Property: 46 Surrey Road, Chester 10918. Amount: $192,500. Filed June 27. O’Keefe, Sean M., et al, Olivebridge, as owner. Lender: Ulster Savings Bank, Kingston. Property: 218 Krumville Road, Olive 12461. Amount: $140,000. Filed June 22. Pizzano, Robert, et al, as owner. Lender: Rhinebeck Bank. Property: in Beekman. Amount: $440,000. Filed June 19. Polanco, Rosemarie, Kew Gardens, as owner. Lender: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $409,000. Filed June 22. Robert Kandur Inc., as owner. Lender: RCN Capital LLC. Property: in Milan. Amount: $53,230. Filed June 19.
DEEDS Above $1 million Noam Estates R LLC, Monroe. Seller: Weco Realty Inc., Brooklyn. Property: 10 Quickway Road, Monroe 10950. Amount: $2 million. Filed June 22.
Below $1 million 1 Tzfas Road 111 LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: C. Kaufman Inc., Monroe. Property: 1 Tzfas Road, Unit 111, Monroe. Amount: $200,000. Filed June 23. 125 Lake Avenue Realty LLC, Warwick. Seller: Jean A. Wood, et al, Middletown. Property: in Wallkill. Amount: $350,000. Filed June 27.
Catskill Ventures LLC, Big Indian. Seller: Richard S. Mittleman, et al, Providence, R.I. Property: in Shandaken. Amount: $700,000. Filed June 21.
Dynamic Progressive LLC, Gainesville, Fla. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 28 Lakeside Drive, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $117,339. Filed June 20.
Champion Properties Inc., Hyde Park. Seller: Nationstar HECM Acquisition Trust 2015-2. Property: 48 Haviland Road, Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $100,000. Filed June 21.
Eljor Properties LLC, New City. Seller: Joseph Finneran, Middletown. Property: 129 ½ Wisner Ave., Middletown. Amount: $90,000. Filed June 27.
Citimortgage Inc. Seller: Charlotte Ramsey, Spring Valley. Property: 21 Park Drive, Chester 10918. Amount: $662,354. Filed June 21.
Eljor Properties LLC, New City. Seller: Joseph Finneran, Middletown. Property: in Middletown. Amount: $68,000. Filed June 27.
25 Iris Circle LLC, Beacon. Seller: Sharon M. Faulkner, Poughkeepsie. Property: 25 Iris Circle, Beacon 12508. Amount: $206,000. Filed June 21.
CJM Enterprises of Orange County Inc., Montgomery. Seller: Edward F.X. Gallagher, et al, Newburgh. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $67,500. Filed June 26.
Fannie Mae. Seller: Patricia A. Cocchia, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Property: 15 Seward Drive, Warwick 10990. Amount: $333,121. Filed June 20.
25 North Chestnut LLC, New Paltz. Seller: Amjad Ali, et al, New Paltz. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $485,000. Filed June 26.
County of Ulster, Kingston. Seller: Jeffrey R. Dematte Sr., et al, Wallkill. Property: in Shawangunk. Amount: $1,240. Filed June 23.
26 Dubois LLC, Newburgh. Seller: The estate of Lillian Pelella, Cornwallon-Hudson. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $83,500. Filed June 21.
Craft Realty LLC, Monsey. Seller: Kipp Station Craftsmen Inc., Goshen. Property: 213-215 W. Main St., Goshen 10924. Amount: $300,000. Filed June 26.
24 Oakland Ave LLC, Dix Hills. Seller: Warsave Development Inc., Montebello. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $400,000. Filed June 21.
32 Sparrow Bush Corp., Goshen. Seller: Dolores Battaglia, Montague, N.J. Property: 16 Holbrook St., Port Jervis 12771. Amount: $120,000. Filed June 20. 334 County Rt 49 LLC, Monroe. Seller: County of Orange, Goshen. Property: in Wawayanda. Amount: $50,000. Filed June 26. 3805 Stone Ridge Inn LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Johanna Staray, Stone Ridge. Property: 3795 Main St., Stone Ridge. Amount: $260,000. Filed June 21. 6 Center LLC, Greenwich, Conn. Seller: Rachel Flanagan, Fishkill. Property: 6 Center St., Beacon 12508. Amount: $103,500. Filed June 19. American International Culture Center Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Al Twal LLC, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $120,000. Filed June 20. Bank of America N.A. Seller: Nancy Schneider, Washingtonville. Property: 36 Claremont Trail, Monroe 10950. Amount: $175,831. Filed June 27. Bella Dora LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: City of Poughkeepsie. Property: 4 Hammersley Ave., Poughkeepsie. Amount: $3,000. Filed June 23. Bragada Properties LLC, Poughquag. Seller: HSBC Bank USA N.A. Property: 20 Grant St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $27,000. Filed June 21. Capital Income and Growth Fund LLC, San Jose, Calif. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 19 South Drive, Saugerties 12477. Amount: $52,500. Filed June 23.
Crystal Run Village Inc., Middletown. Seller: Ludare Charles Dulgarian, et al, Middletown. Property: in Wallkill. Amount: $650,000. Filed June 26. Crystal Run Village Inc., Middletown. Seller: Millett 21st Century Ventures LP, Scranton, Pa. Property: in Wallkill. Amount: $225,000. Filed June 26. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Gerard J. Pisanelli, Poughkeepsie. Property: 14 Tompkins Ave., Glenham 12527. Amount: $230,000. Filed June 23. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Michael Catania, Newburgh. Property: 14 Starlight Lane, Greenwood Lake 10925. Amount: $619,844. Filed June 22. Diplomat Property Manager LLC, Chicago, Ill. Seller: Manuel P. Martinez, Bronx. Property: 17 Winston Drive, Goshen 10924. Amount: $282,975. Filed June 21. Double R Capital Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Donald R. Stephenson, et al, Poughkeepsie. Property: 36 Clark St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $69,000. Filed June 22. Double R Capital Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Giselle Quinones, Poughkeepsie. Property: 5 Wildwood Drive, 12D, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $67,500. Filed June 22. Dynamic Progressive LLC, Gainesville, Fla. Seller: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Property: 85 Bellevernon Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $66,134. Filed June 20.
Fannie Mae. Seller: Paul Brite, Newburgh. Property: 739 Route 42, Sparrow Bush 12780. Amount: $467,223. Filed June 20. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Harold Pressberg, Goshen. Property: 22 Wintergreen Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $267,125. Filed June 21. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: J. Benjamin Gailey, Walden. Property: 39 Bay View Terrace, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $493,569. Filed June 20. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Jose A. Liranzo, South Fallsburg. Property: 511 Peenpack Trail, Sparrow Bush 12780. Amount: $355,573. Filed June 23. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Judith L. Lubinsky, Goshen. Property: 2 Myrtle Ave., Greenwood Lake 10925. Amount: $691,149. Filed June 21. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Michael H. Forrester, New Windsor. Property: 9 Poplar Trail, Monroe 10950. Amount: $365,396. Filed June 23. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Angela Garcia-McSweeney, Middletown. Property: 38 Elfwood Path Lane, Port Jervis 12771. Amount: $381,208. Filed June 26. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Marie Andersen, Walden. Property: 351 US Highway 209, Huguenot 12746. Amount: $170,588. Filed June 26. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Paulette Bolden, Maybrook. Property: 208 Blake Road, Maybrook 12543. Amount: $168,216. Filed June 20. Fishkill Land Holdings LLC, Briarcliff Manor. Seller: Michael Muscat, Fishkill. Property: in Fishkill. Amount: $300,000. Filed June 16. Freedom Mortgage Corp. Seller: William Killough, et al, Port Jervis. Property: 491 Toleman Road, Rock Tavern 12575. Amount: $465,671. Filed June 27.
JULY 3, 2017
FACTS Greenwood Lake Realty LLC, West Milford, N.J. Seller: John Yskamp, et al, Greenwood Lake. Property: 649 Jersey Ave., Greenwood Lake. Amount: $425,000. Filed June 26.
Longhope Enterprise LLC, Otisville. Seller: 125 Wickham Ave LLC, Middletown. Property: 125 Wickham Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $150,000. Filed June 20.
Harvey Associates II LP, Garden City. Seller: PK 14 LLC, New York City. Property: 161 Garden St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $390,000. Filed June 20.
LRG Sales Inc., Marlboro. Seller: Mohinder Mangat, Hopewell Junction. Property: in East Fishkill. Amount: $73,000. Filed June 23.
Hillaire Ventures LLC, Millbrook. Seller: Salisbury Bank and Trust Co., Lakeville, Conn. Property: in Washington. Amount: $215,000. Filed June 21. HybridHomeDevelopers LLC, LaGrangeville. Seller: Reed Swenson, Wappingers Falls. Property: in Wappinger. Amount: $125,000. Filed June 19. Hyvue of Orange Inc., Salisbury Mills. Seller: Richard W. Borachowski, Valley Cottage. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $40,000. Filed June 26. Island Source III LLC, Minnetonka, Minn. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 13 Strack Road, Goshen 10924. Amount: $81,250. Filed June 26. J. Mullen and Sons Inc., Saugerties. Seller: Bonded Concrete Inc., Watervliet. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $112,500. Filed June 26. JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Seller: Rolf C. Zimmerman, et al, Highland. Property: 73 Darren Road, LaGrangeville 12540. Amount: $323,500. Filed June 22. Jade Prospects LLC, Newburgh. Seller: Bruno F. Keller, Marlboro. Property: in Marlborough. Amount: $129,000. Filed June 26. JJBR Partners LLC, Nanuet. Seller: County of Orange, Goshen. Property: in Cornwall-on-Hudson. Amount: $130,100. Filed June 26. Joe Fini Homes LLC, Goshen. Seller: Kenneth S. Kolk, Goshen. Property: in Goshen. Amount: $82,500. Filed June 26. JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Seller: Jeffrey Albanese, Goshen. Property: 49 E. Main St., Washingtonville 10992. Amount: $274,837. Filed June 23. King Street 21 LLC, Port Jervis. Seller: Karan Garewal, et al, Mount Kisco. Property: 21 King St., Port Jervis Amount: $25,000. Filed June 20. Lacrosse Properties of Poughkeepsie LLC, Kingston. Seller: Courtney Hayles, Surrey, UK. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $46,000. Filed June 23. Lawneys Lands LLC, Fort Montgomery. Seller: Marshall Weiss, et al, Pearl River. Property: in Highlands. Amount: $183,000. Filed June 27.
JULY 3, 2017
Majestic Analytics LLC, Carmel. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 574 Washington Ave., Beacon 12598. Amount: $97,000. Filed June 22. Mid-Hudson Builders, Stanfordville. Seller: Edward Badami, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $30,000. Filed June 23. Monroe Property LLC, Monroe. Seller: MTGLQ Investors LP, Irvine, Calif. Property: 614 Lakes Road, Monroe 10950. Amount: $69,900. Filed June 23.
North Ohioville LLC, New Paltz. Seller: HSBC Bank USA N.A. Property: 18 Reservoir Road, Highland 12528. Amount: $170,000. Filed June 23.
Supemo Realty LLC, Monroe. Seller: Michele Marte-Indzonka, Newburgh. Property: 61 Carter St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $16,276. Filed June 26.
U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Alan L. Joseph, Goshen. Property: 335 North St., Middletown 10940. Amount: $372,901. Filed June 22.
North Real Property LLC, Hastings-on-Hudson. Seller: Michael F. Vetere Jr., et al, Kingston. Property: in Kingston. Amount: $150,000. Filed June 26.
Supplymymove.com Inc., Bronx. Seller: Crystal Lynn Ramadan, Wappingers Falls. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $82,000. Filed June 19.
Ventures Trust 2013-I-H-R. Seller: Raphael J. Basso, Wappingers Falls. Property: 33 Bowdoin Lane, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $178,000. Filed June 21.
Northern Enterprise NY LLC, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Seller: Adam S. Zahl, New City. Property: 9 Silo Lane, Middletown 10940. Amount: $60,800. Filed June 21.
Tamarack Hill Apartments LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: 1111 Realty Group Inc., Farmingdale. Property: 5-7 Tamarack Hill Drive, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $540,000. Filed June 19.
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Gretchen K. Walter, Warwick. Property: 42 Darin Road, Warwick 10990. Amount: $168,274. Filed June 21.
NYC REO LLC, Whitestone. Seller: Sarah Priest, Kingston. Property: 106 Franklin St., Kingston. Amount: $132,395. Filed June 26. PFC Glenwood LLC, Hopewell Junction. Seller: John M. Guo, et al, Woodcliff Lakes, N.J. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $450,000. Filed June 23.
Moo-La Enterprises LLC, Fort Montgomery. Seller: State of New York Mortgage Agency. Property: 23 Oak Ave., Highland Falls 10928. Amount: $48,000. Filed June 23.
Plank Realty LLC, Newburgh. Seller: Kaur Realty LLC, Bellerose. Property: 331 N. Plank Road, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $700,000. Filed June 20.
Mountain Paradise Builder Inc., New Windsor. Seller: U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Property: 46 Surrey Road, Chester 10918. Amount: $141,800. Filed June 27.
PROF-2013-S3 Legal Title Trust II. Seller: Michael D. Kranis, Poughkeepsie. Property: 69 E. Main St., Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $164,500. Filed June 20.
MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Jeffrey Albanese, Goshen. Property: 208 Renwick St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $191,605. Filed June 21.
Prospect Estates LLC, Milton. Seller: Veronica M. Russo, New Paltz. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $225,000. Filed June 26.
MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Melissa Benedict-Simpson, et al, Goshen. Property: 9 Sproat St., Middletown 10940. Amount: $224,956. Filed June 23.
Robert Kandur Inc., Rhinebeck. Seller: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Property: in Milan. Amount: $139,000. Filed June 19.
MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Michael Blustein, Goshen. Property: 232 Oxford Road, Chester 10918. Amount: $263,141. Filed June 22. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Michelle Anderson, Newburgh. Property: 622 Homestead Ave., Maybrook 12543. Amount: $203,390. Filed June 20. Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Seller: Glen A. Plotsky, Port Jervis. Property: 38 Cobblestone Lane, No. 3101, Middletown 10940. Amount: $282,424. Filed June 27. Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Seller: Paul C. Brite, Newburgh. Property: 101 Mountain Laurel Drive, Unit 1A, Monroe 10950. Amount: $287,126. Filed June 26. Newlife Properties of Hudson Valley LLC, Goshen. Seller: John C. Barth, et al, New Windsor. Property: 4 Clemente Drive, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $307,000. Filed June 26. Nisi Enterprises Inc., LaGrangeville. Seller: Trisha Beck, Poughkeepsie. Property: in LaGrange. Amount: $57,000. Filed June 22.
RPAC Holdings LLC, New York City. Seller: Richard Duran, et al, Brookline, Ma. Property: 125 South Road, Stanfordville 12581. Amount: $72,500. Filed June 22. S and W Maintenance and Restorations LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Beneficial Homeowner Service Corp., Brandon, Fla. Property: 44 Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $7,000. Filed June 16. Salisbury Bank and Trust Co., Lakeville, Conn. Seller: Virginia Doney Benedict, Hudson. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $225,000. Filed June 20. Santander Bank. Seller: Jeffrey C. Seifts. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $234,500. Filed June 23. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Nashville, Tenn. Seller: Peter G. Botti, Goshen. Property: 464 Route 32, Wallkill 12589. Amount: $349,025. Filed June 20. Stelger Development LLC, Hopewell Junction. Seller: Timothy Hunt, Wappingers Falls. Property: 465 Creek Road, Pleasant Valley. Amount: $29,000. Filed June 23.
The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Carla S. Wise, Goshen. Property: 7 Sylvan Park Drive, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $378,560. Filed June 20. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: David G. Ferenz, Poughkeepsie. Property: 27 Carter Road, Pleasant Valley 12569. Amount: $235,500. Filed June 20. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: 299 Grist Mill Road, Rosendale. Amount: $7,152. Filed June 26. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Zachary D. Kelson, Monticello. Property: 1 Norton St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $123,852. Filed June 26. Town of Warwick, Warwick. Seller: Roger D. Brown, Greenwood Lake. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $625,000. Filed June 23. Treat Street LLC, Ulster Park. Seller: John C. Weeks, et al, Kingston. Property: in Kingston. Amount: $350,000. Filed June 22. Trifera LLC, Seattle, Wash. Seller: Terry D. Horner, Poughkeepsie. Property: 3 Hook Road, No. 41 A, Hyde Park 12538. Amount: $51,500. Filed June 19. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Alan L. Joseph, Goshen. Property: 50 Rhode Island Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $187,481. Filed June 21.
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Jeffrey J. Benoit, Warwick. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $290,000. Filed June 21. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Mel Spivak, Poughkeepsie. Property: 87 Orlich Road, Red Hook 12571. Amount: $251,000. Filed June 16. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Richard Schisano, Newburgh. Property: 23 Neversink Drive, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $354,864. Filed June 27. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Robert Hunter, South Fallsburg. Property: 55 Murray Road, Greenwood Lake 10925. Amount: $232,620. Filed June 26. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: John C. Cappello, Walden. Property: 1 Wesley Court, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $362,834. Filed June 26. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Peter Bueti, Pawling. Property: 126 Old Pawling Road, Pawling 12564. Amount: $269,500. Filed June 22. Winchester Cottage LLC, Kingston. Seller: Laurinda Mackinnon, Spring Lake, Mich. Property: in Hurley. Amount: $2,000. Filed June 23. Worldwide Data Comm Inc., New Windsor. Seller: State of New York Mortgage Agency. Property: 45 Merline Ave., New Windsor 12553. Amount: $115,000. Filed June 27.
U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: David Rider, New Windsor. Property: 31 Clinton St., Walden 12586. Amount: $248,850. Filed June 21.
YMB Holdings LLC, Suffern. Seller: Marika Scotti, Yonkers. Property: 4676 Albany Post Road, Unit 9F3, Hyde Park 12538. Amount: $107,500. Filed June 22.
U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Elizabeth Mangham, et al, Walden. Property: 104 Evan Road, Warwick 10990. Amount: $398,478. Filed June 20.
YMB Holdings LLC, Suffern. Seller: Marybeth Giesler, Hyde Park. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $90,000. Filed June 22.
U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Kara J. Cavallo, Walden. Property: 13 Elmhurst Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $192,829. Filed June 22.
YYY Properties LLC, Chester. Seller: Nichole W. Lima, et al, Monroe. Property: 112 Woodlake Drive, Middletown. Amount: $127,000. Filed June 26.
U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Nancy Schneider, Washingtonville. Property: 15 East Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $326,572. Filed June 23.
JUDGMENTS 28 Country Deli Inc., Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. 8’As Contracting Inc., Wallkill. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. A and M Services Inc., Wallkill. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Above Standard Construction Inc., West Hurley. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Apex and Wise Building Company Inc., Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Bradford Young DP Inc., Kerhonkson. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Chikara LLC, Saugerties. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Clintondale Aviation Inc., Highland. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Daub Architecture PC, New Paltz. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Dick and Jane Inc., Mount Tremper. $1,957 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. Doc Orders LLC, Esopus. $452 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. DWL Designs Inc., Kerhonkson. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Echo Dolls LLC, Saugerties. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. Enaid Properties Corp., Pine Bush. $4,062 in favor of Mercurio Norton Taroli Marshall Engineering Land Surveying, Pine Bush. Filed June 26.
FACTS Floor Maintenance Professionals LLC, Highland. $55 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
K and N Masonry Inc., Saugerties. $105 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Regional Mortuary Transport LLC, Port Ewen. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Utah Air Sports Inc., Gardiner. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Rosendale Bible Church, Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
UTBS7NJD Inc., New Paltz. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
San Marino’s Pizzeria Café Corp., Wallkill. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Vincent Pomarico Jr. Inc., Marlboro. $588 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Fred Hansen Antiques Inc., New Paltz. $284 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Kenlex Distribution Inc., Hurley. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Frogmore LLC, Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Koala Bear Ltd., Woodstock. $2,322 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
G-Squared Group Inc., Woodstock. $151 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Koala Bear Ltd., Woodstock. $6,382 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Gold Rush Jewelers, Ellenville. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Maurice L. Lane Jr. Trucking and Excavating, Boiceville. $11,427 in favor of the the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Good Package LLC, Kingston. $5,635 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Mechanical Rubber Products Company Inc., Warwick. $25,834 in favor of ABC Crating and Rigging Company LLC, Paterson, N.J. Filed June 23.
Spunky Construction Inc., Highland. $295 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Mel-Mike Restaurant Corp., Saugerties. $27,992 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Stress Free Lawn Care LLC, Lake Katrine. $2,671 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Mi Casita Restaurant, Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Susmita Inc., Marlboro. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
New Paltz United Methodist Church, New Paltz. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
SVL Properties LLC, New Paltz. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
New York Pest Solutions Inc., Saugerties. $1,076 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
The Supply Captain Ltd., Marlboro. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Pah-Hah Inc., Bearsville. $32,230 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Tom’s Mechanical Corp., Napanoch. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Green T Energy Inc., Saugerties. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Grey Stone Transport Inc., Saugerties. $406 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. Hook Slide Inc., Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Iron Grip Inc., Saugerties. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. J. Lent and Sons General Contracting LLC, Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. J. Whalen Roofing and Co., Kingston. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Joshun Business Service LLC, Douglasville, Ga. $17,003 in favor of Silverline Services Inc., Hewlett. Filed June 22. Jump Start Weight Loss and Wellness, Pine Hill. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Paper House Productions Inc., Saugerties. $3,349 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. Peoples II Inc., Ulster Park. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Platinum Express Medicar Service Inc., Kingston. $204 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Schunk and Associates Inc., New Paltz. $771 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
Will III Inc., New Paltz. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Simhara Portal of the Heart LLC, Stone Ridge. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Woodstock Outdoor Company Inc., Woodstock. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
Tommy’s Auto Works Inc., Wallkill. $3,874 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20. Trail Blazing Events Inc., Marlboro. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Ultimate Gymnastics LLC, Gardiner. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21.
WW Landscaping, Ellenville. $1,032 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 21. Zen Blend LLC, Gardiner. $1,021 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed June 20.
LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Alvarez, Janice, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $258,055 affecting property located at 7 Kelly Court, Stormville 12582. Filed June 14. Bottomley, Sherri individually and as surviving spouse of Robert Bottomley, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 151 Hufcut Road, Middletown 10940. Filed May 9. Braunius, Scott, et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $152,600 affecting property located at 238 Pulaski Highway, Pine Island 10969. Filed May 9. Callan, Martin N., et al. Filed by U.S. ROF III Legal Title Trust 2015-1. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $201,000 affecting property located at 10 Lindburgh Place, Poughkeepsie 12603. Filed June 15. Credaroli, Peter, et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $193,500 affecting property located at 727 Route 376, Hopewell Junction 12533. Filed June 14.
De Puy, Diana J., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $104,350 affecting property located at 1 Wylie St., Napanoch 12458. Filed June 26.
Laporte, Carol Marie, et al. Filed by Christiana Trust. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $221,000 affecting property located at 745 Route 44/55, Highland 12528. Filed June 19.
Divitto, Anthony, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $213,911 affecting property located at 73 Wrolsen Drive, Saugerties 12477. Filed June 22.
Lazaro, Patricia, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $47,000 affecting property located at 192 Rushmore Road, Stormville 12582. Filed June 16.
Echeverri, Rodolfo, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $139,055 affecting property located at 122 Tenbroeck Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed June 21.
Leddy, Patricia A., et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $187,441 affecting property located at 37 Ryerson Road, New Hampton 10958. Filed May 9.
Elaghoury, Tharwat, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $291,200 affecting property located at 31 Creekside Road, Hopewell Junction 12533. Filed June 20.
Mejias, Nancy, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $150,500 affecting property located at 43 Kelsey Road, Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 13.
Flaherty, Joseph, et al. Filed by E*Trade Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $500,000 affecting property located at 447 S. Plank Road, Minisink 10998. Filed May 9. Greenan, Cathleen, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $184,000 affecting property located at 52 Woodlawn Ave., Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 20. Greiner, Ernest Jr., et al. Filed by Prof-2013-M4 Legal Title Trust II. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $162,400 affecting property located at 97 Idlewild Road, Marlboro 12542. Filed June 21. Gulnick, Burton Jr., Ulster County commissioner of finance as administrator of the estate of Brett Sirois, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $127,000 affecting property located at 3358 Route 28, Olive 12481. Filed June 21. Hablow, Karin E., Orange County commissioner of finance as administrator of the estate of Carolyn Wallace, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $191,700 affecting property located at 77 Prince St., Middletown 10940. Filed May 9.
Ponte, Robert R., et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $166,250 affecting property located at 6 De Laval Place, Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 14. Romito, Amelia C., et al. Filed by Ulster Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $90,000 affecting property located at 2 Roberts Drive, Monroe 10950. Filed May 9. Sampson, Diane, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $382,500 affecting property located at 16 Sidney Lane, Wappingers Falls 12590. Filed June 15. Scaturro, Vincent, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $220,000 affecting property located at 808 Lattintown Road, Milton 12547. Filed June 21. Severson, Mark, et al. Filed by U.S. ROF III Legal Title Trust 2015-1. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $70,200 affecting property located at 114 Newkirk Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed June 22. Shook, Raymond E. Jr., et al. Filed by 21st Mortgage Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $202,400 affecting property located at 8 Crumwold Place, Hyde Park 12538. Filed June 14.
Katz, Avi David, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $368,000 affecting property located at 36 Cortina Lane, Holmes 12531. Filed June 15.
Slater, Andrew J., et al. Filed by Rondout Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $116,300 affecting property located in Saugerties. Filed June 22.
Koran, Michael, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $169,593 affecting property located at 1 Millholland Drive, Unit 1C, Fishkill 12524. Filed June 16.
Torre, Frank V., et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $261,000 affecting property located at 342 Schwabie Turnpike, Kerhonkson 12446. Filed June 22.
JULY 3, 2017
FACTS Unknown heirs of the estate of Ashton Smith, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $35,000 affecting property located at 4 Bostock Road, Shokan 12481. Filed June 22. Watts, Francis J., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $346,750 affecting property located at 443 N. Quaker Lane, Hyde Park 12538. Filed June 15. White, Walter, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 356 Old Stage Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed June 23. Wilder, Jeffrey T., et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $127,341 affecting property located at 41 Bircher Ave., Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed June 20.
Camilleri, Charles, et al, as owner. $2,385 as claimed by Segelman Shaw LLC, New City. Property: 187 Woodcock Mountain Road, Blooming Grove. Filed June 21. Craycroft, Anna, as owner. $2,340 as claimed by Dutchess Overhead Doors Inc., Poughkeepsie. Property: 36 Happy Valley Road, Woodstock. Filed June 20.
Bares, Alla, as owner. $3,651 as claimed by David Paul Eger, Beacon. Property: in Beacon. Filed June 23. Bell, Cassandra, as owner. $174 as claimed by Rob’s Plumbing and Heating Inc., Newburgh. Property: 67 Weyants Lane, Newburgh. Filed June 21.
Mahavira Inc., d.b.a. Ja-Mar Liquors, 117 Canal St., Ellenville 12428. Filed June 26. Mid Hudson Homestead Realty Group Inc., d.b.a. Hudson Valley Real Estate Group, 110 Maiden Lane, Kingston 12401. Filed June 26.
MRC Poughkeepsie LLC, et al, as owner. $54,604 as claimed by R.B.Woodcraft Inc., Syracuse. Property: 2750 South Road, Poughkeepsie. Filed June 21.
Radz and Rutz Boutique, 7 Notch View Blvd., Saugerties 12477, c/o Shannon Lee Geisler and Stacy Legg. Filed June 19.
Rip Van Winkle Tap, 224 Old King Highway, Lake Katrine 12449, c/o Jayme J. Gaulin and Donald V. Robideau Jr. Filed June 21.
This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.
Doing Business As Allied Wine Corp., d.b.a. Schwartz Wine Cellars, 70 Berme Road, Ellenville 12428. Filed June 26.
Highland Little League Inc., d.b.a. Highland Babe Ruth League, 70 Grand St., Highland 12528. Filed June 26.
Sole Proprietorships All Season Cleaning, 51 East Ave. Middletown 10940, c/o Jerome Blackwood. Filed June 13. All Star Entertainment, 31 Country Club Drive, Mount Marion 12456, c/o Nicholas William Denise. Filed June 23. Andy Williams State Farm, 318320 Broadway, Ulster Park 12484, c/o Andrew E. Williams III. Filed June 22.
FIGURES B and E Paving and Sealcoating, 129 Main St., Apt. B-7, Cornwall-onHudson 12518, c/o Edwin William Reilly III. Filed June 10. Baff uto’s Home Improvement, 149 Clinton Ave., Kingston 12401, c/o Thomas James Baffeto, Jr. Filed June 22. Briarwood House Apartments, 18 Crai�ville Road, Goshen, c/o Milton Klein. Filed June 13. Café Art, 33 Main St., Highland 12528, c/o Kelly R. McGinnis. Filed June 21. Café Arts, 33 Main St., Highland 12528, c/o Kelly R. McGinnis. Filed June 22. Clinical Business Strategies, 32 Maiden Lane, Goshen 10924, c/o JoAnne Brown. Filed June 10. Dancing Hills Farm, 1879 Route 52, Crawford, c/o James J. O’Connell Jr. Filed June 14. Esposito Property Management, 122 Rose St., Kingston 12401, c/o Anthony J. Esposito. Filed June 21. Goodberries Co., 74 Greenkill Road, Bloomington 12411, c/o Jason A. Stanger. Filed June 21.
Grande’s Construction, 223 North St., Middletown 10940, c/o Elias Grande. Filed June 14.
Precision Projects, 505 Route 212, Saugerties 12477, c/o Tyler Devin Brannon. Filed June 26.
Gutierrez Brothers HVAC Heating and Cooling, 448 Route 49, Middletown 10940, c/o Jazmin A. Barrales. Filed June 10.
Renmar Cleaning Service, 39 Laurie Lane, Newburgh 12550, c/o Rene R. Naclerio. Filed June 10.
Hudson Contracting, 56 Kenwood Drive, Apt. 6, New Windsor 12553, c/o David Martinez. Filed June 13. Ian Ryan Construction, 33 Iron Mountain Road, Apt. 2, Warwick 10990, c/o Ian Thomas Ryan. Filed June 13. Jingles Soirees, P.O. Box 551, Port Ewen 12466, c/o Marie G. Bruno. Filed June 22. JRM Property Restorations, 248 Plattekill Ardonia Road, Wallkill 12489, c/o Raffaella Rondinelli. Filed June 23. Kenneth Wapner Associates, 277 Hutchin Hill Road, Shady 12409, c/o Kenneth M. Wapner. Filed June 19. Lang’s Custom Electronics, 34 Witte Drive, Middletown 10940, c/o William Joseph Lang. Filed June 14.
RW Estate Clean Outs, 240 Highland Ave., Middletown 10940, c/o Robert Wendland. Filed June 14. Second Wind CSA, 158 Marabac Road, Gardiner 12525, c/o Lydia Rachel Nebel. Filed June 22. Sha Wan Ga Ball Park, 328 Petticoat Lane, Bloomingburg 12721, c/o Leslie W. Horton. Filed June 14. Trace Private Investigation Services, P.O. Box 336, Greenfield Park 12435, c/o George A. Booth. Filed June 20. Umana Construction, 5 Kalina Drive, Saugerties 12477, c/o Walter Umana. Filed June 22. Woodstock Bookfest, P.O. Box 333, Woodstock 12498, c/o Martha S. Frankel. Filed June 20.
Lawn-Tastic Lawn Care, 122 Jersey Ave., Port Jervis 12771, c/o Patsy J. Hedges. Filed June 13.
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JULY 3, 2017
LEGAL NOTICES 119 Lee Road Associates, LLC. Filed 5/8/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61160 Boulevard MBI Associates LLC. Filed 4/21/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61161 Lee RD MBI Associates LLC. Filed 4/21/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61162 Lee Post Associates LLC. Filed 5/10/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61163 Grand Post Associates LLC. Filed 5/11/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61164 2627 Webster Ave Associates LLC. Filed 5/15/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61165 DBS Development, LLC. Filed 5/16/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61166 2627 Webster Ave Holdings LLC. Filed 5/17/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street STE 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61167 Eastchester Farmers Market LLC. Filed 5/10/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 344 White Plains Road, Eastchester, NY 10709 Purpose: all lawful #61168 Fringify.com LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 3/22/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Tim Hodges, 123 Edgewood Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704. General Purpose. #61170 Notice of Formation of Little Bear Environmental Consulting LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Secretary of State of New York on 5/16/17. Office Location: Westchester County. The registered agent for service of process and mail process shall be sent to Nicole White, 17 Cynthia Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567. No dissolution date. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61171 Notice of Formation of Human Seeds of Change, LLC. Art. of Org. filed SSNY on 03/21/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: The LLC. 797 Weaver St. Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61174 This is to notify the formation of Johnson and Lemos LLC filed in the secretary of State of New York on 3/27/2017 DBA Soleman shoe repair and leather store in Westchester, NY the SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it maybe served.Secretary of State shall mail a copy of the process to the LLC principal location: 606 South St.,Peekskill, NY 10566 for purpose of any lawful activity. #61175 Navarra Landscaping LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/22/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 124 Crotona Ave., Harrison, NY 10528. General Purpose. #61176
Notice of Formation of Clutch Power Sports LLC. Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/23/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1729 Summit St.Yorktown Hts., NY 10598. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61178 Notice of Formation of Sincerely Shans LLC. Articles Of Organization filed with SSNY on 5/24/17.Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY desiginated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1180 Midland Avenue Apt. GDA, Bronxville, NY 10708. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61179 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Reece Solutions, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/4/17. Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/ her is: Reece Solutions, 941 Mclean Avenue, PMB 105, Yonkers, NY 10704 The principal business address of the LLC is: 19 Intervale Place, Yonkers, NY 10705 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61180 MRV Sales Consultancy, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY 02/21/17. Office Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: Ross Tropeano, 67 Haines Blvd, Pt. Chester, NY 10573 Purpose: all lawful. #61184 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Spring Valley Apartments LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Spring Valley Apartments LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61185 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Spring Valley Apartments Managers LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Spring Valley Apartments Managers LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61186 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MSVA Associates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MSVA Associates LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity #61187 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Stony Point Apartments LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Stony Point Apartments LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61188
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Stony Point Managers LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Stony Point Managers LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61189 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MSPA Associates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MSPA Associates LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61190 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Wallkill Apartments LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Wallkill Apartments LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61191 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Wallkill Managers LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Wallkill Managers LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61192 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MWA Associates I LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on May 26, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MWA Associates I LLC, c/o Mountco Construction and Development Corp., 700 White Plains Road, Suite 363, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61193 Notice of Formation of BLDG CARE 1 LLC filed with SSNY on 5/25/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig . as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 98 Bellewood Ave. Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61194 Notice of Formation of Sanders HR Legal Solutions, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/19/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 85 Crawford Terrace, New Rochelle, NY 10804. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61195
NOTICE OF FORMATION of Lawn Justice, LLC (LLC). Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/28/2017. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served against LLC to:C/O United States Corporation Agents Inc, 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. United States Corporation Agents Inc, at 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228, is designated as registered agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61197
Notice of Formation of Trinity Funeral Service LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/6/2017. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 23 East Second St. Mt. Vernon, NY 10550. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61208
Notice of Formation of The Studio Hair Design LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/04/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 388 Warburton Ave Apt.2 Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61198
123 Young LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/26/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 5600A Broadway, Bronx, NY 10463. General Purpose. #61210
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: The Craft Building LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on June 2, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Craft Building LLC, 1055 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 204, Ardsley, New York 10502. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61199 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: The Craft Building MM LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on June 2, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to The Craft Building MM LLC, 1055 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 204, Ardsley, New York 10502. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61200 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Craft Building Associates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on June 2, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Craft Building Associates LLC, 1055 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 204, Ardsley, New York 10502. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61201 Aero Advisors, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/9/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 600 Mamaroneck Ave., Ste. 400, Harrison, NY 10528. General Purpose. #61203 JC Nottingham LLC Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 04/25/2017. Office located in Westchester Co. Secy. of State designated as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/ her to: 80 Grandview Drive, Mount Kisco, New York 10549 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be formed. #61204 North 80 LLC. Filed 5/30/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o Priolet & Associates, P.C. 1025 Westchester Avenue Suite 320, White Plains, NY 10604 Purpose: all lawful #61206 45 Middle Pond Road Associates LLC. Filed 5/31/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Ste 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61207
Fairway Drive Properties LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/7/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 15 Woods Way, White Plains, NY 10605. General Purpose. #61209
259 Elwood Avenue LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/28/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 39 Limestone Rd., Armonk, NY 10504. General Purpose. #61211 Notice of Formation of Scarsdale Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC. Arts of Org Filed with NY Secretary of State (SSNY) on 02/27/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designed as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shell mail process to 741 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any Lawful activity. #61213 2816 Roebling Avenue LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/19/09. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 34 Princeton Ave., Yonkers, NY 10710. General Purpose. #61214 Notice of Formation of John Johnston Macionis, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/28/17. Office location: Westchester. SSNY designated agent upon whom process may be served. Address to which the SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC is: J. Macionis, 43 Shadowbrook Lane, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. The principal business address of the LLC is: 43 Shadowbrook Lane, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61215 Notice of Formation of Break of Dawn Publishing, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/7/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, c/o Dawn Mascoll, Esq. 520 White Plains Road, Suite 500, Tarrytown, NY, 10591. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61216 Notice of Formation of Nimalo, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/18/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 56 Ferris Pl., Ossining, NY 10562. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61217 National 50 Limited Partnership App. for Auth. filed w/ SSNY 6/9/17. Cert of LP filed w/ SSDE 6/28/89 Off. Loc.: West. Co. SSNY shall mail process to the L.P., c/o National Realty & Devel., 3 Manhattanville Rd, Ste 202, Purchase, NY 10577. SSNY designated as agent of LP whom process may be served. Add. req. to be maintained in DE: c/o Incorporating Services, Ltd., 3500 S DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901. The names and address of each general partner is available from the SSNY. Name & add. of the auth. officer in DE where copy of Arts. of Org. filed: DE Sec. of State, Federal & Loockerman Streets, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61219 Notice of Formation of 3 Seneca Road, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/19/2014. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61220
Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #1301598 has been applied for by Locali Kitchen & Bar, LLC to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premise establishment under the ABC law at 2 Kirby Plaza Mount Kisco, NY 10549 for on premise consumption. #61221 Notice Of Formation of Chromatic IT LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Sec. of State NY(SSNY) on 4/25/2017. Office loc: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Cristina S Racpan, 85 McKinley Ave, Apt A1-1, White Plains NY 10606. Purpose: any lawful act. #61222 Bernadette H Haley, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/23/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 100 Ardsley Ave. W., Ardsley on Hudson, NY 10503-0241. General Purpose. #61223 HPN Tiger Aviators LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/21/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 213 Treetop Crescent, Rye Brook, NY 10573. General Purpose. #61224 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by Joey’s Cannoli Inc. to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 18 Division Street New Rochelle NY 10801. #61225 Notice of Formation of 1959 Foods LLC Arts. of Org. filed w/SSNY on 04/19/17. Office loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Robert H. Gonzalez, 5 John St,Ste 6, Tarrytown, NY 10591. Purpose: Any lawful activity. #61226 THE ANNUAL RETURN OF THE PATRICIA & BERNARD GOLDSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION for the year ended May 31, 2017 is available at its principal office located at 2 Manursing Way, Rye, NY 10580 for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days hereof. Principal of the Fund is Patricia Goldstein. #61227
Notice of formation of Helpmatexpress.com, LLC. Art of Org. Filed with the ssny on 4/13/2017. Offc. Loc : Westchester Cty. United States Corporation Agents, Inc. desig as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shal mail process to the LLC, 7014 13th Ave., suite 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228 #61228 NOTICE OF FORMATION of KOP Communications, LLC Articles or Organization filed with SSNY on 5/25/17. Office in Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC: PO Box 357, 65 Fleetwood Ave, Fleetwood, NY 10552. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61181 VFNPL International LLC Arts. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 5/25/17. Off. in West. Co. SSNY desig. as agt. of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 4 Harvest Drive, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61182 NOTICE OF FORMATION of 1006 Park Street LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/5/2017. Location: Westchester. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 1006 Park Street LLC, 325 Broadway, Suite 504, NY, NY 10007. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61202 NOTICE OF FORMATION of Evan Cohen Creative LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/01/17. Office in Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC: 345 Dyckman Street, Peekskill, NY 10566. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61212 Notice of Formation of Renee Olsson Renovations, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/23/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 8 Park Hill Lane, Larchmont, New York 10538. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61229
PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Ossining will hold a public auction of real property acquired in tax foreclosure on July 25, 2017 beginning at 1 P.M., at the Ossining Village/Town Municipal Building Board Meeting Room, First Floor, 16 Croton Avenue, Ossining, New York. The properties to be sold to the highest Qualified Bidders at that time consist of three properties located as follows: 1.House and Property at 48 Ellis Pl, Tax I.D. # 89.20-3-75, Minimum Bid- $62,000 2.House and Property at 15 Meadowbrook Dr, Tax I.D. # 89.07-1-60, Minimum Bid- $54,000 3.House and Property at 27 Secor Road, Tax I.D. # 97.7-1-41, Minimum Bid- $102,000 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that persons seeking to qualify as bidders in the said public auction must submit a bank or certified check in the amount of $2,500 and execute a copy of the Conditions of Sale prior to the auction. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that applications for Qualified Bidder status and the accompanying checks, must be delivered in person to the Tax Receiver, 16 Croton Avenue (3rd floor), Ossining, New York 10562 where additional information concerning the auction will be available. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the properties are being sold ìas isî and the Town makes no representations or warranties with respect to the condition of the properties or structures, the title acquired by the Town of Ossining in foreclosure, the conditions or restrictions which may apply with respect to use of the property, or otherwise. Dated: Ossining, New York May 23, 2017 Gloria B. Fried Enforcement Officer for Delinquent Taxes Properties may be withdrawn prior to auction if redeemed in full by owner #61218
JULY 3, 2017
JULY 3, 2017
WCA Networking Reception
early 200 Westchester business leaders gathered at Whitby Castle at the Rye Golf Club recently where the Westchester County Association staged a Networking Reception. WCA described the event as “a sizzling kickoff to summer.” In addition to cocktails and conversation inside, guests were able to meander outside and continue their networking while enjoying views of the facility’s 126 acres with the Long Island Sound visible in the distance. 1. Laura Ramsey, Insperity; Joseph McCoy, Peoples United Bank; Micaela Keane, Meridian Risk Management 2. Brendan Meyer, Northwestern Mutual; Ben Palancia, Albert Palancia Insurance Agency; Ed Forbes, North Jersey Media Group 3. Robert Raniolo, Meridian Risk Management; Andrew Frank, Shelter Rock Management 4. Paula Mandell, M&T Bank; John Ritacco, WCA; Carolyn Mandelker, Harrison Edwards 5. Connie Gallo, Berlin Productions; Jessica Arnemann, Lothrop Associates; Randy Bonett, Insperity; Danielle Semp, Lothrop Associates 6. Ken Theobalds, Entergy; Joan McDonald, WCA; David Valentine, Chase; Reggie Lafayette, Entergy 7. Joel Martinez, Berkeley College; Shannon Hargrove, Mercy College; Byron Hargrove, Berkeley College 8. Clive Lowe, Executive Chairman, Macquarie Aviation North America (Atlantic), Bill Mooney, WCA; Richard Donatuti, 9. Dawn French, White Plains Hospital; Amy Allen, WCA; Roseanne Braiotta, White Plains Hospital 10. Angela Valvano and Tony Maddalena, The Maddalena Group of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management; Lawrence Bahr, Morgan Stanley
JULY 3, 2017
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