4 minute read
THE Two facEs of TimE as wE know iT
Suzanne Wong Editor-in-Chief of WorldTempus
Which way do you see time? There is objective time, units derived from the Earth’s motion around the Sun. There is subjective time, which is time as it is experienced, processed and retained by our consciousness. The ancient Greeks had terms for this binary approach: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos is an absolute quantity; it is the procession of time displayed by our watches and iPhone screens. Kairos is a relative dimension; it dilates and compresses, moving slowly when we await test results, disappearing on Sunday nights. In other words, Chronos is the time that can be counted and Kairos is the time that counts. We tend to see time in terms of its units, which we all have in common. Less frequently, we reflect on how our individual perceptions of time might be vastly different. A quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein goes like this: “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity”. Glibness aside, the quote nevertheless illustrates that whilst Chronos stays constant for everyone, Kairos is an elusive, shifting beast, experienced differently according to our individual relationships with time. I say “relationship” even though it’s a one-way dynamic. We have no effect on time, while time leaves its indelible marks on us. If the inexorability of Chronos depresses you, we can turn to the Kairos incarnation of time, which is entirely androcentric, based on what is and is not significant to us. Let’s put it this way. We often refer to someone’s life and someone’s story as if they were the same thing. They are not. In life, we have very little agency. We can’t control the circumstances of our birth and family, and even in our dayto-day lives, we often can’t control the way we think or behave. In our stories, however, we taste omnipotence. We are author, narrator and protagonist, all at once. Stories let us reclaim agency in a chaotic world. It is the triumph of Kairos over Chronos. There is a phrase I’m fond of: “It’s ironic how we know so much about timepieces and so little about time”. It’s a statement about how we see Chronos and Kairos; it also articulates the chasm between our knowledge of things and our knowledge of self. This is why we love timepieces. Through their chronometric function, they are anchored in objective time. Because we often acquire them at major points in our life-story, they are also linked to subjective time. Chronos is the time that can be counted; Kairos is the time that counts. In your watch, Chronos and Kairos are one.
04 cOVER waTcH TAG Heuer Autavia 60th Anniversary Flyback Chronograph 06 EDiTORiaL Sharmila Bertin 08 gUEsT Suzanne Wong 16-18 wE LOVE - Audemars Piguet - Ulysse Nardin 22 maTERiaL wORLD Sapphire 26 cOVER sTORY - Interview Frédéric Arnault - 60th anniversary of a legend 34 TREnDs A year that’s really... graouuuu! 38 RicHaRD miLLE RM 35-03 40 bREgUET Reine de Naples 42 PaTEk PHiLiPPE Patek Philippe x Tiffany & Co 44 HUbLOT Yellow Gold Collection 46 a. LangE & söHnE Zeitwerk 48 LOnginEs Legend Diver
50 PORTRaiT Kari Voutilainen 53 sHOOTing Hublot 62 zEniTH The evolution of a style 66 zRc Grands Fonds 300 68 cOckPiT Sparfell x Zenith 70 bVLgaRi Octo Roma 72 ROgER DUbUis Chevaliers de la Table Ronde 74 giRaRD-PERREgaUx Tourbillon sous Trois Ponts d'Or Ruby Heart 76 EnginE POwER Ulysse Nardin 78 DUbai waTcH wEEk Time under the Middle-East sun 82 sPOTLigHT Cage of memories 86 iT's fUn O'cLOck When watchmaking is having fun 88 insiDER Is France in a position to manufacture precision watches? 90 mOOD Time and silence
Editeur/Publisher Alain Carrier acarrier@ace-publishing.com
Rédactrice en chef/Editor-in-Chief Sharmila Bertin sbertin@ace-publishing.com
Designer graphique/Graphic designer Célia Sozet Contributeurs/Contributors Sharmila Bertin - Mathilde Binetruy Dan Diaconu - Mickael Gautier Marc Ninghetto - Ryo Saeba Benjamin Teisseire - Suzanne Wong
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