Thur 02.05.13 - wed 08.05.13
everyone reads the wanaka sun
Fire alarm push for Mount Iron page 3
Low lake levels
Sounds for NZ music month
Low rainfall levels this year have lead to Lake Wanaka currently having some of its lowest water levels since records began (story page 2).
page 4
Five jobs lost in Wanaka Caroline Harker
Bike buzz at holiday programme page 7
sunviews page 11
Slippery conditions page 12
Just over five full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs will be lost in Wanaka further to the QLDC organisational review, according to CEO Adam Feeley. This includes the position of service centre manager, one of three positions in infrastructure services, 1.75 in admin support (but the ability to apply for one vacant customer services position) and a proposed change to the current library staff from 6.25 FTEs to four. There are no changes to Wanaka council staff teams in horticulture, planning, building service, health inspectors and customer services, and there will still be three planners (from the current Lakes Environmental) based in Wanaka. “It should be self-evident that the changes [in Wanaka] are relatively modest,” Adam said. Over the whole council district about 40 FTE positions are being disestablished which affects about 100 of the 300-plus staff. Key structural changes include
integrating Lakes Leisure with QLDC Community Services, and Lakes Environmental engineering with Infrastructure Services. Consenting activities of Lakes Environmental and the planning functions of QLDC will be under the responsibility of a single general manager, and a new legal and
performance both in terms of quality of service and value for money.” Staff made more than 125 submissions on the review, one consequence of which is that changes in planning and consenting, infrastructure services and library services will not be made until October 1. Changes in other areas
It should be self-evident that the changes [in Wanaka] are relatively modest. regulatory team will manage all QLDC regulatory and enforcement functions. “We have gone through a rigorous review process which has not ducked asking the challenging questions about Council services, but the fact remains that in most respects QLDC and our CCOs measure up very well to comparable local authorities,” Adam said. “However we are not content with the status quo and are committed to lifting Council’s
will be made by July 1, as previously planned. More than a dozen FTE staff positions have been retained or created across the district further to the staff submissions, including one at the Wanaka library. The Protect Our Library group is disappointed with the review and is continuing to agitate for current standards of service at the library to be maintained and for public consultation before any decisions made with regard to the library are
implemented. The group is holding a public meeting on Friday May 3 (1pm, Presbyterian Church Hall) to bring people up to speed on the situation and encourage them to make submissions on the Annual District Plan (due on May 13). “It’s the best thing they can do,” group spokesperson Nicola Martinovich said. “That way their opinions about what our libraries should be like now and in the future go on public record. We need to make sure the council staff and our politicians know exactly where our community stands on this issue.” “It’s extraordinary QLDC feels they have the right to take this drastic action without consultation with the community,” library supporter Prue Wallis said. Protect Wanaka Library’s petition now has more than 2000 signatories and the group’s aims have considerable support in high places, including from Deputy Mayor Lyal Cocks and Wanaka councillor Leigh Overton. (See story page 2)