The Daily Observer, Vol 13, Issue 1

Page 1

Observer The Daily


Monday, December 2 , 2013

Prosecutors seek new probe into ‘suicide’.

Hygiene ignored at HIV treatment centre.

Page 3

Page 5

Criminals to get UID numbers.

Page 6

‘I want him to die’ ATM attack survivor Jyothi Udaya’s husband demands capital punishment for the accused. he attacked my wife, it shows that he

and fled with all her valuables, draw-

is a professional. He might have also

ing down the shutter behind him.

done this previously. If he is not

While CCTV footage caught all this

caught, he will continue to commit

Jyothi still remained bleeding and

Apurva Venkat & Nikita Narvekar

crimes. He is a professional criminal

unconscious in the ATM kiosk for

and should be caught.”

over three hours. She was only dis-

e husband of Bangalore ATM

On November 19, Jyothi Udaya, a

covered at 10:30 am when passers-

machete victim Jyothi Udaya wants

44-year-old bank manager, was bru-

by noticed blood near the shutters.

her attacker sentenced to death.

tally attacked in a Corporation Bank

Udaya Kumar added, “I am very

Udaya Kumar, speaking during a

ATM at 7am. An intruder entered

angry. e man has attacked my

visit to his wife at BGS Hospital,

the kiosk and attacked her when she

wife very brutally. e capital pun-

said, “e man should be caught as

had gone to withdraw money for her

ishment should be an eye-opener

soon as possible and given capital

daughter’s birthday party.

and create fear in the minds of those


e man, wielding a gun and a ma-

who think of targeting innocent

He added: “e manner in which

chete, hit her on the head and nose

people. ere are 200 policemen de-


I am fine now and eager to get well and go back home.” -Jyothi Udaya, victim of the November 19 ATM attack

Udaya Kumar, husband of Jyothi Udaya, victim of ATM attack ployed to catch that criminal. ere

going through physiotherapy and

is also a 3lakh reward. But what I

asking about visitors.”

want is not all this. I want him to be

When asked about the incident, he

caught. It has been 14 to 15 days

said, “I have been advised by the

now, why is he not caught yet?”

doctors not to discuss the issue right

On Jyothi’s health he said, “Jyothi

now with Jyothi.”

says she wants to recover fast and get

He added, “Jyothi was working in a

back home as soon as possible. She

morning shi for past three years.

is eager to play with her daughter.

at day, she le as per her usual

Our daughter, Aatmika came to the

routine to go to the office while I le

hospital and met her mother. She

to Mysore. When I reached Mandya

was happy. We have not celebrated

I got a call from a police inspector

Aatmika’s birthday and will celebrate

informing me of the incident.”

once Jyothi is discharged. Jyothi is

Continued on page 4.


e Daily Observer

Monday, December 2, 2013

Anganwadi workers speak up for their demands On November 30, 2013, the work-

M. Jayamma, General Secretary, AITUC, at the protest Tulana Nayak

the month.

Working for implementation of

and Child Department, said ad-

ers from all over Karnataka staged

Janakamma said: “ose who

Bhagyalaxmi Scheme (a beneficiary

dressing to the protesters: “I will

a protest in front of the Town hall

have been working since 15 years

scheme to promote the birth of girl

arrange a meeting and very soon

in Bangalore to put forth their de-

and the ones who have joined re-

child) and the Stree Shakti pro-

we will discuss the matter with the

mands. It was organized by the An-

cently get the same salary. People

gramme (a woman empowerment


ganwadi workers affiliated to All

who have joined long back should

India Trade Union of Congress

get more salary based on their ex-



M. Shivanna, State Secretary of

M. Shivanna said that the workers

AITUC, said that their main con-

and helpers should be covered

cern is that the Anganwadi workers

under the Employee’s State Insur-

should be considered permanent

ance Scheme, a health insurance

Government employees. e work-

scheme under which is the employ-

ers should be designated as Gov-

ees contribute 1.75% from the

ernment’s Grade 3 and the helpers

salary whereas 4.75 % of the salary

as Grade 4 employees.

is added by the employer.

Anganwadi workers from all over Karnataka infront of theTown hall in a protest against the state government, Bangalore

Currently the workers and helpers

He added that the National Pen-

Anganwadi workers of Karnataka

get a salary of Rs 5000 and Rs 2500

sion Scheme (NPS) does not apply

have demanded that they should

a month and they don’t consider it

to people above the age of 55 so

programme to help them finan-

Shivanna said that at the most she

be recognised as permanent em-

sufficient. M. Jayamma, General

they demand that the workers

cially) adds extra work-burden to

can talk to the Chief Minister and

ployees under the state govern-

Secretary, AITUC, said that the

above this age should be paid a

the anganwadi workers and there-

meet some of our demands, if not

ment and should receive benefits

workers should get Rs 15,000 and

lump sum of rupees one lakh and

fore they want these responsibilities

all. “In 2014 elections, the Central


the helpers should receive Rs

the helpers, rupees 50,000.

to be taken away.

Government may look into the

“Our families should have some


“Widows should also be covered

Prema leela said that they also

under Sandhya Suraksha Yojana,”

want the “mini anganwadis” to be

On January 29, 2013, AITUC had

said Shivanna.

upgraded and there should be good

organized a bigger rally for the An-

quality uniforms for the workers as

ganwadi protest walking from the

well as the children.

City railway station to Freedom

social security aer our deaths. But

Vani, an Anganwadi worker at

there is no such provision”, said

Bidadi, said that they generally re-

Janakamma, 54, an Anganwadi

ceive salaries very late. So, they now

Demand was also raised for not

worker. Many other workers have

demand that they should get the

deducting the salary on the account

the same complaints.

salary within the first five days of

of medical leave.

Ms. Gurneet, Director of Women



“Raise our salary or reduce the working hours”—Birju Prutha Bhosle & Nibedita Mohanta

hours or increasing the salary and

Leelavati,an Anganwadi helper,

On November 19, Anganwadi

said that since

said, “Children aged between 6

teachers and helpers held a protest

May 2013, the

months to 3 years attend schools.

outside the municipal office de-



ese children are fed only once in

manding hike in salary.



a day. Due to less nutrition and in-


e protest comprised of 2500


Anganwadi workers from all over


Karnataka state and was organized by


ficult to take care

much pressure is added on us.”

Karyakarta Sahayak Sangharash

of our children.

She added, “Most Anganwadi


e non incre-

workers are widows and disowned




crease in class timings, they begin


to starve which eventually leads to

which made it dif-

a cranky behavior. erefore, too

In May 2013, the Director of

ment of salary

hence it is a challenge to survive on

Child Welfare, Gurnitya Tej, as-

even while in-

such a low salary amount.”

sured these workers Rs. 500 incre-

creasing the work-

ment, says Nirmala Bai (40), a



nitya Tej, addressed to these work-

protester from Kolar District.

made life difficult,

ers at Corporation assuring them to


fulfill all their demands aer con-

Nirmala said, “We have been protesting for a very long time now. We hold such protests every six

Around 2500 Anganwadi workers from around Karnataka gathered in a protest demanding hike in their salary or reduction in the working hours


He said, “We deserve to get a hike

Director of Child Welfare, Gur-

sulting with the Chief Minister of the state.

months. e ministers give assur-

ganwadi are paid a monthly salary

Birju Kumar, one of the leaders of

and also a reduction in working

She addressed to these workers in

ances but none are taken seriously.”

of Rs. 5000 and Rs. 2500 respec-

the protest, explained the demand

hours in order to get the best results

the absence of Uma Shree, Minister


of either reducing the working

out of us for the welfare of the chil-

of Child Development.

e teachers and helpers at An-

e Daily Observer

Monday, December 2, 2013


Activist ‘suicide’ case to be re-examined by prosecutors Anannya Sarkar Public prosecutors have asked the courts to re-examine a suicide case aer it emerged the victim’s body bore clear signs of a severe beating. Basappa Mahadevappa, 42, was found dead in a field and police in Raichur closed the case as a suicide, despite the farmer’s face and body bearing all the hallmarks of a severe and sustained beating. ere was also evidence of a long-running feud with a local farmer. One week before Basappa’s death, he was involved in a fight with a local landowner, who had links to the then local MLA. e medical report filed by a local doctor is also under scrutiny aer it noted that there were no bruises or marks on Basappa’s body. Our photographs,




friends, quite clearly show heavy bruising around his mouth, eyes and neck. e medical report, produced by

Basappa’s dead body shows clear signs of injury, in stark contrast to the police report which logged it as a suicide case by poisoning

Dr Hemannur, also records the

e case was soon dismissed as a

cause of death as poisoning. It states

suicide case. Police stated that Bas-

He added that the first complaint

According to volunteers at Ap-

Basappa drank a concoction of fer-

appa had committed suicide be-

forcibly took false statements from

athamitra, the local landowner also

At present, Devamma leads a life

tilizer and alcohol. His wife De-

cause he was depressed about not

Devamma and Basappa’s friend

called them up and openly told

of fear and faces constant threats

vamma claims he was teetotal.

having any children. According to

Gundappa, who was also involved

them that he had paid Rs 2 lakh as

from the man at the centre of the

e farmer was found dead in his

his wife and the local NGO, this is

in one of the land issues.

a bribe to the police due to which

death riddle. She is forced to stay at

field on September 12 last year, less

highly improbable as Basappa was

the case was closed.

home as she is scared for her life,

than a week aer a row with the

open about his identity as a trans-



is phone conversation, which

local landowner. Now Karnataka



about reopening the case.”

Malappa, an administrator of the Sexual

Forum said, “Basappa called up the

took place in April, was recorded

state prosecutor BK Venkatesh has

Devamma said, “How can my

local project co-ordinator enquir-

and lawyers are hoping to present

asked the courts to re-examine the

husband be depressed about not

ing about the location of a meeting


having children when he was a

to be held at 10am on the day of his

His wife Devamma, who has been

transgender and was open about it?

death as he was preparing to leave

pressing for a new inquiry, claims

We had decided to give away our

for that. Later, his body was found

she has been threatened by a group

property to my sister’s children. e

by his wife at around 11am. So I

of people in the village who told her

police say that he died due to intake

wonder how this case can be passed

they would kill her if she continued

of poison mixed in alcohol. How

off as a suicide case.”

her quest for the truth.

can that be possible when he never

Basappa was a resident of Linga-

even touched alcohol?”

this as one of the major evidences in court.

but she is resigned to get justice for Basappa.

In March, 2013, Devamma, along with Puroshottam, BT Venkatesh

sur in Raichur. He was a farmer but

According to Devamma, she was

and a local lawyer Ashiq Ahmed,

also volunteered as a peer educator

forced to sign the statements that

decided to file a case in the High

for the internationally funded Pe-

were recorded by the police on the

Court in order to reopen the case.

hachan Project. He was open about

day of her husband’s death.

Devamma added: “e man Bas-

his identity as a transgender and

Puroshottam, one of the lawyers

appa fought with got drunk once

was married to Devamma, a sex

looking into the case, said, “e po-

and came and told me that he has

worker, for 20 years.

lice dismissed the case as a suicide.

killed my husband but nobody can

Due to his involvement in two

e doctor conducting the post

harm him as he has a lot of power.

local land issues he became entan-

mortem may have given a false re-

He added that I should have known

gled in a feud with wealthy locals.

port. e evidence has been clearly

better than to talk to other lawyers

Basappa’s wife Devamma is calling for a new inquiry

e Daily Observer

Monday, December 2, 2013


Inspector defends killer husband, says "I would do the same" Bhavika Bhuwalka

an affair with anyone and was killed

Lokesh switched on the television

A 30-year-old man has been ac-

aer being tortured repeatedly for

at 8 in the morning on the day of

cused of killing his wife aer dis-


Rajyotsava and slit her throat with

covering that she was having an

Aer carrying out a thorough in-

a knife. “He fled aer committing

vestigation of the couple’s residence

the crime and was absconding for

Lakshmi Javaiah alias Lokesh has

at BM Road, Gandhinagar and talk-

one month.”

been accused of murdering his wife

ing to their neighbours, Naveen

Lokesh was booked under sec-

Shilpa alias Baby, 26, on November

said that Sarojamma had lodged a

tions 302(murder) and 498A of the

1, 2013.

false complaint.

Indian Penal Code. He surrendered

affair with the tenant.

Shilpa’s mother Sarojamma, who

While the police say that the hus-

to the police on December 1, 2013

filed the FIR against Lokesh, said

band is a “good person”, Sarojamma

and is in their custody as of now.

that he used to harass her daughter

still stands by her daughter and

Naveen said, “We have put him in

for dowry. She found the body in

claims that she was innocent and

jail and are waiting for the court to

never believed them. en I saw

e tenant, an auto driver by oc-

the living room on the same day.

was not treated properly by Lokesh.

carry forward with the proceed-

her call records and caught her red

cupation, is missing. e two chil-

She said, “My daughter did not have

She said, “e police are unduly


handed two-three times and con-

dren of Lokesh and Shilpa are being

fronted her.”

looked aer by Sarojamma. Aer

favouring the perpetrator.”

Police said that no one was pres-

Sateesh, sub inspector, Ramanagra Police Station, said, “He did not

Naveen Kumar, head constable

ent at the scene when the murder took place.

Lokesh (accused) and Shilpa (victim) at their wedding on April 25, 2008

e sub inspector said that the

absconding for 30 days, Lokesh

crime rate in Ramanagara is not too

came to the police station with his

smoke or drink. He has a lot of

Lokesh, who worked for Toyota,

high as only four to five murder

younger brother Naresh, and con-

property and took good care of his

said: “I have been married for five

cases are registered every year. He

fessed. e knife, with which the

wife. Today if my wife did this to

years. ere was no domestic vio-

also informed that they generally

murder was committed, was found

me even I will lose my cool.”

lence. I used to go for night duty

get non-cognizable offences and

thrown into a lake, one kilometre

Naveen, head constable, Urban

and she cheated on me. Earlier the

small disputes which are tried to be

away from their home.

Police Station, Ramanagra, said that

neighbours told me about her but I

solved verbally.

Two weeks after attack, city ATM guards caught napping

ATM gaurds sleeping on duty at various ATM kiosks Continued from page !...

Even aer the presence of guards being made mandatory, Bangalore ATM’s still remain unsafe.

the ATM security is not our job and hence don't know if they have guards are not."

According to Udaya Kumar, the Home Minister visited Jyothi

Recently, the city police pulled down shutters on 1037

Udaya Kumar, the ATM attack survivor’s husband said,

and offered to help in any way possible. However, we have not

ATM’s aer they failed to meet a November 23 deadline for

“ere should be rigorous police patrolling at all times. An

received any help. He said, “We have not sought any com-

appointing security guards and issued a 45 day deadline to

armed guard should be present 24 hours a day at the kiosk.”

pensation but right now Corporation Bank is looking aer all

enhance security measures and install CCTV cameras. But

Mahisha Devi T.M., an Old Airport Road resident, said, “I

the expenses.”

even the ATM’s that have guards are not secure as they fail to

feel unsafe using ATM’s especially the ones that have multiple

serve their purpose.

kiosks as there is more than one person inside and you do not

Jyothi, who suffered partial paralysis, is now out of the ICU and is recovering fast. Dr Venkataramanaa, chief neurosur-

Recently, the Observer team conducted a check in ATM

know the intentions of the other. e person looks suspicious

geon, BGS hospital said, “She is doing well and we are happy

kiosks across the city only to learn that the machines were ei-

to you and may be looking at your transactions and pin num-

that she is responding to the treatment. Jyothi will recover in

ther unguarded or the guards were fast asleep. e team vis-


three months. She needs motivation and courage.”

ited ATM’s in the stretch from J.P. Nagar to Kumbalgodu,

She added, “e kiosks should have an armed security guard

Mysore road and found that only two ATM guards were

as they themselves are not safe at times. Also I don’t know


how trained the guards are so they should be given good and

Jyothi in a brief appearance to the media thanked her doctors. She said, “I am just waiting to go back home now,’ refusing to comment further.

A spokesman for Banashankari Police said: "Taking care of

ample amount of training.”


Monday, December 2, 2013

Hygiene ignored at HIV treatment centre Tanisha Das

centers but the condition at the Bowring Hospi-

affected in turn. I call the people in-charge every

Poor hygiene at the HIV therapy centre in the

tal ART centre might be harming the patients.

day, but I am helpless.”

Bowring Hospital has affected patients. e standard hygiene conditions at the Anti Retroviral erapy (ART) Centre in the Bowring Hospital is adversely affecting the patients. Dr. Sunil Kumar of the Karnataka State AIDS Control Department, said, “Hygiene is one of the

Dr. Sunil added, “We start the treatment of the

e Public Works Department and the con-

patient only when the CD4 count, which is the

tractor of the Group-D workers of the hospital

cluster differentiation count, is less than 350.”

are responsible for maintaining cleanliness at the

According to the reports, out of the 2.4 lakh



ts e e tw

#HIV #AIDS UK Prime Minister @Number10gov: PM: #WorldAIDSDay

people registered for HIV in the last year, one

is a hugely important moment. Let

lakh are being treated as of now.

us pledge to fight HIV & AIDS with everything we've got

key things that an HIV patient has to be careful

According to Dr. Sunil, the government pro-

about, and with centers whose conditions are as

vides free medication and free transportation for

bad at the Bowring’s, it will surely ill-affect

the ART treatment but there are no funds for the


construction of a separate space for ART centres.

Alicia Keys @aliciakeys:

e ART treatment centre at the Bowring Hos-

“e condition at the Bowring hospital is pa-

Millions affected by HIV are

pital has an open drain leaking at its entrance,

thetic. For the last two years we have been trying

counting on OUR generation.

where the patients line up to see the doctor. It

to get a separate wing for the ART centre there.

Let's be brave & bold, and END

was opened in 2004 and is one of the six centers

We are hoping to get it done in the next six

this epidemic! #WorldAIDSDay

in the city and 55 in the state. Four of the ART


centers are in government hospitals while the #WAD13

jian ghomeshi @jianghomeshi:

Dr. Nirmala of the Bowring Hospital said, “e PWD says that it is the responsibility of the con-

Today is #WorldAIDSDay. 35.3

e ART treatment is given free of cost along

tractor and the contractor says that it is the re-

million people worldwide are liv-

with free transportation to reach the respective

sponsibility of the PWD. e patients get

other two are Public Private Properties.

ART Centre at the Bowring Hospital

Nursing students walk to raise AIDS awareness

ing with #HIV. 3.3 million kids. Spread the word/donate

IndyHealth @IndyHealth: World Aids Day 2013: e war on the epidemic is being won, but

role of youngsters has become more


important than ever. “Children

Monisha, 20, another student,

should not only educate their un-

said that people look down on the

aware parents about the issue but

explicit nature of the campaign be-

also hold regular debates in schools

cause they are unaware of the issue.

and should participate in essay

Justin Kurianpaulosu, 27, lecturer

competitions regarding the topic,”

in St. John’s Institute of Nursing,

she said.

said the local hospitals across the

Pawin, 18, a student participating

city are still prone to HIV virus. “In

in the rally said, “Without aware-

local hospitals people do not know

Rally by St. John’s Institute of Nursing students on AIDS day. Rahul Sadhu dents and teachers alike. & Saikat Ghosh ‘’Almost 35 million people in the

ness it is almost impossible to stop

how an HIV virus may transmit,

AIDS, even today many do not how

aer this rally we are also going to

it spreads. It mainly happens due to

visit a nearby HIV centre,” he said.

St. John’s Institute of Nursing took

nation suffer from AIDS,” said Dr.

lack of knowledge and proper safety

out a rally today to observe the

Naveen,27, a lecturer in St. John’s

25th World AIDS day which falls

Institute of Nursing.

on December 1 every year. e rally included students and

same institute, feels that the rally’s message is not only for the well-ed-

School of Nursing and Basavaraj

ucated urban class but also for the

Swami School of Nursing.

general masses. She said, ‘’our slo-

It commenced from the Pap-

gans and messages are written in

pareddypalya BMTC bus stop and

Kannada too, so that there is no

went through Ambedkar Circle

language barrier.”

where a street play was performed

She added, “Creating awareness is

to create awareness among the peo-

our responsibility more than a so-

ple about AIDS. e rally was re-

cial work, it must be appreciated.”

plete with the slogans of “fight

Dakshayani Ravi, 54, Principal, St.

against AIDS” shouted by the stu-

John’s High School, said that the

still rife

Some Facts: Around the world 35,000,000+ people are living with HIV/AIDS 2,000,000+ youth living with HIV

Uma Herbert, 45, a teacher at the

teachers from Akka Mahadevi

discrimination against sufferers is

1 in 4 infections occur between the age of 13 to 24 Gays and bisexual men account for 63% of new HIV infections annually Nursing students create awarness of AIDS on World AIDS Day

e Daily Observer

Monday, December 2, 2013

Criminals to have Unique Identification Number Ishan Bhattacharya

is would help trials get over

he said that it is absolutely accurate

Criminals are to be given unique

faster. In India, 20 per cent of the

as they get it from police stations,

ID numbers in a bid to control

population are criminals so it is im-

but he mentioned that they do not

crime in the city.

portant for us to come up with such

verify the data they receive since


the information is first hand.

Speaking about Bangalore Police’s new technology which they are

National Crime Records Bureau

Data received from the SCRB on

planning to introduce to fight

cases related to unnatural deaths re-

crime, Superintendent of Police,

vealed that under the ‘death due to

Shivamurthy, who heads the State

suicide’ category, there were people

Crime Records Bureau (SCRB),

whose ages were listed as zero, but

said: “e police are doing their

he refused to comment on it saying

best, they get proper instructions

that their information is based on

from the Commissioner of Police.

what police say.


Celebrating the United Nations' 16 day campaign from November 25 to December 10 which aims to fightviolence against women, e Daily Observer brings you the stories of the survivors and healers associated with this gender-based struggle that is still rampant.

Tortured for dowry, woman flees with baby Sneha Bengani

before I filed the FIR. We do

e mother of a one-year-old

not file a First Information Re-

Now we are thinking of introducing

In the backdrop of the recent bru-

girl walked out of her mar-

port directly. It took two

a biometric system for criminals. It

tal attack on a woman in an ATM,

riage aer being physically

months for me to try settling

will be quite similar to an Aadhaar

he said: “e banks should provide

and mentally abused repeat-

the matter between the hus-

Card. We want to get the criminals

proper security at the ATMs. ey

edly by her husband and in-

band and wife but to no avail.

to come under the purview of Aad-

should insert concealed cameras in-


e woman was adamant on

haar Card since most of them do

Shivamurthy, SP, State CRB

side or outside the ATMs so that we

Mala, 26, married Jagat, 30,

reporting the case," said the po-

not have proper residential proofs.”

revealed that Bangalore is the sec-

catch hold of the criminals easily.

on July, 24, 2011. Her family

He said, “We would provide the

ond most crime prone city in India.

e cameras inside the ATMs are

had given Jagat 66 gm of gold

Mala is hurt by the way the

criminals with a Unique Identifica-

Shivamurthy said: “It is mainly

some way or the other damaged by

and cash worth Rs. 1.5 lakh at

Ramanagara police dealt with

tion Number, with the help of

because of migrants from other

them and as a result it becomes dif-

the time of their wedding.

her case. She decided to speak

which we would easily trace them,

cities that crime in Bangalore is in-

ficult for the police to reach them.”

Naveen, police constable at

up when she thought she could

even if the criminal moves out of

creasing. So many people from

Highlighting his department’s ef-

Ramanagara Police Station,

not let her in-laws oppress her

India. Our servers will be able to

other cities come here every year

ficiency, he said that regular check-

said, "Her husband started tor-

any longer and was looking for

identify their finger prints quite

and they are indulging in all sorts

ing is done on their employees and

turing her for more money a

justice from the cops but "what

easily and with the help of the

of criminal activities to survive.”

their efficiency is also analyzed on

month aer their wedding."

happened was totally different."

lice official.

On November 1, 2013, Mala

"I went to the police station

of the data provided by the SCRB,

filed a complaint against seven

four times before November 1.

Fifteen-year-old rescued from forced child marriage

members of Jagat's family - his

None of the policemen listened

mother, two brothers, two sis-

to me. ey refused to file a

ters and one of the brothers’

FIR. It was only when I kept

Ramanagar aer they received this



wife. Subsequently, a FIR was

coming repeatedly that they fi-


unique number, the entire history

While speaking on the accuracy

of the criminal will be in our hands.

Sneha Ghosh

a daily basis.



twenty-eight year-old man that she

registered under sections 498

nally listened to what I had to

Efforts to get a minor girl married

On November 28, an official com-

let us in and agreed to listen to us.

(A), 504 R/W 34, 3 and 4

say," she said.

failed aer the intervention of the

plaint was lodged at the offices of

She was more interested in finding

Dowry Prevention Act of the

Child Development Protection

District Child Protection Unit

out how we had received the infor-

Indian Penal Code. "She re-

ese people have their own

Unit in Ramnagara district.

(DCPU) and Child Development

mation than in listening to what we

ported physical and mental tor-

notions about everything. e

Protection Office (CDPO) to stop

had to say.” said Shakuntala.

ture. ey did not give her food

concerned police official spoke

to eat," said Naveen.

without understanding the sit-

this marriage that was allegedly going to take place soon.

Shankuntala, CDPO Rasheeda




She added, “We did not get to




meet the child despite repeatedly

A native of Mysore, Mala

uation. Not once did he ask me

Following the complaint, Shakun-

requesting her to let us talk to her.

works as a temporary nurse in

what I was going through or

tala M, Supervisor at Child Devel-

But we told her that her and her

a government hospital. Aer

what I wanted. He kept insist-

opment Protection Office and,

husband’s attempts could lead them

having le her husband's house

ing that it was a misunder-

Outreach workers Nagendra H and

to getting imprisoned for two years

in Chamundeshwari Extension,

standing and I should not come

Chittayamma MG at the District

and make them pay a fine of one

she now lives in a rented house

to the police station again."

Child Protection Unit visited the



house of Rasheeda Banu.

“Such incidents are common in





Jagat has got bail and is out of custody until the police files a

Babu,residents of Yarabnagar,2nd

“Initially she refused to speak to

Ramangara. People here get their

"Jagat was sent to jail for 14

charge sheet and the case ap-

block, arranged to get their fieen-

us. She even tried to close the door

girl children married at a very early

days aer he confessed his

pears in front of the court. Mala

year-old daughter, Bibi Ayesha

on our face when we said that we

age. ey don’t even get to finish

crime at Ramanagara local

needs to work and so cannot

married to Saleem, a twenty-eight-

we were from the Child Develop-

their education,” said Radha, Child

court on November 2, 2013,"

not live with her one-year-old

year-old man based in Bangalore.

ment Protection Office”, said Na-

development Protection Officer.

said the police constable.

daughter. She, therefore, has

Neighbors and locals of the area in-

gendra H.

formed the Deputy Director of

“It was only aer we told her she

Women and Child Department,

could be jailed for trying to get her

In 2013 itself, 31 cases of child

"Both the families were coun-

sent her baby to her mother

marriage have been reported in the

seled for more than 10 times

who she visits every weekend.

Ramnagara district.

e Daily Observer

Monday, December 2, 2013

Light in the lives of disabled


Banging the drum for land rights

KBSS protest in front of muncipal corporation in Bommanahalli for building apartments by influenTulana Nayak & Vaishnavi J.Desai tial politicians and now they are le On the occasion of World Disabled Day the Breakthrough group organized a learning program.

with no land to bury bodies. ey suspect that BBMP officials are also

ment of fun for the differ-

are orphans and some of them are


ently abled children. A few

run away cases. We as a team which

(KBSS)gathered in front of the

years ago a child who had

includes four nurses and physio-

city municipal corporation to

He also said that the funds re-

never spoken from a special

therapists as well, help them in get-

protest for not being provided

leased for Madivala Market renova-

school, spoke his first word

ting trained both physically and

with rightful authority of their

tion were not used appropriately

during one of our activities.

mentally. Currently we have 89

lands and other basic amenities.

which is why the traders are having

We hope that we have made

boys in our home.”

that difference to the chil-



e crowd comprised mostly of


a tough time.

Preethi, teacher of Asha Kiran

women who shouted out slogans

People from the community of

School said: “We started a disabled

against the Bruhat Bangalore Ma-

Kolebasava have not been provided

When asked about how he

school in 1983 with the strength of

hanagara Palike (BBMP). ey

with houses and basic amenities.

came up with this idea of

three people. Now the number has

protested against BBMP officers by

V. Dhanapala, member of KBSS,

organizing such events for

increased to 105, we train them in

beating drums violently and voic-

said: “Last week there was an out-

disabled people he said, “I

different skills like making arts with

ing their demands.

break of diseases including Chick-

dren who came.”

Raju Peethala & Prutha Bhosle

Members from the Karnataka

have travelled a lot in my

papers and we teach mathematics

Around 20 police officers, includ-

engunya because of the garbage

life and once when I was in

which helps them increase in the

ing four females, were deployed to

accumulated in that area. No one

manage the crowd.

from the BBMP turned up for any

U.S.A. I came up with this

strength of their mental ability. We

“Breakthrough” organized an ex-

idea of contributing some part of

have 30 teachers and 10 non teach-

Rajashekhar Sharma, 35, a mem-

periential learning program for

my life to disabled people. It has

ing staff which helps us in main-

ber of KBSS said: “BBMP was given

Certain areas in Chenna Keshava

differently abled children on the

been a successful journey till now.”

taining the organization in a

the responsibility to rehabilitate

Nagar and areas near Parappana

progressive way.”

people from Puttenahalli to Be-

Agrahara’s Cental Jail lack basic amenities like drinking water.

occasion of World Disabled Day.

The four NGOS who had taken

health check up.

More than 100 disabled children

part in this event are U&I, Rakum,

Blessy Samuel, Volunteer for

tadasanapura. e demand is to

from different organizations had

Provision and Asha Kiran. All the

Breakthrough, “I have been work-

clean the area and shi us as soon

500 to 600 houses in Begur, South

taken part in this event. The pro-

four NGOS work for the better-

ing for Breakthrough along with

as possible and to give us the docu-

Bangalore, do not have documents.

gram was based on the theme by

ment of disabled children in the

my husband from the past 6

ments of our lands.”

ey are demanding that BBMP

the UN for World Disability Day,

city. Sudeeptha GV, manager of vol-

months and I always had love for

“Breaking barriers, open doors: for

unteering for U&I, said: “I have

the work I’m involved in.”

an inclusive society and develop-

been working for Disabled children

Bhavya, 24, a partially blind stu-

ment for all.”

from the past four years and I have

dent from Rakum, said: “It was a

The guest of honor was Indar, a

never regretted for taking such de-

wonderful experience to take part

champion who worked through his

cision in my life. We train the chil-

in this event. We get to play many

disability, of being Spastic, breaking

dren to be more sensible and we

games and we also learn how to

barriers to have a job supporting

organize game sessions once in a

compete with different people in

him and his family. “It has been a

week which makes them help in

this competitive world.”

great experience to be a part of this

being motivated to face any kind of

Joshua, 7, a student of Mithra spe-

event”, said Indar.

challenges in their forthcoming

cial school, said: “Playing is some-


thing which I love from childhood

Robin Paul, CEO and founder of Breakthrough said, “Today on the

When asked about where do all

eve of World Disability Day, Break-

the children come from, he said:

through is happy to create environ-

“Most of the children we get to see

e members claim that the land near Hongasandhra and Bande-

should look into the matter and hand over the documents.

palya’s burial grounds is being used

and I came to meet children from different organizations.”

KBSS members get on the streets to protest against BBMP

Monday, December 2, 2013

e Daily Observer

Bangalore welcomes its sister city Sneha Mejari & Shweta Nair A memorandum of understanding between India and China was celebrated with Chinese delegates officially promoting Chengdu as the sister city of Bangalore.

Events eatre

gap in understanding and friendship between Chengdu and Bangalore and to display and explore opportunities in IT, tourism, business, culture and education. We met the mayor of Bangalore and exchanged constructive views

Chengdu, which is known for its rich culture is also home to a lot of Panda Bears On October 23, a sister city agreement was signed between the two neighboring countries in the presence of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing. e agreement aimed at bringing the two countries closer and promoting better international relations. Zhong Laizhao, Deputy Director, Chengdu Foreign Affairs said: “We came to bridge the


on how to strengthen beneficial co-operation in fields of IT, outsourcing and trade.” Situated in southwest China, Chengdu is the capital of the Sichuan province and is claimed to be the fastest growing city. According to United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Chengdu is the first city in Asia to be named as ‘paradise of delicacies’ which is famous for its hot and spicy Sichuan

cuisine. Mr. Yuan Xu, Deputy Secretary General, Chengdu said: “Our city is historically and culturally renowned, where tradition integrates with modernity and vitality. It is home to giant pandas and is the birth place of Sichuan cuisine. “Chengdu has also been awarded numerous awards including China’s best tourism destination. It is also a very important base for the world’s electronic information industry and we are glad to have the Silicon Valley of India as our sister city. is will enhance better relations between both the nations.” e India – China Friendship Association (ICFA) have maintained relations with China since 1950, when Govinda Reddy led the first delegation to China. V. Bhaskaran, General Secretary ICFA, said: “Despite vested interests that do not want both India and China coming together, our relationship has only strengthened. But there were not enough representatives from the BBMP because of the Belgaum legislative session. He added: “Being a part of the BBMP, the officials should have been present for this celebration and it is regret that they were absent for this occasion.”

‘Blink’, a play by Bruntwood. Playwriting prize winner Phil Porter. Directed by Joe Murphy. e play is a dark, funny love story. When- December 3-7, 2013 Where- Jagriti eatre, Whitefield Time- 8pm onwards


An exhibition featuring the works of Naina Kanodia, Basant Peringod

“ Mo d i a n d R a h u l a re g o o d a c t o r s”

and Amitava Sengupta.

Chitharth Mathivanan

Where- Veda Art Gallery, Kumara

When- Till December 3, 2013

velopment rate of our party is good in Kar-


“Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi are very

nataka. So far, we have around 50, 000 registered

Time- 11am - 6pm

good actors, they are fighting each other for

members. Out of 30 districts, we have our organ-

the post of the Prime Minister.” said AAP’s

ization set up in 25 districts.”


Sidharth added that their primary agenda was

State Convener, Mr.Sidharth. While speaking exclusively to e Daily Ob-

to de-centralize power. “Power should be

server, he said, “Modi and Rahul are very good

brought down to the ward level including rev-

actors, they can’t be our future prime minister.”

enue generation. Our other agendas are Jan Lok-

Aam Aadmi Party is quite popular among the

pal Bill, Right to Reject and Right to Recall.”

educated population of India. When asked about

Sidharth, AAP’s State Convener

the reception among the public, he said: “AAP is

ask people to elect us, instead we give them

sues which they think ruins the society. ey are

According to Sidharth, AAP has four major is-

not a cadre based party. Our cadres are volun-

power, we pick candidates among them, from

security, justice, corruption and looting of public

teers and the party will not support them eco-

the grass root level. e common man recog-


nomically. Our cadres earn for their survival and

nizes our idea and that is what we want. e na-

Commenting on opinion polls in India, Sid-

An oriental food festival offering

volunteer for party work. So the numbers will

tion has witnessed the citizen’s up rise during

harth said, “We are for the opinion polls but the

nutritious, aromatic and rich deli-

not be great.”

Anna Hazare’s movement for Jan Lokpal. People

methodology followed must be made public

cacies. e dinner buffet starts from

need a change and we are giving them a channel

where people could challenge them if they find

Rs. 450 inclusive of taxes.

for the change.”

it wrong. Opinion polls influence people a lot so

When- Till December 8, 2013

the system of survey must be made public.”

Where- Keys Hotel, Hosur Road

According to preliminary reports, the AAP is set to play a major role in the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi. “e name AAP is not important. We do not

When asked about AAP’s role in Karnataka, he said, “AAP is the youngest party in India. e de-

Observer Team: Editor - Pranay Lakshminarasimhan Chief Sub Editor - Apurva Venkat News Editors - Ishan Bhattacharya, Mayuri J Ravi, Gaurav Kumar, Bhaskar Dutta, Anannya Sarkar, Karishma Ravindran Sub Editors - Nikita Narvekar, Aurosmita Acharya, Anagha Sawant, Neha Singh Picture Editors/ Deisgn - Anand Jain, Nibedita Mohanta, Chitharth Mathivanan and Proof Reader - Bhavika Bhuvalka Email- An IIJNM Publication (For Private Circulation)

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