Tacking waste
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Waste free fair.
paGE 2
Students continue winning form MAC 1st XV is having a perfect start to the rugby season.
page 15
Thur 07.06.18 - wed 13.06.18
Pre-season snow days
PHOTO: Luggy Jeffery
Owens A Aimee journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz
housands of keen riders hit the slopes at Cardrona Alpine Resort for its preseason teaser last weekend. Both days were reported to have gone well with little wait times at the gondola despite McDougall’s Chondola just being open. The weather was warm above the clouds and
provided two bluebird days with mid-winter snow conditions. With more snow falling and opening day just over a week away, the teaser certainly whet the appetite for now. Pictured: Making the most of the early snow Luggy Jeffery, Ali Paul and Andrew Paul.
Time to step up, help save a life TURNBULL G GLENDA editor@thewanakasun.co.nz
medical incident last month highlighted just how remote Wanaka can be when it comes to an emergency. Keri McLachlan, of Workplace First Aid Training Central Otago (WFATCO), was flagged down at the scene of accident last week. A young man had a seizure while driving, and his car left the road coming to rest in the verge. Keri secured the scene with cones she carries in her work vehicle and attended to the patient while another woman at the scene called 111 to try to get ambulance support. The woman received two phone calls from St John Christchurch assessing the man’s condition, but no ambulance arrived because it was already committed to another serious incident at the time. “As a community I think we need to remember we are remote and have a high population therefore we can find ourselves in situations where 111 may not be able to get to us. The more people in the community who gain skills and are prepared to step up and help others is important in these situations,” Keri said. “The great thing is many of my clients are now thinking how prepared are they to help others in our community if needed. Businesses are providing wellness sessions for staff and getting in different people to support this.” Keri said first aid tips in cartoon form will be going up at the new pool and recreation centre. “[These will] help the community learn simple tips in a fun way and maybe help others in the future,” she said. Currently WFATCO have two ways it is sharing first aid tips with the community. “Firstly our first aid tip cards feature on the back of toilet doors at the
Wanaka Recreation Centre and we have pool related ones going up at the new Wanaka pool. “Tips are displayed in a fun way and make people aware of such facts like “Did you know you can still call 111 on a prepaid phone even if you don’t have credit”? “Secondly we have a Children’s First Aid resource book that can be used in primary schools, community groups or by individuals wanting to sharing the information with their children for a $2 donation that we pass onto either the Lakes District Air Rescue Trust or Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust. This choice is given to the person or group purchasing the book,” she said. Keri said for the general public who wanted to be prepared should they be required to step up and help they should attend a first aid course to gain knowledge to use in an emergency. They should also prepare their car, home, office and work site with items they may require, such as a first aid kit, bottled water, a warm blanket and a fire extinguisher. “Always talk to other members of your family about where these things are so they can assist you to get them if required or so they can use them should it be you who is the patient needing help. Knowledge is power and teaching children simple things can be valuable.” Keri found this out recently when her 13-year-old daughter was able to support her at a road-side incident by finding Keri’s gloves and CPR face shield in the car while Keri ran to secure a scene and supported a patient. “My nine-year-old son also knew the importance of staying in my car, with the hazard lights on, and [staying] out of danger. “We live in a remote area and sometimes help can be far away or not available, therefore taking time to gather up a few things to be prepared can help save a life in the future,” Keri said.
Boundary lines are indicative only
Boundary lines are indicative only
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Queensberry 1997 Luggate-Cromwell Road
Wanaka Lots 344-346 Bull Ridge
For Sale $579,000 bayleys.co.nz/224286
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For Sale $659,000 (Lot 344), $895,000 (Lot 345), $1,195,000 (Lot 346) bayleys.co.nz/224363
Sharon Donnelly P 0508 DONNELLY
E sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz
NATIONWIDE 2016 / 2017