Forwards or backwards Councillor Leigh Overton is against the proposal for Wanaka to become a separate district, saying it will cost ratepayers dearly. He said the proposed new district would have to take on a third of the council’s current debt - which he estimates to be $37 million. PAGE 2
Sludge drying facility proposed Dried wastewater solids may be used as a fertiliser on farms near Luggate. PAGE 3 THUR 03.10.13 - WED 09.10.13
weeks to go... Countdown begins PAGE 4
In a tight halfpipe competition at the Junior Nationals at Cardrona Alpine Resort yesterday, Finn Bilous (pictured) won the youth division closely followed by Jackson Wells.
Degree of eminence PAGE 6
Lower crime rates reported Jessica Maddock Wanaka Sun
Bike track help sought PAGE 11
Closing day PAGE 12
Reported crime dropped by 16 percent in Wanaka during the past year. Senior sergeant Allan Grindell said Wanaka police officers dealt with 510 offences during the year to June 30, 100 less than the previous year. Reports of property damage decreased by 16 percent, or 19 offences, and there were eight fewer home burglaries, a 40 percent reduction. There were also three fewer burglaries of buildings which were not homes, such as commercial premises or garages.
“Wanaka police are pleased with this decrease in reported crime, but have no intention of resting on our laurels,” Allan said.
percent increase. “With lower crime rates, percentages can be misleading. With the 175 percent increase in
There’s an old saying that 20 percent of criminals commit 80 percent of the crime. If we focus on these people, we obviously will reduce offending and, in turn, victimisation. But there was an increase in some types of crime. There were seven more reports of unlawful conversion or interference with vehicles, a 175
unlawful conversion, this relates to a total of 11 offences. So, in the big picture, this isn’t a large crime problem.”
Allan said most offences in this category were interference with vehicles, including damaging them or entering them but not stealing anything. Four more people were also charged with breaching the liquor ban, a 27 percent increase, and there were an additional two incidents of public place violence, a nine percent rise. But the total number of violence offences was the same as the previous year, at 68. This category included offences such as family violence, assault, threatening to kill and fighting in public. Story continued page 2