Wanaka Sun

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Te Kakano wins supreme award Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust won the Supreme Award at the 2013 Trustpower Queenstown Lakes District Community Awards in Queenstown on Monday. PAGE 2

Big day for sports facility Wanaka’s three council representatives will be wearing a few new hats from today, pending the approval of the mayor’s report at the first meeting of the new council. PAGE 3 THUR 14.11.13 - WED 20.11.13



Little dancers The Music Box dancers, from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, was performed by the three and four-year-old pre-school dancers at The Oscars on Saturday. Pictured are eight-year-old Isabella Soper, Sydney Dow, Indi Picard, Molly Phillips, Hannah Thomas, Anika West, Madison Smith, Eilish Keane and Neve Morrison. Story page 12

Young collectors of art PAGE 4

Bee swarm at pre-school PAGE 7


New vision for campgrounds Tim Brewster Wanaka Sun

Perfect day PAGE 9

Winging into Wanaka PAGE 11

sunviews PAGE 13

Family-friendly ‘ecoparks’ - using sustainable expertise, solar energy and waste products from the timber industry to heat water - are a vision for the future of Wanaka’s two councilowned campgrounds by the new managers, but they need a long-term lease to commit to the project. Wanaka residents Rudi and Aggie Sanders are part of CCR Ltd, a consortium with Queenstown campground operators Tony and Erna Spijkerbosch who have signed

a three-year management contract with the QLDC to manage the councilowned properties. The contract means Rudi and Aggie

“The Wanaka campground would be considered as part of any overall long-term lease strategy for the district’s council run campgrounds,”

We very desperately want to put in improvements such as a new, safe playground at Lakeview. could not commit to substantial investment in the campgrounds, but that could change with a long-term lease, Rudi said.

chief executive Adam Feeley said. A public proposal by newly-elected councillor Calum McLeod to site a sports facility building on the site

in the campground area is unlikely to proceed, but could still happen with the new council discussing the project today. “The council has endorsed the Three Parks site and we are currently progressing the Wanaka Sports Facility on that basis. We would only re-address this if the council took a different position on the WSF,” Adam said. During discussions council had indicated they would consider a long-term lease, Rudi said. Story continues page 2...

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