November issue

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Warrior Sherwood High School 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860

36th Year, Issue No.2


November 21, 2013

Inside: News: 1-3, Govermment: 4-5, Features: 6-8, Humor: 9, Spotlight: 10-11, Opinions: 12-14,Wondering Warrior: 15, Entertainment: 16-17, Sports: 18-20

Are high school sports worth it?

Is Grand Theft Auto Inspiring Real-World Violence? pg. 6

pg. 13

Security Halts Students Leaving at Lunch K8swaggirl

by Cal Wilson ‘14

Since the second week of September, security has been patrolling the back parking lot during lunch to ensure students are not leaving school grounds for lunch. As a precaution, students have been turned away from going to their cars during the school day, and some have received punishment for going to their vehicles. Sherwood does not have an open lunch, and students are not allowed off school grounds during the lunch period unless they have an excusable reason such as a half-day schedule or a doctor’s appointment. However, incidents have occurred in which groups of students leave to purchase lunch off school grounds at nearby restaurants. The punishment for leaving school grounds is a referral to the office, which can range from a student conference and detention to a suspension of one’s parking permit. School security’s chief concern is students’ blatant disregard of the rules and the fact that they often bring other students along with them. Students loading their cars with two or three friends and leaving school grounds means they are putting their peers in danger as well. Since the school is accountable for students at all times of the school day, security does not want an unidentified number of students at their cars, even to retrieve their

New Credit Recovery for Students by Emma Hierholzer ‘15

Bridget Cook ‘14

Security guard Andy Blasher stops seniors Sam Girma and Brian Reich in the parking lot on November 5. bagged lunch or school materials. A student is, however, permitted to go to his car if he has a staff signature on a written pass. A number of students are outraged about the new enforcement of the parking lot policy. “I am paying $75 to park [in the parking lot]. Why can’t I go get my lunch [from my car]? It’s on school grounds and I can eat anywhere on school grounds. I am not disrupting anyone or breaking any rules -- I just want to get my lunch out of my car,” said senior Ari Kirschbaum. Kirschbaum was given lunch detention in October after walking past a security guard to retrieve his lunch from his car after

being told to turn around and go back inside. “I think it’s stupid I have to pay for over-priced lunch when I can pack my own. I don’t want to have to carry my lunch around with two other textbooks in my bag,” said Kirschbaum. Along with guarding the parking lot to make sure students do not leave, security is also doing routine checks for parking permits and taking note of the tag number and owner of vehicles that do not have a permit so they can properly identify them in the future. Beginning October 16, parking in the parking lot without a parking permit results in a $3 obligation for each time a student is caught illegally

parked during school hours. “Seventy to seventy-five percent do it right and get a permit. We are just trying to get the other 25 percent to step up and do the right thing,” said security team leader Patrick Rooney. “I think it is [working], we’re getting them in spurts … cracking down one day, 12 come in and pay [for a permit] the next day.” This year, 212 total permits have been sold as of mid-October, compared to 260 sold last year. According to Rooney, the recession has led to a decline in parking permit sales, leading to a $7,000 margin between the money made this year and last year from permits.

This year, a new policy has been implemented that allows students who have failed classes required for graduation to retake them for credit. The program starts first quarter for those who failed fourth quarter and then restarts again in the third quarter for those who failed second quarter. Although it sounds very similar to the High School Plus program, it is in fact quite different. Assistant Principal Erin Mazer was chosen to be the director of Credit Recovery last year when she and other administrative members came up with plans for the future program. “[We] created some ideas and presented it back to the school leadership team,” said Mazer. After receiving a budget from the county, they officially began offering the Credit Recovery program to students. Administrators, counselors, parents and students themselves will determine eligibility for the program “on an individual basis,” explained Mazer. “For example, if a student failed due to poor attendance they may not be eligible to take [the] class” Once students enroll in the Credit Recovery program, they are expected to show up on time every Tuesday and Thursday from

see FAILING, pg. 3

Every Fifteen Minutes Canceled Due to Insufficiency of Resources by Alec Perez ‘14

Contrary to expectations, Every Fifteen Minutes will not be occurring this spring. The school and PTSA determined that the inability to find volunteers was too big of a hurdle to overcome. Sharon St. Pierre, Sherwood’s PTSA President, had been a leading force in bringing the event to the school. “This program takes a great deal of time, volunteers, community outreach and money to put ... on each time. I found while in 2010 I was able to get volunteers needed to help with executing the program as well as helping to run it the two

days, in 2012 it was much harder to find volunteers,” said St. Pierre. Every Fifteen Minutes occurs every two years at a participating school and its purpose is to inform students about the risks of drinking and driving. The production consists of two days. On the first day the juniors and seniors are informed of a terrible accident in the upper parking lot of the school. Once there, they see two wrecked cars as a result of a drunk driver hitting another car. Policemen arrest the drunk driver and an ambulance rushes victims to the hospital. On the second day an assembly that includes outside speakers is

held for the juniors and seniors. Principal Bill Gregory still wants students to be aware of the harm of drinking and driving. “The program raised an awareness among the school community and students in terms of responsibility. We’re looking for other types of programs to be brought into the school. Before we had Every Fifteen Minutes we had programs in which we brought in guest speakers, so that is always a possibility,” said Gregory. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 27 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes every day in the United States.

courtesy of Sharon St. Pierre

During a 2012 Every Fifteen Minutes reenactment, a drunk student is given a field sobriety test by an officer in front of a crowd of students.

The Warrior•News 2

November 21, 2013


in brief

New Action Plan To Boost Math Success by Ashley Yen ‘14

High school math classes in MCPS caught the attention of concerned parents, teachers and administrators after results had shown a majority of students failing math semester county exams. On July 1, Associate Superintendent for High Schools Christopher Garran sent a memo to all high school math resource teachers and administrators regarding a new effort to boost student success and overall grades. Every high school was asked to create action plans for a chosen focus group, and recieved a visit from an MCPS official. Don Kress, Acting High School Performance Director, came to Sherwood to track the progress of the plan.

Principal Intern James Allrich, Math Resource teacher Sapna Chaudhry and Principal Bill Gregory are responsible for Sherwood’s effort. They decided on a focus group of 39 juniors currently taking Geometry. Although not required, all the juniors taking geometry have chosen to partake in this effort to boost math success. Students assemble together on designated Tuesdays every month with one of the four geometry teachers to go over recent quizzes, tests and homework assignments. The juniors are not particularly failing the class, but the intention of the school’s efforts are that they meet one of the 7 Keys to College Readiness, that all seniors should graduate after taking Algebra

2 with a grade of C or higher. “We can feed two birds with one seed,” Allrich said, in that the juniors are in line for passing the class and final exam as well as making certain that they will be taking Algebra 2 during senior year. Chaudhry and Allrich both believe this program is contributing to efforts to boost math success, but concrete results will only be revealed after at least the first semester of this school year. They both believe that if this plan proves to be effective, it could definitely expand into further efforts. “I’m fully supportive [of] this new plan but my only request is that we should receive more support and funding for this effort from the county,” said Chaudhry.

Wasabi Zen Forced Temporarily To Close Doors by Joy Zhang ‘14

From family dinners to teen outings on a Friday night, Wasabi Zen has long catered to sushi lovers in Olney. The popular Japanese restaurant was shut down temporarily after numerous violations surfaced during a health inspection on September 25. A few of the violations cited on the Food Service Facility Inspection Report included “food service worker performs cleaning and food cutting operations without washing hands between duties,” “produce is being rinsed off in mop sink” and “live roaches seen crawling on work surface of non-working refrigerator.” In the report, inspector Ellen Smedley noted, “Due to unsanitary conditions, lack of adequate refrigeration to store products and roach infestation, the food service facility’s operating permit is suspended. A re-inspection is required prior to allowing facility to resume food service operations.” Wasabi Zen closed for a night and the broken refrigerator was

In many cases, the spirit of a class, or lack thereof, goes hand in hand with how organized the class officers of that class are and how well they communicate with their peers. With a new combination of representatives this school year, the Class of 2014 class officers have already displayed a large improvement in these two areas. “We want to unite the Senior Class, and we found that the best

Freshmen take approximately 10 minutes out of their English class to take the annual anonymous Gallup poll in computer Lab A298.

Gallup Student Poll Hopes To Reveal Optimism in Students by Meagan Barrett ‘15

Bridget Cook ‘14

Wasabi Zen closed briefly due to a report of unsanitary conditions. quickly replaced; Wasabi Zen resumed business shortly after. Once-loyal customers are divided as whether to return to Wasabi Zen. “Finding out about the roaches makes Wasabi Zen dirty to me and I don’t want my sushi being made in a dirty

place,” said senior Kimmy Thai. Senior Daniel Kirkness sees no problem in going back to have a meal at Wasabi Zen. “I have been eating there for years and the food has always been great. The problem was fixed so I’ll continue to go,” he said.

Senior Class SGA Makes Noteworthy Developments by Mike Crooks ‘14

Bridget Cook ‘14

way to communicate with everyone was through twitter,” commented Treasurer Nicole Walsh. Through their twitter account, the Class of 2014 class officers have made vital announcements, such as those regarding themes for football games and spirit days. With good communication and organization by their leaders, the seniors were able to win the homecoming halls competition after three consecutive last place finishes.

Now, the Class of 2014 class officers have shifted their focus to helping put together prom and graduation. At the senior breakfast on October 16, they announced that they landed Michael Williamson as the guest speaker for graduation. Williamson is a photojournalist for the Washington Post and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner. He is also the father of both senior Sophia Williamson and sophomore Valerie Williamson.

It’s become the new routine: each year, students are sat down in front of computers and anonymously asked some 20 questions about how they feel about their school, their life and their future. Gallup Education Practice, an organization whose purpose is to assist schools in finding ways to drive student success, has planned to distribute the Gallup Student Poll to students in grades 5 through 12 for 10 years to gauge an overall sense of Hope, Engagement and Wellbeing in students in school districts. Gallup claims that each area tested correlates directly with an area of student success. The amount of Hope, designated as the ideas and energy students express for their future, affects student attendance, earned credits and GPA, and has been found to be a better predictor of college success than standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT. The amount of Engagement, defined as the involvement and enthusiasm a student feels for school, draws

a clear line between “high-performing” and “low-performing” schools. Lastly, Wellbeing, or how students perceive the quality of their lives, indicates how students are doing in school at the moment, and predicts how they will do academically in the future. When 1,050 Sherwood students, about half of the population, were first tested last May, the results were similar to other high schools in MCPS and across the nation – about 4.36 out of 5. In response to the statements “I can think of many ways to get good grades,” “I energetically pursue my goals” and “I can find lots of ways around any problem,” more than 50 percent of the population agreed to some degree. In correspondence with Wellbeing, questions such as “Were you treated with respect all day yesterday?” and “Did you smile or laugh a lot yesterday?” recieved a majority responding with a “yes.” However, in response to the statement, “In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good schoolwork,” 52 percent did not agree.

Plans To Attain Additional Cameras by Cal Wilson ‘14 Sometime in March, Sherwood is expanding its security system by 16 interior and 6 exterior cameras. Once established, new hallways, staircases, corners and fragments of some rooms will be visible on the monitors in the

security office. The new cameras will provide “a great view inside and an excellent view outside the school,” said security team leader Patrick Rooney. The increase in number of cameras is due to the technology push MCPS is supporting, which includes improvements such as school-wide wi-fi.

The Warrior•News


November 21, 2013

SAT Scores Reveal Extremes from Top to Bottom Mean SAT Score

Students who Percent received of students ‘college who took ready’ SAT scores1

















Source: MCPS 1 - According to MCPS, college readiness is indicated by a score of 1650 or higher on the SAT or 24 or higher on the ACT. 2 - 2013 results are comparable to the school’s 2012 results, when 51.1% of students earned “College-Readiness” scores.

Second Chance for Failing Students from FAILING, pg. 1 2:30 to 4 p.m. for the quarter. Students must exhibit perfect attendance, and unexcused absences are not tolerated. In addition, students must complete and turn in all assignments to teachers on the given due dates or deadlines. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the student’s removal from the Credit Recovery course. In each class, the assignments will reflect the original ones students failed, but won’t be identical in content. Students in the program will only be reassessed on the core assignments they failed to understand, complete, and turn in. On top of the Credit Recovery program, students are also offered tutoring in the second and fourth quarter if they are at risk for failing the semester. These tutoring sessions act as a prevention program for in-danger students and allow them to pass that class. English 9, 10, 11, Geometry and Algebra are the class opportunities offered in Cred-

it Recovery and are taught by Liza Schad, Valerie Kunin and Deloris Martin, respectively. Although the program offers several classes, students are only permitted to take one per quarter. Students in the program can only get a passing grade. “Credit Recovery is simply that, just for credit,” said Mazer. The highest possible grade students can earn in the program is a D. “If a student wants to earn a higher grade than that, they would need to take the course over again,” said Mazer. The grades received in the Credit Recovery class are not put directly into the MCPS grade book. They are hand-written and then given to the registar’s office to be put into transcripts. This past quarter, there were mixed results, with students passing and failing the program. For example, 13 students chose to enroll in the English classes offered and eight successfully completed the program. “The five who did not complete the program [demonstrated] poor attendance,” said Mazer.

by Steffani Carerra ‘14

Based on criteria including standardized test scores, MCPS is regarded as an exceptional school system compared to the national average; it sets a high standard for student achievement by expecting higher scores. Yet, there is a startling disparity when it comes to student performance among MCPS schools, revealed through the 2013 test scores of SAT/ACT standardized tests. Superintendent Joshua Starr, like his predecessor Jerry Weast, has increasingly responded to the fact that MCPS has an educational gap. While most MCPS schools located in the southern and western portions of Montgomery County produce average SAT scores much higher than 1650, easily surpassing the college readiness mark, a number of schools in the northern and eastern portions

come up short of that benchmark. On the same spectrum as these two extremes are various schools which lie in the middle year after year, such as Sherwood. Sherwood ranked 15 out of 25 among MCPS high schools based on mean SAT scores for the second year in a row, with an average score of 1611 for the Class of 2013 as well as an average ACT score of 23. The average SAT score for MCPS as a whole was 1648, and the average ACT score was 24 for 2013. Principal Bill Gregory aims to raise scores by shifting attention from SAT/ACT participation, as has been the focus in past years, to students’ performance on standardized tests. “Based on PSAT data, we know which areas need improvement,” Gregory said. “We aim to continue our focus on quality teaching to increase scores.”

Starr Strives To Reduce Achievement Gap Differences in socioeconomic status continue to affect students’ quality of learning. by Katie Mercogliano ‘14 The gap in academic achievement between high and low-income students is still problematic for MCPS and other school districts in the country. Granted, Maryland is ranked number one in progress for low-income students in 2013, according to “The New State Achievement Gap” report, but an alarming number of MCPS students in the lower section of the socioeconomic pyramid are still in for an uphill battle towards college readiness upon graduation from high school. At the annual Student Media Roundtable on October 23, Superintendent Joshua Starr addressed the issue. “SAT scores ... are one indicator [of closing the achievement gap]. Montgomery County has done a better job than many other places of reducing that gap, but we still have it. It is [closing] and continues to do so with targeted resources to schools

that have a greater need,” Starr said. And there has been gradual progress within MCPS. The number of students receiving free and reduced meals (FARMs) who took the SATs, as well as the scores of those students, have increased by a small percentage. MCPS is perceived as one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, encompassing schools such as Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Walter Johnson, Poolesville, Wootton, Churchill and Whitman. However, schools in the Northeast Consortium or Downcounty Consortium, including Blake, Blair, Paint Branch, Einstein, Springbrook, Northwood, Wheaton and Kennedy, are not as well off. These last two schools in particular have about 50-percent more students on FARMs than the county average of 33.2 percent, emphasizing the greatly apparent effects of suburban poverty. Starr also pointed out that the achievement gap in MCPS could

now be affected in the upcoming three years because of changes made to the curriculum and tests. “We now have Common Core State Standards in the country that are very, very different from the MSAs and HSAs that [students previously] took,” said Starr. “There is a huge transition going on, so the gap that we had before may look very different going forward because it’s going to be [based on] a whole new test.” As for the specific approaches, Starr designed a framework that concentrates on different abilities: academic, creative problem solving as well as social/ emotional skills. Though he plans to aid every school in succeeding, Starr noted that MCPS has to be responsive to the needs of each individual school. “The way [one school] approaches it might be different than how [another school] approaches it, but [every school] has to make sure kids get to that standard,” said Starr.

The Warrior thanks its many wonderful patrons: Armstrong Family, Bernstein Family, Bina Family, Brady Family, Carol McCarty, Carr Family, Carrera Family, Gary & Nora Carswell, Cecil Family, Cudd Family, Deal Family, Delauders Family, Deppe Family, Dowrick Family, Dymond Family, Ferris Family, Fields & White Family , Regis & Renate Finn Family, Florian Family, Fricke Family, Gallagher Family, Ganey Family, Giorgio Family, Giron Family, Hall Family, Dick & Vivian Harris Family, Hierholzer Family, Joe & Kathy Hughes Family, Hughes Family, Hurlbut-Blum Family, Jou Family, Justus Family, Kayastha Family, Keilsohn Family, Kendall Family, Kenel Family, Kibler/Mahoney Family, Koehler Family, John & Laura Lee, Betsy & Mark Levy Family, Linkletter Family, Jim & Diane Macrae, Macrae Family, Mangus Family, Masters Family, McCarty Family, Melnick Family, Mezebish Family, Militano Family, Moeller Family, Patrick & Anita Moore, Murphy Family, Michael & Jessica Natelli, Newmark Family, Colleen O’Donnell, Paholski Family, Pletcher/Stinehelfer Family, Plummer Family, Mike & Lynn Ronan Family, Ryezek Family, Saviola Family, Schipper Family, Schwartz Family, Siberry-Reddy Family, Josey & Chris Simpson Family, Sousane Family, Spillman Family, Stussman Family, Sutherland Family, Tom Family, Townsend Family, Van Gelder Family, Wasik Family, Cindy & Mike Weitzner Family, Susan & Tom Wells Family, Whitt Family, Todd & Renate Wilson Family, Winters Family, Witkin Family, Yates Family, John & Christine Young Family, Zhang Family If you are interested in becoming a patron, contact Peter Huck at

The Warrior•Government 4

November 21, 2013

Ripped from the Headlines


by Meagan Barrett ‘15 and Will Van Gelder ‘16

Let the Shutdown Begin

The government shutdown officially began midnight on October 1, which caused 800,000 government workers to be furloughed without pay until the crisis was resolved. National memorials and parks such as the WWII memorial and Yellowstone National Park were closed. The few days before the shutdown, the government had been fighting amongst themselves more and more. The Republicans in the senate and the Republican-led house threatened to shut down the government if Obamacare wasn’t defunded. So the Democrats in the senate and the house fought back and refused to negotiate on Obamacare. This disagreement led to a stalemate that caused the shutdown. -Washington Post 10/1

How the Shutdown Derailed the Republican Rebranding Campaign

When the government closed down, the Republicans in the House of Representatives decided to take a hardline stance on the issue, losing the support of vital demographics, as well as exposing the inter-party schism the GOP is facing. Many citizens who voted for Romney now find themselves disagreeing with the way the Republican party is handling the situation, including 76 percent of independents, 74 percent of white conservatives, and 73 percent of seniors. Not only have those demographics been lost, 48 percent of those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative” strongly disapprove of the Republicans in office. Without moving an inch towards the middle, the Republican Party is losing more of the substantial groups of people who make up their support system. -Washington Post 10/15

Government Reopens Thursday after Congress Passes Budget Deal The U.S. government was officially reopened, with a new budget deadline that has been set for December. A deal was brokered in the senate between Democratic majority leader Harry Reid and Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell, which the house then voted on and the president signed. The country managed to avert two major potential crises; the continuation of the shutdown and the United States defaulting on its debt. If the country had defaulted on its debt there would have been a major financial meltdown, in the view of many economists. -Washington Post 10/17

Health Site’s Woes Could Dissuade Vital Enrollee: the Young and Healthy The National Health Care website recently opened for supposed public access. However, the website yielded less-than-functional results; in fact many people couldn’t even get onto the site. This presents a problem, since the enrollment of young, healthy people is vital for the entire health care system to function in an efficient way. Young people, who tend to have very low predicted medical costs, pay premiums which provide treatment for older or sicker enrollees. However, if young enrollees opt not to go with government health care due to the website’s glitches, rising prices and a destabilized insurance market could very likely be the result. Without the payments the young and healthy pay, insurers will be forced to raise premium prices, which would in turn prevent more of the young and healthy from enrolling, which simply repeats the cycle. -New York Times, 10/27

Questions About Obamacare by Lucy Hurlbut ‘14


exactly is Obamacare?

Obamacare, officially known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), is not a health insurance plan but a health care reform that aims to provide more Americans with access to affordable, quality health care. Americans have the opportunity to get health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. This allows people to sign up for an affordable private health plan if they choose to do so. The ACA was signed into law March 23, 2010, and many changes took effect immediately, such as allowing young people to stay on their parents’ insurance plan longer. Other changes, like the opening of the marketplace, started on October 1 of this year. President Obama may have signed the ACA into law, but it is actually the result of ideas from both political parties. The idea first appeared through the Heritage Foundation, a Republican group. The ACA was modeled after a Massachusetts health care insurance reform implemented by former Massachusetts governor and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

individual mandate back to 2015, but for now it will go into effect for anyone who has not applied for health insurance by March 31, 2014. Republicans also do not like the employer mandate, which takes effect 2015. This mandate requires businesses with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance to their employees. However, 96 percent of businesses have fewer than 50 employees, and 90 percent of those above this threshold already provide health insurance, so only a small percentage of businesses are affected. Democrats acknowledge that Obamacare is not perfect and that some provisions may need to be delayed or altered.

4.Will you be able to keep your doctor and your health plan?

The ACA can’t guarantee that everyone will be able to stay with his or her doctor, or that the health insurance provided by a new job will be connected to the same doctor. This was the case even before Obamacare. The law doesn’t create a government-run system. What it does do is greatly expand business for private insurance by about 12 million new customers, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Byrne Wins Republican Runoff in Alabama House Race

What will you get 2. Are you required 5. out of all this?

‘Super PAC’ Gets Early Start on Pushing for a 2016 Clinton Campaign

The marketplace is for uninsured Americans and those who would like to change their current plan. Individuals earning up to $45,000 will receive tax subsidies to help them buy health insurance — including nine million young people. Although Republicans contend that Obamacare will raise the cost of insurance, a report by the state of California found that the subsidies provided by the law actually lower premiums by up to 83 percent.

On Election Day this year, moderate Republicans showed that they can still be a force in the party. In a congressional race in Alabama, more moderate Republican Bradley Byrne was elected to the house in a tight race over the tea party favorite, Dean Young. In other major elections, the extreme conservatives were either defeated by Democrats or moderate Republicans triumphed over Democrats. In the New Jersey Gubernatorial race, the fairly moderate Republican incumbent governor Chris Christie was re-elected in a landslide over his democratic opponent, in a state with 700,000 more democrats than republicans. Meanwhile in the Virginia Gubernatorial race, the Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe defeated Ken Cucinelli who was running on issues supported by the tea party. Lastly in the New York City mayoral election the Democratic candidate Bill De Blasio defeated conservative Joe Lhota garnering and astonishing seventy-three of the vote. These elections suggest that more moderate republicans win elections more because they have more mass appeal. -New York Times 11/6

On November 12, a few dozen political figureheads, including Mitch Stewart, President Obama’s former campaign manager, plan to gather in New York to brainstorm tactics to gain support for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Its goal is to explore shifting demographics and Clinton’s expected strengths and weaknesses. The name of the Super PAC is “Ready for Hillary,” and it hopes to gather grassroots support, which means it can raise and spend an unlimited amount of money as long as there is no coordination with the candidate. The funds raised by this Super PAC will all be donated to growing an email list of supporters. At the current time, Ready for Hillary has already gained about one million supporters. -New York Times 11/12

to use the Health Insurance Marketplace?


do Republicans not like about Obamacare? The majority of elected Republicans at both state and federal levels disapprove of the individual mandate because it requires that most people have health insurance or else pay a penalty in the form of a tax. Republicans would like to push the

Young people’s enrollment is key to keeping the cost of insurance coverage down for everyone. People can no longer be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition such as HIV/AIDS. Insurance companies can no longer set lifetime limits for coverage or deny coverage because medical expenses exceed an arbitrary limit. Insurers can no longer charge women more for the same care that’s offered to men. It also expands Medicaid (a federal-state program that serves low-income people of all ages) to include childless adults. In fact, the Washington Post reported that if every state expanded Medicaid the way the ACA intended, 8 million young people would gain coverage. h t t p : / / w w w. n e w y o r k e r. c o m / t a l k / f i n a n cial/2013/10/14/131014ta_talk_surowiecki?intcid=obinsite&amp

The Warrior•Government November 21, 2013


How do students really feel about the government?

The Warrior recently conducted a survey to see how informed students are about the federal government, as well as their opinions towards it.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?

Who do you hold most responsible for the commonly held belief that the federal government is ineffective and dysfunctional? Not Sure 5%

Not Sure 34%

Obama 17% Approve 31%

Both parties in Congress 53%

Republicans in Congress 24%

Disapprove 35% Democrats in Congress 1% *90 students surveyed

Who do you think was most at fault for the government shutdown? “Congress is at fault because they are the ones who approved Obamacare and then they did not approve it in the budget. To me you cannot approve something and then change your mind and not want to put in the budget.” -Antonio Romeo '15

“Both [Republicans and Democrats] did not do their best to work together and create a compromise until a lot of middle class federal workers were hurt by the shut down.” -Maria Jaxa Claver '14

“Both parties in Congress did not agree with each other. Obama is not the problem because he has no real power in Congress. He is only a figure head.” -Yuna Oh '14

Republicans and Democrats Continue Bitter Rivalry by Tom Lee ‘14

As the U.S. government went into shutdown mode from October 1 to October 17, many people were left wondering why Congress had failed to enact legislation that would appropriate funds for the 2014 fiscal year. Whether it is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) or a divided Congress, there are many reasons as to why teamwork between lawmakers seems in recent times, impossible.

Basic Fundamental Policy Differences

These serve as the underlying and basic differences between the two parties that leads their members to develop distinct opinions on key issues. Republicans tend to be conservative. They want smaller government and less spending. They are advocates of laissez-faire (economy with little to no government regulation) and the elimination of government-run welfare programs in favor of private sector companies and more personal responsibility. Democrats tend to be liberals. They want more government spending, a mixed economy (tempered government intervention) and a prevalent welfare system.

Republicans’ 2010 Congressional Victory

As the Republican Party

gained a majority in the House of Representatives, Democrats still controlled the Senate and Obama was still president. This resulted in a divided government because no single party controlled both houses and the White House at one time. This division of power would lead to inevitable clashes over spending priorities and other policy matters.

ty. Members of Congress like Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor support and identify with Tea Party values. The Tea Party draws a line between radical and moderate Republicans which creates more division in Congress because the Republican Party has its own inner struggles.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Redistricting is the process of dividing up area to make electoral districts according to their population, which then receive a proportional amount of House members. Each state does this independently from each other. Gerrymandering is the practice of redistricting to make a party have an advantage in a district. Party leaders will draw district lines to incorporate groups with similar ideologies together. This means many districts will almost always vote for a certain party. For example, a Democrat can lean far left in his or her district because there is no need to appease the small number of conservatives in the district. Congress therefore has even more division because its members become polarized. The debt limit has been agreed upon only until February of 2014. It seems that another estranging dispute between Democrats and Republicans is bound to happen again.

This new law requires that all U.S. citizens have some form of health care (public or private) or they must pay a monthly fee. Government healthcare will be extended to more people. This is a Democrat’s dream but a Republican’s nightmare. In essence this new law expands government and the welfare system. In return, Republicans have been slowing things down in Congress and have refused to sign a budget because they do not agree with Obamacare and want it gone. By not agreeing on a budget and shutting down the government, Republicans have therefore delayed Obamacare.

Tea Party

The Tea Party is a political movement known for advocating reductions in U.S. debt, government spending and taxes. It is generally regarded as the most right wing of the Republican Par-


The Warrior•Features 6

November 21, 2013

30% 70%

of students play GTA V 54% of boys play

do not

46% do not

12% of girls play 88% do not Amount of time played per day <30 mins compiled by Victoria Florian ‘14 and Mary Macrae ‘14

30min-1 hr

Number of days played per week When did you buy the game?

32% - More than a few days after its release

3+ hrs

119 students surveyed

Five is Finally Here

33% Pre-order

20% - A few days after its release

by Brian Hughes ‘15

15% - Midnight release 1







GTA V Sparks Debate on Violence by Ryan Deal ‘16 There is a man tied to a chair screaming franticly as you stand next to him. You need answers, and he is not supplying any. So what do you do? Well, in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), you have a few options, among them include pulling his teeth out with pliers and waterboarding him. This scene, in which you, the gamer, is required to participate in the torture is arguably the most controversial part of the popular game. GTA V was released worldwide on September 17 to record-breaking numbers. It raked in $815.7 million in sales within 24 hours of sales and reached the $1 billion plateau within the first three days. Besides what the name suggests, the game also includes killing, torturing and using

1-2 hrs

drugs. GTA V is the most popular game in history, but with all of its accolades comes much criticism. There have been large outcries from parents, teachers and many others that the violence in the game is so graphic that it may negatively influence its players. “[GTA V] crossed a line by effectively forcing people to take on the role of a torturer and perform a series of unspeakable acts,” said Keith Best, Chief Executive of anti-torture charity Freedom from Torture. The main appeal of the Grand Theft Auto series is the freedom to basically do whatever the gamer wants, no matter how illegal it may be. While most users are able to separate their virtual and real worlds, there will be some who slip through the cracks. On September 21, teenager Zachary Burgess, a lacrosse player from

Auburn University, stole a woman’s truck and slammed into nine parked vehicles in an attempt to “recreate” GTA V. This rampage led to much outrage by adults and policemen who claimed that the game is too graphic and is not suitable for teenagers and children. Defenders of the game are quick to note that there are millions upon millions of people who play the game consistently and do not act violently as a result of game play. Ned Luke, the voice actor for Michael in the game, cites his character as a reason it doesn’t glorify violence. “If you want to take something out the game, take out of it that here’s a guy who loves his family, yet is kind of lost. He’s trying to become a good guy, but he can’t. He has all these demons that he’s battling,” said Luke.

If players can pull themselves away from the gripping, darkly comical storylines and satirical content that Rockstar Games is prominently known for in its Grand Theft Auto game series, they’re left with two main factors that make any free-roam third-person shooter worth playing. The factors include the controls given to players to perform actions and the environment in which they carry out those actions. The combination of these two elements is key for making Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) the perfect game of this game console generation. No stone is left unturned as Rockstar reinvented every mechanical feature of Grand Theft Auto IV. From the climbing of walls to the switching of weapons, all aspects are made to be carried out in a swift manner that maximizes control of your character as long as you have the skill level to utilize it. In a game with Grand Theft Auto as its title, driving is as important as any other gameplay mechanic. Vehicles have handling that is more responsive than ever, and, unlike the previous game, no longer have tires made of butter or the

turning radius of a cruise ship. Navigating between incoming cars on the freeway while doing three times the speed limit and drifting around corners is more realistic in respect to physics. This realistic quality also supplies gamers with a rush that just was not there before. While it is great that players have these new and improved controls at their fingertips, they still need a place to wreak havoc on innocent civilians in order to keep busy during those extensive gaming marathons. Rockstar delivers on this front with an enormous, diverse and beautifully depicted reinterpretation of Los Angeles, renamed as “Los Santos.” The new environment, almost the size of every previous Grand Theft Auto map combined, reveals an astounding amount of attention to detail. It offers both an inner city that is a paradise for those crime sprees everyone loves to go on as well as mountainous, rural outskirts perfect for skydiving and speeding down desert highways. GTA V is Rockstar’s greatest masterpiece to date and offers gameplay unparalleled within its genre. It is sure to keep players busy beyond many other future game releases.

The Warrior•Features November 21, 2013

Alumnus Goes Off the Beaten Path And Travels the World after College by Samantha Schwartz ‘16

Whether after high school or after college, nearly all of us will be working for a living. The future is set for us. There are a few though, who dare to be different. Sherwood alumnus Colin Vale (’09) could not see himself just diving into the workforce before a little adventure, despite the societal norm. Through the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program, Vale will be spending a year abroad traveling to 10 countries working and living on locally owned farms. The organization is located in multiple countries and provides a range of farming programs for venturesome individuals, such as Vale. The organization matches the volunteer with an itinerary and contact information to the local farms. WWOOF gets volunteers eager about working, learning and experiencing the host country. The farms provide the volunteers with a bed and food, in exchange for their work on the farm for the extent of their stay. Looking forward to the yearlong program, Vale is optimistic about working as a farmer and creating experiences with the new “families” he will be living with. “We will share every meal, many recipes, some great stories and

courtesy of Colin Vale

Sherwood alumnus Colin Vale explores the world after graduating from college last spring. He has decided to visit destinations he has never been in order to experience unique and different cultures. our unique cultures,” said Vale. Vale recently graduated from the University of Maryland and was about to enter the workforce and take on adult responsibilities along with his peers. The spontaneous and bold decision he made to take part in the WWOOF program was sparked by his discontent with the expected path of college graduates. “I saw all of my friends get jobs they don’t love from the companies that came to my college on Career Day. There is no way that is the best option for me … So I figured I needed to get a bigger view on the subject, and traveling the world was the way

to do it,” said Vale. Vale’s enormous commitment to the program caused anticipation and fear as he packed, purchased necessities, and became vaccinated. Once October came around, his fear was replaced with pure enthusiasm. His excitement has been matched and multiplied as he spent his first month in South Africa. “[The trip thus far] has exceeded every expectation I might have accidentally had, and it is so fabulous I am seriously concerned it can only get worse from here. The sheer beauty of the land, and plants, and animals, and people is overwhelming,” said Vale.


New Pope Broadens Appeal to Younger Catholic Generation by Bridget Cook ‘14 Since his March 2013 election, Pope Francis has taken significant action to make himself known to the Catholic population. His revolutionary approach to traditional Catholicism has turned many heads, and though his new methods have received plenty of scorn from conservatives, he seems to have turned over a new leaf in his appeal to a younger generation of Catholics. He most notably receives praise regarding his efforts to connect more personally with his followers, especially impressionable young people making decisions about their religion. A main factor about Francis that sets him apart from other popes is his desire to break from traditional Catholicism. Though he still preaches the religion, it is evident that he is attempting to modernize it. Unlike his predecessors, Francis allows his yearning for a connection with the average population, rather than Vatican politics, guide his decisions. In just one widely publicized example, he visited a youth detention center on Holy Thursday, where he washed the feet of the prisoners instead of spending the important day at the Vatican. This earned him praise from young people especially because instead of scolding the youth prisoners, he embraced them. As soon as Francis entered the Vatican, believers began to see his vision and stances on many aspects of Catholicism. His initial decision to steer clear of typical papal luxuries such as riding in the pope mobile and living in the grand papal apartment set the stage for his humble personality and gained him admiration from many.

“Pope Francis is living his life the way Jesus wanted, with humility, kindness and love for everyone,” said junior Bobby Hanlon, a longtime follower of the Catholic faith. Though Francis is recognized for certain humble acts which some followers believe portray him as a loving messenger of God, he has also broken boundaries through his open challenging of the Catholic faith and church’s attitude towards certain topics. Though some Catholic conservatives have become angered over the pope’s remarks, many have formed a new admiration for Francis’ efforts to lessen the church’s emphasis on controversial social issues. “I think it’s important that we don’t get caught up in all the crossfire that typically comes along with political debate,” said senior Colleen O’Neill. “It’s important that we fight for [the laws we believe in], but it shouldn’t also have to come back to the fact that we are Catholic.” Many conservatives in the church fear for the longevity of Catholicism, but admirers of the pope insist that he is simply modernizing the religion and making it more suitable to current times. Besides his humble acts and daring remarks, Francis appeals to many young Catholics through his direct addresses to the youth of the world. Rather than warn youth about the dangers of sin and breaking their strict religion, Francis encourages them in an open and non-judgmental manner. “People feel on a personal level, a great sense of connection with that and are inspired that he is living by his teachings. More people respect him because he is living the way he is teaching people to live,” said Hanlon.

The Warrior•Features 8

November 21, 2013

Yearbook Participates in Journalism Convention Students traveled to Boston for annual fall seminars that enriched their knowledge and improved their editing and writing among other skills. by Marie Moeller ‘15 Yearbook staff members participated in an outside-the-classroom experience at the annual fall convention of the Journalism Education Association and National Scholastic Press Association (JEA and NSPA) to learn skills that will improve the Sherwood yearbook. This year’s convention was held last week in Boston with attendance from students around the country in grades 7-12 taking yearbook, newspaper, TV and online production/design, and literary magazine. Students attended a variety of seminars, directed at improving students’ writing, designing, and journalism skills. Based on their interests, students were able to decide which seminars to participate in. “There was a lot of stuff about just making sure your designs and your writing are up to the standards of the judges and

Michael Natelli ‘14

Twelve yearbook students attended the fall JEA and NPSA from November 13-17 in Boston, Massachusetts. Students visited many tourist attractions including the Boston Commons (left). Adviser Lori Leonard and junior Lianna Lieberman listen and participate in workshops (right). [are] interesting and innovative,” said senior Melanie Abel. In addition to learning slogans such as “captions not ‘craptions’” and how to write better headlines and articles, attendees also were taught the visual aspects of journalism, such as photography and photo editing. One yearbook staff member, senior Melissa Zamora, was able to par-

take in this opportunity. “[We] learned the different things you can do composition-wise with your pictures. It was really helpful. I also went to this design class where we learned about different design trends … that we can incorporate into the yearbook,” said Zamora. The staff bonded together throughout the trip. “I definitely

feel that we were able to bond more because we were in a new city and there was a much smaller group of us … I got closer to a lot of people that I didn’t know before,” recalled senior Colleen O’ Neill. When not at the convention, the yearbook students learned about Boston’s history while visiting places such as Paul Re-

vere’s grave, the Boston Public Library and Quincy Market. “The weather was kind of cold, but it didn’t matter ... because we were walking and inside a lot. The cool thing about Boston is that it has ... historical sites but also ... modern and fun stuff too,” said senior, Laura Knipe. “This is the fourth time yearbook students have attended the fall convention of JEA and NSPA in the past six years. Attending convention seminars and keynote speeches helps us strengthen our skills and knowledge base while having the opportunity to be exposed to the top publications from around the country. It is also a great bonding time for those who go because we have time to sightsee, shop, and dine together as well as attend the convention sessions,” explained Yearbook Adviser Lori Leonard. The Warrior newspaper plans to join the yearbook staff at next year’s fall convention in D.C.

Student Nurses Pursue Passion by Jenni Kenel ‘14

A student’s typical “day at the office,” which would normally include a seven-class day and then heading home, is very different for seniors Rachael Ames and Ifu Dallah. In addition to fulfilling her graduation requirements, Ames is a Certified Nursing Assistant, CNA, who interns at the MedStar Montgomery Medical Center in hopes of getting a head start on her future career in nursing. Dallah is also a CNA, and hopes to get a job at the Medical Center this summer and then continue on in her medical studies to eventually become a neurosurgeon. For Ames, getting ahead includes working two hours a day for five days a week to meet her internship criteria. Since Ames has a half-day schedule to accommodate her schedule, she still gets home around the same time as she would if she attended a full day of school. “It’s nice not to have to go to seven classes a day and then continue onto my internship,” said Ames. “That way it is easier for me to juggle my internship on top of my homework and extracurricular activities.” Dallah volunteered with the Medical Careers class last year as a junior, but is not an intern this year. She decided with her counselor that she would not have time to intern in her schedule, but wishes that she had decided to work at the hospital this year because she loved it so much, and thought it was extremely helpful for deciding what her future would be like. “If you’re looking at a career in nursing, being a CNA is a great way to really test yourself on this

courtesy of Rachael Ames ‘14

Seniors Rachael Ames and Hannah Mbony display their presentation for the Academy of Health Professions. Ames and Mbony were spreading their knowledge about health care and medicine. goal. Being a CNA exposes you to many members of the health care team,” said Dallah. “You get to see nurses, physical and occupational therapists, doctors, med techs and assistants in action. You also get hands-on experience with patients. You are able to take a patient’s temperature, blood pressure, and view how different diagnoses are treated.” Ames and Dallah are not paid for their duties as CNAs, but they did have to work very hard in order to receive the honor of becoming an assistant. “I had to pass Foundations of Medicine, Medical Careers and a state exam with a ‘B’ or better in order to receive my certification. I also had to pass biology and chemistry with a ‘C’ or higher,” said Ames. As well as attending all the classes and passing the tests, Dallah stated that the possible candidate must be at least 16 years of age and had to complete a CNA training program that has been

approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing. After a background check and a passing grade on the state exam, the student can then become a CNA. Ames is able to follow her lifelong passion of helping her patients and working at the hospital every day after school. “I love helping people and the fact that I get to go to the hospital and see what it’s like to work there,” she said. On top of all of these responsibilities, which include taking vitals, cleaning beds, stocking carts and helping nurses and patients in any way, Ames most importantly observes and learns from the nurses that she works with at the hospital. “[Working at the hospital] helps me get a brief preview of what my life would be like after college. This way I won’t spend my money and time on nursing school and end up not even liking what I’m doing,” concluded Ames.

The Warrior•Humor


November 21, 2013

Junior Year Blues, Now and Then by Emma Hierholzer ‘15





Two of the harrier Sherwood men: senior Justin Koenick (top) was caught two weeks into a successful participation of No-Shave November, while senior Matt Roberts (bottom) broke the sacred rules of No-Shave November and shaved his beard.

‘Brovember’ Tradition Unlike Any Other of November, but broke the cardinal sin of No-Shave November by shaving his beard No-Shave November is in full swing. before December came round, because he The halls of Sherwood are chock-full of had to make weight for wrestling. It was hairy, male teens. The idea of men not then determined by pre- and post-weight shaving can be accredited to, oddly enough, measurements that Roberts’ beard weighed Plato. Yes, Plato. The ancient philosopher 1.6 lbs. believed that there should Brovembe a period of time where “My first No-Shave November ber is a month men must grow their facial was really a transitional point where young hair out without the ability men repel to shave. Although the so- in my life towards becoming women and lar calendar was not in use a man. No-Shave November is have no probduring Plato’s time his idea a crucial part of Brovember, lem with it. eventually became a reality. They turn into “It’s [No-Shave Novem- which all true bros partici- hairy slobs for ber], one of the only times of pate in.” reasons that the year when men can just ~Senior Justin Koenick extend past sit back and be men. My first not shaving. No-Shave November was reSports have ally a transitional point in my life towards reached full throttle. College football is becoming a man. No-Shave November is nearing the end, the NFL is getting excita crucial part of Brovember, which all true ing and both college and professional basbros participate in,” said senior Justin Koe- ketball are in full gear. These men spend nick. countless hours watching sports. Senior Matt Roberts is another hairy Video games are another perfect storm student who didn’t shave for the majority for slobs. Video games often have new re-

by Hunter Moore ‘15

leases that extend through November; GTA V is still relevant, FIFA 14 is popular, Madden 25 is frequently used and NBA 2k14 is incredibly popular. More than just sports and video games, there is a holiday in Brovember dedicated to eating and watching football … as well as being thankful. The pilgrims created an entire day for bros to chill, watch football and pour gallons of gravy on anything they want. “Brovember is where we as men are defined,” said junior Daniel-Jet Reeves.” The hormones come out and the brotherhood continues to sprout. You get the opportunity to name something special about each hair follicle on your face for that special lady or chica that tickles your fancy; for me it’s Brooke Throne. Can life really get any better? Nah boy, it’s Brovember.” All jokes aside, No-Shave November has another name, Movember. Men do not shave to spread awareness for mens’ health issues, such as prostate cancer. It started in 1999 when a group of 80 men from Adelaide, Australia coined the term Movember and grew out facial hair for charity.

As the end of the marking period approaches, juniors across the country have had another outbreak of what has been termed “junior year blues.” Although now common in today’s society, junior year blues didn’t always exist. Kids used to enjoy high school and have a somewhat normal time growing up. Taking several AP classes and studying for hours a night to prepare for college entrance exams was unheard of during junior year. Not only were students and parents more sensible back in those times, but people also had a healthy idea of what school entailed. But over the gradual course of time, everything began to change. School was to forever be different, and junior year was to forever be miserable. Across the country, kids began to complain about more work, harder classes, and bad cases of sleep deprivation. Juniors began to complain that their parents were making them take too many AP classes, forcing them to stay up and finish all their homework, and telling them that if they didn’t achieve Valedictorian, their lives would cease to exist. These mysterious side effects were seen in an estimated 60 percent of America’s students and also had a strangely profound impact on those around them. People began to grumble about stressed out juniors with attitudes and irritable tempers. As high-schoolers transformed into the modern students we know today, the circumstances were just right. Delusional parents, the weakened bodies of their stressed-out teenage children, and the false assumption in the American public that a much more hectic school load makes for great students allowed for a catastrophic disease to catapult into the lives of countless juniors across the country. Taking the shape of Juniorous Bluesous, the illness ravaged high schools in such a short devastating burst that there was no time for anyone to build immunity. Although a crippling disease, Juniorious Bluesous usually wears off during the second semester of senior year and is replaced with “Senioritis.” Scientists have still not figured out the reasons as to why no cure has been found to fix the annual blues.

cartoon by Kelsey Morrison ‘14

rse and e iv n U t n e c e R veries o c is D s ic s y h P by Betselot Wondimu ‘15


Higgs Boson discovery validated: In 1964, British scientists Peter Higgs and François Englert hypothesized the existence of a massive subatomic particle with a neutral charge within the Higgs field, an energy field that transmits mass to particles that travel through it. Also called the “God Particle,” its existence was confirmed through billion-dollar research by the European Organization for Nuclear Research in early 2013, winning Higgs and Englert a Nobel Prize.




Existence of black holes proven: A Johns Hopkins astrophysicist led a team that witnessed a super-massive black hole, or a region with an extremely powerful gravitational field, in action about 2.7 billion light-years away from Earth in 2012. Information about John Hopkins’ specific black hole opens new opportunities for research in its field.

a W e h T

Look Up For. . .

Stargazing events of 2013


“Twin-Earth” Discovery Confirmed: Kepler-22b is a planet that falls in a habitable zone, or a place where liquid water can form on the planet’s surface. With 25-times the radius of Earth, its discovery in 2011 is a large step toward finding thousands of other similar planets where the chance of life-sustaining water - and perhaps life - is possible.

by Mandy Stussman ‘14


November 28

ld r o W is h t f o t Ou Movies by Katie Mercogliano ‘14

2001: A Space Odyssey

e r o l p x E r rrio


Water discovered on Mars: About two-percent of Martian soil contained water soon after the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars in 2012. The presence of water revitalized the popular question: is there really extraterrestrial life?


It’s intellectually puzzling, seriously lacking in dialogue, and just plain bizarre. Yet, watching this cultural touchstone of the 1960s is an experience every movie lover should have. Even with the dry dialogue and painfully long visuals, director Stanley Kubrick produced magic with Space Odyssey. Even if you don’t really know what’s going on (which, odds are you won’t), the trippy, colorful visuals and eerie soundtrack make this a cult classic in not the just sci-fi genre, but the history of film in general. Plus, HAL 9000 singing “Daisy Bell” will give you nightmares for weeks, in the best way possible.

(1977) (1968)

A New Hope & Empire Strikes Back (1977-1980) Though all three original Star Wars movie were fantastic, these two make the list of the best space movies of all time. The one scene alone when Darth Vader tells Luke he is his father explains all you need to know about the trilogy’s legendary status and impact on the film industry. With some of the most memorable action scenes, visual mastery and the classic themes of good vs evil and redemption, it claims its spot in film history.

make its closest approach to Newly discovered comet ISON will , et survives its encounter with the Sun the Sun on November 28. If the com ble in the ets in recent memory, and will be visi it could be one of the brightest com it the comet of the ing call Some astronomers are already early morning and early evening sky. century! December 13,

the 13th and morning of wers, peaks this year on the night of sho eor met the of king the , wer sho tion after midnight. The Geminids meteor k. Best viewing will be from a dark loca pea its at r hou per s eor met d lore the 14th, producing up to 120 multico show. a dark sky, so it should be a wonderful This year, the new moon will guarantee December 17 Moon Earth will be between the Sun and the


Pixar’s attempt at a space film was a huge success and developed some of the most beloved characters of our generation. The most powerful realization one gets from the movie is that for a futuristic car(2008) . toon space movie, its portrayal of what’s to come is incredibly realistic. Beside the fact that the digital effects and score are stunning, it is a warning to all of us to take care of the Earth. It won and was nominated for countless awards, and rightly so. Pixar is truly the only film company that could make a movie about a futuristic dystopia, robot love and the rise of obesity and make it one of the best movies of the decade.


ed as seen from Earth.

and so the Moon will be fully illuminat

Southern Hemisphere. of summer (summer solstice) in the day t firs the and ere isph Hem n ther solstice) in the Nor This is the first day of winter (winter for winter! December 21, 22 begins at exactly 11:11 pm. Make a wish it that is tice sols r’s yea this ut abo The cool thing the night of the 21st. Best eors per hour. It peaks this year on met 5-10 ut abo only ing duc pro wer a minor meteor sho ear anywhere in the sky. Ursids Meteor Shower. The Ursids is away from city lights. Meteors can app tion loca k dar a from t nigh mid r afte viewing will be just onth) reach its greatest brilliancy on December (all m the entire month of December. It will out ugh thro ht brig ly eme extr ing will be shin Venus, the brightest of all the planets, . st Venus will be for all of 2013 and 2014 wie sho December 6. This is the

December 21

Astronomy Astronomy Class Class T Takes akes Off Off by Taylor Fernandes ‘14



A new elective offered at Sherwood this year, Astronomy is the obvious choice for students with any interest in learning about space. The Astronomy course gives students a chance to voice what they want to learn. “I get to decide what to teach, when to teach it, and how to teach it,” said science teacher Glenn Gerhardt. “How many classes do you know of where the students actually have some input towards what gets covered in the class? Probably not too many.” Gerhardt passed out index cards on the first day of class and had students write down what they would like to learn about regarding astronomy, and tries to incorporate those ideas into the final six weeks of class, when he teaches modern astronomy. “We often end up learning about some really captivating things like black holes, wormholes and even alien life” he said. The course offers a lot of hands on activities, such as labs and computer lab time. Gehardt also plans on a field trip to the Goddard Space Center located in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Should Pro

have more government funding? have more government funding? by Steffani Carrera ‘14 by Catherine Jou ‘15

Continuing to fund NASA at adequate levels could prove to be a huge pay-off for the United States. However, many do not see the point in spending money on a space program that dates back to John F. Kennedy’s challenge in 1961 to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. People argue that NASA is a waste of money even though, as of last year, NASA was only 0.48 percent of the federal budget. Compare this to the roughly 57 percent of the federal budget spent on the military. Cutting it, as people suggest, would only have a negligible impact on the deficit at the expense of scientific and economical advancements. NASA provides research for not only space itself but also aerodynamics, meteorology and multiple studies of engineering. If NASA were to get the funding, people would benefit from the innovative technologies and discoveries to come, such as providing data on problems in the Ozone layer and discovering the origins of the universe. NASA has been put on the back burner of federal programs when understanding the perplexities of space, and should be more of a priority so that future generations can flourish on newly found achievements to improve lives. President Obama has suggested that the money funding activities of NASA is better spent on early education and the teaching of higher math and science classes. But what is the point of having such programs if kids are not inspired by scientific-related matters outside of school to make them want to pursue a career in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)? With NASA, the slightest achievement in space exploration might mean the world to a child, thus inspiring him or her to become a scientist or engineer, which is exactly what so many are saying is crucial to the country’s future.


The main problem with spending billions of dollars to fund an increasing number of space explorations and launching of satellites is that the ends do not justify the means; while the potential to understand the galaxy around us is exciting, it should not trump the dire social needs of the United States. It is difficult to understand why so much money is allocated to sending missions into space when there are issues on Earth that need to be addressed, like crime, poverty, the national debt, terrorism, the economy and the environment. According to NASA, one of its goals in upcoming years is to capture an asteroid and place it in orbit in the Earth-moon system to enable additional exploration. NASA estimates this project to cost 2.6 billion dollars, and it is only one of the items outlined in the 2014 Budget Proposal. This ambitious mission raises questions about space laws and ethics, as many are unsure whether this maneuver is 100-percent legal. Furthermore, the movement of the asteroid into the orbit brings an element of danger since there is a risk that the move will endanger life on earth. The plan is a delicate one, and the chance that one element could go horribly wrong and result in failure is always lurking. Failed missions occur more often than one would hope, resulting in the loss of billions of taxpayer dollars. Information about surrounding planets is fascinating, especially when discoveries are made about possible conditions for life, yet not very useful when it comes to handling urgent domestic issues. Outer space explorations are enchanting, but U.S. problems must be prioritized.

The Warrior•Opinions 12

November 21, 2013

Staff Editorial:

In Our Opinion

It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Remember our ntent of y o c e th t e rg Do you fo you take them? er ft quizzes a

tests and

In recent years, it has become routine for students to memorize facts and be assessed immediately. Students memorize events for history courses, equations for math courses and vocabulary for English and foreign language courses in order to maintain their grades. Students likely are divided on this approach to learning. While some credit their strong memories for allowing them to memorize information and get A’s on assessments, others blame their poor memories for hurting their grades. But this begs the question: should education revolve around pupils’ mental capacities? The real problem with this pattern of learning is the end result is rarely applying content to real-world situations. Many students don’t feel it is necessary to remember what they have been taught in class for the long haul, since they are certain they won’t see it again. As a result, most students forget the content of their tests and quizzes days after taking them and only review for final exams. With this system of learning, students are inclined to simply retain information thrown at them for the short-term rather than understand it for the long-term. Real-world skills are not being learned to the highest capability since knowledge can’t be applied outside the classroom for several subjects. There are many science and journalism-related internships, for example, but rarely any for analyzing ancient history or the meaning of 19th century novels. This usually leads to a loss

ore jects are m b u s in ta r e kc rs? Do you thin d than othe e s a -b y r o mem

of interest in these subjects. Students stop learning and start memorizing. At this point, grades depend particularly on how quickly students can spill their memories – strong or weak – onto their scantrons and response essays. This is not the case for all courses, however. In certain classes, memorization is the first step toward learning and applying facts to actual situations. Information is stored in students’ long-term memories and understood along the way. In AP NSL, for example, the curriculum allows teachers to make connections to modern politics while teaching, and students can see what they are learning in the real world. Furthermore, hands-on lab activities in science courses require students to apply information to an actual experiment, allowing them to see how chemical or biological processes ensue. The curriculum of several courses seems to lack an active approach to teaching, leaving students uncommitted. But, these classes can become more enticing with effort. If English classes had more contemporary texts, for example, interest in reading would increase. If foreign language classes presented situations where students could use their bilingualism, mastery of Spanish and French would be desired. Until classes that engage students are no longer a minority, students will continue staring at flashcards and formula sheets, having to accept the fact that learning in high school is memorizing information.




ublished seven times a year, The Warrior serves as Sherwood High School’s premier news source. Over the years, it has received numerous state and national honors. With a staff of 34 students and one advisor, The Warrior keeps the Sherwood community apprised of local and national events. All opinion articles represent the viewpoint of the writer. The unsigned staff editorials solely represent the opinions of the newspaper staff. These articles do not necessarily represent the views of Sherwood High School. The Warrior welcomes Letters to the Editor of 250 words or less. They may be submitted to room C268 or emailed to Letters must be signed, and all content received by the newspaper is subject to editing. The Warrior staff invites feedback and corrections to printed inaccuracies. The Warrior reserves the right to refuse advertisements.

Staff Print Layout and Production Directors .......................... Marie Moeller ‘15 Michael Natelli ‘14 News Editors .......................................................... Steffani Carrera ‘14 Betselot Wondimu ‘15 Government Editor ................................... Whitney Marie Halaby ‘14 Features Editors .................................................... Victoria Florian ‘14 Mary Macrae ‘14 Humor Editor ........................................................... Hunter Moore ‘15 Spotlight Editor ................................................... Mandy Stussman ‘14 Opinions Editors ................................................. Emma Hierholzer ‘15 Cal Wilson ‘14 Wondering Warrior Editor............................. Samantha Schwartz ‘16 Entertainment Editors ................................................ Jenni Kenel ‘14 Katie Mercogliano ‘14 Sports Editors .............................................................. Joey Lavoie ‘14 Kyle Melnick ‘14 Online Online Managing Editor .............................................. Ashley Yen ‘14 Online Content Editor .............................................. Brian Hughes ‘15 Online Page Editors........................................................ Ryan Deal ‘16 Catherine Jou ‘15 Alec Perez ‘14 Will Van Gelder ‘16 Content and Copy Managing Content and Copy Director ......................... Joy Zhang ‘14 Content and Copy Editors ..................................... Meagan Barrett ‘15 Michael Crooks ‘14 Tom Lee ‘14 Managing Photo Editors ........................................... Bridget Cook ‘14 Taylor Fernandes ‘14 Photographer .............................................................. Haley Whitt ‘15 Cartoonist ............................................................. Kelsey Morrison ‘14 Pollster ................................................................. Sammie Spillman ‘16 Morning Announcements Script Editor .................... Stacey Wells ‘15 Business and Publicity Directors .............................. Lucy Hurlbut ‘14 Sean Kang ‘14 Advisor .................................................................................. Peter Huck

cartoon by Kelsey Morrison ‘14

The Warrior•Opinions November 21, 2013


Are High School Sports Worth It?

In September, The Atlantic magazine published an article by Amanda Ripely in which she argued that high school sports are taking away money and distracting students from their academics. The article highlights how the United States spends more tax dollars per high school athlete than per high school math student. Ripely contended that this contributes to the United States falling behind academically while the rest of the world progresses.


Sports Benefit Students On and Off the Field by Kyle Melnick ‘14 Amanda Ripley of The Atlantic magazine wants to deemphasize the role of sports in high school so less money and time are spent on them and presumably so fewer students participate in sports. She claims they are a distraction and negatively affect both student-athletes’ and non-athletes’ grades. However, too much of a good thing is never bad. Sports mean more than just amusement for many students and are vital to include in high school. School offers motivation for athletes to earn good grades. Many athletes find motivation in school through the desire to stay eligible and to please their coaches. Sports are many students’ only passion; however, the only way to participate in sports is to keep one’s grades up. Getting rid of high school sports will not make athletes magically care about school; it will probably make them care less. In addition to this, Ridley misses the point that sports teach student-athletes qualities such as diligence, time-management and resilience that contribute to academic success. Sports teach students skills in order to succeed in both sports and academics. Sports are not a distraction for many student-athletes; in fact, it may be their future. Sports are the path to college for many students through scholarships. An

opposing argument might claim that student-athletes could just play on travel teams out of school if high school sports were taken away. However, this would raise conflicts for many athletes who do not have transportation, equipment or support to play outside of school. One benefit of high school sports is that they offer an opportunity for teenagers to play the sport they love and pursue a career out of it while the school provides transportation, equipment, coaching, practice facilities and much more for a cheap price. Playing sports opens up career choices for athletes who are interested in pursuing a profession that is sports-related. This includes jobs as a sports journalist, sports doctor/trainer, managing or coaching a sports team, running a sporting goods store or athletic facility or designing athletic equipment. Playing sports gives an individual insight and a better understanding into all of these careers. Not only do athletes benefit from sports, but sports also provide a sense of community and identity for students who do not play them. For many schools, such as Sherwood, sports spread school spirit among the student body. Students gain a sense of identity. They can root, cheer and tell others how “my team beat your team.” It is hard to imagine high school being high school without sports.

We Deserve a Voice by Mandy Stussman ‘14 On Tuesday, November 4, more than 90 16- and 17-year-olds made history by exercising their newly granted right to vote in municipal elections in Takoma Park. This Montgomery County community was the nation’s first to lower the voting age from 18 to 16, creating a template that the rest of the country should follow. In an ideal democracy, every citizen has the opportunity to voice her/his opinion, regardless of sex, race, denomination, economic status or age. Youth rights have been overlooked in America for centuries, because children cannot vote, and after the age of 18, legal adulthood, many citizens are no longer personally concerned with the injustices America’s youth face. Children are an important segment of this country’s population and deserve a say in politics. Sixteen-year-olds can represent that segment. They are old enough to drive, work full time, give consent for medical treatment and form opinions. America’s youth deserves a voice. They deserve the right to vote.


Schools Need To Get Their Priorities Straight by Whitney Marie Halaby ‘14 High school sports have been a significant aspect of the high school experience for more than half a century. I recall being in elementary school and driving by Sherwood on Friday nights, hearing the crowd roar as the Warriors fought for a win. At a young age I associated high school with football games. Perhaps there is a reason for this. As Amanda Ripley writes in The Atlantic magazine, “The United States routinely spends more tax dollars per high school athlete than per high school math student-unlike most countries worldwide.” There is something wrong with the prioritizing of what’s most important in high school. This past year the Sherwood football team got new jerseys for the first time in years; because MCPS didn’t fish out money for the new jerseys, the players had to devote their own time fundraising— time that could have been spent on studying, but was instead spent on football. The purpose of high school is to give students an education and guide them to what they want to do with their future. In my academic career I have never once heard a teacher value sports over school. They instead insist that one’s homework must come first, even before sports. If this is the case, then why do schools spend so much money on high school athletes?

AP Freshman by Samantha Schwartz ‘16 Coming into high school is a big change. The students are bigger, the homework is longer, the opportunities are endless, and the responsibilities have grown. To make the leap from middle school to high school even more difficult is the decision of taking AP classes. As a sophomore in a mixed class of freshman and sophomores in AP NSL, I understand and observe struggling freshman who indeed regret taking the AP class. Middle school does not prepare incoming freshman for the difficulties of such a strenuous class. The amount of homework is doubled, the amount of classwork is tripled, and the amount of effort mandatory to pass is quadrupled. All of this takes away time for socializing and expanding interests in newly found clubs and extracurricular activities, and replaces it with after-school hours spent studying or finishing homework. The option to take an AP class should not be given to incoming freshman no matter how eager they – or their parents – are for them to tackle the rigorous challenge.

It’s no secret that football is a huge part of the Sherwood community as well at most schools in Montgomery County. The amount of money it takes for the upkeep of the football team is not worth the twoplus months that the community comes together to cheer on the varsity team. In addition to the costs of jerseys, helmets and other equipment, there are high costs associated with the field itself and other faculties. Then there is more than $10,000 in stipends for the coaching staff. Defenders of high school football and its high financial costs will argue that the sport pays for much of its costs on its own through ticket sales and the support of parents such as Sherwood’s Warrior Booster Club. But just imagine if the same level of enthusiasm and support from the parent community shifted from football to students’ efforts and successes in academics—not just in their classes but also through such clubs as It’s Academic, Future Educators of America, and the school’s many honor societies. Students, parents, administrators and board members need to take into consideration that academics will get students somewhere athletics won’t, especially since only two percent of high school students end up playing sports at the college level. The priorities need to change in high schools.

Options Besides College by Kyle Melnick ‘14 The college application process can be one of the most stressful times for high school seniors. The college we go to, and then what we major in, will significantly impact the rest our lives. However, what nobody tells us are the options outside of college that can lead us to have a successful career. One can make an annual salary on average of up to $62,000 by becoming a loan officer, firefighter or plumber, three jobs that one can get with just a high school diploma. Another option for many teenagers is to join the military straight out of high school. In addition to attending college for free, a member can earn $18,000 to $35,000 in his first year serving and by the end of his service, one can earn $69,000 as base pay. These alternate options to college should be advertised more by high schools, as they provide other ways for students to have successful lives that do not involve a major university.

The Warrior•Opinions 14

November 21, 2013

Cheaters Only Cheat Themselves by Stacey Wells ‘15

When I walk down Sherwood hallways, I see cheating everywhere. Students copying each other’s papers, students looking up answers on their smartphones, students making cheat sheets. I can’t help but think that nearly everyone is cheating. Actually, almost everyone is cheating. In a study performed in February 2011, 43,000 public and private school students were surveyed about cheating. The Josephson Institute of Ethics’ Report Card on American Youth’s Values and Actions found that 81 percent of students had allowed another student to copy their homework. One out of three students admitted that they used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment and 59 percent of students have cheated on a test within that past year. In Sherwood, just like many other schools, cheating is very common. In an anonymous survey of 104 students, 79 percent confessed that they have let another

student copy their homework more than once within the past year. One out of two students have taken quotes from the Internet without citing them. Upperclassmen were more likely to have cheated off another student during a test than underclassmen, as 46 percent of upperclassmen have cheated off another student more than once in comparison to the 27 percent of underclassmen. As the student moves closer to graduation, cheating occurs more often. An abundance of survey respondents tried to justify that cheating is not a big problem by stating that “everyone does it,” but just because “everyone” does it, that does not make it right. Students shouldn’t rely on what everyone does and they definitely shouldn’t succumb to the pressure to cheat. Instead, they should rely on themselves to do the right thing and not cheat. Even though resisting the pressure to cheat may be difficult, it can be done.

Besides, when students cheat they don’t learn the material. This will eventually catch up with them when they have to take the final exam. They won’t know the material and they probably will not do so well. Even if they do pass with flying colors, the cheating will still affect them and will have negative consequences on their life. If they continue cheating when they reach college, there is a possibility of losing credit or even getting kicked out of the university. Students who cheat put themselves at a disadvantage because they will have difficulty learning how to do things by themselves later on in life. Since cheating damages one’s character and weakens the capability to learn independently, academic dishonesty needs to be taken more seriously. Cheating should have more severe consequences attached to it to show students it will not be tolerated by teachers. Students should be informed how seri-

ous cheating actually is, and harsher punishments will help achieve this goal. Most incidents of cheating that I have witnessed were either passed over with just a quick remark or completely ignored. Teachers sometimes accidentally encourage cheating between students by assigning tons of busy work, and then barely checking it. This leads students to cheat off one another, just to get the work done. Teachers need to be aware that the more busy work assigned, the more cheating will occur. In the end, students need to learn that cheating isn’t acceptable and should learn this lesson through detention or another form of punishment. One student respondent expressed her thoughts in a very powerful statement. The student said, “Cheating, whether trivial or not, is truly a loss to the one who cheats [and] this needs to be explained to students so that they realize that cheating … hurts the cheaters themselves.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

MCPS Considers Changing School Start Times Superintendent Joshua Starr has proposed high schools start 50 minutes later at 8:15 a.m. and end later at 3 p.m. He also proposed middle schools begin at the same time but their day be extended by 30 minutes. Starr argues that the proposal is for the benefit of high schoolers because they need the most sleep, but end up getting the least due to early school times. The Warrior asked students their thoughts on the idea of new start times.

How do you feel this will affect students with after-school activities? nts with the schedules of stude oy str de y el et pl m co ch, ve volunteering, chur “This plan is going to ha es im et m so I e, nc . For insta ep, it is after-school activities lping me get more sle he of ad ste in , us Th . hool TDK classes after sc hedule more hectic.” in go g to make my sc Jae Jung - ‘17

“Time changes w ill push back acti vities, leading to Therefore, this w finishing homew ill have almost no ork later. difference in stud en ts ’ sl ee p schedule.” Dara Williams ‘16

Less than 4 hours

4-5 hours

6-7 hours

8-9 hours 75 students surveyed

“Sports could be moved to bef ore school; however, there wi ll be less time for other extracurricular s and after-school activities.” Marggie Lin - ‘17 et ids will g k o s , s ie leep, activit r-school et some s g te f a to t k c n a a w ” sh b nd if they very fast. n will pu “This pla later than usual. A homework done eir en home ev uld have to get th ‘16 aufman they wo Colleen K

75 students surveyed

The Warrior•Wondering Warrior


November 21, 2013

The time for family, eating, relaxing and giving back:

Thanksgiving u o y e r a t a Wh

? r o f l u f k n most tha

“My frien ds becaus e they ar there for e me throu g and thin h thick “Breakin . ” “My fami g Bad, it ly, friend -Gerald C changed m s and, most imp arter ‘14 y life.” o rtantly, my health.” -Matt K oehler ‘15 -Lauren Bliss ‘17

How do you express your gratitude during the holiday season?

“I help make a Thanksgiving dinner for all the staff at my local horse rescue.” -Larisa Quirk ‘16

“Usually post a whole lot of selfies since everyone is thankful to have me around.” -Sam Girma ‘14

“We have an annual family flag footb all game with all of the cousins, aunts, uncle s and grandparents.” -Bridget Vaughan ‘14

None 6%

Pumpkin 28%

Other 21%

Pecan 8%

p r?

on TV all “We watch the Macy’s day parade together.” -Alleigh Keyes ‘16

p y t

p ie d o y o f o e u

e ref

What unique traditions do you and your family carry out during Thanksgiving?

Wh ich

“Thanking my parents for all that they have done.” -Rosalie Friedman ‘15

Apple 37%

*114 students surveyed

If you could give a homeless person anything, what would it be? “A place to stay, because having a safe place to live is a start.” -Ella Cook ‘16 “I would give them a hug; let them feel warmth.” -Nanxi Xu ‘14 “Shelter so they don’t get rained on.” -Helana Zagami ‘16 compiled by Sammie Spillman ‘16

The Warrior•Entertainment November 21, 2013

Shows +

Shindigs graphic by Katie Mercogliano ‘14

November 26

December 13



DAR Constitution Hall


November 29

December 14


John Mayer

The National


December 19

Animal Collective w/bEEdEEgEE

Dillon Francis (DC)

December 5

Howard Theatre

Sherwood to Host Student Film Festival narrative, animated, documentary, music video and Vine style. Lock has also said that students who have made documentaries for the recent 10th grade English project can submit those videos to the festival. Three judges—a local artist, a teacher from another school, and a film industry professional—will be enlisted. They will choose which videos they believe are the best and will also determine the three finalists for each category. Promotion of the festival has begun to encourage students to submit videos, with signs posted around the building. In addition to the school promotion, local restaurants may sponsor the event by donating food or putting ads in the festival program. There will be free t-shirts given to winners who attend the event, and there will be other great prizes given out to big festival winners. Students are also encouraged to help raise money for the event. The money will be used for the cost of the festival, the reception and prizes. Lock is hoping for a large crowd to attend the festival but is only expecting a few hundred people, including students, families and members of the greater community.

930 Club




December 26

A$AP Ferg

Sherwood will host a film festival on May 16 at 7 p.m. in the Ertzman Theatre. The film fest will show student-created short films. Students from any school in MCPS can compete in the festival. Literature as Film and English teacher Christiane Lock is organizing the festival. “The film festival is an opportunity for high school students from anywhere in Montgomery County to showcase their amazing talents in the art of film,” said Lock. “Film production is the convergence of so many areas of learning for students, including the depth and influence of telling a great story, the importance of visual literacy, the dramatic effects of music, and the power of creation through technology. I want to give students the opportunity to show the community the wealth of their creativity.” Sign-up for entering a video starts in January and ends on March 27. The longest video that can be entered is 12 minutes while the shortest that can be entered is a Vine, a short video, usually five to 10 seconds long of compiled clips of random stuff. The five entry categories will be

Baltimore Arena

December 1

930 Club

by Will Van Gelder ‘16

930 club

Zedd (DC)





The Warrior•Entertainment November 21, 2013

Reviews A Battle of Morality So Cheesy It Just Might Work by Catherine Jou ‘15

“Ender’s Game” gives an ethereal sense to the viewer of wanting to be immersed into space. Writer-director Gavin Hood allows for the film, based on Orson Scott Card’s 1985 novel, of the same name, to be more than just an action flick for teenage boys. Hood explores the ethics of war through the emotional and psychological thoughts of the main character, Ender Wiggin (played by Asa Butterfield). The film takes place in a notso-distant future of 2086, after the Formics, an alien species also known as buggers in the book, attack Earth in two separate invasions. In the second invasion the human race is almost destroyed, which is more of a focal point in the movie than in the novel, but thanks to Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley), Earth’s greatest commander, the world is saved. Since the attacks of the Formics, nations have come together to form the International Fleet (I.F.) where children are recruited based on their strategic abilities and retention of advanced knowledge. Having read the book, it felt to me as if some scenes in the film are rushed and various character developments and relationships are lacking because of it. However, Butterfield still channels the complex emotions of Ender Wiggin and subtly displays, as time progresses, an increasing regret

for allowing Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) and the I.F. to manipulate him for their gain. Throughout the movie Graff constantly tries to justify pushing Ender so hard to the point where it seems like Enders could lose all his capacity for empathy at any second. Graff doesn’t seem to care about Ender’s well-being, and emphasizes that there won’t be a world to criticize him if he doesn’t take such extreme measures. In “Ender’s Game” the initial enemy is the Formics but underneath the surface the teachers and authority at the Battle School are the true enemies. Mazer and Graff manipulate Ender by indirectly choosing who his enemies are through isolation and promotion. This conduct raises many questions of whether to agree with the authority’s tactics or to feel for Ender’s loss of his childhood. The movie shows necessary tactics in the intergalactic war, parallel to the methods used in present-day wars. This asks the audience how much they would be willing to disregard their moral code to save humanity. The most breathtaking parts take place when Ender and his army are in the Battle Room where they do an advanced version of laser tag in zero gravity. While these scenes appeal to action-seekers, they also are a treat for other viewers because of the visually stunning cosmos-like surroundings.

by Jenni Kenel ‘14

The film “The Hunger Games” came out in March 2012, and while many fans are anticipating the thrilling sequel that is released on November 22, directors/writers Jason Freidberg and Aaron Seltzer, who teamed together for “Vampires Suck,” “Epic Movie,” “Disaster Movie” and “Meet the Spartans,” have yet again morphed a beloved blockbuster into a spoof. “The Starving Games” offers viewers moments of enjoyment paradoxically because of its stupidity and use of stereotypes. The movie starts off with Kantmiss Evershot (Maiara Walsh) and Dale (Brant Daugherty) talking about running away from the miserable District 12 where they live. They discuss the Gathering, which is the equivalent to the Reaping in “The Hunger Games,” in which two contestants are chosen to fight to the death against 22 other teenagers. Petunia Evershot (Kennedy Hermansen) is selected for the Starving Games, and Kantmiss dances in delight at not being chosen. She even chest-bumps and high-fives the guards that are preparing to take her sister. But then Kantmiss is convinced by Petunia’s puppy dog eyes into volunteering for her younger sister. The contestants are then brought to the Capital and are

interviewed by cheesey Stanley Caeserman (Chris Marroy) on their way to the arena where they will fight to the death. The Games begin and Kantmiss meets the musical group LMFAO and gets help from her competitor, Rudy (Eryn L. Davis), who ends up snapping Kantmiss out of a hallucination in she which was imagining that she is one of the Na’vi from the movie “Avatar.” The rest of the Games continue on with a few twists here and there with spoofs such as the Mocking Jay, the bravest bird, being a chicken and the birds pooping on Kantmiss when she whistles her tune. Also, her mother, who is depressed in “The Hunger Games,” is completely brain dead and unable to function in “The Starving Games.”

The portrayal of some of the events in the spoof film did leave something to be desired. Walsh is very predictable and over exuberant in her acting, even for a movie that is supposed to be unrealistic. For example, her acting is just a distraction in the scene when Kantmiss is trying to save Peter (Cody Christian) from Marco (Ross Wyngaarden) and picks a French baguette instead of an arrow from her sheath. Daugherty and Christian, on the other hand, gave strong performances. Daugherty was excellent at playing the overprotective type of boy who also has a crush on the heroine, and Christian successfully made a joke of the “baker’s nerdy son” who is also hopelessly in love with her. Christian also gets a shout-out for being able to convincingly scream in a very high-pitched girl voice when depicting how Peter was terrified of everything and everyone as soon as the Games begin. Friedberg and Seltzer add a dash of cultural relevancy with the references to Harry Potter, “Oz: the Great and Powerful,” “The Avengers,” Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Taylor Swift, “Sherlock Holmes” and even America’s crazy obsession with their sports teams. “The Starving Games” is cheesy, predictable, stupid, stereotypical, insulting and rude— exactly what a spoof should be.

C.A.S.T. Takes a Shot at the ‘Tale as Old as Time’

by Mandy Stussman ‘14

Beauty and the Beast, a play produced by IT Systems Specialist and theatre director Andrew Dodge, began performances in the Ertzman theatre on November 15, and will continue performances this weekend, on the 22nd and 23rd. This year, the play featured unprecedented components, as cast and crew members worked vigorously to test the boundaries of a high school production and take the play to a whole new caliber. All their time and energy paid off. The musical captivated its audience through passionate acting, impressive singing, elaborate sets, lighting and precise choreography. “[To direct a play], you have to start by reading through the script to find out what the needs of the production will be: how many different locations do we need to create, furniture and props, and all of the different costumes to create the right look,” said Dodge. “All of these needed to be designed and planned out. I have a lot of students on tech crew this year which has been beneficial to the

courtsey of Theresa Mezebish

Child actors take bow during curtain call (top left); Belle (Alperin) and Beast (Cameron) share a touching moment in the romantic number, “Something There” (top right); Gaston (Hunt) woos Silly Girls (Fox, Mueck, Deerin) with his charm (bottom left); The cast takes the stage for last time in grand finale (bottom right). complexity of the show.” Dodge and the crew were successful in creating that “right look.” The set designs, which consisted mainly of detailed painted backgrounds, were exquisite, and helped transition the

play throughout the three main settings. Coupled with beautifully extravagant costumes and makeup, viewers were drawn into the story, forgetting they were in a high school theatre. Another new feature of the

play was the casting of two elementary school students to share the role of Chip the Teacup. This was the first time that non-Sherwood students were cast in a Sherwood production. Senior Rachel Fox, who

also played Silly Girl #1, choreographed the elaborate dance routines, which added to the songs and the story. The hours of practice were evident as the cast remained largely synchronized. Sophomore Sophie Mezebish, who played Babette, even performed a solo tap-dancing routine during one of the songs, an impressive talent and great addition to the play. Furthermore, the Sherwood orchestra, conducted by music teacher Alex Silverbook, wowed the audience with its impressive skills. They beautifully demonstrated their ability to master the amazing score of the musical, especially the most beloved songs, like “Be Our Guest” and “Beauty and the Beast.” Half way through the first act on opening night, the cast demonstrated remarkable professionalism when a bat swooped in and flew around the theater. The actors on stage masterfully did not skip a beat proving the play would go on no matter what. Overall, the cast and crew produced an outstanding musical reminiscent of the beloved tale, “Beauty and the Beast.”

The Warrior•Sports 18

November 21, 2013

Better Ingredients, Better Pizza, Bigger Waistlines

by Katie Mercogliano ‘14

Last year, the NFL’s “Play 60” campaign, which encouraged kids to get at least one hour of exercise daily in hopes of reversing childhood obesity, was repeatedly played during the games. Professional athletes, whether they want the responsibility or not, are influential celebrities to young children, and the “Play 60” campaign displayed them using those powers to benefit the lives of kids. But in this year’s endorsements, it’s apparent the focus is becoming more and more on how many Papa John’s pizzas the great Peyton Manning can get for cheaper or who stole the McDonald’s Mighty Wings from star quarterbacks Joe Flacco and Colin Kaepernick. Obesity is the most significant health issue for American children and adolescents, and

has doubled in the last 30 years, according to the Center for Disease Control. It doesn’t take an expert to tell you that pizza and McDonald’s aren’t a part of a nutritional diet, and it is highly unlikely that eating the junk food these athletes endorse is what got them to where they are today. The average adult (hopefully) can realize this fact, but impressionable young kids also look up to likable athletes and strive to be just like them. Celebrity endorsements are a common and usually successful tactic that advertisers use to promote a product, and you would have to be an idiot not to say yes to a quick buck (or a million) just to star in a commercial or two. But there is some blatant irony in big-name athletes, who are known for their impeccable physical capabilities, endorsing foods that increase the childhood obesity rate. Several ath-

letes endorse healthy foods for a big chunk of change too, like Robert Griffin III and others for Subway. It’s possible to collect on the celebrity status while still being a good role model. There is no reason why a celebrity athlete should not be able to reap the benefits of their success through endorsement deals that they are offered. But choosing to market fast food when their job is to be fit and healthy sends a mixed message to kids. These athletes should be fighting the childhood obesity epidemic, not contributing to it.

Gym Floor Causes Problems by Hunter Moore ‘15 The floor of Sherwood’s main gym has not been renovated since 1990. As a result, traction issues have emerged. By the time volleyball season nears an end and basketball starts to gear up, the wax job is worn out and the floor is dusty and lacks grip. After years of wear and tear from games and P.E. classes, many players have indicated that a new floor is needed. “I didn’t know MCPS had the budget for an ice rink,” halfjoked senior basketball captain Ty Reeves. Although some athletes have voiced their dislike of the floor, the complaints haven’t been voiced loudly enough in recent years. “I haven’t received a com-

plaint about the gym floor since 2011-2012,” said Athletic Director Kathy Green. “Coaches are expected to follow MCPS protocol for gym floor maintenance. The key is maintenance of the gym floor. Thousands of dollars could be spent on a new floor, but if the floor isn’t maintained according to MCPS protocols, the concerns with the floor will still exist.” “The difference between a slick floor and one that’s nice to play on is how often it gets dry and wet mopped. It should be done on a daily basis; unfortunately, that’s not a reality,” said JV boys’ basketball Coach Randy Thompson. “Maintaining the floor quality will be one of Coach Gilchrist’s priorities … so there will be some improvement of the floor seen mid-winter.”

Instead of a new gym floor, wax is applied over winter and summer breaks to improve the traction. The wax makes the floor sticky, but for sports like volleyball, the wax can actually make playing worse. “If [the floor] is too slippery then it’s hard to move and when it’s too waxed it makes it harder to slide after you dive,” said senior volleyball captain Makayla Roy. “The gym is probably best mid-season. At the beginning it’s too waxy and at the end it becomes way too slippery.” Whatever the condition of the floor, Sherwood will not get a new floor for another 15 years. MCPS gym floors run on a 40year cycle before they are replaced, unless it is proven to be a hazard, said Business Administrator Brenda Hoyle.

What to Watch For

Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball

- Michael Natelli ‘14 Last Season: 12-10 Playoff Results: Lost in the second round 49-44 to Paint Branch.

- Sammie Spillman ‘16 Last Season: 4-17 Playoff Results: Lost in the first round 74-32 to Poly.

Key Performers: Junior Xavier McCants, seniors Ellis Dozier and Tyler Reeves.

Key Performers: Junior Nicole Stockinger and senior Marybeth Bidwick.

Coach Tim Gilchrist: “We start the year off with Magruder. That’s always a big rivalry game and we don’t play them again until the end of February, so those will be two games that the kids are looking forward to. We’re also in a holiday tournament at Einstein; pretty solid tournament there with Einstein, Richard Montgomery, Crossland out of PG County and then us. Really just looking forward to the season; we’re working hard right now, and good things will happen if we keep the hard work up.”

Coach Chris Campbell: “I know we have a strong returning core and some of the returning players are battling injuries and illnesses and the goal is to get them healthy again. I will be looking to leadership from Marybeth and Nicole. I know it’s going to be tough because last year the team went through a learning curve with a new system and now they have to do it all over again, but I am really excited this year and I expect to improve on last year’s record.”

- Leo Corman ‘15

- Becky Ewing ‘14

Indoor Track

Swim and Dive

Playoff Results: 8th for girls and 9th for boys in 4A West Regional Meet; 18th for girls and 24th for boys in 4A Maryland State Meet.

Playoff Results: Girls placed 2nd at State Championship, 2nd at North Regional Championship and 3rd at Metros.

Key Performers: Juniors Lauren Woods, Tiffany Woods, Jefferson Ruiz, Owen Miller, seniors Grace McDonald and Kyle Melnick.

Key Performers: Junior Jake Ryan, seniors Amy Hockman and Alex Witkin.

Coach Dan Reeks: “On the boys’ side, we lost three of the four members of our 4x800 relay team. We also lost an excellent hurdler in Andrew Sarver. On the girls’ side, we lost Lauren Paese, a strong high jumper, and Amanda Tomlinson, a good distance runner. Top competitors this year for the girls will be sprinters Lauren and Tiffany Woods and distance runner Grace McDonald. For the boys, Jefferson Ruiz, Owen Miller, and Kyle Melnick will be among the top relay runners.”


- Mary Macrae ‘14 Last Season: 6-8 Playoff Results: Senior Chris Minor, junior Andrew Frumkin and Adrian Arvalo (‘13) qualified for states. Key Performers: Sophomore Billy Macheras, juniors Andrew Frumkin and Troy Berkheimer, seniors Cal Wilson, Chris Minor and Matt Roberts. Coach Pete Siarkas: “We want to make it to the state duels. That’s our team’s goal. For individual goals we want to send as many guys to states as possible this year. Last year we had three qualify for states and we want to double it.”

Coach Brendan Lees: “Our girls’ team finished 2nd in the state last year, and we had four event state champions which was the most of any team in the state. We graduated some of our top swimmers, but we have some great young swimmers on the team and great senior leadership that should help us repeat as Division & Region Champs and be somewhere near the top of the state standings. The boys finished 2nd at regionals last year and hopefully will be vying for a region championship this year.”

The Warrior•Sports November 21, 2013


New Coaches Find Immediate Success by Kyle Melnick ‘14

Six new varsity head coaches have taken the sideline this school year for the Warriors. New football coach Chris Grier has already begun his Warrior legacy, earning a 7-4 record and a playoff appearance in his first season. Soccer coaches Michael Kogok (boys) and Danielle Rosanova (girls) have also gotten their Sherwood coach careers started on their respective teams. New basketball coaches Tim Gilchrist (boys) and Chris Campbell (girls) are prepared for their winter seasons. Lastly, Ashley Barber takes over the softball team in the spring. “A major key for a varsity coach is being able to organize and execute a program,” said Athletic Director Elizabeth Green. New coaches bring new approaches and attitudes to the games and practices, as well as new play styles and play books. This can be a huge transition for the players, as they have become comfortable with their old coach’s practice and game strategy. This is especially relevant for the football program, as they have had three different coaches in the last four years. “In some aspects you might think that so much transition makes it easier for the players, which it can, but it also can make it more difficult,” said Grier. “Once the players saw my dedication to the program and believed that they would be the start of a new long era of Sherwood foot-

ball, they have given everything they have to build a strong foundation for the future. That being said, we aren’t playing for the future, we are playing for right now.” Although having a new head coach is exciting, it can also be extremely frustrating. All coaches demand differently from their athletes. Some coaches approach the sport in a supportive manner, staying positive and never getting down on their athletes. However, some coaches feel the only way to win and get the most out of their athletes is to be very demanding and vocal with the expectation that the athletes perform every time they step on the field. Many coaches believe a mix of these styles is the best way to go. “There is always a learning curve for players when a new coach comes in. The process does take time but the players have work[ed] hard, are receptive to instruction and have positive attitudes,” said Kogok. Most of these new coaches have taken over traditionally successful programs at Sherwood, and are expected to continue the success. Barber, who takes over a team that has won consecutive 4A state championships, will be in charge of continuing the momentum and adding to the softball legacy. She hopes to bring her own aspects of coaching and combine them with what former coach Pat Flanagan brought to the players. “It’s a new year, Flanagan

Kyle Melnick ‘14

New varsity boys’ basketball coach Tim Gilchrist (left) watches as varsity Warriors try out. He takes over for Dontrell Wittmore, who left the program after last season. Chris Campbell (right) takes over the girls’ program this year. He is the third head coach in three years as the Warriors look for continuity. was a great coach who has been team and hopefully they can take continue where players/coaches here a long time,” said Barber. “I themselves as far as they have in of the past have left off. The prothink we both have similar styles the past.” gram will continue to thrive and in some aspects and different in The same stands for Gilchrist, the current players know the reothers. I was fortunate enough to who is taking over the basketball sponsibility they have to the trawork with her the past four years team that made it to the Mary- dition of Sherwood basketball, to [as assistant coach]. We will prac- land State Semifinals in 2012. the community, and to themselves tice and play hard. I just want to “Sherwood basketball has a great as leaders and positive influences push the girls to get better and tradition and I am proud to be a within Sherwood High School,” be the best individually and as a part of that tradition. I hope to said Gilchrist.

The Warrior•Sports 20

November 21, 2013

Warriors Come Up Short Against Panthers by Michael Natelli ‘14 A new quarterback and a new head coach. Just one of those two changes would be enough to make a team nervous heading into the season, but the Sherwood Warriors found themselves with both. Fortunately, they had been accustomed to the latter of the two from recent experiences. The departure of Coach Mike Bonavia last offseason marked the third time the senior class has experienced a coaching change in their time on the team. “Not very many people go through three, really four, different coaching staffs in four years and still come out with a winning record every year,” said senior center Dean Emerson. But the Warriors did just that, and finished this season with an impressive 7-3 record. “We knew our team would face adversity from the start, so we worked that much harder in the offseason and throughout the season,” said senior safety Michael Windsor. The results paid off, as the

Jack Armstrong ‘15

Senior Elijah Spottswood is stopped on a run during Sherwood’s first round playoff matchup against Paint Branch on November 15. The Warriors lost 42-7 after not being able to establish an offensive rhythm. Warriors made the playoffs. However, they were paired up with the Paint Branch Panthers (10-1), a team that had beaten them by a score of 55-21 just two weeks prior. The Warriors ultimately suf-

fered another tough loss to the Panthers, this time by a score of 42-7. Paint Branch senior quarterback Gaston Cooper threw for 317 yards and five touchdowns, while the Panthers also had an additional 88 yards on the ground.

“When you play a team like Paint Branch with a high scoring, powerful offense, you need to control the ball as much as possible,” said Emerson. “Take a lot of time off the clock on your offensive drives, and keep the ball

out of their hands as much as possible, especially when you’re going against players like Gaston Cooper.” Paint Branch picked up 19 total first downs in the game, denying the Warriors any chance at establishing momentum on offense. The time-of-possession differential showed up on the scoreboard, as the Warriors were outscored by five touchdowns. An exciting season to say the least; unfortunately, the saying still proved true: ‘All good things must come to an end.’ But nonetheless, the Warriors certainly proved their critics wrong, as no one could have expected the caliber of play that the team put together under such unusual circumstances. “This season as a whole was a building block for the future of the program,” said Windsor. But with so many seniors set to depart before 2014, there will be several new faces when the Warriors take the field for the first time at the start of next school year. Fans will see if they can once again work through significant change and make another playoff run.

Volleyball Falls Early, Title Field Hockey Loses Streak Comes to Abrupt End to Severna Park in State Semi-Finals by Sammie Spillman ‘16

The Warriors’ volleyball team lost to Howard on October 6 in a third-round playoff match. After Howard took the first set 25-14, the Warriors battled back to win the next two sets 28-26, 23-25. However, the momentum wildly swung back in Howard’s direction as they won the last two sets 25-9 and 15-5. “The Howard team was very smart and had a lot of talent. We played as hard as we could but sadly did not come out with the win,” said junior defensive specialist Alison Sarver. The Warriors went 12-1 in the regular season, losing to Damascus on October 18 in five sets, which ended the Warrior’s 68-game undefeated streak over the course of three seasons. The Warriors ably overcame that disappointment with an impressive win on October 22 away at Good Counsel. The Warriors entered the Howard game with a firstround playoff victory at home over Springbrook. “I’m so proud of the team for putting together a great season. Their dedication and passion to their teammates and coaches took their play to an extremely high level,” said Coach Brian McCarty. “The Howard match was a lot of fun to be a part of even though we didn’t come out on top. There was a great crowd, loud gym, and some really competitive volleyball being played – just a great atmosphere for our team to play in. We have to give credit to Howard; they were a strong, athletic,

by Ryan Deal ‘16

Joey Lavoie ‘14

Girls’ volleyball breaks huddle during a 3-2 loss at Howard in the third round. This was the last high school game for five graduating seniors.

powerful team that played well. I’m proud of the way our team competed all night and fought for each other. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get some big points when we needed to.” Although the Warriors lost in the playoffs earlier than many anticipated, the team still has high hopes for next year when they will return 12 players. “Next season we’re going to make a come-

back and be just as good, if not better, and we’ll work as hard as we did this last season and hopefully go further in the playoffs,” said junior libero Kaleigh Homer. “As for next year, I think we should be strong again,” added McCarty. “Our seniors leave the program with a legacy of hard work and success so hopefully our younger players can carry on those traditions.”

The field hockey team made school history this season, advancing to the state tournament for the first time since 1985, ending a drought that lasted 28 years. The team, which is still fairly young, went 16-2 overall this season, including playoff victories against Blake, Quince Orchard and Paint Branch en route to a 4A West Division Title. The team outscored opponents 71-10 in the regular season. Of their 16 wins, nine were shutouts and in six of them, the opponent was held to just one goal “We had a lot of perseverance. We prepared well and focused on every game one step at a time by working hard at practice,” said sophomore Zoe Sweeney. The field hockey team’s dominance can be largely attributed to an electric offense, which possessed two of the top five scorers in the county in seniors Emily Kenul (29 goals) and Gabrielle Yore (25 goals) and a stifling defense, led by sophomore Dani Pignone, senior goalkeeper Christina Ricciuiti and senior Mollie Russell. Along with the physical abilities of the team, the team chemistry and leadership attributed to a deep postseason run. “Our captains [Russell and Yore] along with our other seniors truly cared for each one of their teammates and made sure to be there for them through the ups and downs,” said

Coach Amy Morse. Sherwood began the season on a 13-game win streak and the success carried them all the way to the state tournament. “Reaching states felt amazing and it was so much fun to share it with everyone,” said Ricciuti. “The most exciting part was knowing and believing that we belonged there,” Morse added. Winning the state tournament, which is played annually and is composed of four teams, is the ultimate goal for field hockey teams throughout the state. In the tournament semifinals, they faced a tough and experienced Severna Park team. Sherwood played their hearts out, but ultimately lost to the veteran team, 5-0. “They had really good stick skills and knew how to pass. They got a couple of goals quickly and had momentum for the rest of the game. They came out really ready to win,” said Kenul. Although the loss ended a historic season for the Warriors, the experience and thrill of the season will be remembered by the players and coaches. “If I learned anything from this year, it’s that it is important to keep pushing each other and to keep sticking together even when you’re losing,” said senior Haroula Tzamaras. “I will walk away from this season feeling an incredible amount of pride in this team. They worked hard for their teammatesnot themselves,” said Morse.

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