Wanaka Sun

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‘Lowlife scumbags’ A break-in and theft from the recently-opened hospice fundraising shop on Ballantyne Road has brought out the best of Wanaka’s community spirit with an “outpouring” of donations and offers of help. PAGE 2

A little respect Comments made about the quality of representation for Wanaka by the existing QLDC executive and mayor on a facebook page have been challenged by Vanessa van Uden. PAGE 3 THUR 12.09.13 - WED 18.09.13



Rollercoaster veggie gardening PAGE 7



After a warm winter, with the local record-breaking mean maximum air temperature of 10.3C, this week’s spring storm has blown away the cobwebs, and had locals reaching for winter coats again. Lake Wanaka’s water level rose half a metre to 277.43m above msl yesterday after the storm passed over the South Island bringing with it heavy rain, strong winds and an impressive thunder and lightning storm.

School reference garden PAGE 9

sunviews PAGE 11

Cross-country gold for Ella and Gregor PAGE 16


Twelve years of local news The Wanaka Sun turns 12 this week and to help celebrate being the town’s only independent newspaper we’ve had a makeover. A redesigned masthead and a bigger presence online with regular social media updates help us continue to engage with our readers and advertisers. What won’t be changing is our ongoing focus on local community issues, news and the endeavours of the people in this area. We will continue to write stories on the homegrown efforts and activities, both modest and otherwise, that make the Upper

Clutha a place where a diverse range of people choose to live. From old rivalries to neighbourhood disputes, from a fundraiser for a family having a rough time to the exploits of our incredibly talented young (and not so young) community, if it’s a Wanaka story it’s a Wanaka Sun story. Some of the issues we’ve been writing about this year include roundabouts and road bumps, development, chemical spraying, burn-offs, cyber bullying, unsupervised teenage drinking, QLDC shenanigans, water quality and library and DOC layoffs. As always

we welcome any other suggestions from the community. As Wanaka’s only local newspaper for more than a decade we’ve also seen our share of odd behaviour over the years. A hysterical council worker burst into the office once after his vehicle was photographed parked illegally. (We believe his boat also managed to park itself illegally on the lake bottom.) We’ve had people claiming they didn’t know they had been interviewed despite the reporter recording the answers and the interviewee posing

for a photograph. We’ve even been harangued for highlighting local voluntarily-organised sports ahead of commercial ventures. Just like every other small business in town we experience the ups and downs of Wanaka’s seasonal influence. As a business that relies solely on advertising it can be a bit of a balancing act but we’re grateful when people do support us. If we continue to get that support, we’ll remain your local, independent source of community news for many more years to come.

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