The Wanaka Sun

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THUR 13.06.13 - WED 19.06.13




Winter planting PAGE 3

Time to play

On the ball


The New Zealand Association of Women in Aviation’s 53rd annual rally took place in Wanaka last weekend, with 80 members taking part. NZAWA president Sue Telford is pictured after the event. “It went very well. We budgeted for 80 people Nine-year-old Ollie Anderson from Hawea Flat is pictured playing in the and got 83. The weather on Saturday was perfect for competitions and on Sunday under-10 division 1 category of the Central Otago Football Association tournament on Sunday. Ollie plays for the Wanaka Red Devils who played it was good for the indoor sessions and keynote speakers,” Sue said. two games on the day, winning this game 4-3 against Cromwell Nova Energy. PHOTO: WANAKA.TV

Famine fundraiser PAGE 7

sunviews PAGE 11

Coach proud of netball girls PAGE 12

Wanaka FC in command PAGE 16

Park vs parking debate Tim Brewster Described by one submitter as “a divisive, sad waste of time and goodwill,” the QLDC hearings on a proposal for more car parks on Pembroke Park last Friday brought up a number of issues that have been debated since 1995. The majority of 86 submissions were opposed to the introduction of 94 “nose-in” angle parks on Brownston Street and another 60 parallel parks and six bus parks on McDougall Street. “This lack of planning and collection of development levies from developers for parking has turned Wanaka into a boom town for commercial development,” Noel Williams said in his submission to commissioners Leigh Overton, Jude Battson and Dick Kane. Noel, who along with a number of other submitters was part of the original Friends of Pembroke formed in 1995, produced excerpts from the original Pembroke Park management plan which in part said: “only parking

that is directly related to the recreation activity can be located on the reserve unless part of the land is re-designated under the Public Works Act and reclassified under the Reserves Act 1977.” “The present use of the Dungarvon Street car park is illegal as anyone can park there, and the proposed new

proposed new parking will add to the park’s ability for people to enjoy it without affecting it adversely. “We’re more on the same page than not,” Jude said of the council relationship with Friends of Pembroke Park. At the hearing she responded to a comment that council was constantly taking from Pembroke Park without

This lack of planning and collection of development levies from developers for parking has turned Wanaka into a boom town for commercial development. car parks will be the same. If council can’t honour its obligations with the existing Dungarvon Street car parks, those parks should be ripped up and returned to grass,” Noel said in his submission. Both Leigh and Jude were on the community board in 2000 and both said they approved of the Dungarvon Street car park then. They said the

giving anything back by saying the area is much more user-friendly for sports and families. “Since the management plan [2007] we’ve installed irrigation as it was unusable during summer, plantings, and a post-and-chain fence.” Jude said there had also been significant investment in lakefront parking in response to comments

about development levies not being used for parks. Leigh said parking arrangements around Pembroke Park when there is a lot of sport during the weekend “just makes a mess”. He said Wanaka did not have a year-round parking problem but at peak periods such as events and big sport’s weekends, the park needed suitable sealed parking for access to the area. Comments by some of the submitters that Leigh and Jude should not be acting as commissioners on an issue they had voted on in 2000 were not justified, Leigh said. “I don’t believe they are strictly related. Also, often when you vote on a proposal you are voting for it to continue the process for more people to discuss it. It’s not a fait accompli.” The Wanaka Community Board will meet on July 9 to consider the commissioners’ report. Depending on the recommendations made the board can either make a final decision or submit their decision to a full council meeting.

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