Observer The weekly
Three minor girls rescued from a life of slavery
Pregnant wife beaten up by villagers
Neecia Majolly on why being a muso is risky
Give my daughter justice
A file picture of Ajay (name changed), the accused person
Anannya Sarkar
A heartbroken mum is calling for an inquiry into the apparent
A file picture of Vidya (name changed)
Radha, her mother, recounting her story . Photo: Ravindran. N
Vidya's date of birth, taken from
mentally and physically tortured by
ceived, Radha said: “Ajay threat-
menting on the difficulties faced,
her school transfer certificate, is
Ajay and his family. e statement
ened me saying that he would kill
she said: “We faced threats every
November 10, 1996, making her 16.
also claims that she was continu-
me like he killed my daughter.”
day. We were scared. But I want jus-
Radha claimed that her protests
ously taunted about her lower-class
Seeking help from a local NGO
tice. I had taken a loan for the post-
were ignored.
family background as Ajay and his
office, she wrote a complaint ad-
mortem but even that report was
suicide of her teenage daughter
She added that when a post-
family said that they could have
dressed to the Superintendent of
tampered with. I now have to work
aer wounds were found on her
mortem exam was carried out later,
easily got a lot of things for dowry
Police of the concerned district
hard in order to pay back the
her age was again registered as 18,
by marrying a rich girl.
telling him about her daughter’s
money I had taken for a tampered
suicide, the police forcing her to
Vidya (name changed) was found hanging from a ceiling fan on April
against Radha's wishes. noted
mention the wrong age, Ajay’s
Radha said that the threats have
24 this year. She was almost three
wounds around her private parts
threats, the panchayat’s involve-
now reduced but she claims that the
months pregnant aer marrying
and breasts as well as the ligature
ment and also that no action was
panchayat head asked the police to
mark around her neck. e report
being taken.
withdraw the case.
Ajay(name changed) in February. When her mother Radha (name changed), 35, went to the village
Radha claimed that her disabled
also confirmed the presence of a
husband and she were threatened
She says that she was promised
At present, the case is pending in
fetus which was almost three
by Ajay’s family, with the support of
speedy action but since then, not
court. However, Radha maintains
months old.
the panchayat heads, to withdraw
much has changed.
that no action has been taken as
police station to register the death
e report was filed against Ajay
the complaint. On refusing to do so,
Talking about her daughter,
and demand an investigation, po-
and his father under sections 498
she added that she was threatened
Radha said: “Vidya was a pretty and
lice officer Mahadevaiah recorded
(A)( Husband or relative of hus-
with being ostracized by the entire
nice girl. I wanted her to study
A spokesman for the NGO, which
Vidya's age as 18. Radha's protests
band of a woman subjecting her to
more and become successful in life
declined to be named for security
were ignored, she claims.
cruelty), 306 (Abetment of Suicide),
Radha lives with her husband and
so that she could take care of us.
reasons, said: “It is indeed a sad
Ajay continues to live a life of comfort in his native village.
Under Indian law, had her true
R/W 34 (Acts done by several per-
14-year-old son. Due to her hus-
But all of this happened and
case. e frequency of such cases is
age, 16, been registered, her hus-
sons in furtherance of common in-
band being disabled, she works as a
changed our lives forever.”
on the rise. Along with awareness,
band Ajay would have faced crimi-
tentions) of the Indian Penal Code.
daily-wage labourer to make ends
nal charges of child marriage and sexual abuse of a minor.
According to the statement given to the police by Radha, Vidya was
meet. Commenting on the threats re-
Radha said she wants justice for
the mentality of the people need to
her daughter and added that she is
be changed. Also, the authorities
willing to do what it takes. Com-
must ensure speedy action..”
e Weekly Observer
ursday, September 12, 2013
“e quality of journalism needs to improve” - Erik Bjerager attended by many big names from
both fields.
You have been the President of
making in India.
their areas of expertise, are they not
the World Editors Forum for
Newspapers and news channels
journalists? Journalism today needs
Among these was Erik Bjerager,
more than two years now. What
in India have resorted to sensa-
to open its doors and expand its vi-
Pranay Lakshminarasimhan
President of the World Editors
goals have been met and what you
tionalism to create the required
sion in order to survive with its
Publish Asia, a publishing confer-
Forum and Editor-in-Chief of a
are striving to achieve?
impact. Do you think it is neces-
principles. I believe we have a
ence held by WAN-IFRA, is an an-
Danish national newspaper, Kris-
e World Editors Forum is an
sary to do so?
higher calling than money. So we
nual meet of publishers from all
teligt Dagblad. Aer his much ap-
organization that has editors of
is is a problem that numerous
can safely conclude that examina-
over the world. is year it took
plauded presentation about ‘trends
newspapers and news companies
countries are facing. ere are
tions won’t be able to determine
place at the Bangalore International
in newsrooms’ across the globe, he
from all over the world. We believe
other Asian countries and certain
who is worthy of being a journalist.
Exhibition Centre (BIEC) from
spoke to e Weekly Observer re-
in one phenomenon: absolute press
Central African countries with the
Recently, there has been a lot of
September 11-13. e event, which
garding his views on the Indian
freedom. Ever since I became the
same issue, sometimes on larger
focus on citizen journalism. How-
was about global publishing trends
media industry.
president, I have striven to propa-
scales than India. I personally op-
ever, as professionals have pointed
in journalism and advertising, was
gate this and have managed to
pose it because it undermines qual-
out, there is no real check on what
reach across to many regions like
ity journalism. It also adversely
is being put out as news by citizen
the Middle East and South Asia. We
affects press freedom and has a
journalists. How do you think this
also look into significantly improv-
derogatory effect on journalism as
effects the field of journalism?
ing the quality of journalism. Al-
an institution.
though that is an uphill battle, I
In a recent remark by the Infor-
that there is no check on informa-
believe we are getting there, slowly
mation and Broadcasting Minis-
tion being put out by citizen jour-
but steadily.
ter of India, Manish Tewari, the
nalists. To add to that, citizen
Newspapers in India, contrary
media industry should consider
journalism is not the only thing
to the trend, have exhibited signif-
holding an examination before
we’re worried about; online com-
icant growth in recent times.
appointing anyone as a journalist.
ments on social media are also
What do you think that Indian
Do you think this will make a dif-
being considered as legitimate
newspapers can do in order to
ference, given the media scenario
forms of journalism these days. I
survive in a scenario where print
in India?
have no problem with that, because
journalism is declining?
Erik Bjerager, President of the World Editors Forum
Yes, I am well aware of the fact
I don’t think it will make much of
I understand we must evolve in
Yes, this has been a matter of dis-
a difference. In Denmark, we saw
order to survive. But there needs to
cussion, both at WAN-IFRA and
this for a long time; journalists
be a check on the information
WEF. Indian newspapers have been
coming into the field aer passing
being put out on such platforms.
performing extremely well in terms
out of j-schools. Nowadays, how-
We at WEF are working on this
of sales and advertisements. How-
ever, we see a lot of aspiring jour-
particular issue and it will be dis-
ever, I think they have a long way to
nalists come in with Masters’
cussed in a couple of weeks in Ger-
go with respect to quality journal-
degrees in subjects like Interna-
ism. Nonetheless, I am delighted to
tional Affairs or History. If they
see the progress print journalism is
choose to write for a newspaper on
-Interviewed on September 12, 2013
Security lapse due to defective CCTV cameras at Bangalore Central prison Neha Singh
Katti, had ordered to install CCTV
Replying as to why the old and out
said “Minister of Home for Kar-
prison.” He has issued an order for
Eighty percent of the installed
cameras inside the Bangalore Cen-
of order cameras were not replaced
nataka, K. J. George, has issued an
inquiry regarding the failure in
close circuit cameras in Bangalore
tral jail to ensure tight security.
by the new CCTV cameras, aer
order for inquiry regarding the fail-
maintenance of CCTV cameras,
To this Sushma Godbole, the Ad-
the order by Umesh Katti, she said
ure in maintenance of CCTV cam-
said the DIG Prisons Vishwanatha-
Out of 40 Closed-Circuit Televi-
ditional Secretary for Law and
that the process of installation is a
eras aer his visit to the central
sion (CCTV) cameras in the Ban-
Order, Home Department, said,
long procedure; it takes time to get
galore Central Prison, only eight
“e CCTV cameras gets damaged
the requirements fulfilled which is
are in working condition. e issue
very easily and it takes time for re-
done only aer a meeting with the
came into the light aer a serial
pairmen and the cameras cant be
Home ministry and Ministry of ex-
rape convict, Jaishankar, fled from
taken to the market and get re-
ternal affairs.
the central prison at Parappana
paired in a day.”
Central Jail are dysfunctional
At present, majority of the CCTV
She added: “ere is no relation
cameras in the prison are either out
According to recent news reports,
between a prisoner escaping and
of order or malfunctioning. V.S.
these cameras were installed in
CCTV cameras getting installed.
Raja, Director General of Police
1996 and were suppose to be
e cameras captures only a few
(DGP) of Prisons, said, “Few
changed in 2006, as they have a
moments not everything in detail,
CCTV cameras are not functioning
lifespan of 10 years. In 2010, the
it won’t capture a prisoner escap-
and others need repairment.”
then Minister for Prisons, Umesh
Vishwanathaiah, DIG Prisons,
A CCTV at the Central Prison Bengaluru at Parappana Agrahara
ursday, September 12, 2013
e Weekly Observer
Sex u a lly a buse d m in o rs rescu e d, traum a re m ai ns Aurosmita Acharya
APSA were at the door of the 60-
their body show the same. ey
ree minor sisters who were sex-
year-old businessman who owns
have been asked to do extensive
ually abused have been rescued by
the property.
household work such as- sweeping,
a non-governmental organization.
She added, “On August 30 these
mopping, washing dishes, washing
e girls aged 5, 10 and 11 had
children were presented before the
clothes, cleaning bathrooms and
burns and wounds on their bodies,
Child Welfare Committee (CWC),
said Lakshapathy, the Executive Di-
a government wing in the Depart-
She further added that the elder
rector of the Association of Promot-
ment of Women and Child Devel-
sister who is 11-years-old had been
ing Social Action (APSA).
opment to rehabilitate the rescued
sent by her parents to several other
places in Tamil Nadu, Mysore and
Gunasheela, the social worker who rescued two of the girls, said:
ere they came across the
then to Bangalore to do household
“We rescued the girls from a resi-
dency in Yelahanka with the help of
changed), who was accompanied by The three children who were rescued by Jagruthi Sanstha
the police and the Stree Jagruti
her mother.
work. study further.”
In accordance with the remark
mother. Grace’s report further
and the hearing by the CWC Court
Samstha. We filed a First Informa-
Lashi talked about the abuse she
e counseling by Grace Vijayab-
added, “She narrated the abuse and
the minors have been
tion Report (FIR) at the Yelahanka
had been facing and said that she no
harthi began on September 2. As
trauma to their mother, but she did
bridge course at the Dream School
police station against the owners of
longer wanted to stay in a nearby
per the reports, Ashima (name
not turn up to rescue them.”
of APSA.
the house.”
house owned by the businessman’s
changed),10, said that she was
Lashi, during her counseling with
blindfolded, gagged and sexually
Grace said that she was sexually
Menaka, 30, a team member of Child Line, a helpline run by the
e CWC court has ordered
exploited by the son of the business-
abused by the businessman’s son-in-
Woman & Child Welfare Dept,
APSA to file an FIR against the con-
man. On complaining about it to
law. regularly. She also complained
said, “We got a call on the state
struction company boss, his son
the land lady, Ashima was blamed
about being touched inappropri-
number on August 28 informing
and his son-in-law.
for initiating such acts.
ately by the man’s four-year-old son.
about two girls being used as do-
Lakshapathy said, “e young
e counseling reports said, Shak-
Grace, the counselor said, “e
mestic help and being sexually ha-
girls were more than happy to come
ina (name changed), the eldest sis-
minors have been through a lot of
rassed.” On August 29 members of
out of that house and wished to
ter, has no confidence in her
physical abuse and the scars on
into the
Latest Updates As on September 12th a FIR has been filed separately against the businessman, his son and his son-in-law. e acuused are yet to be taken into custody. e next hearing at the Child Welfare Committee Court has been announced for September 17th.
Posts in Human Rights Commission vacant, pending cases on rise Gaurav Kumar
the list of pending cases as the chair
the KSHRC from state retain a loy-
Top-level vacancies and shortage
would also head the bench while
alty to their parent body.
of staff in Karnataka State Human
deciding commission cases. As the
e annual report of 2010-11
Rights Commission is adding to
commission is a three-member
states that more than 8710 cases
the list of pending cases.
body, absence of even one member
were pending last year. e report
reduces the strength to two-thirds.
was not uploaded on the website of
sistant Registrar, KSHRC, since
According to a recent news re-
the commission again due to short-
June 2012 the post of secretary and
port, without the permission of the
age of staff. e website is in disar-
since July 2012 the post of chair-
chairman, investigations cannot be
ray with many links not working.
man is vacant in the commission.
initiated on any complaint of
According to Saxena, the website
At present the work of secretary is
human rights violations.
was supposed to be updated in two-
According to Abdul Hafeez, As-
done by their Inspector General of
Graph representing cases received and disposed of by the KSHRC
e Protection of Human Rights
three months, but it still hasn’t
Act, 1993, states that "no act or pro-
been.. According to the assistant
C.G. Hungund, member, KSHRC,
a must for the proper functioning
He cited a recent instance to high-
ceedings of the commission shall be
registrar, the reports of the last two
said that from July 2012, when the
of the commission. “Full commis-
light government's apathy, where
questioned or shall be invalidated
years are still to be printed and
previous chairman vacated his seat,
sion strength under the chairman is
the selection committee, KSHRC,
merely on the ground of existence
might take a month or two.
till November 2012, there was not a
important to get recommendations
which includes the chief minister,
of any vacancy or defect in the con-
single member in the commission.
accepted by the government. e
state home minister, presiding offi-
stitution of the commission."
According to an official the com-
government is not interested in ap-
cers & leaders of opposition in both
Saxena, on the shortage of staff,
particularly in the investigation di-
mission came to a standstill during
pointing commission members.
the houses, was unable to select the
said that no-one is willing to get
vision to carry out its functions ef-
those four months. Hungund said
ey are not even interested in
chairman as one of the members
posted in the commission. Refer-
fectively. Human rights are being
that the presence of the chairman is
human rights of the people.”
was absent from the meeting.
e 2010-11 report states, "e commission requires sufficient staff
ring to the practice of sending offi-
violated in increasing number. State
Meera C. Saxena, a member of the
cials from the state government to
Human Rights Commission earlier
“e government is not interested in ap-
KSHRC, said that though the post
the commission on deputation, she
had five members but the amend-
pointing commission members. ey are not
of chairman is important there is
said, "Everybody wants to work in
ment made in 2006 reduced the
even interested in human rights of the peo-
nothing in the law which prevents
the mainstream rather than getting
number to three. KSHRC thinks
the commission from acting with-
sidelined while working under the
that the commission should have
out one.. She added that the ab-
five members to deal with various
- C.G. Hungund, member KSHRC.
sence of a chair certainly adds to
It’s also been claimed those sent to
cases that come up."
e Weekly Observer
ursday, September 12, 2013
Rogue cop demanding kickbacks Apurva Venkat A city police officer threatens to book locals unless they pay him bribes. Students and local businessmen have complained about being harassed by the rogue cop. Mohit Narain, a resident of Kumaraswamy Layout, said: “e police demand money from us for no reason. is has happened to me at least five times in last three months. ey take us to the police station and force us to pay and threaten to file a case if we don’t.” Mahesh, a student of Dayananda Sagar College, said: “Smoking is just one thing. e police harass us a lot. Two days ago, two of my friends and I were returning at 11.30pm. e police stopped us, opened our bags, took out our laptop and blamed us of stealing it. ey took Rs. 500 from us and only then they let us go. ” Police take students to police stations for
Kumaraswamy Layout Police Station,
smoking in public spaces and charge them Rs. 300 without giving a receipt. is is not one isolated case but a routine that the police of this locality follow. Lalitha, the owner of a tea and cigarette shop in the area, said: “Police come here once in every half an hour. ey will catch the guys smoking and demand money. I have never seen anyone getting a receipt till now. ey even fined me Rs.300 once for keeping my shop open beyond 10.30 pm. I have never received a receipt for it.” When our reporters from e Weekly Observer were caught smoking right opposite the Dayananda Sagar College, the cop pounced quickly. e policeman, who refused to give his name, asked us to accompany him to the police station. We told the policeman that we were ready to pay a fine of Rs. 200 to him , the statutory fine for smoking in the street, but we would not go to the police station. e policeman insisted that we go alongwith him. We argued that as per the law, females cannot be asked to go to a police station without a lady constable being present. Also, a girl cannot be asked to attend the police station aer sunset and before sunrise. e section 46(4) of the Criminal Procedure Code states that no women can be asked to come to the police station Banashankari aer sunset and before
Students at the college are harassed for money by police on a regular basis sunrise. According to the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008, no person can smoke in public spaces which include theatres, bus stops, railway stations, restaurants, auditoriums, hospitals etc. Smoking on roads is allowed. e rule also states that smoking in a public place carries a fine of Rs. 200 for which a receipt has to be given. To this the policeman said; “I have caught you smoking so you have to come. Pay me Rs 300 now or you will have to meet the Sub Inspector there and take a notice.” He refused to reveal his name and title. He was wearing a jacket over his uniform which hid his nametag. We then went to the Kumaraswamy Layout Police Station and spoke to the Assistant Sub Inspector on night duty. We asked him what the rules are pertaining to smoking in public places and girls being called to police station.
On asking why his constable had asked us to come to the police station aer sunset, he replied: “I can ask anyone to come to the police station any time. However, I cannot ask a lady to stay overnight at the police station.” On repeatedly asking the same question the police inspector said: “You were caught smoking on road. I can put you in jail for two years along with a fine of Rs.2000.” When asked if we will get a receipt of the fine, he said: “It has to come from the court, so you will not get a receipt right now.” Prarit Joshi, a student, said: “Many times they stop my bike and ask me to take it to the police station. For absolutely no fault of mine they ask me to pay money and then only leave.” Students also said police enter their rented apartments randomly at night and threaten to take them to police station for drinking.
Pregnant woman claims she was beaten for her faith Mayuri J Ravi & Shweta Nair A seven months pregnant woman and her family members were beaten up by villagers - allegedly for believing in Christ. On 29 August 22-year-old Radha Pawar (name changed) along with her sister-in-law, went to draw water from Krishna Canal in the village as her family was banned from using a public tap. Suresh, Radha’s brother-in-law, said: “She was stopped from drawing water by one of the villagers. When she asked the reason for not letting her use the water, the villager pushed her and grabbed her by her clothes. en 13 men and two women beat Radha and my wife.” Radha was taken to the government hospital in Nidagundi by the police and was given treatment.
“She is fine now but this incident scared us. So we le the village on 31 August for the safety of the women and children in our family,” added Ravi. A complaint was lodged in Bagevadi Police Station on September 2 by the Pawar family. “ere has been no action taken against the villagers. Even the panchayat did not take any firm decision against these people. e police have advised the villagers to not trouble us but they do not listen even to the police.” When we contacted Bagevadi Police Station, Chikkana, sub-inspector in-charge, refused to comment. e Pawar family has been living in Nidagundi for five years and say they have been troubled by the villagers for their belief in Christianity. ukaram .H. Rathod, pastor of the church, said: “is has been
going on for some time but now it has become too much. e villagers torture the family by breaking into their homes or throwing stones at them. ey had no choice but to leave their home and settle in Managur.” “We are not allowed to believe in Jesus as we are the only family who follows Christianity in the village. We have to pay money to use water or even talk to other villagers. We were driven out of our home because of our faith in Jesus,” added Ravi. Christian leaders in Bijapur have proposed a press meet on 16 September at Bangalore Press Club. Pericho Prabhu, social worker in Bangalore, said, “What has happened to this family is unconstitutional and we need to get them justice. e press conference is yet to be confirmed.”
Radha Pawar, showing her ripped blouse shortly aer the attack
e Weekly Observer
ursday, September 12, 2013
Towering problem for Paradise dwellers Bhavika Bhuwalka
ited said that radiation from the
have reduced the amount of radia-
the telecom authorities have out-
thority (BDA) and Karnataka Pol-
A group of residents fighting for
tower was below the prescribed
tion they emit to 1/10th i.e. 0.92
sourced the project say that nothing
lution Control Board’s public griev-
the removal of a mobile phone
level. Palvannan of Aircel said that
Watt per square meter of 9.2 Watt
of this sort is required. Neehar Rao,
ance portal.He said: “We have
tower were stunned when con-
the basic rule is to have a distance
per square meter.
owner of LiveSAFE, said, “Being
approached the high court, how-
struction work started on two
of 25 meters between the tower and
According to LiveSAFE, an or-
exposed to a mobile tower located
ever we are not sure against whom
the wall and their new tower satis-
ganization that works on Cell
within 50-metres is like being in a
the case should be filed.” Rueben,
Lack of awareness of the rules for
microwave oven for 24 hours.”
the lawyer who was approached re-
setting up mobile towers is leading
Volunteers from the organiza-
garding the case said that without
to confusion among people.
tion visited the apartment and
finding out if the tower was legal,
Residents of Raj Paradise Apart-
detected that the radiation levels
further proceedings on that were
ments in BTM Layout, who were al-
were way beyond the prescribed
very difficult. “We are thinking of
limit. ey also offered their
filing an RTI now”, he added.
government officials regarding an
anti-radiation safety equipment
existing mobile tower near their
to the residents.
e Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palika (BBMP) has to approve any
building, were yet again in a fix
e radiation from such towers
kind of construction in the city but
aer the construction of two others
causes health hazards like DNA
there was no way in which one
damage, reduced immune sys-
could determine whether the tow-
According to Harsha G., a mem-
tem, cancer and brain tumors.
ers are legal or illegal. Harsha said,
ber of the Owner’s Association,
Chandrashekhar, president of
“Going to the police was a mistake.
more than 50% of towers in Banga-
the Owner’s Association, said,
ey were of no help. e Myco
lore are illegal but there are no clear
“is is an old apartment with
Layout SHO asked us the pre-
rules about what is legal and what
around 250 families living. We
scribed rules without which they
is not. When Harsha lodged a com-
don’t want to take risk of lives.
could not take any action.”
plaint with the Department of Mobile tower being constructed close to Raj Paradise Apartments e case is going on since July. Telecommunication (DoT) about e company should educate
nication is supposed to fine the base
the Vodafone and Aircel towers,
fied this criterion. But according to
Tower Radiation (CTR) protection,
people. e government should
stations that fail to meet cell tower
which were being constructed, the
the new norms by DoT, the safe dis-
a No Objection Certificate (NOC)
make the rules clearer so that we
radiation norms but the extent to
next day people were sent for radi-
tance between two towers and resi-
from neighborhood areas is re-
know whom to approach at least.”
which these regulations are being
ation checking.
dential buildings should be 35
quired before constructing a tower
Harsha lodged complaints with
meters. In 2012, cellular towers
but the tower companies to whom
the Bangalore Development Au-
Nikhil from Vodafone South Lim-
e Department of Telecommu-
followed is not known to the residents of BTM Layout.
Dozens a day end their lives in the country’s hi-tech state Ishan Bhattacharya
gar, Mysore, Mandya, Ramanagara
in relationships are another cause of
failing to attain them may have dis-
Twenty six people kill themselves
and Tumkur, the southern part of
suicide. Some people who go for
astrous consequences.”
every day in Karnataka, a study
the state, the number is 912.
live in relationships commit suicide
Dr. Safiya, proprietor of Mind and
In places like Belgaum, Udupi and
because they have no security. Fu-
Brain, a counseling centre, said that
has shown. e analysis was based on the
Mangalore, the number of suicide
ture of their relationship is un-
if 10 to 15 percent of people are suf-
data provided by the State Crime
cases is 890, while cities in the east-
known. Inability to adjust makes
fering from depression, there is a
Records Bureau (SCRB). e same
ern part of Karnataka, like Bellary,
them demanding. Expectations in a
chance that one of them might
study revealed that in Bangalore, on
Raichur and Chikkaballapur have
live-in-relationship are also high;
commit suicide.
average, six people commit suicide
P.R. Chandrashekhar, NIMHANS
every day.
381 suicide cases. Former head of the psychiatric
According to SCRB, the number
that occurred, 77 were by burning,
department in National Institute of
of suicide cases in 2012 was 12,753
11 cases were of drowning, 203
Mental Health and Neurosciences
in Karnataka and 1989 in Banga-
were due to poisoning, 1027 cases
lore. 6,478 suicide cases were regis-
of death were by hanging, 18 people
drashekhar, said: “e most com-
tered in Karnataka from January 1,
came under the train and 68 sui-
mon cause of suicide is depression.
2013 to September 9, 2013 in which
cides were contributed to various
At least 75 per cent of the people
Bangalore alone contributed 1,419
other factors.
who commit suicide are victims of
cases, which is almost 22 per cent of the total.
In places like Bijapur, Bidar,
depression. Frustration is another
Bagalkot and Hubli in the northern
reason for suicide. Sometimes frus-
Documents provided by the
part of Karnataka, number of sui-
tration can be generated by brain it-
SCRB revealed that in Bangalore,
cides from January 1 this year to
out of the total number of suicides
September 9 is 492. In Chamrajna-
He further added, “Unhappy live-Breakdown of suicide statistics in Bangalore for the year 2013
e Weekly Observer
ursday, September 12, 2013
Delhi rape verdict: What Bangalore thinks Apurva Venkat A day before the final sentence for the Delhi rape case is expected to be pronounced, e Observer team found out what the citizens of Bangalore think should be the verdict.
Ashish Yedvi, Sports Analyst e accused should be hanged. Only this kind of severe punishment will prove to be a lesson to other such men who don’t care .
Avinash Mantri, Advertising Consultant e guilty should be kept alive and tortured physically and mentally on a daily basis. ey should die a slow death.
Kerri Rodirigues, Event Manager Yes, capital punishment for them. Only if a strict action is taken, people will fear doing such a crime. What if they do the same out of rage for being imprisoned? Even a lifetime imprisonment is not enough; these people deserve to die for ill treating and killing an innocent girl. Hang them publicly.
“ “ “
Priya Ramesh, Homemaker e convicts should be burned in public. en they will realize, if ever possible, the unbearable pain they made the girl go through. A strong sense of fear should be created in the hearts of these perpetrators.
Ravi Shankar, NGO member For any rapist, hanged to death or lifetime imprisonment is not a true justice to any rape victim, A victim or the parents should decide what punishment should be given.
Observer Team
Mohit Narain (Engineering student) Rapists should neither be hanged nor sentenced to life imprisonment, they should be brought in front of the parents of the victim. ey should be punished daily and made to suffer the pain and the inhumanity they committed on the poor, helpless girl.
News Editors–Bhavika Bhuwalka, Nibedita Mohanta, Neha Singh Chief Sub Sawant
Picture Editor– Apurva Venkat Design Desk– Chitharth Mathivanan Sub Editors– Gaurav Kumar, Ishan Bhattacharya and Nikita Narvekar Proof Readers–Mayuri J Ravi and Anannya Sarkar Editor– Anand Jain Email– An IIJNM Publication (For Private Circulation)
Events SCIENCE Second International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computiing Timing: 9 am - 6 pm, Sept 19/20/2013 Place: NIMHANS Convention Centre
CULTURE Bangalore Literature Festival 2013 Date: Sept 19 - 20, 2013 Place: Crowne Plaza Velankani Park, Electronics City
THEATRE Going Solo- Internatinal eatre Festival 2013 by Teamwork Date: Oct 11 - 13, 2013 Place: MLR Convention Centre, Whitefield
‘ere is no real security for musicians in India’ - Neecia Majolly Aurosmita Acharya
Reporters –Bhaskar Dutta and Karishma Ravindran
e Majolly Music Trust, a twoand-a-half-year old organization, has been very active in the field of music performance and education. ey have organized festivals like the 'Classical Piano Festival’ and the ‘Festival of Classical Song'. is year it’s the 'Festival of Strings' featuring some terrific musicians from India and abroad. It is a three day gig, from September 20-22 at Alliance Française de Delhi. Following is an excerpt of an interview with Neecia Majolly, the owner: Tell us something about the Majolly Music Trust Our main cause is the unique pension fund for the aged and infirm musicians. As there is no real social security system in place in India, much less for musicians, we decided to do something about it. ALL our concerts are fund-raisers for this cause. I am pleased to an-
nounce that we will be able to start distributing funds from October onwards. e Trust is active in promoting young talent, and has two comcerts every year that features young people from all over India. Who are the star performers in ‘Festival of Strings’ this time? We have three renowned artists performing live over a span of three days. Daniel Linden is an American classical guitarist, composer and teacher with a broad range of musical interests and abilities. He has been collaborating with Hindustani and Carnatic classical musicians in Nepal and India. Santhosh Chandran, an eighth grader and ATCL Diploma in Classic Guitar, plays unique genre of carnatic and flamenco music. A professional since 25 years, he has since played in eight countries. Prakash Sontakke is the only musician from Karanataka to get the Independent Music Awards for World fusion. He is the only
Neecia Majolly, founder-trustee of the Majolly Music Trust. guitarist of India playing different styles on the Electric Slide Guitar. ough from a very traditional Hindustani Classical background, he is equally comfortable with other genres. How many passes are you hoping to sell? Donor passes are Rs. 300/- available at the Trust, eme Piano World, and at Alliance Française de Bangalore. We are expecting a huge gathering. What are your other forthcom-
ing projects? In October, we have a singing competition called "e Outperformers" for people of 12-21 yrs of age. In November, we have a huge choir concert presenting "Carmina Burana", a very popular choral work. Next year will see some tours, as well as the Kawai Junior Piano Competition, in collaboration with eme Music Company. Visit their website: for information about the festival.