the wanaka sun

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Open until 7pm every night

Thur 24.01.13 - wed 30.01.13


everyone reads the wanaka sun


Home straight

Hawea in top three page 3

Gardening without irrigation page 4

Local athlete Simone Maier, competing on Saturday, pictured running the last few hundred metres to the finish line. She completed Challenge Wanaka in 9 hours 51 minutes and 23 seconds, missing out on a podium spot by just five minutes. See pages 12 and 13 for story. photo:

Aspiring athletes perform page 15

Sprint finish for Doc page 20

rental listings


page 19

Lines in the sand Caroline Harker

QLDC wants people to comment on proposed urban growth boundaries for Wanaka. They show where urban development can take place over the next ten years and beyond. The boundaries were identified after community consultation in 2007 and will be added to the District Plan due to be notified in October 2013. Plans include proposed inner and outer growth boundaries. The outer growth boundary runs from the lakefront back to Riverbank Road, extending almost to the Clutha River on the northern side and down to Hillend on the southern side. This identifies where urban growth can extend to over the next 50 years. The inner growth boundary identifies urban zoned land for more immediate development. This boundary also goes from the lakefront to Riverbank Road but excludes areas around Mt Iron

Road and about half the land between Ballantyne Road and Orchard Road. QLDC Senior Policy Analyst Jonathan Richards said any new development proposals will be considered in relation to the boundaries. “If an urban proposal comes along it should be inside the inner growth boundary,” he said. “The boundaries help us preserve rural areas and direct where urban development should go.” There are currently 3800 dwellings inside the proposed inner growth boundary with zoning for another 5000. “Any proposals for subdivisions outside the inner boundary will be assessed against rural zoning policies,” Jonathan said. QLDC Communications Officer Jo Blick said Wanaka doesn’t have any formal growth boundaries at present. “It’s quite a big issue in terms of thinking about how Wanaka should A map showing proposed urban growth boundaries look in a decade or two and we’re keen to can be seen at council offices on the website. get as much feedback as possible on what’s and Puzzling World to the west, as well as most proposed,” she said. land north of Aubrey Road, south of Studholme


inbrief Where are the defibrillators? Describing herself as a ‘recent retiree to Wanaka’ Jane Nimmo spoke during the WCB public forum recommending the location of defibrillators around town should be publicised. Chairman Lyall Cocks said there was one in the library and another board member said there is a full list at St John.

Landscape plans for new roundabout

Air Force coming to town The RNZAF Red Checkers will be performing a display over Wanaka as part of its flying display season. The Wanaka event is scheduled for around midday on Thursday March 7.

Caroline Harker Work has begun again on the Brownston/Ardmore streets roundabout and the landscaping will be done in April. The central island will be exclusively natives and the surrounding areas will have a mix of natives and exotics for seasonal colour. Plants have been chosen with consideration given to climate,

on-going maintenance, yearround colour, driver visibility and size. Natives for the centre of the roundabout include cabbage trees and a variety of shrubs including meuhlenbeckia, copromas, astelias and Malborough rock daisies. The island will also feature local river stones. Plants incorporated in the design on areas adjacent to

the roundabout include flax, kowhai, ericas, maples, lavender and cistus. The project manager Rob Darby said there was very positive feedback on the plans at the drop-in session. WCB member Bryan Lloyd said he was pleased to see some exotics being used to provide seasonal colour. Rob Darby said NZTA funds for some other intersections

and improvements have not been approved and council has prioritised projects. Top priority has gone to the Ardmore Street/ Lakeside Road roundabout due to issues for pedestrians and traffic congestion. The next priority is proposed movements in Upper Ardmore Street. Rob said these projects should be completed by the end of June.

Picnic area for Gladstone Gap Caroline Harker

Gladstone Gap is set to become the next new picnic and recreation area on the Lake Hawea foreshore. The land in front of the coffer dam, about 200m beyond the eastern end of Lake View Terrace, is owned by Contact Energy. Further to an Environment Court decision Contact has asked the

community to come up with a plan for the area. It was discussed at the Hawea Community Association AGM earlier this month and a staged draft plan will be issued to ratepayers for discussion. While it is a long-term plan, the meeting decided it would be beneficial to plant shelter and

shade trees and install irrigation as soon as possible to get them established. Contact has already agreed to pay for this. General feeling at the meeting was that although the area can be accessed by people using the foreshore walking/biking track, vehicle access would make the area available to everyone.

There was discussion regarding how close to the beach the carparks would need to be and having berms to screen them. People at the meeting were keen to maintain the rural feel of the land through the use of careful landscape design so it did not become an ‘overcrowded metropolitan-type area’.

Ruth said she wants Lakes Leisure to deliver a lot more programmes in Wanaka than in the past. She said these could be done using existing facilities, and mentioned bike skills courses and Oscar-accredited school holiday programmes. Ruth has five children and has had a holiday house in

the district for a long time. She moved here permanently in 2011. She has worked for the Auckland City Council and has experience in the planning and delivery of arts, community services, sport and recreation and parks, and the establishment and governance of Council Controlled Organisations.

Promises from the new CEO Caroline Harker All primary school children in the district will be offered ten free swimming lessons starting in the first or second terms this year, according to new Lakes Leisure CEO Ruth Stokes. Ruth, who was appointed in November, was speaking to the Wanaka Community Board at its meeting on Tuesday. She said providing Wanaka with a learners’ pool is a high priority. She said Lakes Leisure was looking at the ‘Pools iN Schoolz’ initiative where temporary short to medium-


term facilities are installed. She said a pool like this would cost $55,000, as opposed to a permanent pool which would cost something in the vicinity of $750,000. “It could be done this financial year,” she said. “We have some third party funders who are keen to support us.”

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013


Costly mistake Caroline Harker In a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul, funds allocated to the Albert Town lagoon trail project have been spent on three realignments of the Glendhu Bay track – work which was necessary after a ‘mistake’ which no-one is taking responsibility for. The Glendhu Bay track was constructed in 2009 and in 2010 it was pointed out that it encroached onto land owned by Damper Bay Estates Limited (DBEL) in five places. “It is unclear how these encroachments [came] about as the contractor remained on the surveyed alignment and within marked boundary pegs. It is possible that the trial alignment or boundary pegs were moved or that there was some error in either survey or construction,” QLCD general manager of

community services Paul Wilson told the Wanaka Community Board in a report. He said the council worked with DBEL for two years to resolve the issue. Three of the encroachments were fixed with track realignments at a cost of nearly $24,000. The other two were deemed to need “extensive earthworks and/or structures”. This was avoided with DBEL granting easements over the two encroachments, and the council uplifting an easement over two lots on DBEL land. The budget of $51,590 for the Albert Town lagoon track has been reduced to $21,590. Paul said the proposed boardwalk has been dropped from the project and the remaining funds will be spent on connecting Lagoon Avenue, Wairau Road and Alison Avenue and building the proposed trail above the lagoon.

Hawea in top three photo:

Caroline Harker Hawea has beaten Eketahuna, Hokitika and Mataura to be one of three finalists for the Community of the Year award. The other finalists are Uawa Tolaga Bay and the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust. There were 100 nominations for the award. Judges described Hawea as an area which has excelled over the past two years in response to a growing population, with a need for improved facilities and services. “In doing so, Hawea has maintained a strong community

New soccer fields Work on four new irrigated football fields on Kelly’s Flat will begin in March. District Plan requirements specify the provision of 20 car parks and two bus parks per hectare of playing fields. Council staff have gained permission from the Holy Family School to use their bus parks and have plans for a car park for 30 vehicles on the Aubrey Road side of the park. WCB member Ken Copland commented it was “bizarre” that sports fields had to provide car parking whereas town businesses did not. WCB chairman Lyall Cocks agreed with him and said this should be changed during the District Plan review.

spirit and worked tirelessly to preserve the unique beauty of the area,” they said. Recent Hawea volunteer initiatives include raising $1.5 million to extend the community centre, raising $13,000 for a cancer sufferer, establishing and operating a green waste recycling programme, building and selling a house to raise $100,000 for the school, the ongoing development and maintenance of the foreshore reserve, establishing a local newsletter, developing a food forest, and more. Hawea is competing against Uawa - Tolaga Bay, population

800, another community which has completed some inspiring projects. It raised more than $5 million to restore the historic Tologa Bay wharf; sent representatives to London for last year’s Transit of Venus as well as celebrating the event at home, and carried out a project restoring local land to how it was when Captain Cook arrived in 1769. The third finalist is a nationwide group of more than 5000 members – the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust. It provides support, advice and advocacy to people raising their grandchildren

on a full-time basis with the aim of maximising stability in the lives of the children. Members include Pakeha, Maori and Pasifika and range in age from 40 to 91. The Community of the Year is one of several Kiwibank awards including New Zealander of the Year and the Local Hero Award. There were 700 nominations overall. Finalists for the 2013 New Zealander of the Year are historian Dame Anne Salmond, plastic surgeon Professor Swee Tan, and global entrepreneur Bill Buckley. Winners will be announced on February 28.

Spray by water upsets TIM BREWSTER An incident involving spraying weeds next to the Wanaka spring feature on Lakeside Road has upset a local man who was filling a drink bottle there earlier this week. Simon Williams and a friend had stopped by the spring at about 8am on their way to work on Tuesday to fill drink bottles and were “flabbergasted” to see a QLDC contractor spraying weeds by the heart-shaped pool’s edge. “There was a lady with protective gear and a mask spraying there. There was also a sign saying that spraying was in progress,” he said. Simon said he and his friend expressed their disgust at what was happening, but did not approach the worker. “She’s only been told to do her job. It’s not her fault, but it’s just not right.”

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

He said he phoned the QLDC and was told the spring “was not advertised as drinking water,” and to put his complaint in writing which he did. Yesterday he received a reply from the QLDC Wanaka Horticulture team leader confirming that a small amount of spraying was done on Tuesday morning. The email also said: “The spray is of no health risk and was done quite a distance from the spring.” “I would bet $1000 the spray container has a warning not to drink it,” Simon said. He said the spraying was done on the weeds close enough to the water to be of concern and it was “totally against the whole idea of this amazing project.” Simon also wants signage letting people know the area has been

recently sprayed. In response to an email asking about the incident, the council said the spraying is done using “best industry practice including hand weeding and minimal spraying.” “We have discussed this area before in regards to spraying and agreed we would always only spot spray. We have added additional rock mulch to try to mitigate that need, but some weeds need to be sprayed for effective control,” QLDC community services general manager Paul Wilson said. The council specifies it only spot spray specific weeds early in the morning and only use Glysophate (Round Up) which it said is the least harmful and safest around waterways. “Quantities used are minimal. The chemical has very low residual qualities.”


crimescene Police received a report that three signs, which were attached to DOC signs, were stolen from the Hawea cycle track on January 9 and 10. Last Tuesday police received a report every cherry on a tree at a section on the rear on Willowridge was stolen. On Thursday police received a report of the theft of two Husqavarna chainsaws and a Honda generator from a shed on Maungawera Valley Road.


Gardening without irrigation

NATIVES: (preferably locally sourced) lancewoods kowhai mountain flax muehlenbeckia brachyglottis silver tussock olearias bidi–bid corokias

Offenders, who tried the car door of a Subaru sedan located on Rob Roy lane, set off the alarm. When the owners of the vehicle investigated the offenders had gone. Also on Wednesday January 16, a King's Drive resident reported persons with torches looking into their back garden A driver, heading towards Wanaka on the Cardona Valley Road near bridge number six, lost control on a left hand bend and hit the crash barrier on the opposite side of the road. When the airbag deployed the driver received a number of cuts to her face. Last Thursday a male was arrested on warrant for failing to attend court. Two drivers were caught for drink driving last week, one on State highway 84 and one on Roche Street, and will both face a court appearance.

If you have information on any crimes call 0800CRIMESTOPPER (0800555111).

Jo’s plant ideas for dry gardens:

PHOTO: supplied

Caroline Harker The council has employed a dry gardening expert to educate people about plants which would do well in the district without irrigation. Otago Polytechnic’s principal horticulture lecturer Jo Wakelin will make her first public appearance in Wanaka as a council employee at the A&P Show. She’ll be displaying climate compatible plants and offering advice to anyone who’s interested in saving water. She has a passion for regionally appropriate plants and has put her money where her mouth is - establishing a public dry garden in Cromwell and another at her home near Mt. Pisa. Jo’s garden gets 300-400mm of rain a year – considerably less than Wanaka, yet she has established an impressive garden since she moved there in 2006. Jo has been testing potential dry garden plants for years and rejects those which don’t suit this climate.

However she’s quick to point out she has nothing against other people watering. “I just wanted to see if I could have a colourful seasonal garden here without using water. And I can.” The council is on a mission to save water and has slashed $100 million earmarked for water schemes from the District Plan. While estimates show one third of water is lost through leaks, a large amount is used for irrigation. Jo’s job description includes talking to council staff, gardening groups and the public giving advice on how to garden using less water. Her top tips include; choosing the right plants to begin with, hardening them off before putting in the ground, planting at the right time (she recommends early autumn when the rains are starting again), using plenty of mulch (she mulches with gravel in her garden) and reducing lawn area. “It’s really just trying to work with the local conditions rather than

EXOTICS: junipers cypresses salt bush elaeagnus Portuguese laurel lavenders rosemary euphorbias gaura sedums rugosa roses cistus phlomis ballota ornamental onions yuccas salvias bearded irises bulbs (e.g. daffodils, crocus and tulips) bluebeard day lilies coneflowers artemisias bergenias helianthemums

against them,” she said. “I suppose I’m trying to step outside what has been the norm for gardening here. There’s already been a huge surge in water conservation gardening overseas. We’re just catching up.” When Jo’s not teaching locals about dry gardening she’s at Otago Polytechnic’s Central Otago campus where she teaches horticulture and sustainable gardening - both online (“I’ve got students from Dargaville to Dipton”) and face to face.

Café gallery Wanaka has no shortage of creative people but some find it hard to find gallery space to showcase their work. Café Gusto has come up with a solution for two local artists. Michaela Robinson (left) and Philippa Jones have been “loaned” a long white wall to display their paintings. Combining the two is a good idea café owner Nicky Watt said: “The café gets a fresh look and our patrons have something to look at and think about. Our regulars particularly enjoy seeing art on the walls.” For the artists there is the satisfaction of seeing a body of work displayed well. They said that although the paintings are small they create an ambience, partly because they are all painted on aluminium, but also, the artists hope, because the subject matter is personal. In Michaela’s case they are about her struggle to build a house to live in. Philippa paints non-specific destinations that are host to the symbols of journeying through life.


Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013


image:John Buchanan

PHOTO: GIlbert van reenen

Photographer retraces Buchanan's bootsteps Most Wanaka residents view and recognise the Buchanan peaks daily. However John Buchanan, the Scottish explorer, artist and botanist for whom they are named, is not so well known. An exhibition currently showing at the Hocken library and later at the Gus Fisher Gallery in Auckland hopes to redress that. Buchanan’s watercolour of Milford Sound is now regarded as one of New Zealand’s most significant artworks. Local naturalist and photographer Gilbert van Reenen has been commissioned by the Centre for Art Research at Auckland University to retrace Buchanan's bootsteps, then

locate and photograph the scenes of some of his sketches from the same viewpoints. Gilbert has just returned from an expedition to the summit of Mount Alta and is in awe of Buchanan and his incredible skills as an illustrator and navigator. Gilbert said it was an uplifting experience to stand on the summit and witness the incredible accuracy and detail Buchanan was able to bring to his work. Another buzz was to find some specimens of the rare beautiful cut leaf buttercup, Ranunculus buchanani, named after Buchanan, near the summit. He was amazed at how little some of the landscapes have changed after

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

150 years - especially in the Matukituki valley and near Colquhuon's beach on West Wanaka station. Gilbert said recreating Buchanan's 180 degree panorama from the summit of Mount Iron was also a very satisfying exercise. Gilbert will present a lecture on his experiences on the project at the Auckland exhibition in April. Then and now the view of Lake Wanaka from the Buchanan peaks: on the left is John Buchanan’s March 1863 painting and the right is Gilbert van Reenen’s photograph taken in January 2013.



Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013



inbrief Going by bike The NZ Transport Agency has launched a new set of free Bike Wise resources which includes tips for cycle safety and the health financial and sustainable benefits of cycling. The NZTA’s Network User Behaviour Manager Jennie Gianotti said encouraging staff to cycle to work or participate in company-wide cycling events can benefit the individual as well as the workplace. “Studies have shown that employees who exercise regularly can be more productive, feel more alert and are less stressed in their jobs than those who don’t,” she said. “The Bike Wise programme is about encouraging Kiwis to give cycling a go, and to see how fun and easy it can be, while realising all the benefits cycling can offer. National Go By Bike Day is on February 13.

Happy Haast Pass Day TIM BREWSTER This week marks the 150th anniversary of Julius von Haast’s traverse of the pass that bears his name. According to historian Irvine Roxburgh’s 1957 book Wanaka Story, on leaving Makarora on January 22, 1863, Haast had “enjoyed the view of the deep blue lake with its many arms surrounded by high serrated mountains, above which stood conspicuously

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the white glistening pyramid of Mount Aspiring.” Previously the pass had been used by Maori such as the war party of Te Puoho as well as others. The first European credited with standing on the saddle was a surveyor called J.H. Baker. A prospector, Charles Cameron, is credited with being the first European to make the traverse in the week preceding Haast’s crossing.

60th wedding anniversary Wanaka couple William and Marjorie Durry (pictured above left at their wedding in 1953) celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary today. In 1948, as an apprentice carpenter/joiner/machinist William was taken by members of Otago Alpine Club to help build the Mount Aspiring Hut. That was the beginning of the couple’s association with Wanaka. In 1962, being self-employed, they were

given the opportunity to build four holiday homes plus a large alteration in Wanaka, which resulted in them building their own holiday home and ultimately Panorama Court in 1969 which they said was considered well ahead of its time. For 24 years the couple ran the building before building Durry Hill Motel in 2000. The couple, who are still involved with the motel, are one of the longest standing owner operators

Make sure your real estate agent uses the Wanaka Sun.


Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

of a private business in Wanaka. They said it has not been “all work and no play” however. “We have travelled extensively and been successful at our sporting adventures and over the past 15 years during the winter have spent time in Australia where the climate suits our clothes.” William and Marjorie will celebrate their anniversary in Nelson with their extended families.




Reclaiming resources GINA DEMPSTER Until I worked at Wastebusters, I thought diversion meant a detour or a good time. But to recyclers, diversion has a whole other meaning. Diverting waste means reclaiming it as a resource through recycling

or composting, instead of sending it to the landfill as rubbish. At recycling get-togethers people talk in awe of Kaikoura, who have achieved an epic 80 percent diversion rate. Despite Wanaka’s renown as a town of dedicated recyclers, our diversion rate is languishing

Joint fundraising venture at (ahem, don’t mention this to any passing television reporters) 33 percent. Compared to Kaikoura, we have double the population, but we’re sending five times as much rubbish to the landfill. (Let’s not beat ourselves up too much though, our diversion rate is still comfortably ahead of Queenstown’s 25 percent). So, how has Kaikoura done it? One big difference is that they don’t have a household rubbish collection, only a recycling collection – that’s pretty radical! Innovative Waste Kaikoura also runs the tip, so they can stop any recyclable or compostable materials being thrown away. At Wastebusters we frequently see trailers going up to the tip with cardboard and scrap metal which could be recycled. We’ve always dreamt that every car going to the transfer station would drive through Wastebusters first, so we can retrieve all those resources which are too good to dump. Maybe one day. In the meantime, I wonder if those drivers know that it only costs $5 to recycle the amount of cardboard that would fit in a wool-sac, and that it’s free to recycle scrap metal. Unloading only takes a minute with staff to help. If we can recycle more, that pesky diversion rate will shift upwards to one we can all be proud of.

Gavin Mason from Department of Conservation (with Wastebusters staff member Bruce Shanks) dropping off recycling before heading up to the dump. The glass came from Kidds Bush, and it’s the first time glass recycling bins have been placed there. It has been successful in reducing the amount, and weight, of the rubbish DOC is putting in the landfill. PHOTO: GINA DEMPSTER

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Rotary and Lions clubs of Wanaka, Cromwell and Alexandra are joining forces to raise funds for the building of the CT Scanner Suite at Dunstan Hospital. A monster charity auction and garage sale will be held on Saturday February 16 in Frederick Street, with four auctioneers in action on the day. Local artists have donated original works, and generous donations have already been received but more items are needed for the auction and sale. There is plenty of secure space in the Frederick Street sheds for sale items and the clubs are asking people to de-clutter their houses and donate anything in good saleable condition. See sunspots for details

Unauthorised tradespeople The Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board (PGDB), which regulates the industry, is warning Otago homeowners not to use unlicensed tradespeople for plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying work. “Unlicensed plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers potentially place consumers in harm’s way with their poor skills. New Zealanders have the right to have confidence that any plumbing, gasfitting or drainlaying service provided to them is safe and compliant,” PGDB Chief Executive, Max Pedersen said. It is illegal for anyone to do plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying unless they are authorised to do so by the board.



PHOTO: Mike Heydon/Jet Productions

Charity is the big winner TIM BREWSTER

Wanaka triathelete Tony Dodds was definitely in a confident mood last Friday, when he put $10,000 of his sponsor’s money up for the winner, literally betting on himself to win. “Doddsy” as he is known, certainly chose the right moment to back himself as he finally won the hometown leg of the Contact Tri-Series triathlon. “It meant a hell of a lot, you could tell when I crossed the finish line, I don't like when people train so much and so hard and show little emotion when they win, I'm a guy who loves to win and will show that,” he said. He will donate the prize money to a charity which assists sufferers of cystic fibrosis. Several years ago Doddsy decided

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to start putting money in to attract a higher calibre field to the event, on the understanding that if he won the money would go to a charity. “At the start I decided I wanted to give the money to somewhere where they needed it and not to an athlete who chases the money and not the love of the sport,” he said. He then started looking for a charity to give the money to if he won. “My sister suggested cystic fibrosis as my brother-in-law’s brother, Quinny, died of it a few years ago, so it was really a nobrainer.” After a rough year with appendicitis and what he said was excruciating pain for three months, Doddsy is back on track and aiming for the top with some solid goals.

“To be consistent in all races even when I have a bad race. I would like to dominate world cups, then later on qualify for the Commonwealth Games which means I have to get a top eight at the world series grand final in London,” he said. He said his recovery and preparations have definitely been helped by a strong team around him. “I have Val Burke doing my strength work and we are getting great results now, but also our sports psychologist Pete Sanford. This sport is very complicated and mental toughness is a big part of that. But the support comes from mum and dad and friends that support me since I had started off, they are always there through the ups and downs.”


Club hosts annual regatta The annual Mitre 10 Wanaka Yacht Club regatta will be held this Friday to Sunday (January 25-27). Up to 40 yachts and dinghies are expected for the regatta which is primarily held in Roy’s Bay. They will be divided into four divisions of similar boats with a handicap system levelling the playing field. Starlings, 420s, Etchells, Flying Fifteens and Noelex 22s are particularly hotly contested and popular boats in this regatta. Organisers said the junior dinghy sailing is always inspirational at the regatta. Organisers hope to complete about eight races into the first two days of racing. The course will be set around buoys to suit the wind direction. The

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

final race on Sunday is a separate entity consisting of an endurance race around Mou Tapu Island for the larger boats and a Ruby Island race for the smaller boats. Additional safety boat cover is provided by the active local coast guard unit. “The regatta is open to all and registration is from 4pm this Friday, January 25,” Club Commodore Geoff Dickey said. “We are incredibly grateful to our sponsors and volunteers for making the event possible, in particular to the extraordinary generosity of our prime sponsor.”


Early soccer start


Highlanders ramp up The annual Highlanders training camp in Wanaka is expected to be more intensive than previous years, with their first competition game only a week after it finishes. The team is in Wanaka from February 11 to 15, with a pre-season game against the Blues in Queenstown on their last day. With the addition of veteran All Blacks Tony Woodcock and Ma’a Nonu to the team, the lineup is one of the strongest ever fielded and expectations are high.

“It really means we’ve got no excuses for this season. We’ve got to do the business,” Highlanders CEO Ross Laidlaw said. “Obviously we need a bit of luck, not just in the draw, but with injuries. It’s a long hard season.” Between training sessions the team will have the opportunity to take part in recreational activities organised by locals, such as going fishing on the lake and hunting. As in previous years their partners


will be able to enjoy social activities such as wine tours. The team will be training on the rugby grounds and there is a possibility of a school visit Upper Clutha Rugby Club captain Ian Brown said. The Highlanders first competition game will be against the Chiefs at Forsyth Barr Stadium on February 22. Pictured at last year’s training camp in Wanaka are captain Andrew Hore and Jamie Mackintosh.

Junior soccer players have been getting an early start on training for the season with a two day soccer academy held on Pembroke Park this week. Organised by Football Central Wanaka, 22 young athletes from Wanaka, Hawea, Cromwell and Alexandra aged from eight to 16 ran drills, were coached on tactics and had practise games. The action

was too much for one of the coaches who ended up in the Wanaka Medical Centre with a sprained ankle after competing for a ball with one of the juniors, organiser Bev Ceci said. Pictured here are (from left) Georgia Prince, 12, Lily Waters,12, TJ Lilly, 11, Ben Hadida, 13, Luke Hurdle, 13.

Whitewater success The whitewater skills of local kayaker Jessica Bailey earned her a silver medal at the Youth Olympic festival in Sydney last week. Jessica, 17, competing in the K1 slalom, had a few errors in qualifying but managed to keep it together for a strong run in the finals placing second to Australian Naomi Fox. “I’m pretty happy. I had my best run in the final and had the only

clean run of the day,” she said. She now has a week training in the North Island before a selection race for the Junior national kayaking team with the aim of being chosen for the World junior Kayaking Championships in Slovakia later this year. Jessica’s kayaking goal is to compete at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Brazil. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

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Celebrating the finish Clockwise from bottom left are some of the Lake Wanaka Half competitors, with their family and friends in support, who completed the 1.9km swim, 90km cycle and the 21.1km run on Saturday: Rachel Rankin (12th LWH 40-44 year). Paul Rennie (9th LWH 55-59 year). Stephen Edwardes (15th LWH 25-29 year), Rebecca Harrex at rear (27th LWH 30-34 year). Donnelle Burrows and Jane Asberg of Team Cougar (49th LWH female teams). First of the female teams in the Lake Wanaka Half - Three Sugars. PHOTO: wanaka SUN

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Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013



Weather challenges competitors TIM BREWSTER A half metre swell, constantly shifting crosswinds and a burning hot afternoon tested an estimated 1500 competitors including a typically strong local contingent in this year’s Challenge Wanaka. “It was tough out there. I love Wanaka but I was cursing it today,” the sports biggest name and eventual third place getter, Chris MacCormack said. The multiple world champion was gracious in defeat to new-comer Dylan McNiece (top right) who

won in a time of 8:51.18 followed by Southland’s Jamie Whyte. The women’s race was slightly more predictable with four time winner Gina Crawford (top left) in a time of 9:24.20 minutes ahead of duelling Candice Hammond and Jo Lawn. Candice managed to edge out Jo in the last kilometre to beat her by 20 seconds, with Jo collapsing across the finish line. Gina, who took 2011 off to have a baby, was in tears after her fifth victory which she said was “very, very special.” Local athlete Simone Maier (right), who

was slowed up by a tyre change, came in fourth. Wanaka locals stepped up as well with Braden Currie winning the Lake Wanaka Half event in a time of 4:18.08 and there were a number of strong age group and team results. Physiotherapist Jo Williams cleaned up the 30-39 age group in the iron distance winning by almost an hour in 11:03.37 and Fiona Reid placed third in the 44-49 year half distance event in 6:03.51. Senior men Rob Ormandy (below), Peter Hewitt, Eddie Spearing and Dave Crawford also all had

respectable finishes. Team Three Sugars made up of Gwen Hendry, Debbie Roy and Jennifer Ferguson won the women’s half event in a time of 5:19.29, and Lake Wanaka Tourism One Star made up of Olympic triathlete Nicky Samuels, Paul Hellebrekers and Paul Berg placed third overall and first in the mixed teams category in a time of 4:43.21. Team McZinger made up of swim instructor Fiona Hezinger, Glen McLachlan and multisporter Floortje Draisma placed fourth in the mixed teams category in the iron distance event.

PHOTO: supplied


to all the competitors Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

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Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013


Two weeks to World Champs Katharine Eustace repeated last week’s top 16 performance at the World Cup skeleton race in Igls, Austria. A poor start but a good run in the first round followed by a fast start and a few hits to the wall after mistimed steers in the kreisel left her in 15th place. “I was trialling a few things with my push as we prepare for World Championships so I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with my push, she said. “However I sorted it in the second run but then drove badly.” Katharine is looking forward to the World Championships in St Moritz, Switzerland in two weeks time where she has had some of her best results.

Shelly seventh at Worlds In an event in which ten of the women’s field failed to start after injuries in training, New Zealand’s Shelly Gotlieb was “happy to survive another day” and place seventh in the women’s snowboard slopestyle event at the World Snowboard Championships. Shelly was unlucky to make the final six at the event in Stoneham, Canada, missing out on qualification by 0.66 points. “It was a super challenging day, I had to really play

the game to make it through,” she said. Despite landing their runs, team mates Stefi Luxton and Rebecca Torr were unable to score well finishing 22nd and 18th respectively. Coach Tom Willmott said while the results were disappointing, the conditions and course had been particularly challenging and this was reflected in the high number of athletes who were injured in the training runs and subsequently

failed to start. The tough course also took its toll on the male athletes, Kiwi Stef Zeestraten among them. After a strong performance in the men’s qualification rounds in which he placed third in his heat and sixth overall, Zeestraten was ready to put down an even better run. However, a huge crash in training and a painful “face meets knee” incident left him rattled.

Aspiring athletes perform Wanaka’s Aspiring Athletes Club had good results with three medals at the annual South Island Colgate Games last weekend. Eight junior Wanaka athletes joined 800 athletes from all over NZ and Australia in the event held at Surrey Park in Invercargill. Oliver Jarvie took a bronze medal in the 14-year-old boys 100m hurdles, Ned WilliamsHolloway (both pictured) won a bronze in the 13-year-old boys 80m hurdles and Layne Opetaia claimed silver in the boys age 13 high jump. Rosie Spearing, Adam Hewson, Ollie Williams-Holloway, Sam Thompson all qualified for semi-finals or finals in their

events, and Caitlin O'Brien took third place in the girls 9 division 100m. Team manager Jilly O'Brien said the performances were impressive. " These are excellent results, given the high level of competition, and are testament to the talent and hard work of these athletes. It also indicates the quality of their coaching from Oska Inkster-Baynes, Bronwyn Coers and others within the community who have supported their development". The Colgate Games is in its 35th year. Famous past competitors include Nick Willis, Jacko Gill, Sonny-Bill Williams and Jeff Wilson.

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

Page 15

Classifieds employment

for sale




Digger driver wanted skilled driver required for a contract. Good rates and conditions. Call 0274336870 or 4438496

Organic Eco Tan. No parabens, no chemical smells, just gorgeous, chocolate coloured skin. Email for a free e-brochure.

A massive congratulations from Racers Edge to the legions of Wanaka locals who competed or volunteered in Challenge Wanaka. Fantastic event; fantastic results.

Babysitter available in Wanaka. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039.

Sump cleaning, roadside, driveway, pump station, etc ph Aaron 4434175

Earn extra cash in your time selling cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery and clothes in your time. Looking for permanent residents phone 0211293327

Pony poo-gold for your garden! 7/4 trailer load $30 delivered ph/txt Grace or Julia 4434494, 0275091972

Carpet Cleaning. Now the visitors are leaving call Jae Services to get your carpets clean again. 443 1150

Oasis septic tank servicing and cleaning, approved oasis service agent Wanaka Ph 0800885886

Part-time cleaner required. 10 hours/ week, evenings only. Email admin@ to apply or for more info. Professional cleaner wanted, approx 6 hrs per wk, Mon thru Fri early evening. Ph or tx 0212236038. Waitresses wanted for 3 hours 6-9pm, 9th Feb in Wanaka for one off event. Great pay, please contact 0273088860

for sale 1993 Toyota Carolla for sale. Manual, 220,000 km, rego and warrant till April. Very tidy. Ph 0273679940 A piece of paradise: 802sqm section for sale, Little Maude Drive, Lake Hawea. Walk to lake/shops, mountain views. Price negotiable, phone 4439310 or 021656655. Beautiful china tea cup bird feeders, great for attracting wax eyes and bell birds to your garden. Make the perfect presents $20 ph or txt 021 680 110 CASIO PL40R digital piano. Full size, exl condition weighted keyboard. Suit music student. $1,100 ono. 443 6235 or 0210331232 1990 Toyota celica wof reg good runner $1500. ono ph 0275221666. Bichon cross puppies ready 6th feb vet checked and vacc phone 0211560352 CHARCOAL BARBECUE with shelves and grill height adjustment. Good condition.$45. 4439132, CHILD'S PORTABLE COT with mattress and bedding. Very good condition.$60. 4439132. King Size Bed in very good condition $100 phone 021 221 7002

Poultry wheat and barley 4 sale, whole or crushed. 021 251 5510/4434944. ü Racers Edge currently has 30% off all High5 nutrition products. Come get it! Salomon Cross-Max. Awesome trail shoes on Sale at Racers Edge. 30 % off !! Hurry while stocks last… 03 443 7882. Save 10% off your groceries. Just spend over $50 this month at Slalom Kayak $399, Liquid Remix59 kayak $1890, wood doors $250, Rocking $560, Cobcraft pottery kiln 0211119218

Logic Solid chair $890.

SPA – Experience the ultimate luxury, a spa from the USA, the Artesian Island Series, Santa Cruz, 30 jets. A lovely relaxing spa to warm you up after a day on the slopes, or to cool you down on a hot summer’s day. Temperature range from 15 to 40 C. The spa has different colour lights for a nice night time dip. Seats 3 easily, one of the seats is a recliner seat. Easy controls. Dimensions: 152cm wide, 89cm high, 205cm long and volume 330 USA gallons. Included are cover, cover lifter and steps. Purchased 2006, but has had limited use. Don’t miss your opportunity; we don’t have suitable spot for the spa, after shifting it with us from Canterbury. Any REASONABLE offer considered. Ph 03-445-4483 or e-mail fairgrove@ Trek WSD Road bike. Madone 4.5 Full carbon, women’s 50cm frame. Like new! Includes Lezyne pump, CatEye wireless computer plus Shimano pedals. NEW PRICE $2500. Bianca 0212426004 Cocker spaniel pups, chocolate colour 4437562 Clothes drier for sale, $90ono, ph 4434175

Avoid the check out queues this summer. Save time and shop online at Hawea netball club agm tuesday 12 feb @ 7.30pm at the lake hawea fire brigade - all welcome Kid Rock Kids Band hosting this years Teddy Bears Picnic. Wanaka Station Park, Sat 26th 11-1pm Thai Boxing, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, 6pm Wednesday, Ju Jitsu 6pm Monday, Wanaka's Martial arts Gym, 7 Gordon rd, 0275 886464 Rotary and Lions Monster Charity Auction and Garage sale 16 February 2013. Goods to Frederick st at end. Inquiries 03 428 242

Dog walker available Monday to Sunday in Wanaka. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039. Experienced caretaker available now to look after your property. Ten years caretaking experience with small and large properties. Excellent references. Please call 443 4030 or 021 999370. General engineering Handy Solutions 0272080175 Giant Bike Demo Day – its ON. Feb 5th 5pm at Sticky Forest car park (Peninsula bay). With Racers Edge – your local specialist. Girl Friday: no job to small. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039.

Salvation Army Family Store Mon-Fri 10am – 5pm, Saturdays 10am- 4pm. Open for sale of pre-loved goods and donations. Help us to help others.


SATTVIC HEALING YOGA RETREATS; immerse in sattvic living for self healing, inspired by yoga & ayurveda. Info @

House and pet minder available, local, mature, honest female. Any dates during January to April please phone 021 680 110

Sixty years of friendship, sixty years of sixty years of marriage made in heaven above. Sixty years that we have spent in such a perfect way. Sixty different reasons to celebrate today. William & Marjorie Durry.

Is your body still sore and stressed from the Challenge? Try Bowen for fast recovery. Phone Lyn 4437388 www.

Super fresh fruit and vege - we support local growers wherever possible. YOGA LAKE HAWEA; sun @ the lake 9am/mon eve 7pm. Deepen your practice.

rent FURNISHED ROOM. ALBERT TOWN. Quiet living, nonsmoking single/couple $130/$180/ wk. (Power extra). Own bathroom. Ph Maryann 4436463 0211101160

JP SERVICES at Community Networks Tuesdays 1 to 2pm and. Fridays 10.30 to 11. 30 For appointments call 4437799 MASSAGE THERAPY, Sportsmassage, Deep tissue, Relaxation. Treatment work and stress release to rejuvenate. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist, ph: 027 6602271, mobile service available, 7 days. Need to get organised? Experienced PA ready to help. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039. Party Planner: Taking the stress out of your party. Available in Wanaka. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039.

3 chocolate English Cocker Spaniels, ready to go in 3 weeks! 021 116 5093


Long-term rental. 3-4 bedrooms, woodburner, gas hot water, large double garage, walking distance to town. Pets considered. Ph (03) 249 8523

Get your Disc Golf Frisbee’s at Racers Edge. We have the full range plus score card and maps. Wanaka’s hottest new tourist attraction.

Free delivery - when you buy your groceries online at organicexpress. Wanaka, Albert Town, Hawea and Hawea Flat residential areas.


School uniforms labelled and/or altered. Phone Sue 0272472181

Huge range of summer clothing upstairs at the new Salvation Army Family Store.

Free firewood-construction 0272730730

All types of fencing and gates. Wrought iron. Timber. Colour steel. Post and rail. Glass and steel balustrades. 4434078 0272080175

Septic Tank Cleaning and servicing, Ph Aaron, Septic Tank Cleaners Wanaka 4434175 / 0800885886

Icebreaker is On Sale starting Friday 25th Jan. 30% off across the entire range at Racers Edge.


ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA. Deep Tissue. Sport. Relaxation. Trevor Bailey. Full time massage since 1994. Ph 4432993 or 0274222455.

For FREE listing text your advert to

POST and RAIL fencing. HANDY SOLUTIONS happy to quote. You may be surprised. Ph 4434078 0272080175

Porta loo hire and cleaning, ph Aaron 4434175

KITCHEN DESIGNER - Award Winning Kitchen Design see www.sgdesign. Ph 027 6588 089 Sewing repairs and alterations. Quick,reasonably price service. Pick up drop off service available. Phone Sue 0272472181 Big Easy; Motatapu; Contact Epic. Racers Edge is committed to all our local sporting events. Servicing, Parts and Nutrition – we have it all. 03 443 8855. Vocal lessons, song writing and musicianship. For pure enjoyment or to performance level. Call Diana 021400857 or email wanakamusiccentre@gmail. com WANAKA WINDOW CLEANING professional, friendly, efficient service. Enjoy those bluebird summer views. High, awkward windows a specialty. Paolo 021 0572505/ 4432420 Expert Website Design & SEO Professional Web Design Services from Web4 Wanaka, eCommerce and Online Marketing. www.web4wanaka. • 027 472 9908 WHEELS TO DUNSTAN: Free daily transport to Dunstan Hospital & Alexandra specialist appointments, Bookings call 4437799 Are you passionate about breastfeeding? Free training to be a peer counsellor. Call catkin on 0800560650 Yes you want to look good when you start something new job, school, or relation call or text Rika the hairfairy

wanted MAC uniform – girl’s culottes wanted, thank you. Please call 021 999 370 or 443 4039. Routeburn Track vehicle swap 2628 Feb required. You drive our car to Milford end, walk track and exchange for your keys midway. Graeme 021 186 9142 Salvation Army – Volunteers wanted for Saturday’s 10-12, 12-2, 2-4pm Please call into the store- various hours available. Help us to help others. Volunteers needed @ Salvation Army Family Store Mon- Fri 3.30-5pm. Please call in if you are able to help. Wanted 5 kg dumbells x2 and a Pilates ball 0273030789

02 20 786 778

20 word limit - deadline Tuesday 4pm - standard network rates apply

Page 16

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013



BOARD To the person who is keying the red suzuki cars be careful you are now being watched We do not live in Vermont we live in Wanaka. Let’s build on Wanaka’s own identity instead of being a cheap imitation of some northern hemisphere town. Vermont comes from the French “green hills” – not exactly a Central Otago feature is it? Crusade already lost. Thank you tracks trust and bike wanaka for the cattle stops on the millennium track, the new newcastle track and all the other amazing tracks you build and maintain- this is bike heaven! Re story thunder, lightning and how somebody’s computer still didn’t work properly after it. Did computers ever work properly? Yes "lovely green" bracken instead of the aged patina of ecologically significant remnant native plants and communities I know for a fact that Fr F was correct when he said a group of extreme "conservationists" said they would pull out any exotic trees planted by a benefactor. How sad. Can you imagine this area without its willows, larches, oak trees, rhodos, fruit trees etc? Mt Roy is looking bald bare and a lot like a desert! hills are forest habitats not for grass Isn’t it time 2 integrate the farmers market and arts and craft market? More people, more choices, and more atmosphere! Went to Nelson mkt its humming and abundant with food, coffee stands, produce, and arts. Come on Wanaka, its ur time 2 shine and manifest that community spirit u have! The views expressed in the text board and in the Letters to the Editor are those of the author alone and not necessarily those of the Wanaka Sun.


021 986 786

editorial To spray or not to spray? A report of spraying around Wanaka’s water spring has irked a number of people spoken to who collect drinking water from there. While the council is obliged to control weeds, where do we draw the line when it comes to water supplies? The spray is said to be harmless but anything that kills weeds usually has a skull and crossbones prominently displayed on the container. The diquat gel used in the lake to control weed has been proven to be harmless over the years according to independent scientists, but what about the stuff they use on land? Water has long been a source of dispute over the centuries. Just witness the strong feelings over water issues in the Hawea Flat area over the new dairy farm. If council doesn’t control weeds they get criticised for not doing their job. But people also want to know the water they are drinking is pure and chemical free. In a place like Wanaka it is hard to see why that is not possible.

Fine line Wanaka put on a wonderful day for the Challenge on Saturday. The town looked a picture and was buzzing with excitement. So many local people volunteered their time, supported the athletes and proudly showed that their town could host an international race that would be showcased to the world. What a shame then that Lakes Environmental couldn't give their parking warden the day off so he too could be part of the excitement. Instead he made his way sheepishly down Ardmore Street issuing infringement notices to all and sundry. Certainly easy pickings to swell the QLDC coffers on a day when everyone was asked to be tolerant and accommodating on what is acknowledged as the busiest (and presumably most profitable) day of the year for Wanaka. I'm sure that all the rental car hirers issued with $12.00 fines are returning home with tales of the pettiness that tarnished what should have been Wanaka showing itself off in the absolute best light. Truly how much revenue would those fines bring against the goodwill displayed by the majority of the community? Regards Judy Reid THE COUNCIL RESPONDS There is a fine balance when dealing with an inflated number of visitors to town. The inability to find a park due to people not adhering to the parking rules could also be grounds for frustration. In the context of the number of visitors, few tickets were issued. QLDC

In response to trees I regret Mr John Darby rejects the integrity of my informant on the twin threats received, namely, the 400 colouring trees, if planted between Albert Town and Hawea, would be ripped out. Customary vandals do not twice, pre-announce threats - they guard their anonymity, and they havoc usually under cover of darkness, and often on a random impulse, fuelled by alcohol. Dear "Anthropocentric", I understand by this word: That which regards us human beings as the most important and central factor of the universe." I agree with this, and renew my resolve to honour and live by that dignity God created us with. It is because of our pre-eminence as human beings that we believe and support the maintenance of a healthy, sustainable environment, so necessary for our human well-being. Because we, as human beings are "the most important and central factor of the universe", it is our privileged concern to promote a rich, diverse and vibrant biosphere. Once we lose this vision, our earth will suffer through corporate/individual greed. Dear "Deary, deary me" your remarks betray your antagonism towards colouring exotics, for how can it be wrong with harmonising our lakes district like another Vermont, in balance with natives? Yours sincerely, (Fr) Brian Fenton.

write to the editor Let the community know your views, email your letter to: *200 words or less

Issue 593 Thursday January 24, 2013 Free delivery to Wanaka, Wanaka surrounds and Cromwell urban and rural mailboxes, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town, Hawea. Distributed to motels, hotels and cafes plus businesses in the Wanaka central business district and to drop boxes in Wanaka, Queenstown, Arrowtown and Cromwell. Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Text view: 021 986 786 Text classified: 022 0786 778 Address: Upstairs Spencer House, Wanaka Postal: PO Box 697, Wanaka

Editorial manager: Ruth Bolger Journalists: Tim Brewster Caroline Harker Production: Damian Foster Advertising: Amanda Hodge Buffy Paterson Accounts: Printed by: Guardian Print, Ashburton Delivered by: Wanaka Rowing Club Published by: Wanaka Sun (2003) Ltd Distribution: 7500

Sailing Regatta this weekend

A friendly reminder and warm invitation to all yachties and dinghy sailors. Wanaka Yacht Club’s annual regatta is this Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. All welcome. Registration from 4pm Friday at the yacht club

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

Page 17

sunclassifieds sport results Wanaka Bowls Results Week ending 18:01:13. Friday Progressive Skips 1 Scottie Culverwell 2 Colleen Landsborough 3 Neville Young. Thirds 1 Trevor Tovey 2 Robyn Chartres 3 Dirk Goodjes. Leads 1 Shirley Ironside 2 Rick McLean 3 Betty McCormack. Bridge results: Kingsway Stakes 2. North/South:- Georgie Roberts, Alan Kelly 70.10% 1. Errol Kelly, Jo Wallis 61.76% 2. Clare Scurr, Ann-Louise Stokes 56.37% 3 East/ West:- Lynne Fegan, Maggie Stratford 72.18% 1. Michael Metzger, Jean Stokes 60.29% 2. Marion Furneaux, Jenny Muir 69.80% 3. Friday Bridge 18 January: North/South:Sherril Harries, Mo Schofield 61.11% 1. Lynne Fegan, Maggie Stratford 57.54% 2. Alan & Denise Bunn 49.21% 3. East/West:- Elizabeth Irvine, Betty Swift 66.67% 1. Michael Chapman Smith, Alwyne Haworth 53.17% 2. Shona Johnstone, Lawrie Stenhouse 52.78% 3.



marketing position The Wanaka Sun is seeking an enthusiastic, bright, outgoing sales person to join its marketing team and help manage a growing list of clients. This is an exciting opportunity to join Wanaka’s only local newspaper. Do you have: • A solid sales background • The ability to work in a busy deadline driven environment • Administrative accuracy and good time management • Honesty and integrity • Sound ability to assess clients’ requirements • Your own reliable vehicle Please send your CV and cover letter to Nikki Heath

Wanaka Sun, Spencer House 31 Dunmore Street Wanaka Applications close on Monday February 11.

Everybody reads the Wanaka Sun

Page 18

Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013


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Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

Page 19


PHOTOs: Ruth Bolger

Sprint finish for Doc TIM BREWSTER Not everyone would consider going to do two circuits of the Challenge Wanaka course “selfish” but local GP Andrew McLeod has his own take on goal setting. “We’re capable of more than we think. If we set ourselves a target that seems out of reach, it’s often more achievable than we realise.” Andrew started his double circuit getting into the lake at 2.30pm on Friday for a 7.6 km swim before riding through the night to complete 360 km of

cycling. A helping of his wife’s chicken casserole midway through the ride helped sustain him and by the time the hooter went off for the main event to start on Saturday, Andrew had already started on his double marathon run. Pictured (right) being overtaken by the eventual winner of the shorter iron distance Dylan McNeice, he said he gained a lot of his strength from his support crew, especially policeman and sports enthusiast Mike Johnston who paddled, drove and cycled the entire distance with him. He was

also buoyed by a lot of crowd support as well along with some good natured ribbing. And finally 28 hours, 19 minutes and 35 seconds from getting in the lake, Andrew still managed to sprint across the finish line. He said there were a number of other people, especially mountaineers, who perform similar feats of endurance often with a lot more risk involved but without spectators. “What I did is no more special than what plenty of other people do.” PHOTO: Supplied

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Thursday 24 January to Wednesday 30 January 2013

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