The Wanaka Sun

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THUR 05.09.13 - WED 11.09.13




Cake comfort for cancer fundraiser PAGE 2

Wanaka’s Beau-James Wells, 17, pictured here competing in the Winter Games slopestyle went on to take second place in the half pipe event. The result was his best ever in international competition.

Campaigning for Wanaka PAGE 5


‘Idiots’ tangle tractor at rodeo Tim Brewster Wanaka Sun

Kim the compositor PAGE 7

Fashionable fundraiser PAGE 9

sunviews PAGE 11

Overnight vandalism at the new Wanaka rodeo grounds in Albert Town has angered members following the large volunteer effort required to create the new venue. The offenders climbed the deer fence on the perimeter of the property and attempted to make off with a tractor belonging to long-time club member Roger Moseby. After driving through the fence the wire became entangled with the tractor’s axle resulting in broken hydraulic hoses, a broken exhaust pipe, broken levers and one fence post broken, four posts pulled out and 30m of wire netting fence ruined. When the tractor stopped after becoming entangled, the fuel tank was emptied of diesel and the diesel stolen.

“This senseless criminal activity is devastating for the Rodeo Club which has worked hard to develop a premier rodeo complex for Wanaka and New Zealand. It is also extremely disappointing that we have idiots in our community that commit acts of vandalism such as this,” Rodeo Club president Lyal Cocks said. Roger said the tractor was reasonably well concealed and believes the vandals must have seen it during the day and returned on Saturday night. The new site has been the result of an estimated 320 hours of volunteer labour, considerable charitable support from local contractors with an approximate cost of $80,000, Lyal said. He s a id the r e w a s no indication of the number of people involved with no evidence left behind and

It is also extremely disappointing that we have idiots in our community that commit acts of vandalism such as this.


police are investigating. The club celebrates its 50th year in January and has thirty active members with a number of additional volunteers helping with events. The club also gives funds to other clubs for assistance on rodeo day. As well as the annual January 2 event the club is hosting the national rodeo finals in March next year. The damage at the club follows two recent thefts at Mary Lane and Capell Avenue in Lake Hawea, reports of a prowler in the area and an attempted break-in at a house in Matai Road, Wanaka. “We’re a wee bit concerned. There’s someone active out there,” Wanaka Senior Sergeant Allan Grindell said. Police have started night patrols in the area and did a flyer drop, he said. He’s asking anyone who sees suspicious activity to report it to police.

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