Over the hill...
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And up!
Festival of Colour...
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PHOTO: ESPN Images_Eric Lars Bakke
Wānakas own Nico Porteous made history when he won the 2021 X Games Aspen Freeski SuperPipe gold medal on Saturday night - the first time a New Zealand athlete has ever won the gold in that event. See page 15.
Hooray! Stage three underway Pat Deavoll
ork on Stage Three of the Wānaka
W Lakefront Development Plan began on
Monday and will see the implementation of Te Ara Wānaka (a shared pathway) for pedestrians and cyclists along Lakeside Road, and a separate boardwalk along the lake's edge. QLDC Community Services General
Manager, Thunes Cloete was excited to see Stage Three coming to life, saying that once finished, the ecological and accessibility improvements realised along the lakefront would be something Wānaka's community could be proud of. "We consulted on a Concept Plan for this site in June 2019 and received overwhelming support for its direction and what Stage Three aims to achieve," Cloete said. "Once finished, wide scale native planting will
run from Bullock Creek through to the Marina, working to maintain the area's rugged and natural look while also providing an injection of native flora and fauna." Stage Three’s main contractor Blakely Construction planned to stagger work on different features of the site, delaying construction of the boardwalk until after April to avoid any disturbance to nesting and breeding Grebe in the area.
Grebe expert John Darby said:” I am delighted that a start has been made on Stage 3 and there is good information flow. It can be noted that the original intention was for the work to have begun early November last year, but after discussions with QLDC it was agreed to delay the work until this year. As far as I know, the intention is to continue this liaison through to the completion of the work at the end of October.” Continued on page 3
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