SEPTEMBER 22, 2011
Volume 1, Number 9
Re-Opening Of Pistachio's Pages 42-56
Chili Cook-Off Preview Pages 45-48
what is this? You’re holding West Chester’s newest and most exciting magazine. Inside you’ll find both fun and information in equal measures. Fall is festival season in West Chester, and the Chester County Restaurant Festival kicked it off with a bang. With food, drinks, vendors and (of course) balloons, Gay Street was packed. Adam Jones
Oh, and it’s FREE!
Page 2
September 22, 2011
From The Editor
Our Team
Social Feed IF YOU love this magazine, (or even just kinda like it), you should join us on your favorite social media platform. We'll be giving away prizes to our followers and keeping you up to date on what's happening in town. You'll also have access to exclusive deals and content, plus the chance to keep up with us between issues. This month our fans will win gift certificates to Barnaby's, Alibis and Landmark, among others. So, even if you're really not all that into this publication (which is preposterous), but you like to eat and drink in West Chester for free, you should still follow us!
The WC is an Exit Zero production Exit Zero Publishing Inc. 109 Sunset Boulevard, Suite D Cape May, NJ 08204 609-770-8479
Publisher Jack Wright Editor Dan Mathers
ESTIVAL season is in full swing, and if the Chester County Restaurant Festival is any indicator, it’s off to a rolling start. If one complaint can be made about the event, it could only be that the it was too successful. Even knowing how delicious the chicken was that Chris DiFabio was serving up at the Pistachio’s booth, I simply don't have the patience to stand in a line 30+ people deep stretching half a block. If the fire department were to set a maximum capacity for downtown West Chester, the restaurant festival would likely have exceeded it. One line I did wait in was that of Olive Branch, because I was told their cake involved bits of white chocolate-covered Captain Crunch crumbles. Luckily for me, by the time I got to their block, the festival seemed to be clearing out a bit, and I only had to wait a few seconds for a piece of Marie Cantatore’s cake that more than lived up to the hype. It was also great to see owner Roberto Guadagnini manning the panini grill at Teca’s table. Apparently he has some skills on that grill, because the panini my wife ordered – laden with prosciutto, mozzarella and roasted red peppers – was fantastic. The next festival to congest the town will be the West Chester Chili Cook-Off, scheduled for Sunday, October 9. We’re looking forward to it – it’s tough to beat all-you-can-eat chili for just $10, especially when that $10 goes straight to a worthy cause. Diane Stopyra wrote an excellent preview of the cook-off, which you can find on page 45. Finally, I want to take a moment to let everyone know that it is now possible to sign up for a free digital subscription to The WC. Simply send an email to with the subject line Sign Me Up. Make sure to include your name, and we’ll send you the digital version of each issue, which you can flip through page by page. Dan Mathers
Advertising Manager Nick Vecchio Assistant Editor Jon Roth Staff Photographers Adam Jones Justin Muir Andrew Hutchins Graham Nolte Graphic Designer Doree Bardes Staff Artist Victor Grasso
The WC Press 331 West Miner Street, Floor 2 West Chester, PA 19382 This publication is printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks. Be good to your planet.
September 22, 2011
Inside This Issue
An excessive serving of all that is good
Page 3
A Picture From The Past Plumbing the depths of West Chester's rich history
Calendar of Events 5-6 Our (nearly) definitive guide to what’s happening in West Chester.
Nightlife In The WC 11 Our list of upcoming activities for the 21+ crowd.
Finding Treasure 17 With a keen eye and memory, Tara Dugan finds treasures in the trash.
Employee Of The Month 19 Rachel Powell runs a tight ship at Greene Stretet Consignment.
The Quickfire Challenge 25 Testing the founder of under pressure.
What's Happening In West Chester 27 Cat Rogers shows up looking for Philly sports and leaves with Philly food.
The Dating Column 31 Ladies might all relate to Diane Stopyra’s dating foibles.
The September Playlist 33 DJ Romeo's must-download tracks of the month.
A Trainer’s Tips On Staying Fit 41 Christine Mooney shares her insight on staying happy and healthy.
West Chester Chili Cookoff 45-48 Diane Stopyra previews this annual can't-miss event.
What They’re Wearing 51 An impromptu fashion photo shoot on the streets of West Chester.
Adopt An Animal 57-59 Enrich your life and help one of these potential friends in need.
The Restaurant Festival In Review 51 Michelle Mass did her best to taste it all and is happy to share the results.
The West Chester Crossword 69 A crossword puzzle focusing on the advertisers we love so dearly.
This photo of the Warner Theatre was taken before it opened in November of 1930. The theatre was enormous, seating 2,500 people. The theatre held a full stage and a disappearing orchestra pit. It is currently the site of construction for a new hotel. Chester County Historical Society
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
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Calendar Of Events
Look no further... a carefully curated list of upcoming happenings in West Chester Thursdays 9/22 & 9/29, 10am-1pm: Storytime The West Chester Public Library presents storytime every Tuesday in September for children ranging from newborn to five years old. Times vary depending upon age, with two-year-olds at 10am, and three-year-olds at 11am. 415 North Church Street, 610-696-1721,
Thursday 9/22, 1-8pm: Civil War Documentation Day The Chester County Historical Society invites you to bring your family’s Civil War letters, photographs and artifacts to CCHS for documentation and possible inclusion in their October 2012 exhibit. Owner confidentiality will be maintained and no appraisals will be given. Conservator Kory Barrett will provide preservation advice. Events include the opening of new exhibit “If Walls Could Talk,” costumed reinactors, a book discussion with Dr Sarah Trembanis on Adam Goodheart’s 1861: The Civil War Awakening, Ed and Fay Max: A Hero’s Honor Roll – photographs of local soldiers and the Chester County enlistment roster, and a special exhibit of Civil War covers (envelopes) from the collection of Bruce Mowday. 225 North High Street, 610-692-4800,
RotrFest is the only all-helicopter show in America 9/24 Friday 9/23, 7:30pm: Barrage – Soundtrack Of The World Barrage brings its final show, "Soundtrack of the World," to West Chester University. Check out young artists performing in a variety of musical styles. Tickets can be purchased online, over the phone or in person at the ticket office on WCU Campus at the Sykes Student Union, ground floor. Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, VAS.asp
Saturday 9/24, 8:30am-1pm: Kids' Chess Tournament The West Chester Public Library is hosting this chess tournament for children and teens at Borough Hall. 501 East Gay Street, 610-696-1721
Saturday 9/24 – Sunday 9/25, 10am-4:30pm: RotorFest The American Helicopter Museum is hosting "Rotorfest," the only all-helicopter show in America. Bring the family for rides, food, music and helicopters and helicopter rides. The event also features three air shows daily. 11220 American Boulevard, 610-436-9600,
You saw the girls of Gatsby's Salon break the world record for most haircuts in eight hours on "Jerseylicious." Now, Gatsby's owner Gayle Giacomo will be presiding over Calista Grand's attempt to break her record 9/25
Saturday 9/24 – Sunday 9/25, 10am-4:30pm: RotorFest Big G and the Cool Cats are a big horn band under the direction of George Whittam. They feature three saxes, two trombones and two
trumpets. The rhythm section includes guitar, bass, drums and keys. Featured vocalists on the night will be Barbara Kovacs and Andrew Coffin, two singers who perform all over the Delaware Valley. You'll hear the sounds of the '60s and '70s made famous by bands such as Chicago, and Blood Sweat and Tears, as well as the fabulous sounds of Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Ottis Redding, Tina Turner, Van Morrison and more. Tickets are $8 for members, $10 for non-members and are on sale at the Chester County Historical Society and Taylor's Music. 225 North High Street, 610692-4800,
Sunday 9/25: Calistalicious Fun-Raiser Calista Grand are attempting to break the Guinness record for most haircuts in eight hours. Celebrity judges will be in attendance, and tons of prizes will be raffled away, including a brand new Land Rover. For more information about the event, turn to page five. Calista Grand Salon and Spa, 1211 Wilmington Pike, 610-399-6677,
Monday 9/26: Barnaby's Charity Golf Outing Barnaby's of America presents a charity golf outing at Broad Run Golf Club, with all proceeds going to the Hero Fund. 1520 Tattersall
Continued On Page 6 ?
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September 22, 2011
Calendar Of Events
Look no further... a carefully curated list of upcoming happenings in West Chester Way, 610-696-1400
Monday 9/26, 6:30-7pm: Teen Advisory Meeting Teens, help the West Chester Library plan programs for you. Meet other teens, discuss events and current issues, and let the library know what’s cool and what’s not while enjoying snacks. Join now before the group fills up. For ages 13-17. No registration required. Meetings are once a month on Mondays. 415 North Church Street, 610-696-7985,
Tuesday 9/27 10am-1pm: Storytime The West Chester Public Library presents storytime every Tuesday in September for children ranging from newborn to five years old. Times vary depending upon age, with ages 0-12 months at 10am, 12-23 months at 11am and four to five-year-olds at 1pm (two and threeyear-old children meet on Thursdays). 415 North Church Street, 610-696-1721,
Wednesday 9/28, 1-7pm: Red Cross Blood Drive At Mitch's Gym Giving blood saves lives – plain and simple. So, if you're available, stop by Mitch's for the chance to be a hero. 322 West Market Street, 610-918-2900, 1-800-RED-CROSS,
Wednesday 9/28, 6:45-8pm: Book Signing And Discussion With Bruce Mowday Hear about Richie Ashburn and the young fan who later helped get him inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Ashburn signed an autograph for Jim Donahue, Mowday's co-author for this book; Donahue and Ashburn became good friends as a result. Richie Ashburn ... Why the Hall Not? The Amazing Journey to Cooperstown chronicles the story of one of Philadelphia's best-loved athletes. In the words of author Ted Taylor, "Ashburn [was]... not only a great player but a great human being as well." 15 North Church Street, 610-696-7985,
Thursday 9/29, 12-5pm: Plein Air Brandywine Valley Plein Air Brandywine Valley is a painting and photography competition, show and sale featuring the beauty of the Brandywine Valley. From Sunday, September 25 to Saturday, October 1 artists will paint and photograph the most scenic properties of the Brandywine Valley. On Thursday, the tour stops in West Chester for a fun-filled day including workshops for artists at West Chester University and Chester County Art
Don't miss the West Chester Rotary Club's Chili Cook-Off 10/9 Association, painting in town, a quick-draw competition for children and families in Old Court House and a block party with an art sale. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit Chester County Art Association's ArtReach scholarship programs.
Friday 9/30 and Saturday 10/1: Ghost Tour Of West Chester This walking tour features tales of ghosts, folklore and history. Your guide will lead you on a 90-minute walk through the spooky lanes of neighborhoods where you'll explore the land of the shadow people, learn of the lost souls of the Underground Railroad, and hear about the West Chester gallows where horse thieves and murderers were hanged. Ghost Tours of West Chester occur every Friday and Saturday night in October and start at The Lincoln Room. Courtyard Grill will be open for light sandwiches, snacks and beverages before the tours, and doors open at 7pm rain or shine. Price is $10 per person, ages five years and up. Reservations required. 28 West Market Street, 610-696-2102
Friday 10/7, 5-9pm: Fall Gallery Walk It's a Friday night and you are looking for something to do. You wish there was something free around, but where? Downtown West Chester is the place to be. Come out
for an evening of culture, shopping, dining and that crisp fall weather we all enjoy! In addition to 13 great galleries they will once again offer the "Stillman Volvo Art Experience" in the Wells Fargo parking lot. Galleries: FastFrame West Chester Kent Studios at Z Gallery Sunset Hill Jewelers & Fine Arts Gallery The Five Senses Visual Expansion Gallery One Night Only Art Shows: Chester County Art Association Chester County Historical Society DNB First Bank Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Fulton Bank The Hickman Wells Fargo West Chester Friends School
Sunday 10/9, 12-3pm: West Chester Chili Cookoff For just $10 you can purchase a wristband and sample chili from more than 60 booths that will be lining Gay Street. Additionally, vendors will be filling the streets with arts, crafts, goods and even other foods. So, even if you don't like chili, this is a can't-miss event. You can purchase tickets in advance at three for $25.
September 22, 2011
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s pa
“Raising Cash For Cancer Survivors And Those In Treatment”
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25th, 2011 9am-7pm Guinness Book Of World Records Cut-A-Thon - 10am-6pm $10 Minimum Donation For All Cuts *Please Call For Details
Celebrity Judges
•Celebrity Gayle Giacomo from Jerseylicious •Renowned stylist Nick Berardi•Platform Artist and Celebrity Stylist Karen Lafferty •Martino Cartier from Tabatha’s Salon Takeover
50/50 RAFFLE SILENT AUCTIONS Skin Care, Haircare, Nails Product Gift Baskets and Sport Memorabilia
Gift Certificate Specials, Face Painting, Temporary Tattoos, Feather Extensions, Food and Drink from Brandywine Hickory House, Majestic Winery & More!
Live Music: The Rob Snyder Band, DJ Caporale Donations From DNB Bank, Jaguar/Land Rover of West Chester and many more!
Thank You to Our Co-Sponsors
Salon Galaxy Philadelphia Style Be Magazine
Jaguar/Land Rover Of West Chester J.M. Fox, DNB Bank Geri Rycharski – GR PR LLC.
Page 8
September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival
Juli Hackiland, Pam and Dave Jones
Lia Zucchino, Lindsey Gibson, Melanie Piersanti Gioe
Jerry-Lynn, James and Joe Wier, Mary Franzese
Alex Schlitz, Dana Dietrich, Katie Hrynkow
Jim, Lisa and Maureen Fendrick
Kathy, Jamie, Caitlin, Nolie, Cathy
September 22, 2011
le Saw! On No
Page 9
Online & At The Chamber Office • 3 for $2 5 After October 7, $10 each • Children Under 10 FREE With Paid Adult.
Come Taste The Best Darn Chili Around! * Try 70 Teams’ Chili for Just $10
s izes! * 40 Food, Business and Craft Vendors Expected r P er
sh nn Cafor Wi
* Enjoy the YMCA’s Kids Korral for the lil’ buckaroos * Check out the “GAME” at the Comcast Spotlight We Thank Our Generous Sponsors
•PRESENTING SPONSOR Infiniti of West Chester •PLATINUM SPONSOR Comcast Spotlight Brandywine WCHE1520 Daily Local News & Chester County Cuisine & Nightlife WJBR •GOLD SPONSORS County Lines Magazine The Women’s Journal, Chester County
•SILVER SPONSORS Brandywine Valley Heating & AC Arthur Hall Insurance Elmark Signs & Graphics TD Bank Buckley, Brion, McGuire, Morris & Sommer LLP RBS Enterprises AAA MidAtlantic W.C. Chamber of Commerce PNC Bank First Niagara Bank •BRONZE SPONSORS La Difference Salon & Day Spa West Chester Parks & Recreation
DNB First The WC Pancoast & Clifford Sue Casso’s Custom Printing & Promotions Chester County Interlink Phase 1 Electric, Inc. Wiggins Payroll Service Taylor Rental Dellavecchia Funeral Home J.E. Gasho Inc. Ranier & Co. Guinta Enterprises Whirl away Travel Brandywine Coach Works Fulton Bank
WestChesterChiliCookoff.Com * 610-639-2081
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Page 11
Nightlife In The WC
We know you like to have fun... our list of upcoming activites for the 21+ crowd Thursday 9/22: Speed Dating Party 8pm At Jazmine Authentic Thai Cuisine
Broad Run Golf Club, with all proceeds going to the Hero Fund. Registration starts 11am and cost is $125 per golfer. 1520 Tattersall Way, 610-696-1400
A series of one-on-one speed dates with local singles. Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a liquor bar. If both singles are interested, contact information is provided. Event is for ladies 24-36 and gentlemen 26-38. Reserve in advance. 344 West Gay Street,
Thursday 9/29, Speed Dating Party 8pm At Jazmine Authentic Thai Cuisine
Friday 9/23: Golf Outing To Benefit WCPD Broad Run Golfer's Club Alibis, Limoncello, Vudu Lounge and others present this first annual golf outing to raise funds for the West Chester Police. $140 gets participants a round of golf and cart, a BBQ lunch, range balls, a golf shirt and access to the open bar and buffet at Alibis Café. 1520 Tattersall Way, 484-887-0786,,
Saturday 9/24: Nomad Clientele Release Party 8pm At The Note
If you enjoy both golf and beer, you're going to love the next couple of weeks. ond album and playing a show at The Note to celebrate. To learn more about the band, visit our website to read the feature from last month and download to preview tracks. 142 East Market Street,
Monday 9/26: Barnaby's Charity Golf Outing
West Chester’s own reggae/rock band 11am At Broad Run Golf Club WC generic ad4-15_Layout 1 4/15/11 11:45 AM Page 1 Nomad Clientele will be releasing their sec- Barnaby's presents a charity golf outing at
Funky Functional American Art
• engagement • wedding • graduation • birthday • anniversary • hostess gifts
North American Handmade Functional Works of Art
Join a series of one-on-one speed dates with local singles. Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a full liquor bar. If both singles are interested, contact information will be provided. This event if for ladies 32-44 and gentlemen 34-46. Please reserve in advance. 344 West Gay Street,
Monday 10/9, Ryan's Pub's Annual Golf Outing 11am At Radley Run Country Club For just $100 participants receive a round of golf, access to the driving range, a boxed lunch, drinks on the course, a cart and beef and beer back at Ryan's Pub after the round. There will also be prizes and giveaways. Please register in advance at Ryan's Pub. 124 West Gay Street, 610-344-3934,
Our Family, your town, your florist since 1957.
The 5 Senses offers a range of useful and affordably priced objects ~ all appealing to the senses... to give as gifts or keep for oneself. Mon~Fri \ 10 am to 6 pm Sat \ 10 am to 5 pm • Sun \ 12 am to 4 pm Open Every First Friday until 9 pm
Mention this ad & receive 10% off your purchase. (Excludes sale & consigned items. In-store purchase only)
133 W. Market St. in West Chester 610.719.0170 •
29 S. Church Street 610-696-5200
Page 12
September 22, 2011
Your Favorites...
Passersby tell us where to find the things they enjoy
RAY PORRECA, 21, Fairman's clerk, West Chester «Grab a drink: Jake's Bar «Snag a sandwich: New Haven Pizza «Have pizza: New Haven «Enjoy dessert: Rita's
BETSY WRIGHT, 45, bookkeeper, West Chester «Grab a drink: Kildare's «Snag a sandwich: Lorenzo's «Have Pizza: Peace A Pizza «Enjoy dessert: Carlino's
COREY FAZEN, 34, Lansdale «Grab a drink: Kildare's «Snag a sandwich: West Goshen Deli «Have pizza: Peace A Pizza «Enjoy dessert: Carlino's
when you come in! Bring a friend and get two cuts for the price of one on Terry’s Two-for Tuesdays
133 E Market Street, West Chester (Across from The Note)
September 22, 2011
Page 13
Your Least Favorites...
Passersby tell us about some of things that have begun to irk them
TIM HEWCZUK, 25, student, Coatesville «Place to find parking: Gay Street «Traffic light: Chestnut or New Street «Road to drive on: Market Street «Necessary expense: Food
LUKE KIMBELL, 21, student, Allentown «Place to find parking: High Street «Traffic light: West Rosedale Avenue and High «Road to drive on: Route 202 «Necessary expense: Cigarettes
CORY DIANTONIO, 20, student, West Chester «Place to find parking: The whole borough «Traffic light: Gay and High «Road to drive on: High Street «Necessary expense: Gas
Page 14
September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival
Ed and Anna Ruhno
CCHS ad with walls2 sm.pdf David Artiga, Lauren Daly Clark
Darcy and Gigi Latt
Andy Dunn, Neil Gehringer
Colleen Hagan, Miranda Luna
Jawar Dixon
12:48:40 PM
Please join us for the “Kick off” event of our multiyear commemoration of Chester County and the Civil War
CIVIL WAR DOCUMENTATION DAY at Chester County Historical Society Thursday, September 22, 2011 1- 8 pm
Create The Magic
We invite you to bring your family’s Civil War letters, photographs and artifacts to CCHS for documentation and possible inclusion in our October 2012 exhibit. Owner confidentiality will be maintained. No appraisals will be given. Conservator Kory Barrett will provide preservation advice.
• Opening of “If Walls Could Talk” • Costumed reinactors • Book discussion with Dr. Sarah Trembanis on Adam Goodheart’s 1861: The Civil War Awakening • Ed & Fay Max – A Hero’s Honor Roll – photographs of local soldiers and Chester County enlistment roster • Special exhibit of Civil War covers (envelopes) from the collection of Bruce Mowday See website for details and times at:
All activities free of charge. RSVP 610-692-4800 225 N. High St., West Chester, PA 19380 On the Edge of Battle is proudly sponsored by DNB First, Pennsylvania Humanities Council, the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, Fox Chase Bank Charitable Foundation, Haverford Trust Company, the Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau Foundation, and Jimmy Duffy Catering
September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival PHOTOGRAPHS BY ADAM JONES
The Schalleur Family
West Chester Computer Doctors: Kevin Mash, Rachel Koval, Greg Palloni
BreakawayINK Crew: Chris, Hannah, Josh, Elyse, Andrew, Angela, Kyle and Megan, Jarad
Page 15
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September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival
Kuhio and Rocky Walters
Sean Lawler, Nicole Flurio
Randy and Brynlea Rieger
You can now receive a free digital subscription to "The WC" Simply send an email to: You will then receive "The WC" in your inbox the day it is published It's that easy
September 22, 2011
Page 17
Finding Treasure
Pickin’ through Chester County, by Tara Dugan
N THE grand tradition of Ponce de Leon, Indiana Jones and the forty-niners, a growing population of treasure hunters have an “X” marking the spot right here in Chester County. Hunting for valuables, or “picking”, at auctions, estate sales, flea markets and yard sales is a new hobby for many, much to the chagrin of the experts. Several factors have inspired the new wave of treasure hunters: the lousy economy, renewed appreciation for old-time craftsmanship, and the eco-friendly mantra of “reduce, re-use, recycle”. A host of shows debuted this year focusing on turning a find into cash. “American Pickers”, “Cash & Cari”, “Auction Kings”, and others are turning ‘junkers’ into bona fide celebrities. Even if you plan to buy nothing, an auction can be an exciting night out. Want to hit the jackpot? You just might want to bring along a nine year-old.
The first pizza parlor in West Chester... Taste a slice of history
The sharp eye and memory of my son paid off last year as he dutifully slogged behind me at Briggs Auction in Boothwyn. Born to nerdy parents, my kids have become accustomed to suffering through “Antiques Roadshow” and
tagging along to auctions. This particular day, I hadn’t seen anything special, so I turned to tell Jake we could go hit Maggie Moos (that’s right, I bribe them. Don’t judge me.). He was staring at a pile of junk in the back corner of the room, and raised his finger to point. “Hey, Mom” he began, “isn’t that…” “SHUSHIE SHUSHIE!” I responded, leaping over a chair to push down his pointing finger and drown him out with my gibberish, for I had seen it too. And I was not about to call attention to it if others had seen it without seeing it. “It” was Andy Warhol’s famous ticket poster in pristine condition. It was featured on “Antiques Roadshow”, and Jake remembered it. This poster was commissioned by Lincoln Center to commemorate the Fifth New York Film Festival, and there were 500 unsigned
posters made. The silk screening process made the colors unbelievably bright – garish even. The perfect condition makes me suspect that someone brought this home from the 1967 Film Festival, only to have it hastily banished to the attic by a disapproving spouse. Although I couldn’t attend that night’s auction, I arranged to bid by phone. The clerk looked at the subject of my interest, looked back at me, and said, “Um, you realize phone bidding begins at $100, right?” I assured her I did, and that night we waited for our call. On the phone, the auctioneer could only be heard in a garble, but I did hear the deafening silence from the crowd when the opening bid was announced at $100. Actually, I may have heard someone say “For that?” Clearly, this was not a Factory crowd, because we were thrilled to nab it for $100. The Roadshow appraised one for $1,500 in 2002, and Christie’s New York sold one with condition problems for $4,000 in 2009. Suffice it to say, Jake’s “find” is the investment that’s beating the pants off everything else in his 529 account. Happy hunting!
home of the $5.50 Lunch SpeciaL
#1 Two slices cheese pizza, fries, 12oz soda #2 Eight-inch sandwich, fries, 12oz soda #3 Chicken tenders, fries, 12oz soda #4 Chicken wings and tenders, 12oz soda #5 Mini Stromboli, fries, 12oz soda
114 N. Church St. (610) 696-0754
The nation’s only sex shop owned by a degreed sexologist
$500 off 104 N. Church Street, West Chester PA 19380 610-551-3262 •
Page 18
September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Page 19
Employee Of The Month
Rachel Powell, manager of Greene Street Consignment, shares tips on affordable fashion
OMEN love to shop. That's not a sexist statement, it's the truth. Okay, so maybe it is a broad generalization, and a particularly bad case of stereotyping, but I think we could all agree that it is mostly true. Which is why places like Greene Street Consignment are so great. They offer women the chance to shop, get fashionable and seasonally appropropriate clothes, and not break the bank. This month we caught up with the manager of of Greene Street's store on Market Street, Rachel Powell, after district manager Casey Drucquer nominated her as employee of the month. Name: Rachel Powell Age: 27 Hometown: Downingtown You still live there? Yes How does it make you feel to have been nominated as employee of the month? Really proud. That’s all you have to say? I’m nervous, sorry. Don’t be. This is not a very serious interview. How long have you worked here? I have been here since January. So you were hired as a manager? No. I was hired as a sales associate, then I was promoted twice since then up to store manager. Have you had any other jobs? Not in West Chester. I worked at Vanguard and was a phone associate in the 401k department. Sounds glamorous. It wasn’t. So, what do you think qualified you as employee of the month? I’m dedicated to this job, and I treat everyone with respect. I like to get to know all of our customers on a name basis, and I try to remember what it is they are looking for so I can have it for them when them come in again. Plus, I went to school for management, but I really hated being being in that corporate environment at Vanguard, so I really love doing this. What is the most commonly sold item here? I would have to say dresses. Formal dresses? No, casual mostly. How about now as the season is changing? I think jackets are really hot right now, and people are buying a lot of scarves. How would you describe the clothes you carry here? We have a diverse mix of professional and casual – something for everyone. Our target age range is really anyone from
"It is very important when you work here that you make a good impression," says Rachel Adam Jones college up into middle age. What item of clothing do women spend the most on? Purses. Handbags. And you have a lot of them here? Yes. We have a great selection, and while you can’t tell the bags have been used before, you can expect to pay about 60% less than you would for brand new. Have you ever caught someone stealing? No. So nobody steals from Greene Street? No, things have gone missing, so it is a disappointment not to have noticed it.
If you’re not shopping at Greene Street, where do you shop? At Plato’s Closet, Goodwill, Anthropologie and Free People. What percentage of your paycheck would you say you give back to the store right away as you buy things for yourself? About 20%, but it is a necessary investment. It is very important when you work here that you look good and make a good impression. Because no one wants to buy clothes from someone who looks like they can’t dress themselves. Exactly.
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival PHOTOGRAPHS BY ADAM JONES
Mike Lapp, Devon Wilson, Lara Mancino
Heather Waltz, Hamburger
Tim and Joann McHall, Melanie and Joey Montenegro
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September 22, 2011
9/18: The Chester County Restaurant Festival
John, Ashley, Heidi and DJ Dan Milowicki
Rachel DeVercelly, Liz Wannamaker and Christie DeVercelly
Kevin and Joe Gartside, Robin Philliops, Jamie Burns, John Ritter
Britta Fogerty, Ricque Morrow, Melissa McHugh, Danny Lawson
Dustin, Katie, Collin
Liam, Scott, Courtney
September 22, 2011
Page 23
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Page 24
September 22, 2011
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LUNCH BUFFET 11:30am to 2pm Monday – Friday
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September 22, 2011
Page 25
The Quickfire Challenge
Testing Ben Weston, the founder of, under pressure
Ben is the motivated mind behind, and Angela, Mary Kate, Meghan, and Riana handle his promotions Adam Jones
EN WESTON has built his entire business model around accuracy and efficiency. At you can browse menus and order online from all your favorite eateries in town. So, we thought we'd see just how accurate and efficient Ben could be in person with our Quickfire Challenge. He had 90 seconds to answer 45 questions. Sandwich: Italian hoagie Chinese food: Chicken lo mein Cheesesteak: American and fried onions Hoagie: Italian! Pasta: Angel hair with vodka sauce Meat: Chicken Chicken: Marsala Wine: Red Beer: Light Girlfriend: None of them Sexual position: Uh... Sports team: Flyers Color: Red Adjective: Umm‌ City: Philly Street:... Town: West Chester Convenience store: Wawa!
Pizza topping: Pepperoni Fish: Shark? Dog: German Shepherd Artist: van Gogh School: West Chester Magazine: The WC Show: Entourage TV Network: USA Shoes: Nike Beach: Sea Isle Sport: Hockey Hobby: Wri... [too late] Chess piece: King Flavor of Gatorade: Red Milk: Whole Band:... Radio station: Radio 104.5 Movie:... Dessert: Ice cream Iced Tea: Lemon Candy: Butterfinger Starburst: Red Car: Beamer Country: USA Other than USA: Canada Philadelphia Philly: Howard Book: Catcher in the Rye
Meet the lovely ladies of Riana Milano, Age 19 Pizza topping:... Soda: Coke Gatorade: Purple City: Philly Country other than US: Ger... [too late]
Mary Kate Nolan, Age 21 Sandwich: Turkey and Cheese Soda: Cherry Coke Class: English Exercise: [pure panic] Dog: Yorkie!!!
Angela Oulouhojian, Age 20 Car: Jeep Town: Broomall Sport: Volleyball Team: Eagles Philadelphia Philly: What?
Meghan McCrudden, Age 20 Person: Person? Celebrity: My favorite celebrity? Animal: Dog Candy: Milkyway Starburst: Red
Page 26
September 22, 2011
4/17: Celebrating Halfway To Saint Patty's Day At Kildare's PHOTOGRAPHS BY ADAM JONES
Mike Noel, The Schmeckler
WeÕve Got
Your Back.
Christina, Dana and Sue Felizzi
�� ��� ��� ���������� �� �������� ���� ����� ������� �������� ��� ��������� ���� ������ ������� ������ ���� �� ��������� ������������ ���������� ������ ������� ���������� �������� �� �������� ��� � ���� ����������� �������� �� ����� ������� ��� �������� ��������� ���� �������� ������������� ��� ����� ������������
Gayle, Paige, Donnie, Kayleigh, Lauren
September 22, 2011
Page 27
What's Happening In West Chester
SUPPORT Philadelphia sports teams as much as most girls in West Chester. I know what a first down is. I have the obligatory, snug-fitting Phillies T-shirt, and enjoy attending games, aside from the mind numbing traffic and the obnoxious fans. So, I dug out my one shirt associated with Philadelphia sports in hopes of winning tickets or at least expanding my sports wardrobe, and headed off to Alibis' Philly Party. Often my choice of attire and/or my attitude makes me stick out in most public settings like a raisin in a bowl of rice. Philly night at Alibis was no exception. No one was wearing sports gear. There was a hint of the 15-North’s days, but the bar was cleaner, clearer and the bluish haze of cigarette smoke was nowhere to be seen. I spent my time at the bar discussing with my friend whether hair growth is related more to nationality or hormones. Replays of Michael Vick firing off passes while twisting and darting around the field played across the bar television sets. As more people began to arrive, raffle tick-
Catherine Rogers forgets that she's on a diet
ets were distributed and lively, anticipatory chatter ensued. Jen, our friendly, highly efficient bartender, was racing around handing out 50-cent drafts, while I pestered her about where she got her various tattoos. They were fantastic tattoos. Cherry blossoms, lilies, sparrows and skulls meandered about her arms, and her direct, humorous manner, along with several nicely timed glasses of wine was slowly numbing the pain of the work
day, and an irritating twenty-dollar parking ticket. How dare I enter the borough without a sackful of quarters at my disposal? DJ Romeo was playing underground hip-hop, as well as intermittently calling out winning ticket numbers for sports gear, tickets and other merchandise. Winners waved their tickets in the air like traders on the New York stock exchange, while I suspiciously re-reviewed my meaningless ticket number, in hopes I had heard incorrectly. I won nothing. I never do at these things, but I was still enjoying myself. The bar at Alibis has, cleverly, been left open to the kitchen near the front door. The smell of cheesesteaks wafted through the air, and I was powerless to resist. Five bucks buys you a sandwich that tastes like heaven, served up by a very sociable, fast-delivering cook. I ate my food and chatted with the bouncers who were filled with sarcastic wit, as opposed to the stereotypical, massive, stone-faced security staff you so often find. Sadly, I left Alibis with only the Philly gear I had arrived wearing, only my snug-fitting Phillies shirt clung a bit tighter, thanks to that cheesesteak.
Page 28
September 22, 2011
STOP DOING YOUR OWN LAUNDRY! Let us wash, dry and fold it for you!
Mention “The WC”, and receive 10% off any drop-off order in September We have 120 machines to take care of all your laundry needs.
September 22, 2011
Page 29
4/17: Celebrating Halfway To Saint Patty’s Day At Kildare’s
The Lawless family
Kelly Curtis, Mike Spirito
Ross Stuart, Alicyn Stuart, Adam Dickinson
Molly Driver, Andrew Van Dorick
Elise, Maryellen, Kaitlyn, Skylar, Adam, Ryan, Erin, Jeff, Cleatous, Robert
Jake Ely, Jeanne and Dan Fis
Page 30
September 22, 2011
4/17: Celebrating Halfway To Saint Patty’s Day At Kildare’s
Dave and Debbie DelloBuono
The Egan Family
Heather Eschairo, Liz Martin, C. Martin, Jill Gregowitz, Joe McNamee
Tiffanie and Keith Whitely, Caitlin Thraillleill, Jason Carr, Justin Case
Mike Mackay, Frank Daly
Andrew Fitzpatrick, Kate Keenan, Phil McTear
September 22, 2011
Page 31
The Dating Column
Diane Stopyra’s enlightened take on dating from a woman’s perspective
AREN is in a healthy relationship. She rarely ever fights with her boyfriend. Sure, they have a few squabbles here and there, but even their arguments are healthy. They never go to bed angry. They listen to one another. They try hard to see where the other is coming from. You would think that Karen is content, but she has one big, fat complaint: there simply is not enough drama in her relationship. Karen would love to be taken for granted just once. She wants to be let down, betrayed, disappointed. She wants a reason to scream and cry and have an explosive argument. Karen isn’t the only friend I have who feels compelled to fight. We all know those couples who argue all the time. In a moment, they will move from tonsil hockey to tongue lashing, from making out in the corner of Kildare's to pulverizing one another with verbal attacks. When there aren’t any, they invent reasons to fight. I once knew a couple who got into a heated debate about whether or not a portapotty can have a sink. I don’t know why this is. Maybe angry passion is better than no
passion at all. Maybe the make-up sex really is that good. Or maybe we have nonsensical fights because we know that good things don’t come easy. We all want a blockbuster ending, and we can’t get there without at least a little drama. You notice the most romantic movies are never about the easy relationships; easy is too dull. Then again, maybe we argue for the reassurance. They say that you only fight with the ones you love; they’re the only people with
the power to hurt you. So maybe we fight to prove that we still have this power. Nearly kicking one’s significant other to the curb on a regular basis is the only way to make sure he still wants to fight for you. Sometimes, we beat each other down because it feels so good when the person we love builds us back up. Whatever the reason, people enjoy fighting more than they let on. But I am not one of these people. Confrontation freaks me out. A guy I once dated took me to a party where he spent the entire night with his ex. I spent the whole night convincing myself I didn’t have a right to be angry, so I let him off the hook. I don’t know why I’m wired this way, but it’s a problem. Because fighting is such an important part of any relationship, I’m not sure I’ll be successful in love until I learn how. I've started seeing someone recently, and we fought yet. I’m pretty sure I can’t consider us dating until we do. A part of me is tempted pick a fight over something silly, just to get it over with. Who knows, maybe someday he and I will have one of those rare relationships that’s worth fighting for. Until then, if my next column is about porta-potties, you’ll know why.
s pa
Page 32
September 22, 2011
9/11: The Travis Manion Foundation’s 9/11 Heroes Run PHOTOGRAPHS BY ADAM JONES
Chester County’s only 24-hour health club • Top-rated personal training and nutrition •
Ries, Koziol and Mullin families
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Davis, Ciesielka and Wham families
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September 22, 2011
Ultimate Wedding Playlist DJ Romeo's top wedding picks for 2011
LTHOUGH weddings have a traditional vibe to them, more and more brides and grooms are requesting modern love songs. These are not the songs that get both grandma and cousin Steve on the dancefloor together – they're played at the cocktail hour, dinner and receptions. In all my years handling weddings, songs tend to come up again and again, regardless of how formal or informal the rest of the ceremony has been. These songs are often requested by the bride and groom in advance, but frequently a good DJ just knows the right way to set the mood. These songs have all been released in the past decade, and are sure to bring on the happy tears. So, if you or a friend have a wedding coming up, consider adding these songs to the playlist.
You may know them better as the band behind "Meet Virginia" and "Drops of Jupiter," but Train have a wedding pleaser in their song "Marry Me." Number One Modern Love Song: Train – "Marry Me" Top Picks: Jason Mraz – "I'm Yours" Jack Johnson – "Better Together" Israel Kamakawiwo'ole – "Over the Rainbow" Bruno Mars – "Marry You" Michael Buble – "Everything" David Gray – "This Year's Love" Dave Matthews Band – "You & Me" Plain White Tees – "Rhythm of Love" Michael Franti & Spearhead – "Say Hey (I Love You)" Ben Folds – "Luckiest" Big & Rich – "Lost In This Moment Brad Paisley – "Then" Adele – "Make You Feel My Love" Foster the People – "I Would Do Anything For You" John Legend – "Stay With You" Alicia Keys – "No One" Lifehouse – "You & Me" Vampire Weekend – "White Sky" Chantal Kreviazuk – "Feels Like Home" PRESENTED BY SCHAFFER SOUND PRODUCTIONS
Page 33
Page 34
September 22, 2011
9/11: The Travis Manion Foundation’s 9/11 Heroes Run
Russ and Brady Appleton
Bryan and Ellie Appleton
Scott Whittington, Debbie Hettler
September 22, 2011
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Page 37
THE BIG PICTURE Harrison Dance Studios' annual performance at the restaurant festival on the steps of the courthouse Adam Jones
Page 38
September 22, 2011
9/11: The Travis Manion Foundation's 9/11 Heroes Run
Cathy Hillman, Allie Wisniewski, Danielle Hillman, Chris uffman
Jill, Alli and Taylor Volko, Katie O'Hara
Brendan Gifford, Dave Breines
Joe, Denise, Nicolette and Joseph Juliana
Ian Wood, Alex Walsh, Clint Passarella
Andrew Collins, Sean Johnston, Dana, Brendan Walsh
September 22, 2011
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Page 41
A Trainer’s Tips On Staying Fit
Christine Mooney shares her insights on staying happy and healthy
OME of my earliest memories – and even before that, earliest photos – include a basketball. There is a picture of me from when I was a baby, not more than 18 months old, in my grandparents’ backyard, wearing pink sweats and trying to hold a basketball. My dad wasn’t too far away. In fact, anywhere there’s a basketball, he’s probably close by. As a kid, we’d go down the street to the basketball net, nothing more than a black metal post someone had cemented into the ground next to the curb, and run drills. Again and again he would go over how to follow through with the wrist, hoist a hook shot, pop a turn-around jumper on the baseline (his signature move), or drive to the basket. Occasionally, he took me to the city park. There we would play one-on-one. In one of my fondest memories, we beat two men who couldn’t believe a teenage girl and her “old man” could really compete. Later on, I played basketball for my middle and high schools and for a church league. But as I got older, playing a team sport didn’t hold as much allure for me. I wanted the
individual sports, like swimming or running or triathlons. Basketball fell to the wayside. But not for Dad. Even though he travels almost constantly for his job – sometimes to large cities but mostly to podunk towns for a night or two – his basketball, tucked into a duffle bag, comes along. He plays with an over-30 crowd sometimes, other times he joins in a pick-up game where the other players are a good 40 years younger. Not only does he keep up, he beats them. There is a style of playing that he learned watching the old greats as a youth, the kind of
playing that kids, who are too young to even remember Michael Jordan, have never seen. Those fundamentals are what keep me from besting him in a game of 21 even now. It also doesn’t help that he has more cardiovascular stamina than a marathoner. On the floor in my car sits a basketball. It rolls around when I make a turn and slams against the backdoor, and it drives me crazy, but I refuse to take the ball out of the car. Dad takes a basketball with him everywhere he goes, and there’s a part of me that needs to do the same. I may not play as often as he does, but I need that option because when I hear a ball dribbling against a concrete court or the sound of sneakers squeaking on polished wood, a smile comes to my face and my muscles tense up – I’m ready to play. In West Chester alone, there are 12 parks, and eight of them have a basketball court. Particularly because there doesn’t look to be an NBA season this year, maybe it’s time to bone up on my own skills and finally win a game against my old man.
kooma happy hour $2 Off martini list
draft beers
house wines
30% off sushi rolls and kitchen apps West Chester location only. No take-out.
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Page 42
September 22, 2011
9/10: Grand Re-Opening Of Pistachio’s At 237 East Gay Street
Kiera Broadhurst, Haley Croft, Macue Stokes, Lauren Stokes, Julia Broadhurst, Ava Broadhurst, Leah Croft, Allie Croft, Luke Stokes
September 22, 2011
Page 43
The Best “Damn” Barber Shop in West Chester! Appointments Recommended — Walk-Ins Welcome Specializing in current hairstyles and traditional haircuts Appointments by email or phone Parking garage located on the same block!
HOURS Mon 10am-4pm Tue-Fri 10am-7pm Sat 7am-4pm CLOSED Sunday
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Save Money. Save Time. Order Online!
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September 22, 2011
Page 45
Previewing The West Chester Chili Cook-Off Diane Stopyra fills readers in on all they need to know ahead of this annual favorite
Gay Street will again be packed with locals and visitors eager to find Chester County’s best chili
T IS widely believed that, during his life, actor and world traveler Will Rogers judged a town based on the quality of its chili. If this is true, Will would have loved West Chester. On Sunday, October 9, Gay Street will close for the 9th Annual West Chester Chili Cook-off. Approximately 70 teams will compete for cash prizes, bragging rights and the chance to aid some of the county’s less fortunate citizens. At the contest, which has been in the planning stages since the day after last year’s cook-off, a judging committee comprised of approximately 30 local celebrities will have the difficult task of picking, through a blind taste test, the “best darn chili in Chester County.” Up to $300 will be awarded to winners in each of five categories: business, non-profit, home-town cook, volunteer and restaurant. The last group includes such contenders as Ryan’s Pub, Iron Hill Brewery, Kildare’s, and Molly Maguires of Phoenixville.
Attendees of the event, expected to be upwards of 6,000, will also have a say. With the purchase of a $10 wristband, guests receive all the chili they can eat, along with the wooden nickels they’ll be tasked with awarding to their three favorite chili-makers. With more than 1,000 gallons of chili on the street, chili connoisseurs will have their work cut out for them. Joe Henry, who tried over 20 kinds of chili at last year’s cook-off, compares the con-
What You Need To Know... Sunday, October 9, rain or shine Doors open 10:30am Chili is served from 12-3pm Wristbands are $10 on the day of the event Wristbands can be purchased ahead of time for the discounted price of three for $25 Children under 10 are admitted free For more information or to purchase tickets, visit their website:
test to doing shots of alcohol. “After too many samples, you just can’t move.” But, according to Joe, it’s a feeling entirely worthwhile. “As you’re walking by all of the booths,” he said, “you smell this crockpot of chili that’s being churned up with these big wooden spoons, and nothing beats that smell. It smells like fall.” The only downside, Joe says, is deciding on a favorite, because the chili dishes are often as diverse as the people making them. In the past, favorite recipes have included filet mignon, crab, lobster, chicken, even vegetarian and vegan-friendly ingredients. “It’s a tough job,” Joe said, “but someone has got to do it.” At the end of the day, whichever team has collected the most nickels will win the highly coveted People’s Choice Award, and the $300 prize that goes along with it. Ted Hartz, a lifelong resident of West Chester and a firefighter in the Good Will Fire
Continued On Page 46 ?
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September 22, 2011
Chili Cook-Off ? From Page 45
Make sure to come hungry. Teams will be preparing more than 1,000 gallons of chili right on the streets of West Chester, and for just $10 you get to try all of it
Company of Chester County, has entered this contest with members of his firehouse for five years running. Last year, with their Backdraft Chili recipe, his team took home the People’s Choice Award. Hartz is looking forward to defending his title this time around but, even more importantly, he is excited to have a good time. A mix of people from all over the Northeast come into town not just for the eats, but to be immersed in the energy of the event. “We don’t go into this intending to win every year,” Hartz said. “We go in intending to have a lot of fun.” Hartz’s goal is not a difficult one. At the contest there is plenty to enjoy beyond the chili. According to Katie Decker, cook-off marketing chair, youngsters will love the moon bounce, caricatures and music in the YMCA-sponsored Kid’s Korral. Adult attendees will have the opportunity to peruse vendors selling local crafts, jewelry and, of course, food. “I don’t even eat chili,” Decker said, “and I do quite alright during the day. If you leave hungry, that’s on you.” Chocolate-covered strawberries, cupcakes from Cupcakes Gour-
take 10% off with this ad 125 E. State Street • Kennett Square PA 19348 (484)732-8554 •
Continued On Page 48 ?
September 22, 2011
Page 47
It’s not just about the chili at this cook-off – teams will also be competing for the title of best-decorated booth
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Page 48
September 22, 2011
Chili Cook-Off ? From Page 46 met, kettle corn and fresh lemonade will be available for purchase. Of course, the scenery isn’t bad, either. With each team competing for the title of best-decorated booth, you might stumble across a tropical-themed table complete with chili makers donning coconut bras and grass skirts. Last year, Santa prepared his “global warming chili,” while
“While it’s a fun event,” Decker said, “it’s really about making a difference. Every wristband that’s purchased makes a difference in someone’s life. Your money could mean a coat for a child who didn’t have one before. This event helps people.” All proceeds will go towards the Rotary Club of West Chester, of which Decker is the Sergeant at Arms. The Rotary Club provides scholarships to local students, works closely with Habitat for Humanity, raises
“While it’s fun, it’s really about making a difference,” says event marketing chair Katie Decker, “Every wristband that’s purchased makes a difference in someone’s life.” the Sugar Skulls cooked amongst retro, hot pink skeletons. Even Decker, who will compete with DNB First Bank, plans on dressing things up with a Gold Rush motif. The competition will be especially stiff this year, as Hartz’s crew intends to serve their chili through the window of a fire truck, complete with sirens and flashing lights. With so much to smile at, it can be easy to forget about the ultimate goal of the cook-off.
money to provide clothing for impoverished children, and gives nearly $20,000 worth of grant money to local non-profits every year. Recently the organization has worked internationally providing funds for Polio vaccinations, bringing water to a town in Kenya and helping to build a blood lab in Honduras. Perhaps Will Rogers said it best when he called chili a “bowl of blessedness.” At the West Chester Chili Cook-off, this is especially true.
September 22, 2011
Page 49
Let us make your system bulletproof.
28 S High Street
610-431-0400 | |
Page 50
September 22, 2011
9/10: Grand Re-Opening Of Pistachio’s At 237 East Gay Street
Allie Croft, Olivia Broadhurst
John and Karren Walls
David Johnston
September 22, 2011
Page 51
What They’re Wearing On The Streets Of The WC PHOTOGRAPHS BY ANDREW HUTCHINS
RHIANNA HOGAN, 33, cashier from Phoenixville. Old Navy jacket, David Barry jeans, UGG boots, James Perse shirt.
CAITLIN CARR, 22, student from West Chester. Ralph Lauren sunglasses, homemade scarf, Abercrombie jacket, American Eagle jeans, shoes from South Moon Under, shirt from Marshalls.
MAROUS GROMDAHL, 23, student from Fredrikstad, Norway. Phillies hat, Zara shirt and jeans, Nike shoes, Police belt and watch.
TYLER RUFFENACH, 20, self-employed from West Chester. Volcom hoodie, shirt, and board shorts, Nike Skate shoes.
Page 52
September 22, 2011
9/10: Grand Re-Opening Of Pistachio’s At 237 East Gay Street
Kiera Broadhurst, Olivia Broadhurst, Haley Croft, Luke Stokes
Ava Broadhurst, Rebecca Croft
Chrissy Croft, Maureen Broadhurst
Barbra Brady, Diane Lewis, Joan MacDonald
Gregg, Chris, Gloria and Carl DeFabio
Roberto, Chris
September 22, 2011
Page 53
Limoncello Ristorante Caterers Award-Winning Lunch Buffet
$9.95 includes fountain beverage - pastas - meats - fish - grilled - vegetables - salads pizza - stromboli -
Holiday Caterering
Now’s the time to start thinking about your holiday party needs. our award-winning team brings legendary italian cuisine and exceptional service anywhere. we’ll guide you through every step of the event and provide our own professional servers and bartenders.
Happy Hour
monday thru friday 4pm-6:30pm
$2.00 off cocktails $3.00 selected draft & bottle Half off appetizer & gourmet pizzas $6.00 wine by the glass
Limoncello Ristorante & Caterers 9 N Walnut Street West Chester, pa 19380 610-436-6230
September 22, 2011
Page 55
9/10: Grand Re-Opening Of Pistachio’s At 237 East Gay Street
Alex Maio, Ben Rivello, Danny Jonokuchi
Steve and Debbie Volpone
Dean, Colleen, Sophia, Chris and Robby DiFabio
Tony Primavera, Peggy Volpone
Chris Gentile, Kate McGee, Greg McGee
Page 56
September 22, 2011
Ryan Estrada For All Your Real estate Needs
9/10: Grand Re-Opening Of Pistachio’s At 237 East Gay Street PHOTOGRAPHS BY GRAHAM NOLTE
John Campitelli, Joan Campitelli, Lori DiFabio
1238 West Chester Pike Office: 610-436-0400 Mobile: 814-880-2622
Marilyn Baiardi, Emily Campbell
Pat Sheerin, Mary Sweed
September 22, 2011
Page 57
Enrich Your Life... Adopt An Animal
These beautiful creatures need homes... call the Chester County SPCA at 610-692-6113
KAIA is a four-year-old mini Australian shepherd who came to the shelter because her owner did not have enough time to spend with her. She is well-trained, and enjoys outdoor activities and sitting on laps. A home without youngsters is best for her.
JESSIE, a beautiful adult Rottweiler, came to the shelter after her owner went on a long-term trip and left her behind. She is an energetic lover who is unique in that she still has her full tail! She has lived with cats and gets along well with them.
JOLT, an adult American bulldog mix, was brought to the shelter as a stray in the hopes of finding a new forever home. She enjoys being with people but isn’t so fond of cats! Jolt would love nothing more than to curl up on the couch with you.
Page 58
September 22, 2011
9/10: 7th Annual Barclay Friends’ Festival Of Gardens PHOTOGRAPHS BY GRAHAM NOLTE
Charlotte Morse, Julie Morse
Leslie Coletti, Heather Coletti
Sarah Finnaren, Barb Waddy
September 22, 2011
Page 59
Enrich Your Life... Adopt An Animal
These beautiful creatures need homes... call the Chester County SPCA at 610-692-6113
WINONA, an adult domestic shorthair, was brought to the SPCA because her finder thought she deserved a better life than being left outside to have litter after litter of kittens, and he was right. Winona is loving; she even likes dogs! One of our longest residents, she is available for only $25.
CHARLIE BROWN, a brown tabby domestic short-hair, was brought to the SPCA as a stray. He lives up to his name in that he is docile and has a lot of love to give. With his orange stripes, he is handsome, but, even more importantly, he’ll be a good friend to anyone in need.
WILLOW, a tortoise-shell domestic short-hair, came to the shelter as a pregnant stray. She was placed in a foster home to raise her kittens, and all of her babies were adopted. We know Willow will come out of her shell in her own forever home. A longtime resident here, her adoption fee is $25.
yan’s pub
A classic Irish pub in downtown West Chester MONDAYS Krazy Karaoke: 10pm-2 am $2.75 Bud and Bud Light Bottles, $2 well drinks 10pm12am $2.75 Bud Light drafts all day POWER HOUR: $1 drafts: 11pm-12am
TUESDAYS Live music with Brian Aglira Downstairs $2.75 Bud Light drafts all day $3 Three Olive Drinks 10pm-12am, 2 FOR TWENTY TUESDAY: one app, two entrees, one dessert, only $20
WEDNESDAYS $.25 Wing Nite from 9pm-12am $3 Blue Moon drafts all day Happy Hour 5-7pm: $1 off drinks, drafts & wines
THURSDAYS The Original $2 U-Call-It from 10pm-12am $2 drinks, drafts or bottles, $3 top-shelf and premium beers $2 .75 Lager drafts all day, $5 Bombs from 10pm-12am FRIDAYS Happy Hour from 5pm-7pm, $1 off all drinks, drafts & wines $2.75 Coors Lite Bottles all day SATURDAYS $2.75 Bud Light drafts all day, $2.75 Miller Lite bottles, $3 Three Olive drinks, $5 bombs 10pm-12am SUNDAYS $2.75 Bud Light drafts all day, $2.75 Yeungling bottles and drafts during Phillies games, Texas hold ‘em upstairs @ 7 :30, $3 u call it 10pm-12am
124 West Gay Street 610-344-3934
Page 60
September 22, 2011
9/10: 7th Annual Barclay Friends’ Festival Of Gardens PHOTOGRAPHS BY GRAHAM NOLTE
Donna Carr, Sarah Finnaren, Bobbi Smith, Barb Waddy
Faith Hines, Jim Hines, Peggy Laffredo
Krista Reber, June Couche, Linda Davis
September 22, 2011
9/10: 7th Annual Barclay Friends’ Festival Of Gardens
Page 61
Dr Jim Schaffer
Barbra Miller, Deb Casassa
Carol and Eric Metzker
Walter Hipple, Carol Jo Eick
Mention this ad and receive a free new-patient visit.
509 Kimberton Road, Phoenixville, PA 484-921-4936
Page 62
September 22, 2011
9/10: 7th Annual Barclay Friends’ Festival Of Gardens
Patrick McCoy, John Cigler
The Deveises
Emily and Joseph Herman
Chris and Celia Lang
David and Rebbeca Showers
The artist
September 22, 2011
Page 63
A P S Z SINCE 1948
BEVERAGE A West Chester Tradition Locally owned and operated since 1948, Spaz Beverage has been providing Chester and Delaware Counties with a great selection of imported, specialty and domestic beer. We also offer a wide variety of craft soda, can soda, mixers, spring water, mineral water and non-alcoholic beer.
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-9pm Friday & Saturday 8:30am-10pm Sunday 12pm-5pm
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Page 64
September 22, 2011
9/15: DubC Bar Stool’s Bacardi Oakheart Bar Crawl
Larry and Shirlee
Dwayne Tyree, Julie Wagner
Ashley McLaughlin, Alyssa Wetzel
www 610-715-9765
Hardwood, Laminate and Ceramic Flooring Have an idea what you want? I’ll install it.
more than 3,500 floors pers onally installed
September 22, 2011
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The Chester County Restaurant Festival In Review Michelle Mass takes in the sights, sounds and – most importantly – food at this culinary crowd-pleaser
S THE sun beamed and the cool breeze made the September air crisp, vendors of all kinds stretched along Gay Street from Country Bagel to Landmark. Whether you had a craving for seafood, BBQ, sweet treats or, like many in our town, an alcoholic beverage, the Chester County Restaurant Festival had everything. More than 50 restaurants attended the festival, feeding the masses from 12-5:30pm. Jimmy John’s offered their usual (delicious dogs), and Teca served paninis packed with mozzarella, prosciutto and roasted peppers. One of the longest lines was for Precious Pickles, who offered a handful of fried pickles with ranch dipping sauce for $4 – the best money I spent all day. Give me a brew and a handful of fried pickles and I am one happy camper. If it was seafood you were yearning for, you might have checked out Gadaleto’s Seafood Market or Doc Magrogan’s Oyster House. As Brian Fantana said, “The smell of crab cakes in the fall breeze stung the nostrils.” If you had a sweet tooth like me, you
probably hit up Cakes and Candies by Maryellen. I was not embarrassed a bit to stuff my face with mini cupcakes and pies. Despite my constant snacking, I still had plenty of room for more, so I made my way to one of West Chester’s newest hotspots, The Social Lounge. Bands played while people piled in for a cold brew or (in my case) a spicy Bloody Mary. Co-owner Bill Shehwen commented that the Festival is “the best event in the county.” The Social Lounge is a great bar, one I look forward to visiting again, but considering how much of the festival I had left unsampled, I had to press on.
Next I stumbled upon the Beer and Wine Garden at Church and Gay, and let me tell you, it was a beautiful sight. For $3 to enter and $4 per drink, you could enjoy beer and wine outside. Attendees crowded the haven and I think a tear of joy even made its way down my cheek as I grabbed my first beverage of the day. Okay, so maybe it was my third or fourth, but it was my journalistic duty to try everything. Anyway, it was glorious. Bands played throughout the day, including Philadelphia rock group Soraia, rocking at the Beer and Wine Garden. Mark Risley, a bartender at Más raved that the band had an “old-school rock feel.” Down the street, Kyle Rheiner set up his BreakawayINK booth, and sold some of his new fall line to the masses. Unfortunately the day was not long enough to enjoy everything the festival had to offer, and I promise you I tried. As it wound down, merchants and vendors slowly closed up shop, bars and restaurants along Gay and High emptied out, and a twinge of sadness filled the air. After all, a person can only eat and drink so much.
Walk to beach & bird sanctuary! Only 5 min. to downtown & Cape May Point. 2bdrm, 1 1/2 baths, eat-in kitchen plus den and Florida room. Excellent condition Call Owner, 609-675-4600
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September 22, 2011
9/15: DubC Bar Stool’s Bacardi Oakheart Bar Crawl
Melissa and Miles Wilding
Cianel Palmer, Edmond Grady, Patsy Rayer
Will Menn, Rebecca Muscella, Scott Pickford
Greg Orlando, Alicia Green
Krystin Kaiser, Al Rivera, Roxanne Richards
Eric Green, Kevin Cantwell, Dano Goonie
September 22, 2011
Page 67
Pr i n t
We Make It Easier! When you are ready to do or re-do your truck or van lettering, or vehicle graphics, give us a call.
610-692-5918. We will MATCH or BEAT any written quote!
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September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Page 69
The West Chester Crossword
None of that generic nonsense you see in other papers... a puzzle just for “The WC” SO YOU love crosswords? Great. Sit down, get a cup (or glass) of your favorite beverage and enjoy this puzzle. The answers can all be found in the issue you hold in your hands. ACROSS 1. Make sure to sign up for this bar and restaurant’s golf outing. Not only is it a great deal, but it also benefits a great cause. 2. Not only do they have an excellent $5.50 lunch special, but they’re also the first pizza parlor in West Chester. 4. You’ll get $2 off the martini list, $3 draft beers and $5 house wines during this establishment’s happy hour. 9. As their ad proclaims, they are West Chester’s honorary “best” in entertainment. 10. At last year’s chili cook-off, this team donned coconut bras and grass skirts. 12. She is our newest writer, who headed out to the restaurant festival this past weekend to do some seriously delicious reporting. 14. Interested in having quality catering at your holiday party? Now is the time to call this advertiser. 16. Both Ben Weston and Meghan McCrudden agree that this is the best color Starburst. 17. They’re the business who just had their grand re-opening at 237 East Gay Street. 18. Diane Stopyra wonders if this is a crucial element in any relationship. 19. He is the musical mind behind our playlists each issue.
Can you name the country on the left? Don’t worry, most Americans can’t... See 3 Down.
20. You could win a new Land Rover at this massive charity event being held by Calista Grand. DOWN 1. She is the cute and sweet manager of Greene Street Consignment, who managed a hearty laugh during her photo shoot. 3. While most of the people willing to share their fashion advice this month are from right around the corner, we did catch up with one fella from this country. 4. We all know Oktoberfest is a German thing, but this establishment is determined to give it a uniquely Irish vibe. 5. September 10 was the seventh time that Barclay Friends hosted this event. 6. There is an adorable, chubbycheeked baby in the ad for this altruistic organization. 7. Not only can this West Chester business keep you safe from viruses, they can also build you amazing custom computers – like the one used to assemble this magazine.
8. He was an unfortunate, bald, yellowshirted little boy, and now he is also a cat you can make your newest friend. 11. He is so frustrated with parking in West Chester that he didn’t pick a specific spot, he just said “The whole borough.” 13. Club Fit 24/7 have a new location coming next year during this season. 15. She is the sad-looking Rottweiler mix who ended up at the shelter after her owners took a long vacation without her.
Like a Macaw with a machine gun... See 10 Across.
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September 22, 2011
9/15: DubC Bar Stool’s Bacardi Oakheart Bar Crawl
Darius Harbinson, Rob Danielle
Eileen Leibel, Brittany Donia
September 22, 2011
Page 71
Twice a month, 5,000 irresistible copies of THE WC are delivered to 250 selected establishments in and around the wonderful borough of West Chester. AD SIZE
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September 22, 2011