The Wanaka Sun

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Thur 23.08.12 - wed 29.08.12

everyone reads the wanaka sun



Winter help page 2

Wanaka-based big mountain skier Janina Kuzma (pictured) was the highest placed kiwi in yesterday’s World Cup half pipe at Cardrona. Janina, 31, came fourth with a score of 76.6 for her two runs, six points shy of the winner and world number one ranked freeskier, Devin Logan of the USA. Jossi Wells and his brother Byron placed seventh and 12th respectively in the men’s event which was won by another American, Torin Yater-Wallace. The snowboard world cup event takes place today. The competition is the first qualifying event for the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia in 2014.

Monster birthday bash page 3


Car stats shock students Caroline Harker

Sheepish Aussie page 5

Basketball finals night page 12

rental listings

sunclassifieds page 15

A survey has found more than half the cars travelling on Camphill Road passed Hawea Flat School are breaking the speed limit. “Of the 294 vehicles passing the school 170 were speeding,” QLDC transport manager Dennis Mander said. The week long council survey showed 58 percent of cars on the road between 2pm and 3pm were going over 50kph. Another 25 percent were going more than 62kph. Last week Constable Philip Vink and QLDC school travel plan coordinator Kirsty Barr were at the school teaching students about the dangers and consequences of speeding. The children and their teachers were shocked to see how long it takes a car going 60kph to stop, compared to a car going 50kph. “We were all amazed,” Isla Heath Dyer, 9, said. A car going 60kph travels 42m before it can stop –whereas a car travelling at 50kph can stop in less than 30m. “That difference could mean a child gets hit or killed,” Isla said. Principal Sue Heath wants to get

the message out that speeding around the school is dangerous. “The fact that it’s happening at peak school and commuter times is a big concern for us,” she said. “The speed limit of 50kph is the maximum people should go. Often travelling at 50kph is way too fast for the conditions, especially just before and after school.”

Isla suggested the limit should be 40kph all around the school. “At the moment most people go 60 in the 50k zone, so if the limit was 40, most people would go 50,” she said. The council has proposed changes to speed limits on many local roads around Wanaka and Cardrona as well as Hawea, and is calling for submissions

from the public. “Most of our proposed changes are spearheaded by residents,” Dennis Mander said. Constable Vink said it’s common for people to underestimate the risks of speeding. “Children can be unpredictable and by the time drivers react, it can be too late if they’re travelling too fast.” Council staff have suggested parents and all drivers look at a video on the Tasman District Council website which shows what happens when cars travelling at different speeds try to stop to avoid hitting pedestrians. Roads affected by the proposed speed limit changes include Camphill Road in Hawea Flat and Esplanade Reserve in Hawea, Old Racecourse Road and Ewing Place in Albert Town, Cardrona Valley Road, most of the roads in Mt Barker and Aubrey Road, Outlet Road, Orchard Road, Studholme Road, and Ballantyne Road in Wanaka. Constable Philip Vink (pictured) teaches Hawea Flat Year 5 pupils (from left) Annika Gibson, Eamon Green, Isla Heath Dyer, Indigo Hemingway and Astelia Aubrey how to use a speed laser gun.

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