9 | DOWNTOWN LIVING NOVEMBER 6, 2017 | VOL. 53, No. 45
Campaign money talks in AstorinoLatimer county executive race BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com
Guitarist Kit Benz entertains children and parents at a Songs for Seeds Class in Scarsdale. Photo by Aleesia Forni.
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White Plains doctor works amid ‘wreck’ in Puerto Rico aforni@westfariinc.com
t took only hours for Dr. Erik Larsen, assistant director of emergency medical services and emergency preparedness at White Plains Hospital, to hop on a plane for Puerto Rico once he learned his services and expertise were needed by the hurricane-ravaged island. “The devastation was just everywhere,” said Larsen, who landed in Puerto Rico less than a month after Hurricane Maria laid waste to the region. “It’s a wreck.” Larsen was part of a team deployed by the federal National Disaster Medical
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System, an arm of the Department of cy department,” said Larsen, who serves Health and Human Services that suppleas chief medical officer of the National ments health and medical systems and Disaster Medical System’s Region 2, which response capabilities during times of crisis. covers New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico In Puerto Rico, Larsen’s team operand the U.S. Virgin Islands. ated a medical shelter in Manati, a city The repurposed medical facility in about 30 miles west of San Juan. The Manati hosted between 40 to 50 chronic makeshift medical center was convert» » PUERTO RICO, page 6 ed from a large sports arena that had been largely undamaged by the hurricane. “Some of what we were doing was basically being their family doctor, and some of what we were doing was For Community Banks with Assets of $500 Million+ acting like an emergen-
f money is the mother’s milk of politics, then the $4.2 million given to Robert Astorino and George Latimer in their contest for Westchester county executive suggests priorities and obligations. Real estate developer Louis R. Cappelli, for instance, was Astorino’s biggest contributor at $65,000. Latimer’s biggest contributors were three wealthy individuals who tend to support Democrats and liberal causes and who kicked in $111,000. The numbers come from recent financial disclosure reports filed with the state Board of Elections. Overall, the lion’s share of campaign contributions has gone to Astorino, the Republican, two-term county executive who is seeking re-election on Nov. 7. Friends of Rob Astorino has raised more than $2.9 million through mid-October. That’s more than twice as much as the $1.3 million given to Latimer, a Democratic state senator. More people and organizations have supported Astorino, 2,783 to 2,159 for Latimer, and their average donation was nearly twice as much, $1,051 to Latimer’s $598. Individual contributors, partnerships and trade associations were twice as generous to Astorino as to Latimer. Latimer received twice as much from unions, $97,000, to Astorino’s still respectable $48,000. The greatest differential was in corporate money: $413,000 for Astorino and
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