The Walter - Issue 6 - Fall 2023

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ISSUE 6 | FALL 2023



This edition celebrates and showcases women in business, including some of our own trailblazers.

Shaping The Future Of Education A behind the scenes look at our exclusive podcast interview with President Lori Stewart-Gonzalez.

Dr. Jen Traxler Executive Director

Dr. Amy Taylor-Bianco Director, Master of Science in Management (MSM)

Amy Toth

The Walter Center Team

Assistant Director Co-Director, Emerging Leaders

Kim Jordan

Director, Strategic Leadership Certificate

Steve Musser

Assistant Director, Wandell Fellows

Shawnee Meek

Director, HR Management Certificate, SHRM Chapter

Tom Marchese

Co-Director, Emerging Leaders

STUDENT TEAM Taylor Reigle Liz Dziubek Jessica Wolfe Kennedy Stana Ryan Koenig Brady Floyd Maddi Raisch Lexie Vincenty Dan Rozen (not pictured)



3 Foreword: A Note from Dr. Jen Traxler 4 Evolving Through Engagement 5 An Overview of the Walter Center Programs 7 Women in Business Seminar 9 Leadership Podcast Series with President Lori Gonzalez 11 Q&A with Wandell Fellows and Emerging Leaders Presidents 13 Servant Leadership & Community Outreach 15 Lancaster Speaker Series 17 Networking With Alumni 18 Senior Spotlight with Taylor Reigle

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FOREWORD From Executive Director, Dr. Jen Traxler We already have achieved great things together and the imaging of what is possible continues. Here is a sneak peak of some things we are dreaming about for the future of the Walter Center in addition to continuously challenging ourselves to make all of our great offerings even better: • We are in the early stages of planning a Walter Center Global Consulting Program in the Netherlands with priority given to students involved in Walter Center programs for summer 2025 What an exciting time to be at Ohio University, in the College of Business, and leading the Robert D. Walter Center for Strategic Leadership. We have welcomed to OU our first female President, Lori StewartGonzalez. We are experiencing record numbers of student enrollment at the university and in the College of Business. And, we have so much to share about all the wonderful things we are doing in the Walter Center that we are introducing our first Fall semester edition of The Walter. In this issue, we recap what the students in our flagship programs have been experiencing this semester and we are celebrating several firsts: • The launch of our Leader Lounge Podcast, highlighted by an episode that aired in October with President Lori Stewart Gonzalez • The Ohio University Women’s Center, kicked off their “Women In…” monthly series and the Walter Center was a proud co-sponsor of the initial Women In Business: Leading with Purpose event • The inaugural Walter Center Student Leader of the Year Award was presented to Taylor Reigle during our 3rd annual Raymond A. Lancaster Executive Leadership Speaker Series A favorite quote of mine is from Coco Chanel, “To achieve great things, we must first dream.” Thanks to all those who have been part of the dreaming and building of the Center so far including our many generous donors, alumni, students, friends, administrators, faculty, staff, and of course the leaders within the center.

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• A LEAD recognition award will be launched the beginning of next semester. The purpose is for members of the Walter Center leadership team to recognize students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, behaviors, and values of the Walter Center. We will be highlighting recipients on our social media platforms (please join us there if you don’t already) • We will be expanding our Executive Mentor pool for our students in Walter Center programs. If you are interested, please connect with me ( • We are contemplating how to expand our leadership learning opportunities to accommodate the record number of students coming into the COB • As part of an Honors Tutorial College thesis, one of our Wandell Leadership Fellows and Walter Center Student workers, Ryan Koenig, will commence a research project benchmarking best practices of leadership centers in higher education We will keep dreaming and ask for you to join us in identifying the possibilities of what is next in our journey of building global business leaders. Should you have any ideas or feedback you wish to share, please do so with any of our Walter Center leadership team members or me. We are truly appreciate all you do for our programs and most importantly, our students. Finally, from the Robert D. Walter Center for Strategic Leadership Center Family to yours, we wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season! Looking forward to more great things to come in 2024! For now, happy reading…

Burr Oak Fall Leadership Development Retreat With Executive Mentors

Transformative Leadership Through Diverse Experiences

Emerging Leaders Team Building Event Wandell Fellows Alumni Day

Executive Engagement Chris Bellamy - Cohen & Co

Emerging Leaders Fall Bonfire Retreat

OHIO HR Programs/SHRM Executive Engagement Adam Zaller - Cardinal Health

Alumni Engagement with Steve Muck & Family

8th Annual Eco Challenge

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The Walter Center Leadership Development Programs

The Wandell Leadership Fellows, formerly named Select Leaders, is one of the College of Business’ competitive programs for students who want to differentiate themselves, are hungry to embark on a journey of selfdiscovery, coaching, and experiences, and are ready to develop into future leaders with integrity and the highest ethical standards.

The Emerging Leaders program is a one-year accelerated development program that aims to empower Ohio University sophomores/incoming juniors to become effective leaders. Through this program, members can enhance their interpersonal skills and professional expertise while receiving valuable mentorship to help them reach their full leadership potential.

The Strategic Leadership Certificate is for students looking to differentiate themselves in the competitive job marketplace. The program provides fundamental business training and helps students articulate their leadership potential to contribute to an organization's strategic direction.

The Ohio University Human Resources Certificate is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to determine effective human resource management strategies, improve organizational health and longevity, and achieve desired outcomes. Through the HR Certificate program, students will learn how to effectively collaborate in project teams, tackle complex assignments, and meet strategic and operational objectives.

Ohio University's online Master of Science in Management (MSM) features a customizable curriculum comprising of 12 three-credit courses that are seven weeks in duration. Students learn in a flexible format and design a program of study that aligns with their academic interests and professional goals. OHIO's MSM is designed to deliver the multidisciplinary skills students need to be effective, transformative managers in modern organizations.

The Leader Lounge podcast is for curious and empowered leaders of all levels looking for growth. We interview students, professors, and industry leaders from OHIO University's Robert D. Walter Center for Strategic Leadership and College of Business Graduate Programs.

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AREAS OF F CUS Communication Difficult Conversations Executive Presence Interviewing/Employer Relations Peer Coaching

Personal Growth

Professional Development Implementing Change Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Principle-Centered Leadership Business Etiquette Decision Making Goal-setting

Emotional Intelligence Well-Being & Mindfulness Developing a Growth Mindset Accountability Servant Leadership

THE PROOF Why you want our Bobcats on your team!









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WOMEN IN Leading With Purpose BUSINESS by: Lexie Vincenty

“Whatever you choose, live it with passion.” - Dr. Jen Traxler On September 20th, just two days before American Business Women's Day, the Ohio University Women’s Center and The Walter Center, hosted an event highlighting women in business and career experiences. The Walter Center’s Dr. Jen Traxler served as the Keynote Speaker for this event. She was joined by Dianne Kujis, Liesbeth Koot, and Dr. Ana Rosado-Feger, Chair of the Management Department. Dr. Mel Kulp, the Assistant Dean for the Business Academic Advising and Career Services, emceed the event with Letitia Price, Assistant Director of the Ohio University Women’s Center. The stage was also shared with Dr. Ashley Metcalf, Director of Executive Education, who facilitated the panel. Dr. Jen Traxler opened the seminar with bits of advice that she labeled as: “Jen’s 10”. These steps are to be used in a professional setting and everyday life to help people grow and learn as professionals. The most memorable take away from her speech was the advice: “Whatever you choose, live it with passion.” Following Traxler’s presentation, each panelist shared personal and professional leadership experiences and how they impacted their careers. Dr. Ana Rosado-Feger discussed the importance of building strong relationships with clients and students by understanding their unique personalities and work styles. “The challenges that mainly connect me to others is to see what drives them, their work style, and what is holding them back,” Rosado-Feger noted. She acknowledges that as someone in a leadership position, leaders will face many challenges both as individuals and with the various teams that someone might find themselves leading.

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To overcome these hurdles, leaders must connect with their employees and team members personally and find the core values they hold close to them and even their beliefs that may make them feel stuck in the same place. But there is always a way to turn that situation around and make them feel empowered.

“ If you’re not a little uncomfortable, it’s not a growth opportunity for you.” - Ana Rosado-Feger

Dianne Kuijs and Liesbeth Koot both serve as Career Managers for Sogeti Netherlands, a longtime College of Business Executive Education partner. They are experienced professionals in leading teams and guiding young professionals as they enter the work force. It was fitting to have both Kuijs and Koot serve on the panel as they were on campus for the 136th program between Ohio University and Sogeti. “The Executive Education team is excited to highlight the campus collaboration, the international insights, and the 23 year relationship with Sogeti,” says Dr. Ashley Metcalf, the Director of Executive Education for the College of Business. “The program has hosted over 3,400 young professionals over the years and continues to provide professional development opportunities to our partners at Sogeti.” Kujis shared some insights from her early career and how she overcame the challenges and learning curves. She mentioned that her technical background led her to seek a job in that field. Fortunately, she felt comfortable in her new position. However, things took an unexpected turn when she was suddenly tasked with responsibilities outside her comfort zone. Specifically, she was asked to handle sales, which was entirely new. This change was difficult initially, but it allowed her to shift her mindset and approach challenging tasks more positively. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, she learned to tackle new challenges with a growth mindset. Much like Kujis, Koot also works within the HR department at Sogeti, but her background varies from that of her colleague. Obtaining a degree in social work, Koot worked as a probation officer in the Netherlands, where she was in and out of police stations, jails, and other similar places. But, with the expansion of larger companies in the country, she decided to make a career change, which led her to become a project manager at an IT company. Koot worked her way to a leadership position in HR, which would change her job title to "Career Manager." As the women's event came to a close, there was a palpable sense of inspiration and motivation in the air. Attendees left feeling empowered to lead with purpose and make a positive impact in their respective fields. Some even made new connections and formed valuable professional relationships. It was a truly unforgettable experience that left everyone looking forward to the next Women in Business event.

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The Leader Lounge Showcasing Leaders And Trailblazing Educators

by: Lexie Vincenty

The popular range of existing podcasts and their genres continue to expand as peoples’ interest in them grows. As for the business world, many start-up podcast shows highlight topics such as self-growth, leadership, innovation, and so much more. The Leader Lounge Podcast was created within the Robert D. Walter Center at Ohio University College of Business. Shortly after creating the Master of Science in Management program, Director Dr. Amy Taylor-Bianco wished to create a podcast showcasing the themes in leadership and selfgrowth taught within the program. The podcast’s mission aligns with the MSM, which “allows students to combine unique technical specializations and develop management and leadership skills to propel them in their careers.” Nick Winnenberg, Graduate Student President of the MSM, and his brother, Alex Winnenberg, were able to turn this dream into a reality. The team recorded and produced their first episode with the help of OnBrandPodcasts, with Nick as the host and Dr. Amy Taylor-Bianco as the first guest. “We’re excited to talk to guests about the program and the experience we offer,” Taylor-Bianco says in the inaugural episode. “It’s not just a program, but a whole set of experiences that have made me better, and I hope make all of us better.”

Each month, the show hosts a new guest speaker who explains the importance of leadership development, entrepreneurship, education, teaching, and career advancement and their experiences within these fields. The guests include students, faculty, and other industry leaders, and hopes to expand its audience to listeners of all experience levels. The show has featured seven podcast so far, including those from Dr. Amy Taylor-Bianco, Dr. Jen Traxler, and Professor Paul Benedict to name a few . They all provide valuable advice on navigating the professional world, drawing from their own life experiences and careers. Listeners can look forward to new episodes, including "Shaping the future of education in America An interview with our 23rd President, Dr. Lori Stewart Gonzalez”. President Stewart Gonzalez highlights her extensive career in higher education spanning over 30 years, which has led her to Ohio University. She shares her vision for the future, emphasizing inclusivity and highlighting how the university can further value its students and other stakeholders.

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Starting as a speech pathologist working with students and hospitals, President Stewart Gonzalez was eventually asked to teach a continuing education session to a group of speechlanguage pathologists. From there, her career in higher education took off as she began teaching at Eastern Kentucky University.

Working through different leadership positions, she has been an Assistant to the Chair of the Department, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Dean, and Provost. “I always made myself open to all opportunities, so you just don’t lock into one thing. Try to learn as much as you can, and keep yourself open to all opportunities. This will serve you well,” President Stewart Gonzalez advised listeners. Ohio University has many opportunities not only for prospective and enrolled students but also for its alumni. This episode and others on the podcast will inform its listeners how they can become involved with organizations and people that will help them further their professional development.

All available and upcoming episodes stream on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major streaming platforms. Future episodes will be released monthly. Thank you to the team of producers who make this show possible and to Dr. Taylor-Bianco for having the vision that made this a reality. In the words of the Leadership Lounge Podcast slogan,

“Master your niche, lead the way!”

We hope you keep listening!

Other Featured Episodes Unconventional Paths and Innovative Education: A conversation with Dr. Amy Taylor-Bianco Building Bridges: Dr. Jen Traxler’s journey in leadership development Exploring entrepreneurship and teaching: An insightful conversation with Professor Paul Benedict Keith Carr's Insights of Veteran's Journey in Education and Career Advancement Maggi's Journey to the MSM Program Navigating Academic Leadership: A conversation with Dean Jackie Rees Ulmer Exploring Interdisciplinary Learning and Personal Growth with Dr. Ana Rosado-Feger - Upcoming: Jan 8th Additional podcasts coming in the spring semester

What Disney Character Does President Lori Stewart Gonzalez Compare Herself To Most? Find Out On Our Latest Episode of The Leader Lounge Podcast With President Dr. Lori Stewart Gonzalez - Our 23rd President

Scan the QR Code for more information! Tune into the Leader Lounge Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or where ever you get yours.

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So far, what has been your favorite activity or retreat that you've participated in with the Wandell Fellows Program?

Maddi Raisch How has the overall experience been since you started as president? It's been amazing. I think what makes the group is its members, and it isn't hard to lead a group when everyone is as focused and motivated as our Wandell Fellows are. It's nice to have a group that, when you speak, they listen. And when they speak, I'm all ears as their leader because I value everyone's input. It's just been nothing but a pleasure to lead this group. It's certainly a lot of work.

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One of the most memorable events has been the Burr Oak Fall Retreat. We held it earlier this year and received amazing feedback about it. The retreat brought everyone together and united all the main principles of our group. We were able to bond as a team and work on foundational curriculum at the same time. Before the retreat, we read books. The sophomore class read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, where they learned about Covey's leadership theory. The junior class read The Leaders’ Compass. It was great to engage with the text and come together in a fun and beautiful environment while diving into the principles that our group is based on.

How have you changed professionally since you became president of this program? Throughout my education, I have mainly focused on developing technical skills and working in front of a computer all day. However, since taking on this new role, I have had to shift my focus to people-oriented tasks. This has entailed navigating new relationships, whether with our alumni and executives that we're trying to bring in, or just managing relationships with students. As a result, I've found myself focusing more on the people side of business, a side that I appreciate a lot more than I had thought earlier in my college career.

Get To Know Our Presidents! How has the overall experience been serving as President? The experience as president has been great and I am very thankful that I have had the opportunity to hold such a role. Taking on something like this can be a shock at first when you realize just how much goes into the day to day, but using the skills I had already learned in my first semester in Emerging Leaders I was able to be successful. I have also had an amazing support group with Tom and Amy our Co-Directors. As I am answering these questions, we are going through the process of electing our next president, and the feeling is bittersweet. I am going to miss being president of such a great organization, but I am very excited to see what our next president does in this role.

What is your favorite part about being President? My favorite part about being president is also one of the hardest parts, getting to know and seeing my peers grow. It is amazing getting to know each person who comes into Emerging Leaders and watching the beginnings of their leadership stories. Knowing that we are all here for the same reasons and all have similar goals is comforting and makes it very easy to form strong relationships. Now that that time is coming for me and my EL8 classmates I am excited for us to graduate, but sad to be leaving. This is one of the hard parts about being a leader, but if you have these feelings, it likely means you are doing it right.

Isaiah McIntyre What made you want to take on the role of President? There are many factors that went into my desire to take on this role, but the main piece was wanting to be there for my class and help Emerging Leaders grow stronger. From the day I joined this organization I could tell how much it would help me and my classmates become the next leaders of the world. I initially started off as the Co-VP of Philanthropy within EL and the position showed me how easy and fulfilling it was to help others. This helped lead me to my decision to keep contributing to not only Emerging Leaders, but the College of Business as a whole.

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Tenderfoot Learning Labs by: Lexie Vincenty

A day for service, leadership & learning On a cool, autumn Saturday in October, students from all four of The Walter Center groups returned to Tenderfoot Learning Labs to volunteer their time and learn more about sustainability within the Ohio Appalachian Region. During the event, the volunteers helped to build an outdoor classroom and prepare the land around Tenderfoot for the winter season. Some volunteers laid a floor for the outdoor classroom area, while others tended to the garden and learned about local agriculture. Other volunteers cleared parts of the forest near the outdoor shower to allow easier access. After their work was completed, Tenderfoot provided homemade dishes for the volunteers incorporating their own locally sourced ingredients. Some of the dishes included tortilla soup, chorizo quesadillas, squash soup, snickerdoodle cookies, apple crisp, and more. Sadie Rudduck, a student in Emerging Leaders, shared her thoughts about the experience, saying: “The Tenderfoot event was a great experience to not only help out local community members, but to learn how to live a sustainable life. My favorite part was getting to bond with my fellow Emerging Leaders while also learning real-life skills!” The Walter Center hopes to continue to grow the partnership with Tenderfoot Learning Lab and thank them for hosting our leadership groups once again. We look forward to returning again next year!

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This semester the OUSAB, or more commonly known as the OU Student Alumni Board, hosted a food drive event during the week of Homecoming in order to benefit the Athens County Food Pantry as well as the Ohio University Cats’ Cupboard. The turnout ended up being phenomenal, with many Ohio University clubs and sports teams showing up for the event. In the end, the Walter Center took home the Rufus Trophy because of our outstanding donation of 279 cans of food. Issuing the award is Jacob Meyers, President of OU Student Alumni Board and Emerging Leaders Peer Mentor. Accepting the award is (from left to right): Steve Musser, Assistant Director, Wandell Fellows; Amy Toth, Assistant Director, Walter Center for Strategic Leadership; Sadie Rudduck, VP of Community Outreach for EL.

SERVANT LEADERSHIP This semester, we were fortunate to partner with a number of exceptional organizations who share our dedication to improving the world. Through these collaborations, we are able to make a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities.


During the week of Veteran's Day, a group of students from Emerging Leaders visited Nelsonville-York Middle School to create cards for Veterans. They collaborated with students involved in Kids on Campus, an after-school program that helps and empowers under-served/at-risk children and their families through education, nutrition, and recreational opportunities, according to Sadie Rudduck. The cards made by the students will be delivered to the Ohio University Veterans and Military Students Services.

OU Veterans Center

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Navigating the Unknown by: Lexie Vincenty

This semester, on October 25, The Raymond A. Lancaster Executive Leadership Speaker Series returned to Ohio University for its third consecutive year. The Dean of the College of Business, Jackie Rees Ulmer, opened the event with a statement that encapsulates the importance of this event: "The Lancaster Executive Leadership Series brings in noted leadership speakers and executives to inform and guide our students on their professional, personal, and academic journey." The event had a lineup of esteemed speakers, including Tim Reynolds, the former Executive Director of the Walter Center, and Greg Moran, who is the Raymond A. Lancaster Executive Fellow. The keynote speaker for the event was Matthew R. Kutz, Ph.D., a renowned professor and author who spoke about "Navigating the Unknown." Tim Reynolds, the former Executive Director of the Walter Center, recollected a story written by Steven Covey Jr. He used an analogy to describe students and young professionals as the flowers that spontaneously sprouted in Death Valley, CA, in 2005. Reynolds emphasized the importance of experiential education and learning from leaders and role models. "We come to understand the significance of exposure through firsthand experience and observation," he added.

After Moran finished his speech, he was recognized with the Legacy Leadership Award. This award was created a few years ago by Tim and Tammy Reynolds. Dr. Jen Traxler clarified that the award has only been given to a select few individuals who have significantly impacted the College of Business and the Walter Center.

“You see what graduates of these programs are accomplishing in the world - that’s the real legacy, and that’s what brings me joy.” - Greg Moran

Greg Moran, Raymond A. Lancaster Executive Fellow, addressed the groups of students directly, emphasizing that the students already significantly influence those around them. He also mentioned, "The role of myself and other executive mentors is to help students realize their potential as a leader and how to put that leadership to work in a meaningful way."

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Taylor Reigle received the prestigious Walter Center Student of the Year award during the event. She has devoted three years to working with the Walter Center office team, is a member of the Wandell Fellows program, serves as a College of Business Student Ambassador, and holds the position of President of the Fixed Income Group. Taylor's hard work and dedication have significantly impacted the Walter Center and the College of Business. You can find out more about Taylor's journey and her plans after graduation on page 18.

NAVIGATING THE UNKNOWN And Other Emerging Leadership Literacies

The esteemed keynote speaker Dr. Matthew R. Kutz took the stage and was welcomed by the audience filled with students and faculty. As a clinical professor at Florida International University, Kutz has written books about leadership development and contextual intelligence. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Medical Sciences and a visiting research fellow at Gold Coast University Hospital and Griffith University of Medicine in Brisbane, Australia. Kutz spoke about his personal experiences and how they tied into his future career, but also how different situations he has gone through first-hand have changed some of his viewpoints. During a segment, Kutz reminisced about his younger days and the lessons he learned while living with his family. As a pre-teen, he once got into a conflict with his mother, leading to rising tensions. His father punished him and warned him, "You will never talk to my wife like that again." "I only ever saw my mom in one way, but suddenly she became a multidimensional person with experiences, ideas, and backgrounds that I had never even considered before," recalls Kutz. He emphasized the importance of understanding that every person has a unique background that shapes who they are, and contextual intelligence is about understanding them beyond your interactions with them. Kutz took this life lesson and many others with him as he continued to learn and adapt to the ever-changing world. With this lesson in mind, he spoke on the issue of uncertainty and how young professionals can adapt to unfamiliar environments. You think you know how your experiences influence what you are doing,” Kutz says, “and it all becomes significantly less relevant.” He explained how it is possible to perform tasks with hindsight, insight, and foresight while surrounded by the four traits of VUCA, volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. He emphasized the importance of not turning away from adversity and challenging situations. We want to thank all who attended the event, including the keynote speaker, Dr. Matthew R. Kutz, for delivering an exceptional presentation. The topics discussed during his speech are also covered in his book Contextual Intelligence: How Thinking in 3D Can Help Resolve Complexity, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity, which was gifted to the first 100 attendees. We sincerely thank Betsy Lancaster for joining us and the entire Lancaster family for their generous donations to the Walter Center. These donations have allowed students to benefit significantly from this remarkable speaker series.

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NETWORKING TRIPS Company Visits & Alumni Hosts



Abercrombie Cardinal Health - Katie Kirkendall, Lauren Krause IGS Energy - Taylor Breen Infoverity - Ian Klause, Anibel Neill, Emma Sluterbeck JP Morgan Chase - Lucas Wells Nationwide - Oscar Guerrero, Sophie Shen, Chuck Mischley Net Jets - Ryan Sexton Palmer Donavin - Brendan Robbins

Trip Sponsor: Chris Bellamy Company Visits & Alumni Hosts JP Morgan Chase - Tara Vadjon, Vanessa Carioti Columbus Blue Jackets - Dev Ramkallie Other Alumni Engagement: Jim Gay, Haley Demana, Ian Patton, Bradley Stutz, Madison Keller



Trip Sponsor: JP Morgan Chase Company Visits & Alumni Hosts Boeing - Jen Holman Copacino + Fujikado - Chris Copacino Deloitte - Brian King Meta - Omar Zayat Microsoft - Laura Wilt



Trip Sponsor: Laura and Bryan Buck Company Visits & Alumni Hosts Fiserv - Tony Marino, Theresa Irwin JP Morgan Chase - Russell Baldrick, Jack Hueter Microsoft - Kyle Weiss NBA - Chris Glynn


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Trip Sponsor: Tony Marino

Taylor Reigle’s Leadership Journey How Taylor Navigated The Competitive Landscape And Landed Her Dream Job Taylor Reigle, a senior in Wandell Fellows and Student Staff Leader in the Walter Center, has secured a coveted full-time job as an Investment Associate at Lord Abbett, a globally renowned investment firm managing assets totaling USD 200 billion through Mutual Funds and Separately Managed Accounts. After an exhilarating summer interning on Wall Street, Taylor returned to campus with the chance to reflect on the pivotal growth in securing a full-time job offer in her dream role. She credited the Wandell Fellows curriculum for providing her with the necessary insights and networking skills that helped her meet the challenge head-on and successfully secure the position. Thanks to the technical and soft skills she acquired through the Wandell Fellows program, Taylor navigated the complex world of finance with adeptness and confidence. “From the first day of my internship, I knew I was in a special place. Being exposed to so much leadership curriculum before starting this role gave me the confidence I needed to succeed,” said Reigle. She was head and shoulders above her peers in areas such as presentation skills, vocal confidence, and organizational prowess, which she attributed to the executive presence teachings of the program.

Taylor's journey from Wandell Fellows to Investment Associate at Lord Abbett is a testament to the transformative power of leadership curriculum. She expressed her gratitude for the program and eagerly anticipated applying what she learned in her professional and personal life moving forward. This success story is just one of many inspirational stories from students involved in The Walter Center's Leadership Development Programs. Taylor plans to move to New York City after graduation and begin her full-time journey with Lord Abbett.

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The Walter Executive Director Jen Traxler, D.ODC

Assistant Director, Chief Editor Amy Toth, M. Ed.

Managing Editor, Writer Lexie Vincenty, GA


We are incredibly grateful to our generous supporters and alumni who have helped the Walter Center become a vital resource for leadership development at Ohio University's College of Business and beyond. Our mission is to continue growing as a central hub for leadership development, providing a valuable and innovative resource to our community. We hope you'll stay connected with us through social media, class visits, executive engagements, or by visiting us in Athens.




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