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PAGE 06 THUR 08.07.21 - WED 14.07.21
Aspiring to greater things
“What I love about the college is the people – the students, teachers, parents and whanau” – Nicola Jacobsen PHOTO: Supplied
Daisy Watford
t faced dealing with Covid, a poor Education Review Office report, board resignations and a period under statutory management. But in July 2021 there is an air of optimism at Mount Aspiring College where principal Nicola Jacobsen has just completed six months at the helm. Jacobsen, who took over as Principal in January said the six months had “flown by” and had brought a host of student success stories, a refreshed uniform, and a new building project underway. “I'm really enjoying, and am grateful for, the
opportunity to lead the college,” she said. “It has been really great meeting the students, staff, whanau and community.” One of the biggest changes for the college had been its return to selfgovernance, following the departure of Limited Statutory Manager Madeleine Hawkesby in May. The Board of Trustees, which includes Ian Hall, Bridget Legnavsky and Ben Taylor, viewed the return to full self-governance as a vote of confidence in their work, the principal and staff. Jacobsen arrived in Wānaka after spending six years as a deputy principal in Auckland. She has enjoyed the transition. “What I have noticed about moving here from Auckland is that the students are really connected to the environment, and they make the most of it.”
Over the last few months, the school has been reviewing its strategic plan, crafting its vision and values. “The process of review is really important for a large organisation which supports all the young people in our community. Ensuring that our systems and processes work for our students, staff and the community is the main focus.” The construction of a new school block, which will include specialist teaching spaces for arts, music, performance, and technology, is also underway. “We want to be able to ensure that we make the most of the investment that the Ministry of Education is making in the college,” Jacobsen said. The campus redevelopment is scheduled to be
completed by the start of Term 2 next year. The Mac Foundation is, established as a charitable trust to under-write the future of the college, is being reconstituted, and it is hoped it will play a key role in supporting future development. Jacobsen said that the 2021 NCEA results are “looking excellent so far,” following some impressive results last year despite the Covid-19 lockdown. She said she had been particularly impressed with the level of involvement students had for sports, cultural, service and leadership opportunities. Other highlights of Jacobsen’s first six months included the student’s participation in the Nga Manu Korero speech competition, Showquest, Rockquest, and the Maadi Cup results.
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