Observer The weekly
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Foot & Mouth still threatening wildlife at Bannerghatta Biological Park
Child marriage on the rise in the state
Temporary school - a ray of hope for the slum children
Govt hires manual scavengers Sureshkumar K
busy now, I will call you later” be-
fore disconnecting the call.
ore than a hundred
contract workers are
Mosas Y, 52, State coordinator of
engaged in illegal
Safai Karmachari Andoaln, a Delhi
manual scavenging at a railway
based organization which aims to-
station in the city.
eradicate manual scavenging, said:
e workers - mainly women -
“We created enormous pressure on
clean tracks at Bangalore City Junc-
tion, operated by South Western
protests and filing public interest
Railways on behalf of the Indian
litigations to make the government
bring railways under the purview of
A hundred and fiy workers have
violating the law.”
railways through Global Agency, a company,
the Act. Despite that railway is still
been contracted by South Western private
“e railways ensured us years
back that all the toilets in the trains
garbage and clean excrement from
will be converted to bio-degradable
the railway tracks. e Prohibition of Employment
toilets and some funds are allocated
Dalit women cleaning human excrement from the tracks at Bangalore City Junction Railway Station
for this purpose, but it has done
as Manual Scavengers and their Re-
habilitation Act, 2013, clearly states
lethargic approach towards such is-
scavenging with protective gear will
“It is very difficult to do the job
A higher percentage of women
employment of manual scavengers
Act, 2013
distinctly states that
nothing so far.”
not constitute manual scavenging.
but we do not have a choice as the
are employed in manual scaveng-
as illegal. e women work in three
Arun, 30, a Supervisor at Global
While answering why the railway-
pay is better than other jobs. It is
ing. Deepa said, “A clear gender di-
shis and clean even human defe-
Agency, to which the job is con-
outsources such jobs he said, “Pre-
embarrassing when people frown
vision can be witnessed in manual
cation on the tracks which consti-
tracted, said: “e cleaning work is
viously railways had permanent
upon us when we are working, so
scavenging, majority of these work-
tutes manual scavenging under
carried out 24 hours 7 days a week
housekeepers, but when issues like
we avoid doing it when the plat-
ers are women particularly Dailt.
form is crowded.”
Organizations prefer women work-
Section 2 (1) (g) of the Act. e law prescribes imprisonment up to one year with fine amounting to Rs.50, 000 for violation of the provisions of this Act.
in three shis. We clean all places
cleaning the defecations on tracks
in the station including defecations
and toilets came up they assigned
When asked about the wages,
on the tracks.”
them to other departments and
Manoj, a member of Forum
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
started engaging contract workers
Against Manual Scavengign said,
called manual scavenging as, “One
for these works”
“e stipulated wages for these
of the darkest blots on India’s development process.”
When asked about protective equipment used by the cleaners
Deepa, 32, a core committee
while working, Arun said: “We are
Devi, 45, a contract worker who
contract workers is Rs.320 per day,
member of the Forum Against
provided with some kits like gloves
engages in manual scavenging, said,
but the contractor pays them
Manual Scavenging (FAMS) said:
and shoes. But we do not prefer
“We didn’t know that we will have
around Rs.180 to Rs.200”, he said .
“It took almost 46 years for our law
them and use them only during in-
to clean s*** on tracks when they
Suvankar Bishwas, Public Rela-
makers to create a law to ban the in-
hired us. Initially they asked us to
tion Officer, Bangalore City Junc-
human practice of manual scaveng-
Section 2 (1) (g) (b) of the Prohi-
clean office rooms and platforms
tion said, “I cannot comment on
ing. e gross violation of such a
bition of Employment as Manual
but eventually directed us to clean
this, the medical department of
socially sensitive law by its own
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation
the tracks which we could not re-
railways is responsible for this. I am
ers for their cheap labor.”
‘e stipulated wages for these contract workers is Rs.320 per day, but the contractor pays them around Rs.180 to Rs.200 which is much below the fixed wage’ -Manoj, member of FAMS.
e Weekly Observer
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Price hike in rice leaves poor hungry
Park officials still battling disease Rahul Sadhu
Soumya Basu & Tulana Nayak
ers have been suspended so far.”
. Last month she had to visit the
Bannerghatta Biological Park is
shop five times to get edible oil be-
planning a ra of measures to com-
fore being denied completely.
bat the foot and mouth crisis there.
People living on the poverty line are
He added: “Too much food is
being held to ransom over basic
being wasted. In the previous
food supplies and state inspectors
scheme subsidized food grains were
“He gives us ration only when we
A bison died at the park two days
say they don’t have the staff to con-
provided according to number of
pay him more. He transfers the rice
ago, bringing the total number of
trol it.
members in a family. But now the
and oil to his son’s shop which is
animals dead to six.
e Joint Deputy Commissioner
government is giving out much
right opposite to his. It is sold then
of the state’s food and supplies body
more than needed leading people to
at a higher price there,” she said.
has admitted they know rogue ven-
sell the additional amount to earn
dors are selling basic foodstuffs at a
an extra profit.”
higher price but added that they have only 800 inspectors to monitor almost 100 lakh beneficiaries. e state government hands out
Commenting on the Foot and Mouth disease, Dr. B.C. Chitiappa,
Lakshmi, a B.Com second year
40, the doctor in charge of the park
student, said that the same supplier
said, “e disease mainly affects the
Hafiz Aziz, Deputy Director of
gave them inferior quality rice and
herbivores. ere are more than
Food, Civil supplies and Consumer
sometimes denies giving them their
1000 species of animals in the park
is not possible for us keep an eye on
Affairs said, “Last time we con-
allotted ration at all. Even aer tak-
out of which six already died of the
97 lakhs beneficiaries.”
ducted 56 raids and 31 cases of
ing the card along, he refused to
disease and 20 more have been di-
seizure were found .
give them the ration.
agnosed with the disease. We are
Publicity poster for program
foodstuffs like rice and oil at subsi-
Speaking of the Congress Party’s
dized prices to those most in need.
push to provide rice to the poor, he
Basavaraju, Head constable of
Aparna Iyer*, 50, a BPL card
trying all types of preventive meas-
But unscrupulous traders who are
added: “More rice is being pumped
Girinagar police station said : “We
holder, said: “e local ration seller
ures including injecting medicines
given the stocks hike up prices.
in which results in the automatic
havent received any complaint
doesn’t give us the grains but sells
with darts, spraying disinfectants,
Gangadhar, Joint Deputy Com-
reduction in price in the market.
about the area.We cannot do any-
rice illegally. Every resident in the
and routine burning of leover
missioner of the Karnataka Food
We cannot stop that and we are not
thing about it until and unless we
area has the same complaint.”
food. Necessary nutritious supple-
and the Civil Supplies Corporation,
concerned with what happens aer
get a complaint from the people.”
said: “Such activities have been re-
the rice is bought from the shop.
ported but right now we are not
Hafiz Aziz added: “e food sup-
ments are also provided and as of
In Veerbhadranagar, Sohini*, 31,
plies department helpline receives
now the situation is under control.”
“But we have had reports of rice
hasn’t received rice and edible oil
300 calls every day. ere are only
He added that culling and a quar-
being sold at higher prices by the
for five months. She suspects the
300 employees monitoring 20,000
antine programs had also been dis-
He added, “We only have 800
dealers and we have suspended the
local ration supplier of hoarding
shops which makes it difficult.”
cussed amonog park managers.
food inspectors all over state and it
defaulters. Around 800 ration deal-
the grains.
going to act upon it.”
*names changed
e quarries around the Bannerghatta Biological Park are also
Child bride numbers on the increase Vaishnavi J Desai Child marriage cases are on the rise
wild animals in the park. V. Karikalan, 55, Deputy Conservator of Forest, said, “Yes we try our
supposed to get married to her
Commission for Protection of
from Lakundi village, Gadag dis-
best, but problems do occur. One of
uncle on 27th of April this year.
Child Rights, Bangalore on March
trict was found to be 11 years old.
the main problems is that of quar-
in Bangalore division, with eight
e marriage was to take place at
cases already being reported in the
Talakadu, Mudukuture. She was
e number of child marriage
first nine months of the year.
studying in 11th grade. e case
cases reported in Bangalore divi-
was reported to the Karnataka State
sion has almost doubled in the last
Pallavi (name changed), 17, was
causing severe a threat to the life of
1, 2013.
four years. From 2009 to 2013, in Bangalore
from doctors, respective school principals.
rying and it should be stopped.” He added, “We face this problem for more than a decade now and
In the inspection that followed, it
there is no proper control on this
was found out that 25 doctors had
activity. ey dig the ground 50 to
provided fake age certificates.
100 feet creating natural depres-
city child marriages have increased
e doctors had conducted asiph-
sions. is in turn affects the natu-
from four to eight. Gulbarga divi-
ication test, bone X-ray test and
ral movement of animals especially
sion on the other hand, being less
dental test to determine the age of
the elephants.
developed than the other divisions
the girls.
has shown decrease in the trend from five to zero.
“ey are forced to deviate from
Umesh Aradhya, Chairperson,
their natural path that they always
Karnataka state commission for
follow and they tend to enter the
A mass marriage ceremony was
protection of child rights said: “e
places where humans stay.
held in Gadag in 2010 which had
northern districts of state are less
970 pairs attending it from 16 dis-
developed than Bangalore division.
tricts of Karnataka. e inspection on site by the committee member Mamatha. M., a
Chairperson, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights
e age certificates were collected
Northern districts of the state are still developing. ese cases are evident there.”
dentist and other team members,
He added: “Child marriages have
found 31 girls below the age of 18.
health implications. Early preg-
Out of 31, 11 girls were of 16
nancy causes death among young
years, the rest aged 14-16. One girl
Dep. conservatorV. Karikalan
e Weekly Observer
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
NGO breaking law over foreign funding Shweta Nair
He added: “For the renewal of the
A non-governmental organiza-
registration, every year the NGO
tion in Bangalore has been violating
must submit details of the duration
laws and receiving foreign funding
of the annual general meeting, an
illegally for the past ten years.
executive committee list with pho-
Minority rights group Sangama
tographs, an original audit report,
Harassed for dowry, woman commits suicide
and a list of those members attend-
ree years aer marriage a
ing the annual general meeting
woman ended her life due to
within 14 days of it being held. In
dowry demands by her in-laws.
cases of delay we charge them a
Yashaswini, 26, was married to
penalty of Rs.50 when they come
Siddesh on 10th June, 2010, com-
for registration.” Were Sangama
mitted suicide on 4th September,
2013 morning due to physical ha-
Sangama, an NGO working for
e website for e Funds for
sexual minorities in Bangalore, has
Global Human Rights, an organiza-
been violating the Foreign Contri-
tion based in the United States of
butions Regulation Act 2010 and
rassment by her husband and in-
Manohar Elavarthi, founder of Sangama, an NGO in Bangalore
essary to renew the registration for
contacted by the Weekly Observer.
manded for Rs. 3 lakhs ,but it was
receiving international grants from
human rights NGOs, states that
receiving any kind of foreign fund-
He said, “I am currently involved
hard for Yashaswini’s father to
various funding agencies abroad.
Sangama received $20,000 in 2013
ing. Even for receiving state or cen-
with a political party and have no
meet the demand.
e Act states that if a non-gov-
to conduct programs including cri-
tral funding an NGO has to register
ties with Sangama.”
ernmental organization wishes to
sis intervention, HIV/AIDS educa-
with the registrar of societies.”
Founded in 1999. Sangama was
filed F.I.R against Siddesh and his
apply for or receive foreign funding,
tion and services, human rights
A chartered accountant based in
registered as a society (Reg. No.
family on 4th September, 2013.
it must be properly registered
campaigns and mentoring emerg-
Bangalore, who declined to be
242/2001-02, under Karnataka So-
“Siddesh and his family continu-
within the state. at means sub-
ing rights groups in southern India.
named, said: “It is mandatory for an
cieties Registration Act. 1960) on
ously demanded for dowry which
mitting all accounts, directors and
“is is a clear violation of FCRA
NGO to file income tax returns
June 22nd, 2001 in Bangalore with
forced Yashaswini to kill herself ”
appropriate registration certificates
rules because without renewing the
even if it is exempted from taxation
11 governing body members.
said Bhaskar, Sub-Inspector of
to the appropriate state body, the
registration of the NGO, foreign
and submit the statutory report, au-
On its website, Mr Elavarthi is still
Registrar of Societies.
Few months back, Siddesh de-
funding cannot be granted to any
dited by a certified chartered ac-
listed as someone who “presently
Aravindan. K, an official at the
society,” said Vijay Kumar, former
countant, to the registrar to avail
acts as the program co-ordinator of
Registrar of Societies’ office, Jayana-
director of Sangama, who was dis-
foreign funding. If the NGO is re-
gar, said: “According to our records,
missed from Sangama aer a row
ceiving foreign funds without re-
e website states: “Sangama
Sangama has not filed any accounts
on improper functioning of the
newing its registration then the
started in this context in August
since 2003. Even this year the NGO
chartered accountant is also break-
1999 to work for sexuality minori-
ing the law.”
ties' rights with information and
Yashaswini’s father, K.V. Jagdish,
Kumbalgodu police station. “e accused are under arrest right now” he added.
Schoolgirl , 14, raped by her cousin
has not filed any accounts. Without
Professor K.R Venkatesha, a
the renewal of the registration
member of the Karntaka Parents
Manohar Elavarthi, the founder of
education. Its initial funding was
every year, it is illegal to receive for-
Association for Mentally Retarded
Sangama, said he severed all ties
through a two-year individual fel-
A 14-year-old girl was raped by
eign funding.”
Children, said: “It is absolutely nec-
with the NGO over a year ago when
lowship from MacArthur Founda-
her uncle’s son in Kondapura vil-
tion to Elavarthi Manohar who
lage of Karnataka.
presently acts as the Program Co-
On September 21, 2013, while re-
ordinator of Sangama.”
turning home from her relatives’
Name & Address
"Fund For Global Human Rights Advocacy ProRights,1 Farragut Square South gramme for SM, SW & 1634 I st street,North West SuitePLHIV 1001 Washington D.C. 2006 -TEL 202-3477488Sangama" "HIVOS- Raamweg 16-PO.Box 85565,2508 CG,The Hague(The Netherlands)Tel +31(0)703765500Sangama"
Rights Advocacy Programme for SM, SW & PLHIV
"The Swedish Association for SexRights Advocacy Prouality Education, RFSUP. O. Box gramme for SM, SW & 4331, SE - 10267Tel: +46-8-692 PLHIV 0795Sangama" "The Norwegian Organisation for SAHRCMSG 2nd NaLesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transtional Meeting gender Rights (LLH)"
FY 2010-11
FY 2009-10
Gurukiran Kamath, the current
place, Soma, a student of Grade
director of Sangama, said: “e re-
8, was kidnapped by her cousin
newal of the registration is yet to be
Raghu, 22. He then took her to a
done for this year.
nearby waste house and raped
“Sangama files its accounts with
Foreign funding, in rupees, received by Sangama in 2009 & 2010
her. Aer raping her he fled from
the registrar office located some-
the site.
hwere in Sadashivnagar.”
Ravish, Sub-Inspector Police,
e official at the Registrar of So-
Chitradurga Police Station, said,
cieties in Jayanagar confirmed that
“We arrested the accused. He
there are five registrar offices in
confessed the crime. According
Bangalore situated at Jayanagar,
to the verdict he has to stay in 15
Basvanagudi, Shivajinagar, Gandhi-
day custody. Aer that, he will be
nagar and Rajajinagar.
sent to Central Jail.”
He added: “Sangama have to sub-
e victim’s mother, Rath-
mit their annual audit reports and
namma, a laborer, said, “I just
other documents at our office. ey
have one daughter and a son. I
come under our jurisdiction. ey
cannot explain my grief in
have not.”
e Weekly Observer
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
From Chalo America to Mumbaistan-Jha
Sneha Bengani& Bhavika Bhuwalka
the only mockumentary film that
ans do not appreciate satire. We can
India can boast of.
not laugh at ourselves. We like
Amidst all the paparazzi crowding
He laughed at the audience for
celebrity writers at the second edi-
having become all Bollywoodized
tion of Bangalore Literature Festi-
and unaccommodating to other
He had met a bunch of students
val, we are told that Writer-Director
genres. “Yesterday a big star was
from Kashmir in Mumbai. When
Piyush Jha is free to talk. e mul-
here and suddenly everyone went
they were asked about the differ-
tifaceted story teller was one of the
mad and nearly brought the stage
ence they see between the two
panelists chairing a session called
places, one of them responded,
laughing at others. We take ourselves too seriously.”
“Edge of Darkness - On thrillers
Aer having directed three criti-
“Here, we see lights on aer 7 pm.”
and Chillers” on the last day of the
cally acclaimed films, Chalo Amer-
When he was asked how they were
A collaboration of classical musician, T
literature mela.
ica, King of Bollywood and
different from boys of their age in
Writer-Director Piyush Jha
M Krishna and Bharatanatyam dancer,
ere was so much to talk about,
Sikandar, and writing two crime
Mumbai, he said, “I can name every
his crime thrillers, unconventional
thrillers, Mumbaistan and Com-
model of gun. I do not think a boy
cinema, Bollywoodization of the
pass Box Killer, Jha finds it difficult
in Mumbai can do that.” is inci-
He is also not very hopeful about
Indian society, but the conversation
to tread the road less travelled in
dent got Jha thinking and he made
a change in the taste of the people
16th Cross, Vyalikaval, Malleshwaram,
had to start with Mockumentaries,
India as “people here really do not
Sikandar. “It is an artistic movie
in India favoring the unorthodox.
a genre introduced in India by him.
about a boy in Kashmir who wants
“I don’t think the psyche of people
When: Oct. 3, 2013
to play football but finds a gun in-
is going to change about unconven-
stead,” he said.
tional cinema and books. It is like
are meant for.”
“A mockumentary is a film which
His film Chalo America, which is
is made to look like a documentary.
a comic satire on the attraction that
It need not always be a satire or a
Indians have for the United States,
He believes Indians do not like
asking people to stop eating
mockery. Usually it takes up a seri-
was appreciated all over the world
documentaries. “We consider it as
chawal-daal in India. ey might
ous issue and conveys it in a way
except in India. “Here people didn’t
film division nonsense. Such films
develop taste for other cuisines but
that hits the audience hard,” said
get it. ey didn’t like the fact that I
do not reach the desired audience.
they shall always come back to
the maker of King of Bollywood,
was laughing at all of us. We Indi-
ey do not go to the people they
Priyadarsini Govind set to travel to tMumbai, Bangalore and Chennai! Where:
Chowdaiah Memorial Hall
A ramshackle tent offers ray of hope
Soumya Basu & Raju Peethala
helps in educating children who
BIAF 2013- Naadatarangni
cannot afford it.
Bengaluru International Arts Festival
Slum children who have never been
e children migrated from Luc-
2013 presents to you Naadatarangini -
to school watched as their new
know and have been staying near
50 Veena Ensemble led by Dr. Suma
tented school was erected.
the Rajarajeswari College for al-
Around 40 children actively partic-
most seven years. e children dis-
Where:ChowdaiahMemorial Hall,16th
ipated in the initiation made by an
continued schooling to help their
Cross, ,Malleshwaram, Bangalore
NGO, Surabhi Foundation, which
parents. ese children live in
When: Oct. 6, 2013
e new ‘school’ was built by parents and is awaiting teachers
Children and parents at the slum, inside their new tented school
Piya Behrupiya
makeshi roadside sheds opposite
children two days ago.. Savant, who
Twelh Night combines cruelty with
the college.
is a roadside vendor and father of a
high comedy and love with some of the
Officials asked the NGO to set up
pupil said: “Aer the complaint was
subtlest poetry and most exquisite
tents for the school, aer a Weekly
made, government officials brought
songs that Shakespeare ever wrote.
Observer story exposed their plight
female teachers and told us to set
last week.. No classes have started
up a temporary tent for the school.
Main, Chakravarthy Layout , Sankey
We built the tents. Classes start on
Road ,Palace Orchards, Bangalore.
October 3.”
When: Oct. 1, 2013
e NGO distributed food to the
Opus (Palace Cross),4, 1st
Observer Team: Reporters– Tulana Nayak,Vaishnavi J. Desai & Tanisha Das Emergency Call Services- Soumya Basu News Editors– Sneha Bengani ,Sneha Ghosh,& Rahul Sadhu Chief Sub Editor– Suresh Kumar Picture Editor– Prutha Bhosle Design Desk– Raju Peethala Sub Editors– Sushmita Sen,Suchitra Sharma & Saikat Ghosh Proof Readers- Shweta Nair, Shivpriya Jodha & Sneha Mejari Editor– Sreelakshmy Sivaram Email- An IIJNM Publication (For Private Circulation)