Westchester County Business Journal 102317

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2 | LAW FRANCHISE OCTOBER 23, 2017 | VOL. 53, No. 43




» TRUMP, page 6

» NEW ROCHELLE, page 6

Trump’s health care executive order draws rebuke from NY officials s Congressional attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act led by a Republican majority remain stalled, President Donald Trump


federal agencies to explore rule changes that would expand access to more loosely regulated health plans. Later the same day, Trump announced plans to cut off federal subsidy payments to health insurance companies. While U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander

Hospital for Special Surgery CEO and President Louis A. Shapiro and Robert P. Weisz, RPW Group CEO and owner of the 1133 Westchester Ave. building in which HSS is housed. Photo by Bob Rozycki

took two actions on Oct. 12 that he said will help in “saving the American people from the nightmare of Obamacare.” But officials in New York have expressed concerns the moves will only add turmoil to the health care market. The Republican president that afternoon signed an executive order directing

Developers seek state financing for New Rochelle affordable housing evelopers of a West End housing project in New Rochelle are cobbling together government financing to build lowrent apartments in a city in need of affordable housing. About 40 percent of renters in New Rochelle pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing, according to a state report. Nearly 18 percent of the city’s households use more than half of their income for housing. “New Rochelle has demonstrated a great need for affordable housing,” the state Homes and Community Renewal report says. The state Housing Finance Agency, a division of Homes and Community Renewal, is considering a request for financing that would alleviate the city rent crunch. The $27.3 million Craft Apartments project at Union Avenue and 1st Street consists of 75 units in a six-story building, with two ground-floor retail spaces and parking for 89 vehicles. The project site is close to the Metro-North train station and about a half-mile from Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital. The West End is the city’s most densely populated neighborhood and has the highest concentration of low-income households. These blue-collar, working-class streets are where many immigrants first started out, beginning with Germans and





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Attorney sees franchise business in her debt relief practice


BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


f you ask Leslie Tayne for her job title, she’ll likely come back with a list of answers. “I’m an attorney and a counselor at law. I’m a family practitioner,” she said. “I’m also a therapist. I tell people that I might not be a licensed therapist, but I’m a really great listener.” Tayne has spent 16 years as the owner of Tayne Law Group, a debt relief law firm she founded on Long Island that now has offices in White Plains and Mount Kisco, along with a practice in Manhattan. “If you were sick, you’d go to the doctor,” she said. “When your finances are sick, you come to me.” While those suffering from difficult financial situations could file for bankruptcy, Tayne offers a different approach, one that includes a new financial strategy and monthly budgets. “The problem is, people often overlook the symptoms of financial issues and look for other alternatives. They look for loans, they look to family, they look to friends, they look for other ways to resolve the issue,” she said. “Here, we work together to solve the underlying issues of your debt. We go deeper to the root cause, and by resolving the root cause of the financial situation, it doesn’t recur.” Clients seek out Tayne for help with a number of financial struggles, whether they are parents who are unsure how to afford a new child coming into the family or a family struggling with a loss of income and piles of debt. “We’re living in areas where it is very expensive. The issues are that our income is not increasing at the rate that our expenses are increasing,” she said. “We’re not seeing the rapid growth in income we were seeing 20, 30 years ago.” Those problems are prevalent even in high-earning areas like Westchester County. “It’s not lower income,” she said. “People who have big jobs, who make substantial income, still don’t have enough to put money away. They’re meeting their expenses but they are not able to put money away in the bank, and that’s really a majority of the people we deal with.” Many business owners are also dealing with a more expensive financial environment, one that includes higher rent and “astronomical” increases in employee expenses. “In the medical world, all these smaller


OCTOBER 23, 2017


Attorney Leslie Tayne, shown at her firm’s White Plains office, is launching a debt relief franchise law business. Photo by Aleesia Forni.

practices are now being taken over by larger health care corporations,” she said. “The income doctors make isn't the same that it was. The opportunity to make more money is not there.” Financial professionals are facing similar issues in the wake of new regulations. “You can’t charge what you could charge in the past,” Tayne said. “You can’t earn the same numbers.” Tayne opened her first office in Melville only a few months prior to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “We had a lot of people who left jobs in Manhattan and took real big pay cuts to come out to Long Island or come to Westchester,” she said. “A lot of people had losses of income and a lot of businesses shut down. It really branched out to have a financial impact that lasted a very long time.” The domino effect of the attacks led to an increase in her firm’s business, she said. Many of her clients would later include first responders, firefighters and city police personnel with mounting medical bills. “There were a lot of people who came to us with financial issues, because if you’re not working and you can’t pay your bills, you end up relying on credit cards. With the backlog and a loss of income, you’re not going to get a check that makes up for that, so now you’re stuck with the credit card debt, and you’re not sure how to deal with it.” Similarly, Tayne said she continues to see the aftereffects of Hurricane Sandy.

“If you’re struggling to make ends meet and meet your expenses in the first place, it’s difficult,” she said of a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy. “You might have insurance, but insurance is not going to cover all of it. FEMA will come along and offer you some money, but then there’s a loan process and a loan that has to be paid back.” Despite the sometimes dire situations faced by her clients, Tayne said it is not difficult for her to maintain a positive outlook. “I love what I do because I can fix it, I can fix these things,” she said. “There are some sad stories, there’s no doubt, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.” After beginning her career as a criminal defense attorney, Tayne landed a job as chief in-house counsel to National Consumer Debt Resolution Co., a debt settlement, credit consolidation and debt reduction company. “It was something I would never have dreamed I would ever have been doing,” she said. That job sparked a passion for Tayne, who spent only two years with the company before branching out and starting her own firm on Long Island in 2001. “I never could have imagined I would be where I am today,” she said. “I’ve seen it all, so there's nothing you could come to me about that I haven’t seen. You could be financially naked with me and there’s nothing you could show me that will shock me.” Tayne is expanding her firm nationwide through her debt resolution franchise program. The company is looking into a number of markets to open new practices. “We’re looking all over New York, in Buffalo, Rochester, northern Westchester and Rockland County,” she said. “The Houston area would be a perfect area, because we know Houston is going to have this need, and we just know that’s what’s next for them” in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Tayne said the franchising model made sense for her practice, because it allows flexibility for new partner attorneys and the ability to own their own business. “For us, it’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon,” she said. “We don’t want to expand too early.” She said she expects to open two to four franchises initially. “When you want to open burger joints, it makes sense to get them up as quickly as possible so you can get your name out there,” she said. “For us, we want to meet quality attorneys that we can have longterm relationships with, that we can help build successful practices. We don’t just want to give you the formula. We want to be there and be partners and make sure that it’s really successful.”

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Westchester Medical Center Health Network has appointed three women with public-sector experience to new leadership positions at the Valhalla-based regional hospital network. Appointed were Susan Gerry, as senior vice president for strategic alliances and partnerships; Kelly MacMillan, as senior vice president for government relations; and Mecca Santana, as senior vice president for diversity, inclusion and community engagement. Gerry most recently served as deputy mayor of Yonkers under Democratic Mayor Mike Spano and has also served as a policy adviser to Gov. Andrew Cuomo. WMCHealth officials said she will focus on creating strategic relationship in the communities of all WMCHealth entities. MacMillan formerly served as director of public infrastructure products at Empire State Development, the state's economic development agency, where she oversaw construction of the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. She will focus on fostering relationships with government agencies and public officials in WMCHealth communities. Santana formerly worked for the New York City Department of Education as its chief diversity officer and executive director of equal employment opportunity and diversity management. She will direct the deployment of WMCHealth's diversity and inclusion initiatives. WMCHealth's 1,700-bed health care system includes its three-hospital campus in Valhalla and a total of 10 hospitals on eight campuses throughout the Hudson Valley.

physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists and pediatric subspecialists in cardiology, dentistry, orthopedics and pulmonology. She will also supervise quality improvement and safety, health information management, respiratory therapy services, infection control and prevention and laboratory services and the 201,000-square-foot facility, the largest provider of children’s post-acute care in the U.S. A board-certified pediatrician and graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, Iannotti has spent her entire career in Westchester County, beginning at a private practice in Yonkers more than 20 years ago. She comes to the Seton center from Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, where she was associate chief of general pediatrics and pediatric hospitalist medicine for 12 years. “Dr. Iannotti is highly regarded and considered a thought leader in children’s health care,” said Seton Pediatric Center CEO Patricia Tursi in the announcement. “Her relationships in the community, as well as her excellent reputation for working with

children with complex medical needs, will be extremely valuable as we continue to set the bar for how care should be delivered in a post-acute setting.” “The opportunity to be chief medical officer at the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center allows me to bring 23 years of experience and passion for pediatric medicine and special needs children to a place devoted to them,” Iannotti said. “My goal is simple: we will be the best place to be for every child that needs us.”


Contrafect Corp., the Yonkers-based biotechnology company developing protein and antibody therapeutics for infectious diseases, appointed Lisa Ricciardi as chief operating officer. Ricciardi will continue to serve in her role as a director of ContraFect. “Lisa has a unique blend of commercial, business development and overall operational experience that will be extremely helpful to Contrafect as our internal pipeline programs

advance towards commercialization and we continue to evaluate business development strategies to accelerate value creation," said Steven C. Gilman, Contrafect's chairman and CEO. “Lisa has been a valuable member of our board of directors since she joined in February, and we look forward to having her contribute full-time to support the continued growth of Contrafect." Ricciardi has previously served as senior vice president of global corporate and business development at Foundation Medicine and senior vice president of U.S. and international business development at Medco Health Solutions Inc. She was also a venture partner at Essex Woodlands Health Ventures. Additionally, she held several senior management positions at Pfizer. "I believe ContraFect has one of the most compelling new technologies in development to address the problem of antibiotic resistance,” Ricciardi said. — Ryan Deffenbaugh, John Golden, Aleesia Forni



COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES UP TO 5 MILLION Dr. Vicki Iannotti on Oct. 16 joined the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center in Yonkers as its new chief medical officer. She succeeds Dr. R. Gordon Hutcheon, who recently retired after 17 years at the residential center for 169 medically complex and technologically dependent children. Iannotti will oversee approximately 100 medical professionals, including attending

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OCTOBER 23, 2017


Female leaders share insights, challenges in business ownership BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


panel of female business leaders shared insights and challenges at the “Driving Your Business: Women at the Wheel” event on Oct. 17 at the Westchester Country Club in Rye. Kristina Benza, president and CEO of County Fabricators, urged attendees to take

time for themselves, no matter how much they have on their plate. “It’s a lot easier said than done,” said Benza, whose Pleasantville company has completed more than $12 million of work on the new Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. “The world is not going to come crashing down on you if you leave at 4:30 one day to go get a manicure or pedicure.” Benza, who used her life savings to buy out her father’s shares in the com-

pany to become its majority owner, said her upbringing as one of three daughters helped shape her outlook on her career. “(My father’s) motto was kind of, ‘Well, my daughters can do everything my sons would have done,’” she recalled, adding that “there was never any sexism in my house.” Still, Benza is not blind to the role her gender can sometimes play in her field. She recalled a recent trip to a trade show she attended with her uncle, Philip, who is her

From left, panelists Maryann Croce, Stacey Tompkins and Kristina Benza, and moderator Chelsea Rosen, manager at Citrin Cooperman. Photo by Aleesia Forni

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OCTOBER 23, 2017



company’s chief marketing officer. “I was starting to realize that nobody was talking to me,” she said of the various salespeople at the trade show. “And then my uncle would walk over to see what I was doing and they would flock to him.” Stacey Tompkins, president of Putnam Valley-based Tompkins Excavating, told attendees that maintaining a strong company culture is also important for business leaders. “My motto is that no prima donnas are allowed anymore in our company,” she said. “It’s very important when I’m interviewing every single person that comes through the door, we speak about our culture.” Part of her company’s culture includes reading books and having weekly discussions. “I’m very honest with people right up front, if you’re not comfortable with this, then don’t work here.” Tompkins said. At County Fabricators, Benza makes sure to keep a list of her employees’ birthdays and celebrate those yearly milestones. “We get a cake and we gather everybody around and we do a whole birthday thing,” she said. “You don’t realize how important those little things are to people.” Connecting with other women, both within and outside of their respective industries, is also key for each of the panelists. “You can ask so many questions, and you can contribute,” Maryann Croce, owner of the Norwalk auto repair shop, Croce’s Transmission Specialists. “There are so many skills that you take for granted — we just tend to do that.” During the event, which was presented by Citrin Cooperman & Co. LLP, panelists also imparted advice they wished they could share with their younger selves. “To my younger self, I would say ‘Take a stand,’” said Croce. Tompkins had similar words of wisdom for her younger self. “I wish someone had told me that ‘No’ is okay,” she said.


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OCTOBER 23, 2017


6/21/17 12:18 PM

Trump — » » From page 1

(R-Tennessee) and Patty Murray (D-Washington) have reportedly reached a bipartisan deal to fund the subsidies, known as cost-sharing reduction payments, Congress still has to approve the plan. In Albany, Democratic officials have promised legal action against the Trump administration if the subsidies are cut off. On Oct. 13, New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced plans to file a lawsuit with 19 other state attorneys general challenging Trump’s withholding of the subsidies. “These subsidies make critical health care affordable for our most vulnerable,” Schneiderman said. “President Trump’s move to cut these subsidies is a reckless assault on the health care of thousands of New Yorkers and millions of Americans.” On Oct. 18, Schneiderman said he filed a motion to compel the federal government to pay the subsidies. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that unable to pass legislation in Congress, Trump is attempting to “administratively dismantle the ACA bit by bit. His actions will slash benefits and raise premiums, and it will single-handedly destabilize insurance markets.” Trump has argued the subsidies rep-

resent a bailout to insurance companies and that the White House cannot lawfully disburse them. Trump characterized the executive order as a necessary step to address increasing health insurance premiums following the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. “I just keep hearing ‘repeal and replace, repeal and replace,’” Trump said at the official signing for the order. “Well, we’re starting that process, and we’re starting it in a very positive manner.” Part of the order directs Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta to consider expanding access to association health plans and allowing those plans to operate across state lines. This, according to the order, would allow small businesses across the country to join together for cheaper health care coverage. By crossing state lines, the plans could be exempted from certain benefits mandated at the federal level by the Affordable Care Act. Customers in states with more stringent coverage mandates, such as New York, could potentially buy into association plans regulated by states with lower coverage standards. That could mean cheaper plans, but also skimpier benefits. The 5,000-member American Hospital Association warned the executive order “will allow health

insurance plans that cover fewer benefits and offer fewer consumer protections. No one can predict future health care needs with complete certainty and such plans could put patients at risk when care is needed most.” James Newhouse, founder of Newhouse Financial and Insurance Brokers in Rye Brook, said he would be concerned about oversight for the plans. “The concept sounds great. The idea of people being able to have more choice is always good and the idea of finding ways to drive down prices is also good,” Newhouse said. “My concern is, who is responsible for oversight and coordination between federal and state regulators of association plans?” Newhouse asked. “Without adequate protections for consumers, it would not only be difficult to navigate problems with plans, it could also be difficult for the plan sponsor to know what jurisdiction is overseeing the plan.” The executive order also tells federal agencies to review rules to allow for additional use of cheaper short-term health insurance plans and employer health reimbursement arrangements. The executive order received mixed praise from national small business groups. Juanita Duggan, CEO of the National Federation of Independent Business, said


New Rochelle — » » From page 1

then Italians and Latinos. More than half of the residents, according to the 2010 census, were Hispanic or Latino. Local developer Louis J. Iacopetta paid $1.8 million for three parcels on Union Avenue, including Battaglia Brothers market, Win-Rite Plumbing and a warehouse. His Quintessential Associates LLC is teaming on the project with Regan Development Corp. of Ardsley. General contractor David Resetarits has a small interest in the project, according to the housing agency report. The development’s management company is Interstate Realty Management Co. and the architect is Edward Paul Butt Architects of New Hyde park. All 75 apartments are designated as affordable housing, with rents ranging from $901 to $1,835 a month. The units span 500 to 750 square feet, including 10 studios and 55 onebedroom and 10 two-bedroom apartments. Fifty-two units will be rented to people who make no more than 60 percent of Westchester’s median income, 12 units to people with developmental disabilities who make no more than 50 percent of the median, and 11 units to residents earning no more than 80 percent of the median income. Thirty apartments will be rented


OCTOBER 23, 2017


in a statement that Trump’s executive order advances NFIB’s effort “to remove penalties on small businesses for helping their workers buy health insurance.” NFIB has previously led a challenge to the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court. The National Small Business Association, however, was more cautious. Its CEO, Todd McCracken, said any regulations should be crafted carefully to avoid having healthier individuals “siphoned off into a lower-cost, benefit-light plan, leaving older, sicker people in unsustainable, costly insurance pools.” The New York Health Plan Association, which represents the state’s insurers, cautioned that the executive order could “undermine New York’s risk pool, creating new winners and losers, and reduce consumer protections by allowing new policies that don’t have to comply with certain rules required by the Affordable Care Act.” Most of the changes Trump’s executive order calls for involve federal rule changes that require internal review and a public comment period, a process that analysts expect to last months. As for the insurance subsidies, The New York Times reported on Oct. 17 that Trump did voice support for the potential bipartisan deal to fund them, though the report noted its passage is still not assured.


A rendering of the proposed Craft Apartments in New Rochelle’s West End.

to seniors. The developers have asked the state housing agency for a $17 million, tax-exempt affordable housing revenue bond issue to fund a mortgage, an $8,960,000 mortgage loan and 4 percent tax credits worth more than $8 million over 10 years. The request is not a done deal. The state Housing Finance Agency was supposed to consider the proposal at its Oct. 12 meeting, but postponed action to get more information from the developers.

Other government funding sources for the project include another state tax credit for $308,798 annually and a $1.2 million loan from the state Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. The New Rochelle City Council has approved a tax abatement plan that will save the developers $6.7 million in property taxes over 30 years. The combination of state government bonds, loans and tax credits account for 87 percent of the project’s development costs.

lub Champion, a custom golf clubfitting retailer headquartered in suburban Chicago, will open a downtown White Plains store in a newly leased 2,537-square-foot space at 220 Main St. in the City Center complex. The store adjoins Blaze Pizza, which is scheduled to open soon in the former Atlanta Bread Co. storefront on Main Street in City Center. It is the first Westchester location for Club Champion, which operates 20 stores nationwide. City Center’s Indianapolis-based landlord, Kite Realty Group Trust, was represented in the lease deal by a brokerage team from RHYS, a Stamford-based commercial real estate firm, that included Jason Wuchiski, RHYS president and principal; Tyler Lyman, senior vice president, and Ryan Stranko, vice president. Bruce Shepard, of The Shopping Center Group’s New York City office, represented the tenant. “Club Champion Golf will be a welcome addition as a new vision for City Center continues to be ushered in,” said Stranko at RHYS. “The store will be a great resource for the avid Westchester golf community and will enjoy a prominent presence right in the middle of the city.” – John Golden



BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com


Westchester Children’s Association (WCA) is suing the Lanza Family Foundation for $500,000 for allegedly reneging on a pledge. The late philanthropist Patricia Lanza had proposed a $500,000 matching grant in 2013, according to the lawsuit filed in Westchester Supreme Court, and had challenged WCA to raise the same amount of money from new and existing donors in 2014. WCA says it satisfied all terms of the agreement. Lanza died in 2014 as the fundraising campaign was underway. Months later, in recognition of her pledge, WCA honored her by presenting her family with a posthumous award for distinguished service. But when WCA tried to collect the gift, the lawsuit says, it was told there would be no payment. “Knowing the sensitivity of the matter and acknowledging the high esteem in which Patricia Lanza was held in the philanthropic community,” the lawsuit says, “WCA made every effort to reach out to negotiate and resolve this matter.” Mrs. Lanza’s son, Louis, who is now president of the foundation, said he could not respond to the allegation because he has not seen the lawsuit. In a March email to Westchester Children's Association Executive Director Cora Greenberg, he wrote, “We are no longer in the position of giving large single donations like my mother once did, based on our desire to continue the Lanza Family Foundation for generations to come.” WCA was established in 1914. The mission of the White Plains organization, according to its most recent tax filing, is to “improve the lives of Westchester’s children by shaping policies and programs to meet their needs.” The Lanza foundation was founded in the late 1990s by Patricia and Frank Lanza, who died in 2006. He was a top executive and co-founder of a defense contractor, L-3 Communications Holdings, based at the PKF O’Connor Davies accounting firm in Harrison. The foundation has supported a variety of organizations around the world and had been focusing on Westchester issues. It’s support for the Westchester Children's Association began in 2009 with a modest $5,000 donation, followed by $10,000 gifts from 2010 to 2013. Patricia Lanza personally contributed $6.7 million to the foundation during the last three years of her tenure as president,

according to IRS tax records. The foundation made 103 grants totaling $7.4 million from July 2011 to June 2014. Her estate contributed more than $11 million to the foundation. During the past 2 ½ years, the foundation has made 28 grants totaling $536,910, according to IRS records.


A Chappaqua lawyer has been disbarred for mishandling funds for an incapacitated nursing home client. Five appellate court justices ruled on Oct. 11 that Steven B. Cottler had committed professional misconduct. The disciplinary action began in 2015, after Cottler stopped paying the patient’s bills at Bainbridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in the Bronx. The nursing home petitioned Bronx Supreme Court to appoint a guardian to protect the patient’s interests. The court agreed, finding that Cottler had breached his fiduciary duty. He had been collecting $700 per month to carry out his duties when he was entitled to only $500 per month. He failed to explain why the nursing home bills had remained unpaid for many months. The court also notified the local attorney grievance committee of its findings. The committee found that Cottler had used a trust account for personal and business expenses. When the committee tried to examine Cottler under oath, he repeatedly asked for delays and he did not submit files that had been requested. Cottler responded that it was always his intention to cooperate but he had been hospitalized four times for respiratory and cardiac problems. Before practicing law, he said, he had a long career as a nursing home and hospital administrator. He had devoted his law practice to helping clients with Medicaid, longterm care, wills, guardianships and nursing home issues. He described his approach to caring for the elderly as “hands-on” and said he had faithfully served the incapacitated patient for many years. The appellate court suspended Cottler’s license in February and authorized a disciplinary proceeding. Notwithstanding his “good intentions and his various hospitalizations,” the court ruled, Cottler posed “an immediate threat to the public interest.” Cottler did not respond to several formal charges filed by the grievance committee. The five-judge appellate panel ruled that Cottler had defaulted by not responding. Cottler also has struggled with paying personal income taxes. Five federal tax liens have been filed against him in Westchester County for $341,266 from 1999 through 2015. One tax lien, for $19,556, has been satisfied. An attempt to contact Cottler for comment was unsuccessful. The telephone number for his Valhalla office was not in service.

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OCTOBER 23, 2017





A U.S. Trustee has sued the owner of a bankrupt company for allegedly accounting for a $524,367 loan improperly. Marianne T. O’Toole, the trustee, accused TWB Michael J. Pareti, president and owner of KNM Sheet Metal Inc. in Beacon, Berardi ofWCBJ unjust enrichment and breach of fidu7.375” w in x 7.125” h ciary duty, a complaint filed on Oct. 9 in 3/3/17 U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Poughkeepsie. KNM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization last year and the case was later converted to Chapter 7 liquidation.

Pareti of Cortlandt Manor did not respond to a voicemail message requesting comment. O’Toole said Pareti filed KNM’s 2015 income tax return showing $524,367 as a "loan to shareholder" from KNM. Pareti is the only shareholder. Pareti has a duty to repay the loan, she said, but has refused to do so. As a result, creditors have been damaged because money that could be used to pay debts has been diverted from KNM. O’Toole claims that Pareti, as the sole shareholder and officer, breached his fiduciary duty by allowing KNM assets to be diverted and by making distributions to himself instead of repaying the loan. The bankruptcy petition listed assets of $193,755 and liabilities of $897,304. The company had grossed nearly $1.8 million in 2015, more than twice as much as the previous year. A $653,000 debt to Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 38 Fringe Funds is listed

as the largest unsecured obligation. The union has since claimed that KNM owes $1,065,063 for unpaid fringe benefit contributions. Pareti claimed that the union rejected a payment plan and then refused to supply workers, forcing the company into bankruptcy. KNM’s bankruptcy filing also lists unsecured claims by Pareti, including $34,580 in wages and $22,000 for money he had loaned to the company. The filing does not disclose a KNM loan to Pareti. Pareti filed for personal bankruptcy in September, claiming assets of $584,050 and liabilities of $1,578,150.


Burke Rehabilitation Hospital has expanded its offering of outpatient services in Armonk. The Burke Rehabilitation and Outpatient Clinic at 99 Business Park

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OCTOBER 23, 2017


Drive now offers physical therapy services, including massage therapy. Patients and the general public can receive Swedish, meditative and deep tissue massages or reflexology foot massages. The clinic also offers vestibular therapy, which helps address symptoms that are the result of damage to parts of the inner ear or brain that are part of the vestibular system. “The demand for outpatient therapy services is increasing at a rapid rate. Our Armonk outpatient clinic offers the same excellent standard of care that the main Burke campus offers with more available appointments in a setting closer to home,” said Burke President and CEO Jeffrey Menkes. Founded in 1915, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital is a nonprofit, acute rehabilitation hospital in White Plains. The hospital became part of the Montefiore Health System in 2016.


The College of New Rochelle has formed a partnership with 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds, a regional health care labor management fund. The partnership will provide tuition discounts to members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and contributing employers. New York City-based 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest health care union in the U.S. with 400,000 members. The Training and Employment Funds aim to ensure that members of the union have the skills and resources necessary to provide high-quality patient care. “We are excited to be partnering with The College of New Rochelle to provide our members with expanded access to high-quality educational opportunities,” said Denise Cherenfant, director of nursing education for 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds. The discounts will apply for all programs at The College of New Rochelle, including the School of Arts & Sciences, the School of Nursing & Healthcare Professions and the graduate school. Kevin Cavanagh, the college’s executive vice president of strategy and planning, said this new affiliation allows the college and 1199SEIU “to further advance the education of the region’s health care professionals and in doing so improves the region’s health care overall.” The partnership will place an emphasis on the college’s registered nurse to bachelor of science degree in nursing program, a program that allows registered nurses to earn bachelor of science degrees in nursing, as well as the college’s master-level programs in nursing and public administration. — Bill Heltzel, Aleesia Forni


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OCTOBER 23, 2017


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OCTOBER 23, 2017


9/11/2017 12:05:48 PM

Westchester CFOs honored for innovations

Your Business|Workforce Connection


Astorino, Odell Sponsor Virtual Job Fair

ounty Executives Robert P. Astorino and MaryEllen Odell have joined with the WestchesterPutnam Workforce Development Board to sponsor a Virtual Job Fair. From now until the end of November, the online fair will connect Westchester and Putnam County residents to private sector businesses and non-profit organizations across all business sectors that are ready to hire for full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions.

Get Connected Quicker!

Back, from left: Chuck Schwartz, Peter Ferraro Jr., Geoffrey Barsky, Chris Jones, Steve Eigen, Bob Hultgren. Front, from left: Tiffany Lakness, Christina Villanueva, Jennifer Scheuermann



hat keeps you up at night, if you are a CFO? That’s the question posed to honorees at the Westchester County CFO of the Year Awards on Oct. 10 at The Briarcliff Manor. We live in an era of specialization, Bud Hammer, president of Atlantic Westchester Inc. in Bedford Hills, said of the vital work of chief financial officers. CFOs, he said, are not just the person in charge of payroll or the nuts and bolts of financing a business. They have to be both reactive and proactive, protecting assets and identifying opportunities. They have to be innovative and to think strategically for the long term, to enable a business to grow and flourish, he said. Nominees were judged by Andi Gray, founder of Strategy Leaders Inc.; Robert J. Chersi, executive director of the Center for Global Governance, Reporting and Regulation at Pace University; and Francis Petit, an associate dean at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. The sixth annual event was presented by the Westchester County Business Journal and RSM, an audit, tax and consulting service that caters to middle — market companies. The winners were chosen for strategic thinking and management and leadership skills that exemplify how organizations grow. Geoffrey Barsky of Family Services of Westchester navigates difficult economic times as he oversees a $22 million budget. His organization relies on a variety of funding and donations, so cash flow is always on his mind. Steven M. Eigen of Central National Gottesman Inc. in Purchase, a privately

owned marketer of pulp and paper with 2,500 employees, said it all comes down to having the right people working for you. Peter A. Ferraro II is CFO of a family business, Westchester Self Storage. His success is dependent on adapting to an everchanging real estate market. Robert C. Hultgren of Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co. has helped his Elmsford manufacturing company grow to $350 million, from $30 million, in 31 years. He worries about unpredictable business cycles. Tiffany Lakness, co-owner of ABC Energy in White Plains, a natural gas and electricity supplier, dwells on troubleshooting various scenarios. Jennifer Scheuermann of the Alzheimer’s Association, Hudson Valley Chapter, worries about the availability of funds, new regulations and the devastating impact of Alzheimer’s on families, communities and the nation. Chuck F. Schwartz of Paraco Gas thinks about the challenges of structuring acquisitions and ensuring smooth transitions and successful transactions. Christina Villanueva of United Hebrew retirement community in New Rochelle concentrates on the vagaries of health care funding, to make sure the staff has what it needs to take care of the residents. Christopher Jones is co-founder of Durante Rentals, a Bronx-based construction equipment business, for which he has raised more than $40 million in debt capital to fund growth. What keeps him up at night? “Not much,” he said. With a great team, great partners and a solid balance sheet, “Whatever comes our way, we’re ready for.” Four awardees were unable to attend: Daniel Fumai of ANC, Lee Bendett of Lothrop Associates LLP, Edward Bowler of USI insurance and Sandra Stark of BMW of Mount Kisco.



> post jobs > search resumes


> post resume > search jobs

Register at: westchesterputnamonestop.com “Westchester has thriving businesses and the most educated workforce in the country, but connecting these businesses with qualified candidates can sometimes be a challenge,” said Astorino. “This Virtual Job Fair will help connect businesses with qualified candidates who are ready to take the next step in their career.” After registering online at www.westchesterputnamonestop.com, employers can post their available positions free-of-charge and have access to thousands of qualified workers who are ready to get to work. Job-seekers who register will be able to post their resumes and apply for open positions. “The Virtual Job Fair is a win-win for Putnam County businesses and residents,” said Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell. “Businesses who hire our residents will find that they possess the skills, education, training, professionalism and confidence to help their business grow, while enhancing the life of the communities in which they work and live.” “The benefits of a virtual job fair include the behind the scenes matching of qualified candidates across both counties to the available positions posted by employers making for a greater hiring pool than they might see by posting one job at a time,” stated Donnovan Beckford, Executive Director of the Westchester-Putnam One Stop Development Board. “By screening candidates for available jobs and facilitating the interview process at our locations, our One Stop Career Centers maximize efficiencies for both the candidates, who may interview for multiple jobs on the same day, and the employers who can see many qualified candidates in a shorter period of time. We also assist employers by conducting mini job fairs for companies who may have several open positions at the same time and eliminate the expense associated with conducting their own job fair at their location or offsite,” he added. Partner organizations include NYSDOL, Business Council of Westchester, Westchester County Association, Hospitality Resource Group, ACCES-VR, Yonkers Employment Center and Office of Work Activities (OWA), and Westchester’s Faith-Based Community Partnership. For more information call 914-995-6456 or email LaTasha Hamlett-Carver, Ed.D. at lqha@westchestergov.com.


10/17/17 10:32 AM


OCTOBER 23, 2017


What is WealthCare?

Health Tech keynote focuses on cancer care, collaboration

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center CEO Craig B. Thompson addresses conference attendees. Photo by Ryan Deffenbaugh

BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com

Too often many folks neglect their physical health and seek their physician’s assistance too late. Our team has found that many successful, busy professionals do the same with their financial health. Mitchell WealthCare can help create a plan to improve your financial health so you can ultimately live life on your terms. Achieving true financial fitness allows you to spend your time doing what you love.

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UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. EXC_0271_Mitchell


OCTOBER 23, 2017


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Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center CEO Craig B. Thompson told a Westchester audience of business and health care professionals that the specialty cancer hospital is in the county to work with other care providers, not to compete. The role of its outpatient cancer center in Harrison, Thompson said, is to “be the innovation leader” and bring new forms of cancer treatment to all hospitals. “We’re here to add to and improve the health care quality of people who live in Westchester and work in Westchester… we’re not here to compete,” he said. Thompson made his comments as the keynote speaker at the Westchester County Association’s annual Health Tech conference on Oct. 12 at the Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown. The half-day event featured panels and an awards presentation. Thompson gave a history of advances in cancer treatment and discussed how specialty hospitals can work with the county’s health care systems to provide better care. Memorial Sloan Kettering opened a 114,000-square-foot outpatient cancer facility in 2014 at 500 Westchester Ave., but Thompson noted the Manhattan-based cancer hospital’s roots in the county go back beyond that. The hospital operated for nearly 20 years at Phelps Hospital in Sleepy Hollow, before Phelps became part of the Northwell Health system in 2014. Thompson said cancer is now the No. 1 leading cause of death and hospitalization for people between ages 35 and 65, with cardiovascular disease a distant second. “Cancer is a really scary disease for the people in your company, the patients you care for,” Thompson said. “It’s what Americans fear most for the health of themselves and their family.” “The reality is,” Thompson said, “50 percent of males will get diagnosed with can-

cer and now… we used to say it was a third of women, this year it passes 40 percent.” Thompson said the first question he is typically asked, as CEO of the oldest and largest private cancer hospital in the country, is “Why haven’t we cured cancer?” “Well, we have,” Thompson said he typically responds. “We’ve cured a large number of cancers, and unfortunately cancer is a lot more complex disease than when we started off.” There are more than 400 types of cancer, he said, each requiring a different treatment and a different set of expertise. And progress has been made as treatment shifted from just chemotherapy to strategies that target individual types of cancer cells, Thompson said. Since 1990, there’s been a 1 percent decrease per year in the mortality of all forms of cancer in the U.S. More than 70 percent of cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering are “alive and well” five years after diagnosis, according to Thompson. He stressed that Westchester has a number of medical centers that provide strong oncology care, but added that specialty hospitals such as Memorial Sloan Kettering provide an important second option. Memorial Sloan Kettering, he said, can offer more than 300 clinical trials in Westchester. He cited obesity as an example of the need for collaboration between health networks and specialty hospitals. For the last decade, obesity caused by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle has become the leading cause of preventable cancer in America. “We need a partnership with the other great accountable care organizations,” Thompson said. “We don’t do obesity, we don’t do diabetes” at Memorial Sloan Kettering. This was the fourth year for the Health Tech conference, which also featured panels on telehealth and the opioid crisis, along with a presentation on the future of the Affordable Care Act.



Mitchell WealthCare UBS Financial Services Inc. WCBJ

OCTOBER 23, 2017






Cynthia Chin

White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care


Anthony Febles

Phelps Memorial Hospital


Rifat Latifi

Westchester Medical Center


AnneBeth Litt Westchester Institute for Human Development


OCTOBER 23, 2017


CYNTHIA CHIN, M.D., director of Women’s Cancer Program Services at White Plains Hospital is the first female thoracic surgeon in Westchester County. Born and raised in Westchester, she relocated her clinical practice from Mount Sinai Medical Center to White Plains in 2012. At White Plains Hospital, Chin brings her extensive experience in treating both benign and malignant conditions of the chest and its structures to our community. She earned her medical degree with honors from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and completed her general surgery residency at St. Vincent’s Hospital, her fellowship training in cardiothoracic surgery at Mount Sinai, and then further refined her expertise

as a clinical fellow in thoracic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, where she received advanced specialty training in the minimally invasive surgical management of esophageal cancer. After completing her training, Chin was appointed assistant professor of cardiothoracic surgery at Mount Sinai, where she established a practice prior to relocating to White Plains. In 2012, Chin and her colleague, Todd Weiser, MD, launched a lung cancer screening clinical trial at White Plains Hospital for highrisk individuals, the first of its kind in Westchester. To date, nearly one dozen individuals have received lifesaving treatment as a result of early-stage lung cancers detected in the screening program.

ANTHONY FEBLES, M.D., is chief of interventional radiology at Phelps Hospital Northwell and is assistant professor at Hofstra Medical School. He began his education as a fine arts major at Penn State and then graduated from the Dartmouth-Brown Medical School program. He completed his internship in general surgery at the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital/Harvard Medical School followed by training at Providence Hospital/ Brown Medical School, and completed an internal medicine residency there. At Brown, he was awarded the Arnold Gold Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award. Subsequently Febles served as chief radiology resident at Fletcher Allen University of Vermont Medical School and was awarded top

teaching resident two years in a row. He then went on to an Interventional Radiology Fellowship at Columbia Medical School. Since graduating, his main interest in the practice of interventional radiology lies in peripheral vascular disease and interventional oncology. Febles has a special interest in teaching and is involved in residency programs at Lenox Hill and the Phelps Family practice residency. He has black belts in judo and Tae Kwon Do as well as a brown belt in Ju Jitsu. He also teaches judo weekly to children at a Dojo in Stamford, Connecticut, and his artwork, primarily in oils, is abstract expressionism and is shown in galleries in New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut.

RIFAT LATIFI, M.D., FACS is director of the Department of Surgery at Westchester Medical Center Health Network and professor of surgery at New York Medical College and at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Latifi received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Kosova. He completed internships at the University of Prishtina and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, residency in general surgery at Yale University School of Medicine, and Surgical Critical Care Fellowship at Lincoln Hospital. Latifi is a trauma, general and critical care surgeon and is the author or co-author of more than 250 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He has also authored/co-authored 15 books and serves on the editorial boards of a number of peer-review journals. He is the founder and president of a not-for-profit organization, the International Virtual e-Hospital (www.iveh.org),

whose mission is to assist in rebuilding the public health care system in developing countries using telemedicine. Since 2002, he has initiated and overseen three national telemedicine programs in Europe (Kosova and Albania) and Cabo Verde (Africa), for which he was awarded the 2015 American College of Surgeons (ACS)/Pfizer International Surgical Volunteerism award. Latifi has also received “The 21st Century Achievement Award for Health” from the Computerworld Honors Program and the “International Award for Health Promotion” from the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission. Currently, Latifi is helping to establish a telemedicine program in provincial hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam, and is working with NATO’s Science for Peace and Security to create a multinational telemedicine system for disaster management. He is a volunteer surgeon of Operation Giving of ACS.

ANNEBETH LITT, M.D., is a board-certified internist and medical director and director of primary care at the Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD), which she joined in 2012. Previously, she was in private practice in Manhattan and Westchester for 15 years. She is an associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College, where she also received her medical education. As medical director of WIHD, Litt oversees medical care in what will soon be the nation’s first patient-centered medical home for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Under her leadership, WIHD has grown to include 17 medical specialties, with the number of patient visits rising to 30,000 last year. As a primary care physician at WIHD, Litt takes the

time to treat each patient as a whole person rather than as a disease or disability. She is committed to implementing preventive health screening recommendations as part of overall health care plans for individuals with disabilities and is also committed to managing chronic conditions so her patients can live healthy and productive lives. Throughout her career, Litt has been both physician and educator, teaching patients about wellness and disease prevention as well as teaching other physicians about the human side of medicine. As a palliative care physician, she assisted patients, families, physicians and nurses to give patients maximum quality of life while giving strength and guidance to their caregivers and families.



Jared Knopman

Jaime Knopman

Weill Cornell Medicine New York Presbyterian

Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine

JARED KNOPMAN, MD, is a board-certified neurosurgeon and interventional neuroradiologist who

specializes in cerebrovascular disorders, aneurysms, AVMs, brain tumors and carotid occlusive disease. He has expertise in embolization of aneurysms and AVMs, carotid stenting/endarterectomy and intraarterial chemotherapy. He also performs spinal cord stimulation and microvascular decompression for chronic pain syndromes and trigeminal neuralgia. Knopman is one of the few neurosurgeons in New York City with dual expertise in both open neurosurgical as well as minimally invasive interventional techniques for the treatment of neurologic disease. He is named on the SuperDoctors Rising Stars list, a distinction afforded the top 2.5 percent of physicians in his field. Knopman received a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from Northwestern University. He earned his M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and completed his surgical internship and neurosurgical residency, serving as chief resident, at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine and Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Hospital. Knopman was one of the original authors of a novel trial of superselective treatment of malignant brain tumors using targeted chemotherapy, as featured in “The New York Times;” he has expanded this technique to children. He lectures both nationally and internationally and was awarded the prestigious CNS/Micrus Endovascular Neurosurgery grant as well as the Leonard and Fleur Harlan Clinical Scholarship for his research in vascular disease. In addition, he is the principal investigator at Weill Cornell of an NIH-funded study utilizing topical antibiotics to lower the risk of infection after brain surgery. This is the only such trial occurring in the country.

JAIME M. KNOPMAN, MD, is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist with years of experience treating couples and individuals with infertility. She serves as the director of Fertility Preservation for Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM) New York. After graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania, Knopman received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine where she was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. She completed both her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology as well as her subspecialty training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility from New York University Medical Center. Prior to joining CCRM New York, Knopman was an assistant clinical professor in obstetrics and gynecology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center. She received numerous awards from NYU, including the Robert F. Porges Award for the Graduating Honor Resident. During her fellowship training, she pursued several areas of research, including fertility preservation for medical and elective indications. She’s written several sentinel papers devoted to the topic of fertility preservation, specifically egg freezing for cancer patients, and has been named to the Super Doctors Rising Stars list. Knopman is a fellow in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and an active member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. She understands that entering the world of fertility treatment can sometimes be confusing and frightening. To help address these concerns, she and Behzad Talebian, MD, co-founded Truly, MD (truly-md.com), a website designed to help patients navigate the complexities of fertility treatment and reproductive health. By providing an honest and no-nonsense platform to female health, they embolden women to make informed and confident decisions about their personal lifestyles.



Ashutosh Kaul

Brian Levine

Greenwich Hospital

Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine

ASHUTOSH KAUL, MD, is a board-certified surgeon specializing in advanced abdominal laparoscopic

surgery with a focus in foregut and bariatric surgery. He was awarded his MBBS degree from L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut, India, and then completed residencies at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, New Jersey, and Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, New York, followed by a fellowship in minimal access surgery at the Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery in New York. Kaul is also a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland. Presently he is a professor of surgery and program director of the minimally invasive surgery fellowship program at New York Medical College in Valhalla; director of bariatric surgery at Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, Connecticut; and director of minimally invasive and robotic surgery at Westchester Medical Center. Kaul is the former president of the New York State Chapter of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons. An internationally renowned surgeon and named in Castle Connolly’s best doctors list multiple times, Kaul takes on challenging and revisional cases and presents many training courses for other surgeons.


Michael Tarr

New York Medical College

BRIAN A. LEVINE, MD, is the founding partner and practice director of CCRM New York. A board-eligible

reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist and board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, Levine attended New York University School of Medicine where he currently serves as a member of the NYU Board of Trustees. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital – Columbia University Medical Center and completed his fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Medical College. Levine has more than 50 publications and was recently awarded the highest prize by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine for his assisted reproductive technology (ART) video submission on threedimensional sperm imaging techniques. He has also received multiple honors and teaching awards and continues to mentor students, residents and fellows on both basic science and clinical research. Levine is a member of the New York Surgical Society, New York Medical Society, New York Society of Reproductive Medicine, American Association of Bioanalyst, Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In addition to his clinical expertise and ongoing research, Levine is currently the technology editor of Contemporary Ob/Gyn magazine and has lectured nationwide on how physicians and laboratory personnel can adopt common technologies to improve clinical efficiency.

MICHAEL TARR is currently a fourth-year medical student at New York Medical College. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science with minors in chemistry, psychology and microbiology from Quinnipiac University in 2012. Throughout medical school he has advocated for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in a variety of ways. He has created and championed the virtual grand rounds, an international and inter-professional webinar-based education platform for improving comprehensive care

for individuals with IDD. Tarr was recognized by the international organization, The American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD), with the Future Leader Baton Award in 2016 for his work on the virtual grand rounds. He has recently formed the AADMD Virtual Grand Rounds Task Force and acts as director with the goal of providing a high-quality, reliable and easily available webinar experience to its viewers. He is currently in the process of interviewing for a residency in emergency medicine, which he will begin in July 2018.


OCTOBER 23, 2017



Dr. Ashutosh Kaul Greenwich Hospital


Saluting those who go beyond the diagnosis

Dr. Brian Levine Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine


Dr. Rifat Latifi

Westchester Medical Center



C.V. Rich Mansion, 305 Ridgeway, White Plains


Dr. AnneBeth Litt Westchester Institute for Human Development


Dr. Jared Knopman Weill Cornell Medicine New York Presbyterian

Dr. Jaime Knopman Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine


Michael Tarr

New York Medical College


Dr. Cynthia Chin White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care


Dr. Anthony Febles Phelps Memorial Hospital

YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR ELEGANT RECEPTION AND AWARDS CEREMONY To register, please visit westfaironline.com/events or contact Rebecca Freeman at rfreeman@westfairinc.com or 914-358-0757.



Mitchell WealthCare UBS Financial Services Inc. A Leg to Stand On (ALTSO) is a non-profit organization providing free orthopedic care to children with limb disabilities in the developing world.

BRONZE SPONSORS: Mitchell WealthCare UBS Financial Services Inc.



OCTOBER 23, 2017





Sun Homes sees bright future in Rye Brook office park


BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


n a 31-acre plot of land behind a set of three-story, glasspaneled office buildings in Reckson Executive Park in Rye Brook, a flurry of activity on a recent Friday morning saw construction crews working between three newly built model homes, finishing hardwood floors, painting and installing cabinets. The single-family homes need to be ready by the end of this month when residential developer Sun Homes plans to officially unveil Kingfield, a $125 million planned neighborhood with 85 townhomes priced from $950,000 and 25 single-family homes priced from $1.4 million. Pawling-based Sun Homes expects to sell and construct the townhomes and single-family houses within the next two years. Once completed, the housing development will bring a final use for a desirable patch of land behind the six-building Rye Brook office portfolio that has remained in limbo for well over a decade. The office park is owned and operated by Reckson Operating Partnership LP, a division of SL Green Realty Corp in Manhattan. The single-family homes and townhomes from Sun Homes will offer a “maintenance-free” lifestyle, with amenities that include two-car garages and gourmet kitchens. The property, accessed from International Drive off Route 120A, will feature a half-mile of walking trails and a 3,200-square-foot clubhouse with a fitness center and outdoor pool and spa. The townhouse units will range from 2,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet, with different layouts and customization options. Ten percent of the units will be marketed at rents designated as affordable for families making 80 percent of area median income. Bill McGuiness, partner at Sun Homes, said the company specializes in townhomes “that offer zero maintenance on the outside, but on the inside offer very houselike size and finishes, such as a double garage. So it’s a houselike experience, without any of the headaches.” In Connecticut’s Fairfield County, Sun Homes, a partnership between McGuiness and Bob Dale, has developed Kensett, a 77-home community in Darien, and Palmer Hill, a 195-home community in Stamford. In

Top: Townhouses under construction at Kingfield, a $125 million development by Sun Homes in the Reckson Executive Park in Rye Brook. Photo by Ryan Deffenbaugh. Below: A design rendering of a single-family home at Kingfield in Rye Brook.

Westchester, it has developed The Willows at Crestwood, a 40-home townhouse community in Yonkers. Sun Homes became involved in the Rye Brook project when an executive at Reckson toured one of the model homes the company built in Darien in 2014. He liked the look of the home, McGuiness said, and called up the Pawling company to see if Sun Homes was interested in touring the Reckson Executive Park property for a possible housing development. Reckson was searching for a use for phase three of its Reckson Executive Park. About 40 acres of the 80-acre site is developed with six Class A office buildings comprising a total of 540,000 square feet. The 31 undeveloped acres offer quick access to the Hutchinson Parkway and abut Doral

Arrowwood Resort to its south and SUNY Purchase College to its west. The property was initially targeted by Reckson for another office building. The company submitted plans to the village of Rye Brook in the late '90s and received approval to build a 280,000-square-foot office building with 1,120 parking spaces. Reckson was unable to secure a major tenant for the building, however, and never followed through with the plans. In 2012, Reckson proposed a four-rink, 140,000-square-foot ice skating facility for the property. But those plans were withdrawn a year later amid community backlash. The company said at the time it would consider other options for the property. McGuiness said the property represented a clear opportunity for Sun Homes.

There had already been successful housing developments nearby in the Bellefair and Doral Greens neighborhoods. “It’s an excellent location,” McGuiness said. “The commute is good, there are a lot of services in the area and, while I wouldn’t call it a bargain, relative to Rye and Greenwich around it, there’s value there.” The Kingfield townhomes will be mostly three-bedroom, with some fourbedrooms available as well. The homes will be targeted especially to empty nesters and smaller households, such as young families starting out. Joshua M. Rogull, of Rogull Realty LLC and director of sales for Kingfield, said new housing construction has been in demand in Westchester, particularly the maintenance-free variety Buyers "want a community lifestyle and maintenance-free,” Rogull said. That group includes first-time buyers up from Manhattan and empty nesters who may have moved down to the city but are now coming back, he added. McGuiness said what makes Sun Home unique as a residential developer is that it handles every stage of home construction, including architecture, construction, sales and warranty. That offers the company the advantage of having full control over its product, McGuiness said. “We have our own style that we have developed over the last 15 years and a construction team we’re comfortable with,” McGuiness said. Sun Homes started site work on the project last fall and will open the furnished models on Oct. 28. The company is targeting next year for first occupancy.


OCTOBER 23, 2017


Lowe’s development begins in Yorktown BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


fter the better part of a decade, a Garden City-based developer has finally reached the first phase of construction on a vacant parcel on Crompond Road in Yorktown. Breslin Realty Development Corp. plans to build a 121,000-square-foot Lowe’s home improvement center, a 7,600-square-foot restaurant, a 4,500-square-foot restaurant and a 4,000-square-foot business. “I’m a little numb after nine long years,” the development company’s CEO Wilbur F. Breslin said of the planning process. “I’ve been here before and I’ve had projects that make this look like a fast track. I’m kind of used to it.” Breslin said his company is in talks with two restaurants and a third business to take up the three additional spaces at the planned development, though nothing has yet been confirmed. “It’s a little premature,” he said. Demolition work on the property’s existing dilapidated and graffiti-covered structures began earlier this month. Construction could begin in January with the stores opening later next year, Breslin said. The long-vacant site was formerly

I’m a little numb after nine long years. I’ve been here before and I’ve had projects that make this look like a fast track. I’m kind of used to it. —

CEO Wilbur F. Breslin speaking of the planning process

occupied by the Yorktown Country Inn, which closed more than 20 years ago. The property was last used as a county-run homeless shelter. An October groundbreaking for the roughly $70 million project marked a milestone in what has been a long road for Breslin’s company, which has been in talks to develop the property since 2009. The development replaces a previ-

Yorktown Lowe's rendering

ously approved 151,092-square-foot Costco and a members-only gas fueling station on the 19-acre parcel near the intersection of Crompond Road and Taconic State Parkway. The Yorktown Planning Board approved the $60 million project in November 2015. Costco’s project hit a snag when its onsite gas station was strongly opposed by independent gas station owners in Yorktown. Yorktown Smart Growth, a citizens development watchdog group, Yorktown Gas Mart Inc. and Quick Stop Central Ave. Inc. filed a lawsuit against town officials and Breslin Realty Development claiming the big-box store would hurt area gas station owners and sought to have the town’s approval of the project overturned. After years of delays and roadblocks, Costco ultimately pulled out of the project in 2016.

Yorktown Supervisor Michael Grace said he hopes Costco will look elsewhere in the town to develop a store, though no new plans have been proposed. While the Costco project spent years in the planning stages, the Lowe’s development was approved just three months after it was proposed to the planning board. Town officials have said that spreading the project risk and the wealth to four businesses rather than a single business is an advantage, along with the additional tax revenue those additional businesses would provide. Breslin credited a more diversified site plan, one that includes additional businesses along the front of the site and “a superb job” by Grace and the town’s planning director, John A. Tegeder, for the relatively speedy approval process.

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OCTOBER 23, 2017






VA mortgage loans for veterans include multi-unit residences

o understand the benefits of the VA Home Loans mortgage program is to fully understand just how far-reaching those benefits really are. The residential lending program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs extends to multi — unit properties, affording all the provisions and protections of normal VA lending for veterans making those purchases. VA loans, which are provided by private lenders, go through regular channels to get approved and funded. A veteran — including retired and active-duty military veterans, reservists and National Guard — works with a local Realtor or directly through a mortgage lender and processes an application as any home mortgage loan gets processed. Assuming the vet and the property meet the criteria established for multi — unit housing, the loan is ultimately approved and closed by the mortgage lender. The Department of Veterans Affairs guarantees a portion of the loan so that private lenders may provide more favorable terms to borrowers, but the VA never deals directly with the veteran consumer. Only 9 percent of eligible veterans are even aware of these home loan benefits, according to John W. McDade, a mortgage loan officer at iServe Residential Lending LLC in San Diego. A veteran himself, John spends much of his time circling the U.S. on behalf of his company, educating Realtors and fellow veterans on the unique VA financing available to American veterans. In a typical multi — unit transaction, the rules are fairly simple. A veteran seeks and finds a property of one to four units. VA benefits are not available for investment properties, so the veteran plans to live in one of the units. Multi — unit residential financing with a VA loan may have all the benefits and more of single-family purchases — up to 100 percent financing, highly competitive interest rates and no mortgage insurance requirements. A qualified buyer may borrow up to 100 percent of the appraised value of the property, up to the countywide maximum, as established by the VA. These values can be found at the VA website at homeloans. va.gov. A borrower would only be required to put down 25 percent of the amount exceeding the countywide limit, should the property exceed the established threshold. Property appraisals are done by the VA, so appraisal costs are generally lower than typical FHA or USDA property appraisals. The VA will qualify a veteran to use the projected cash flow from projected rents in their income calculations, provided the

A qualified buyer may borrow up to 100 percent of the appraised value of the property, up to the countywide maximum, as established by the VA.

purchasing veteran has at least two years’ experience as a landlord or property manager. The VA allows a buyer to count 75 percent of the projected rents as verifiable income if the buyer hires a property manager or property management company to manage the operations of the property — including rent collection, upkeep and maintenance — to ensure the continuing fair conditions of the collateral property. Property management fees for multifamily units are generally minimal and not prohibitive in the overall costs of ownership and management. With a shortage of starter and first-time homes available for purchase nationwide, many veterans and their families are find-

ing that multi — unit home ownership provides them more than adequate housing for their families with a cash flow that, in most cases, covers the costs of their mortgages and property insurance. With rising equity rates throughout the U.S., these investments may yet prove worthwhile options to our veterans seeking housing in today’s market. For more information on VA home loans, visit benefits.va.gov/homeloans/. Michael Macari is chief communications officer for National Asset Direct Inc. in Stamford, the parent company of iServe Residential Lending, and writes nationally on housing, mortgage and related topics. He can be reached at 203-817-3650 or mmacari@nationalassetdirect.com.

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OCTOBER 23, 2017












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10/18/17 2:59 PM

Fareri opens Villa BXV condos in Bronxville BY JOHN GOLDEN

$1.1 and range up to $3.6 million for penthouses with rooftop terraces. Bronxville Mayor Mary Marvin in a statement on the Villa BXV opening said the redevelopment “fits in perfectly, provides wonderful new residential opportunities, many of which have been taken by village residents who are downsizing from large homes, and replaces what has long been an underutilized site.” “In many ways,” said the mayor, “it has been the missing piece in the downtown and now it has been seamlessly filled with this great new building.”



areri Associates, the Greenwichbased developer of residential, commercial and office properties, has opened Villa BXV, a 53-unit condominium complex on Kensington Road in downtown Bronxville. The roughly two-year construction project was completed by The Gateway Development Group, a Fareriowned company. Eighty percent of the condos have been sold and buyers have been moving into the building, according to a Fareri Associates spokesperson. The Kensington Road property immediately adjoins the Metro-North Railroad Harlem Line tracks and is the former site of the Lawrence Park Heat, Light and Power Co. plant. The village bought the vacant, environmentally contaminated property in 1986 and in 2004 selected WCI Communities Inc. to develop a 110,000-square-foot condominium building and 300-space parking garage there. But with the 2008 housing market collapse, WCI filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, reportedly due mostly to bad investments in the Florida real estate market. The Village Board, which had approved WCI site plans, in 2014 revived the development effort with a new request for proposals and selected developer John Fareri’s company. Construction of the project, designed by Sullivan Architecture of White Plains, began in mid-2015. The challenging development required deep excavation, including the removal of 20,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil, to build a 309-space parking garage, of which 203 spaces are reserved for public use by Bronxville residents, shoppers and merchants. “Construction of this nature is commonplace in Manhattan or other major urban downtowns, but rare in a community like Bronxville,” said James Carnicelli, president of The Gateway Development Group in Greenwich. He said the job required extensive coordination with both Metro-North officials and the village in monitoring truck traffic to and from the site. The one-, two- and three-bedroom condos range in size from 1,300 square feet to more than 2,000 square feet. Prices start at

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The newly opened Villa BXV in Bronxville.

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OCTOBER 23, 2017


Groundbreaking for $100M condo project in New Rochelle



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OCTOBER 23, 2017


4/6/17 4:45 PM

BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com


ational Realty & Development Corp. is headquartered in Purchase and has built projects in 14 states, but it has avoided Westchester County. Westchester has too many smart people finding ways to hinder developments, Jerry Bermingham, executive vice president of development and acquisitions, told a crowd gathered Oct. 11 at the southern tip of Davenport Neck in New Rochelle. But when he heard that the 14.7-acre Beckwith Pointe beach club on the Long Island Sound was available, he had to take a look. “I fell in love with it,” he said. But there were a few pesky details. The property was zoned for singlefamily houses, for which there was little demand. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 had exposed the peninsula’s vulnerability to flooding and had resulted in more stringent regulations. And NRDC was wary of a tendency by municipal governments in general to thwart developments. Despite loving the location, Bermingham’s answer was “No.” Then Robert C. Baker, NRDC’s chairman and CEO, took a look. He also fell in love with the site, and he concluded that this place would be successful. “We’re selling water views,” he said at the groundbreaking for the $100 million WatermarkPointe condominiums. “There are no views like this anyplace.” NRDC found an eager partner in the city of New Rochelle. City officials orchestrated the regulatory process and enacted new zoning to allow condominiums. NRDC scaled back plans for 140 units to 72 — nine four-story buildings and a clubhouse — at the behest of the city. The designs put the buildings above flood level. Demand, Bermingham said, has been strong. Twenty-five contracts have been signed and the first three buildings are sold out. NRDC is selling two models. The Beachcomber, at 2,480-square-feet, has two bedrooms, a den and two-and-ahalf bathrooms. The Aurora, at 2,717-squarefeet, has three bedrooms and three-and-ahalf bathrooms. Both models include a 30-foot-wide terrace, “gourmet” kitchens and “spa” bathrooms. Last year a city official said the units were to sell for $1.5 million to $2.5 million.

Hospital for Special Surgery opens Westchester outpatient center BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


s Hospital for Special Surgery celebrated the launch of its 50,000-squarefoot outpatient facility in White Plains on Oct. 18, HSS CEO and President Louis A. Shapiro acknowledged it took some creativity to work out the plans for its new home at 1133 Westchester Ave. “Beautiful campus, but to really do this project you needed to have a vision,” Shapiro said. “Because this building that we're in now was not pretty. It was concrete.” The building was a former data center for IBM at the 620,000-square-foot complex, which is owned by Rye Brook-based RPW Group. Shapiro stood in front of tall, sunny windows in a fully renovated version of that same building to cut the ceremonial ribbon for HSS Westchester, which the leaders of the Manhattan-based orthopedic hospital said is its most comprehensive regional care center to date. Hospital for Special Surgery, on 70th Street on Manhattan's Upper East Side, is the nation’s oldest orthopedic hospital and is consistently ranked as a top hospital in the country by U.S. News & World Report. The hospital was ranked first nationally in orthopedics and third in adult rheumatology on the magazine’s 2017-18 list. “Over the course of time as we have continued to grow and develop and build our main campus, we’ve recognized that we need to make the caliber of care you get when you come to the city available to people closer to where they live and work,” Shapiro said. About 10 percent of patients in the Manhattan hospital come from Westchester County, according to hospital officials. The White Plains facility will offer patients rehabilitation services, including aquatics and concussion therapy, along with sports performance services such as motion analysis, return-to-play testing and training. Medical staff and patients will have access to 20 exam rooms, three X-ray machines and an MRI suite. “People come from all over the world to get an MRI from HSS,” said Andrew Pearle, a Rye resident and orthopedic surgeon named medical director for HSS Westchester. “We’re bringing that technology here, so you don't have to schlep into the city to get your MRI or to get your X-ray.”

The Westchester outpatient center will have 25 physicians available to see patients and a support staff of about 20. The hospital said it expects that number to grow by the end of the year. The doctor specialties include adult reconstruction and joint replacement, foot and ankle, pediatric orthopedics, physiatry, sports medicine and rheumatology. The Westchester center expands on the hospital’s outpatient network, which includes an 18,000-square-foot facility at Chelsea Piers Connecticut in Stamford. The hospital also has outpatient centers in Queens, Long Island, New Jersey and several sites in Manhattan. Also this month, Hospital for Special Surgery will open HSS Orthopedics at Stamford Health, a collaboration with Stamford Hospital. Hospital for Special Surgery is the latest medical provider to launch or expand facilities along the Interstate 287 corridor, which has become a magnet for outpatient centers and medical offices. Memorial Sloan Kettering opened a 114,000-square-foot outpatient cancer facility in 2014 at 500 Westchester Ave. in Harrison and Westmed Medical Group opened an 85,000-square-foot medical office at 3030 Westchester Ave in Purchase in 2015. RPW Group CEO Robert P. Weisz described the I-287 corridor as “the spine” of the county, which he said is part of what draws medical providers to the area. “There is no more convenient location,” Weisz told the Business Journal. “So as a result we see that some of the large medical institutions are locating along I-287. And I think the future is more of that mixed use, where we have office space, residential, some retail and, of course, the medical facilities that are so essential to the population.” Weisz described Hospital for Special Surgery as the final piece for a renovation process at 1133 Westchester Ave. that started when his company bought the 80-acre property 12 years ago. The company rebuilt the 20,000-square-foot atrium in the center of the campus, with a fitness center, a small shop, an executive dining room and cafeteria. “HSS is the last piece of the puzzle, complementing the entire project,” Weisz said. “We cannot ask for a better tenant in terms of reputation and quality of service. We think the structure of the building will work out very well because it's a building within a building, where they can be totally independent but still have services available to them.”



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OCTOBER 23, 2017


Slight slowdown in region's housing sales

30 th Anniversary Westchester Real Estate Awards Breakfast

BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com

March of Dimes Greater New York Market Thursday, November 16, 2017 Hilton Westchester • Rye Brook 7:00 a.m. Honoring

The Real Estate Award Robert F. Weinberg, Co-founder & President Robert Martin Company

30 th Anniversary Westchester Real Estate James J. Houlihan, Principal Awards Breakfast

The Martin S. Berger Award for Lifetime Achievement Houlihan-Parnes Realtors

Title sponsors Houlihan-Parnes Realtors, GHP Office Realty, Houlihan-Parnes Properties Mack-Cali Realty Corporation Pavarini North East Construction Co.

Platinum sponsors

AMEC Construction DLC Management Corp. Robert Martin Company

Gold sponsors Benerofe Properties Corp. Cappelli Organization Cuddy & Feder Ginsburg Development Companies Jones Lang LaSalle Levitt-Fuirst Insurance Newmark Grubb Knight Frank People’s United Bank RPW Group, Inc.

Silver sponsors

Acadia Realty Trust, AvalonBay Communities, Inc., Belway Electrical Contracting Corp./LeChase Construction, Benchmark Title Agency, CBRE, De Clercq Office Group / Knoll, DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, Fieldpoint Private, Flushing Bank, George Comfort & Sons, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, M&T Bank, National Realty & Development Corp., Reckson, a Division of SL Green Realty Corp., RM Friedland, Shleppers Moving & Storage, Signature Bank, Simone Development Companies, Steelcase Inc./ Waldner’s Business Environments, The MacQuesten Companies, VHB

Media Sponsor

Westchester County Business Journal To purchase tickets online, go to: ww.marchofdimes.org/westchesterrealestate Sponsorship and information: 914-610-7530 or JFortuna@marchofdimes.org


OCTOBER 23, 2017



eal estate sales in the lower Hudson Valley saw a slight slowdown during the third quarter, according to market analysts at the Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors. Third-quarter property sales were down less than 0.5 percent year over year across the region, with 5,646 sales of single-family houses, condominiums, cooperatives and two- to four-family buildings in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Orange counties. In Westchester, sales fell 0.6 percent compared with the same period last year, following a trend seen in both Rockland and Putnam counties, where sales fell 5.2 percent and 8.2 percent, respectively. The only exception was Orange County, where sales increased by 7.9 percent year over year. Market analysts cited a lack of inventory as the primary driver of the “spotty” sales figures. End-of-quarter inventory was down 8.6 percent in Westchester compared with the same period last year, while Orange and Putnam counties saw a 16 percent decrease in inventory year over year. Inventory fell 15 percent in Rockland County compared with the third quarter of 2016. “Inventory has been consistently lower each quarter in each of the last four years, which could indicate a headwind for healthy sales numbers going forward,” analysts noted. “It is difficult to ascertain at what point rising prices, due to lack of supply, will begin to affect sales.” Low inventory is especially an issue for more affordable starter homes in Westchester County, according to a report from Houlihan Lawrence, the Rye Brookbased real estate brokerage firm. Homes priced under $500,000 in Westchester saw a 25.1 percent drop in the number of active listings year over year, falling from 686 homes for sale in 2016 to 514 homes in 2017. Similarly, the number of pending sales in that price range dropped 18.6 percent. Despite a year-over-year decline, housing sales still remain “unusually heavy” across the region, according to The Elliman Report, a market analysis from New York-based Douglas Elliman Real Estate. The report noted that housing sales across Westchester, Dutchess and Putnam counties reached the third-highest figures seen since 1982. “This can largely be attributed to the continued influx of buyers from the city who are seeking out greater affordability for both primary and second homes,” said

Scott Durkin, Elliman’s chief operating officer. “The Hudson Valley, in particular, is proving to be an eventual competitor to the affordable second-home market.” Year-to-date sales figures also continue to trend “significantly higher” than the previous year for most of the region, Hudson Gateway analysts said. Factors, including attractive mortgage rates, high employment and a healthy economy, “should be an indication that the market will remain vibrant,” the report stated. Westchester, the region's most populous county and the county with the highest number of sales, recorded a median sale price of $680,000 for a single-family home, up 1.8 percent from $668,000 for the same period last year, according to Hudson Gateway. Orange County saw the largest percentage increase in sales price at 4.3 percent, from $245,000 to $255,000 year-over-year. In Rockland County, the median sale price rose 3.7 percent to $445,000 for the third quarter. The median sale price in Putnam County of $340,000 was unchanged compared with the same period last year. In Westchester, the luxury market continue to show signs of weakness during the quarter, with a 13.5 percent drop in the number of sales, according to Houlihan Lawrence. However, the segment’s median sale price increased 5 percent to $2.62 million. “The market continues to remain soft at the top on a price basis as the luxury market saw prices slip after edging higher over the past year,” said Jonathan Miller, author of the Elliman Report. Across the state line in Greenwich, though, the luxury market is seeing a resurgence. Houlihan Lawrence analysts noted that homes priced at $3 million or higher saw a 10.5 percent increase in the number of sales year over year, and a median sale price of $4,427,500, up 6.7 percent from last year. In Darien, the number of luxury sales shot up 123.1 percent, with 29 homes sold this quarter compared with 13 in the same quarter last year, though the median price dipped 8 percent. "Market — sensitive initial pricing continues to be a key driver in reducing days on market and achieving the highest possible selling price in today’s market,” said David Haffenreffer, branch manager of Houlihan Lawrence’s Greenwich office. “Buyers today, in many cases, won't even visit a home that they determine is mispriced when they see it online. This puts pressure on sellers to resist the temptation to fish for an unrealistic price when coming to market.”

Medical leasing makes for healthy 3Q office market BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


edical leasing helped propel the Westchester County office market to what analysts described as a strong third quarter overall, building on steady growth in the first half of the year. Westchester’s office market recorded 535,813 square feet of total leasing activity during the third quarter, up from 455,866 square feet in the second quarter, a 17.5 percent increase, according to the quarterly report from CBRE Group Inc. “While market indicators show Westchester County trending in a positive direction for 2017 as a whole, the third quarter was constant when compared to the previous two quarters,” said William V. Cuddy Jr., executive vice president at CBRE’s Stamford office. The availability rate in the county dropped to 22.4 percent in the third quarter, down from 23.42 percent posted in the third quarter a year ago, according to CBRE. That helped drive up average asking rents, which increased to $28.54 per square foot from $27.81 per square foot last quarter, CBRE reported. Colliers International Group Inc. also reported Westchester’s overall availability rate at 22 percent in the third quarter, though the firm noted that number was flat from second-quarter availability. After a strong half-year of office leasing to start 2017, Westchester County’s office market “took a breather in the third quarter,” noted Jeffrey Williams, market leader and executive managing director in the Stamford office of Colliers. Medical leasing led much of the activity in the county, accounting for seven of the 10 largest deals, according to Colliers. The largest lease deal last quarter was the Montefiore Health System’s renewal and expansion for 281,497 square feet of space at South Westchester Executive Park in Yonkers, Cushman & Wakefield reported. Other major medical leases included CareMount Medical PC taking 38,799 square feet at 34 S. Bedford St. in Mount Kisco and Greenwich Hospital signing on for 19,897 square feet of space at 90 S. Ridge St. in Rye Brook, as reported by Colliers. Avison Young reported ENT and Allergy Associates LLP signed a lease for 15,490 square feet at 222 Bloomingdale Road in the White Plains Central Business District. “The continued strength and growth of the heath care sector bodes well for Westchester,” said James Fagan, Cushman & Wakefield managing principal in Stamford. “The county is seeing an increase in overall leasing demand as medical centers exponentially increase their leasing footprint.”

Cushman & Wakefield reported the county has added 270,477 square feet of occupancy growth and more than 1.1 million square feet in new leasing transactions to date this year. While the White Plains Central Business District saw a number of large new leases in the first half of the year, Jones Lang LaSalle ( JCC) Inc. noted there are few big blocks of space left in the city’s downtown. Only two buildings in the White Plains CBD can offer blocks of space larger than 50,000 square feet, according to JLL, the Westchester Financial Center at 11 Martine Ave. and 440 Hamilton Ave., which has been approved by the city for a residential conversion. Even without any new blockbuster deals, Colliers reported, downtown White Plains “continued its streak of being the star performer in Westchester.” Asking rents in the CBD were at $33.58 per square foot in the third quarter, down slightly from the second quarter but up about 4 percent from the same period last year, according to Colliers. Cushman & Wakefield reported that actual taking rents in the White Plains CBD were up more than 10 percent over the past year, while they remained flat in the county’s suburban markets over the same period. The northern part of the county remains troubled by the more than 1.6 million square feet of office space vacated by PepsiCo and IBM in Somers. Avison Young reported a 37 percent vacancy in the northern part of the county, more than double that of the county’s next highest region, the East I-287 corridor, which had a 17 percent vacancy rate. Avison Young reported the county’s overall office vacancy rate at 19.5 percent, unchanged from the second quarter. But the report noted that the county's vacancy rate would measure at 14 percent if not for the IBM and PepsiCo buildings in Somers. The East I-287 corridor continued its transition "from the 'Platinum Mile' to the 'Medical Mile,'" according to Colliers. The Greenwich Hospital lease in Rye Brook represented the largest deal in the submarket. While the 17 percent availability rate in the East I-287 corridor matches its second-quarter rate, it is down about 2 percent from the third quarter last year, according to Colliers. The county's southern submarket, which saw little third-quarter activity outside of Montefiore's major renewal and expansion, had the county's lowest availability rate overall at 12 percent, according to Colliers. Thirdquarter asking rents in the submarket were about 4 percent higher than last year's. Other third-quarter lease deals included the law firm Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott, LLC renewing for 20,845 square feet at 10 Bank St. and telecom provider MCI renewing its 19,534-square-foot lease at 1 N. Broadway in White Plains.




This property lends itself to the owner/ user or the investor. Collect rents from residential and office tenants. The attached residence can provides a work-live option for the owner /user. 792 Route 35, Cross River, NY | $1,500,000

New space for bar and restaurant. 1500sf with outdoor mahogany decking. In newly renovated historic building in heart of business district. Walking to train and heavy foot traffic. 121 Main Street Ossining, NY | $30/sf per year



This is a completely new three-story building including lower level, totaling 8250 square feet of high quality construction with modern engineering. Luxury finishes and amenities. 40 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT | $12,600,000

For Lease. Turn-key restaurant with amazing green space and geothermal solar heating and cooling systems. Centrally located to many Hudson Valley tourist destinations. 108 Hunns Lake Ln, Bangall, NY | $6000/month



Rare Upper Westchester Industrial land for sale. Zoned for M-2, 3.4 Acres off of Front Street. Owner will consider a build to suit sales transaction. 300 Richards St, Yorktown Hts, NY | $1,950,000

Rare opportunity to own a factory. Light manufacturing investment. With access to major roadways. 5000sf of open workspace with two loading bay. Plenty of natural light and parking. 175 City Avenue, City Island | $1,825,000



This offering is for an experienced investor with renovation and compliance experience. Four leased two bedroom and bar on bottom floor. Must be cash deal. 248 New Mains Street Yonkers, NY | $1,050,000

3000 square foot retail space on busy Central Park Avenue. Traffic count of over 50,000 cars a days. Onsite parking with possibility of additional parking. 115’ frontage with a large pylon sign. 1935 Central Park Ave, Yonkers NY | $30/NNN



One retail space is currently available in one of the most attractive strip shopping centers on Central Avenue. This is an end-cap space. Plenty of parking adds to convenience and ease for visiting clients. 390 Central Park Ave, Scarsdale, NY | $2800 Month

6 Building Industrial Park package located on 10 acres. 38,000 square feet including manufacturing space. 98% occupied. Close to 684 and Route 22. Ideal investmet property. 3-5 Fallsview Ln, Brewster, NY | $3,000,000

800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, New York 10573 | 914.798.4900 View all listings at www.HLCommercialGroup.com


OCTOBER 23, 2017


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OCTOBER 23, 2017


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OCTOBER 23, 2017


THE LIST: Web Designers



Westchester County

Ranked alphabetically. Name, Address Area code: 914, unless otherwise noted Website

Top local executive Email address Year firm established

AJ Network Solutions

Uli Mrose info@ajns.com 2002

! !

Provides wedding photo gallery services

Irene Herz 2004

! ! !

Website design for small businesses, authors, organizations and nonprofits

Better Search LLC

NA office@bettersearchllc.com 2010

! !


Chase Media Group

Carla Chase info@chasemediagroup.com 1958

! ! ! !



Marc Jaffe ideas@constructagency.com 2014

! ! ! !


Convey Media

Sara B. Caldwell contact@conveymedial.com 2009

! ! !


Ross Moschitto 1999

! ! ! !


Tim Tayer 1999

! ! ! !


Aunt Reenee's Websites

50 Orchard Drive, Ossining 10562 941-7284 • auntreeneeswebsites.com

39 Taconic Road, Millwood 10546 432-7988 • bettersearchinc.com

1520 Front St., Yorktown Heights 10598 962-3871 • chasemediagroup.com

12 Spruce Road, South Salem 10590 602-3600 • constructagency.com

255 North Ave., New Rochelle 10802 960-0390 • conveymedia.com

E-Wiz Solutions Inc.

66 Palmer Ave., Suite 32, Bronxville 10708 202-9468 • ewizsolutions.com

Eyebuzz Design

5 John St., No. 3, Tarrytown 10591 909-4122 • eyebuzz.com

Fyne Lyne Ventures

interactive media

mobile web development

digital advertising


search engine optimization

graphic design

website design

website development Tuckahoe 10707 309-6149 • ajns.com


Services offered

! ! Social media management, specializes in WordPress

Offset and digital printing, print advertising, email

! marketing, direct mail, online advertising, promotional


products and mobile marketing


WordPress development, social media engagement and site maintenance

Site and social media management Internet marketing, including pay-per-click campaigns and e-newsletter; Flash Animation and website banners; software development; and online security and encryption

! !

Blog setup and customization; ecommerce; WordPress;

! ! email forms; website maintenance; print work, including

logos, brochures, letterheads and labels

Lynn Amos lynn@fynelyne.com 2006

! ! ! !


Cindy Penchina 1996

! !


JB Web & Photo

Jason Bajor jason@jpwp.com 2005

! !

Photograph editing and reconditioning services for small businesses, organizations and individuals

Kyle Baker Design

Kyle Baker 2006

! !

Full-service website design and Drupal content management system

Gary Benerofe and Daniel Goodfriend Managing partners gary@mediaspa.com 1996

! ! ! !

530 Union Ave., Peekskill 10566 930-4537 • fynelyne.com

Hudson Fusion LLC

30 State St., Ossining 10562 762-0900 • hudsonfusion.com White Plains 10602 jbwp.com

NA • kylebakerdesign.com

MediaSpa LLC

4 W. Red Oak Lane, Suite 205, White Plains 10604 921-3200 • mediaspa.com

Custom WordPress blogs and websites, custom email newsletter design, corporate identity, book and magazine design and e-book design and production


Web applications, content-management systems,


! content marketing, social media marketing and

search-engine marketing

E-commerce agency focused on design, development,


! ! ! optimization of e-commerce applications, servicing

mid-market and enterprise clients

Monaro Design

Roy Monaro info@monarodesign.com NA

! !


Logo design, brochure design, postcard design, print media design, website design, logo design, flash animation design and print media design

MSM DesignZ

Mario S. Mirabella staff@msmdesignz.com 1999

! ! ! !


! ! ! mobile apps, signage, HTML and Flash Animation websites,

Painted Pages Web Design

Judith Stone Rauschkolb judith@printedpages.com 2000

! !

Play Nice Together

Ryan Smith ryan@playnicetogether.com 2012

! ! !

Sheffield Media Group

Josette Millar info@sheffieldmediagroup.com 2002

! !

Solutions for Growth

David Fischer david.fischer@solutionsforgrowthllc.com 2010

! ! ! !

15 New Chalet Drive, Mohegan Lake 10547 462-3860 • monarodesign.com

505 White Plains Road, Suite 204, Tarrytown 10591 909-5900 • msmdesignz.com

1 Woods Way, Larchmont 10538 525-1184 • paintedpages.com

P.O. Box 510, Elmsford 10523 347-2899 • playnicetogether.com

445 Hamilton Ave., Suite 1102, White Plains 10601 539-7613 • sheffieldmediagroup.com

11 Kingswood Way, South Salem 10590 888-840-2595, ext. 1 • solutionsforgrowthllc.com

Print media, branding, social media, email marketing,

e-commerce and content management systems

Content strategy and writing for the web, social media


! and blogging, website redesign and speaking engagements,

education and training

Branding; product packaging design; business card design and printing; printed materials; custom business analytics; and reporting !


Content management strategy, social media strategy and inbound marketing Development and management of WordPress websites,


! ! ! email marketing, content development, AdWords,

search engine optimization, graphic design and print

This list is a sampling of website developers that are located in the region. If you would like to include your company in our next list, please contact Danielle Renda at drenda@westfairinc.com. Note: NA:


OCTOBER 23, 2017

Some of the web developers listed work independently and do not wish to disclose an address. Not available.


FACTS & FIGURES BANKRUPTIES MANHATTAN East 214th Street Corp. 2526 Wallace Ave., Suite 200, Bronx 10467. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by David J. Broderick. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 17-12881-scc. MEG Group Ltd. 200 Varick St., Room 506, New York 10014. Chapter 7, voluntary. Represented by Ronald I. Paltrowitz. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 17-12888-shl. Park North 1 LLC. 220 E. 117 St., New York 10034. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Gabriel Del Virginia. Filed: Oct. 15. Case no. 17-12879-mew.

POUGHKEEPSIE Kevin J. Bryson, D.D.S., PC. 131 Hawkins Drive, P.O. Box 12, Montgomery 12549. Represented by Michelle K. Trier. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 17-36745cgm.

COURT CASES 691-697 Broadway LLC. Filed by Owen Harty. Action: Americans with Disabilities Act — civil enforcement action. Attorney: Peter Erik Sverd. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07782-CS. ABM Parking Services Inc. et al. Filed by Diane Ciezadlo and Frank J. Ciezadlo. Action: diversity-personal injury. Attorney: Richard J. Nealon. Filed: Oct. 13. Case no. 7:17-cv-07833KMK. BAC Home Loans Servicing LP et al. Filed by Aaron Cohen. Action: Fair Credit Reporting Act. Attorney: Shimshon Wexler. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07824-CS.

Burns Construction Co. Filed by Teamsters Local 456 Pension, Health and Welfare, Annuity, Education and Training, Industry Advancement and Legal Services Fund et al. Action: E.R.I.S.A.— delinquent contributions. Attorney: Daniel Ernst Kornfeld. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07932-NSR. County of Putnam. Filed by Anthony DiPippo. Action: 1983 Civil Rights Act. Attorneys: Nick Joel Brustin, Emma Kate Freudenberger and Richard W. Sawyer. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07948-NSR. Eyes on Pest Control LLC. Filed by Alexander Wild. Action: copyright infringement. Attorney: Rayminh L. Ngo. Filed: Oct. 13. Case no. 7:17-cv07860-VB. International Business Machines Corp. Filed by Coding Technologies LLC. Action: patent infringement. Attorney: Coleman W. Watson. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07784-VB. JMR Associates LLC. Filed by Owen Harty. Action: Americans with Disabilities Act — civil enforcement actions. Attorney: Peter Erik Sverd. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07805NSR. Lorelei Events Group Inc. Filed by David Rosenstock and Frank Acosta. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Matthew Phillip Rocco. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07804-NSR. Mamaroneck Union Free School District. Filed by D.R. and S.R. Action: IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (short title). Attorney: Marion M. Walsh. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 7:17-cv-07913-NSR. Mr. Septic LLC. Filed by Jonathan Amoruso, Brian Dew, Thomas Brink Jr., Robert Slingerland III and Daniel Diaz. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Adam Charles Lease. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 7:17-cv-07874CS. Natural Markets Food Group. Filed by Bree Johnson, Josh Tanner and Ronald Meinders. Action: job discrimination (disability act). Attorney: Martin R. Lee. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07855-CS.

Items appearing in the Westchester County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken. Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: John Golden c/o Westfair Communications Inc. 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407 Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3680

Newburgh Commercial Development Corp. Filed by Owen Harty. Action: Americans with Disabilities Art — civil enforcement actions. Attorney: Peter Erik Sverd. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07788-NSR. Nexigen Communications LLC et al. Filed by Nu-Age Managed Services LLC. Action: diversity-breach of contract. Attorney: Lon J. Seidman. Filed: Oct. 16. Case no. 7:17-cv-07883-KMK. Oakwood Mall Inc. Filed by Owen Harty. Action: Americans with Disabilities Act — civil enforcement actions. Attorney: Peter Erik Sverd. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07966.


Rockland Chrysler Jeep Dodge Inc. Filed by Maria Navarro. Action: job discrimination (sex). Attorney: Peter Arcadio Romero. Filed: Oct. 12. Case no. 7:17-cv-07780-NSR.

Babbitt Road Partners LLC, New York City. Seller: Rippowam Cisqua School, Bedford. Property: 206 and 208 Babbitt Road, Bedford. Amount: $1 million. Filed Oct. 13.

Royal Realty LLC. Filed by The Independence Project Inc. Action: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attorney: Keith Harris. Filed: Oct. 13. Case no. 7:17-cv-07835-VB.

Bedford Waterfront Group LLC, et al, Bedford. Seller: Bedford Plaza Ltd., Croton Falls. Property: 2 Depot Plaza, Bedford. Amount: $5.4 million. Filed Oct. 12.

Tappan Zee Constructors LLC. Filed by Brian Doty. Action: marine personal injury — Jones Act. Attorney: Paul T. Hofmann. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07947-KMK.

U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Thomas Gallivan, White Plains. Property: 2 Brendon Hill, Yonkers. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed Oct. 11.

TransUnion et al. Filed by Yoel Kiss. Action: Fair Credit Reporting Act. Attorney not listed. Filed: Oct. 13. Case no. 7:17-cv-07858-KMK. Unique Environmental Corp. Filed by Alexander Wild. Action: copyright infringement. Attorney: Rayminh L. Ngo. Filed: Oct. 13. Case no. 7:17-cv-07863-KMK. Village of Wappingers Falls, New York City. Filed by Martin B. Novick Jr. Action: 1983 civil rights (employment discrimination). Attorney: Jane Bilus Gould. Filed: Oct. 17. Case no. 7:17-cv-07937-KMK.

DEEDS Above $1 million 1108 Stratford Holding Corp., New Rochelle. Seller: V and V Capital LLC, New City. Property: 149 North Ave., New Rochelle. Amount: $1.7 million. Filed Oct 13. 123 Cushman Lot LLC, Mamaroneck. Seller: Cushman Road LLC, Tuckahoe. Property: 123 Cushman Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $1 million. Filed Oct. 11. 125 Cushman Lot LLC, Mamaroneck. Seller: Cushman Road LLC, Tuckahoe. Property: 125 Cushman Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $1 million. Filed Oct. 11. 127 Cushman Lot LLC, Mamaroneck. Seller: Wood Garden Associates LLC, Tuckahoe. Property: 127 Cushman Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $1 million. Filed Oct. 10. 129 Cushman Lot LLC, Mamaroneck. Seller: Wood Garden Associates LLC, Tuckahoe. Property: 129 Cushman Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $1 million. Filed Oct. 11.

Below $1 million 2407 BPB LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 87 Ash St., Yonkers. Amount: $166,000. Filed Oct. 12. 27 Secor Corp., Ossining. Seller: Town of Ossining. Property: 27 Secor Road, Ossining. Amount: $165,660. Filed Oct. 13. 304 Sommerville Corp., Glendale. Seller: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Property: 30 Bruce Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $191,625. Filed Oct. 13. 4 Hay LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Property: 142 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $347,000. Filed Oct. 11. 415Newark5E LLC, Rye. Seller: Michael DeCarlo, et al, Port Chester. Property: 225-227 N. Regent St., Rye. Amount: $621,000. Filed Oct. 10. 919 Second Street LLC, New York City. Seller: Mortgage Equity Conversion Asset Trust 2011-1. Property: 919 Second St., Peekskill. Amount: $220,000. Filed Oct. 12. Apple Trade NY LLC, Yonkers. Seller: HSBC Mortgage Corporation USA. Property: 947 Division St., Peekskill. Amount: $172,500. Filed Oct. 11. Avenue LLC, Yonkers. Seller: LAPKimball Avenue Realty LLC, White Plains. Property: 576 Kimball Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $480,000. Filed Oct. 11. B and B 119 LLC, Tarrytown. Seller: Stephen Blaha, et al, Auburn, N.H. Property: 86 Hilltop Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $575,000. Filed Oct. 12. Brooklyn Global LLC, Irvington. Seller: Department of New York, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Untied States Inc., Albany. Property: 228 N. Washington St., Mount Pleasant. Amount: $225,000. Filed Oct. 13.

CGM Realty Investors Corp., Bronx. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 138 High St., Yonkers. Amount: $151,500. Filed Oct. 11. Denby Realty LLC, White Plains. Seller: Bernice C. Spano, et al, Yorktown Heights. Property: 2772 Denby Drive, Yorktown. Amount: $325,000. Filed Oct. 11. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Everette Senior, et al, Yonkers. Property: 45 Elizabeth Place, Yonkers. Amount: $404,749. Filed Oct. 12. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Joseph G. Goubeaud Jr., Mount Vernon. Property: 6-4 Granada Crescent, Greenburgh. Amount: $211,952. Filed Oct. 10. Genesis Two Inc., Bronx. Seller: Judy Hassan, Mohegan Lake. Property: 28 Oneida Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $200,000. Filed Oct. 12. HECM Acquisition Trust 2017-1. Seller: Domitilia Fernandes, et al, Yonkers. Property: 16 Franklin Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $498,552. Filed Oct. 12. Homescapes Realty Inc., Purchase. Seller: Sandra D. Aldrich, Yonkers. Property: 181 Briggs Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $185,000. Filed Oct. 12. HSB Realty LLC, New Rochelle. Seller: Bank of America N.A. Property: 32 N. Bond St., Mount Vernon. Amount: $126,000. Filed Oct. 11. JAB Builders Inc., Mahopac. Seller: Richard Guzzi, Sarasota, Fla. Property: Crystal Lake Estates, Yorktown. Amount: $145,000. Filed Oct. 13. Joys Parents LLC, Larchmont. Seller: 2179 BPR LLC, Larchmont. Property: 2179 Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck. Amount: $853,000. Filed Oct. 12. La Home Acquisitions LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Lasalle Bank N.A. Property: 49 Crosby Place, New Rochelle. Amount: $163,012. Filed Oct. 11.

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LNL Contracting Corp., Rockville Centre. Seller: Nationstar HECM Acquisition Trust 2016-1. Property: 161 Augustine Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $303,208. Filed Oct. 11. Luna Group West LLC, West Harrison. Seller: Louise J. Pastore, West Harrison. Property: 75 Lakeview Ave., Harrison. Amount: $820,000. Filed Oct. 12. Manning Realty Holding LLC, Rye Brook. Seller: 555 Westchester Avenue LLC, Rye Brook. Property: 555 Westchester Ave., Rye. Amount: $585,000. Filed Oct. 11.

C2GRE LLC, et al, White Plains. Seller: Chris Risi, et al, Yonkers. Property: 154 Lasalle Drive, Yonkers. Amount: $396,000. Filed Oct. 11.


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OCTOBER 23, 2017



Peter X. Kelly, Michael Kelly, Giovanni Scappin, David DiBari, Edward Kowalski and Jim Ely. Rob McCreanor welcomed attendees to Hudson Valley Justice Center’s first fall fundraiser.

JUSTICE CENTER FUNDRAISER NETS $10K The Hudson Valley Justice Center recently held the first of what it plans to be annual fall cocktail fundraisers. The event was at the Yonkers Brewing Co. The event generated approximately $10,000 for the organization, which partners with community-based groups in order to address legal issues and advocate for legislation. For example, at the end of August, the justice center filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court seeking class-action status for a case involving New Rochelle-area laborers who worked for a large landscaping and maintenance company but were denied minimum wage and overtime pay in violation of federal and state law. This case was developed in partnership with United Community Center of Westchester. In September, attorney Rob McCreanor became executive director of the justice center. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he had been executive director of the Rhode Island Center for Justice and legal director of Catholic Migration Services, which assists immigrants and refugees in Brooklyn and Queens. He previously was with the New York County District Attorney’s Office and the international law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

OLDEST YOGA INSTRUCTOR OFFERS MASTER CLASS The Jed Foundation, which works to prevent suicide and protect the emotional health of teenagers and young adults, will benefit from a yoga event that has been scheduled to take place in White Plains on Thursday, Nov. 2. Tao Porchon-Lynch, who in 2012 was named by Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest yoga instructor, will be presenting a Master Class. All proceeds will go to The Jed Foundation. The event is at KOI Creative Space, 169 Mamaroneck Ave., from 6 to 8 p.m. The New York City-based foundation was established in 2000 by Donna and Phil Satow, who lost their youngest son, Jed, to suicide. Porchon-Lynch celebrated her 99th birthday on Aug. 13. She has more than 70 years of yoga practice and more than 45 years of teaching yoga to students in the U.S., France and India. She founded the Westchester Institute of Yoga in 1982. KOI Creative Space offers a shared location for freelancers and small businesses that are not quite ready for a space of their own or have decided they don’t want to take on the overhead. More information and registration for the yoga class at koicreativespace.com.

OCTOBER 23, 2017

They cooked up a unique fundraising event in Hyde Park — literally. Six master chefs were brought together at the Culinary Institute of America to prepare a six-course feast to benefit the Westchester Medical Center Health Network’s 10 hospitals in the Hudson Valley. The event was titled “Corks & Forks,” and appropriate wines flowed to accompany the food for the 200 diners. Organized by chef Peter X. Kelly of Xaviers Restaurant Group, courses were prepared by Kelly and chefs Edward Kowalski, owner of Crave Restaurant in Poughkeepsie and Lola’s Café in New Paltz; David DiBari, owner of the Cookery and The Parlor in Dobbs Ferry; Jim Ely, owner of Riverview Restaurant in Cold Spring and Yankee Barbecue and Beer Garden; Giovanni Scappin, owner of Cuccina in Woodstock and Market Street in Rhinebeck and Michael Kelly, owner of Liberty Street Bistro in Newburgh. Wines were provided by Harrison Wine Vault.

William H. Mulligan Jr., a partner at the White Plains law firm Bleakley Platt & Schmidt LLP, has been selected for the Fordham Preparatory School Hall of Honor. He’ll be inducted along with 14 others at a dinner to be held on Nov. 17 at The New York Botanical Garden. Mulligan attended Fordham Prep, Fordham University and Fordham School of Law. His father was dean of the Fordham University School of Law. Mulligan’s two sons, William and Rory, are also graduates of Fordham Prep. Mulligan is in the litigation and intellectual property practice groups at Bleakley Platt.


From left: Scot Medbury, president, Brooklyn Botanic Garden; Kim Elliman, president and CEO of the Open Space Institute; David Swope, Teatown honorary trustee; Nancy Felcher, Teatown vice chair and benefit co-chair; Kat Saunders, Teatown board trustee and benefit co-chair; Howard Permut, Teatown board chair; and Kevin Carter, Teatown executive director.

Tao Porchon-Lynch




TEATOWN SPENDS A NIGHT IN THE WOODS Teatown, the nonprofit nature preserve and environmental education center that manages more than 1,000 acres in the lower Hudson Valley, held its annual “A Night in the Woods” gala at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Honorees were David Swope and the organizations Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Open Space Institute. Swope served on Teatown’s board of trustees for several terms, including two terms as its chairman. The institute has protected almost 150,000 acres of open space in the Adirondacks, Hudson River Valley, Shawangunks and Catskills. It helped Teatown acquire land for preservation. In 1963, Brooklyn Botanic Garden accepted a 194-acre gift from the Swope family at a time when no other conservation organization foresaw the need for protected open space in northern Westchester, then largely undeveloped. When Teatown was organized and ready to become independent, Brooklyn Botanic offered a 200-year ground lease to Teatown, enabling it to grow as a community-based organization. Kevin Carter, Teatown’s executive director, said of the honorees, “Together they inspire communities across our country to lifelong environmental stewardship.”

Berkeley College in White Plains has named Robert Miller as its campus operating officer. He had been assistant COO at Berkeley’s campus in Manhattan. The college has three New York campuses — midtown Manhattan, Brooklyn and White Plains. In New Jersey there are five campuses — Dover, Newark, Paramus, Woodbridge and Woodland Park. As COO, Miller will be in charge of dayto-day operations. In addition to internal responsibilities, he will work with businesses on internships for Berkeley students and graduates.


Gerald J. Klein Jr.

From left: Cristle Collins Judd, U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano before the inauguration ceremony. Photo by Chris Taggart.


Cristle Collins Judd was inaugurated as Sarah Lawrence College’s 11th president during a ceremony at the college’s Yonkers campus. In addition to guests from the college and local communities, delegates from more than 60 colleges, universities, societies and associations attended. In her address, Judd noted that the college is planning to explore contemporary issues with a yearlong series of events created around the theme “Democracy and Education.” She said the issues include “What are the essential elements of a “democracy? Who gets to be a ‘citizen’ and why? How do we learn to speak to one another across deep ideological divides? How can we best balance the ideal of free speech in the face of hate speech? And what role should education — and higher education, in particular — play?” Judd comes to Sarah Lawrence from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, where she served as a senior program officer responsible for grants and initiatives supporting colleges and universities, the arts, civic engagement and the public humanities.

SERVICES CELEBRATE COLLABORATION Legal Services of the Hudson Valley and My Sisters’ Place celebrated their 10 years of collaboration with an open house at their joint offices at 100 E. First St. in Mount Vernon. Since their collaboration began in the Mount Vernon, they have helped more than 13,000 residents. Legal Services of the Hudson Valley provides free comprehensive civil legal services in the areas of domestic violence, housing emergencies, disability law, elder law, health care, consumer fraud and more. My Sisters’ Place deals with victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Legal Services CEO Barbara Finkelstein said, “Legal Services of the Hudson Valley could not have asked for a better partner and collaborator in providing essential civil legal services to those that cannot afford an attorney when their basic human needs are at stake, especially for domestic violence survivors. ” Karen Cheeks-Lomax, CEO of My Sisters’ Place, said of their partner, “They have been incredible partners and the impact we’ve made together has been profound.” Among the public officials on hand were Westchester County Legislator Lyndon Williams, Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Thomas and state Sen. George Latimer. Westchester Deputy County Executive Kevin Plunkett presented proclamations on behalf of Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino that acknowledged the work of the two organizations.

Information for these features has been submitted by the subjects or their delegates.

Gerald J. Klein Jr., president and CEO of the Tompkins Mahopac Bank, has been appointed to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council. The council is composed of representatives from commercial banks, thrift institutions and credit unions in the second district. The purpose of the council is to provide information and insight to the New York Fed from the perspective of community depository institutions. The New York Fed president and first vice president meet with the council twice a year to discuss regional economic and financial conditions, and other relevant issues. Council members generally serve three-year terms. “Community members’ banking needs are at the heart of what we do,” said Klein. “I am honored to represent them and their highest interests as a member of this prestigious council.” The second district includes New York, northern New Jersey, Fairfield County, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

CEREBRAL PALSY OF WESTCHESTER HONORS TWO Cerebral Palsy of Westchester held its 68th Annual Pioneer Dinner at The Surf Club in New Rochelle. This year’s Martie Osterer Award went to Mercedes Flud, a resident of St. Dominic’s Home in the Co-op City section of the Bronx. She was honored for the progress she has made to live life to the fullest, despite physical and other obstacles she has faced. The Lifetime Achievement Award recognized the commitment, dedication and service to the organization of Kiyoko Brown. She has been a board member, secretary of the executive board, member of fundraising committees and active in numerous projects.

Gilda’s Club in White Plains.


NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville and Gilda’s Club Westchester are partnering to bring additional support services to cancer patients. Licensed clinical social workers from Gilda’s Club Westchester are leading support groups and conducting a coping-skills workshop at the hospital. The programs are free. Previously, patients at the hospital had to travel to Gilda’s Club Westchester’s headquarters in White Plains to participate in its cancer support groups and other educational and supportive oncology services. Maureen Killackey, director of clinical cancer services at the hospital, said, “This is the model for patient-centered cancer care: the right team at the right place and time for patients and their families.” The CEO of Gilda’s Club of Westchester, Melissa Lang, said, “Offering emotional support as a complement to medical care is a key component of our mission and is essential for true patient-centered care.” In northern Westchester, Gilda’s Club and NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital in Cortlandt Manor partner to offer support groups for men and women newly diagnosed with cancer. Gilda’s Club is named in memory of comedian Gilda Radner, who died from ovarian cancer in 1989. It was founded in 1991 by her husband Gene Wilder, her cancer psychotherapist Joanna Bull, and a group of Gilda’s friends who included film critic Joel Siegel and actor Mandy Patinkin. The White Plains location opened in 2001. More information from Gilda’s Club Westchester at 914-644-8844 or info@gildasclubwestchester.org.

HOSPICE CELEBRATES Hospice of Westchester (HOW) recently hosted its 16th annual “In Celebration” reception at the Westchester Country Club in Rye. The guest speaker was Stone Phillips, formerly with NBC News where he was co-anchor of “Dateline NBC.” Phillips, an Emmy Award-winner, in 2013 produced a documentary seen on PBS that dealt with problems he encountered trying to care for his aging parents. Both of his parents were in hospice programs during the final months of their lives. “Hospice is wise and wonderful, and hospice professionals and volunteers are angels,” said Phillips. Proceeds from the event were designated to benefit The Anna & Louis H. Shereff Caregiver and Complementary Care Programs, providing therapies to alleviate pain, stress and anxiety. The therapies are offered to all HOW patients at no cost.


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FACTS MM Management and Real Estate Company Ltd., Chester. Seller: Guy T. Parisi, Rye. Property: 321 Prescott St., Yonkers. Amount: $50,000. Filed Oct. 10. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: John Manicke, et al, White Plains. Property: 103 Ridgeview Lane, Yorktown. Amount: $502,318. Filed Oct. 11. Property BP 2094 LLC, New Rochelle. Seller: Ashley Lawler, Larchmont, Property: 3 Woodland Ave., Mamaroneck. Amount: $730,000. Filed Oct. 13. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Francis J. Malara, White Plains. Property: 121 Clinton St., Yonkers. Amount: $684,080. Filed Oct. 10. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: John Sarcone, White Plains. Property: 37 Wheeler Drive, Cortlandt. Amount: $330,514. Filed Oct. 12. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Robert D. Ryan, White Plains. Property: 16 Lamartine Terrace, Yonkers. Amount: $668,890. Filed Oct. 11. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Leticia Arzu, Mount Vernon. Property: 494 Westchester Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $462,313. Filed Oct. 13. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Steven Forrester, New Rochester. Property: 86 Onondaga St., Yonkers. Amount: $621,733. Filed Oct. 13.


KATONAH, 3 Manor Lane. Singlefamily residence; lot size: 1.88 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York Mellon. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Robert Wallos. Referee: Jeffrey Binder. Sale: Oct. 24, 1:30 p.m. Approximate lien: $649,940.56.

PEEKSKILL, 1846 Carhart Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank Trust National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Stern & Eisenberg PC, 215-572-8111; 485 B Route 1 South, Iselin, N.J. 08830. Defendant: John Page. Referee: Todd Fishlin. Sale: Nov. 1, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $316,345.38.

MOUNT VERNON, 12 George Place. Two-family residence; lot size: .17 acre. Plaintiff: Trifera LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Friedman Vartolo LLP, 212-471-5100; 85 Broad St., New York 10004. Defendant: Alexander Taveras. Referee: John Sarcone III. Sale: Oct. 30, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $795,528.37.

RYE, 753 Boston Post Road. Singlefamily residence; lot size: .43 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Patricia Gondolfo. Referee: Roberto Lebron. Sale: Oct. 24, 1 p.m. Approximate lien: $555,142.96.

MOUNT VERNON, 13 North Sixth Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .06 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: Friedman Vartolo LLP, 212-471-5100; 85 Broad St., New York 10004. Defendant: Glenroy Moffatt. Referee: Theodore John Brundage. Sale: Nov. 8, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $638,964.79.

SLEEPY HOLLOW, 39 Elm St. Two-family residence; lot size: .08 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: RAS Boriskin, 516-280-7675; 900 Merchants Concourse, Westbury 11590. Defendant: Gustavo Infante. Referee: Jerrice Epps. Sale: Nov. 2, 2:30 p.m. Approximate lien: N/A.

MOUNT VERNON, 109 Grandview Ave. Two-family residence; lot size: .09 acre. Plaintiff: CitiBank. Plaintiff’s attorney: Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf LLP, 212-237-1000; 156 W. 56 St., New York 10019. Defendant: Ben Edd Taylor. Referee: Joseph Goubeaud. Sale: Nov. 3, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $391,806.74.

TUCKAHOE, 1 Consulate Drive, Unit 2N. Apartment; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Traian Branzan. Referee: Julia Henrichs. Sale: Oct. 24, noon. Approximate lien: $464,125.26.

MOUNT VERNON, 409 Warwick Ave. Two-family residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Edward Brevard. Referee: Paul Victor. Sale: Oct. 25, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $613,325.00.

YONKERS, 18 Arden Place. Singlefamily residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: Federal National Mortgage Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Ralph Peluso. Referee: Peter Rosato. Sale: Oct. 24, 2 p.m. Approximate lien: $469,953.82.

CORTLANDT MANOR, 1801 Ewing Place. Apartment; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Emigrant Bank. Plaintiff’s attorney: Knuckles, Komosinski & Elliot, 914-345-3020; 565 Taxter Road, Suite 509, Elmsford 10523. Defendant: Albert Mauro Referee: Daniel Pagano. Sale: Nov. 3, time to be announced. Approximate lien: $354,258.60.

MOUNT VERNON, 434 S. Fourth Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .09 acre Plaintiff: Christiana Trust. Plaintiff’s attorney: BP Fisher Law Group, 888-732-6606; 114 W. 47 St., New York 10036. Defendant: Sheng Chih Liao. Referee: Theodore Brundage. Sale: Nov. 6, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $472,042.69.

ELMSFORD, 28 Valleyview Road. Single-family residence; lot size .26 acre. Plaintiff: HSBC Bank USA National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-2195787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Vernell Gray. Referee: Jeffrey Binder. Sale: Oct. 27, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $343,903.52.

NEW ROCHELLE, 40 Lincoln Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .06 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, 585987-2800; 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St., Rochester 14614. Defendant: Victoria Rosario. Referee: Julia Henrichs. Sale: Oct. 23, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $418,992.28.

HARRISON, 25 Parsons St. Two-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Rafael Vilonueva. Referee: Christopher Meagher. Sale: Oct. 23, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $541,525.24 IRVINGTON, 4 Riverview Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .31 acre. Plaintiff: Bank of America National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Adrian Selby. Referee: Christopher Meagher. Sale: Oct. 23, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $843,386.91.


PEEKSKILL, 1640 Boulevard Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: JPMorgan Chase Bank National Assoc. Plaintiff’s attorney: Buckley Madole, 347-329-2071; 28 W. 44 St., New York 10036. Defendant: Maryanne O’Brien. Referee: Francis Terrell. Sale: Oct. 25, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $270,303.93.

YONKERS, 68 Runyon Ave. Warehouse; lot size: .29 acre. Plaintiff: Metalex Inc. Plaintiff’s attorney: Tucker Arensberg, 212-227-1440; 1500 One PPG Place, Pittsburg, Pa. 15222. Defendant: Crystal Glass Services RE. Referee: David Gelgarb. Sale: Oct. 23, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $81,043.00. YONKERS, 140 Bruce Ave. Singlefamily residence; lot size: .04 acre. Plaintiff: Citimortgage Inc. Plaintiff’s attorney: David A. Gallo & Associates, 718-459-2634; 95-25 Queens Blvd., Rego Park 11379. Defendant: Lorenzo Chambers. Referee: Peter Rosato. Sale: Oct. 31, 2 p.m. Approximate lien: $455,066.21.

JUDGMENTS Le Cremaillere Restaurant, Bedford. $9,241 in favor of DMKA LLC, New York City. Filed Oct. 12. NY20LLC, Greenburgh. $11,351 in favor of Associated Wholesale Grocers Inc., Kansas City, Kan. Filed Oct. 13.

FIGURES Village Natural Market Inc., New Rochelle. $62,403 in favor of Constellation Newenergy Inc., Baltimore, Md. Filed Oct. 13.

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Balsamo, Joseph, et al. Filed by Santander Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $300,700 affecting property located at 1 Lookout Place, Ardsley 10502. Filed Sept. 19. Barrett, Christopher, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $200,000 affecting property located at 120 Shonnard Terrace, Yonkers 10701. Filed Sept. 18. Beard, Victoria, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $456,000 affecting property located at 16 Primrose Avenue West, White Plains 10607. Filed Sept. 18. Carlson, Gary C., et al. Filed by Capital One N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $697,000 affecting property located at 25E Kinnicutt Road, Pound Ridge 10576. Filed Sept. 19. Diaz, Julian, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 537 Marietta Ave., Thornwood 10594. Filed Sept. 18. Edwards, Iris, et al. Filed by Prof2013-S3 Legal Title Trust. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 40 N. Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon 10553. Filed Sept. 20. Greene, Carleen, individually and on behalf of the estate of the late Eileen Rodgers, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $352,000 affecting property located at 458 Bedford Ave., Mount Vernon 10553. Filed Sept. 20. Gretsas, Anastasia, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $249,200 affecting property located at 703 Pelham Road, Unit 211, New Rochelle 10805. Filed Sept. 18. Griffin, George, et al. Filed by the State of New York Mortgage Agency. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $326,750 affecting property located at 50 Davis Ave., Valhalla 10595. Filed Sept. 18. Grimes, Roy T., et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $175,500 affecting property located at 1 Watch Hill Road, Crotonon-Hudson 10520. Filed Sept. 20.

Gyenizse, Tibor, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,000 affecting property located at 71 Trolley Road, Cortlandt Manor. Filed Sept. 19. Hanson, Sharon, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $365,083 affecting property located at 361 S. Fifth Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed Sept. 19. Hilpert, Carrie E., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $547,800 affecting property located at 66 Somerstown Road, Ossining 10562. Filed Sept. 18. Marquez, Carlos A., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $460,000 affecting property located at 34 Alida St., Yonkers 10704. Filed Sept. 19. Marschke, Lynn C., et al. Filed by Citimortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,000 affecting property located at 18 Somerset Drive, Somers 10589. Filed Sept. 20. McHugh, Shaun T., et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,000 affecting property located at 166 Union Ave., Peekskill 10566. Filed Sept. 19. Quilli, Angel, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $404,250 affecting property located at 29 Maple Place, Rye 10573. Filed Sept. 19. Sheehy, Maureen T., et al. Filed by Webster Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $185,000 affecting property located at 130 Kimball Ave., Yonkers 10704. Filed Sept. 18. Stylides Paula L., et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $235,000 affecting property located at 120 Old Army Road, Scarsdale 10583. Filed Sept. 20. Velardo, Antonio, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $1 million affecting property located at 9 Gualtiere Lane, Ossining 10562. Filed Sept. 20. Watts, David S., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $353,600 affecting property located at 325 Highland Ave., Mount Vernon 10553. Filed Sept. 20.

MECHANIC’S LIENS 138 Fox Meadow LLC, as owner. $10,416 as claimed by H and P Lumber and Material Inc., Golden Bridge. Property: in Scarsdale. Filed Oct. 12.

138 Fox Meadow LLC, as owner. $2,051 as claimed by H and P Lumber and Material Inc., Golden Bridge. Property: in Scarsdale. Filed Oct. 12. 14 Reimer Rd LLC, as owner. $32,124 as claimed by H and P Lumber and Material Inc., Golden Bridge. Property: in Scarsdale. Filed Oct. 12. 23 Glen Eagles LLC, as owner. $28,267 as claimed by H and P Lumber and Material Inc., Golden Bridge. Property: in Mamaroneck. Filed Oct. 12. AMS Builders LLC, as owner. $14,540 as claimed by Builders Firstsource Inc. Property: in White Plains. Filed Oct. 11. Grecco, Lisa, as owner. $193 as claimed by Carey and Walsh Inc., Briarcliff. Property: in Bedford. Filed Oct. 10. Hastings House Tenants Corp., as owner. $9,490 as claimed by River Green Design Build Inc., Dobbs Ferry. Property: in Greenburgh. Filed Oct. 12. Hufnagel, Amanda, as owner. $708 as claimed by Carey and Walsh Inc., Briarcliff. Property: in Ossining. Filed Oct. 10. Hull, Anola, et al, as owner. $386 as claimed by Carey and Walsh Inc., Briarcliff. Property: in Peekskill. Filed Oct. 10. Kessner, Cheryl, et al, as owner, $6,274 as claimed by H and P Lumber and Material Inc., Golden Bridge. Property: in Scarsdale. Filed Oct. 12.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Partnerships Bleu Realty Group, 125 Union Ave., New Rochelle 10801, c/o Cassell Brooks and Donna-Marie Brooks. Filed Aug. 16. Gladson Home Solutions, 1 Mackellar Court, Peekskill 10566, c/o Gladys M. Rosa and Nelson Santiago. Filed Aug. 16. Limitless Concrete, 15 Sprain Valley Road, Scarsdale 10583, c/o Andres Martinez and Sneeya Khan. Filed Aug. 17.

Sole Proprietorships A-T Taxi, 203 Lexington Ave., Mount Kisco 10549, c/o Alberto Tapia Garcie. Filed Aug. 16.


OCTOBER 23, 2017


FACTS AR Painting, 45 Elm St., Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Alan Ribeiro. Filed Aug. 17.


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Armando Auto Repair and Service, 118 Oakley Ave., White Plains 10601, c/o Armando Pavcar. Filed Aug. 17. Atlantic Construction Group, 1214 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck 10543, c/o Jessica Gavaller. Filed Aug. 17. Aussie Dog�y Services, 4A Cleveland St., Valhalla 10595, c/o Jose M. Arrellano Mendez. Filed Aug. 17. Blessing Express Shipping, 18 Fairview Place, New Rochelle 10805, c/o Julio C. Elvir Castro. Filed Aug. 16. Fornelos Design and Build, 12 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor 10567, c/o David Fornelos. Filed Aug. 17. Information and Data Management NY, 29 Chase Road, Suite 305, Scarsdale 10583, c/o Maria Salvi. Filed Aug. 17. JPA Landscaping and Contracting, 25 Ely Road, Cortlandt Manor 10567, c/o Juan Pablo Anilema Cepeda. Filed Aug. 17. Kansas Energies, 1 Executive Blvd., Yonkers 10701, c/o Allan V. Rose. Filed Aug. 16. Lawrence Contracting, P.O. Box 443, Millwood 10546, c/o Lawrence I. Horowitz. Filed Aug. 16. Lenos 22 Hair Studio, 1045 Park St., Peekskill 10566, c/o Rosena LouisJean. Filed Aug. 16. PCS Taxi and Limousine, P.O. Box 766, Peekskill 10566, c/o Cristhian G. Orellana. Filed Aug. 16. PMB Rentals, 44 Maple Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson 10706, c/o Peter Michael Bundrick. Filed Aug. 17. Recoba Remodeling, 174 Oak St., Yonkers 10701, c/o Adrian Recoba Fernandez. Filed Aug. 18. We Clean They Won’t, 531 E. Lincoln Ave., Apt. 2R, Mount Vernon 10552, c/o Jonathan James. Filed Aug. 18.

PATENTS Balancing storage node utilization of a dispersed storage network. Patent no. 9,794,337 issued to Andrew George Peak, Chicago, Ill.; Jason K. Resch, Chicago, Ill.; and Manish Motwani, Chicago, Ill. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.


OCTOBER 23, 2017




Electronics cooling assembly with multiposition, airflowblocking mechanism. Patent no. 9,795,055 issued to Levi A. Campbell, Poughkeepsie; Milnes P. David, Fishkill; Dustin W, Demetriou, Poughkeepsie; and Michael J. Ellsworth Jr., Poughkeepsie. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Eye-fatigue reduction system for head-mounted displays. Patent no. 9,794,550 issued to Elham Khabiri, Yorktown Heights; James R. Kozloski, New Fairfield, Conn.; and Clifford A. Pickover, Yorktown Heights. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Grouping electronic messages. Patent no. 9,794,214 issued to Mustansir Banatwala, Hudson, N.H.; David A. Brooks, Providence, R.I.; and Joseph A. Russo, Westford, Mass. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Hands-free Bluetooth car system. Patent no. 9,794,389 issued to R. Kent Koeninger, Nashua, N.H. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Implementing cloud-based malware container protection. Patent no. 9,794,287 issued to David M. Koster, Rochester, Minn.; Jason A. Nikolai, Rochester, Minn.; Adam D. Reznechek, Rochester, Minn.; and Andrew T. Thorstensen, Morrisville, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Method and apparatus for load balancing in network-based telephony application. Patent no. 9,794,332 issued to Arun Kwangil Iyengar, Yorktown Heights; Hongbo Jiang, Cleveland, Ohio; Erich M. Nahum, New York; Wolfgang Segmuller, Valhalla; Asser Nasreldin Tantawi, Somers; and Charles P. Wright, Cortlandt Manor. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Multichannel speaker output orientation detection. Patent no. 9,794,692 issued to Kulvir S. Bhogal, Fort Worth, Texas; Jonathan F. Brunn, Logan, Utah; Jeffrey R. Hoy, Southern Pines, N.C.; and Asima Silva, Holden, Mass. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Virtual machine access control in mobile computing device based on positional range from beacon signal. Patent no. 9,794,267 issued to Eli M. Dow, Poughkeepsie; and Douglas E. Rohde, East Meadow. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Zone-based away messages. Patent no. 9,794,745 issued to John K. Gerken III, Apex, N.C.; and Jeremy A. Greenberger, Raleigh, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.

HUDSON VALLEY BUILDING LOANS Below $1 million DeMasi, Thomas Jr., as owner. Lender: TEG Federal Credit Union. Property: in East Fishkill. Amount: $250,000. Filed Oct. 10. Estela, Nicholas A., et al, New Windsor, as owner. Lender: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $133,980. Filed Oct. 11. Ortega, Yesenia, as owner. Lender: M&T Bank. Property: 19 Johns Road, Middletown 10941. Amount: $203,691. Filed Oct. 17. Polk, Matthew, et al, as owner. Lender: USAlliance Federal Credit Union, Woburn, Mass. Property: 1159 Barrett Circle West, Carmel 10512. Amount: $928,000. Filed Oct. 5. Randolph School Inc., as owner. Lender: Salisbury Bank and Trust Co. Property: in Wappinger. Amount: $667,000. Filed Oct. 12. Sharecroppers 200 LLC, Newburgh, as owner. Lender: Patch of Land Lending LLC, Los Angeles, Calif. Property: 73 Courtney Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $83,000. Filed Oct. 16. Standard Consulting Services Corp., as owner. Lender: Lima One Capital LLC. Property: in Putnam Valley. Amount: $308,890. Filed Oct. 4. Tretola, Joseph, et al, Warwick, as owner. Lender: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $306,000. Filed Oct. 17. Woodstock Meats LLC, et al, Woodstock, as owner. Lender: The National Union Bank of Kinderhook, Kinderhook. Property: in Woodstock. Amount: $206,000. Filed Oct. 10.

DEEDS Above $1 million 548 Route 17M LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Route 17M LLC, Chester. Property: 548 Route 17M, Monroe. Amount: $2.3 million. Filed Oct. 10. C R Realty Pleasant Valley Inc., New York City. Seller: Cornwall Management LLC, Newburgh. Property: 132 North Ave., Pleasant Valley. Amount: $2.5 million. Filed Oct. 6.

FACTS Fae Holdings 482188R LLC, et al, Mahopac. Seller: TE West Realty Inc., Mahopac. Property: in Carmel. Amount: $1 million. Filed Sept. 19. The Sentinel Realty at Port Jervis LLC, Port Jervis. Seller: Ranglaxmi LLC, Port Jervis. Property: 90 and 2247 Greenville Turnpike, Port Jervis. Amount: $3.1 million. Filed Oct. 10.

Below $1 million 21st Mortgage Corp., Knoxville, Tenn. Seller: James Pawliczek, Florida. Property: 45 Julie Lane, Greenwood Lake 10925. Amount: $256,000. Filed Oct. 10. 34 Luty LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Elizabeth C. Shirley, Staatsburg. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $165,000. Filed Oct. 10. A and L Estate LLC, Monsey. Seller: Henry F. Gessner Jr., New Windsor. Property: 99 Riley Road, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $75,500. Filed Oct. 10. Al Twal LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Raphael J. Basso, Poughkeepsie. Property: 2 Tree Line Drive, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $255,000. Filed Oct. 12. Americansteel Inc., New Windsor. Seller: Bruno Brothers Automotive Technicians Inc., New Windsor. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $425,000. Filed Oct. 10. Bayview Loan Servicing LLC, Coral Gables, Fla. Seller: Gordon B. Fine, Yorktown Heights. Property: 12 Prospect St., Brewster 10509. Amount: $487,778. Filed Sept. 18. Boss Lady LLC, Salt Point. Seller: Brooke Adriance Ryan, Staasburg. Property: 149 Creek Road, Clinton. Amount: $700,000. Filed Oct. 10. Bright Future Capital LLC, Wappingers Falls. Seller: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Property: 11 Natures Way, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $145,000. Filed Oct. 10. Catskill Creations Realty Group LLC, Kingston. Seller: Rondout Savings Bank, Kingston. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $40,000. Filed Oct. 4. Chauncey Castle LLC, Little Falls. Seller: Lauren Thomas, Tillson. Property: in Rosendale. Amount: $75,000. Filed Oct. 12. Chestnut Hill Holding Group LLC, Saugerties. Seller: The Estate of Hermann Luebbert, Keller, Texas. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $299,000. Filed Oct. 10.


Commodore Capital Management LLC, Patterson. Seller: Winsted REO II LLC, Meriden, Conn. Property: 45 Livingston Road, Carmel 10512. Amount: $100,000. Filed Sept. 20.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Renee Cory, et al, Shokan. Property: 334 Onteora Court, Shokan 12481. Amount: $154,756. Filed Oct. 10.

Community Renaissance LLC, Wappingers Falls. Seller: HSBC Bank USA N.A. Property: 26 Holly Hills Drive, Woodstock 12498. Amount: $145,000. Filed Oct. 6.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Richard Schisano, Newburgh. Property: 19 Angola Road, Cornwall-on-Hudson 12518. Amount: $265,482. Filed Oct. 10.

David 1 LLC, New York City. Seller: Gerard Amalfitano, New City. Property: 11 Cottage St., Highland Mills. Amount: $221,847. Filed Oct. 10. Debellis Compound LLC, et al, Brewster. Seller: Charles Cerillo Jr., Middletown. Property: in Southeast. Amount: $221,577. Filed Sept. 25. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Jacqueline T. Martin, Poughkeepsie. Property: 6637 Route 82, Stanfordville 12581. Amount: $321,000. Filed Oct. 10. DMF and CJF Holdings LLC, Fishkill. Seller: Patricia L. Campanaro, Wappingers Falls. Property: 20 Gerry Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $135,500. Filed Oct. 13. Double R Capital Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Property: 14 Hampton Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $148,000. Filed Oct. 13.

Greco Family Realty LLC, Mahopac. Seller: Gorelick Family Realty LLC, Mahopac. Property: in Carmel. Amount: $760,000. Filed Sept. 25. Guardian Self Storage East LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Kelly Brady, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Pleasant Valley. Amount: $112,000. Filed Oct. 12. Hilltop Manor Realty Corp., Mahopac. Seller: Joseph J. Tock, Mahopac. Property: 475 Route 6, Mahopac 10541. Amount: $232,001. Filed Sept. 15. HR Bradford LLC, New Paltz. Seller: Susan M. O’Heir, et al, Baldwin. Property: in Olive. Amount: $67,500. Filed Oct. 6. Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Mark T. Starkman, Highland Mills. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $72,500. Filed Oct. 12.

E and M Patterson LLC, Rye Brook. Seller: Denise Luft, Patterson. Property: in Patterson. Amount: $147,500. Filed Sept. 22.

Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Michael T. Rutski, et al, Kingston. Property: 113 Main St., Kingston 12401. Amount: $169,062. Filed Oct. 12.

Equity Trust Co., et al. Seller: Salvatore Gaglio, et al, Poughkeepsie. Property: 16 N. Meadow Lane, Putnam Valley 10579. Amount: $427,360. Filed Oct. 5.

Hudson Valley Luxury Homes Inc., Mahopac. Seller: Linda Lloyd, Millerton. Property: 55 Everett Road, Carmel. Amount: $275,000. Filed Oct. 4.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Jeanne Frey, Somers. Property: 89 Deacon Smith Hill Road, Patterson 12563. Amount: $358,929. Filed Oct. 6.

Manor Properties Redevelopment LLC, Brewster. Seller: Jennifer Busenkell, Lake Forest, Calif. Property: in Kent. Amount: $60,000. Filed Sept. 19.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Jose Michael Marcano, et al, White Plains. Property: 124 Hollowbrook Road, Lake Peekskill 10537. Amount: $449,012. Filed Sept. 21.

McKinley Property LLC, Amenia. Seller: Stone Resource Inc., Wassaic. Property: 24 Summer St., Dover Plains 12522. Amount: $40,500. Filed Oct. 11.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Seller: Justin B. Barnes, et al, Marlborough. Property: 5 Center St., Marlborough 12542. Amount: $176,004. Filed Oct. 12. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Annette Balestrieri, Patterson. Property: 3 Remsen Road, Patterson 12563. Amount: $204,992. Filed Sept. 28. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Kyle Owen, et al, Carmel. Property: 15 Tulip Road, Brewster 10509. Amount: $221,575. Filed Oct. 6.

Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Kingston. Seller: Rosemary Schultz, Lake Katrine. Property: in Ulster. Amount: $77,888. Filed Oct. 4. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Anthony Grau, et al, Ridgefield, Conn. Property: in Southeast. Amount: $177,857. Filed Sept. 26. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Melvin Spivak, Poughkeepsie. Property: 39 Riverdale Drive, Wingdale 12594. Amount: $323,000. Filed Oct. 12. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Preston Scher, Scarsdale. Property: 40 Tulip Drive, Brewster 10509. Amount: $464,825. Filed Oct. 6.

FIGURES O627 Properties LLC, Stone Ridge. Seller: Domenicucci Real Estate LLC, New Paltz. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $125,000. Filed Oct. 12. One Accord Realty Inc., et al, Bronx. Seller: Allan R. Zaroff, Mineola. Property: 115 Weygant Hill, Highland Mills. Amount: $107,000. Filed Oct. 10. Parkway Goshen Inc., Goshen. Seller: LNV Corp. Property: 26-28 Parkway, Goshen 10924. Amount: $305,000. Filed Oct. 10. Partners with PARC Inc., Brewster. Seller: W. James Dove, et al, Spring Hill, Fla. Property: 1088 Route 52, Carmel 10512. Amount: $375,000. Filed Oct. 2. PennyMac Corp., Moorpark, Calif. Seller: Michael J. Mell, et al, Cold Springs. Property: 3 Short St., Cold Spring 10516. Amount: $389,517. Filed Sept. 18.

The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Sarah E. Sholes, Poughkeepsie. Property: 167 N. Grand Ave., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $429,000. Filed Oct. 13. The Putnam County National Bank of Carmel, Carmel. Seller: Emily Barile, Mahopac. Property: in Kent. Amount: $560,000. Filed Sept. 29. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Stanley Esposito, Pleasantville. Property: 49 Boniello Drive, Mahopac 10541. Amount: $292,500. Filed Sept. 19. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Stanley Esposito, Pleasantville. Property: 49 Boniello Drive, Mahopac 10541. Amount: $292,500. Filed Sept. 19. Van Wagner LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Williams and Lintel Painting and Decorating Inc., Poughkeepsie. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $212,500. Filed Oct. 13.

Pennymac Holdings LLC, Moorpark, Calif. Seller: Patricia Campanaro, Wappingers Falls. Property: 24 Hawthorne Lane, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $465,500. Filed Oct. 11.

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Guillermo A. Diaz, et al, New City. Property: 64 Ridge Road, Garrison 10524. Amount: $355,158. Filed Sept. 28.

Prospect Hill Realty LLC, Brewster. Seller: Joseph A. Charbonneau, et al, Brewster. Property: 120 Prospect Hill Road, Southeast. Amount: $115,000. Filed Sept. 20.

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Maura A. Barrett, Poughkeepsie. Property: 21 Laurel Park Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $445,500. Filed Oct. 10.

Putnam Clubhouse LLC, Mount Vernon. Seller: Robert F. Curtin, Englewood, Fla. Property: 138 Clubhouse Drive, Carmel 10512. Amount: $900,000. Filed Sept. 20.

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Ned Kopald, Highland Falls. Property: 7 Worthington Drive West, Carmel 10512. Amount: $370,278. Filed Sept. 25.

Putnam Premier Properties LLC, Brewster. Seller: Ridge Hill Tower Inc., Somers. Property: in Carmel. Amount: $480,000. Filed Sept. 26.

Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Colleen A. McCormack, Fishkill. Property: 922 Duell Road, Stanfordville 12581. Amount: $234,500. Filed Oct. 12.

Reverse Mortgage Solutions Inc. Seller: Sarah E. Sholes, Poughkeepsie. Property: 46 Dorothy Heights, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $242,000. Filed Oct. 10. RPS2017 Inc., Kingston. Seller: Rocket Property Solutions Inc., Kingston. Property: in Marbletown. Amount: $57,000. Filed Oct. 5. RPS2017 Inc., Kingston. Seller: Rocket Property Solutions Inc., Kingston. Property: in Marbletown. Amount: $71,000. Filed Oct. 5. Standard Consulting Services Corp., Newburgh. Seller: Raymond Kruse, et al, Walland, Tenn. Property: 16 Union Place, Lake Peekskill. Amount: $245,000. Filed Oct. 4. Stonewall Enterprise LLC, Carmel. Seller: Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Property: 22 Clubhouse Drive, Carmel 10512. Amount: $139,900. Filed Oct. 5. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Christopher A. Montalto, Poughkeepsie. Property: 6 Jordan Court, Poughquag 12570. Amount: $289,500. Filed Oct. 12.

Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Preston S. Scher, Scarsdale. Property: 22 Clubhouse Drive, Carmel 10512. Amount: $445,158. Filed Oct. 5. Wyndclyffe Castle LLC, Smithtown. Seller: Fun Investment Homes LLC, Woodside. Property: 25 Wyndclyffe Court, Rhinebeck 12572. Amount: $170,000. Filed Oct. 11. Zelmar LLC, Millbrook. Seller: Silvano A Boscardin, Dover Plains. Property: in Amenia. Amount: $360,000. Filed Oct. 11.

AT and Sons Electric LLC, Marlboro. $759 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Country Heritage Films LLC, Woodstock. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Gabriel’s, Accord. $334 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Gold Rush Jewelers, Ellenville. $1,369 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Oct. 6. Heyer Water Company Inc., West Hurley. $599 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Holding On, Letting GO, Memoir Group of Kingston Corp., Kingston. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Hopf Realty LLC, Kingston. $525 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. JCP Construction, Kingston. $706 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Mel Mike Corp., Saugerties. $2,278 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Oct. 13. MMG Holdings of Orange County Inc., New Hampton. $322,100 in favor of Agio International Company Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan. Filed Sept. 29. New York Pest Solutions Inc., Saugerties. $4,821 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. New York Vape Club Inc., New Paltz. $154 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10. Smithtown Hot Yoga Inc., Saugerties. $349 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10.


The Supply Captain Ltd., Marlboro. $6,545 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Oct. 6.

28 McEwan Street LLC, Warwick. $42,909 in favor of Vanzo Wholesale Food Equipment Inc., Middletown. Filed Sept. 29.

TRE Gemelli Corp., New Paltz. $312 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 10.

Arbani Inc., Kingston. $13,012 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Oct. 12.


OCTOBER 23, 2017


FACTS LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Amendola, Gail A., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $297,500 affecting property located at 297 Farm to Market Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 20. Antonucci, Linda Lee, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $181,000 affecting property located at 43 Sunset Drive, Patterson 12563. Filed Sept. 26. Argenzio, Rocco, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 91N Brewster Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 20. Arnold, Edna M., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $290,442 affecting property located at 18 Lowell Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Oct. 4. Beedenbender, Raymond, et al. Filed by Green Tree Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 4 Marina Place, Unit E-1, Mahopac 10541. Filed Sept. 19. Cahill, Ryan, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $277,904 affecting property located at 1 Tanager Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Oct. 10. Calogero, Shirley, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 6 Oak Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 29. Cammarata, Randie, et al. Filed by Wilmington Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $516,000 affecting property located at 138 Duke Drive, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 20. Cannizzaro, Wendy, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $255,000 affecting property located at 5 Vega Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 26. Cella, Jo Ann, et al. Filed by Leonard S. Gerber. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $179,000 affecting property located in Kingston. Filed Sept. 28.


OCTOBER 23, 2017



Colantuono, Peter W., et al. Filed by Santander Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $368,000 affecting property located at 13 Ridge Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 7.

Dinga, Allen Jr., et al. Filed by New Penn Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $36,400 affecting property located at 271 Second Ave. and 260-284 First Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed Sept. 29.

Joyce, Declan, et al. Filed by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $166,528 affecting property located at 6 Stephen Drive, Saugerties 12477. Filed Oct. 13.

Milburn, Andy, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 16 Dubois Lane, Ulster 12401. Filed Sept. 27.

Pelliccio, Anthony, et al. Filed by CMG Mortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $308,312 affecting property located at 90 Andrews Road, LaGrangeville 12540. Filed Oct. 6.

Colello, Brian, et al. Filed by PCSB Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $105,000 affecting property located at 17 Geneva Drive, Kent. Filed Oct. 3.

Distasio, Patricia, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 49 Steuben Road, Garrison 10524. Filed Sept. 25.

Kleinlercher, Anthony J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $380,000 affecting property located at 2 Collier Drive East, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 15.

Munoz-Gonzalez, Alejandro, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $210,000 affecting property located at 35 Byram Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 19.

Pereira, Irene L., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $169,690 affecting property located at 26 Shufeldt St., Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 13.

Distefano, Joseph, et al. Filed by 21st Mortgage Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $417,000 affecting property located at 85 Baker Road, Kerhonkson 12446. Filed Sept. 28.

Kolmel, Wayne, et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $103,500 affecting property located at 6 Frontier Drive, Pine Bush 12566. Filed Oct. 13.

Murphy, John T. Jr., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $207,824 affecting property located at 46 Lounsbury Place, Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 11.

Finno, Tara, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $152,000 affecting property located at 68 Eastern Parkway, Saugerties 12477. Filed Oct. 10.

Kostner, Jason, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $137,600 affecting property located at 1620 Old Kings Highway, Saugerties 12477. Filed Oct. 11.

Murphy, Thomas E., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $132,000 affecting property located at 17 Pine Lane, Saugerties 12477. Filed Oct. 10.

Friedmann, Michael J., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $298,350 affecting property located at 140 Sheer Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed Sept. 28.

Levine, Adam J., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $306,000 affecting property located at 100 Lincoln Drive, Kent 10512. Filed Oct. 4.

Nascimento, Gilvandro, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $436,654 affecting property located at 313 Haviland Drive, Patterson 12563. Filed Sept. 12.

Colonna, Michael J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $132,405 affecting property located at 119 Tuckers Corners Road, Highland 12528. Filed Oct. 5. Cummins, Don M. III, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $414,295 affecting property located at 34 Mayfair Lane, Mahopac 10541. Filed Sept. 29. Dakin, Barbara, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $379,749 affecting property located at 25 Winston Lane, Garrison 10524. Filed Sept. 6. Daniels, William, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $164,900 affecting property located at 1424 Ulster Heights Road, Ellenville 12428. Filed Sept. 28. Davidson, Theresa, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $86,000 affecting property located at 41 Park St., Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 12. DeBellis, Anthony, et al. Filed by the State of New York Mortgage Agency. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $182,875 affecting property located at 610 Drew Lane, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 22. DeFeo, Arthur, et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $212,850 affecting property located at 58 Floradan Road, Putnam Valley 10579. Filed Oct. 10. Delango, John J., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $172,000 affecting property located at 10 Laurel Lane, Shokan 12481. Filed Oct. 10. Depuy, Christopher A., as heir at law and next of kin of Dawn Berchtold, who is heir at law and next of kin of Lois J. Berchtold, et al. Filed by Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 1407 Route 208, Walkill 12589. Filed Oct. 13.


Garcia, Sharon M., individually and as surviving spouse of David I. Garcia, et al. Filed by MTGLQ Investors LP. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $244,000 affecting property located at 16 Kent Road, Hopewell Junction 12533. Filed Oct. 9. Haughton, Henry H., et al. Filed by Primelending. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $221,969 affecting property located at 61 Bullet Hole Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 19. Heirs and distributees of the estate of Dorothy Pitts, et al. Filed by Fifth Third Mortgage Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $95,000 affecting property located at 76 Reservoir Road, Marlboro 12542. Filed Oct. 5. Heirs and distributees of the estate of Leon Coe, et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $318,000 affecting property located at 59 Greenwood Drive, Beacon 12508. Filed Oct. 10. Heller, Christopher M., et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $242,000 affecting property located at 62 Hawleys Corners Road, Highland 12528. Filed Oct. 4. Hopkins, Nigel A., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $382,500 affecting property located at 484 Lake Shore Drive, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 28.

Maguire, Thomas R., et al. Filed by Lasalle Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $567,000 affecting property located at 18 Coventry Lane, Brewster 10509. Filed Oct. 5. Marello, Susan L., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 13 Franklin St., Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 11.

Neira, Juan T., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $53,525 affecting property located at 402 Haviland Drive, Patterson 12563. Filed Oct. 6. Nokland, Sten, et al. Filed by First Niagara Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $120,000 affecting property located at 899 Farmers Mills Road, Kent. Filed Sept. 13.

Perez, Daniel, et al. Filed by Green Tree Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $145,025 affecting property located at 4 Spring St., Ellenville 12428. Filed Oct. 2. Pignatelli, James, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $300,000 affecting property located at 270 Buckshollow Road, Mahopac 10541. Filed Sept. 26. Pinel, Guillermo, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $400,000 affecting property located at 10 Sanborn Road, Patterson 12563. Filed Sept. 7. Pinto, Mayra, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $292,000 affecting property located at 128 Main St., Southeast 10509. Filed Sept. 14. Pisani, Ralph, et al. Filed by DLJ Mortgage Capital Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $306,282 affecting property located at 408 Terrace Ave., Rosendale 12472. Filed Sept. 27.

Marino, John M., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $51,200 affecting property located at 21 Brayton Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 11.

O’Neil, Karen K., et al. Filed by Citibank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $228,800 affecting property located at 751 Route 284, Westtown 10998. Filed Aug. 26.

Ranaghan, Keith, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $331,000 affecting property located at 372 Lake Shore Drive, Mahopac 10541. Filed Sept. 29.

Matrejek, Steven E., et al. Filed by 21st Mortgage Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $650,000 affecting property located at 4 Townsend Lane, Brewster 10509. Filed Oct. 6.

Ortiz, Jenaro R. Ojeda, et al. Filed by Beneficial Homeowner Service Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $261,713 affecting property located in Poughkeepsie. Filed Oct. 6.

Relyea, George Jr., et al. Filed by Carrington Mortgage Services LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $176,604 affecting property located at 2775 Route 32, Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 4.

Mercurio, Joseph, individually and ad administrator of the estate of John Mercurio, et al. Filed by United Real Estate LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $450,000 affecting property located in Philipstown. Filed Oct. 5.

Ozcan, Yulet, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $274,800 affecting property located at 5504 Applewood Circle, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 8.

Rhodes, Scott, et al. Filed by Ulster Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $60,650 affecting property located at 25 Chapel St., Ellenville 12428. Filed Oct. 6.

Pasache, Isabel, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $178,072 affecting property located at 6 Smith St., Pawling 12564. Filed Oct. 10.

Robins, Elizabeth, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $42,447 affecting property located at 23 Gates Drive, Patterson 12563. Filed Sept. 14.

Michalowski, Donald, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $111,319 affecting property located at 52 Plank Road, Wawarsing 12458. Filed Oct. 10.

FACTS Romaniello, Daniel D. III, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $271,345 affecting property located at 2743-45 Route 301, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 28. Roseberry, Dorothy, et al. Filed by Reverse Mortgage Solutions Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 15 Maple St., Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 4. Rosen, Robert A., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $520,000 affecting property located at 65 Wetherill Road, Brewster 10509. Filed Oct. 6. Schech, Edmund, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,000 affecting property located at 156 Shindagen Hill Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 21. Schoen, Nancy, et al. Filed by CitiMortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $86,000 affecting property located at 3907 Wild Berry Court, Poughkeepsie 12603. Filed Oct. 10. Seelbach, Heidi, as temporary public administrator to the estate of Betty J. Paroli, et al. Filed by MTGLQ Investors LP. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $160,000 affecting property located at 14 Cream St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Filed Oct. 10. Sellati, Richard, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $423,500 affecting property located at 43 Albrecht Lane, Pleasant Valley 12569. Filed Oct. 6. Sifre, Anne, as executor of the estate of Dannie Moss, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,000 affecting property located at 228 Old Kingston Road, New Paltz 12561. Filed Oct. 10. Simpson, Richard F. III, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $145,000 affecting property located at 215 Vista on the Lake, Carmel 10512. Filed Oct. 4. Solomon, Paul L., et al. Filed by Citizens Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $135,000 affecting property located at 26 Witchtree Road, Woodstock 12498. Filed Sept. 29. Standen, Sandra, as executrix of the estate of Doris Digiorgio, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $141,591 affecting property located at 69 Church St., Ellenville 12428. Filed Oct. 12. Stanton, Maria, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $280,819 affecting property located at 43 Union Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 22.

Starzyk, Stephen J. Jr., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $304,900 affecting property located at 29 Vincent Lane, Stone Ridge 12484. Filed Sept. 27. Stern, Mary, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $224,000 affecting property located at 23 Ticonderoga Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 8. Stonecypher, Todd E., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $319,920 affecting property located at 122 Hunt Road, Wallkill 12589. Filed Oct. 11. Tahmin, Bob, et al. Filed by CitiMortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $146,000 affecting property located at 77 Crossroad Court, Stormville 12582. Filed Sept. 20. Tejada, Ernan, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $89,300 affecting property located at 146 Smith Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed Oct. 10. The estate of Lucille Steinberger, et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $177,000 affecting property located at 23 Barrett Hill Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 13. Tompkins, George, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $129,600 affecting property located at 8 Christopher Lane, Mahopac 10541. Filed Sept. 28. Tuck, Hazel M., as heir to the estate of Nona Cole, et al. Filed by Roundpoint Mortgage Servicing Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $75,867 affecting property located at 28 Woodland Trail, Carmel 10512. Filed Sept. 25. Valcourt, Vladimir, et al. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $140,600 affecting property located at 113 Fox Run Lane, Patterson 10512. Filed Sept. 13. Vitiello, Albert J., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,000 affecting property located at 64 Perks Blvd., Cold Spring 10516. Filed Sept. 20. Vitiello, Albert J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $25,000 affecting property located at 63 Perks Blvd., Cold Spring 10516. Filed Sept. 12. Voelp, John M., et al. Filed by Citimortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $230,000 affecting property located at 29 Country Lane, Garrison. Filed Sept. 21.


Whittaker, William H., et al. Filed by Sovereign Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $157,900 affecting property located in Esopus. Filed Oct. 2. Williamson, Brian A., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $249,340 affecting property located at 51 Sterling Road, Carmel 10512. Filed Oct. 6.

MECHANIC’S LIENS Bates Gates Road LLC, as owner. $36,563 as claimed by Joe Lombardo Plumbing and Heating of Rockland Inc., Suffern. Property: 96 Bates Gates Road, Wawayanda. Filed Oct. 17. Chelsea GCA Realty Partnership LP, Roseland, N.J., as owner. $65,952 as claimed by Lawrence Fabric Structures Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Property: in Woodbury. Filed Oct. 11. Crist, Carl L., et al, as owner. $9,667 as claimed by Builders Firstsource Inc., Middletown. Property: 8 Batt Lane, Campbell Hall. Filed Oct. 12. Dutchess SW LLC, as owner. $20,278 as claimed by Tiffany Lumber Company Inc., Bronx. Property: 684 Dutchess Turnpike, Poughkeepsie. Filed Oct. 10. Keindl, Steven, et al, Pine Bush, as owner. $5,240 as claimed by E. Tetz and Sons Inc., Middletown. Property: 1024 Benjamin Van Keuren Drive, Pine Bush 12566. Filed Sept. 21. Maguire, John V., et al, as owner. $6,184 as claimed by Titan Painting LLC, Danbury, Conn. Property: 5 Danand Lane, Patterson. Filed Sept. 25. Marist College, as owner. $3.6 million as claimed by TRI Krete Ltd., Ontario, Canada. Property: 3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie. Filed Oct. 11. Seven Greens Housing Development Fund Corp., et al, as owner. $63,024 as claimed by Family Danz Mechanical LLC, Albany. Property: 120 Lawenceville St., Ulster. Filed Sept. 21. Shawangunk Country Club LLC, as owner. $10,250 as claimed by Patrick McNamara, Grahamsville. Property: in Wawarsing. Filed Oct. 3. Sherman, Jonathan S., et al, Ulster Park, as owner. $2,960 as claimed by George Apap Inc., Patterson. Property: 132 Carney Road, Ulster Park 12487. Filed Sept. 28. Ward, McLain L., as owner. $1.6 million as claimed by Fortune Home Builders LLC, Sleepy Hollow. Property: 2-12 Castle Hill Lane, Brewster 10509. Filed Sept. 26.

FIGURES Gerardo Marin Taping, 5 Stratton Ave., Middletown 10940, c/o Gerardo Marin Rojas. Filed Oct. 14.

Primitive Fertilizers, 506 Garden St., Newburgh 12550, c/o Todd Vradenburgh. Filed Oct. 4.

Goshen Medical Supply, 28 Northgate, Goshen 10924, c/o Keith Newman. Filed Oct. 5.

R.P. Contracting, 60 Jhnonston St, Newburgh 12550, c/o German R. Paltan Lemache. Filed Oct. 13.

Doing Business As

Homespun Hudson Valley, 115 Lexington Drive, Newburgh 12550, c/o Lisa M. Remer. Filed Oct. 5.

Scepter Brides Flowers, 49 Tuthill Road, Blooming Grove 10914, c/o Gail Lynne Deleon. Filed Oct. 13.

Mid Hudson Homestead Realty Group Inc., d.b.a. Hudson Valley Real Estate Brokerage, 110 Maiden Lane, Kingston 12401. Filed Sept. 22.

Hop Blossom Farm, 151 Coldenham Road, Walden 12586, c/o Eric Robens. Filed Oct. 12.

Siah’s Thoughts, 294 First St., Newburgh 12550, c/o George Fennell. Filed Oct. 3.

RJCJS Properties Inc., d.b.a. Rock Candy, 77 Main St., New Paltz 12561. Filed Sept. 22.

I Buy Houses, 4 S. Main St., Harriman 10926, c/o Raymond South, Jr. Filed Oct. 7.

Simple Love Boutique and Gift Shop, 28-32 Highway 78, No. 4, Middletown, c/o Jia Yuan Lin. Filed Oct. 3.

Stanley Auto Services Inc., d.b.a. Drive N Style of New York, 4164 Route 32, Saugerties 12477. Filed Sept. 22.

James McCormick Building Maintenance and Residential Services, 2 Dyer Lane, Cornwall-on-Hudson 12518, c/o James J. McCormick. Filed Oct. 4.

Special Moments by Nicole, 44 Center St., Apt. 2-1, Highland Falls 10928, c/o Nicole Nemley. Filed Oct. 14.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

YH’s Nails Beauty Inc., d.b.a. YH’S Nails, 3650 Route 9W Shop N., Highland 12528. Filed Sept. 22.

Partnerships Tice’s Window Cleaning, 63 Alexander Road, Monroe 10950, c/o Brooke Tice and Troy Tice Jr. Filed Oct. 7.

Sole Proprietorships Absolute Contracting, 26 Highland Ave., Walden 12586, c/o Casey Lee Espinosa. Filed Oct. 5. Art of the Party, 948 Scotchtown Collabar Road, Crawford 10941, c/o Patricia Ann Behr. Filed Oct. 7. Better Book Publishing, 45 Birch Court, Middletown 10940, c/o Yvonne C. Monk. Filed Oct. 11.

Julie Riley, LCSW, 372 Fullerton Ave., Newburgh 12550, c/o Julie A. Riley. Filed Oct. 14. L’Hasbir, 20 Roune Court, Monroe, c/o Chava R. Friedlander. Filed Oct. 13.

Stepping Stones Child Care, 16 Town Wells Court, Middletown 10940, c/o Sheressa Belk. Filed Oct. 4. Tamara’s Cleaning Services, 796 S. Plank Road, Slate Hill, c/o Tamara Antoinette Ricketts. Filed Oct. 4.

M and S Services, 412 Saracino Drive, Maybrook 12543, c/o Jimmy Soto Jr. Filed Oct. 13.

The Adventures of Boochi Malloochi, 612 Stage Road, Monroe 10950, c/o Salvatore Corrente. Filed Oct. 4.

MOCA Preschool Services, 13 Mid Oaks St., Monroe 10950, c/o Joseph L. Sawoska. Filed Oct. 7.

Top Priority Pest Management, 12 Vascello Road, New Windsor 12553, c/o Jose D.C. Pagan. Filed Oct. 3.

Newburgh Last Saturdays, 115 Broadway, Newburgh, c/o Meagan Leddy. Filed Oct. 11.

True Love Tattoo, 264A Main St., Highland Falls, c/o Marchel Machioni DeSousa. Filed Oct. 3.

O’s and T’s In and Out Deli, 20 E. Main St., Middletown, c/o Natasha Steed. Filed Oct. 4.

Your Jewelry Factory, 282 Estrada Road, Central Valley 10917, c/o Francis S. Lee. Filed Oct. 5.

Orange Strong, 2 Rabbit Hill Road, Warwick 10990, c/o Paul R. Murray, Jr. Filed Oct. 12. Pernice’s Rescue Training, 5 Jackson Lane, Campbell Hall 10916, c/o Adam V. Pernice. Filed Oct. 4.

Carnival Treats, 416 Broadway, Newburgh 12550, c/o Sidney Monroe Jr. Filed Oct. 11. Chief Cohen Consultant, 206 Meadow Hill Road, Newburgh 12550, c/o Richard W. Cohen. Filed Oct. 14. Collins Cleaning Services, 13 Willow St., Mountain Dale 12763, c/o Tie’Anna C. Collins. Filed Oct. 14. Daniro’s Homemade, 30 Pulaski Highway, Apt. 5, Pine Island 10969, c/o Debora Wellema. Filed Oct. 12. E.A.S. Transport, 5 My Valley Drive, Middletown 10940, c/o Brendon Tyer Saunchgrow. Filed Oct. 3.

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Members of Consumer Reports will be held at the CR Auto Test Center in Colchester, CT, on October 25, 2017, at 11 a.m. Members are encouraged to submit their ballot electronically for the annual election of Directors of Consumer Reports, in accordance with the instructions provided with the ballot sent to the email address associated with your membership. Completed ballots must be received by Consumer Reports no later than October 16, 2017, at 11:59 p.m.

AO/Senior Programmer/Analyst (AllianceBernstein L.P. – White Plains, NY) Provide app sftwr dvlpmnt srvcs for real-time mid office trade process’g app for Institutnl clients. F/T. Reqs Bach’s dgr (or frgn equiv) in Comp Sci, Comp Info Sys or rel tech fld & 4 yrs exp in job offrd or in techn app dvlpmnt. All stated exp must incl: Sybase, MS SQL Server, UNIX & Perl; NUnit Test’g Framwrk or Team City; integratn w/ DevExpress WPF Ctrls; MS .Net techs incl C#, WPF, Web API, WCF, Prism, & MVVM Pattern; integratn w/ Open Source Techs incl NLog, Fluent Validatn, Auto Mapper or Moq; integratn w/ Order Mgmt Sys incl OASYS Direct us’g C++ or Fidessa us’g JAVA; &, Equity Trad’g Mid Office bus & ext vendor trade match’g sys incl OMGEO CTM, OASYS Direct or Traiana. Resumes: J. Alvia, AllianceBernstein L.P., 1345 Ave of the Americas, New York, NY 10105. JobID: ASP-VSU.


OCTOBER 23, 2017


LEGAL NOTICES Notice of formation of Coastal Quant Partners, LLC. Articles of Org. filed with NY Secretary of State (SSNY) on August 03, 2017, office location: Westchester County, SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61359

41-45 MPR Associates LLC. Filed 9/12/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St. Ste. 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61369

Robotics N Codes for kids, LLC doing business as RoboThink Westchester, NY. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/24/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC, upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn NY 11228 Principal Business Location: 1 Chateaux Circle, 1K, Scarsdale NY 10583 Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61360

41-43 Middle Pond Road Holding LLC. Filed 9/5/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St. Ste. 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61371

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: 1055 Construction Services LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on September 1, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 1055 Construction Services LLC, 1055 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 204, Ardsley, New York 10502. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61361 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî).Name: TriMont Development and General Contracting LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on September 1, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to TriMont Development and General Contracting LLC, 162 Washington Avenue, New Rochelle, New York 10801. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61362 111-39 76th Road LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 8/31/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 111 N. Central Park Ave., Ste. 400, Hartsdale, NY 10530. General Purpose. #61363 Notice of Formation of 1075 YONKERS AVENUE LLC. Principal Office Westchester County. Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) designated as agent for service of process. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served against the LLC to 1075 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704 Articles of Organization of the LLC filed with the SSNY on August 11, 2017. Purpose: Any lawful act(s) #61365 Notice of formation of 103 Tennessee, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on September 7, 2017. Office location in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 38 Truesdale Lake Drive, South Salem, New York 10590. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61367 41-43 Middle Pond Road Associates LLC. Filed 9/5/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St Ste. 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61368


OCTOBER 23, 2017

Bluestone 41-45 LLC. Filed 9/12/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St. Ste. 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61370

41-45 MPR Holding LLC. Filed 9/12/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St. Ste 204, White Plains, NY, 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61372 GQBD, LLC. Art. of Org filed with SSNY on 9-5-17. Office loc: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail any process to LLC at 75 Random Farms Dr. Chappaqua, NY 10514. Purpose: any lawful #61373 Notice of Formation of ATLAS Maintenance Services LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/11/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 72 Park Dr Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61375 48 Brookdale LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 9/15/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Daniel Demasi, 66 E. Brookside Dr., Larchmont, NY 10538. General Purpose. #61376 Notice of Formation of OíDonovan Communications, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/7/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228 desig. as agent of the LLC upon which process may be served. US Corp Agents shall mail process to the LLC, 230 Forest Avenue, Rye, NY 10580. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61377 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: Quintessential Associates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on September 15, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Quintessential Associates LLC, 162 Washington Avenue, New Rochelle, New York 10801. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61378 Notice of Formation of S and S Longview Ave, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of States of New York (SSNY) on 9/15/2017. Office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at its Principal Business Location, 47 Longview Ave., White Plains, NY 10605, Attn: Stuart Madden. Purpose: Management of Residential Property. #61379 Notice of Formation of Accepted U College Consulting Associates, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/05/2017. Offc. Loe: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 140 Warren Ave Hawthorne, NY 10532. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61380


Notice of formation of PRECISION MASSAGE THERAPY PLLC, Art. Of Org. filed with the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/17/17. Office location: Westchester Cty. SSNY designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the PLLC, 50 Main St., Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606. Purpose: Practice the profession of Massage Therapy. #61381 BABBITT ROAD PARTNERS LLC Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 09/08/2017. Office located in Westchester Co. Secy. of State designated as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/her to: 167 Perry Street, 5D, New York, New York 10014 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be formed. #61385 CGDG LLC Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 09/08/2017. Office located in Westchester Co. Secy. of State designated as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/ her to: 465 Long Ridge Road, Bedford, New York 10506 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be formed. #61386 Notice of Formation of ASL Floor Installation & Repair LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/07/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 674 Harrison Ave Peekskill, NY 10566 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61387 Notice of Formation of 990 Mclean LLC. Principal office Westchester County. Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) designated as agent for service of process. SSNY shall mail a copy ofany process served against the LLC to 120 Hyatt Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704. Articles of Organization of the LLC filed with the SSNY on September 21, 2017’. Purpose: Any lawful act(s). #61388 R.S. PEPE - AUTOMOTIVE EVENTS, LLC Articles of Organization filed 9/25/17; SSNY; Westchester County, New York; SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. Address for mailing copy of process: 5 Dove Ct, Ste A, Crotonon-Hudson, NY 10520; Purpose: any lawful purpose; Perpetuity. Name and address of Organizer: Roderick J. MacLeod, Esq., 80 Washington St, Ste 301, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 #61389 Red Moon Tea LLC. Date of filing Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State (SSNY) 9/21/2017. The LLC is located in Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it served is to the registered agent location at c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202, Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful act or activity. #61390 Notice of Formation of Rob Purdie, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/28/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1 Shorthill Rd. Ardsley, NY 10502. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61392

Notice of Formation of Danny’s Cycles Wolfs Lane LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/01/17. Offc.Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig.as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 101 Secor Ln, Pelham Manor, NY 10803 . Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61393

Good Shepherdís Estate, LLC. Art. Of Org. filled with the SSNY on 9/22/17. Off. Loc: SSNY Westchester cty. desig. as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process of the LLC at : 415 McClellan Ave. Mount Vernon, NY 10553. Purpose: any lawful purpose #61405

Nao LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 9/18/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 240 Central Ave., White Plains, NY 10606 . General Purpose #61394

Notice of Formation of Peaceful Provisions LLC. Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/6/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 2851 Fox Hall St., Mohegan Lake, NY 10547. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61406

Notice of Formation of Leveraging Literacy, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 9/18/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 49 Loh Ave., Tarrytown, NY 10591. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61395 Notice of Application for Authority to do business in New York of SUNSUP HOME SOLUTIONS LLC (ìLLCî). Application for Authority filed with the Secretary of State (ìSSNYî) 8/10/17. The LLC formed in Neveda (ìNVî) on 4/20/17. Office location is Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of such process to the LLC c/o 7 Granada Crescent Apt 22, White Plains, NY 10603. Office address is c/o 7 Granada Crescent Apt 22, White Plains, NY 10603. Copies of Certificate of Organization of LLC are on file and may be obtained from the Secretary of State of NV, Nevada State Capitol Building, 101 North Carson Street, Suite 3, Carson City, NV 89701. Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful act or activity. #61396 P.M. Gillen, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/20/2017. Office: Westchester Cty. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 47 Keats Ave. Hartsdale, NY 10530. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61398 Clive’s Home Improvement LLC. Arts of Org filed with SSNY on 08/07/17. Off. Loc: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served & shall mail copy to: 84 Harding Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606. Purpose: any lawful #61399 Notice of Formation of 345 East 80th Street, Apt. 3H, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/5/17. Office location: Westchester. SSNY designated agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process served against the LLC to Linda Grace John, 3 Chalmers Blvd, Amawalk, NY 10501. The principal business address of LLC is 3 Chalmers Blvd., Amawalk, NY 10501. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61400 Blazing Paths With FastPitch Softball LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 9/29/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 45 Halcyon Ter., New Rochelle, NY 10801. General Purpose. #61403 Notice of Formation of 993 Lenox Road LLC. Of Org. filed NY Secy. of State on 12/09/2016. Offc. Loc: 993 Lenox Road Brooklyn NY 11212. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 993 Lenox Road Brooklyn, NY 11212. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61404

4300 Purchase Associates, LLC. Filed 9/18/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water St. Ste. 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61407 500 Commerce LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 9/26/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to John Piazza, 3 West Stevens Ave., Hawthorne, NY 10532. General Purpose. #61408 Notice is hereby given that a restaurant brewer license, #TBA has been applied for by CP Factoria LLC d/b/a The Factoria to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 5 John Walsh Blvd. Peekskill NY 10566 . #61409 THE MITCHELL LEGAL GROUP, PLLC. Arts of Org filed with SSNY on 10/06/17. Off loc: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy to: The PLLC, 950 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10804 Purpose: any lawful #61410 Notice of Formation of MODA Training LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/05/2017. Office Location: Westchester. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 42 Doeview Lane, Pound Ridge NY 10576. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61411 NJE Chemservices, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 10/12/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Neal J. Earhart, 1 Renaissance Sq., Unit 25E, White Plains, NY 10601. General Purpose. #61412 Elecsys Engineering Group PLLC. Articles filed w/ SSNY 9/28/17. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY designated for service of process and shall mail to: 195 Evan Dr, Ossining, NY 10562. Purpose: P.E #61413 Notice of Formation of SMARTERKIDS CONSULTING LLC. Filed with SSNY on 8/29/2017. Offc.Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig.as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 161 Harvard Dr Hartsdale, NY 10530. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61414 Notice of Registration of Pollack & Kozupsky LLP. Cert/Reg. filed with SSNY 9-28-17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for process. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: c/o Beth Pollack, 119 Cedar Hill Rd. Bedford, NY 10506. Purpose: To practice the profession of law. #61415

NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 ( Owner ) site remediation and demolition project (the Demolition Project ), will be received by the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners for the following work: Work consists of all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to perform site remediation, asbestos and universal waste abatement, storage tank removal and demolition of building and other structures at 495 King Street, Chappaqua, NY. Bids for the above Contract will be received by the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners, until 2:00 pm on October 26, 2017, at the office of the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners (the Owner ), 491 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514. At such time all Bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud in the Meeting Room of the Owner's Office, 491 South Greeley Avenue, Chappaqua, NY 10514. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (CONSTRUCTION MANAGER) WCD GROUP 1350 Broadway, Suite 1904, New York, NY 10018 TELEPHONE: 212-631-9000 Fax: 212-631-8066 Contract Documents, including Instructions for Bidders, Bid Forms, Drawings and Specifications for the proposed project will be available for pickup at the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 (the Owner ), Board of Fire Commissioners' Administrative Office, 491 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514, Telephone: 914-238-6287 on the following dates and times: October 5, 6, 9-13, 16, 18, 20, 23 and 25 between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Contractors needing to make alternative arrangements can call the district office at 914-238-6287. Copies of said Contract Documents can be obtained for a refundable fee as described below. Make separate checks or money orders, for each set, payable to NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1: Contract Documents: $50.00 per each set Shipping and Handling: $15.00 (Non-Refundable) Any Bidder, upon returning the Contract Documents in good condition to the NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 will be refunded full deposit on first set and 50% deposit on additional sets, if returned within thirty (30) days. All Contract Documents may be examined at the Owner's Administrative Office. All bids shall be submitted on the Bid Forms accompanying the Specifications and in accordance with the Instructions for Bidders and shall not be removed from the Contract Documents. Bids shall be addressed to: NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1, 491 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514, Attention: Anthony Oliveri, Chairperson and shall be in a sealed envelope marked: Bids to be marked: NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1, DEMOLITION PROJECT Attention: Anthony Oliveri, Chairperson Bids shall be signed by the bidder and if the Bidder is bidding as an individual, the Bidder shall add its business address and place of residence. In the case of a partnership, the names and residence of each partner shall be inserted. In case a bid shall be submitted by or in behalf of a corporation, the corporate name and address of the bidder shall be followed by the signature of the authorized corporate officer and its corporate office shall be set forth therein. In case a bid shall be submitted by or in behalf of a limited liability company, the limited liability company name and address of the bidder shall be followed by the signature of the authorized manager or member and its office shall be set forth therein. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in substantially in the form provided in the Bid Specifications or Certified Check payable to NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 in an amount not less than 5% of the Bid. The NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 will hold a Pre-Bid Meeting, located at COMMISSIONERS ROOM, 491 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 10514 on October 12, 2017 at ll:OOAM. The NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action purchaser. Bids from all vendors, including those from MBEs, WBEs and SBEs are encouraged. Non-collusive bidding certifications must be signed and attached to all bids. The NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to award the contract to the Bidder deemed to be for its best interest and further reserves the right to consider bids for a period of forty-five ( 45) days from the date of receipt thereof. NEW CASTLE FIRE DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners Dated: 9/28/17 Anthony Olivieri, Chairperson # 61397

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OCTOBER 23, 2017


Portrait by renowned illustrator Joseph Adolphe.


“The biggest challenge for your business today? Tomorrow.”

Donald P. DiCarlo Jr. Chief Fiduciary Officer Wilmington Trust, N.A. As our chief fiduciary officer, Don makes sure we are collectively and consistently meeting our fiduciary responsibility to our clients through the advice we give and how we deliver it. He is also a member of the senior leadership team overseeing all personal trust, fiduciary tax, and wealth planning services for Wilmington Trust’s Wealth Advisory division. Don is part of a seasoned team of professionals who exemplify Wilmington Trust’s 114-year heritage of successfully advising families and business owners. For access to knowledgeable professionals like Don and the rest of our team, contact Sharon Klein at 212-415-0547.

Transitioning ownership of your business will undoubtedly be one of the most significant events of your life. And one you may not be prepared to even think about right now. However, with careful planning at each stage, you can expect to be ready for what’s ahead – and confident that you’ll preserve everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Growing your business. Your banker and insurance specialist will help determine which deposit, lending, cash management, and insurance solutions will best fuel the growth of your business. You’ll also want to ensure your will and other estate planning documents are in order, and that you’re taking advantage of tax-minimization strategies. Transitioning business capital to personal capital. As your business evolves, you may consider selling or transitioning to your son or daughter, or someone outside the family. We can help you explore exit strategies, secure the right buyer, and value your business. We’ll also help you determine how and where to invest your wealth, and how to manage your liquidity and cash flow needs.

Managing and transferring personal wealth. This is when all your hard work pays off. You’ll begin to implement trust and planning strategies to transfer wealth to the next generation. You may also have the freedom to donate resources to those organizations you find meaningful.


O F B U S I N E S S O W N E R S H AV E NO TRANSITION PLAN Source: “The Power of Planning” survey of 200 business owners conducted by Wilmington Trust

Founded by successful family business leader T. Coleman duPont more than a century ago, Wilmington Trust has the heritage and experience to help guide you through times of growth and succession. Our approach focuses on both your business and personal financial needs, allowing us to make each transition in your journey a seamless one. For more insight on the importance of business transition planning, download our latest research at wilmingtontrust.com/ businessowners.

F I D U C I A R Y S E R V I C E S | W E A L T H P L A N N I N G | I N V E S T M E N T M A N A G E M E N T | P R I V A T E B A N K I N G*

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale of any financial product or service. This article is not designed or intended to provide financial, tax, legal, accounting, or other professional advice since such advice always requires consideration of individual circumstances. If professional advice is needed, the services of your professional advisor should be sought. There is no assurance that any investment, financial, or estate planning strategy will be successful. *Private Banking is the marketing name for an offering of M&T Bank deposit and loan products and services. Investments: • Are NOT FDIC-Insured • Have NO Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value Wilmington Trust is a registered service mark. Wilmington Trust Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of M&T Bank Corporation. Wilmington Trust Company, operating in Delaware only, Wilmington Trust, N.A., M&T Bank, and certain other affiliates provide various fiduciary and non-fiduciary services, including trustee, custodial, agency, investment management, and other services. International corporate and institutional services are offered through Wilmington Trust Corporation’s international affiliates. Loans, credit cards, retail and business deposits, and other business and personal banking services and products are offered by M&T Bank, member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. ©2017 Wilmington Trust Corporation and its affiliates. All rights reserved.


OCTOBER 23, 2017


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